David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Jun 4, 2002


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation 06

Thursday morning David was up and ready for school as usual. Yesterday's tryst with Danny was farthest from his mind; he had other things to think about. There were quizzes in chemistry and math during the day and a Student Council meeting after school. David never missed a beat.

The following Monday morning, as David walked from his car to the school he heard someone calling his name. When he stopped and turned around he saw Jim Wilson walking fast to catch up with him. David and Jim had known each other for a long time although they were not what you could call close friends. They were in the same grade school together and attended the same church. Jim was also the Senior Class president, a member of the football and track teams and a very popular guy. Jim's father was a doctor and had plenty of money. That was the thing that seemed to separate them, they just moved in different circles.

"Hey, David, thanks for waiting." Jim said as they continued walking toward the school building. "Have you ever heard of the Alpha Society?"

"Yeah. From what I've heard, it is kind of a fraternity here at school. I think it is dedicated toward civic improvement, helping the disadvantaged. Why?"

"Well, you understand correctly. The reason I ask is that Wednesday we, I'm a member, we will meet to receive nominations for membership. I'd like to nominate you but thought I should ask how you feel about it."

"Wow! That's quite a compliment, Jim. I'm honored." David hesitated for a moment. "I hardly know what to say. I guess the answer is yes."

"Good. I'm glad. You should have been asked last year and I don't really understand why you weren't. Anyway, I'll let you know. See you later." They parted and went their separate ways once inside the building.

David had a smile on his face all day. His social status was about to be raised another notch and he felt proud. Kate would be proud of him too. He thought about Jim for a moment. He had always been an easy guy to talk to. He just had a way about him that was disarming and charming. He was a leader and everyone seemed to admire him, especially the girls. Jim was also quite a physical specimen, a result of his athletics and genetics. From David's observations in the locker room Jim was also well equipped, he was in the same league as David, and David would have welcomed an opportunity to swing on Jim's equipment. But Jim was a good, honest, considerate guy and David never really thought of him sexually. It meant much more to David to have Jim as a friend than as a sex partner. End of discussion.

Thursday afternoon David opened his locker to get a book he needed to study that evening and he found a manila envelope lying on top of his books. Someone had shoved it through the slot. Opening the envelope David read the printing at the top of the first page. "Application for Initiation to the Alpha Society." There was a hand written note attached which read, "David, you're in. Fill this out tonight and return it to my locker tomorrow morning. Initiation is next Wednesday. Please study the enclosed membership booklet and commit to memory the statements appearing in bold print. Please do not let this booklet out of your possession, it is confidential."

David could hardly breathe. He stood in front of his locker shaking with excitement. He was being accepted into the highest echelon of his high school social order. His mind kept going round and round. Finally he shook his head in an attempt to clear it and it worked. Collecting himself, David remembered to get the book he came for and went home. The first thing he did when he got home was to tell his mother what was happening. Mrs. Baker was so happy for her son. Personally she couldn't care less but she knew it meant a lot to David. He sat down at the kitchen table and filled out the application. Forcing himself to concentrate on his studies that evening was quite a task but he did manage to absorb most of what he read.

The following Wednesday evening Jim escorted David to the initiation, which was held in the formal meeting room of a well-known adult social fraternity. The ceremony was very impressive. There was a great deal of ritual, order and pomp. The ceremony opened with a prayer and different officers read the rules and precepts of the `Society'. Each new member was sworn in separately and asked if he accepted and could abide by the rules and precepts that had just been read. When the time came for David to state those passages he was supposed to commit to memory, he did so flawlessly. The meeting closed with a solemn prayer then all the members gathered around the initiates and welcomed them with vigorous hand shakes and slaps on the back.

Thursday, a week before Thanksgiving, David returned home from school and started the computer to check E-mail. While Kate was still living at home, she and David convinced their father they needed a computer for schoolwork. He gave in but put his foot down when they asked for internet access. Since Kate's departure for college, David and Kate made another push for the internet so they could do E-mail. They won again. This afternoon, David logged on and downloaded his E-mail. He immediately noticed one from John. He didn't even know John knew his address. David pressed `enter' and the message appeared.

"David, when you read this, reply and tell me when to call. I need to talk. John."

David selected the "Reply" button and a return addressed E-mail filled the screen.

"Hi, John. Surprised to get your E-mail. I'm home now for the evening. Call any time. David." He pressed `Send', and the message disappeared. David read the other messages and logged off. The telephone rang immediately.

"Hello." David answered.

"Boy am I glad you're home. I'm in trouble and I need your help." It was John.

"Wow. You must have been sitting waiting for me to reply."

"Yeah. I was."

"What's up?"

"Let me make this short. Kate and I had an argument. It's not good. I was planning on driving her home Saturday morning after her class but she says she won't ride with me. You better plan on picking her up Saturday afternoon for the Thanksgiving vacation. If I come home tomorrow, Friday evening can we talk for a while?"

"Well...sure." David's head was spinning. He was confused.

"Sorry this is coming at you so fast but things just fell apart. It's probably best if you don't tell Kate or your parents that I called or that we plan to talk and work things out. And, try to act surprised when they tell you to drive up here to get Kate. Okay?"

"K. I sure hope you make all this clear tomorrow night."

"I'll damn sure give it the old college try. I'll call you when I get in town. Bye."

"Bye." David replied as he heard the line go dead. `What the hell is all this about? Why is John calling me when he and Kate have a problem? This is really strange.' The phone rang again.


"Hi, David, let me speak to Mom." Kate's voice was quite terse and it was very clear to David that she was in a bad mood.

"Hi, Sis, just a minute." David walked to the top of the stairs. "Mom, Kate's on the phone; wants to talk to you," he shouted down the stairs like most teenagers.

"Okay, David, and don't shout," she said as she picked up the handset. "Hello?" David returned the handset to the cradle making sure to create enough noise that his Mom and Kate knew he was not listening. He could guess the subject of the conversation and wanted to make sure he was not a party to it.

The next evening, Friday, at dinner David's father told him to plan on driving to the campus to bring his sister home for Thanksgiving vacation. David managed a surprised response and said that would be fine with him then told his parents that the student Publicity Sub-Committee might be having an impromptu meeting later, he was waiting for a call. After dinner David went to his room to wait. He was sitting practically on top of the phone reading a magazine. When the phone rang David must have jumped six inches off the bed and grabbed the handset in the middle of the first ring.


"Denny's in fifteen minutes?" John asked.

"I'll be there in ten." David hung up the phone, went down stairs trying to appear calm and casual about going out.

"Mom, I just got a call about the Publicity Sub-Committee meeting. If it's going to last more than an hour I'll call you, okay?"

"Yes, Dear, be careful."

David was out the door in a flash and driving to Denny's and wondering where this was leading. When he pulled into the parking lot he parked right next to John's car. Entering the restaurant, David saw John sitting in a booth at the far end of the room. The dinner crowd was already thinned out and only a few customers remained. David walked to where John was sitting and slid into the seat facing John. John extended his hand and they shook.

"Glad you could make it, I ordered you a Dr Pepper," John said speaking softly. "I think I really fucked up this time, David. I just didn't want to talk about it over the phone."

"What's this all about?" David asked just as softly.

"Like I told you on the phone, Kate and I had a big argument. We both said some things we shouldn't have; I won't get into the details. I wish I could take back what I said; I want to patch this up. I'm hoping you can give me some clues about how to fix things."

David began to laugh quietly. "John, I'm afraid you've come to the wrong guy for advice about women. I'm a real novice, an amateur when it comes to women." David looked at John and could see he was not laughing, he was dead serious.

"I'm not asking for advice about women', only about one particular woman -- your sister. From what she's told me I don't think there's anybody who knows her better than you do. What do you think Kate will expect me to do if I'm going to get her back?" Placing his elbows on the table, John lowered his head into his hands. "David, I'm going to swear you to secrecy." He looked up at David who nodded his head yes'. "Okay, I love your sister very much. That's probably no surprise. The secret is I plan to ask her to marry me some day. So please tell me what I have to do to patch this up."

"Whoa!" David exclaimed quietly. "This is serious shit. Let me think for a minute," as he leaned back in the seat. After taking a couple of sips of his drink he leaned forward again.

"First, get some flowers. Roses are okay but she's a sucker for mums, red and white." David leaned back in the seat again and thought for a couple more minutes while he sipped his drink. "You have to apologize -- even if she was wrong. The way she probably sees it, it's your fault for her being wrong so that makes it your fault."

John shoved that around in his brain for a few minutes. "Yeah, I think you're probably right. Yes, you are right. How do women come up with such convoluted thinking, anyway?"

"Beats me. I've watched Kate and my Mom do it often enough. Puzzling isn't it!" David was quiet for a moment then looked across at John. "Secret?" David said and John looked at him and nodded `yes'. "I'd sure like it if you were my brother-in-law."

John grinned as he stuck out his hand. "Shake, Brother!" Smiling, David took hold of John's hand and they shook. "We better be going. Thanks for everything; you'll see me soon. And drive safely tomorrow when you go to get Kate."

"Any time, bro." David said and grinned again. They slid out of the booth and headed for their cars. David glanced at his watch -- about 50 minutes had passed. He didn't have to call home.

When David pulled up in front of the residence hall Kate was waiting for him with two large suitcases. He tossed them into the trunk; maybe tossed' is not the right word, struggled would be more correct. Why does she need so many clothes for only one week?' David asked himself. They got in the car and began driving. As they got on the interstate, got up to speed and let the city disappear behind them, Kate began to sob. She was looking out the passenger side window trying to hide her sobs from David to no avail.

"You okay, Sis?"

With that, Kate broke into a full cry, tears flowing down her cheeks and she covered her face with her hands. "Oh, David, I didn't want to subject you to this. I'm sorry." And she continued to cry.

There is something about crying women that seems to drive men crazy, straight or gay, and David was no exception. Just then he saw a road sign, REST STOP 1 MILE." Great!' he thought. He had stopped there before and knew there was a nice park-like setting that might be helpful.

"Why are you stopping here?" Kate asked.

"We need to talk." David said as he pulled into a parking place. Getting out of the car, he said, "Come on, let's walk." Kate didn't argue; she got out of the car go join her brother. David led the way to a picnic table, climbed up on it and sat down on the tabletop using the seat as a footrest. He purposely faced away from the parking lot, choosing to face the trees at the back of the property. The noise of traffic from the interstate could not be heard. Kate joined David and they sat quietly for a few minutes listening to the birds and drinking in the serenity of the setting as Kate continued to sob.

"You want to talk about it?" David asked.

"Ohh, David, I can't bother you with this."

"Why not? How many times have you listened to me? Isn't it about time I got the chance to pay back some of what I owe you? I may not have any answers but I know from personal experience it helps to have someone listen."

"Okay," Kate agreed as she continued to sob a little less. The tissue she had been using to dry her tears was soaked so David handed her his clean handkerchief. She looked at her brother and smiled.

"John and I had an argument Thursday and I let it get out of control. We seldom argue; he's so great about everything. This time I told him he cared more about football than he did me. He said that wasn't true, it's just that schoolwork and football demanded so much of his time and the season was almost over and then I would have all his time. He said he loved me and that he had no choice at this time but to try to balance his commitments and that I ought to understand that. Well, I did understand that and realized I was wrong. And that made me angry and I started to cry and he asked me to stop crying and then I told him it was his fault for making me cry. Then he said if I couldn't deal with his playing football we shouldn't see each other any more and left."

By now Kate was crying full force again. David wrapped his arm around her shoulder and held her. Having someone hold her seemed to work and soon she stopped crying, sat up and stared blank-faced at the beauty of the forest at the back of the property. It was a lovely fall day, the birds were still chirping and the setting was very pastoral.

"So, what now?" David asked.

"Oh, I don't know, I can just pray he comes back."

"You really love him, don't you!"

"Oh, yes! I never expected I would fall this hard. He's the man I have always dreamed about. I just hope I haven't lost him."

"Well, stay strong and be positive. Let's hope he comes to his senses and realizes what a terrific woman you are. He's a lucky guy to have you love him."

"David...?" Kate looked at her brother; her tears were gone. "It's a real shame some lucky woman won't ever get to know what a loving, caring, beautiful guy you are."

"I guess it'll have to be some lucky guy, then." David said with a grin.

"You!" Kate yelled at David laughingly as she shoved him off the table. He began running toward the car with Kate in hot pursuit.

"Come on, let's get going! You want to drive?" David thought that if Kate drove she would be too occupied to worry about John. It must have worked because they had a lively brother-sister conversation the rest of the way home.

While Kate and her mother were engaged in mother-daughter talk, David slipped upstairs and made a brief call to John.


"Phase one complete, ready for phase two." That was all David needed to say.

"Got it!" John replied and hung up the phone.

Later that evening, the doorbell rang. David was in the family room watching TV and Kate was in her room. Their mother answered the door.

"John!" She exclaimed with surprise.

"Hi, Mrs. Baker. Is Kate home?"

"Why yes, John, let me get her." Kate had told her mother everything so she actually was surprised when John appeared at the door. Also, she was happy to see John because she liked him and secretly hoped he and Kate would marry.

When David's mother went upstairs to get Kate, David peeked out of the family room and John, holding a bouquet of red and white mums, winked at him. He winked back and then retreated to TV watching. He heard Kate walking slowly down the stairs as if trying to recreate some scene from a movie.

"Oh, John, they're beautiful!" David heard Kate say. There was quiet for a moment and David assumed they were kissing.

"Can you go for a drive?" David heard John ask. The next thing he heard was, "Mom, I'm going out for a little while." David heard his mother say, "Yes, Dear." And the front door closed.

David was asleep before Kate got home that night. The next day Kate seemed to be walking on cloud-9. The family went to church together and John just happened to show up at the same time and joined them in the pew. David's father was closest to the aisle, his mother was next, followed by Kate, then John and finally David. After the congregation was settled in and the service begun, David felt a large hand close around the back of his neck and squeeze affectionately. He looked to his right to see John smiling at him, and then he winked. David winked back. In those silent signals, John was thanking David and telling him everything was now okay. It filled David with a warm feeling of happiness.

Life was on cruise control. David was busier and happier than ever. Then, the week after Thanksgiving, Danny caught David in the hall.

"David, I really need to work on that project again." Danny said quietly. "Can you come over after school?"

David was a somewhat startled at first. He had been trying to put that behind him and now Danny was virtually pleading for more. When he looked into Danny's eyes he knew he had to do it.

"I've got a meeting after school today, Danny. Is tomorrow okay?" David realized he was struggling with this situation. Danny was a friend of enormous proportions and David would never desert him. He thought about their last meeting and felt his cock twitch.

"Yeah. Same as before?" David assumed Danny meant he was to let himself into the house and lock the door behind him, then go to Danny's bedroom.

"I'll be there."

Thursday, after school, David let himself in to Danny's house, locked the door and climbed the stairs, removing clothing as he went. When he walked into Danny's room he found Danny lying in the same position as before with his knees already up to his chest, his heavily lubed anus on display.

"Here." Danny said as he handed David a condom. David took it and began to roll it over the head and down the shaft of his cock.

"What's this?" David asked with surprise.


"What are these things?" David asked, pointing to thick rings going around the circumference condom.

"Those are ribs. It's called a ribbed condom. I wanta try it. Okay?"

"Well, okay." David agreed. "But you have to tell me if it hurts."

"I will. I'm ready, hurry up."

David's only response was to use his right hand to guide the end of his cock to the soft pink entrance to Danny's rectum. Danny's hole dilated willingly and again almost sucked the head of David's cock inside. David felt Danny's legs around his waist, Danny's heels pressing against David's rump trying to drive him in deeper. David relaxed his muscles and let Danny choose how fast to be taken. Patience was not one of Danny's virtues. He pressed his heels as hard as he could, impaling himself on David's scabbard.

David could feel the ribs as they slid past Danny's sphincter; they created quite an erotic sensation on his cock. What David could not feel was the sensation it was having on Danny's sphincter and his prostate. Danny was almost in shock as each rib slid past his prostate. He couldn't believe the stimulation that was being created. He was breathless, his eyes were stretched wide and his mouth was open gasping for air. David was not paying any attention to Danny's reaction to the ribbed condoms. He was more interested in watching his cock slide in and out of Danny's hole. After only seven thrusts, Danny's cock exploded sending sperm everywhere. Danny yelled as though he were in pain and with both hands he grabbed for his groin.

"Oh shit!" David said under his breath as he saw the pained expression on Danny's face. He immediately withdrew, ripped the condom off his deflating cock, ran to the bathroom and threw it in the toilet, and rinsed off his hands before returning to check on Danny.

When he returned to the bedroom Danny was lying on his side in a fetal position, his hands buried in his groin and he was moaning. David crawled onto the bed, lay down beside Danny and took him into his arms.

"Oh, Danny. I'm sorry. I knew I shouldn't have done that. I hurt you. I never want to hurt you."

"It's okay," Danny managed to grunt from his tight throat. "I wanted it. You were great, man. What an awesome feeling!" Tears were still trickling from his eyes. David was struck by Danny's reaction.

"You liked that?" David asked with astonishment.

"Yeah, man. It was great."

"Danny, I think I hurt you. Please don't ask me to do that again. Never ask me to do something that is going to hurt you. Okay?"

"Okay." Danny replied.

David went to the bathroom and returned with a warm washcloth and proceeded to clean the cum from Danny's chest. When he was done, he returned the washcloth to the bathroom and got dressed. David was still upset by what had happened and had lost all interest in sex for the moment. Before he left, he checked Danny and found him asleep in the same fetal position with his hands still buried in his groin. David pulled the sheet over Danny and let himself out of the house. He didn't understand what Danny was doing.

David drove home, changed into his running gear and hit the road. `What's happening with Danny? I don't understand him any more. He seems to want to hurt himself. I don't want any part of that. If Danny ever needs help and I am in a position to help him I will. But I won't buy into his desire for pain when it comes to sex. I want sex to be pleasing, enjoyable, satisfying for me and whoever I am doing it with.' David continued running and having a discussion with himself, first about Danny, then about other things going on in his life.

As the Christmas holidays approached, the Alpha and Omega Societies held their annual Christmas Ball. It was a rather formal affair with the ladies wearing long gowns and the men wearing tuxes. Although David had been to dances in the past, this was all together different. Under pressure to `perform', he followed social tradition and asked Tiffany Foster to go to the dance with him and she accepted. At first, David was anxious about how he would react to having a date with such a cute chick but in the end there was nothing to worry about; he had a great time. David laughed quietly to himself as he and the other participants filled the dance floor and gyrated in formal attire as the orchestra played rock music.

David's first real test came at the end of the evening when he took Tiffany home. He walked her to the front porch of her house and she turned and smiled at him. He thanked her for a great evening and then things turned awkward. Tiffany thanked him in return then tilted her head and closed her eyes. David knew he was expected to kiss her but he hesitated for a moment. He felt his body lean forward and was on the verge of initiating a kiss when Tiffany opened her eyes, placed both her hands behind David's head and pulled them together in a very passionate kiss. She apparently decided David was perhaps too shy to get things going so she literally took matters into her own hands. Tiffany held the kiss for what seemed at least five minutes when in actuality it was less than one minute. As they kissed, Tiffany moved closer and closer to David until their bodies were pressed firmly together; David was no longer leaning forward. He allowed his arms to embrace her gently, not applying two much strength. Tiffany released him and, with a smile, thanked him again for a wonderful evening. David was really off balance and he wasn't sure just what to do so he just smiled back and thanked Tiffany again. He watched as she opened the front door and disappeared inside the house. David and Tiffany had double-dated with Tiffany's friend Brenda and her boyfriend Stan so he had to tag along while Stan took Brenda home. He sat in the car and watched as Stan and Brenda walked to her front porch and kissed and groped and fondled for fifteen minutes before Brenda went inside. As Stan walked back to the car, David couldn't help noticing the raging hard-on tenting the front of Stan's tux. Stan dropped David at his house and later, as he slid between the sheets, he sighed with satisfaction at having survived the evening and his first real kiss. His right hand slid down his stomach and embraced his hardness as thoughts of Stan's erection tenting out the front on his slacks filled David's mind. After draining his testicles into a wad of tissues David thought about the strangeness of the evening. He was definitely more turned on by Stan than by Tiffany but he had to admit kissing Tiffany was okay. He even remembered feeling himself plump up just a bit during their kiss but still didn't feel any serious attraction for the opposite sex.

The weekend before Christmas the Alpha Society organized its annual program of distributing food baskets to the poor and disadvantaged in the community. David was really knocked off his heels at seeing how little so many people have and how much they need. It made him just that more thankful for all the things his parents had done for him. For the first time in his life David felt a few pangs of guilt and embarrassment at all the presents he got. John was becoming an ever-present member of the Baker family when he and Kate were home for any holiday and Kate managed to spend an equal amount of time with John's family.

Once school started again the Alpha Society got involved in a program of reading to pre-school children twice a week for thirty minutes after school. David was amazed at how much he enjoyed the children. He was assigned to read to a black four-year-old girl and boy. At first they were quite shy and somewhat unresponsive. David wasn't sure he was making any progress but the program monitor assured him he was doing great and to give the kids time to warm up to him. By the end of the fourth session both children were pointing at the pictures and saying the words along with David. By the third week the kids were waiting for him as he came through the door. They took his hands and lead him to their table and snuggled up on either side of him waiting for him to begin reading. David's experience was not an isolated one; his society brothers got the same response. The Society was providing David with an excellent introduction to community service, a rewarding experience he might not have had without their commitment.

Danny never again asked David for sexual favors. David wasn't sure why and he was glad but he was also a little worried about Danny. He still felt a strong bond with Danny and would always feel concern for his safety. Occasionally David noticed Danny talking to another junior, a boy who had a reputation for being somewhat of a bad boy, and he wondered if Danny had found someone else to satisfy his sexual appetite? Whatever the case, David didn't consider it his business.

With the approach of spring, there were only two more events that concerned David: the role he would play in the track team initiation and the Junior/Senior Prom.

Author's note: Thanks for all the E-mails. It's always nice to hear readers' opinions. The basis of this story was a fantasy about David's initiation to his high school track team. It is going to go well beyond that but I'm still keeping the same title.


Next: Chapter 7

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