David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Apr 18, 2002


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation 03

David celebrated his sixteenth birthday a week after school was out. His father offered him a choice: use the money he earned from his construction job to buy a car, or share Kate's car and save his money for college. If David bought a car, he was on his own. If he saved for college, his dad would add to his savings when it came time for college. David chose the latter because he definitely wanted to go to college.

David's summer construction job started the Monday after his birthday. Danny would also be working there but was out of town that first week. That meant David's father had to drop him off and pick him up every day that first week. Danny belonged to a club in high school which had collected enough money to fund a trip to Washington D.C. the first week after school and that is where he was.

The next week, Danny came by early and picked David up for work. Because David was now sixteen years old he was allowed to work at a construction site doing real labor like lifting, pushing, carrying, etc. Danny was doing the same thing but they were at different locations because only one guy like them was needed at each site. They saw each other in the morning, sometimes at lunch, and on the ride home. After the first week on the job David's ass was dragging. By the second week he was beginning to feel better. But Danny was in his first week and his ass was dragging. By the third weekend both young men decided they needed to blow off some steam. With parental approval they went to an early movie then to a local teen hangout where they mixed with many of their school friends.

After about thirty-five minutes at the teen hangout Danny made a proposal. "Let's blow this place. We haven't had time to really visit since school let out."

"Okay, where to?"

"I don't know, just out of here." They got into Danny's car and he started driving. After about fifteen minutes, Danny turned down a country road then into what looked like an abandoned driveway. He stopped the car and turned off the lights. "Man, it's so nice and quiet out here you can hear yourself breathe, hear your heart beat, hear yourself think."

"Yeah, it is quiet." After a short pause, David continued, "How was D.C.?"

"Oh, man! You won't believe what happened."

"Oh Yeah? Like what?"

"Well, the sightseeing was fun but the hotel was even more fun. They roomed us three guys to a room and three girls to a room. Billy and Stew were in with me and Marry Jane, Alice and Betty were together. The chaperone thought it would be easy to keep tabs on us that way. Well, the girls decided they wanted to have some fun so they asked me and Billy and Stew to sneak into their room. After we got there, the girls said we were going to play strip poker."

David listened to Danny's story with interest but not with as much interest as he would if Danny took out his cock and began jacking it.

"We tried that for a while but the girls decided it was taking too long so they started doing a strip to music one of them had on her portable CD player. Me and Billy and Stew just sat there cheerin them on. It was awesome. After the girls were naked Alice chose me, Marry Jane chose Billy, and Betty chose Stew and we had to get up and danced with them. As we danced, the girls started removing our clothes. To make a long story short, I got laid. Thank God Billy had condoms. It could have been a disaster."

"You're not serious! You're just saying that to get me turned on." David replied.

"Honest! Scout's honor!"

"I didn't know you were ever a Boy Scout!"

"Okay, I'm not. So what?"

"Well, congratulations. Now you're not a virgin either."

"Yeah, well, it wasn't what I thought it was going to be."

"What do you mean?"

"It just wasn't, let's leave it at that."

The two young men sat quietly for several minutes listening to the sounds of the night.



"Remember the track team initiation?"

"Whoa, man, I'll never forget that! Something else!"

"I'm glad you got to initiate me."

"Me too. That was one hot initiation." They sat quietly for a moment.

"I'm curious, how did you get to do me?" David wasn't sure why he asked that question; it just popped into his head.

"John asked me if I'd help him. Why?"

Now David had a dilemma. Danny's story was quite different from John's and David knew who he trusted most. What was Danny trying to hide?

"You know, next year you can help me initiate some sophomore stud." Danny said almost boastfully. And, why did he use the term `sophomore stud'?

"Well, I've been told that next year I'll have senior status for the initiation so we won't be together." Danny didn't reply immediately.

"Hey, you're right." Danny replied. "You know, that's a big responsibility. Perhaps sometime we ought to practice on each other just to make sure we know how to do it next year."

"Do you think now is a good time?" David could hardly contain his excitement. Somehow he had managed to work Danny into a trap and he was about to see if he would spring it.

"Well yeah! I never thought of that. Now is a great time." Danny responded.

Wait a minute,' David thought, did I trap him or did he just trap me? Either way, this is going where I want it to go.'

"Okay, you're the real senior next year, show me what to do." David wanted Danny in the driver's seat, literally and figuratively.

Danny hesitated. "Okay, we undo our pants and slide them down below our knees." They did that. "I think it'll work better if we recline these seat backs." And they did. "Now, unbutton your shirt and get it out of the way." They both did that too and just looked at each other for a few moments.

The sky was clear and moonlight flooded the car making their light skin almost glow. David was having difficulty waiting for Danny to give more instruction. He wanted to take hold of Danny and begin jacking him immediately. Danny had such a fine body. He was about the same height as David but had more developed muscles in all the desired places. Danny had a real six-pack and a very thick bush surrounding his six-inch hard cock.

"Now imagine we are in the locker room shower and we're standing..."

"Danny, shut up and start jackin'." David said impatiently as his left hand reached out and encircled Danny's prick. David thought Danny was trying to be a little too clinical about this. It was as though by denying what he was doing he could avoid accepting his homosexuality. David felt Danny's hand close around his cock.

"Wow! You're big!" Danny exclaimed. "How long are you, anyway?"

"It doesn't matter. Just be quiet and let's enjoy this." David wanted some quiet so he could savor the length, hardness, softness and smoothness of Danny's member without interruption. He was at a slight disadvantage by having to use his left hand but in the moonlight he began to adapt. This was completely different than holding John's cock during initiation. Then, there were lots of witnesses. Then, it was all business. Now, they were alone to willingly and privately share the shear enjoyment of feeling each other's stiffness. David carefully stroked his hand up and down Danny's prick. Soon he felt wetness dribble down onto his hand. He moved his thumb up over the top of Danny's corona and began to spread the precum around and around and around. Danny was moaning loudly. Danny's hand was also giving David's cock a good working over. Suddenly Danny's body stiffened and his grip on David's cock tightened.

"Oh God! Ooh, ohh, ahh!" David watched as a rope of Danny's cum shot up onto his chest. Danny's eyes were closed and when he came, his mouth flew open and his head snapped back as he yelled. Seeing Danny being consumed by so much pleasure seemed to trigger David's orgasm. He felt his nuts churning and suddenly his body convulsed. His semen flew everywhere. He completely forgot that Danny was right next to him. David was in a world alone by himself. He didn't know how much time passed but when he came around he was aware that Danny still held his cock and he held Danny's.

The two young men lay silently, reclined in the car seats and unwilling to release each other's members. The only sound louder than the frogs and bugs was the heavy breathing from two lusty boys.

"Wow!" Danny exclaimed softly.

"Double wow!" David added. After a few moments David asked, "What do we clean ourselves up with?"

"Oh. Yeah. I forgot." Danny released David's cum-soaked cock, reached around to the floor of the back seat and, much to David's surprise, pulled out a roll of paper towels. "Use this."

"Thanks." David replied as he released Danny's now soft penis and tore a section off the roll. Danny tore off another section and they proceeded to wipe their cum from their bodies.

"Man, I sure could do that again." Danny announced.

"Yeah. How about next Friday night?" David proposed.

"How about in ten minutes!" Danny responded.

"We'd better get home before we get busted for being out so late." David replied, his responsible nature showing through.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." They finished pulling up their pants and buttoning their shirts. Danny started the car, backed out onto the country road and began driving. When he stopped in front of David's house, David opened the door, got out, closed the door and poked his head in through the open window.

"See you Monday morning?"

"Like normal." Danny replied. They acted like they were returning from a baseball game instead of from a torrid scene of youthful gay lust.

David went into the house and, as he walked past Kate's door, noticed she was in. "Hi, Sis."

"Hi Davie." That was all she said.

David proceeded to his room, stripped, flopped on his bed and turned off the light. The next thirty or so minutes would be spent reviewing the evenings developments as he stoked himself to another climax. Thinking about the evening's adventure, David had some revelations. Danny had been the aggressor. Danny had suggested they go out. Danny had suggested they leave the local hangout. Danny had suggested they practice the initiation. And, the surprising clincher, Danny was prepared with a roll of paper towels on the floor of the back seat. Danny planned everything that happened. Danny was gay but he hadn't accepted it yet. He just wanted to enjoy doing gay things without admitting it to himself. Something about all this puzzled David. About that time semen squirted into the tissue he was holding in his left hand and he drifted off to sleep.

Monday morning, Danny arrived right on schedule. As David was closing the car door, Danny reached across the console and groped him. David laughed and reached across to do the same to Danny. When he did, he must have squeezed one of Danny's nuts in such a way that it squirted between his fingers and Danny's thigh.

"OH SHIT!" Danny yelled. "Sonofabitch!" Both of his hands flew to his crotch to protect his jewels as he bent forward in pain against the steering wheel.

"I'm sorry, Danny!" David tried to apologize. "I didn't mean to hurt you." David's groin registered sympathy pains like most men feel when they see another guy take a knee or a baseball in the crotch. Danny continued to groan and David could see there were tears in his eyes. Eventually Danny calmed down and was able to sit up straight.

"Damn, David, don't be in such a hurry. You can have it any time you want it. You don't have to grab so hard."

"I said I was sorry." David responded in his defense.

"Okay, make it better."

"What do you mean?"

"Get down here and kiss it." Danny spread his legs apart. David stared at Danny trying to judge if he was serious. It was clear he was. `Because I'm a year younger, he thinks I'm a pussy.' David thought. David leaned over the console, squeezed his head between Danny's stomach and the steering wheel, positioned his lips against Danny's crotch in the general vicinity of Danny's balls and made a loud kissing sound. Then he sat up.

"More better?" David smiled, proud of himself for meeting the challenge.

"Much more." Danny smiled as he put the car in gear and drove of down the street.

Friday night's adventure kept replaying in David's mind, again, and again, and again. Something was missing; David just couldn't put his finger on it. By Tuesday when Danny dropped him at his house after work, David felt compelled to go running even though he was very tired. He quickly changed into his running clothes and took off down the street. Some people do their best, clearest thinking in the shower. David always did his best thinking while running. After about fifteen minutes he stopped dead in his tracks and smiled. He knew what was bothering him. He and Danny had experienced their first gay sex, if you want to call jacking each other off sex, and neither of them had thought of protection. No, protection wasn't a serious concern if they only masturbated each other but David easily imagined, no, hoped they would get into other things. He turned around and ran back to the house.

Wednesday evening, after dinner David asked to borrow the car to go to the bookstore; but he didn't go to the bookstore, he needed a drugstore. He couldn't go to the local drugstore because Kate worked there. He went to a drugstore in the more undesirable part of town. He figured his chances of seeing anyone who knew him would be almost none. After a few minutes of looking, he found what he was interested in -- condoms. `Damn! I didn't know they made so many kinds.' He got a little nervous standing in front of the racks of condoms trying to decide which ones he should buy. Finally he selected a box of a brand name he had heard about, joked about, and went to the front counter. David avoided eye contact with the clerk, a black man about thirty-five years old. The clerk announced the total price. David reached into his pocket, removed a roll of bills and counted out the right amount. He nervously handed bills to the clerk, still with no eye contact. David had planned ahead and removed his money from his wallet hoping no one would think to ask for identification if he didn't pull his wallet out of his hip pocket. The clerk spoke to him as he was leaving.

"Better use all them `fore they go bad."

"Yeah, thanks," was all David could think to say nervously as he walked out the door. He almost dived into the car and nervously fumbled with the key while trying to insert it into the ignition. A sigh of relief escaped his mouth when the engine started. He drove home, making a quick stop at the bookstore to get a magazine, any magazine. By the time he got back to the house he had calmed down and hopefully appeared normal. Now he was prepared. His promise to Kate was to always protect himself. David had a strong sense that Danny showed no inclination for being responsible so it was up to him to protect them both.

With the curiosity of a sixteen-year-old, David was anxious to examine the condoms up close. Claiming tiredness, he went to his room early, closed the door and turned off the big overhead light. He turned on the small light beside his bed then placed a towel across the bottom of the door to prevent light from showing through. He went to his closet and retrieved the condoms he hid there earlier and sat down on the edge of his bed. His cock was already hard with anticipation. He opened the box and found the condoms were sealed in shrink-wrapped packages connected at the edges. He tore one off and examined it. He noticed a notch at the corner of the package and decided that was intended to be the place he should tear it, so he did. The latex condom almost jumped out of the package. David caught it and examined it carefully. It was pretty obvious what he was supposed to do with it. He placed it on the head of his cock and tried to slide it on. Something wasn't working right; then he realized he had it upside-down. When he turned it over and placed it back over his glans he saw how easily it unrolled down the length of his shaft. Now he was protected. But from what? Not wanting to waste the moment, he turned his light off, removed the towel from the door, climbed back into bed and proceeded to jack off with a fury. The sensations were so different and so exciting. David came more quickly than he ever remembered. He was so engrossed in jacking off while wearing a rubber he completely forgot to grab a tissue until his semen was rushing up his urethra and into the reservoir at the end of the condom. That's when he learned of one of the advantages of using a condom -- no mess. After calming down David turned on the light and examined the aftermath of his effort. As his penis shrank the condom was easy to remove. He used a tissue to clean the end of his prick then wrapped the condom in the tissue. Now, what to do with the mess; how do you dispose of a used condom? There was only one answer, flush it down the toilet in the morning just like he did with his used tissues. Gradually a feeling of confidence came over David. He began to feel more like an adult. Don't adults deal with condoms? And he drifted off to sleep.

Friday arrived and David said nothing to Danny about his condom purchase. He would hold that information until it was needed. Friday evening Danny picked David up and they did the same routine as the previous Friday: Movie, teen hangout, drive to secluded spot. Danny selected a new, more remote location. They wasted no time. No sooner did Danny turn off the engine ignition than he had his pants down around his knees, his shirt open and his seat reclined. When he looked across the car seat, David was way ahead of him. As soon as they were both reclined Danny grabbed David's hard cock and began caressing it. David had no trouble keeping up with his friend. Soon they were pleasuring each other much better than last Friday. David was in no hurry; he wanted to enjoy the wonderful sensations that were coursing through his cock, balls, groin, and entire body. It felt great.

Suddenly Danny's body stiffened, he moaned, semen erupted from his sensitive tool and splattered on his chest and abdomen. `Damn, that was quick!' David thought. But he was nowhere near cuming and Danny continued to stroke his cock. David shut his eyes and focused on the wonderful feelings he was having. After a few minutes he heard Danny moving and could tell he was sitting up because the angle of Danny's hand changed.

"OHH!" Danny exclaimed with surprise as his eyes flew open. Something very warm and wet had engulfed the head of his cock. When he looked down all he saw was the top of Danny's head as it bobbed up and down on his pole. Danny was swirling his tongue around and around David's highly sensitive glans and this new sensation was more than David could handle. "I'm gonna cum!" He shouted. But Danny didn't budge from David's prick. David was out of control and his cum erupted from his piss slit filling Danny's mouth. Some cum squirted out one side of Danny's mouth but he managed to swallow most of it. David felt as though his brain was going to explode. As he came back to the living he could feel Danny actually trying to suck more of the nectar from his balls.

"Oh Danny, that's enough. There ain't no more. Please stop." David had suddenly lost all interest in sex - of any kind. David would eventually learn that some guys could ejaculate and be ready to go again in a matter of minutes, while he quickly lost interest for quite some time.

Danny released David's cock and sat up. Cum dribbled from one side of his mouth and he used his tongue to lick it up. Then he used his finger to capture what he missed. He looked at David.

"How'd you like THAT?" Danny asked. He was obviously proud of himself.

"Oh! Wow! That was something else. Where'd you learn to do that?"

"I saw it in a sex magazine. You want to do it on me?"

David thought for a moment. "Yeah, but I want to wait until next time. Okay?"

"Man, I'm ready now. Can't you do me now?"

"I said I want to do it, Danny, just give me some time to think. You are way ahead of me here. You've had time to plan this. I need some time."

"Okay. Next Friday?"

"Deal!" David smiled as they shook hands on it. Danny smiled back.

As Danny tore off a section of paper towel he commented to David, "You know what?"


"It's not nearly as messy when you swallow."

David began to laugh. "That seems like only one of the advantages. The rest of it's pretty good too."

They put themselves back together and went home. Before David got out of the car Danny grabbed him by the crotch and held on.

"Remember, next Friday night."

"I'm excited already. Besides, I'm sure you're not going to let me forget all week."

"Count on it!" Danny replied as David got out of the car.

All week the only thing David could think about was getting Danny's cock inside his mouth. He wondered what it would taste like, feel like. He wondered if he should swallow Danny's cum like Danny had swallowed his. David finally admitted to himself that was exactly what he wanted. That is what he had wanted to do for such a long time. Needless to say, the prospect of finally realizing one of his greatest sexual desires spurred David to fill many tissues each evening before going to sleep.

After work Friday, before getting out of the car, David turned to Danny and said, "Make sure you're clean because tonight your cock is mine."

"You say the nicest things." Danny responded with a chuckle. "See you at 7:00 PM. Okay?"

"Don't be late or I just might find another cock to suck." With that, he shut the car door and walked to the house.

Danny was five minutes early and David was standing at the curb waiting for him. For the sake of appearances they followed the same pattern as before: movie, teen hangout, secluded parking spot. As Danny was parking the car, David was pushing his pants down and opening his shirt. Before Danny turned off the ignition David attacked his pants, unbuckled the belt and unzipped the pants in a flash. As Danny pushed his pants down his hard cock popped into view. It swayed in the moonlight, beckoning David to it. As Danny reclined his seat back, David wrapped his hand around Danny's shaft and leaned over to get better acquainted with his new friend.

"Hold on a second, David. Help me push my pants down over my knees so I can spread my legs." Without saying a word, David used his right hand to shove Danny's pants to his feet then redirected his attention to the task `at hand'.

David moved in for the kill. First he examined Danny's prick like it was a new toy. He sniffed -- there was no odor. If anything, it just smelled clean. Then David noticed moisture coming from the piss slit. He extended his tongue and licked it away. It was almost tasteless, maybe a little salty. But his tongue had found a new texture. David licked again, this time concentrating on what his tongue was feeling. What it felt was silky, soft, yet hard. David swirled his tongue around Danny's glans once then again around under the edge. Next he licked and kissed and explored up, down and around the shaft of this new toy. His saliva was beginning to pick up a new taste from this object and his tongue was really enjoying the action. Finally it was time for the main event. David raised his head and took one more look at Danny's cock, turned his head to the left to look at Danny; his eyes were closed, then turned back to the object of the evening. David opened his mouth and let his lips slide over Danny's moistened glans. It filled his mouth nicely. David instinctively knew to guard his teeth and not let them scrape against Danny's cock. He again swirled his tongue around Danny's glans, which produced a loud moan from his friend. David began taking more of Danny into his mouth. He gagged when the head reached the back of his mouth so David pulled back a little but he wasn't finished. He repeatedly took Danny's cock until it pressed against the entrance to his throat until he could control his gag reflex. David's left hand was wrapped around the lower portion of Danny's cock while he slid his right hand under Danny's testicles and gently massaged them. David was only aware of his own thoughts and desires and failed to consider the effect this was having on Danny.

"I'm gonna cum!" Danny almost shouted. Before David could completely comprehend what Danny meant, a thick glob of sticky cum blasted the back of his throat. David backed off to make room for more and also to make swallowing easier. He managed to swallow all of Danny's cum without losing a drop in spite of the fact that Danny was bouncing all over the place. David managed to save a few drops to roll around in his mouth for analysis purposes. He really liked the taste, the thickness, and even the stickiness. He wondered of all cum tasted like that. Finally, when Danny was calm again, David released Danny's cock and sat up.

"How was that?" David said with a big smile and a feeling of great pride.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!" Danny exclaimed in a soft, exhausted voice. "If I knew it was gonna be that good I'd have done it sooner." He sighed then sat up. "Okay, now it's my turn." Danny said as he reached for David's cock. It kind of took David by surprise but he didn't resist. Obviously, Danny's desire for sex had very little to do with his own ejaculation. He was ready to go again almost immediately afterward.

David made sure his pants were around his ankles so he could spread his legs to make more room for Danny, reclined his seatback, closed his eyes and prepared for the second blowjob of his life.

That was the beginning of a summer of oral sex. The young men learned to please each other and ultimately tune in to the other's feelings during oral sex.

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Next: Chapter 4

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