David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Jan 31, 2003


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation: The Recovery 05

As the airplane climbed through 10,000 feet, the cabin crew began preparing the meal service and Dave began thinking about Dan, he hadn't written for several weeks, not since before Paul died. His thoughts were interrupted by a very attractive flight attendant with a friendly smile.

"Good evening, Mr. Baker, we'll be starting the meal service before long, would you like something to drink before that?" Although Dave was still twenty years old, dressed in an expensive suit and carrying a laptop computer, he easily projected a more mature image so the flight attendant never questioned his age.

"Oh, no thank you," Dave noticed her nametag, "Liz." He was beginning to pick up on Paul's tricks. "But if you have a Chardonnay, I'd like to have that with the meal, what are my choices tonight?"

"We have chicken in a wine sauce or prime rib for your entree with mixed vegetables."

"The chicken sounds good," Dave replied and Liz turned around and disappeared into the galley.

After the meal service was cleared away, Dave kept a cup of coffee. After the cabin lights were dimmed, Dave opened his laptop and began composing an e-mail to Dan, which he would send when he got home.

"Dear Dan,

It seems like I begin every note to you with an apology for taking so long to write so let me get that out of the way right now. I apologize for taking so long to write.

A lot has happened since my last letter. I think that the last time I wrote I told you about my lover and partner, Paul. Well, he died in a car accident in late October and my life hasn't been the same since. I actually didn't know he was gone for over two weeks until his lawyer and best friend found me and broke the bad news. I ran off to see Kate and John and they gave me a lot of support. I wound up coming out to John and he took it awfully well. He and Kate are my strongest support system.

Also, one of my roommates from the Army came to live with me; that was before Paul's death, and he has been a great help too. His name is Miguel Sanchez, he now goes by Mike; I'm sure I must have mentioned him in some of my earlier letters while I was still in the Army.

The whole family was at Kate's for Thanksgiving and I almost freaked because I missed Paul so much. The Sunday after Thanksgiving Kate delivered her third son, John David. I flew up to and arrived just in time to go in with John and see him. He was only a little over two hours old and John let me hold him. God! I never knew they were so wrinkled when they popped out but he was beautiful. I called him `JD' and Kate and John decided that is what they would call him. While my parents were in with Kate and JD, John told me they had noticed how upset I was just a few days earlier and were worried. I felt I owed them an explanation so the day after Christmas I told them why I had been so upset. Dad wasn't real excited to find out his son was a queer. He didn't throw me out of the house but he hasn't spoken a word to me since I came out to them.

At the moment I am on an airplane going home from Dallas where I spent the weekend with Paul's family. They are just great! They want me to come back as often as I can and I told them I'd like to. I really like them. It's almost like they want to adopt me, be a second set of parents.

Wednesday, New Year's Day, Mike and I will probably sit around and watch football all day and eat stuff that will make us fat. Then we'll have to run around the block a thousand times to make up for it. The spring semester begins two weeks from next Monday and I'll be taking 21 credit hours. I expect the University to honor its pledge and recognize me as a sophomore. It's going to be a rough semester but the heavy class load should help keep me focused and keep my mind off of Paul.

Please write me soon and tell me about your plans when you get out of the Navy in five months. Also, how is your family doing? I don't have any contacts in our old hometown except for my parents so I'm not able to keep up on what's happening there.

Your best bud, Dave"

While he had the laptop open, Dave decided to begin making notes about his dream house, the one he would build for himself one day. It was titled: DREAM HOUSE 1. Exterior style: Country French. 2. Interior: eclectic. 3. Library: like Art's. 4. Kitchen: like Kate's. 5. Driveway: circular like Alex and Steve's. 6. Two master bedrooms: one up and one down. 7. Master bath: large walk-in shower and urinal. (Dave decided that his house was going to be a man's house and he wanted to have a urinal.) 8. Exercise/workout room on ground floor. 9. Four additional bedrooms up stairs. (That made a total of seven bedrooms, two down and five up.) Each bedroom must have a private bath. 10. Four-car garage. 11. Two-bedroom apartment over garage. 12. Large swimming pool and hot tub.

That was a good start. Dave would add to that list as time passed; he figured he was several years away from building such a dream. He shut off his laptop and put it under the seat in front of him, leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes. At that moment he felt pressure shift his body weight and knew the Captain was beginning the initial descent from cruise altitude and they would be landing before too long. He realized that being able to detect such subtle in-flight changes was probably a sign that he was flying way too much.

The house was dark when Dave slid the key into the lock and turned it. The time was just past 9:00 PM. Either Mike was asleep or was still out. Dave concluded the latter. Tired from his trip, he unpacked quickly, connected his laptop to the telephone line and sent his e-mail to Dan, brushed his teeth and slid into bed. He was asleep almost as soon as the light faded from the room.

"Riiiing! ... Riiiing! ... Riii... Hello?" Dave answered, still half asleep.

"DAVE! Thank God you're home!" Dave recognized Mike's voice and it sounded like trouble.

"Where are you?" Dave asked.

"I need help!" Mike pleaded. "I'm at an Exxon station at..." Dave could hear Mike asking someone for the name was of the intersection, "... at Second and Randolph. Can you come get me?"

"Yeah, you stay right there; it'll take me about twenty minutes to get there. Are you gonna be okay until then?"

"Yeah, but hurry!"

Dave didn't like the sound of this. He happened to glance at the clock and saw 12:34 AM. What was Mike doing in that part of town? It had a bad reputation for crime. Dave quickly slipped on a pair of Levi's, a sweatshirt, and his sneakers, and grabbed his jacket and keys on the way out the door. `Mike, you're a magnet for mayhem,' Dave thought as he started his pickup truck.

Dave saw the Exxon station as he approached the intersection and pulled in between the building and the first row of pumps. Mike came walking out of the building before Dave got stopped and grabbed for the door. Dave looked closely but didn't see any evidence of physical harm but he did notice Mike was walking rather stiffly. Mike pulled himself into the truck and sat down rather gingerly.

"Let's go home." Mike almost pleaded; his voice was strained.

"What happened?" Dave asked as he pulled away from the building and swung the truck around so he could get back out onto the street.

"I got fucked." Dave knew Mike was always a little blunt but he just thought Mike was being a little dramatic.

"Whatta ya mean?"

"I... I decided to go back to one of those gay bars we visited last week..." Mike WAS straining to talk. "And I met this guy... We had a few drinks, we danced, and he invited me to his van... He had a conversion van parked down the street and it was really nice. We started messin' around and he said he wanted to fuck me. When I saw how big he was... Damn, he was as big as a bear can... I told him I couldn't take anything that big... He got mad and called me a tease and said he was gonna show me what happens to a tease and before I realized it he had me in handcuffs... I was laying on my stomach... bent over some kind of cot... and my hands were hooked to a ring on the wall of his van... and he fucked me. GOD it hurt!"

"Shit... shit... shit!" Dave said. "Do you know if he used a condom?"

"Oh yeah! He made a big production of makin' me watch him roll it on over his big cock... He wasn't real long, just big around... God it still hurts, Dave! STOP! STOP!" Mike shouted and Dave slammed on the brakes thinking there was some danger. Mike hadn't buckled his seat belt and had to brace his hands against the dashboard to prevent his head from hitting the windshield.

Before the truck stopped completely, Mike opened the door and ran back behind the truck. Dave saw him bend over and pick up something then start back to the truck.

"What's that?" Dave asked about an object Mike was holding in his hand.

"It's my wallet, the guy took it out my pocket before he shoved me out the door." Mike answered as he began looking inside it. "Damn! He took all my money. He must have thrown it away after he stripped it. I had at least forty-five dollars in there."

`Damnit Mike, how could you be so stupid!' Dave thought to himself, he was beginning to get angry. "Mike, we need to get you to the Emergency Room!"

"NO! Not there!"

"Give me one good reason why not!" Dave was worried and it showed in his voice.

"They'll ask a whole bunch of question that I don't want to answer; they'll probably report it to the police; they might even shove a TV camera up my ass to look around. That's three good reasons not to go there."

"Okay!" Dave thought those were three perfectly valid reasons why Mike SHOULD go to the E.R. but he knew Mike wasn't about to do it so he had to come up with an alternative. "Listen, Mike, you weren't fucked, you were raped." Then in his best command voice Dave told Mike what was going to happen. "We're gonna go home. You're gonna strip and let me inspect you. You could be injured; that guy could have torn your ass and that could be dangerous. If I find any blood then you have no choice, I'm taking you to the E.R. Is that understood!"

"Yes, sir." Mike replied meekly. Suddenly it was like Mike was back in the Army and Dave was his commanding officer giving him orders and he responded accordingly.

Another thing that was frustrating Dave was the traffic light situation, they seemed to be getting all red ones. All tolled, they made it back to the house in about the same time as it took Dave to get to the Exxon station.

Dave sent Mike into his room with instructions to remove all his clothing except his briefs. Then he told Mike to go into his bathroom where the light was better, put a towel on the floor and get on his hands and knees. In a few minutes, Mike called out that he was ready and Dave went into the bathroom, closed the top on the toilet and sat down on it.

"Okay, I'm gonna pull your briefs down. And if there's any blood, you know where we're going, don't you?"

"Yeah, I know. Go ahead." Mike said submissively.

Dave placed his fingers under the waistband of Mike's briefs and reluctantly pulled them over his hips and down to the floor. His first thought was to look at the inside of the briefs; he saw some fecal matter but no blood. Dave breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your shorts seem okay, no blood. Now I'm gonna have to pull your cheeks apart. Are you okay with that?"

"Yeah, go ahead." Dave could hear some anxiety in Mike's voice, like he was afraid of what Dave might find.

Dave placed his hands on either side of Mike's buns and gently separated them. "Eew!" Dave said quietly.

"Whatta ya mean by `eew'?" Mike asked with concern.

"Well, there's some fecal matter around your hole and it looks like some of the tissue is distended around your anus -- like you have lips or something. The tissue looks puffy, inflamed, but there's no blood."

"Thank God." Mike sighed with relief. "Now what?"

Dave released his grip on Mike's buns and sat back. "I think you'd better get in the shower and try to wash off. I'm gonna go to the drug store and see if I can find something to put on you back there."

"Okay," Mike replied and he began to get up from the floor. Dave could see that Mike had an erection but he wasn't hiding it.

Dave went into his bathroom, washed his hands, put his coat back on and left for the all-night drug store located in the strip mall just two blocks from the house.

Mike finished removing his briefs, turned on the shower, waited for the water to get hot, and adjusted the temperature then stepped in. He felt dirty and his ass hurt so badly and he was so scared he might be seriously injured that he hadn't had any thoughts of a sexual nature when Dave was inspecting him. The hot water began to cascade over his head and it felt good, good that is, until it reached his ass. Then it began to burn like fire and itch. Mike began to groan. He grabbed the bar of soap, rubbed it between his hands until he had lots of suds then slowly began to wash his butt. He could feel the tissue Dave had talked about and tried to massage it back inside with some success. The more he massaged, the better it felt. Eventually he moved on and washed his entire body, returning several times to his anus.

The drug store was empty, except for a clerk and the pharmacist. Dave quickly found an aisle with a sign over it that advertised OINTMENTS'. He started looking for anything that had to do with anal problems and soon found them, they were all in one section. He picked up one and read the label for application instructions and any cautions. The first ointment cautioned For external use only' so he continued looking. Finally he picked up a small box of Preparation H and read where it claimed to reduce swelling and itching. And it could be used internally. Dave's greatest dilemma was that he didn't have a clue if he was doing the right thing. Dave could have asked the pharmacist but he couldn't think of how to ask such a sensitive question. He wasn't sure if the stuff he had in his hand would help Mike, but it probably wouldn't hurt so he decided to buy it.

Dave took the box of Preparation H to the checkout where he faced a young man who looked like he might be from India. At that moment, Dave remembered the first time he bought some condoms and how embarrassed he was. He felt just about as embarrassed now.

Back at the house, Dave found Mike drying off, having just finished his shower. "How do you feel?"

"Man, it sure burned down there when the water hit it. Now it itches. What'd ya get?"

"This is all I could find. I don't know if it's what you need but I'm pretty sure it won't hurt." Dave handed the box of Preparation H to Mike and said, "I'm going to bed. See you in the morning."

"Me too," Mike replied, "just as soon as I find out what this stuff can do."

Monday morning Dave was the first out of bed, around 8:45 AM. He went to the kitchen, started the coffee, poured juice, fixed some corn flakes with a sliced banana on top, added milk, and sat down to eat. About ten minutes later, Mike staggered in, still half asleep. He at least was wearing sweats. They looked at each other but didn't say a word. The whole atmosphere felt awkward; neither man knew what to say. The coffee was ready so Mike filled a mug for himself and one for Dave and sat Dave's mug on the table for him. Then Mike poured his juice, fixed some corn flakes, skipped the banana, added milk, and sat down to eat. Mike stared into his cereal as he ate and Dave was reading yesterday's newspaper that Mike had brought home. The silence was deafening.

"Dave..." "Mike..."

They both looked up and spoke at the same time.

"You first," Dave said as he laid the paper down on the table.

"Uh... Dave... about last night... I want to apologize." Dave just sat and listened; he wanted Mike to get it out of his system. "I was a fool for going to that bar... and an even bigger fool for going with that guy. I guess I'm in too much of a hurry to be gay. I thought I could go there and meet other gays and we would all want the same thing. Guess I was wrong. Or at least I picked the wrong guy. What am I supposed to do, Dave?" Mike looked at Dave with pleading eyes. Mike was honestly asking for help.

"Look. You don't owe any apology; you didn't do anything wrong. I don't know what to do but you're probably not gonna want to have a repeat of last night any time soon; let me think about it. You know, I was thinking last night that I don't really know anybody here who is gay. There has to be a campus organization, we just have to find it. I'll start looking around while you're healing. How does that sound?"

"Yeah, my butt's so sore I may never want to do that again. You have a good idea. I've read the campus newspaper that customers leave laying around and I've seen stories about gay and lesbian groups." Mike paused for a moment then, "How did you and Paul meet; you never told me that story."

Dave began at the beginning and told how he and Paul met quite innocently in the weight room of the Gym Annex and how they worked up to their first sexual encounter.

"It was all a matter of chance, really. Neither one of us was looking for the other; it just happened. Well, maybe we were looking and helped it just a little but it really was chance. I almost chickened out when I found out he was an officer but I'm glad I didn't."

"Man, that's a great story. I wish I could be so lucky," Mike mused.

"You never know, Mike, maybe you will."

Mike was now the evening shift supervisor working from 4:00 to 10:00 PM. Business was usually quite busy because a lot of college kids came in looking for a substitute for the institutional food they encountered in the residence halls. That meant that Dave usually ate dinner alone unless he went to the Subway to bug Mike or found somewhere else to eat.

Monday afternoon, Dave had gone to the bookstore and purchased as many used books as he could find for next semester. Because most of the students were still on vacation, his choices were almost limitless. That evening he chose to pick up some Chinese and eat at home while looking over his books for the next semester. Dave had told his academic advisor that he wanted to add another course to bring him up to 21 hours but he hadn't decided what to choose. Then it came to him -- he'd take Spanish. He'd like to be able to speak to Mike in Spanish and he also knew that in the construction business the number of Mexican migrant laborers was growing. Having a working knowledge of the language might prove beneficial.

He heard the phone ringing in his room and went to answer it. "Hello?"

"Dave, I'm so sorry to hear about all your bad luck. How're you holding up?"

"Hi, Dan, it sure is good to hear your voice; I'm fine, really! How're you doing."

"I'm better than I have a right to be. Listen, when I read your e-mail I couldn't believe all the things that have happened to you. Man I'd be a basket case yet you seem to be truckin' on. Are you really okay?"

"Yeah, some days are better than others but, as I told you, Mike Sanchez, my roommate from the Army is living with me and he's been a big help. He's at work right now or I'd introduce him to you."

"Ya know, Dave, you were always the serious one, and you really care about your friends. I'm a good example of that, you could have dumped me long ago but you haven't. I really appreciate that. You were my first and I'll always remember that."

"Well, you were my first too, and I'll always remember that. Now, let's not replay too much history, I already told you about me in my e-mail, now tell me all that's happening with you."

"Wellll... I've been sharing an apartment with two other guys but one of them just got discharged so now it's just Scooter and me. Larry, the one who left, found a job in the Silicon Valley making really good money and he says there's a chance he can help me find a job when I get out in June. That's good because we'll still be close to San Fran. I've learned the locals don't like for you to call it Frisco, must sound too much like Crisco, or something."

"How's your family?" Dave jumped in. He knew that once Dan got on a roll the only way to stop him was through rude interruption.

"We write every once in a while but hardly ever call; I called them for Christmas. Mom and Dad seem fine, they want me to come home when I finish with the Navy. I didn't tell them but there is no way I could ever go back there. I'd suffocate in the narrow-minded bigotry that pervades that part of the country. Out here it's laid back and if it feels good, do it."

"Now Dan, it's not that bad here. I'm still here and doing quite well, thank you."

"Oh yeah? Man if you came out here for a visit I could take you into the Tenderloin District and show you how to really live. I could get you paired up one on one, or with a three-way, or a four-way, or even an orgy if you wanted. Life is great!"

"You be careful, Dan, I want you to still be alive the next time I see you."

"Oh, not to worry, I'm careful. Say, Dave, it's been great talkin' to you and now I have to go. You got my number so call me some time. And think about coming out for a visit some time, okay?"

"Yeah, I will, and thanks for calling, Dan, so long."

"Bye Dave." Dave heard the line go dead.

"Danny, just watch yourself." Dave said to the telephone on the desk. He was concerned by what he had heard and there was nothing he could do to change it.

Tuesday was New Year's Eve and there were a lot of sales still going on in the stores. While Mike slept late, Dave went to the mall, to Brooks Brothers and found Ruben. Dave had given a lot of thought to his new responsibilities in Dallas it was clear that one suit and one sport coat were going to be inadequate for his needs. He asked Ruben to fit him with two more suits, another sport coat and two more pairs of slacks. Ruben helped Dave select several more ties and three more shirts.

Mike came home as usual at 10:15 and said business had been real heavy; lots of people were calling in orders for New Year's Eve parties. Then he had to go in early Wednesday morning because they had to fill a lot of advance orders for football parties before noon. Then he would have the rest of the day off. Dave had a sense that Mike was doing very well at his job because management kept asking him to do more and more and he continued to produce. He wondered if he should ask John what he knew.

Life was slow over the next week and a half until the students began returni ng to campus for the spring semester. Dave saw his academic advisor and added Spanish 101 to his schedule but he didn't say a word to Mike about it. Something else was happening to Dave. Not only had he increased his class load in an effort to keep him busy, the pain of losing Paul was causing him to subconsciously erect a high, thick wall around his emotions. His feelings were putting up defenses against any recurrence of such trauma. Only one small portal existed through which a restricted number of people were allowed to pass - his parents; Kate, John and the boys; Alex, Steve, and Connie Roehl; Art; Mike; Dan. Even then, there was an inner shield that guarded a secret chamber where the memory of Paul resided.

The second week of school, Dave was in the Union Building after lunch searching the bulletin board where various student activities post notices of meetings. It didn't take him long to find one that announced the next meeting of the campus gay and lesbian group and immediately below that notice was one that read:

PHYOLS Foundation: Volunteers are needed to provide support for local victims of HIV/AIDS. Volunteers can choose between food baskets, fund raising, meal preparation, friend support, publicity, and many other activities. The next meeting will be at 7:00 PM, Thursday, January 23, in room 023 of the Student Union Building.

Dave read it again. He remembered the volunteer work he was involved with as a member of the Alpha Society in high school and decided this might appeal to him more than the campus gay organization. He decided to attend. Later that evening Dave told Mike about the Phylos Foundation and that he was going to the meeting. Dave was sure that most of the people who would be interested in such volunteer work would be gay and that should offer them an opportunity to get acquainted.

Thursday at 6:45 PM, Dave approached the door to room 023. He looked for a sign that would confirm he was at the right place but there was none. The door had a small rectangular window in it and looking through it Dave could see a table on the right with a young man sitting behind it kind of like a receptionist. He couldn't see the rest of the room because high cubicle dividers, probably to prevent casual observers from seeing who was there blocked the view. Dave opened the door and stepped up to the table.

"Good evening, are you here for the Phylos Foundation meeting?" The young man pronounced the word `fee-los'.

"Yes I am." Dave stated with a smile.

"Welcome. My name is Stanley Wallace and the meeting will be starting in about fifteen minutes." He extended his hand, which Dave accepted and shook. "Would you please sign in on this roster?" Stanley smiled back and handed Dave a clipboard with a place for him to write his name, address, phone number, and major.

`This has to be the most effeminate guy I've ever met yet he seems like a nice guy. But that grip is like a cold fish.' Dave thought as he filled in the requested information.

"Okay, follow me and I'll introduce you to the chairman. Are you gay?" Stanley asked that question as casually as if he were asking for the time of day.

"Yes, do I have to be?" Dave replied with confidence and a smile. He remembered the first time anyone asked that question, he and Kate were sitting on the front steps of their house. His answer then was `yes' but it was filled with pain, sorrow, guilt, and embarrassment. And he ran away and cried. What a contrast between then and now! Now he felt comfortable admitting who he was; there was no pain, no guilt, and no embarrassment. And at that moment Dave made a decision. From now on, he would no longer run from the fact that he was gay. No, he wasn't going to buy adds in newspapers or radio or TV. The people he really cared about already knew he was gay and that would be his guideline. When dealing with anyone he considered a close friend Dave just wouldn't go to any length to hide his being gay. In fact, he might even come out to that friend if he thought the circumstance was appropriate.

Dave followed Stanley around the opening in the divider where he could see approximately fifteen other men standing around in small groups chatting. Stanley walked up to a good-looking young man and began the introduction.

"Chase, we have a new volunteer, his name is Dave Baker."

"Hi, Dave, welcome to our group, I'm Chase Schuler. We'll be getting started soon but we have time to introduce you to our gang." As he talked, Chase began walking to a group of three men who appeared to be engaged in a deep discussion. "Hey, guys, let me introduce you to a prospective member of our group; tonight's his first visit." They all turned around. The man closest to him looked familiar but he couldn't place him.

"Dave, let me introduce Reverend Tim Fields, he's our spiritual advisor and good friend. We all call him Dr. Tim." Chase said.

Dave had already begun to extend his hand but withdrew it. His mind immediately filled with the memory of his outburst in the church where Rev. Fields was the minister. At first, Dave was hesitant about greeting this man but eventually he shook Rev. Fields' hand. Dr. Tim was as cordial as could be and projected a kind of calmness that quickly put Dave at ease. At that moment, Stanley interrupted to tell Chase that two more prospective volunteers had arrived and Chase asked Dr. Tim to help him out by continuing to introduce Dave to the other members.

Dave felt uncommonly comfortable in this group. He noticed that within five minutes everyone on the room had checked him out and he had returned the compliment. He would later learn that three of those present were straight, the rest were gay. This was the first time he had given much thought about straight people being infected with HIV/AIDS.

About this time Chase stepped up on a short platform at one end of the room and asked for everyone's attention.

"I want to welcome everyone tonight; we have four visitors who have expressed an interest in volunteering with us." Everyone applauded. "I think I should explain a few things about this club to help you get a better picture of what we do and don't do. At the end of the meeting you can pick up some literature that is available on the table at the back of the room.

"I suppose I should start by explaining just exactly what the Phylos Foundation is. Phylos' is the Greek word for friend'. The group here tonight represents the campus contingent of the greater metro area Phylos Foundation. Occasionally we hold joint meetings either here or at the downtown office.

"The Phylos Foundation is a service organization whose mission is to enhance the quality of life for men, women and children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. We currently have a few homes, places where those with HIV/AIDS can go when they have nowhere else to go. One of these homes provides holistic services in managing HIV/AIDS by addressing the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of people affected by the disease.

"Case management assistance is provided to people newly-diagnosed with HIV infection in order to help them get appropriate medical treatment, as well as other necessary support services. Support groups are provided to assist people with HIV/AIDS in learning skills needed to cope with the stress associated with living with the disease.

"A nutritional services program consists of the food baskets and meals delivered to homes. Transportation is provided to men with HIV/AIDS to medical appointments, as well as social services appointments. Low-income persons with HIV/AIDS are provided access to non-medical supplies, such as paper products, personal hygiene articles, cleaning supplies and materials to assist.

"The Phylos Program links persons with HIV/AIDS who have no support system with trained volunteers who assist them with socializing and activities of daily living.

"Finally, we are a non-profit, tax-exempt service organization with no political affiliations and donations are tax-deductible.

"By coming here tonight you have expressed an interest in helping your fellow human beings who have contracted HIV/AIDS. We ask that you fill out a questionnaire and tell us what area you might be interested in. Over the next few weeks, working with the Metro office, we will place you in an activity that is beneficial to all. And let me be clear, some activities require special training. Now, if you have any questions, please ask them."

Dave and the three other prospective members began asking a variety of questions, which were passed around to seasoned members to answer. Dave was beginning to get a warm feeling about the group and its stated goals. After talking with several of the veterans, he decided he'd be better off starting in the `food basket' area. The meeting adjourned just before 8:00 PM and Dave felt like it was time well spent. He also accomplished another objective and that was to make contact with other gay men on campus, guys he could introduce Mike to.

Todd Pepper walked out of his Management Class at 9:00 PM. He was majoring in Hotel and Food Service Management at the university. After his freshman year he ran short of money so became a part-time student at the university and got a part-time job as a bellboy at the Westin Hotel. He would be able to graduate in a year and a half.

After a quick trip to the library to check on some references, Todd walked to his car and started for home. He was hungry because things at the hotel had been hectic and he just barely made it to class on time. At that moment he noticed the Subway Shop in the strip mall. He pulled into the parking lot and parked directly in front of the shop. The time was 9:45 PM.

Todd pushed the door open and walked up to the counter under the sign that said, "ORDER HERE." Behind the counter was a young man about his age checking the supply of subway buns in the warmer. Nice ass!' Todd thought. A real bubble butt. The rest looks pretty good from the back side, turn around so I can see the rest of you.' At that moment, Mike turned around and Todd was even more impressed. The young man had a great smile, gleaming white teeth against a soft gray-brown complexion. But the eyes were what really got Todd's attention. They were big and round and the deepest brown he'd ever seen. The guys medium length black hair didn't lay completely flat on his head and Todd felt the urge to run his fingers through it.

Mike was in the process of getting the shop ready to close for the evening. His co-worker was in the back doing the same. If Mike needed him, he could call.

"What'll it be this evening, Sir?" Mike was now facing the new customer, looking directly into a very warm, friendly smile topped by the most beautiful gray eyes he had ever seen. If he hadn't already finished his greeting, Mike would be stammering to complete it.

"How about a six inch turkey, Mike." Todd had noticed Mike's name tag.

"What kind of bread we gonna put that on tonight, Sir?" Mike felt a little flustered, he wasn't sure why.

"Ya got any of that oregano style?"

"No sir, we're all out, but we do have Italian."

"That'll be good and throw on some American cheese."

Mike picked up a fresh bun, sliced it in half, actually it was a little bigger than half, then sliced around the sides, spread the bun open and added four slices of turkey -- three is normal - and three slices of cheese -- two is normal. Mike didn't know why he was giving the guy more that he was supposed to. "What else, Sir?"

"Oh, lettuce, tomato, onion, olives, green pepper... that ought to do it... and some vinegar and oil on top."

Mike finished adding all the ingredients the very attractive customer ordered, wrapped it up, stuffed it in the bag with some napkins and placed it on top of the counter. "Would you like to make that a `Value Meal' with something to drink and some chips?"

"Yeah, that'll be nice. I'll have some of these bar-b-q chips and a Dr. Pepper."

"Okay, Sir, that comes to $5.25." Mike announced as he looked again into Todd's deep gray eyes.

When Todd handed Mike a five-dollar bill and a quarter their hands touched briefly and they both felt a slight tingle. `Stop imagining things!' Mike told himself.

"Are you getting ready to close?" Todd asked.

"Yes, Sir but you have time to eat that here if you like, we won't kick you out," Mike said with his most charming smile. He wanted the guy to stick around a little bit longer so he could get a better look at him.

The customer sat down and began eating his sub. Several times Mike looked at the guy and he was looking back. Mike quickly diverted his eyes as if trying not to get caught looking. A couple of minutes later Mike walked out from behind the counter and began wiping off the tops of the tables. As he was bent over one table trying to reach the far side, Mike glanced over his shoulder at the customer and it was clear that the guy was looking at his butt. Their eyes met and the guy smiled. Mike quickly looked away. A few moments later Mike was bent over another table and the same thing happened.

At 10:00 PM, Mike locked the front door and continued the process of closing for the night. Five minutes later the late customer stood, tossed his trash in the trash receptacle, and walked toward the door. Mike was ready with the key and unlocked the door.

"Come back again, Sir," Mike said as the guy walked out of the shop.

"Oh, I will, see ya next Tuesday night." His statement had a very warm sound to it.

Mike watched as the guy got into his car and drove away.

When Mike got home at 10:15 PM, his normal time, Dave was in his room studying. Mike really wanted to talk about what had happened at the shop but decided not to bother Dave right then. Instead, Mike, washed his hands and face, brushed his teeth, shut the door to his room and went to bed. Over and over Mike replayed the last twenty minutes in the shop. The guy was hot. He was good looking, had a great smile, very appealing eyes, and a nice trim physique. They were probably the same height; the guy was more muscular than Mike. Without thinking about it, Mike's right hand found his erection and began stroking it. The more he thought about the guy the hotter he got. Soon Mike was shooting his sperm all over his abdomen in a release of sexual tension that was so satisfying. After lying quietly for about a minute, Mike reached for some tissue and cleaned his cum from his body.

"He said he'd be back Tuesday. Yeah, we'll see." Mike drifted off to sleep.

The next morning Mike awoke to the feeling of something pulling on his arm. It was Dave.

"Time to get up and go running, wetback."

"Hey, gringo, leave me alone." Mike complained as he pulled his arm free, rolled over and faked going back to sleep.

Dave wasn't about to give up; Mike was often like this, he just need to be a little more persistent. Dave couldn't resist Mike's bubble but sticking out from under the covers and his right hand made a loud `POP' when it struck raw flesh.

"You rotten fucker!" Mike yelled as he came up off the bed, caught Dave and dragged him back on the bed with him, laughing all the while. They half wrestled half tickled each other until they were both winded and collapsed. "Okay, okay! You win." Mike finally conceded; he was totally at ease with his nakedness.

Moments later they were out on the street on the standard three-mile run they had become so accustomed to making. About ten minutes into the run Mike began to tell Dave about what had happened at the shop the night before and Dave listened with great interest.

"I wasn't sure what to make of it." Mike finally concluded.

"Well, Mike, it sounds to me like he was trying to pick you up."

"Ya think so? Wow!" They ran a few more paces in silence. "He said he'd be back Tuesday night. What should I do?"

"That depends. Are you interested?"

"Well, yeah... I guess so," Mike replied.

"Okay, the next time you catch him looking, don't look away... give him a nice smile. Not one of your killer smiles, give him a coy smile, like you `might' be interested."

Mike started laughing. "You want me to be coy? Are you serious?"

"You don't want to seem too anxious... even though you might be. He might get the idea you're easy."

"Well, I might be... easy, that is."

"C'mon Mike, you don't want to go there again."

"Yeah, I guess not." They continued running silently for a few more minutes then Mike said, "Yeah, I see what ya mean. I want respect." That was the end of the conversation as Dave picked up the pace for the last few blocks to the house. Mike continued thinking about the possibilities that awaited him Tuesday evening.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 32: The Recovery 7

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