David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Jun 4, 2004


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation: The Partnership 03

Friday evening, just as planned, at Dave's insistence Tony drove the BMW to the airport to pick up Peter and Ashley. They had agreed to put their rings away while they were around the Mancuso family.

At 9:35 PM Tony stood outside Security waiting anxiously for Peter and Ashley's arrival. Soon he saw a hand waiving above the heads of the other travelers, it was Peter. Tony wasn't sure what the correct protocol was since this would be his first time meeting Ashley. They'd talked on the phone a couple of times and he'd seen pictures but they'd never actually met. He decided to let Peter take the lead when it came to social graces.

"NICK! NICK!" Peter shouted as his right hand released Ashley's, his left hand released his carry-on bag and he threw his arms around his brother.

"Hey Peter, good to see ya," Tony exclaimed as they continued to hold each other with great fondness. "It's been way to long, Brother."

"Yeah, it sure has," Peter agreed as they let go and stepped back to get a better look at each other. "Hey, look at this hair!" Peter exclaimed as he ruffled Tony hair playfully. "Last time I saw you all you had up there was a little fuzz."

"Yeah, things have changed," Tony said as he thought 'Boy how they've changed.' "So who's this lovely lady ya got beside you? Hurry up and introduce us so I can give her a hug."

"Of course. I'm sorry, I forgot my manners. Ashley, this is Tony, the one I've told you so much about. And Tony, this is Ashley, my one true love." Peter was beaming when he said that.

"I'm finally glad to meet you in person, Tony, Peter's told me so much about you." She extended her hand but soon realized that wasn't going to be good enough. Tony took her hand and pulled her into a brief and chaste hug.

"It's really nice to finally meet you too, Ashley," Tony said as he released her from the hug. "I've seen pictures but I didn't think they did you justice. Peter," Tony said as he smiled at his brother, "are you sure you deserve such a beauty as this?"

"Hey, don't make it any tougher than it is, fella," they all laughed.

"C'mon," Tony urged, "let's get outta here. You have any checked baggage?" Relying on his bias about how women pack, he just assumed Ashley would have a large suitcase filled with enough clothes for six days.

"These two carry-ons are it," Peter explained. "Let's go. Sophia said something about us staying with a Dave Baker?" Peter framed that in the form of a question. "Isn't he the guy who designed their house?"

"Yeah, Dave lives just down the street from Sophia and Sean and when he heard about the overflow condition at their house he offered to take some of us in. I'll be staying there with you." Tony wanted to get off that subject and quickly. "So tell me, what's happening in New York City?" About that time the shuttle bus to the parking lot arrived and they boarded.

"Nice wheels, Tony, you must be doing well!" Peter exclaimed when Tony pressed the button on the key fob to unlock the car and trunk. He was impressed.

"I wish, it's Dave's. He insisted I drive this cause my truck, the old rusty one Sean loaned me, isn't big enough for the three of us.

Conversation was light during the drive to Dave and Tony's house and focused mainly on when the rest of the family was arriving. When they turned into the driveway, the house loomed large under the illumination of a bank of floodlights that Dave had turned on in a welcoming display.

"Oh, how beautiful!" Ashley exclaimed.

"Wow! This looks like a French castle!" Peter added. In his own way, Tony felt a certain amount of pride because it belonged to the man he loved.

Without thinking, Tony drove straight down the driveway and into the garage. As he did so he realized he should have taken his brother and fiancée to the front door.

"Hope you guys don't mind going in through the garage." Tony tried to cover for his shortsightedness.

"Oh no, this is terrific. A six-car garage!" Peter was even more impressed.

"Welcome," Dave intoned as Ashley walked into the kitchen. "Let me guess, you're Ashley and you're Peter." He extended his hand like a perfect host.

"Excellent guess, and you would be Dave," Ashley replied as she shook Dave's hand politely. "And you have such a lovely home," she continued with a grand smile.

"Yes, Dave, now I remember, we met once when Sophia's house was being built. Nice to see you again," Peter said.

"Well, I guess I don't need to make any introductions then," Tony chuckled as he walked into the kitchen with the two carry-on bags.

"Why don't I show you to your room and then we can have a short visit and a nightcap," Dave suggested.

"Why don't ya let me do that, Dave, and you can fix the drinks," Tony suggested.

"Okay, what's everyone want to drink."

"Martini?" Ashley asked. "Make that two," Peter added.

"Hey, a two-martini nightcap," Dave chuckled. "Coming right up." Tony led the way to the upstairs master bedroom.

"Hope we haven't made a miscalculation on the sleeping arrangement," Tony said almost apologetically. "But I know you two 've been living together and we thought it was a rather safe assumption."

"Correct-a-mundo, Tony, and I'm glad we're here instead of at Sophia's. Mama and Papa and Grandma Kristina would've shit a brick... oops, sorry Honey, didn't mean to be so crude.

Ashley chuckled. "I don't mind, I'm really enjoying watching you and your brother interact." Turning to Tony, "I'm an only child so I expect this weekend is going to be an awakening experience for me. I'll get used to it." She continued to chuckle.

"Here's your wine, Hon," Dave said as he handed Tony one of the two glasses of Chardonnay he'd poured.

"Thanks, I really need this."

"How'd it go, the drive from the airport?"

"Pretty good actually, I don't think they suspect anything." Tony paused. "And it sure is nice to see Peter again. This could prove to be a great weekend after all."

Dave was pleased to hear his lover thinking positively. They both turned and looked up to see Ashley and Peter coming down the stairs.

"Dave, your home is absolutely stunning!" Ashley exclaimed. "Did you do the decorating, it's magnificent!"

"And the urinal in the master bathroom is a stroke of genius," Peter added with a chuckle.

Dave and Tony laughed. "Thanks, Ashley," Dave continued to chuckle," I have to give the decorating credit to the wife of a good friend in Dallas. And Peter, when you design and build your own home you can do a lot of unusual things."

'The wife of a good friend, and in Dallas!' Ashley thought. 'Dave is no shrinking violet and he has such polished manners. He's obviously well healed and sounds so worldly, so sophisticated.'

"Well, if we ever build a house we'll give you a call," Peter said half jokingly. "At the moment there's a scarcity of vacant property in the City." Everyone chuckled.

The conversation continued as Ashley and Peter walked around the house admiring the many features. Dave had turned the pool lights on and it presented a really beautiful backdrop when viewed through the large glass wall of the great room. Eventually it was time for bed and Tony made a point of saying he would be in the 'extra' bedroom downstairs because the boys would occupy the other rooms upstairs.

Saturday morning began almost normally. This was arrival day for the rest of the family. Dave and Tony went running, showered, and were finished with breakfast when the two city people walked into the kitchen.

"Morning," everyone said in unison and chuckling at the coincidence of their joint greeting.

Ashley and Peter had to have their coffee before making any decisions about breakfast and they all enjoyed visiting while eating. Peter asked about swimming and was told that the pool was open 24/7.

"What time should we be going over to Sophia's?" Peter asked.

"There's no set time," Tony replied. "I think the rest of the family's arriving after lunch."

"I'd really like to visit with Sophia and Sean and the kids for a while before the rest of the gang arrives; you know how hectic that'll be," Peter said. "Think I should call first?"

Tony handed Peter the phone. "Sorry, I forgot her number," he admitted.

"Memory 3," Tony replied instinctively. Peter dialed.

Dave offered Peter and Ashley his BMW but Peter insisted that they would be just fine in Sean's old truck, a down-to-earth experience for Ashley.

Just after 1:00 PM, Mama, Papa, and Grandma Kristina drove into the McGregor driveway, followed by Phillip in his Expedition. That was the only vehicle large enough to hold his brood without super sizing to a school bus. They all piled out of their vehicles. As the kids took off running the adults greeted each other with hugs and kisses and chattering voices with cackling laughter - organized bedlam prevailed. When Christopher and family arrived from the airport fifteen minutes later in a rental car, they just blended in to the existing chaos.

Everyone remembered Dave, greeted him warmly, and complimented him on the fine job he'd done on Sophia and Sean's house. Grandma Kristina hugged Dave and even kissed him on his cheek. Ashley and Tony shared the center of attention while Dave more or less stood on the sideline, watching in amazement at the dynamics of such a large family and how they all seemed to love each other. He couldn't understand how they could all talk at once and still understand what was being said. He also made observations about individual family members and tried to figure out how they might react upon learning that Tony was gay.

By 2:30, Phillip began rounding up the boys and packing them in the Expedition so they could get settled at Dave's. Sophia got everyone's attention, no easy feat, and announced that dinner would be at 6:30. Phillip and the boys followed Dave and Tony down the street to Dave's house where rooms were assigned. Phillip's three boys went in the bedroom where Kate boys usually stayed because it was already set up with three beds. Christopher's two boys went in one of the other rooms. Shannon, who had requested to stay at Dave's with the rest of the 'men,' was assigned a room by himself. Because he'd been there before he more or less became kind the group leader. The boys spotted the pool immediately and wanted to go swimming.

"They're welcome to swim anytime they want, Phillip," Dave advised. "I've discovered with my three nephews that it helps them burn off some energy."

"You're sure it's okay?" Phillip asked. He quickly saw the wisdom of Dave's comment and thought swimming would be great entertainment.

"As long as you're okay with it. Tony and I'll stay here and watch over them. We'll watch the time and have them ready for dinner. Let's see," Dave seemed to be counting. "I think Tony and I have enough seats to get them back to Sophia's for dinner." Dave was thinking four seats in his F-250 and four in his BMW - more than enough seats.

"That's really nice of you Dave, you sure you two can handle six young men?"

Tony laughed. "No problem, Phillip, go have some fun with the adults."

Phillip, satisfied that the boys were in good hands, drove back to Sophia's. With time to spare, Dave and Tony told the 'men' when it was time to get out of the pool and get cleaned up to go back to Sophia's for dinner.

Sophia had planned a casual meal for Saturday evening so that everyone could stand around and eat in shifts while continuing to catch up on their family activities. By 8:00 Tony and Dave were rounding up the boys to go back to Dave's. Once there, Tony had them brush their teeth and get ready for bed then let them choose from a few video's he'd rented - they chose "Dr. Doolittle." By the time the video was finished the two youngest boys were already asleep and the others were looking drowsy. Tony and Dave carried the two sleepers upstairs and tucked everyone in.

As they were walking down the stairway, Ashley and Peter walked in the front door.

"Back so early?" Tony asked.

"Man, I forgot just how tiring talking can be." Peter chuckled. "The boys in bed already?"

"Yeah, they were pooped after all that time in the pool this afternoon," Tony explained.

"Speaking of the pool, Dave, didn't you say it was open 24/7?"

"Sure did!"

"Well, Ashley and I may check it out. Oh, by the way, I wasn't sure how to operate the garage door so I parked out front."

"That's fine, Peter," Dave agreed, "it'll be ready for you tomorrow when you want to leave. And as for the pool, it's all yours. We... it's past my bedtime and tomorrow's gonna be a busy day." Dave explained. "See you guys in the morning."

"Me too," Tony added as he turned to leave. "Those boys are gonna be up early and they're startin' to make me feel old." Everyone chuckled.

"And one more thing," Peter remembered, "the adults are going to an early Mass and it's okay if the boys stay here."

"You goin'?" Tony asked.

"Probably not, I think we'll sleep in." Peter winked at his brother.

"Gotcha," Tony smiled.

Dave walked up to Peter and spoke softly in his ear. "This place is very private and if I turn the pool lights off you'll have complete privacy."

"Thanks, Dave," Peter replied softly as he squeezed Dave's forearm in a friendly sort of way. He instinctively knew what Dave meant - nude moon-bathing was in his future.

Dave and Tony made a production of walking down the hall with Dave turning left into his bedroom and shutting the door and Tony turning right into his bedroom and shutting that door They make sure that Peter and Ashley could hear the doors close.

Dave went to the security panel and killed the pool lights then proceed into the bathroom where Tony was brushing his teeth.

"Whew!" Tony exclaimed. "One day down, two to go." Dave chuckled and began brushing his teeth. They pissed and then slid between the sheets on Dave's bed. Tony spooned behind his lover,

"Ya done good, Dude," Dave chuckled. "Wanna fool around?"

"Oh no, we shouldn't. Not with Peter and Ashley upstairs, and don't forget the boys."

Dave rolled over so he could face Tony. "You can't be serious," Dave more or less asked. He couldn't understand how having guests should interfere with what they did in the privacy of their own bedroom.

"I'm really spaced out right now, Babe. Do you mind? I just want to hold you, to know you're here."

"That's okay, Hon, I understand." Dave could feel the tension in Tony's body.

They WERE tired and went to sleep almost immediately.

Tony and Dave were up early as usual. They skipped their normal run because of the responsibility they felt for the young men in their charge. They managed to have their first cup of coffee and a bowl of cereal before Shannon lead five pajama-clad young men down the stairs and into the kitchen. Thankfully, after drinking their orange juice they all wanted cereal and three wanted toast. Then the other three wanted toast.

After breakfast Tony made them go back upstairs and brush their teeth. When they came back down stairs they were wearing their bathing suits.

"Uncle Tony, can we go swimming," Shannon almost whined.

"Well you're gonna have to wait a while, you just had breakfast."

"Okay, what time?" Shannon was no fool, he knew if he made his uncle commit to a time they could sit and watch the clock and make sure they didn't get cheated.

"Tell you what," Dave interjected, "why don't we find some cartoons on the TV and when the show changes at the top of the hour you can go swimming."

"YEAH-H-H!" A loud cheer rose from the cluster of little men.

Not long after that, Peter appeared in the kitchen after passing the collection of bathing suit-clad boys lying on the floor watching cartoons.

"They sure seem happy," he chuckled. "Feed me what they had for breakfast." Peter had a nice glow about him.

"Well, let's not go there, okay?" Dave chuckled. "This is what we have," Dave pointed to the lineup of cereal boxes on the counter top, "and if you want eggs and bacon I can fix that too."

"Nah, this is fine. Ashley will probably want a bagel, ya got one of those?"

"Right here," Tony replied and pointed at some plane and cinnamon bagels. "Let me get a bowl for you and a plate for Ashley." He reached into the cabinet for the dishes and then opened a drawer and pulled out some knives, spoons and forks.

Dave filled a mug with coffee and set it in front of Peter then set a place at the table for Ashley. Instead of a mug, he set out a cup and saucer. The men talked while Peter ate.

"Oh, thanks, Dave, we really enjoyed the pool last night." Peter sported an appreciative grin and winked.

"Nice and romantic, was it?" Tony asked with a grin. Before Peter could reply Shannon ran into the kitchen.

"It's time, Uncle Tony," he announced.

"Okay, Tiger, you guys just hold your horses and I'll be right there." Looking at his brother, "Ya wanna join me poolside?"

"Yeah, we can talk," Peter replied. They followed the boys out the door but didn't follow them into the pool. As they were walking out the door, Ashley was coming down the stairs. She and Peter smiled and waved at each other and kept on walking.

"Morning, Ashley," Dave greeted his guest when she entered the kitchen. "Sleep all right?"

"Wonderful! This is a very relaxing atmosphere you have here, Dave. I could learn to like this." She sat down at the table as Dave filled her coffee cup and added more to his mug.

"Peter said you might want a bagel."

"Perfect!" Ashley exclaimed. "Is it asking too much if I want some creamed cheese?"

"Not at all, I have to keep some on hand for when my sister visits," Dave said as he placed the two bagel halves in the toaster then crossed the kitchen to the refrigerator. "How toasted do you want your bagel?"

"Lightly brown... very lightly," Ashley chuckled.

Dave peered down into the toaster and quickly flipped the handle up. "Just in time." He placed the bagel halves on the plate, set it in front of Ashley and then sat down to keep her company.

Ashley took a bite of bagel, chewed, swallowed it, then followed with a sip of coffee. Looking up at Dave as he raised his mug to drink some coffee she smiled and made an observation.

"So," she paused, "I gather that the rest of Tony's family doesn't know about you two."

Suddenly the coffee Dave was in the process of swallowing went down the wrong pipe and he coughed and sputtered. He was able to set his mug back on the table without spilling any of its contents but he continued with a few more coughs. Finally recovered he looked at Ashley.

"Is it that obvious?" He asked with a half smirk, half smile that said 'Ya caught me.' "I thought we were doing a pretty good job of hiding it."

Ashley's charming, feminine chuckle gave Dave a comforting feeling. It was obvious that she wasn't upset.

"Dave, I grew up in the City. By the time I was in middle school I knew about gays and lesbians and still have several friends who are. I see the way you two look at each other and how you touch when you think no one is looking. And it's obvious that Tony lives here, why he knows where everything is."

"Does that mean you have gaydar?"

Again Ashley chuckled; this wasn't the first time she'd heard that term. "I guess it must be the straight version."

"Well, you're right about Tony's family. Oh, Sophia and Sean know and they're cool with it. And Tony's scared sh... to death about how the rest of the family's going to take it. (He was about to say shitless.)

"I'll give you credit, you certainly seem well adjusted to it. I can't say the same for Tony, though. He's a basket case."

"It's pretty obvious isn't it. As for me, yes, I've had a few years to reach a good comfort level. And my family has known for about five years and they're all supportive. They really like Tony, too."

Meanwhile, out by the pool: Peter and Tony were leaning back against the railing at the edge of the deck when Shannon climbed out of the pool and trotted toward them.

"Uncle Tony, can we, uh... you know," and he slipped his thumbs under the waist band of his Speedos like he was about to slide them down over his hips. The message was clear, he was asking if they could all skinny-dip.

"Ya know, Tiger, I think that's not a good idea. Your cousins' parents probably wouldn't like that at all. Tell ya what, let's talk about it later, okay?"

"Sure, Uncle Tony," and he turned and jumped back into the pool.

Peter and Tony watched the boys playing and then Peter asked a very pointed question.

"Tell me, Nick, how long have you and Dave been together?"

"Uh, WHAT?" Tony exclaimed, not exactly sure he heard correctly. "Whatta ya mean?" He wasn't sure if he should deny or panic.

"Oh, c'mon, Brother, I didn't just fall off a turnip truck. It's obvious that you and Dave are a couple. And a very nice couple at that."

Tony just looked at his brother, not knowing what to do or say next. "Why do you say that?" he finally found his voice.

"Look! Back in New York, Ashley and I have a large circle of friends and some of them are gay and lesbian couples. That's life in the big city. You guys are obvious if you know what you're looking at and last night Ashley and I discussed it and agreed, you and Dave are a couple."

"And you're okay with it?" Tony was beginning to calm down.

"Can't say I'm ecstatic about it but hey, you're my brother. I won't stop lovin' you." Peter placed his hand on Tony's shoulder and gave it a squeeze to reinforce his declaration. Tony sighed with relief. "What about the rest of the family, how you gonna handle that?"

"I - have - no - idea," Tony said slowly with emphasis. "Soapy and Sean already know. It was a really funny scene the day they found out; I'll have to tell ya about it some day."

"Yeah, I'd really like to hear that. What about Dave's family?"

"Oh, they've known for years. They're all the greatest. Do you know that Dave's brother-in-law is John Close, the NFL tight end who got a career ending injury last year?"

"No! Really!"

"And he's a really super guy. You ought to meet him."

"I'd like that. Now," Peter wanted to change the direction of the conversation. "Let's talk about the family."

"Yeah, I know," Tony sounded almost depressed. "I have to tell them but it may take more nerve than I have at the moment. I don't wanna do it this weekend, I need more time."

"Shit, you're a Marine, you can hack it. So Sophia and I know and you're still okay. I can't see Christopher having too much of a problem with it, he's been exposed to gays in his work environment. Of us kids, Phillip may be the greatest problem."

"Why so?"

"Well, ya know he went to college right there at home and then went right into Papa's grocery store business. I hate to say it but he's kind of a 'redneck.'

"Yeah, right." They paused for a few moments while continuing to watch the boys. "So what about Mama and Papa, and Grandma? What's your read there?"

"Man, that's a real crap-shoot. I have absolutely no basis for an opinion one way or the other." Peter looked at Tony, "You're just gonna have to take your chances."

"Great... the three most important people and we haven't a clue. Oh well, it doesn't have to be today. Thanks, Peter, You've been a big help."

"That's what big brothers are for, Dude," Peter placed his arm around Tony's shoulders and squeezed him tight against his side.

At that moment Dave and Ashley came walking out into the pool area. They moved around to where Tony and Peter were standing.

"Sophia just called," Dave announced. "It's time to get the boys ready; you're all going over there for lunch."

"They know, Dave," Tony said as he wrapped his hand around Dave's left forearm.

"Yeah, I know. Ashley and I've been talking in the kitchen. You guys okay out here?"

"Yeah, Dave, we're fine." Peter smiled to confirm his statement then reached out, placed his right hand on Dave's left shoulder and squeezed.

"Hey, did you two split us up on purpose so you could grill us?" Tony asked. "You know, the good cop/bad cop routine?"

Everyone laughed. "No, Tony," Ashley replied, "it just worked out that way."

"Hey, I think we'd better get a move on; it's gonna take a while to get everyone ready to go," Dave announced. They all turned and began calling for the boys to get out of the pool.

Surprisingly, Phillip arrived to take the boys to Sophia's. Peter and Ashley left a few minutes later and Dave and Tony saw them to the door.

"Aren't you guys coming?" Ashley asked.

"Tony and I have a few things to talk about," Dave explained. "We'll join you in a little bit."

"Okay," Peter exclaimed, "just don't be too late or the food 'll be gone."

Dave and Tony just smiled and watched then waved as the two adults climb into Sean's pickup. Dave closed the front door. He reached out and took hold of Tony's hand; he could feel the tension in his lover's body.

Without speaking one word, Dave led Tony down the hall and into the new bedroom. He stopped in the middle of the room, turned and took his partner into his arms. They held each other for a moment.

"I need you," Dave whispered into Tony's ear and then kissed his cheek. Dave had a plan. He was sure that Tony needed a shot of masculine self-confidence. And he firmly believed there was no better way to achieve that than a good round of sexual intercourse. The last few days had been stressful for Tony and it was time to work on that. When Tony kissed his cheek, Dave knew he had Tony's cooperation.

Without further adieu Dave began disrobing his lover; Tony stood motionless, staring at Dave, cooperating when needed. He was like putty in Dave's hands. After quickly stripping Tony, Dave made short work of getting himself naked. Then he crawled onto the bed pulling Tony behind him. He lay on his back, reached into the top drawer of the bedside table and found the lubricant.

Tony didn't need an instruction manual; he knew what Dave was doing. Tony was on his knees between Dave's legs and watched passively as Dave quickly lubed his own hole and then slickened Tony's hardening spear. After wiping his hands with Kleenex, Dave athletically raised his legs and placed his heels on Tony's shoulders, then placed his hands on Tony's hips and pulled him forward.

Dave watched silently as Tony, his eyes closed, moved forward and positioned himself for entry. They were used to performing this maneuver in the dark so Tony had absolutely no difficulty with his eyes closed. His heat-seeking missile instinctively found the entrance to Dave's inferno and was ready for penetration.

Dave watched Tony's face; he didn't need to watch the action lower down. He felt Tony make contact. He pushed to relax his anal sphincter and Tony slid smoothly, effortlessly, and painlessly inside. Then, as they'd done so many times, Dave lowered his legs and wrapped them around his lover's waist as Tony placed his hands on the mattress on either side of Dave's torso.

Fully embedded in his partner, Tony slowly lowered himself to Dave's chest, nuzzled his nose under Dave's chin. "Oh-h-h-h-h." The sound that escaped Tony's lungs was more like a sigh then a moan or a groan. And it seemed to express a feeling of comfort and security like 'Safe at last!' Dave took a deep breath and exhaled, savoring the fullness Tony was giving him. He was sure he could feel the tension fade from Tony's body.

They remained docked as one, each reveling in the emotional sensation of being physical joined in love. Dave contracted his sphincter around the base of Tony's shaft and Tony responded by his contracting sphincter causing his spear to flex and press against Dave's prostate. This continued for a few moments of silence while they listened to each other breathe, then Dave had a request.

"Show me that a Marine knows how to fuck a soldier," Dave breathed softly into Tony's ear. At first there was no reaction. Then Tony began to chuckle. He remembered the first time they had sex. It was a wonderful memory and Dave's timing was perfect.

Tony lifted his head, looked into Dave's eyes and then kissed him. He began withdrawing, but only a short amount, then moved back in. Dave watched as Tony closed his eyes and began the dance of love they enjoyed so much. The concentration projected on Tony's face excited Dave and made him happy that they had found each other. Dave watched as Tony lifted his face toward the ceiling with his mouth open, gasping for air, only to be followed by that same face dropping low in concentration and enjoyment of the pleasure he was experiencing. All the time Tony's eyes remained closed.

Dave also was enjoying their coupling. His hands and eyes roamed over Tony's body, drinking in the visual and tactile pleasure of a young, hard, muscled body. Dave realized he was approaching his orgasm quicker than usual and he began to focus on controlling it. Tony began to accelerate his movements and, based on Dave's educated experience, seemed to be fast approaching his climax.

Ultimately Dave could delay no longer; a rope of semen gushed from the end of his member and splattered in the middle of his chest. At that moment Tony expended a guttural roar from somewhere inside his chest and forcefully thrust his rod to its depth and stopped. His seed erupted from his penis and began to fill Dave's gut. Without withdrawing, Tony thrust involuntarily several more times as Nature compelled him to plant his seed as deep as he could.

Covered with sweat and gasping for air, Tony lowered his body into the sticky, chlorine smelling substance on his lover's chest and abdomen.

They must have lain that way for four or five minutes. Tony was careful not to allow his full weight to crush his partner and Dave thoroughly enjoyed the feeling of his lover's weight on top of him. When Tony's penis softened and was extracted from Dave's rectum, he raised up and placed it along side its partner. Finally Tony lifted his head and brought his lips in contact with Dave's in a very tender kiss, filled with all the love he could convey.

"I love you," he said very softly.

"I know," Dave replied. It was an expression of just how much he cared for and understood his friend. "I love you too."

"Yeah, I know." Tony wanted to let Dave know he too understood. A few moments later Tony rolled to his right, pulling Dave with him until he was on his back and Dave lay plastered against his right side. "I know... I know this is gonna could corny... but thanks... I needed that."

"Yeah," Dave agreed. He allowed his fingers to twirl Tony's chest hair; he wasn't going to say 'I know' again. "Feel better?"

"Oh yeah," Tony sighed after a pause, then began to chuckle. "You knew didn't you."

Dave continued playing with Tony's chest hair. "It was a guess."

Tony leaned over and kissed Dave's forehead. "You're wonderful, I want you to know that." There were a few moments of silence. "It must have been a guardian angle who brought me to you, how else can I explain us being together?"

"Damn, and all this time I thought it was my charming personality and my sexy body," Dave joked.

That broke the seriousness of the mood and they began to laugh. Dave could tell that Tony was back to his old confident self. Laughter is a sure sign of an attitude adjustment; his plan had worked. They showered, dressed and headed to Sophia's, prepared for whatever lay ahead.

Unknown to the two lovers, two allies were busy plotting.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 60: The Partnership 4

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