David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on May 14, 2004


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation: The Partnership 02

They enjoyed a leisurely breakfast on the balcony while checking out the local paper. The sun was shining brightly and the Atlantic looked so inviting that they decided to slip into their boxer-type trunks and head for the beach.

Moments later the sand was sifting between their toes. As they walked along the beach Dave reached out and took hold of Tony's hand. They looked at each other and smiled.

"That's it, Babe, this feels great." After a few more steps, "I guess it's okay to do this here," Tony asked.

"Oh yeah! This isn't exactly a gay beach but it's gay friendly, you'll see a lot of gays enjoying themselves."

"God this is great!" Tony exclaimed as he let go of Dave's hand and draped his arm around his lover's shoulder. Dave could feel Tony vibrating with excitement.

They jogged for a short distance, ran into the ocean and frolicked for a while then returned to the beach and continued walking hand in hand. Time passes so fast when you're having fun and before long they realized it was time for lunch. Since they'd forgotten to bring any cash, Dave suggested they return to the condo, he knew there was stuff in the fridge for making sandwiches.

After lunch, the two lovers succumbed to natural desires to satisfy their primitive urges. A short nap followed and when they awoke Tony had more questions.

"Okay, Babe, where'd we leave off? Weren't you just about up to starting high school?"

"You wanna start that again?" Dave asked, feigning reluctance. Tony nodded with a grin. "Okay. Let me see... where was I? Well, I've already told you some of this so bear with me if I repeat some stuff."

"Press on, Grunt," Tony encouraged with a smile and a kiss on Dave's neck.

With Tony backed up against the headboard and Dave leaning back against his chest, Dave continued his story. He talked again about his realization that he was gay and how Kate figured it out. Then he told how he and Danny, er Dan came to be good friends, VERY good friends. Dave paused when he got to the part about joining the high school track team, wondering how much he should tell.

"Listen. I'm about to tell you something and you can never tell another soul. Can you agree to that?"

"My lips are sealed," Tony chuckled.

"No," Dave said as he sat up, turned and looked directly into Tony's eyes, "I'm dead serious about this, Tony." The look on Dave's face matched the serious tone of his voice.

"Sure, Babe, I know you are and I'll never say a word. Scout's honor." And he held up his right hand with three fingers extended.

Dave smiled, leaned back against his partner and told about the track team initiation ceremony. Tony was astonished. He wasn't sure how to deal with the action between Dave, John, and Dan. And staying with the initiation scene, Dave told about doing Marcus the next year. All Tony could say was "WOW!"

It was time for a break so they got up, pissed, got a Dr. Pepper from the fridge and returned to their comfortable position in bed. It was then that Dave told about his adventures with Tiffany at the junior and senior proms. It left Tony speechless. At least for a few minutes.

"God! I can't believe all the things that have happened to you. I've lead a really dull, sheltered life by comparison. And then you went on to meet and fall in love with Paul. Man! You oughta write a book! I'm just a babe in the wo ods compared to what you've been through."

Dave laughed. "You still okay with being my partner?" Although Dave laughed when he said that, there was a tone of seriousness to the question.

"Babe, I wouldn't want anybody else." Tony leaned down and brought their lips together in a lengthy kiss. While holding the kiss they scooted down onto the bed until they could lie face to face in each other's arms.

After about ten minutes of renewing their passion for each other they finally separated. The full body contact had achieved the usual result and both were sporting softons.

"Hey, we've spent the entire afternoon in this bed. What say we get cleaned up and go out for dinner?" Dave suggested.

"Great idea. I'm starved," Tony exclaimed as he rolled off the bed and followed Dave toward the bathroom.

"Hell, you're always hungry," Dave chuckled.

"Hungry for your bod, Babe," Tony chuckled as he reached out and grabbed a hand-full of Dave's left buttock. Dave shrieked with playful delight as he pranced into the bathroom.

They found a very nice restaurant with an ocean view and enjoyed the catch of the day with some nice white wine that the waiter recommended.

By the time they finished dinner, the sun had just dropped below the horizon but the clouds picked up the light and reflected it back so that daylight lingered just a little longer.

They started walking along the sidewalk by the beach until they came to a gay bar that Dave remembered when he and Paul were there. They went in, got drinks and danced the night away. Tony felt like he was in Heaven. And Dave couldn't have been happier.

Monday's events were different from Sunday. They got up early and ran along the beach. Being a weekday, there were fewer beach-goers and they had no trouble avoiding tripping over anyone. Running on sand is much more difficult than running on a track or street and after fifteen minutes they were exhausted and detoured into the water to cool down.

Dave and Tony found a place to sit and watch the small waves lap against the sand. Following several minutes of silence Tony turned toward Dave.

"Dave, I wanna share something with you."

Dave looked at his lover and saw a serious look on his face. "Okay."

Tony turned his head back to the front and began talking to ocean.

"When I was much younger, probably 15, maybe 16 I started having this recurring dream... I think I understand it now."

"What was it about?" Dave asked.

"It was always the same," Tony began. "I'd be walking down the sidewalk in my neighborhood and then suddenly I'd realize all I was wearing was a T-shirt, a short one at that. I was really embarrassed! I didn't know where to go or what to do; I was confused. Then people would drive by in their cars and laugh and honk their horns. Other people would walk past and point at my crotch and laugh. I'd always wake up sweatin' and cryin' and afraid and I didn't understand what it meant." Tony paused for a moment.

"Did that happen very often?"

"Oh yeah, about once or twice a month. It's been that way ever since, even in the Marines except by then I'd got over the crying part." Tony looked at Dave again. "And ya know what?"


"I haven't had that dream once since I met you." They continued to stare at each other for a few moments.

"You said that you understand it now. What's it mean?" Dave asked with great interest and concern.

Tony turned and looked at the ocean again. "Yeah, I understand... I think I understand." He paused to consider his explanation. "I think it meant that subconsciously I knew I was gay but I was fightin' it. I was afraid people would find out and laugh at me and call me names." Tony looked back at Dave. "You helped me answer that question. You helped me face up to who I am. And now that I can admit to myself that I'm gay and I have you to share it with I no longer need that dream." Then he leaned toward Dave and kissed him lightly, affectionately on his lips in front of God and everybody. When their lips parted they grinned at each other. Together they felt like they were on top of the world.

"C'mon, let's go get some lunch," Dave suggested as he jumped up, took Tony's hand and pulled him to a standing position.

Back at the condo, as they woofed down a turkey sandwich, Tony made a suggestion.

"Ya know, if we were back home right now we could be playing golf."

"You serious?" Dave asked with his eyebrows raised. "Cause if you are, I think I can find a place." Dave went on to explain that because of reciprocal agreements he knew of a local club where they could play and they could rent clubs. It was the same club where he and Paul played and he hoped they wouldn't run into Paul's old friend. Fortunately they didn't.

Later they had dinner at a nice restaurant then found another gay bar and danced until late into the night. It took Tony back to that evening right after Dave outed him to Sophia and they all went to the country club. As he danced with his sister he wished he could be dancing with Dave. This night was the answer to that wish.

Tuesday the two men slept late relaxing in the comfort of each other's company. They were lounging on the balcony when Dave decided that there were other things he needed to tell Tony.

"You ready to hear more of my life story?" Dave asked.

"There's more?"

"A little."

"Press on, Ishmael," Tony chuckled.

"Well," Dave began, "there's another family in Dallas, Paul's family. And I know they're gonna insist on meeting you. So the next time I have to go to a meeting of the AANCF I'd like for you to go with me."


Oh, sorry, that's the Abused, Abandoned and Neglected Children Foundation. Paul was on the Board of Directors and after he... died they requested that I continue in his place." Dave continued to explain about the AANCF, Art Radford and his family, and the Roehl family.

"Alex and Steve are really wonderful people. They helped me tremendously in adjusting to Paul's death; they practically adopted me. And then later, when Dad and I were on the outs, they were instrumental in helping us get back together." Dave looked into Tony's eyes, "I'd be extremely proud to introduce you to them as my partner."

"And I'd be proud to have you introduce me to them." Tony took hold of Dave's hand and squeezed it. "And once again, I can't believe the life you've lead, it's absolutely amazing."

"Well, it's not as though I had some master plan, I just kept putting one foot in front of the other and things happened. But I did have a master plan when it came to becoming an architect and that worked out just like I planned it."

"Yes, and I'm gonna do the same thing, starting this coming semester."

"Great! I'll support you all the way. Now what say we get our asses cleaned up, have lunch and go cruise the mall?"

"Ya wanna go cruizin', gay boy?" Tony asked suggestively.

"Not that kind of cruizin', Jarhead. It'll just be something different to do."

Early afternoon they took a stroll through a shopping mall. Dave saw one of those photo booths and talked Tony into squeezing into it to get their picture taken. Dave wanted to do to Tony what Paul had done to him but he was able to control himself. The picture that finally popped out of the machine was absolutely precious. Both men were pleased.

As they walked along the mall concourse holding hands they came upon a jewelry store. Tony slowed and turned to look in the window. When Dave ran out of arm length he was jerked to a halt and Tony reeled him back in like a fish on a line.

"What're you doing? Dave asked playfully.

"Lookin'," was Tony's reply; he was staring at a display of wedding bands.

"Oh," was all Dave could think of saying. He realized what was possibly going through Tony's mind. "See anything you like?" he asked.

"They all look pretty much the same, kinda plain and dull."

"Yeah, they do." They continued to observe the rings. "Wait! Look over there!" Dave was pointing to a ring in the upper left corner of the case. "That has a really interesting finish on it."

"Let's go in," Tony suggested.

"What for?" Dave inquired playfully.

"Wel--l--l--" Tony drew out the word. "We just might find something we can't live without."

"Like what?" Dave asked as they walked through the door toward a salesman.

"May help you gentlemen?" the salesman asked.

"Yeah, could we have a close look at one of those rings in the window... Perry?" Tony noticed the nametag on the salesman's shirt pocket.

"I have a duplicate case over here if you care to show me what you're interested in," the salesman stated, "We have a very large selection." The salesman didn't seem the least bit put off or offended by two men wanting to look at rings that were obviously for each other. He'd undoubtedly been through this routine before. He set a case of rings on top of the glass counter.

"That one right there, Perry," Tony said as he pointed to a ring just like the one in the window. He'd taken charge and Dave was following along with admiration.

"Oh yes, that's an unusual design. It has what's called a Florentine finish, quite distinctive, don't you think?"

"Whatta ya think, Babe, it's gold but it isn't real shinny." Tony turned and looked at Dave expecting a comment.

"Oh yeah, it's really handsome." Turning to the salesman, "Perry, would you have two that'll fit us?" Dave's quick response surprised Tony and he smiled.

"Yes Sir, I'm sure we do, but first we need to determine what size you are," Perry said with a suggestively wicked smile and a wink. Dave and Tony grinned because they realized Perry was probably on their team and was enjoying this just as much as they were. The salesman opened a case that had forty to fifty small rings in it; they were used for determining finger size.

"Which hand?" Tony asked as he turned to Dave.

"Damned if I know," Dave replied and looked at Perry. "I guess you can tell we're new at this. Does it make any difference which finger we wear the ring on?"

"Not at all, Sir, you may see some men wearing them on their right hands but traditionally you wear the ring on the third finger of your left hand." Perry was smiling the entire time and invited the two men to try the size rings on for fit.

After establishing the proper ring sizes Perry excused himself while he went into the back to get the rings. Perry returned and placed two rings on a felt cloth then asked Tony and Dave to try them on to check the size. Both men were so nervous their hands were shaking. The rings fit perfectly so they removed them from their fingers and laid them back onto the felt cloth. Decision time!

"Now for the important question, how much?" Tony asked.

"They are $275 each," Perry announced. Tony didn't bat an eye; he reached for his wallet and pulled out his credit card.

"If you'll put that one in a box, I'll take it," Tony stated as he pointed to Dave's ring.

"And put that one in a box for me," Dave added with a broad smile.

They walked out of the store arm in arm, giggling as they went.

For dinner that evening Dave made reservations at a local upscale restaurant that had a breathtaking view of the shoreline. They wore their sport coats and got a table by the window. The atmosphere was perfect for the occasion with romantic piano music being played nearby.

For their entree they both chose prime rib with a vegetable medley and complimented it with a nice Cabernet. Neither Tony nor Dave could resist the dessert named "Death by Chocolate."

The table was cleared and they sat looking across at each other. Tony reached into his coat pocket and pulled out the ring box.

"I know I should've asked you first, but..." then he paused. "I'm not good at this kind of thing, Dave so hang with me for a few minutes." Dave smiled encouragingly and Tony continued. "I really love you and... I want to give you this as an expression of my love and my commitment." Dave could see moisture in Tony's eyes. "I hadn't planned on doing this today and then you played along and I kinda went with the flow."

Tony opened the jewel box, removed the band and held it toward Dave's left hand. Dave extended and spread his fingers to make it easy for Tony to slide the ring on his ring finger. "I've said this before and I'm proud to say it again, I really love you David Baker and I want to spend the rest of my life with you," Tony said then looked into Dave's moist eyes.

"Yeah, Hon, I'm glad you went with the flow. I'd been thinking the same thing; I guess your courage works faster than mine." Dave already had the other ring box in his hand. He removed the ring and slid it onto Tony's ring finger. "With this ring I bond myself to you for life." This was such an emotional moment for both of them; they sat holding hands, so close to tears.

"God, I've never been this happy in my whole life," Tony gasped quietly.

"Yeah, this is just awesome," Dave added. "I can't wait for everyone to see our rings," Dave said proudly as he held his up to the candlelight on the table. Tony did the same and then their eyes met and smiled at each other.

"Maybe someday we can run off and get married like Mike and Todd," Tony said. "Until then, I'll feel just as married as they are."

"Yeah, we'll work on that, Hon. But I don't want to have to run off, I'd like to get married in front of all our friends and family."

"Yeah, I like that too," Tony agreed with enthusiasm then the smile on his fa ce changed to a look of concern.

"What's wrong?" Dave read Tony's expression correctly.

"Family. What am I gonna tell my family? And when?" Tony was obviously nervous with his new realization. "I completely forgot about them!"

"Look, we'll figure it out. Okay?" Dave tried to boost Tony's spirits. "I'll help you if I can and I wanna be at your side when you do it."

Those were the right words and the smile returned to Tony's face. "You ready to go now?" he asked.

"Yeah," Dave replied.

"I wanna get ya back to the condo where I can SHOW you how I feel," Tony looked around the restaurant to see if anyone was close enough to hear. Then they grinned at each other.

The lovemaking between Dave and Tony was often imaginative and interesting and always pleasurable. They were just as happy jerking each other off, giving each other blow-jobs or going for sixth-nine. But the majority of their coupling involved anal penetration. And it had begun to develop a pattern split about 60-40: sixty percent Dave on top and forty percent Tony. It wasn't because Dave was the more dominant one - it was more a matter of choice. Tony chose that position more often than Dave. And Dave was forever grateful to Paul for introducing him the pleasure, joy, and satisfaction of having his partner inside him. Neither man kept score - it wasn't important.

Lying in the embrace of post-coital reverie, the two men gained strength from each other's bodies. The clock hadn't yet reached 11:00 PM.

"Hey, Dave," Tony asked softly.

"Yeah?" Dave slid his right hand over Tony's chest; he liked to feel Tony's chest hair slide between his fingers.

"Think we can go home tomorrow?"

"Yeah," Dave agreed in a quiet voice. "How come?"

"It's not that I'm not enjoying myself, it's just that... I've been thinking about what you said earlier, that you'd like for everyone to see our rings. So would I."

Dave began to chuckle. "Ya know, I remember when Mike and Todd came down here right after they began seeing each other. I made the condo available to them and when they came home they'd committed to each other and were wearing matching earrings."

"No shit!" Tony exclaimed. "Well, we'll have to be sure to show them ours."

Wednesday, they caught an 11:45 flight and walked in the door of their house at 1:45. Once they were settled Dave called Kate, his parents, Georgia, and his boss to let them know he was back and would be back to normal tomorrow.

Tony called Sam and said he'd be at work in the morning. He halfway expected Sam to give him a ration of shit but to his surprise Sam was all business. Then he called Sophia to tell her he was back and she quickly invited him and Dave to dinner that evening. The two men conferred and quickly accepted. There was nothing in the house to eat except...

Tony rang the doorbell and they waited. When the door opened, Shannon rushed out and threw himself against his uncle, wrapped his arms around Tony's waist and gave him a huge hug. Then he hugged Dave before leading them into the house and peppering them with question about where they'd been. The young ladies of the house were much too cool and sophisticated for such open displays of affection for their uncle but they did say a friendly hello to both men.

The kids returned to what they were doing just as Sophia arrived. She hugged her brother. "What's that thing on your finger?" she asked quietly into Tony's ear. It's uncanny how women seem to notice the most insignificant items sometimes.

"You're sharp, Soapy, real sharp," Tony chuckled into Sophia's ear.

Sophia released her brother and hugged her friend. "You guys are something else," she said into Dave's ear then stepped back. "Okay, hold your hands out so I can see them," she demanded excitedly.

Almost bashfully the two men extended their left hands, which Sophia held in each of hers. "Oh, they're so handsome," she exclaimed, "they're so masculine, so... so YOU! C'mon, Sean has to see this." She led them into the kitchen where Sean was just opening a bottle of white wine. "Look what these two naughty boys have done," She announced with a grin as she shoved Tony and Dave's left hands on front of her husband.

At first Sean wasn't sure how to react. He looked at the rings, then at Tony and Dave, and back to the rings. "Well!" was all he could say at first. "I guess congratulations are in order. Or is it best wishes?" They all began to la ugh. Sean sat the wine bottle on the counter then hugged Tony and Dave.

"I can tell by the smiles on your faces that you're both happy... and I'm happy for you." That was the most positive expression of support to date from Sean and it made Tony and Dave even happier.

"Your timing is perfect and dinner is ready," Sophia announced and Sean called the children.

Dinner conversation centered on rather neutral topics, Sophia didn't want to draw attention to the men's rings in front of her kids. She wanted to feel much better grounded with information before discussing that topic with her kids. After dinner, the children were excused while the adults sat around the table to enjoy another cup of coffee and chat.

"Tony, would you like another piece of pie, maybe another glass of wine?" Sophia inquired.

"No thanks," Tony replied, "Why do you ask?"

"Just want to make sure you're in a good mood."

"Oh yeah, I'm just fi..." Tony looked directly at his sister. "Wait a minute! Why is it so important that I be in a good mood?

"Well," Sophia hesitated. "I've got good news or bad news, depends on how you view it," she explained.

Turning to Dave, "It's always scary when she does that." Then Tony turned to Sophia. "Okay, I know you got something cooked up so lay it on me, good news first."

"Well... you know your birthday is coming up on September 1st, that's only a week and a half away. And it's also on Labor Day Monday."

"Hey, you're right. I completely forgot" Tony said as he looked at Dave. "That means you'll be only two years older than me."

"Older than I," Sophia corrected his grammar as she always had.

"Yeah, that too. So?" Tony's retort came with a smile.

"So... you remember how the family used to celebrate your birthday?"

"Yeah," he replied, still sporting a smile. Then the smile turned into something approximating panic. "Oh no!" Tony exclaimed. "You wouldn't!"

"What?" Dave asked with quiet concern. Tony remained quiet so Sophia picked up the explanation.

"For years the family used to get together on Labor Day weekend and celebrate Tony's birthday. And when he joined the Marines those family get-togethers kinda stopped." Sophia paused to take a sip of coffee while she considered what to say next.

"Well, last Sunday, while you were in Ft. Lauderdale, Mama called and proposed, like Mama always proposes, that we all get together here for the weekend... Only it's not really a proposal it's a done deal. The whole family's agreed to be here."

Tony and Dave could see their lovely, serene landscape suddenly become littered with landmines.

"Phillip and Jackie are coming with their four kids, Christopher and Kelly are bringing their three kids, and Peter is even bringing his fiancée Ashley from New York." Phillip is the oldest brother (named after his father) followed by Christopher. Peter is only one and a half years older than Tony and the two were always very close.

There was dead silence around the table as each person took turns looking at the other. Sean hadn't said a word. He was staying out of this. It was a Mancuso family matter. Dave had also remained quiet for the same reason.

"You know that's likely to force the issue of me and Dave, don't you," Tony asked directly at his sister. "How're we gonna explain things?"

"I couldn't very well say NO to Mama now could I?" Sophia exclaimed.

"No... I know you couldn't." Silence prevailed for a few moments. "So you got a plan?" Tony thought for a moment. "Of course, Sophia always has a plan." Then he chuckled like he'd become resigned to the situation.

"They'll all stay here with us. We'll get some air mattresses for the kids and nobody will have to know where you live. Then we'll pray nobody forces the question about your living arrangements. Mama and Papa are driving and should arrive Saturday after lunch and they're bringing Grandma Kristina. Phillip and his gang are also driving and should arrive about the same time. Christopher and company will be flying in from Chicago that afternoon. We should have a large crowd for dinner... for every meal.

While Sophia was explaining the 'plan' Dave reached under the table and took hold of Tony's hand. Their eyes met and it seemed like they were communicating. Tony nodded at his partner then looked down into his coffee.

"Sophia," Dave began. Sophia and Sean looked at him. "Can I make a suggestion?"

"By all means, anything to help clear this mess." Sophia almost pleaded.

"Tony and I've already made plans to convert our workout room into a bedroom and move the equipment into the space over the garage. If we accelerate that plan then I can 'INVITE' Tony to stay at my place so he can be closer to the family. And at the same time we'd be more than happy to take some of your overflow."

The silence was deafening. Sophia's face transformed from concern to relief. She could see all kinds of possibilities.

"Dave, you may have hit on something here," Sophia began with mild excitement. "I've been trying to figure out how I was going to bring you into the picture and that may be the perfect solution. We can take care of Mama and Papa here, along with Grandma Kristina. And there's also room for Peter and Ashley. If you could take Phillip and Christopher and their broods, that should work out j ust right. Then because you're helping out with sleeping arrangements it makes perfectly good sense that we invite you to join us."

While Dave was rolling that around in his mind, Tony piped up. "Aren't your forgetting something?" He asked his sister. She raised her eyebrows to form a question. "Put money on Peter and Kristen wanting to sleep together. No way will that be allowed under the same roof with Mama and Papa or Grandma." Tony could see that he'd struck a chord with Sophia. "So... Why don't we take Peter and Ashley and all the boys? The girls can all stay here; they don't need much attention. That way Phillip and Jackie and Christopher and Kelly can have some time to themselves. Dave and I have a lot of experience taking care of his sister's boys." Tony felt Dave squeeze his hand under the table; they smiled at each other.

"Yes, I know all about the skinny-dipping," Sophia confided with a scornful look that quickly turned to a knowing smile.

"What!" Dave exclaimed. "What're you talking about?" He put his most innocent look on his face.

"No tan lines, David, Kate knows all about it. You're busted." But Sophia couldn't contain her laughter and her attempt at being serious was lost.

"Okay," Sophia finally said when she stopped laughing. "Your plan is much better than mine. And it gives me the perfect reason to include Dave in the family activities. Besides, everyone already knows you and they like you very much.

"The whole family knows Dave?" Tony asked with astonishment.

"Sure," Sean finally spoke up. "They all met him while this house was under construction. Grandma Kristina adores him."

"Oh, yeah, I forgot," Tony acknowledged sheepishly. Dave had told him and he'd forgotten it.

That issue settled, everyone relaxed and engaged in pleasant conversation with an agreement to coordinate details as events developed.

Take two former military men, give them an objective, and then get the hell out of the way.

Friday, Dave and Tony got serious about converting the workout room to a bedroom. That morning, Dave called his father from his office, explained what he was doing with the workout room and told him they'd come down Saturday afternoon to look at furniture. Bob told Dave to plan to stay for dinner and he agreed.

After work Friday, they moved all of the exercise equipment into the undeveloped space over the garage; the renovation crew would just have to work around it. With the new bedroom empty, Dave decided the old carpet had to go. Saturday morning they went to a carpet store, selected what they thought would be the best choice and scheduled the company to come out Tuesday and replace the old stuff. After lunch they left town in search of furniture.

Tony insisted on paying for the new furniture because now that he didn't have any housing costs and he and Dave ate at home most of the time his bank account was beginning to build up a nice reserve. He had already opened a money market account at Schwab with every intention of investing in his future. Tony selected a queen-sized bed, a couple of bedside tables, and a chest-of-drawers that were similar in style to the furniture in the master bedroom. Both men took Bob's advice on some lamps to go in the bedroom and then the three of them left for Dave's old home.

"Oh Honey, it so nice to see you, did you have a nice time in Ft. Lauderdale?" Nancy asked as Dave encircled her in his arms with a big hug.

"Yes, Mother, we did."

"And Tony," Nancy gave him a hug, "welcome. We're so glad you both could come." Then she stepped back and looked at her two sons. "What's this?" She asked as she picked up Dave's left hand. Then she noticed the ring on Tony's finger too. Dave and Tony had been with Bob most of the afternoon and he hadn't noticed a thing.

Dave explained that he and Tony had committed themselves to each other and while they were in Ft. Lauderdale they decided to buy something that reflected their commitment.

Bob and Nancy couldn't have been more pleased. Having finally accepted Dave's homosexuality, they were exceedingly happy that he'd found Tony and they have agreed to be partners. Nancy however, jokingly expressed her disappointment about not being able to have a wedding while Bob admitted he wouldn't miss the expense involved. He still had memories of the dent Kate's wedding placed on the family finances. Dave also made it clear that he and Tony were committed to keep the nature of their relationship from the children.

Dave and Tony's decision to hide the nature of their relationship from the children had more to do with the parents than the kids. Although Kate and John and Sophia and Sean were accepting and supportive, they were also naturally defensive and protective of their children. The two men knew a day would come when they would have to face that issue and by then hopefully the kids would be mature enough to understand.

"Well, Mother, I see you're finally getting smart."

"Just what do you mean by that, young man?"

"Well, I don't see any food so we must be going out."

"Oh no we're not, I forgot to tell you, we're all going over to Kate and John's. When I told her you two were coming down she insisted on having us all over for dinner. And we'd better get moving or we'll be late. You know how Teutonic your sister can be." They were all laughing as the walked out the door.

When they arrived at Kate's, they let themselves in without ringing the doorbell. The table in the dining room looked like it was almost ready for everyone to be seated and that's exactly what Kate told them to do... after a quick hug for her brother and his partner.

Dinner conversation centered on the new house and how much John loved not having to commute; he had more time at school to prepare for the coming academic year and sport seasons. The boys talked about getting to know other kids in the neighborhood and how they really liked their new home. Kate commented on how the pool seemed to be constantly filled with young boys having the time of their life.

After dessert, the boys were excused to play games while the adults sat around the table enjoying an extra cup of coffee, Nancy and Kate had hot tea.

"Okay Davie, something up, what is it?" Dave had been waiting for his sister to come after him. He'd noticed how she'd been staring at the rings on his and Tony's fingers all evening. Sometimes she attacked head on and sometimes she played the waiting game. This time she had waited.

"Well... Tony and I have an announcement... we've agreed to be partners." Kate smiled. "And as far as we're concerned we're the same as being married."

"We're in this for the long haul, Kate," Tony added. "And in case you have any concerns about the kids, we have every intention of keeping the nature of our relationship from them for as long as it seems appropriate."

"Oh, I'm so happy for you both, congratulations!" Kate exclaimed effusively. "I just knew it had to happen, you two were too perfect for each other." She walked around the table, pulled first Dave then Tony from their chairs and hugged them.

"Yeah guys, I'm really happy too," John said as he hugged Tony then Dave. "And I really appreciate your approach to protecting the kids; I'll admit I was concerned about that."

"Who else have you told?" Kate asked.

"Well, of course Mother and Dad just found out and Wednesday night we had dinner with Sophia and Sean and told them."

"But now there's a new wrinkle in the fabric." Tony added. Everyone looked at him. "Next weekend my whole family's gonna be at Sophia's and I may be faced with coming out to them."

"Well, Tony," Bob spoke without hesitation; he remembered the estrangement he and Dave went through. "I want you to know you have our love and support. So if things don't work out, remember we're on your side."

Everyone looked at Bob with amazement. What a turnaround! And his comments had the desired effect. Tony immediately felt some relief, not complete, but relief never the less.

"Thanks a lot, Bob, that means a great deal to me. I have no idea what to expect. This issue has never come up in my family, at least not that I know of." He turned and looked at Dave. "We're gonna try to skate by this time but you never know. At least I'll have Dave at my side and he'll keep me... strong." He was about to say "straight" then thought better of it.

Dave interjected and explained how the living arrangements were designed to hide their relationship until they could pick a better time for an announcement.

Before long Dave and Tony said they needed to get back home and bid everyone goodbye.

Sunday, August 24, Dave and Tony ran into Mike and Todd at church. It didn't take the two friends long to spot the rings and Dr. Tim noticed too as they shook hands after the service. Todd and Mike were waiting for them at the foot of the steps and bombarded them with questions. Dave and Tony had a volley of questions of their own and they wound up going back to Mike and Todd's apartment for lunch.

The four men spent the entire afternoon visiting and getting caught up on the Vermont wedding and the Ft. Lauderdale commitment. Mike said that the Ft. Lauderdale condo must be a magic place because that's where he and Todd committed to each other. Todd said he had fond memories of that condo and everyone laughed.

They all decided to go for a Chinese dinner and called Dan to see if he and Tom could join them. Dan said Tom was out and that he didn't feel like going. The four friends thought that sounded a little strange but didn't comment.

At dinner, Tony told about his upcoming family gathering and about how nervous he was and that he hoped he could avoid having to come out. Having already been through painful experiences of their own, Mike and Todd sympathized with Tony and offered him their full support.

Tuesday morning the new carpet went down and Wednesday the new bedroom furniture was delivered. Dave had asked Georgia to be at the house to direct the activities and she made sure everything was done right. Wednesday evening, Sophia called and asked Dave to bring her brother over for dinner Thursday so they could go over the final details for the weekend.

Arriving home after dinner at Sophia's, Tony and Dave walked into the kitchen from the garage. Tony stopped in the middle of the room, turned, wrapped Dave in his arms and let out a long sigh.

"Give me strength," he beseeched quietly into the side of Dave's head.

After a few seconds of silence Dave responded. "I was thinking along the lines of giving you a blow-job." All week Dave had observed Tony's tension building. He was more quiet than normal, like he was lost in thought. Tuesday and Wednesday nights all he wanted to do was cuddle when they went to bed. Now Dave's turning his "give me strength" into "I'll give you a blow-job" was too funny to ignore. He began to chuckle, then laugh.

"One of your full body blow-jobs?" Tony asked as he pulled back and looked Dave in the eyes.

"If that's what you want, Jarhead," Dave grinned knowing that was a request for a complete, and I mean COMPLETE massage, including scented body oil.

Tony started the massage with a tongue dueling kiss in the middle of the kitchen then took Dave by the hand and led him down the hall toward the bedroom.

"Wanna try out the new bed tonight to see if it works?"

"Wherever you want it, Hon."

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 59: The Partnership 3

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