David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Apr 22, 2004


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation: The Partnership 01

"And they lived happily ever after."

Or so many fairytales end (no pun intended). But as everyone knows, all relationships experience a "honeymoon" period before the luster wears off and reality sets in. Two people joined in love think life is going to be all peaches and cream. Then they pass into that adjustment period where they learn to live with each other's blemishes. For some, this adjustment is rather smooth while for others it is quite rocky and sometimes disastrous.

Dave and Tony were well suited for each other, both being anal-retentive types who were also morning people. They were fiscally conservative minded men who appreciated the value of money and who also shared many other core values. Although their views on religion weren't carbon copies at least they weren't divergent; they were highly compatible.

Dave and Tony were by nature two serious minded individuals who did not make commitments lightly. And now that they had promised themselves to each other they were bound to make their partnership succeed. That's not to say they wouldn't have disagreements, they certainly would. But they had the kind of commit ment that allowed them to work out any differences with love and understanding.

They also grew within their partnership in ways that strengthened them individually and as a unit. And it began as they left the church that first Sunday morning.

Mike and Todd were waiting when Dave and Tony arrived at their car. "You guys wanna join us for lunch?" Mike asked. Tony's hand still rested on Dave's shoulder and their two friends made mental note of it but withheld comment.

Dave and Tony grinned at each other. "Can ya give us a rain check on that, fellas?" Tony asked. "We have a tee time at 1:12 and we need to get home to change." Tony's confidence was bolstered by the commitment he and Dave had just made.

"Hey, no problem," Todd replied. He and Mike both picked up on the fact that Tony had replied for the two of them after only a glance between them. Until now, Dave had done most of the talking but here was Tony coordinating at least one aspect of their social life. `Strange, interesting,' they thought.

"Listen, how bout you gents coming over Saturday for some pizza and pool?" Dave proposed. "Say around 4-ish?"

Mike and Todd looked at each other and nodded. "We'll bring the beer, Mike replied.

"And I'll call Dan," Dave added. They waved at each other, climbed into their cars and departed.

"You notice anything different?" Todd asked as they drove down the street in the privacy of his new Acura.

"Sure did, it was pretty hard to ignore," Mike answered. "Something's different about them but I can't figure out what it is."

"Yeah, I got the same feeling. I noticed you didn't say anything when Dave mentioned Dan."

"What could I say?" Mike asked. "Something's goin' on there too and I don't understand it. Better stay out of it. If Dave notices, he can talk to Dan."

The round of golf turned out to very enjoyable. Tony used the clubs he borrowed from Sean and proved that he could hit the ball a country mile. And he often found himself playing from the adjacent fairway which provided a never-ending supply of things to laugh about.

Monday morning, events began to unfold rapidly. When the alarm went off both men must have cleared the mattress by a good two inches. Tony had to leave for work before Dave so while he showered and shaved, Dave started the coffee, set the table, poured the juice, and got out the cereal. Their choices of cereal ranged from Cheerio's and Wheaties to spoon-sized Shredded Wheat. And if there was any Frosted Flakes left over from when the boys were there, Tony ate that.

By the time Tony was stepping out the shower, Dave was ready to hop in. They took a moment for a brief kiss and to touch one hand to each other's chest. Tony dressed then went to the kitchen and ate breakfast. He was finishing as Dave walked in. Tony looked at Dave and began to laugh.

"What's so funny, Jarhead?"

"Us," Tony chuckled. "Just look at us! What an unlikely couple we make, me in my Levi's, T-shirt and work boots and you in your expensive suit."

Dave began to chuckle, took Tony in his arms and they kissed. "I love you in your outfit, Stud, it's so macho," Dave admitted at the end of their kiss. "You really turn me on." They were both beginning to get hard. "Now get out of here before we have to explain to Sam why you're late for work."

"See ya tonight, Babe," Tony said then leaned forward and gave Dave a peck on the lips.

They were both chuckling as Tony left the kitchen. Looking out the kitchen window, Dave watched as Tony's truck drove down the driveway and turned right into the street. `Damn, this is wonderful!" he thought. Then he sat down to eat breakfast.

We need to get better organized here. If we set the table the night before, that'll give us more time in the morning. And if we shower the night before... after the lovin',' Dave smiled, that'll save more time. If we shower in the morning before work, then Tony'll want to shower after work, and we ought to shower after sex, and if we go running... that's too much showering! We'll talk about this.' Dave's anal-retentive nature was in full bloom.

When Dave arrived home from work and drove up to the garage he could see that Georgia's car was still there. Opening the door leading in from the garage he could smell something good baking in the oven. And walking into the kitchen he found Tony and Georgia sitting at the table talking. Tony had already been through the shower and looked good enough to eat.

"Hi, Georgia, good ta see ya. Did you stay to fix us dinner?"

"Nossah, Mista Tony done fixed a meatloaf."

"Then you're kinda late aren't you?

"Well, Mista Dave, I been thinkin'. You still want me ta move in here?"

"Well..." Dave looked at Tony and got a wink. "Of course. Provided you want to.

"Ya know? That old neighborhood, it aint what it used to be, all them bad people movin' in and all... lots o drugs... and guns. Only got a couple friends left an they's thinkin' bout leavin'. So if ya still think like that, I guess it'd be the right thing for me." Georgia paused for a moment to glance at Tony before continuing. "An I promise ta leave y'all alone, ta give ya your privacy, ya know."

"Georgia, that's great! I'm sure we can work out the details. I'll start working on a design and hire a contractor. We'll convert that empty space above the east wing of the garage into a one-bedroom apartment and we'll give you a private entrance so you'll be free to come and go as you please. That way you'll also be free to entertain your friends as you like. I can count on you helpin' me design the plans can't I?" Dave asked with a smile.

"Oh thank ya, Honey. You so good to me I don't know what to say." Georgia had tears in her eyes as she threw her arms around Dave's waist and gave him a big hug. "An' I don't know nothin' bout plans but if ya want me to, I'll take a look."

"Would you like to move in here until the construction is finished? You can have one of the bedrooms upstairs."

"Oh nossah, I jist wait, no hurry. Now I best be goin'. I be in again tomorrow ta finish up. An' thank ya again. Land-o-mighty, I don't know why you so nice ta me.

Georgia picked up her purse and walked toward the garage. There would be many conversations later to iron out all of the details of her residency.

Tony had in fact fixed a meatloaf for dinner; all he needed to do now was fix some vegetables. Once the welcome home kisses were taken care of, the two men sat down to talk about the day's events. Dave brought up the subject about how to organize themselves and when to shower that he'd thought of that morning. After a quick discussion they agreed that during the week they'd set up for breakfast the night before. As for when he wanted to shower, Tony said he definitely needed to do that when he got home from work. After that, he didn't care, he'd shower when he needed to. So they kept an open mind on that issue.

After dinner, Dave dragged Tony into the library and began working on plans for the space above the garage.

"Me? You want me to help plan something like that?"

"Well sure! I value your opinion, ya know. I'll bet you've learned a thing or two workin' for Sam these past few weeks."

"Well, okay," Tony replied hesitantly.

Dave laid out his general plan for Georgia's apartment and for turning the space above the north wing of the garage into a combination recreation/play room. They'd move the exercise equipment from its current location in the room off the master-bath that connected to Dave's master bedroom, and then convert that room to another bedroom.

"How come you want another bedroom? Seem's like there are plenty of empty ones right now," Tony asked while stating the obvious.

"Good question, Jarhead. I thought it was obvious," Dave said jokingly. "Look. I fully expect that the boys will be spending time with us on occasion, like when Kate and John want or need to get away for a while. So that'll be your bedroom."

"Now wait just a minute, Grunt. You mean that when the boys are here we can't sleep together? That sucks!"

They were seated side-by-side waiting for the computer to boot up. Dave turned to his left, placed his hand behind Tony's neck and pulled him into a kiss. After sucking Tony's tongue into his mouth, Dave slid his right hand into Tony's crotch and squeezed gently. He'd moved so fast that it caught Tony by surprise.

"That's not the only thing that sucks around here," Dave grinned as he released Tony's tongue and pulled away.

"Wow! I guess not!" Tony gasped.

"Besides, it won't hurt you to be celibate for a few days while the boys are here, will it?" Dave was playing with his lover.

"Wha... now wait just a minute, Love, I'm addicted to you! You can't expect me to... Wait. You're not serious," Tony began to chuckle. "You can't do without for more than twelve hours any more than I can."

"Your right," Dave acknowledged then gave Tony a peck on the lips. "So what's my plan?"

Tony thought for a moment. "Okay. We agree not to expose the boys to the reality of our relationship until they're ready for it. That means the other bedroom is for show."

"God you're smart," Dave exclaimed. "The way I see it, we'll have fun jumping from bed to bed. We can make love in one bed then sleep in the other. The boys'll never figure it out."

"You're sneaky! I like that," Tony laughed. "But I gotta admit ya had me goin' there for a few minutes. Now let's take a look at those plans."

Tuesday evening, Dave caught Dan at Philos just before he was about to start his support group. He told Dan that Mike and Todd were coming over on Saturday and invited him and Tom. Dan surprised Dave when didn't jump at the invitation, said he have to check with Tom.

Wednesday, Dave had been in the neighborhood looking over a construction site with a client. They concluded their business early and rather than drive all the way back down town Dave decided to call it a day and went home.

It was almost 5:30 when he slid a pan of breaded chicken into the oven and closed the door. At that moment he heard the back door open and in walked a dirty, sweaty, tired looking Tony, his 5 o'clock shadow heavy on his chin and jaw. When Dave looked up and saw Tony, his knees grew weak. Tony looked so damned sexy and Dave was instantly hard.

Tony looked at Dave, still dressed in his white shirt and wool slacks, and knew he had to have him. Tony crossed the room, took Dave into his arms and drew him into a passionate kiss. As Dave's arms folded around Tony's neck, Tony's hands found Dave's buns and pulled on them, pressing their groins tightly together.

Tony's sweaty, masculine scent whirled around Dave's head and into his nostrils and almost caused him to feel dizzy. Using the leverage Tony was providing, Dave lifted his legs and wrapped them around Tony's waist.

"I've missed you," Dave said in a guttural whisper and he kissed his lover again.

"Me you too," Tony replied softly followed by another kiss.

"Dinner won't be ready for about an hour. If you can get me to the bedroom I'm yours till then," Dave offered seductively.

Tony's reply was in the form of action. He pressed Dave's head against his neck and began carrying him out of the kitchen and down the hall toward the bedroom. He carefully lowered Dave to the bed and then stood back. The expression on Dave's face was one of questioning disappointment.

"Gotta go piss and then wash Junior but I'll be back, promise." Tony gave Dave a lascivious smiled as he stepped back from the bed.

Before Tony reach the bathroom door, Dave was shedding his clothing as rapidly as possible, tossing them on the floor. He also took the opportunity to lube himself up so they could get right to the matter at hand.

Tony stepped up to the urinal, pissed through a semi-erect prick and went to the sink where he quickly lathered and rinsed Junior. He was completely naked when he walked back into the bedroom and slowly lowered himself between Dave's legs.

"Man! What a welcome home!" Tony exclaimed as he lay cradling Dave in his arms in the afterglow of sex. "Can I expect this kind of treatment every day? OUCH!" Dave pressed a sharp elbow into Tony's ribs.

"Every Day? EVERY DAY?" Dave exclaimed with laughter. "You want this every day? Whatta ya think, I'm your wife?"

"Oh, sorry babe, I didn't mean that," Tony was trying to crawl out of the hole he realized he'd just dug for himself. "What I meant was... Tomorrow you can do me this way."

"Nice try, Hon, but it WAS great wasn't it."

"Damn right," Tony replied as he kissed the top of Dave's head.

"Say, what's with having to wash Junior? You never did that before."

"Thinkin' about you all day causes me to leak a lot. That plus a few pisses along the way, Junior gets to smellin' kinda funky under his hood. I didn't think that's a treat you want to experience."

"Well now, maybe I'd like Junior's 'funky' smell. Ya gonna let me find out some day?"

"It's kinda embarrassing but no reason to hide it from ya. I won't be quite so fastidious next time and let ya judge for yourself.

"Fastidious?" Dave chuckled. "I've never heard you use that word before."

"What! Ya think I'm some dumb Jarhead?"

"No, no! Not at all! It just sounded kinda strange, that's all."

"Well, just you wait, I'll get my realtor's license and my associate's degree and then we'll see. I'll be able to hold my own against you."

"Hon, you can hold your own against me anytime. And you can hold mine too while you're at it." Dave chuckled. "Really!" Dave said more seriously as he turned and looked into Tony's eyes. "Right after we met I could tell you were a very intelligent man; that was an important reason I found you so attractive. So I'd appreciate never again hearing you belittle yourself, especially to me. Agreed?"

"Yeah," Tony replied assertively and kissed Dave on his lips. "Now can we get cleaned up and eat, I'm starved."

This was moving week for the Close family. A few weeks earlier Dave, anticipating the turmoil their home would be in during the move, offered Kate and John the use of his house as a base of operation. By Thursday, July 24, the move was in full swing. The packers arrived Tuesday and proceeded to pack according to a schedule that Kate had agreed to. By Thursday, so many things were packed that the family could no longer live there so just after lunch Kate, Susan and the boys arrived at Dave's where they were to stay until Saturday morning.

Kate had arranged for Georgia to join her at Dave's to help look after the boys and to do some of the cooking. That allowed Kate and Susan to stay at the old house and supervise the final loading of their furniture and other personal belongings. Friday was the actual moving day. After a final inspection, the doors to the moving van were closed and the truck pulled out of the driveway for the short one and one half-hour drive to the new Close home. The rest of the day would be spent positioning furniture and setting up beds so that by Saturday afternoon the family would be able to actually live there, even though there would be many unopened boxes. Kate believed the boys would benefit from the experience of unpacking their own moving boxes and storing the clothing and other items in drawers and shelves where they belonged.

Dave and Tony weathered the storm quite comfortably. Thursday evening they let the boys entertain themselves and at bedtime the two men took turns reading to them. Friday morning Dave and Tony were up early and gone before the boys awoke, thus avoiding discovery. Friday evening, Dave and Tony joined the boys in the pool for a while before dinner and then they were allowed to watched TV until bedtime.

The four adults sat in the great room enjoying some adult beverages and talking about the move. Dave took the opportunity to bring up his renovation plans and Kate wanted to know more. Dave explained about his offer to Georgia and that she had accepted. Kate said that Georgia had also agreed to continue working for her after the move and would probably be spending one night a week in the new house.

Then Dave told about converting his workout room to another bedroom and the reason why. Kate and John were both pleased and impressed with the sensitivity and concern Dave and Tony had for shielding the boys from their "relationship," at least at this early stage of their lives.

Saturday morning, July 26, Tony was brushing his teeth when he heard the boys bounding down the stairs making sounds like a herd of elephants. Fortunately the elephants had empty stomachs and went straight to the kitchen. He and Dave narrowly avoided discovery and Tony clearly saw the wisdom of Dave's plan to convert the workout room to another bedroom. Kate and John left early for the new house with a promise to return for the boys by two o'clock.

The boys had not been able to skinny-dip while Georgia was there on Thursday and Friday but Saturday only Dave and Tony were present. Tony called Sophia and asked if Shannon could make the short trip down the street and join the fun. About fifteen minutes later Shannon hopped out of Sophia's SUV and burst in through the front door. Tony made sure all of Shannon's vital parts were well covered with sun block. There were plenty of P, B & J and turkey sandwiches with lots of lemonade for lunch.

Kate called at 2:30, said she was running late, and asked if Dave could meet her halfway at a rest stop along the Interstate. Dave remembered the place; it was the location where he and his sister had that memorable discussion about her future husband. Dave loaded the herd of elephants in his F250, the boys wouldn't ride anything else, while Tony took Shannon home and returned to the house to get set up for the gathering of Dave's Platoon.

Dave pulled into his driveway right behind Todd and Mike. Todd was driving his

new Acura RSX and it looked really hot. Mike and Todd were beginning to realize the financial benefits of their partnership. Not only was Todd able to buy his new car, they were able to start saving and investing. Mike was even thinking of trading for a new truck or an SUV. They had learned to appreciate having a truck as a compliment to the car.

Dave had succeeded in catching Dan at work Tuesday and extended the invitation. He thought he detected some hesitation on Dan's part but dismissed it as nothing he should be concerned about.

At about 5:30 Tony ordered five large pizzas of various combinations so that everyone would have a variety to choose from. Dan and Tom arrived five minutes before the pizzas so the party was able to start with all members present. At one point during the evening Dave was able to catch Dan alone in the kitchen while the others were in the pool.

"You okay?" Dave asked. He had noticed how quiet Dan seemed, not like him at all.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Dave thought Dan sounded a little too evasive.

"Oh, I don't know, you just seem so quiet tonight."

"Well Man, everything's just great. I need another beer," it was a diversionary tactic. Dave wasn't convinced but he didn't pursue the matter. If Dan needed to talk, Dave felt confident that he would when the time was right.

Later, when all six men were soaking in the hot tub, Tony brought up a previous topic that hadn't been thoroughly discussed.

"Say, Mike, can you tell us any more about your wedding plans?"

"Yeah, they're all set. We're flying up to Vermont on Saturday morning, August 16th and the ceremony takes place on Sunday." Mike was grinning from ear to ear as he explained about their plans.

"We got a honeymoon suite and we're gonna put it to good use, too." Todd announced.

"Well, like, I mean, how were you able to do all of that, I mean, like make all those plans so quickly?" Tony asked.

Todd chuckled. "A few weeks ago we were surfing the Internet and found this website about gay weddings in Vermont. Several hotels offer wedding packages and..." Todd and Mike grinned at each other. "We just couldn't resist. The hotel packages provide everything, even a list of sample vows to choose from."

"So," Mike continued, "we looked until we found something we liked and could afford and signed up."

"You mean you get like the wedding, flowers, a reception and a honeymoon suite all packaged together?" Dan asked astonishingly.

"Yeah," Mike said excitedly with a grand smile. "And there'll be other couples gettin' married at the same time so we'll all have one big reception and share the costs. It's gonna be real cool."

"Well congratulations guys, I think it's really great. I'm so happy for you," Dave exclaimed with excited sincerity.

"Me too," Tony agreed.

"Does this mean we have to get you a wedding present?" Tom asked.

"Nah, we don't need anything guys," Todd replied. "Besides, havin' you guys as friends is the best wedding present we could ever ask for."

"You said that right!" Mike chimed in. "And I'm still drivin' Dave's wedding present." Everyone laughed at that because the idea of Dave's old pickup truck with a bow on top was too funny not to laugh at.

"I wish you both the very best, I mean it." Dan said in tone of voice that sounded like he wished he were the one getting married.

Not long after that the party began to break up. Dan passed on Dave's invitation to spend the night and he and Tom left. Mike and Todd agreed to stay so they wouldn't have to worry about driving after having drunk so much beer.

After an exhausting day, Dave and Tony silently agreed to skip lovemaking and get some sleep. Tony had a question for his mate as they lay in each other's arms.

"Tell me if I'm out of line here, but I'm curious about why Mike and Todd haven't invite us to their wedding."

"You're reading my mind," Dave said softly as he snuggled a little closer. "I've been wondering the same thing. I guess they just want to do something on their own. That's okay with me; I'd even consider leasing an airplane and flying all of us up there to help them celebrate."

This was the first time Tony had ever heard Dave make any kind of statement, except for the donation to Philos, indicating a willingness to spend some of the vast fortune under his control.

"You'd actually do that?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, I'd love to watch them get married." That was the end of the discussion as both men slipped into a deep sleep.

Sunday morning began with a leisurely lovemaking session to make up for the absence of one the previous evening. Later the four young men enjoyed a family-like breakfast then Mike and Todd returned home, changed, and joined Dave and Tony at church.

The new partners quickly settled into a routine and began adjusting to each other's needs, emotional as well as physical. They were both busy with their own obligations and still managed to donate plenty of their time to Philos. A couple of evenings each week they volunteered in the kitchen as servers in the cafeteria line and assisted a few residents who needed help with their trays.

Saturday, August 16 arrived before they knew it. Mike and Todd caught their flight to Vermont without so much as a phone call to say goodbye. Dave wasn't the least bit bothered by how Mike and Todd chose to get married; that's the way they wanted it.

Tony seemed very quiet all day. By late afternoon Dave began to suspect something was bothering him. He walked into the kitchen to find Tony standing with hands clasped in front of him, feet wide apart, staring out the window. Silently Dave crept up behind his lover, slid his arms around Tony's waist and hugged him from behind.

"What's the matter, Jarhead?" Dave asked compassionately.

"Oh, hi Babe," Tony responded, a little bit surprised by Dave's approach. "Nothin', why?"

"You're awfully quite today, I just thought something might be botherin' you. Having second thoughts?"

After a short pause Tony turned to his left, reached his left arm around Dave's shoulder and pulled him around so they were face to face beside the window. Tony leaned down and kissed his loving friend.

"Not on your life, Babe, no second thoughts here." Tony was quiet for a few moments as he made sure Dave wasn't going to go anywhere. "I don't know..." he said, there seemed to be sadness in his voice. "I guess... I've been thinking about Mike and Todd." He paused for a moment then continued. "They..." Tony stopped then looked into Dave's eyes. "No, we. I love you," he exclaimed in a very definitive way. "But everything's so hidden here. I wanna walk down the street with a smile on my face holding your hand so that everyone who sees us knows we're in love. This is crazy, I know. I never thought I'd feel this way but I do." Tony pulled Dave into a tighter hug. "There are times when we're out together in public that I want to hug and kiss you so that everyone knows. And yet... I know we can't."

Dave suddenly understood what his lover was saying. When Paul used to take him to a concert or play or to the beach they were free to be themselves and it was so emotionally rewarding. He had an idea.

"You trust me?" Dave asked.

"Well... yeah!" Tony replied as if that was a dumb question.

"You willing to follow me anywhere?"

"Anywhere," Tony exclaimed emphatically.

"Okay, just keep up with me and I'll explain later, okay?"

"Sure... I think," Tony's curiosity was seriously challenged by now.

Dave dragged Tony by the hand into the library where they leaned back against the desk. Dave picked up the phone and pressed a speed-dial number.

"Good afternoon," Dave responded when someone answered the phone. Tony couldn't hear what the other party was saying. "This is Mr. Baker, and I'd like to know how quickly the condo can be made ready?" ... "Ft. Lauderdale." ... "Great, we'll be there as soon as we can, thank you, goodbye." Dave depressed the phone switch momentarily then pressed another speed dial number.

"Hello, this is Mr. David Baker, Cirrus Member number (Dave gave the number). How soon can I get two seats to Ft. Lauderdale?"... "8:15 PM?" ... "I'll take those please." ... "Yes, we'll be there... oh, one more thing, can you arrange for a car?" ... "Thank you, goodbye." Again Dave depressed the phone switch momentarily then pressed another speed dial number.

"Hey, Sam," ... "Yeah, it's me. Say, can you get by without Mr. Mancuso for a few days?" ... "I'm gonna kidnap him and transport him across state lines for illicit purposes, that's why." ... "Great, I knew you'd say that, Dude, bye" Tony could hear Sam laughing as Dave lowered the receiver to the cradle.

"What's goin' on?" Tony asked.

"We're gonna go pack and head to the airport. We can catch something to eat there on our way to Ft. Lauderdale."

"Ft. Lauderdale?" Tony exclaimed as Dave grabbed his hand and began leading him to the bedroom.

Dave playfully declined to answer Tony's questions saying he'd do that in due time. They each packed an overnight bag with underwear, a couple pairs of shorts, a swimsuit, and some T-shirt and polos. After they showered, Dave insisted they travel in dress slacks, short-sleeved dress shirt and a sport coat.

The two men sat in the Cirrus Lounge munching on snacks, that would be their dinner, and Dave began talking. He'd already called Kate, his boss Howard Hastings, and Georgia to let them know he'd be away for a few days. Kate said she'd call their parents. Tony called Sophia and left a brief message on voice mail.

"I've told you about Paul but there's a lot more I need to tell you, I owe you." Dave began. "Problem is, where to begin."

"Why not start here?" Tony looked around the lounge.

"Yeah, why not? You remember Sean telling you about that time we met on his flight?"

"Yeah?" Tony responded inquisitively.

"Well, as a result of what happened the airline gave me free transportation for two for life to anywhere I want to go. That includes the Cirrus Lounge. Well, actually, I already had a life membership in the Lounge from Paul's estate so the airline just rolled it all together. And tonight we're on our way to a beach condo that was part of Paul's estate. There's another one in Vale, Colorado, but I haven't been there. I've let other people use the condos from time to time but I never felt I had a reason until now." Dave continued and explained that all he had to do was call a management company and they would have either condo ready for occupancy almost immediately.

At that moment one of the lovely lounge attendants approached them and announced that their flight would be boarding soon and they could proceed to the gate.

They were seated in the last row of First, seats A and B, and the seats across the aisle were empty. The flight attendant took their sport coats and placed them on hangers then returned and took their drink orders. When she approached, Dave and Tony were holding hands and leaning toward each other with their heads touching. They straightened in their seats and smiled up at her.

"Here you are, gentlemen, one Chardonnay for each of you." And she placed them on the tray that was built into the center armrest. "It's going to be a few minutes before we're ready to push back so I'll pick up the glasses before departure." She gave them a knowing smile.

"See," Tony spoke softly to Dave after the flight attendant left. "Already she can see how happy we are."

"Yeah, you're right, sorry to have been so dense." They picked up their glasses in mock toast before taking a drink.

"Now tell me, what kind of boy were you when you were growing up?" Tony asked with a chuckle in his voice.

"Oh god, you wanna go that far back?"

"Yeah, I wanna know everything about you. Were you a good boy or did you always get in trouble?"

"Well, I was basically your good little boy, never got in trouble... well, almost never, always did what I was told."

"Just what I figured," Tony chuckled again.

"And let me guess, you were a troublemaker, right?"

"Not bad, but I did have my share of scrapes. Sophia took good care of me."

So began their conversation and they laughed all the way to Ft. Lauderdale telling one story after another about themselves. Upon arrival, Dave found their car; they threw their bags in the back seat and struck out for the condo.

"How'd they know what kinda car you wanted?" Tony asked.

"Cirrus maintains a profile in their computer," Dave replied. "We need to set one up for you, too."

Dave was fine until after he'd parked the car and stood at the elevator. Then memories of Paul rushed into his head. Almost as fast as the memories appeared they faded. Dave smiled, inserted the key and up they went. Upon entering the condo, Dave flipped on the lights and Tony began exploring the surroundings. Unlike when Paul and Dave arrived, this time there was no mad dash to the bedroom. These two men had not been deprived of each other's companionship for several weeks.

After grabbing a couple of beers from the fridge, Dave conducted a guided tour and Tony was most impressed with the ocean view from the balcony. The clock showed that it was well past their bedtime and the travel and excitement had taken its toll. They slipped contentedly between the sheets and, safely in each other's arms, quickly fell asleep.

Sunday morning, August 17, the eastern sky was just starting to show signs of dawn when Dave went to the bathroom. Moments after he returned to bed Tony rolled out and made his trip to the head. Sliding between the sheets, Tony snuggled up to Dave who was lying conveniently on his back with his eyes closed. Having slept together for several weeks now, Tony knew Dave was awake. He slid his left hand over Dave's chest and found a couple of erect nipples. They were like magnets attracting Tony's lips. He went straight for Dave's left nip. Dave moaned and Tony moved to the right one. Without investing too much time on nipples, Tony quickly let his tongue slide into Dave's navel, which produced a giggle from somewhere inside Dave's chest. But Tony had another destination in mind as he continued down Dave's abdomen and soon captured Dave in his mouth.

All the time Tony was making his journey down Dave's body, Dave was shifting his position on the bed so that by the time Tony reached his destination, the two men were in the sixty-nine position. With a little pressure from Dave's right hand, Tony rolled onto his left side and Dave followed him. Dave could feel Tony's tongue caressing his tool as he reached out, wrapped his fingers around his companion's tool and guided it to his mouth. At the same time, Dave slid Tony's foreskin back exposing his entire glans. The odor that stimulated Dave's senses was new, not entirely bad, somewhat intriguing, maybe even a little erotic. Perhaps this was that 'funky' smell Tony had talked about. Not a problem, Dave took Tony into his mouth. Each made love to the other in a way that only men can. It was slow and sensual. It lasted a long time. Dave really enjoyed this position for several reasons. It allowed him to close his eyes and use his hands to feel Tony's hard, powerful hips, to caress his abdomen and feel his pecks and erect nipples. He could also take Tony's eggs one at a time into his mouth and give them pleasure. He could enjoy all of this at the same time that Tony was doing the same thing to him.

After their bodies gave up their precious nectar they continued making love by holding each other in their mouths until they were completely flaccid. Tony was the first to release his prey and at the same time extracted his appendage from captivity. He swapped ends, lay face to face with Dave and gave him a long kiss.

"I love you, Dave, I really do."

"Yeah, I can tell..." Dave kissed his lover, "and I love you too." They kissed again.

"We gonna lay here making love all day or are you gonna show me around?"

"You in a hurry?"

"There you go again," Tony chuckled, "answering my question with a question. Look, we already had tube steaks with gravy for breakfast, now lets get something that doesn't taste as good but sticks to our ribs. What else ya got to eat in this place?"

"Let's go find out," Dave suggested as he rolled away from his mate and bounded his naked body out of bed.

They enjoyed a leisurely breakfast on the balcony while checking out the local paper. The sun was shining brightly and the Atlantic looked so inviting that they slipped into their boxer-type trunks and headed for the beach.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 58: The Partnership 2

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