David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on May 10, 2002


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation 05

David walked into the house, went to his room, showered and got ready for dinner. He was tired and planned to turn in early. After dinner he hung around the kitchen and helped his mother by drying the dishes.

"Hey Mom, Kate sure was quiet during dinner. Anything wrong?"

David's mother placed an arm around David's shoulder. "Oh, nothing that a few minutes with John wouldn't cure.

"Oh, yeah." David said as he remembered. "He left for college football practice a couple of weeks ago. I forgot." David turned quietly, deep in thought and went up stairs to bed. The next morning he was up early and went running before breakfast. After showering he went down stairs and joined Kate at the kitchen table.

"Morning, Davie." Kate said quietly.

"Morning, Sis. What's for breakfast?"

"The usual." She sounded rather down.

David poured himself a bowl of cereal, added milk and sugar then sliced a banana on top. He ate quietly while watching Kate nibble on some toast.

"Hey, Sis. I need a favor."

"What is it this time, Kid?"

"Well, tomorrow is the last day for an exhibition of Impressionist painters at the city museum and I'd really like to see it before it's gone. If I go by myself I'll get ribbed by my friends. But if you go with me I can say you wanted to see it and I had to go with you. We could leave after church tomorrow, see the exhibit, then stop for dinner on the way home and visit for a while. We won't have much more time before you leave for school."

"Let me think about it. I'll let you know this evening. Okay?"

"Yeah. By the way, I get to go with you when Mom and Dad drive you up to school, don't I?"

"You'll have to ask Dad about that. I don't know what he plans to do."

"We'll probably have to rent a moving van to carry all your junk, won't we?"

"It's not junk!" Kate responded laughingly as she threw her napkin at her brother. "And noooo, we won't need a moving van." She was already circling the end of the table, grabbed the back of David's chair and tipped it back so he was almost on the floor.

"I take it back, I take it back! You have beautiful stuff." David laughed from a near supine position. He could tell Kate's mood was already improving. A little provocation from her brother usually did the trick. Kate sat the chair back up so David could finish his cereal.

"Hey, Kate, let's play some tennis this afternoon."

"I don't know Davie, I'm not in the mood.

"Hey, I haven't beat your butt in a good long time. You owe me."

"You've never beat me at tennis and you know it!" Kate almost shouted back at her brother with a smile and a slight chuckle.

"Oh yeah, how about that time last summer."

"That didn't count. We were just practicing."

"I rest my case." David countered.

"Okay, you're on; 2:30 at the courts."

"Agreed. I'll bring the weapons." Kate left the kitchen laughing and mumbling to herself about her doofus brother. David was happy to see her thinking about something other than how much she missed John.

The tennis match ended like they always had. This time David gave Kate a real match. She was more accurate but David had gained quite bit more strength and could generate much more power. Accuracy won in the end, but just barely.

As they walked home following the match they continued to talk with typical sibling rivalry about several of the exciting points they had played. Approaching the house Kate changed the subject.

"Davie, about the art exhibit, I'd like to go. I need to get away from this place for a little while and that will be just right."

"Great! I think you'll enjoy it."

Following church Sunday morning, with their parent's permission, David and Kate set out for the city and the museum. The exhibit was great. Monet, Manet, Morisot, Renoir, Degas, Rousseau, and Boudin were all represented. David especially liked Bazille's "Bathers," which was on loan from a museum at Harvard. David was a real fan of Van Gough but none of his works were presented; the earless-one was, after all, a post-impressionist.

On the way home they stopped for dinner at a nice restaurant and were fortunate to be seated some distance from the rest of the diners. David was careful to avoid mentioning John because he knew it would send Kate into a funk. Instead, he guided the conversation around to his attempts to harmonize his being gay with the rest of his life.

"Well, David, I've been thinking about that. I think about all the kids I know and how they live their lives. They're normal, ordinary kids who basically want the same things, a good education, a good job, a secure future and someone to share it with. There are lots of ways to get there but that's what they want. I don't think any of them go around all day defining themselves by their straightness. It's just not something that dominates their time. And I don't think there is any reason why you have to be any different. It isn't fair that you should have to define yourself by your gayness. Yeah, some of the straight kids, a small few probably, are out having sex all the time but most of the kids aren't. That doesn't mean they aren't thinking about it, they just aren't doing it. The ones that do will probably incur some penalty for that at some point in their lives. Oh, yeah, the boys have a pretty one-track mind about sex but still, they don't seem to define themselves by their sexual orientation.

"There's more to you than your being gay. You are an intelligent, caring, athletic guy with a great sense of humor. And you have lots of friends. As long as you don't feel a need to declare your gayness to everyone you can be like everyone else. After all, it's none of their business. Some day you may want to tell the whole world about it but until then you shouldn't let it stop you from being what you want to be."

David was quiet for a while using his fork to play with the remnants of his meal as he thought about what Kate said. Finally he spoke.

"It's difficult trying to hide who, what I really am. I wouldn't expect you to understand. It's like I'm living a lie. On the other hand I see what you are saying. There's a whole lot of good stuff going on in my life that I can enjoy without running around saying I'm gay. You know, it really hurts when I have to suppress those feelings. But I guess you are right. It's not like there's some guy in my life that I can't live without so that should be easy. I plan to have fun these last two years of high school. And you're also right that what I think about sex is no one's business buy my own."

The conversation continued but David felt like he had already found his blueprint for his last two years of high school. He'd deal with the more distant future later.

Tuesday evening, after dinner, David went to the family room and found a couple of CDs with old dance music from the 50's. As he stood in the middle of the room enjoying the rhythm Kate walked in.

"WHAT are you listening to?" She demanded with a tone of disbelief.

"Dance with me." Dave invited as he took her right hand in his left and pl aced his right hand on her waist. They began to dance and joke about the old music and how good it was. About that time their parents walked into the room and started laughing at the kids. Before long, Mr. and Mrs. Baker were sharing the dance floor with their offspring and having a great time. Soon the parents were showing Kate and David some of the dance steps they did then they were in high school. Everyone was having an uproarious time. After about an hour Mr. and Mrs. Baker excused themselves and went to bed. The dancing must have been too much for them. The very next tune turned out to be a slow one so David and Kate slowed to danced in time to the music.

Suddenly Kate leaned back away from David and looked at him.

"What?" David asked.

"I know what you're doing, Davie."

"What do you mean?" David asked in his most innocent voice.

"You're trying to distract me from thinking about John, aren't you?"

"NO!" David emphatically denied, as he looked Kate in the eyes trying to appear innocent. After a moment's hesitation, "Well, maybe a little." He finally admitted. "I'm being a little selfish too. You see, I realize you are going away and I'm going to miss you. So I'm trying to create some good memories before you go."

Kate placed her right hand behind David's head, bent him forward and placed a kiss on his forehead.

"Thanks David Baker. I sure am lucky to have you for a brother. I'll miss you too." They continued dancing in silence for a while longer then shut down the dance floor for the night and went to bed.

Sunday, Kate's moving day, arrived. Mr. Baker decided the trip should be a family affair and rented a trailer to tow behind the car so there would be plenty of room inside the car.

"See, I told you Dad would have to rent a moving van."

"It's NOT a moving van, creep, it's a trailer, and a small one at that. I can't wait to see what it takes to move you to college. Dad will probable have to hire a fleet of FedEx trucks." The two siblings continued trying to get the best of each other all the way to the campus.

When the car pulled up in front of the residence hall, John was waiting at the curb. He opened the car door for Kate and she practically ejected herself from the car and into his arms. A long kiss ensued. John also greeted Mr. and Mrs. Baker and David with hug. Once those formalities were over, everyone pitched in to carry all of Kate's things into her room on the third floor. There was no elevator so the men had to carry clothes and extra furnishings up three flights of stairs while Kate and her mother stayed in the room to direct proper placement of things. Finally finished, they all went out to dinner before David and his parents said goodbye and headed back home.

David seemed fine until he got home. As he walked past the door to Kate's bedroom he suddenly felt lonely. Tears welled up in his eyes; he felt like crying. Instead, he went out for a run. Kate was right about lots of things. There was more to him than his sexual orientation, a lot more. And his views, desires about sex were nobody's business but his own. His junior year of high school was going to be fun, he was sure of it.

School started a week later and it started with a bang. Several of the girls David had become friends with, the ones who thought he was cute, convinced him he should run for Student Council. They nominated him, organized his campaign, held rallies and helped him write and practice his speeches. Because of his performance as a member of the successful track team the previous Spring, David also had high name recognition. And he got a boost from many of his friends from church. Bottom line, he was elected to the Student Council handily.

David was so busy with his schoolwork and the Student Council he barely had time to think about anything else. The weeks seemed to fly by. The third Saturday after school started David and his parents drove to the university to visit Kate and take her some things she forgot during the initial move. John got them tickets for really good seats at the football game. David was really impressed with the excitement and pomp of the game, the halftime show and all the cheering fans. He knew then, he had to go to college. Not only did he watch the football game, he kept a close eye on Kate. She seemed to be so happy she almost glowed. When John went in for one play late in the game, after the outcome was already determined in favor of the home team, Kate was jumping up and down and yelling like David had never seen before. David sat in the backseat on the drive home thinking about all the things he has seen and experienced. Seeing Kate and John getting along so well made him feel so happy. He liked John a lot. He thought about that for a minute and realized his feelings for John were based on the kind of person John was; there was no sexual element to them.

On the last Wednesday of October, David was having lunch in the cafeteria when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning around, he looked directly into Danny's smiling face.

"HI, Danny!" David exclaimed, happy to see his friend. "Pull up a chair and take a load off." The two boys had not been avoiding or ignoring each other, it's just that both had been so busy with their lives and activities that all they could manage was wave when they passed in the hallways.

"How's it hangin', David?"

"Pretty limp. You?"

"Same. That's kind of why I tracked you down."

"Oh?" David replied, raising his eyebrows.

"Remember that project we were working on three weeks before school started?"

"Uh...yeah?" David agreed, noting that Danny was intentionally trying to disguise the true meaning of what he was talking about. David could feel movement in his shorts as memories of four evenings of torrid sex between them flashed through his mind.

"I sure could use some help with it...soon," Danny said with a pleading tone to his voice. "What's the chance you could come by my house after school?"

David's armpits began to perspire and his cock filled with blood. He swallowed hard. "Yeah, I can do that. I think I need to get some...ah...supplies first."

"Well, I already got all that stuff so you can just come on into the house when you get there. I'll have the project all set up; just lock the door after you come in."

"Okay," David replied, "I'll be there." Danny picked up his tray and walked toward the collection belt. David sat still for several minutes waiting for his erection to subside. Finally he was able to stand without fear of anyone noticing the bulge in his pants and proceeded to the tray collection belt.

The rest of the afternoon was a lost cause. David could think about only one thing; his concentration on class work was shot. Until Danny had propositi oned him that noon, David had managed to store all those thoughts in a nice comfortable corner of his brain and not think about them for almost two months. Now, in a matter of seconds, Danny had managed to snatch them to the forefront of his consciousness and he couldn't ignore them. Everywhere David walked he had to carry his books in front of his crotch.

After his last class, David walked hurridly to his car, the one Kate left him when she went to the university because she couldn't have one her freshman year. His hands shook as he aligned the key to unlock the car door. He slid behind the wheel, tossed his books in the passenger seat, placed both hands on the steering wheel, took a deep breath and exhaled. "Get a grip, David." He spoke out loud to himself.

David parked in front of Danny's house and sat quietly for several minutes wondering if he wanted to do this. The answer was a clear and definite `YES'.

He closed the front door and turned the bolt to lock it then started upstairs.

"You better be naked when you get hear!" David heard when he was halfway up the stairs. With a smile of anticipation on his face he began stripping. By the time he passed the portal of Danny's bedroom the only thing he was wearing were his socks and a hardon. The rest of his clothes were in his hands and he tossed then in a chair as he approached the bed.

"Man, what took ya so long? I'm ready." And he was. Danny lay across the bed with his ass close to the edge, his erection was waving above his abdomen as hard as a steel spike.

"Protection?" David asked.

"Here, it's already open, let me roll it on." David stepped between Danny's legs as Danny sat up just enough to grab David's cock and swiftly roll the condom all way to the base. Then Danny lay back down and lifted his knees exposing his already lubed hole. "I'm ready; do it." Danny was almost begging.

Still standing on the floor, David moved forwarded, steadied his cock with his right hand, placed the cockhead against Danny's pucker and began to apply pressure. Danny's ass lips opened easily and David slid smoothly all the way to the bottom. It was almost like Danny's ass was sucking him inside.

"Ohh, damn!" Danny exclaimed.

"Did I hurt you, Danny? I'll pull out if you want."

"Ohh shit no. It feels so damn good I think I'm gonna cum. Fuck me, David...please." David withdrew almost all the way until only the crown of his cock was still inside Danny, then he steadily slid back in.

"Ohh shit, I've needed this for sooo long; DO IT David!" Danny demanded. Again David withdrew, paused then began to slide back inside. "AHHH!...AHHH!...AHHH!...FUCK, SHIT, OHH GOD!" Danny shouted at the top of his lungs and grabbed the sheets and balled them up in his hands. Ropes of cum erupted from Danny's cock. The first blast flew past his head and landed on the rug. The second landed in the middle of his chest. Subsequent ejaculate landed closer and closer to Danny's crotch.

At first David was startled. Danny's orgasm was the most intense, almost violent David had ever seen. Danny's sphincter contracted so tightly around the base of David's cock he wondered if Danny might squeeze it off. David remained quiet, deeply implanted inside Danny's body, until Danny slowly returned to consciousness.

"Don't stop, David. Keep on doin' it." Danny pleaded. David was astonished. He had never seen Danny like this. But whatever was going on with Danny, David

was still turned on and willing to finish what he had started. David began slowly long-dicking Danny's ass. In a matter of a few minutes Danny was hard as a nail again and moaning at the top of his lungs. This turned David on even more and he could feel his orgasm building slowly. After fifteen minutes David was ready to explode. He didn't know if Danny was ready but he no longer cared. Suddenly David's body was rocked by the most intense orgasm he had experienced in over two months. The room began to darken. He gasped for air. He collapsed on top of Danny and lay there in a daze for several minutes.

Slowly David regained his senses. He lifted his head and looked at Danny. His sex partner was still semi conscious. David lifted himself on his extended arms and extracted his withering cock from Danny's ass. Danny moaned but lay still, not moving a muscle.

"Danny?" David shook Danny's shoulder. "Danny, you okay?" Slowly Danny opened his eyes but they were not focused. "Danny, say something!" David was beginn ing to feel some concern.

"What the hell can I say, man?" Danny paused. "That was un...be...lieve...able!" Danny continued gasping for air. "I don't know how you did it...but you got me to blow...a second time. It was better than the first. Did you get off?"

"Yeah. It was awesome. Come on, get up. We gotta get cleaned up; there's cum all over us and I have to get home."

"You're welcome to use the shower if you want; I'm going to stay here for a few minutes."

"Okay," David agreed and he headed for the bathroom. He showered quickly and got dressed. When he walked back into the bedroom Danny was curled up in a ball and was sleeping soundly. David slid his feet into his shoes and quietly left the house.

David skipped his run when he got home and dived into his homework. He broke for dinner and then hit the books again. David didn't quite understand why but he was able to concentrate better than he could remember in recent days. The afternoon's exertion seemed to have cleared his head but he wasn't bothered by thoughts of his coupling with Danny. It was as though he had returned his sexual thoughts to that comfortable, safe corner of his brain and he was moving on.

Next: Chapter 6

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