David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Jan 10, 2003


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation: The Recovery 03

"Dave, there's one more item on the agenda. And you decide whether you're up to it.

Dave just looked at Art in amazement then leaned against the back of the seat. "You're just full of surprises, aren't you?" It wasn't really a question. After a moment of contemplation he continued. "Okay, what is it?"

Art took a sip from his water glass in a stalling maneuver then looked into Dave's eyes. "Mr. and Mrs. Roehl would like to meet you."

"When?" Dave felt like a large boulder had landed on his shoulders.

"Could you do it this afternoon or tomorrow?"

Dave's emotions were beginning to exert more pressure on his chest and he fe lt like he was having trouble breathing. He was tired. He wasn't sure he was up to meeting Paul's parents; he wanted to go home. "How about some other time, like after Christmas? Paul and I discussed that and that's when he wanted me to visit and meet his family. Besides, I really need to get back to school." For the first time since he arrived Dave was saying `no' to one of Art's requests.

"Certainly. They'll understand. Why don't we just leave the date open and I'll wait for you to contact me after Final Exams?"

"Yeah, I think that'll work better. I've just got too much hanging over my head right now, you understand."

"Yes, I certainly do. I've been there, remember?" Art looked into Dave's eyes and chuckled. "I think we're finished here, let's adjourn to my office; I have a stack of papers that need your signature."

The two men left the club and walked the half block to the tall office building where they left Dave's BMW. Dave still wasn't sure he believed that. Art led them to a bank of elevators and selected the express elevator to the thirty-fifth floor and above. The law firm's offices were on the forty-fourth floor. Art had Dave sit down in front of a long conference table then began placing a continuous supply of documents in front of him. Art explained what each document meant before he let Dave sign it. After Dave signed, Art and a legal assistant witnessed his signature and Art's secretary notarized everything. When they were finished, Art led Dave into his private office.

"Care for a drink?" Art asked.

"Ya got a beer?"

"Sure have, Beck's okay?"

"Yeah, anything." Art reached into a small refrigerator, pulled out two Beck's beers, opened them and handed one to Dave. Art always made it a habit to drink the same thing his clients were drinking. Dave sat down in one of the large, comfortable leather wing chairs in Art's office, took a draw on the beer and stared out the window.

"What am I? What have I done?" Dave almost sounded defeated and it surprised Art. He took hold of another wing chair and dragged it right next to the chair Dave was sitting in; they were facing each other at forty-five degrees. He rested his hand on Dave's forearm.

"What's the matter, Dave?" Art said in a voice full of concern. Dave's reactions continued to surprise him. He expected a normal person would be jumping up and down and thinking of ways to spend a fortune like the one Dave had just inherited.

"This is all too fast, Art. I can't get my mind around it. I just want to be a college kid and now I'm responsible for a large fortune, lots of property, membership in a club I don't even know what it costs to eat there, an awesome car, and heaven knows what else. I'm also on a board of directors and I don't even know what that means. I'm not sure I'm ready for this." Dave placed the bottle of beer to his lips, tipped the bottom up and took a long drink.

"Dave, can you trust me?"

Dave looked at Art. "I don't see I have any choice... but yes, I trust you."

"Okay, I'm going to put you on a plane this afternoon and send you home. Don't even think about any of this; it's going to take care of itself. I apologize if I've pushed you too hard, I didn't think I was; you seemed like you were handling it well. I want you to just go home and be a college kid. You can do that can't you?"

"Yeah, I can do that; I'm ready to go home." Dave looked at Art "I'm not saying one word about any of this to anyone. You're the only one who knows. And that's the way I want it to stay until I feel more comfortable with it. Is that okay?"

"Yes it is." The two men looked at each other then took the last sip of beer. "You're gonna be okay, Dave."

"That's what Paul says."

"What? What'a you mean?"

Dave started to say something but changed his mind. He was afraid that if he told Art about talking to Paul in his dreams, Art would think he was crazy. "Nothing."

Art let it go. He reached over to his desk and pressed the intercom; a female voice answered. "Linda, would you get Mr. Baker a seat on this afternoon's flight?"

"Yes sir, right away." Came the reply.

"Come on, let's get you back to the house so you can pack and catch your flight." Art said as he stood up, took Dave's empty and placed both bottles in a special container that was disposed of separate from ordinary trash. "Any ideas on what you want to do with your car?"

Dave thought for a moment, "It would be pretty hard to explain if I drove it home. Can I leave it here until I figure out how to deal with it?"

"What about this? I'll drop you at the airport today then take it home and keep it in my garage; I've plenty of room. The next time you come to town, the day before your arrival, I'll have it parked at the airport and tell you where it is. That way it will be waiting for you when you arrive. Later, after you've left I'll have it picked up and brought to my house." Art looked at Dave waiting for an answer.

"That sounds smooth, let's try that until it doesn't work. But what do you mean, you'll have it picked up and dropped off?"

"There's a service for everything, Dave, you'll get used to it," Art explained.

Mike was watching some old movie when Dave walked in the front door. Dave was still wearing his new suit and Mike thought he looked like a million bucks, little did Mike know.

"Your mother called."

"How long ago?"

"Over three hours; I told her you were at the library and I didn't know when you'd be home. She said it wasn't important."

"Thanks, Mike." Dave decided it was too late to call; he'd call tomorrow afternoon, after the football game. John was playing a home game Sunday and the activity around the Close household would be hectic Sunday morning.

Dave was up early the next morning so that he could get as much studying done before the game. He was going to watch this one then hit the books again when it was over.

"Here's the popcorn, you get the beer." Dave said as he sat a large bowl of freshly popped popcorn on the coffee table and turned on the TV. Mike walked in from the kitchen with two cold Bud Lites and placed them on the coffee table. Dave and Mike assumed the position for an afternoon of football and started in on the beer and popcorn as the announcers warmed up. About three minutes into the game they listened as one of the announcers described the play.

"The quarterback drops back; it's a short pass across the middle; Close has it for a first down inside the forty-yard-line. He is so solid, his team can always count on him to be there when they need him."

"Well..." the color commentator added, "somebody else might need him right now, we've just learned that his wife in on the way to the hospital to deliver their third son."

"WHAT!" Dave exclaimed as he vaulted off the sofa. "DID YOU HEAR WHAT HE SAID?"

"Yeah," Mike said excitedly, "I guess you're gonna be an uncle again."

"I gotta go!" Dave said as he ran toward his room to get a coat and some toiletries. "She's early! There may be a problem!" There was concern in his voice. "Besides, I missed the first two, I'm not missing this one." At that moment Dave began to realize the newfound freedom his new wealth brought him and he appreciated it.

Dave was out the door before Mike had a chance to say goodbye. Mike started to add things up. `Dave's been doing a lot of traveling lately and flyin' ain't cheep, especially on short notice. Where's he gettin' the money for all that?'

Dave had no idea where Kate would be. He knew there was a hospital not too far from the house but she might not be there. He decided to try that first and if that didn't work out he'd try something else. Stopping at the information desk at the main entrance, he got directions to the maternity ward.

Bingo! When he got there the maternity ward waiting room was packed with all kinds of people. He saw his mother and dad patiently sitting in chairs while John paced back and forth. David rushed to John and embraced him.

"How's she doing?" he asked. Immediately, David and John were blinded by lights from a TV camera, a microphone was shoved in front of their faces, and an attractive, young female news person asked...

"And who is this good looking young man, John?"

Thankfully, at that very moment the doctor walked into the room and all the attention and video cameras focused on him, cutting off any response John might have wanted to make.

"Mother and son are doing just fine, John. There were no complications and it seems we may have miscalculated his arrival because he looks to be only about a week early."

"When can we see them?" John asked.

"I know you're anxious but it's going to be a little while. We still have a few things to take care of but the nurse will get you when they are ready. How many family members do we have here?"

"This is Kate's mother and dad, and this is her brother. I assume you just flew in, right David?"

"Yes! I'm so excited." David could hardly contain his excitement.

"Well, the nurse is in charge now but I'll see you later, John. Good night."

The doctor turned, walked down the hall and disappeared behind the swinging doors. That, apparently, was all the TV news people were interested in because they began leaving and when they were gone the only people left in the waiting room were John, David, and David's parents still clustered together like they were when the doctor was briefing them. Dave took the opportunity to hug both of his parents and give his mother a kiss on the cheek. A few of John and Kate's friends were still there, even Tomas Douczek, the place kicker. David made a point of saying `Hi' to Tomas and was pleased to when Tomas remembered him.

About an hour later the nurse came into the room and approached John. "You can go in now, sir," she said. "Room 402."

"He goes with me." John said rather emphatically with his hand around the back of David's neck like he was pulling strings on a marionette. The nurse looked up at the very large, intimidating NFL football player and chose not to argue. Stepping aside, she extended her arm as if inviting John and David to proceed into the ward.

When the father and uncle entered Kate's room she was lying in bed with a little bundle of cloth lying beside her. John walked to the side of the bed, kissed Kate tenderly and told her he loved her, and then pulled the little blanket back and peeked inside. Even standing slightly behind John, David could tell he was grinning from ear to ear. David watched as John, with Kate's permission, picked up his son and cradled him in his arms. John turned around to show David who was a bundle of excited nerves.

"John David Close, meet your Uncle David.

"Oh my God!" David exclaimed quietly, his voice at least one octave higher than normal. "He's so tiny! And his skin is so wrinkled!" David couldn't take his eyes of his new nephew.

"Here, you hold him."

"Oh No!" David exclaimed as he stepped back, "What if I drop him?"

"Nonsense!" John insisted. "You held Mark and Matt just fine when they were younger; hold your arm like I'm doing and I'll just lay him in there."

"Go ahead, David, you'll be just fine." Kate added her encouragement.

David curved his right arm across his chest like John showed him forming a cradle, then John stepped forward and laid John David in David's arms. For a moment David couldn't breathe. He just stared down into the little face peering out of the blanket; the little tyke's eyes were still closed. He looked up at Kate and John, then back down at his new nephew; he was grinning wider than ever.

"Oh, he's so beautiful!" David managed to squeak the words out of his throat. He took the index finger of his left hand and touched it against John David's little chin. "Oh, he's so cute!" The instant he said that he thought of all those times people had said that of him and he reacted. "And that, JD (he pronounced it like `Jay Dee'), will be the last time I ever call you that. And look at all your hair!" John began moving in to rescue his son from too much adoration.

"JD. That's what your uncle called you and that's what you'll be called from now on." John said to his new son.

"I love it!" Kate said weakly with a tired smile. John noticed. He laid JD by her side and stepped back.

"We'd better go outside and let the grandparents in for a few minutes then you need to get some sleep. I love you, Kate." And John bent over and kissed his wife again.

Once back in the waiting room and Kate's parents were in the ward, John managed to isolate David by the window. "How'd you know; how'd you get here so fast?" he whispered.

"Mike and I were watching the game and the announcer said you didn't know it but that Kate was on the way to the hospital. So I just caught the next plane here."

"Can you afford that, I mean I thought you were strapped for cash."

"I have a credit card so I charged it. I'll pay it off over time, but nothing was going to stop me from being here. Whatever it cost, it was worth it." David was really getting good at covering up his ability to do practically anything he wanted without considering the cost.

"Listen. Your folks are worried about you. Your mother was real upset by the way you acted at Thanksgiving and then ran out on us the next morning. She knows something is wrong."

"Yeah, I know, that wasn't right. I plan to tell them when I get home on Christmas break. You think you and Kate can cover for me until then?"

"Yeah, I'm sure we can. And I wish you luck. How long can you stay?"

"I'm going back first thing in the morning. That'll get me back before my afternoon classes."

"Okay, here come your mother and dad, let's all go to the house and get something to eat and some rest. We need to leave Kate alone so she can get some rest too."

David's parents rode with John and David followed in his Mitsubishi Galant. The next morning David was up early and on the way back home. He left too early to see John's parents who were flying in later that morning. They had left the Saturday after Thanksgiving and couldn't get a return flight until Monday.

Once back home, Dave launched into his drive to the end of the semester with term papers and final exams. Paul's laptop really came handy, as Dave was able to do his reports at home instead of waiting for an open computer at the campus computer center. Now all he had to do was take a floppy to the computer center and print his papers.

"Where'd you get that?" Mike asked one afternoon when he walked into Dave's room to ask if he was interested in getting a pizza for dinner.

"It was Paul's and Art thought I could use it so he gave it to me." That was true, as far as it went.

"Wow! Maybe we can find some gay porn on the web!"

"Not until I get another line hooked up," Dave replied. He didn't have time to think about such things at the moment but he was sure he didn't want Mike using the laptop for that purpose when he wasn't around.

One afternoon, Dave dropped by to see his academic counselor and asked him what he needed to do to increase his class load the next semester. Dave was taking 18 hours this semester and he felt he could carry more. His counselor promised to look into it for him and would get back to him.

Dave couldn't seem to get the thought out of his mind that Paul's parents wanted to meet him. `Why? What's the purpose in that? Well, I suppose I owe that to them. I'm sure they are more than just a little curious about the man their son was so involved with.' Dave e-mailed Art and suggested he ask the Roehls if the Friday or Saturday after Christmas would be convenient. Christmas was on a Wednesday that year and either of those two days would fit perfectly with his Plan A or Plan B.

Plan A consisted of Dave sitting down with his parents on Thursday, the day after Christmas, and coming out. He still didn't know what he was going to say. If he survived that ordeal, his parents shouldn't be too surprised by him going to Dallas on Friday.

Plan B was almost the same except if his parents kicked him out of the house he could return to his apartment that day and leave for Dallas the next. His plan considered the fact that Kate, John, and the boys would be there for Christmas and he was confident that their presence would have a soothing effect on his parent's reaction.

Friday, after his last final exam, Dave went home and crashed; he slept for about four hours. He awoke at about 5:45 PM and checked his e-mail. At 6:15, Mike walked into the house from work and found Dave in a fairly good mood.

"Hey, let's go celebrate!" Mike was always looking for a reason to party and Dave's finishing the semester seemed to be as good a reason as any.

"Okay, whata ya got in mind?" Dave asked.

"Let's go bar hoppin'. You know, like gay bars?"

"I know, you just want me to show you where they are. Okay, let's go." Dave was ready to let off a little steam and going to some gay bars might be fun.

Dave drove; Mike tagged along and watched. They had a good time and even danced together a couple of times. Twice guys approached Dave and asked him to dance but he declined as politely as possible. Mike danced with every guy who asked, about five of them. Mike was having a blast and Dave was having fun watching Mike enjoy himself. They arrived back at the house just before 2:00 AM and slept late the next morning. Mike would have been late for work if Dave hadn't rousted him out of bed in time.

Dave was in no immediate hurry to get home. He was, after all, quite independent. He was so independent that his grades were sent to his apartment instead of taking the traditional route home to mom and pop. He spent the afternoon at the mall shopping for his entire family. It was a lot harder than he expected but he had a blast at Toys-R-Us, trying out all the toys and games that might interest Mark and Matt. For JD, he'd wait until he got home and ask his mother for some help. Eventually he gave up and decided he needed his mother's help more than he thought. He was going home Sunday morning anyway.

Then he thought about Mike. What to do about Mike? He would ask Mike to have Christmas with him and the family but he doubted Mike would accept. Dave really felt sorry for Mike; being estranged from ones family at Christmas must be really hard on the emotions. As he was about to leave the mall Dave drove past Circuit City then turned around and went back. He bought Mike a personal CD player with headphones. Then he stopped at a music store and bought a $30 gift certificate so Mike could make his own choices about music. Dave didn't have a clue what Mike's taste in music was like.

When he got home, Dave checked his e-mail and found a reply from Art; the Roehls accepted his proposal for Saturday and wanted him to spend the night. That was a surprise, Dave hadn't considered that possibility. After thinking about it for a few minutes Dave e-mailed Art and asked him to convey his acceptance to the Roehls.

When Mike came home on schedule, Dave invited him to dinner -- Chinese -- and Mike accepted. At the restaurant Dave remembered the time he and Paul ate there and challenged Mike to see who could have the best success eating with chopsticks. Their Chinese waiter was kind enough to give them a few pointers and then stepped back as the two young men proceeded to make fools of themselves. They had a lot of fun and eventually resorted to the old, reliable fork as the utensil of choice.

After dinner, back at their `home', Dave asked Mike to join him and his family for Christmas but, as expected, Mike declined. Dave then gave Mike the present he had bought and Mike teared up with emotion, grateful that at least Dave was thinking about him at this season of the year. Mike apologized for not having anything for Dave and Dave told him he didn't need to, just having Mike staying with him was enough of a present.

Sunday morning, Dave left for the place he always had and always would call home, all the while thinking about what he had to do. He spent the entire trip trying to imagine different ways to tell his parents he was gay. Each time he started one scenario he abandoned it for one reason or another and began another. His mother probably wouldn't say much because she always seemed to hold her tongue until she had given a particularly difficult subject considerable thought. Also, David had never known his father to fly off the handle and rant and rave. His father was a patient man who had always seemed to like people, gave them every consideration, and David hoped that would make it easier to say everything he wanted to say before the situation could turn ugly, if it was going to. He was so engrossed in his thoughts he almost missed his exit from the Interstate.

When David finally reached home mid-morning, his mother was relieved to see he hadn't brought a load of laundry for her to do. David's dad then suggested they go together to get the Christmas tree. Dave's truck came in real handy for that task and he and his dad had the tree standing in the family room in short order. Father and son worked together placing the lights on the tree and David thought they made a good team. He began to realize just how much like his father he was - with one critical exception. He even got the feeling that his father was really enjoying being with him that day. David was able to help his mother with the final preparations for Kate, John, and the boys who would arrive Monday.

John had a home game Sunday but it wasn't on any of the local channels. That is why they couldn't arrive until Monday and since John's team played the area team the Sunday after Christmas, the timing for a Christmas visit couldn't have been better. It was a lot of fun having the family together again, it brought back a lot of old and pleasant memories for everyone. As expected, David and his parents had to share the kids with John's parents, they even got together as one big family on Christmas Eve. However, David begged off on going to church.

Tuesday afternoon John challenged David to run with him but it was more an excuse to talk privately than get some exercise. John asked David if he still intended to tell his parents and David confirmed he planed to break the news Thursday morning. John would have to join up with his team Christmas evening but he would tell Kate and make sure his brood was somewhere else at the time. David thought that it seemed as though John might be replacing Kate as his confidant, but it was actually more of a sharing arrangement between them, because Kate was pretty well occupied with JD and the twins.

Everything went smoothly all the way to Thursday morning. After breakfast, Dave went upstairs and brushed his teeth, he was stalling. Then he returned to the kitchen where his parents were finishing their second cup of coffee.

"Mother, Dad, could you join me in the living room for a few minutes, there's something I need to tell you." Dave watched for any reaction that might indic ate they had some idea what this was about. Nothing showed. David led the way into the living room. He sat on one loveseat and his parents sat on the other loveseat facing him.

"Mother," David began as he looked at his mother, "Dad," and he looked at his dad, "I... At Thanksgiving at Kate's, I know I..." David began, he just couldn't seem to get started right. "I probably seemed a little strange and I think you deserve to know why."

"Strange is probably a word that would accurately describe your behavior at Kate's," David's father interjected. "Upset might also apply."

`Oh God, I hope he's not going to comment on every statement I make!' David thought. "Yes, Sir. This isn't going to be easy for me and I expect it may be just as difficult for you, so I would like to ask you to please let me finish before you say anything."

His father seemed to study him for a moment. "Okay, you have the floor, Son."

"First I want to thank you for everything you have ever done for me. I don't think I will ever be able to repay you. You taught me so much as I was growing up; even those times when I'm sure you thought I was a hopeless case, I was listening, you were getting through this thick skull. Those lessons have carried me through some tough times. But no matter how much I learned from you, I doubt you could have prepared me for what I've been through over the past eight or nine months." David watched, as his parents seemed to squirm in the loveseat.

"Last April, before I got out of the Army, I met someone and we fell in love. All summer when I occasionally went away for a weekend, we were together." David thought he was beginning to see a faint, understanding smile on his father's face. David looked down at his hands that were folded in front of him. "We made great plans for a future together," David looked up at his parents, "and today was the day we planned to tell you about it. Then last October..." David looked up to the ceiling as if praying for the right words to come to him. You can do this, Dave, you can do this.' It was Paul's voice he was hearing in his ears. Tears welled up in his eyes and he looked back at his parents who now seemed more impatient than ever. "Last October he was in a terrible auto accident and died a few days later." There, I said it!'

He watched his parents. His mother didn't seem to register any emotion but clearly his father had heard what he had said.

"So... yes, I'm gay, a homosexual." David paused, waiting for his father to jump in. He didn't so David continued. "I have known since I was thirteen. You had nothing to do with it; it is nothing you could have fixed; it just was, it is. I have always been very careful to hide it. Very few people know. And you have my promise, my commitment that I will do everything in my power to never embarrass either one of you. I have lost the love of my life and my deepest hope is that I will not lose either of you in the process, that would be too painful for me to bear." By now tears were gushing from David's eyes and he lowered his face into his hands and sobbed. "And now you know why I was so upset at Kate's. I learned of Paul's death only three weeks earlier and I've been having trouble coping with it ever since." David lifted his face from his hands and looked across at his parents. "So now you know." He paused, "I suppose you now have some things to say."

David's mother stood up, moved around the coffee table, sat down beside him, took his hand in hers and kissed him in his cheek. "Oh Honey, I'm so sorry," she said as only a mother can who is trying to comfort an injured son. David's father, on the other hand, did not appear quite so accepting. The faint smile that had appeared earlier was gone; it was replaced with a very stern look of disapproval. He sat still for a while then stood and left the room without saying one word. David was sure he had lost his father. At least he hadn't ranted and raved and called him names and told him to leave the house immediately.

"Give him time, David, this is hard on him." David's mother said quietly.

"You knew."

"Kate told me after you left the morning after Thanksgiving. I know she promised you she wouldn't tell, but you have to understand there is a special bond between mothers and daughters. There are some secrets we have to share. Please don't blame Kate."

"Oh, Mother, I could never blame Kate. She has been my rock through all this. Without her I'm not sure I'd have made it. And John has been terrific ever since he found out. What about Dad?" The concern in David's voice was so thick you could cut it. "Have I lost him?"

"Just give him time, David, he needs time. This is quite a shock to him. He and I will talk just like we always have. And Kate will have some things to say too. So don't give up too early. And some day I want to hear the whole story. Will you tell me?"

"Yes, Mother, but not now. Kate knows a lot; ask her to fill you in until I can talk about it."

The rest of the morning and into the afternoon David's father would not talk to him, wouldn't look at him, wouldn't even stay in the same room with him. David finally told his mother he thought it best if he went back to his apartment. He called Kate at her in-law's house and told her what had happened and that he was going back to his other home. She told him how sad she was and promised to do what she could. David left a little after 4:00 PM.

When Dave walked into the house it was quiet. He thought Mike would be there. As he walked past the door to Mike's room he saw his young friend curled up on his bed with his back to the door. Dave dropped his bag in his room and went back to check on Mike; it was unusual for him to be sleeping at that time. He knocked at Mike's open door.

"Go away!"

Dave walked slowly into Mike's room and approached his bed. "Talk to me, Buddy, something's wrong, I can tell."

"I don't want to talk about it."

Dave sat down on the edge of the bed but he didn't attempt to touch Mike. He tried to think of something that might get Mike to talk. Finally, "I told my parents; I came out to them."

Mike rolled over and looked at Dave. "And?" Dave could see Mike's eyes were red and puffy, he had been crying.

"And I'm still alive." Dave said light-heartedly then began to laugh. The whole thing seemed to be funny but he couldn't think why it should. Mike began to laugh too then he reached up and pulled Dave down with him and they hugged for a while.

"I called Manuel," Mike confided. He sounded dejected.


"He hung up on me. He listened to what I had to say then he told me Papa says I don't exist and he hung up on me." Mike started to cry again. Christmas is not the time when things like this are supposed to happen; but they do. Dave held Mike for a while and rubbed Mike's back for him. He searched his brain for something to say that might turn Mike around.

"You're not going to let this whip you, Mike. You're gonna keep fighting. Call your sister. Maybe she feels differently. It's worth a try, but don't take this lying down. I'll stand beside you."

Mike seemed to calm down after a few moments. He must have been considering Dave's comments. Finally he released his hold on Dave and sat up.

"You're right. I won't give up. I will call Maria!" Mike said with a great deal of emphasis. He got off the bed, walked to his desk, picked up the phone and dialed. Soon Mike began speaking in Spanish and it was obvious he was having a conversation with his sister. Dave decided to leave Mike alone and went to his room and called for an extra large deep-dish pizza. He also cranked up his laptop and checked his e-mail. Art sent him his flight information and told him where his car was parked. He also suggested Dave meet him at his office for directions to the Roehl's ranch.

About twenty-five minutes later Mike emerged from his room, all smiles. Dave was watching the local news when he saw Mike enter the room. At that moment the doorbell rang, the pizza was there. Mike paid the pizza delivery guy and gave him a nice tip.

"Come on into the kitchen and tell me all about it," Dave insisted as he carried the delicious smelling pizza box toward the kitchen. "And grab us some beer, too."

Over pizza, Mike told Dave that Maria knew what was going on and had told her family they were dumb bigots and that she wasn't going to play their silly games. After a lengthy explanation, Mike told Dave that Maria had agreed to be his connection with the family and she would make sure he knew how everyone was doing. Things weren't quite as dark as they might have seemed earlier.

"I'm leaving town Saturday morning, going to Dallas. You wanna come with? You could go on to San Antonio and see Maria," Dave said, hoping Mike would accept.

"What'a you gonna do in Dallas?"

"Paul's family wants to meet me. I'm not sure why, but I don't think it would be right to say no."

"Uh... Dave..." Mike began. "It's none of my business so you can tell me to go take a flyin' fuck, but you've been flyin' all over the country. I didn't know you were that well healed."

He finally figured it out,' Dave thought. Sure took him long enough. How much should I tell him?'

"Well, Art's paying for this. He paid for the last trip to Dallas also." That was all true, as far as it went. "And if you want to go, I'm sure he'll pay for you too."

"It's too late for me to get someone to cover my shift or I'd take you up on it," Mike replied. "But thanks for asking." Mike stared at Dave for several seconds. "Ya know, the best thing that ever happened to me was gettin' you as a roommate in the Army. No one has ever been as nice to me as you. I'll never be able to repay you."

"You don't owe me anything, just do something nice for someone else," Dave answered. "That's what makes life livable. Say, I have lots of time, what's on the tube?"

With that, the conversation was over and some semblance of calm had been restored.

(To be continued.)

******* Authors comments: In "The Recovery -- 02" David agreed to continue Paul's contributions to certain charities, specifically, the Boy Scouts and Big Brothers and Big Sisters.

At least one reader was upset by that because those organizations have antigay policies. While that is true, they also provide much-needed services to a lot of kids. I was a Boy Scout and loved every minute of it. That's where I learned to appreciate the environment, preserve wildlife, and conserve our forests and resources. I also learned a few other things in dark tents and I don't think that's going to change due to some national policy statement. This doesn't mean I endorse the antigay policies of any organization. It does mean David is considering the greater good. If that offends anyone, please accept my apology.

And I don't own an SUV!


Next: Chapter 30: The Recovery 4

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