David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Nov 29, 2002


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation 24

The time to leave for college was rapidly approaching. Dave sat down to review his situation and found it to be quite good. The university had reinstated his scholarship, which covered tuition. Joe had hired him as the resident manager for his rental property and was paying him $400 a month and providing a place to live - furnished. Dave's only regular expenses would be his meals and telephone. All the other utilities were included as part of his housing. Dave started organizing all the things he planned to take with him including clothes, stereo equipment, TV -- the real essentials.

School started the last week of August and Dave decided he needed go up about a week before that to get settled, become more knowledgeable of the four houses he was going to look after and introduce himself to the arriving residents. Dave was very excited about actually beginning the next phase of his life. All summer, Joe had tried to expose him to as many things about being an architect as he could. Dave really wanted to begin learning.

Dave's very first phone call after his phone was connected was to Paul. He had to tell Paul his phone number and they wound up talking for almost an hour. Dave explained that now that he was settled and had lots of room, practically a whole house, that maybe Paul could spend the Labor Day weekend with him. Paul jumped on the opportunity.

On Friday, Dave was waiting when Paul cleared airport security and they walked together to the short-term parking lot, their arms around each other's shoulders like two close friends, which they were. Once in Dave's truck they managed a brief and affectionate kiss, nothing embarrassingly seductive. It was a short drive to the house and once inside all inhibitions were cast to the winds. The first thing Dave showed Paul was the bedroom where they stayed for about two hours. Paul finally got a guided tour of the mansion later and his first observation was van Gogh's `Yellow House', which Dave had hung in his bedroom. Dave explained that he wanted it in the bedroom because it was the most personal room in the house and it made him feel closer to Paul. Since there was no room service, Dave had planned ahead by going to the grocery story and purchasing all the ingredients he needed to make dinner. He browned some ground beef in a pan then mixed in the Ragu sauce and cooked spaghetti. He also fixed some peas and heated a loaf of Italian bread. Paul was quite surprised and impressed. Dave even came up with a bottle of Chianti that he had brought from home. He suggested that Paul might go to the liquor story and help him stock up on a supply of wine, booze and beer, at least until he turned 21 next year.

Paul sat at the kitchen table watching Dave excitedly move about the kitchen cooking a meal just for him; he was almost overcome with emotion. Paul couldn't remember when he had ever felt so relaxed, so comfortable, so domestic, and full of love. He was ready to leave the Army right then and move in with Dave.

They spent the rest of the evening snuggled in each other's arms and finally went to bed and slept.

Saturday morning was a time to sleep in but Dave was up first and started the coffee then went back to bed after a stop in the bathroom. Dave was asleep when Paul finally woke up, him being an hour behind, and when Paul returned to bed after emptying his bladder he snuggled up against his partner and basked in the warmth of Dave's sleeping body. Paul's movement must have been just enough to awaken his lover because his eyes seemed to pop open. Without saying a word both men had their arms around each other enjoying a morning kiss. Morning sex always seemed to be much more exciting, athletic, dynamic, a nd sensual. Perhaps it was because their energy levels were at their peek. Whatever the reason, they pleasured each other by sixty-nining.

Breakfast seemed anticlimactic after their bedroom escapades but both men were quite hungry. They showered separately, dressed and started walking across the campus to the football stadium where the college team was playing a home game. Paul got a real kick out of being on a college campus again, it brought back so many fond memories even though this was not his college campus. The game ran late because there was a lot of passing, which meant lots of incomplete passes and stopped clock.

After the game they walked leisurely back toward the house, allowing most of the fans to pass them by. After the crowd thinned out they started to talk and Dave asked his first question.

"So, Mister, just what kind of little boy were you?"

Paul chuckled, "You are so subtle!" He thought for a moment. "Okay, this is probably gonna be a little disjointed because I haven't really given it much thought since Ft. Lauderdale. I was a very nice little boy. I remember that I was very close to my paternal grandfather and I was devastated when he died; I was only five years old. After that I was kinda solemn, sullen for a few years. I didn't understand why he wasn't there for me anymore and nobody explained it. But I got over that. I played youth soccer and baseball and loved them both. At some point I got interested in tennis, you remember how I beat your ass, and decided it was the sport for me. I was also a Cub Scout and then a Boy Scout. The Boy Scouts was where I learned about circle jerks and the like. I already told you about the Camp Counselor who changed my life one summer.

"Well, my family has money, old money. I had ancestors and distant relatives who fought in the American Revolution, and some died. Some fought for Texas independence at the Alamo and others fought in the Civil War, on both sides. Ancestors of those who fought for the South still persist in calling it the War Between the States. If you're interested some day, I'll get into the details but it tends to get boring so let's leave it at that for now.

"Anyway, as I said, my family had, has money. They were and are also big in Texas politics; the money has a lot to do with that. Because of all that money I led a privileged life: the best private schools, the best clubs, the best everything. I grew up partly on a ranch and partly in the city. I also traveled a lot. When I was ten years old all the students in my class were shipped off to Europe for the summer. We had been studying French and German and we got a chance to try out both languages that summer. It was a real blast. I took to the German better than the French and was able to spend a couple more summers in Europe. That's where I developed my interest in the Impressionist painters.

"I have to thank my parents; I don't think they spoiled me. They made me work hard for what I got. I had to learn how to do things at the ranch. I worked with the ranch hands herding cattle and setting fence posts. I got no special treatment form the employees, parents' orders. My parents expected top performance in whatever I did and there were no excuses. I didn't figure out what they were doing until I was in Law School and then I realized they had taught me the discipline I needed to succeed. I really needed that understanding to help me through school. I already told you about my best friend, Art, so I think that just about covers everything. Your turn."

"Okay, but rather than go back home let's go to a Chinese restaurant and have dinner? There's one just off the campus only a couple of blocks from the house. In fact, we're almost there. And I'll tell you my life history over an egg roll." Dave laughed because his story would be a short paragraph compared to the novel Paul had just told.

The receptionist seated them at a table facing each other. As they discussed the menu, Dave selected one of the packaged-for-Americans' dinners then Paul suggested they each order one item from the menu and share. He said that is the Chinese way. Dave selected the chicken with snow peas and Paul chose the pepper steak after determining it was not marked as one of the spicy' items.

When the waiter arrived, Paul ordered for both of them and also asked for two Bud Lites. The waiter never blinked, he just brought the drinks. The waiter had a lot of experience picking out underage drinkers and what he saw seated at the table were two adult men having dinner together. One was obviously old enough to drink and although the other certainly looked like he wasn't much over 18, both men carried themselves well, possessed an air of maturity about them, and were dressed more like alumni or grad students; they certainly did not appear to be undergraduate students. He served the beer.

"To our life together." Dave proposed with a smile as he lifted his beer.

"Here, here." Paul replied with an equal smile and they both took a drink.

"My life was pretty dull compared to yours." Dave began while they waited for the food to arrive. "All of my grandparents were dead by the time I was two years old. I never knew them. I, like you, played youth soccer and really enjoyed it. That's probably where I found out I liked to run. I was also a Cub Scout but didn't seem to feel a draw to the Boy Scouts. I don't know anything about my ancestors; I guess no one in my family was interested in that kind of stuff. In high school my greatest achievement was being invited to join the Alpha Society..."

"I was in that too!" Paul interrupted.

"Well, that gives us something in common besides the obvious," Dave laughed. "I think I already told you about how I came to realize I was gay and how I dealt with it so there's not much more to tell."

"I'll bet there's more than you realize, and I'm going to pull it out of you." Paul chuckled. At that moment their dinner arrived.

Paul displayed his proficiency in eating with chopsticks but Dave provided the entertainment for the evening when he decided to try using them. He finally gave up and used a fork rather than starve to death.

They spent a relaxing evening together, cuddled in front of the TV. They turned in early and enjoyed giving each other as much pleasure as they knew how to give.

Sunday morning both men awoke about the same time and Dave made pancakes for breakfast. Dave told Paul about a nondenominational church he noticed just two blocks from the house and asked if he was interested in going there. Paul agreed so they showered, dressed and walked the two blocks to church.

The service was simple, the congregation consisted mostly of young college students, the choir sang well and the minister was on the young side, perhaps 30 -- 32 years old. The minister delivered a not-too-long sermon about love, forgiveness and acceptance, which seemed to touch Dave and Paul alike. On the way out of the church after the service Dave and Paul shook hands with the Reverend Timothy Fields and he invited them back next Sunday. They had a quick lunch at the house then went to a private country club where Paul had a reciprocal agreement and played a round of golf. Dave was definitely hooked on the game. Paul suggested they have dinner at an Outback Steakhouse he had noticed and because they had to wait so long to be seated they were both starved by the time they got their food. But it was worth the wait; the steaks were delicious.

Arriving back at the house, Paul was all over Dave. He began removing Dave's clothes, one article at a time, while applying sensuous kisses to each newly exposed area of skin. His goal was to drive Dave to the highest state of arousal as possible, then make love to him like they had enjoyed that first night in Ft. Lauderdale. Their lovemaking was almost the opposite as the previous night because Dave was the aggressor then.

Monday morning the sun was shining brightly and the air was clean and clear so Paul expressed an interest in Dave giving him a walking tour of the campus. Dave had been there often enough throughout his high school years that he knew it rather well and he remembered much of the history that Joe had told him when they toured the campus together. At one point they sat down under a shade tree near one of the fountains to watch the people walk by. Before long a group of students came by holding signs and banners touting the virtues and benefits of electing certain candidates for Congress. Shortly after that, another group paraded by proclaiming that candidates of the other major party were the best people for Congress.

"Now there's a topic we haven't discussed," Dave exclaimed.

"Look, kid, we've done okay with religion, you sure you wanna get into a discussion about politics?"

"Sure. I don't really have any firm opinions one way or the other and I'd like to hear what you think." Dave replied.

"Well..." Paul paused for a moment. "Let's try this. Suppose I ask you what you think about a variety of topics and then we can identify whether they are Democrat or Republican issues. Perhaps that will help you decide which political party you belong in."

"Hell, I don't want to be in any political party, I just want to know which one I'm more aligned with."

"Okay, but I gotta tell you at the beginning, I'm not sure where I fit either; I'm confused about a lot of this." Paul felt it only proper that he tell Dave where he stood. "Well, let's see... do you favor more government or less?"

"After what I saw in the Army, I sure as hell don't want more government; a big bureaucracy sure knows how to waste my money on a big scale."

"Okay, that kinda puts you in the Republican column. But although they talk a lot about smaller government they seem to be pretty good at increasing it too. How about taxes?"

"Lower! I remember my first real paycheck when I started working at McCracken's construction company, there was almost nothing left when the government finished taking its share."

"Again, you're in the Republican camp. What about free speech and personal freedom, like being allowed to live like you want? For example, do you think you and I should be free to live together without any restrictions?"

"Damn straight!" Dave exclaimed.

"Well, the Democrats seem to claim that as their issue. Have you thought about the environment?"

"Yeah, I want to preserve our environment, the trees, the natural habitat, all that stuff. I learned that from being in the Cub Scouts."

"Ya see, that's another issue the Democrats claim. But the crazy thing about all this is that I know Democrats who support smaller government and less regulation and there are Republicans who support freedom of association."

"Damn, Paul, you're no help at all. Now I'm confused!"

Paul began to laugh. "Yeah, crazy isn't it? Some times in law school a few of us would sit around and argue a whole bunch of these points. That's when I learned about a third position called Libertarian. At first it sounded real good, just what I wanted. On the surface libertarians support limited government, free markets and the rule of law not rule of man. Also, it is into individualism and individual rights, that is, we have the right to live our lives however we choose as long as it respects the rights of others and does no harm. But the more I learned the more I realized it isn't perfect e ither. So here I am, just as confused as when I started."

"So whata you do when it comes time to vote?"

"I try my best to find out where individual candidates stand on a variety of issues and then vote for the one that seems closest to my own views. I never expect any candidate to reach a perfect score but I don't want to reject any candidate because he or she disagrees with me on one particular issue. One thing I'm pretty sure of, I couldn't vote for any candidate who is openly anti-gay. Politicians can be unreliable, unpredictable. Some of them will turn on a dime and abandon a position if they think it will get them elected. When I see one who has such little character, he's history in my book. Look, I believe in this country. I'll admit I'm heavily influenced by my family history. I'm prepared to die to preserve what we have. I've been around enough to know that the rest of the world really doesn't understand the American Spirit is and what it means. STOP! Sorry, once I get started I get carried away sometimes. I'll shut up now, your turn."

"Whoa! That's some heavy shit, Dude! But it's really interesting and I'd like to talk about it some more in the future." Dave looked into Paul's hazel eyes. "Let's go home."

Paul stood and pulled Dave to his feet. Then began walking toward Dave's house and Paul placed his arm around Dave's shoulders. Being able to do that in public made them both feel really good. Back at the house Dave made turkey sandwiches and they each had a soft drink, Paul a Coke and Dave a Dr. Pepper. They spent the rest of the afternoon on the couch watching football. Paul was seated with his back in the corner formed by the arm and back of the couch, his right leg was stretched out along the cushions, and his left foot was on the floor. Dave was stretched out between Paul legs with his back against Paul's chest. They both wondered if this is how it would be when they could live together. Life would be so good.

Much too soon it was time for Paul to head to the airport. They were silent during the short drive. Dave drove to the `Departures' area and stopped. They each turned and looked longingly at each other then Paul reached out, placed his left hand behind Dave's head and drew them together in a deep, lingering kiss. Neither man was ready to say goodbye but Paul, knowing what he had to do finally released Dave, opened the door, stepped out the truck, grabbed his bag from the truck bed and looked sadly at Dave.

"I'll call ya and thanks for everything. And I do mean everything." Paul said.

"I'll be waiting," Dave replied as Paul closed the door and stepped back up on the curb. Then he did something he'd never done before, he blew a kiss to Dave; Dave blew one back. Then Paul turned and disappeared through the sliding doors of the terminal building. Dave sat still for several minutes looking at the doors that seemed to have swallowed Paul. Finally a policeman walked up and motioned for him to drive on.

Tuesday evening Dave was sitting at the desk in his bedroom reading ahead for one of his classes when the phone rang. He picked up the handset before the first ring finished.

"Hi, Babe..."

"Do you answer all your calls like that or just mine?" Paul asked

"Just yours, to what do I owe the pleasure of hearing your voice so soon? Or, more bluntly, what's up?" Dave asked. He had already picked up on a note of tension, possibly frustration in Paul's voice.

"Well... something's come up and I need to let off some steam to someone I can trust. Is that okay?" Paul asked.

"Sure, Paul, unload," Dave invited with, his voice taking on a very serious tone.

"Shit!" Paul paused. "When I got back to my room last night the phone was ringing. It was the MPs. Seems they found two guys out behind the Gym Annex having sex. Well... one was giving the other a blowjob. Anyway, they hauled the guys in and locked them up then called me to find out what to do. They called me because I'm the legal guy for gay issues, as you already know. I told them to hold them overnight and we'd take a look at it in the morning. Now this is where I really get pissed. About 3:00AM the phone rings again. Somebody released the guy who was the blowee back to his room. Apparently word got around the barracks and about five guys thought they'd administer their own brand justice so they banged the kid up pretty badly and he's now in the hospital." Paul paused, took a few deep breaths to try to get himself under control.

"Damnit, Paul, now I'm pissed! What are you gonna do?"

"Thanks, Babe, I didn't intend to get you worked up on this, there just isn't anybody else I can express my true feelings to. You understand." He paused again. "I talked to the Colonel and told him we had a serious problem here with the guy getting beat up. He wasn't too interested at first but then I put it in terms he could understand. You see, all these senior officers are totally focused on getting promoted. So when I told him that with the current spot light focused on gays in the military, this incident might damage his career if it wasn't handled properly and he gave me his full attention. I told him Sanchez only had a couple of months before he finishes his tour..."

"Sanchez?" Dave exclaimed. "Miguel Sanchez? My former roommate?" Dave's voice grew louder and higher with each question.

"Oh shit, Dave, I completely forgot. You're right! I never made the connection, how could I have missed that!"

"You said he was in the hospital, how is he?" "Dave?" "Will he be okay?" "Dave?" "I need to talk to him!" Dave!" "Do you have a phone number where I can reach him?" "DAVE!" Paul finally shouted to get Dave's attention.

"Whoa, Hon, slow down!"

"I'm sorry, Paul, Miguel's my friend and I'm worried about him, that's all."

"Yeah, I understand. Actually, he's okay, a little bruised and sore; it'll take a few days for the swelling to go down over his left eye. And he's no longer in the hospital either. I put him in a safe house for now until the Colonel buys off on my proposal."

"What's that?" Dave asked impatiently.

"Well, Sanchez won't talk about who did this to him so that means we can't arrest the guys. It also means it's not safe to release him back to the regular Army population. So I suggested we give him an Early Out with a Good Conduct Discharge, like this never happened. The Colonel wasn't too sure of that approach but he finally acquiesced. Now I just hope Sanchez buys into it."

"Why wouldn't he?"

"Well, you know he lives in San Antonio and he knows guys here who have family there. If he goes home in his current condition there are gonna be lots of questions he might not want to answer..."

"Wait! I have an idea." Dave interrupted. "Look, Miguel and I have been writing back and forth and we've talked about him visiting me when he gets out. Can you send him here? He can stay with me in the extra bedroom until he gets his feet back on the ground."

"That just might work. I'll lay that on him tomorrow and see what he says. NO! Shit! I can't do that! I'd be outing us if I did that!"

"Better yet," Dave interrupted, "give me his phone number and I'll talk to him tonight and invite him here. Then when you offer him the Early Out he'll have somewhere to go. What's his phone number?"

"Now there's another problem. As the attorney for this case my hands are tied about what information I can give out. In fact, sharing this information with you could get me put in jail... Oh, what the Hell. If I can't trust you, whom can I trust? Call the Post Operator and ask for extension 2244. No, even better, call Major Lewis and ask him for the phone number. That way, if anyone asks you can give him as your source. He doesn't have any restrictions like I do."

"Okay, what's his number?"

"Wait a sec... it's base extension 2789. You really want to do this?" Paul asked.

"Without a doubt. I'll call you back after I've talked to him. Bye, Hon, and thanks."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, this isn't a done deal yet. Bye, Babe."

They both hung up the phone. Dave sat quietly for a couple of minutes thinking about what he was going to say and trying to anticipate the kinds of questions Maj. Lewis might have. Finally he picked up the phone and dialed the number.

"Major Lewis' residence, may I help you?" It was the voice of a young boy, probably the one who Dave met at the football game last year.

"My name is Dave Baker, May I speak to the Major please?"

"Just a minute, sir, I'll tell him you're calling," the young man said. Dave was very impressed by the formality with which the boy handled the conversation.

"Major Lewis," the voice announced.

"Major, this is Dave Baker and..."

"Dave Baker? Do I know you?"

"Oh, Corporal Baker, sir, and congratulations on your promotion."

"Oh, Baker!" the Major exclaimed. "How are you? Please say you're calling to tell me you want to come back to work for me."

"Well, not exactly, sir," Dave chuckled, "although I consider it an honor to have worked for you. I'm really calling to ask if you can tell me how to contact my old roommate, Sgt. Sanchez."

"Do you mind my asking why you want to talk to him?" Dave could immediately hear a more business tone in the Major's voice. It sounded like he was on his guard.

"Well, Sir, I'm not exactly Army Intelligence but I do still have friends there and I heard about Miguel's... uh... problem. I just want to talk to him and see if I can help. He and I have maintained contact ever since I got out and I think he'll talk to me."

"I see." Maj. Lewis paused for a moment as though he was weighing his options. "Okay, Dave, he needs a friend right now. Do you know the number for the Post Operat... of course you do, you just called me, didn't you! By the way, how did you get my number?"

"As I said, Sir, I have friends."

"Yes, I guess you did. Sanchez is a good man and he needs a friend right now. The number is 2244. And Dave, I hope you can help him."

"Thanks and goodbye, Sir, and please be sure to let me know when you make General."

Lewis laughed. "It'd be a lot easier if you'd come back to work for me. Bye, Dave."

Dave heard the click and the line went dead. Now! How to deal with Miguel! He sat thinking for several minutes. `Oh hell, there's no way to know how this is going to turn out so I'll just call and roll with the punches.' Dave picked up the phone and dialed the number.

"Hello?" Dave recognized Miguel's voice but it was weak, subdued, beaten.

"Miguel, it's Dave."

"Oh, Dave! I'm so glad it's you, I was afraid it was going to be somebody else with more bad news. I've been thinking about you." Miguel paused just a moment then continued. "If you know enough to reach me at this number I guess you know what happened."

"Yeah, Miguel, I know what happened. I'm so sorry. Do you know what happens next?" Dave wanted to push the conversation along. If Miguel would agree to stay with him they would have plenty of time to talk.

"I'm not real sure but I talked to a lawyer today, a Captain Roehl, and he mentioned something about an Early Out. If I agree I could be out of here by tomorrow afternoon but I don't have anywhere to go. I can't go home, my family doesn't expect me to get out until November so if I show up now it will cause a lot of questions I'm not ready to answer. And then there's the way I look. I never was real good looking but now I look ridiculous." Dave could imagine the tears running down Miguel's face.

"Miguel, listen! Come straight here and stay with me, at least until you can decide what you need to do next. I have an extra bedroom and it won't cost a cent. Whata ya say?"

"Awe, Dave, are you serious?"

"Yes! Now do it! Just let me know when you'll get here, which flight you'll be on." Dave was so used to flying he just assumed that was the transportation of choice.

"I'll probably have to take the bus, Dave, I don't have the money for a plane."

"Look! I have a plan. I'll call you tomorrow morning with the details. Okay?"

"Sure, Dave, and thanks a ton for calling. Bye."

"Bye, and Miguel, I think you are good looking." Dave heard Miguel chuckling as he hung up the phone. Now he had to call Paul again.

"That you, Babe?" Paul answered the phone.

"Now you're pulling one of my tricks. How did you know it was me?"

"Who else would be calling me at this hour of the night? Besides, I was praying it was you and my prayers are answered. What have you learned?" Paul asked.

"Well, if you can get him out like you plan, Miguel agreed to come stay with me. He says he doesn't have enough money for air fair, will the Army take care of his transportation?"

"Only part of it. They'll pay for him to return to his home of record, which is San Antonio, not all that far away."

"Okay, I'll buy him a ticket. How do I do that?" Dave asked.

"I have an idea. On the back of your Cirrus Club card is an 800 number for club member services. Once I find out when Miguel will be released, I'll let you know and you can contact the Cirrus Club and make a reservation for him. You can charge it to your American Express card and all he will have to do is pick it up at the airline ticket counter. Remember how you did that for our trip to Ft. Lauderdale?"

"Yeah, I'll always remember our trip to Ft. Lauderdale, Babe. But won't that wind up with you paying for his trip?"

"So what. It's nothing. I want to help him after what he's been through." Paul stated.

"Okay then, I'll wait to hear from you. Bye, Babe, love ya"

"Love ya, Babe." Paul replied and hung up the phone.

Tuesday morning Dave had eight and nine o'clock classes then a break for lunch followed by one and three o'clock classes. When he got home for lunch at about 10:20 the message light on his answering machine was blinking. He pressed the play button and listened.

"We have a deal, Babe. Miguel will be out by 2:00 PM. Just do your magic then call him and give him the details. I'm going to know how this all works out but call me tonight and fill me in on the details. Love ya, bye."

Dave was excited. He called the 800 number for the Cirrus Club, made reservations for Miguel on a flight departing at 4:15 PM and charged the ticket to his American Express card. Then he called Miguel.

"Hello." Miguel sounded a little more up beat than last night. Perhaps he was feeling better about his situation.

"Hey, Bud, you all packed and ready to travel?"

"Yeah, Dave, what's the plan?" Miguel recognized Dave's voice and he began to sound excited.

"You have a reservation on a 744 at 4:15 PM, or 1615 military time. Just check in at the ticket counter and pick up the ticket. It's all paid for."

"Dave, you shouldn't do that!" Miguel exclaimed.

"This is not the time to argue, my friend, just grab your things, head to the airport and we can settle things when you are safely here. Okay?"

Miguel didn't answer immediately, like he was considering his options. "Okay, you win... this time!"

"I'll be waiting when you clear security. Don't be late." Dave laughed.

"I'll be there, and Dave... thanks a lot. I really owe you, man."

"Okay, that's enough, get your ass moving, mister." Dave hung up the phone. He needed to fix a sandwich and review the material from his morning classes then take a quick look at the stuff for the afternoon classes.

At 7:30 PM, Dave was waiting outside the terminal security exit when he saw Miguel walking toward him. Dave had already called Paul to give him the final details and compare notes. Although Dave knew Miguel had been assaulted he wasn't prepared for the damage to his friend's face. He suddenly got quite angry. Miguel walked straight up to Dave and stopped right in front of his friend. He dropped his bag, wrapped his arms around his friend and began to sob just a little.

"Thanks, Dave, I don't know what I would have done without you."

"I'm really happy to see you, Miguel, that's what friends are for. Now let's get your stuff and get out of here. You check any luggage?"

"Yeah, one, where's baggage claim? And one more thing, I've decided to make some changes and one of those changes is my name. From now on call me, Mike."

Dave just grinned. He understood what `Mike' was trying to do. "Sure thing, Mike." They found the baggage claim area, picked up Mike's bag, dumped it in the back of Dave's truck and headed for the apartment. Dave used the Interstate for a short distance then switched to city streets. While stopped at a traffic light, Dave looked to his right and saw Mike sitting with his head down, appearing very dejected. Dave placed his hand on the back of Mike's neck and gently massaged it then let his hand slip to that space between Mike's shoulder blades and rubbed it also. Mike raised his head and looked straight ahead but did not look at Dave. He inhaled deeply then let out a long sigh. Dave tried to imagine how depressed Mike was: he had been discovered in a compromising situation, assaulted, kicked out of the Army (all-be-it with a good conduct discharge), was sure he couldn't go home, and had no clue as to what his future would be. Mike was certainly not the same happy, fun-loving, entertaining jokester Dave remembered as a roommate.

Arriving at the house, Dave gave Mike a quick tour, showing him his room and bathroom and where Dave slept. Because it was late, Dave needed to get to bed. He had always been an early riser, except on those occasions when he and Paul made love into the wee hours of the morning. Dave retired to his bedroom and while he was brushing his teeth he heard the shower going in the other bathroom. Mike was taking a shower. Dave got into bed wearing his boxer briefs; when he slept with Paul he slept naked but when he was alone he liked to sleep in his boxer briefs. At that moment he heard the shower stop. He heard Mike leave his bathroom and go into his bedroom. In that old house, it was easy to hear someone walk across the creaky floor. Dave felt so sorry for Mike. He turned out the light and lay there worrying about how he might be able to help Mike cope with his demons. As his eyelids began to close he heard a soft knock at the open door. Dave had gotten used to leaving the bedroom door open because he lived alone and saw no need to close it.

"Dave?" Mike spoke very softly, not wanting to wake Dave if he was asleep.

"Yeah, Mike," Dave replied quietly. He looked toward the open door and could see Mike standing there in his white briefs; they almost glowed in the dark in contrast to Mike's light brown skin.

"Uh... would it be okay... I mean... could I..."

"Sure, Mike, come on." For some strange reason, Dave seemed to sense what Mike wanted to ask. He pulled back the sheet and blanket inviting Mike into the bed. Mike walked hesitatingly across the room and climbed into bed with Dave. He lay down on his side with his back to Dave, being sure to leave a space between them. Dave moved against his friend and draped his arm around Mike's chest.

"Mike, I get home from class tomorrow about 4:15. If you want to talk, that will be a good time."

"Yeah, Dave, thanks, I wanna talk..."

Dave felt Mike inhale very deeply then exhale. In one long sigh Dave could feel all the tension leave Mike's body and in a matter of seconds Mike was asleep. Dave felt good that in some small way he was able to comfort his friend and he drifted off to sleep soon after Mike.

Dave awoke early Wednesday morning only seconds before his alarm was about to go off. He quickly flipped the alarm button so it wouldn't sound then carefully got out of bed hoping not to disturb Mike. He stood at the foot of the bed looking down at his friend and began to feel the anger building in his chest again. Mike's body was covered with bruised from his head to his feet. `Those bastards!' Dave thought. He pulled himself away from the sight, changed into his running clothes and headed out of the house for his regular Wednesday morning run. His first class on Wednesday wasn't until 9:00 AM so his routine was to get in a 3-mile run then shower. He was able to begin reviewing his homework for the day's classes and after he ate some cold cereal for breakfast, down some coffee, he would begin studying. During this morning's run he tried to think of ways he could help Mike transition to his new life. One thing that occurred to him was that Mike should be accompanying him on his morning runs. There's nothing like a shot of endorphins to raise one's spirits and stimulate clear thinking. When Dave walked into the house at the end of his run he could smell the coffee brewing.

"Something smells good!" Dave announced even before he could see into the kitchen. He heard Mike chuckle. `Now there's a good sign,' he thought.

"Breakfast is ready when you are," Mike responded with another chuckle. Dave walked into the kitchen to find Mike already dressed and smiling and he had made coffee, set the table and poured some cold cereal in bowels for both of then. When you room with someone and eat lots of meals with him like Mike and Dave had you get to know what he likes. That was exactly the situation Mike found himself in and he made good use of it.

Dave followed his routine while Mike quietly watched and tried not to interfere. Before leaving for class, Dave told Mike he would be home for lunch and that Mike was welcome to join him. Not only did Mike join Dave he had the sandwiches already made. After lunch Dave dived into his books again to review materiel for his afternoon classes. Before leaving again Dave told Mike that he was free to use the telephone if he needed to call anyone and Mike said there was nobody he needed to call.

Mike was most intrigued watching Dave as a student. Mike had not been that good a student in high school and he had never seen anyone work at it like he could see that Dave was doing. When Dave walked into the house after his last class he could clearly smell something that made his mouth water.

"Who's been cooking in my kitchen?" Dave shouted, almost like he was one of the three bears. He heard light laughter coming from the kitchen. Dave dropped his books on the desk in his room before going into the kitchen. When he got there, Mike was wearing an apron that Dave didn't know existed and he looked like a chef. The aroma in the kitchen smelled delicious. "What are you up to?" Dave asked with a big smile on his face.

"Eh, gringo, you like enchiladas, senior?" Mike was grinning from ear to ear as he spoke in his best imitation of a Mexican accent.

"Damned straight, you wetback!" The two of them had become such good friends as roommates that they seemed to get a kick about calling each other gringo' and wetback' just for fun. Those epithets had become expressions of friendship for them.

Not having to cook dinner gave Dave much needed time to study, which he did. After dinner, the two friends adjourned to the living room, Dave sitting in the easy chair and Mike on the sofa; there was a coffee table between them, which seemed appropriate because they were each finishing off an after dinner cup of coffee.

"So... how are you feeling?" Dave asked with a note of serious concern in his voice. It turned out to be like opening the spigot on a faucet. Mike began talking. He talked about everything that happened between the time Dave left until he got caught behind the Gym Annex, about being beaten up, and about how a Captain Roehl had helped him so much. Mike even told Dave the names of three of the men who assaulted him. After about two hours, Dave asked if Mike would mind it they continued their talk again after dinner Thursday and Mike agreed, he was tired and wanted to turn in.

They each went to their rooms. Dave closed the door to his bedroom this time so he could make a phone call.

"Roehl," the wonderful sound of Paul's voice said.

"Hi, Babe," Dave answered.

"I was hoping that would be you. How are things going?"

"Better than I expected," Dave replied. He then proceeded to tell Paul everything that had happened since he picked Mike up at the airport the night before; he included the three names Mike had given him. He even told him about Mike wanting to sleep with him. Anticipating Paul's question but knowing Paul would never ask it, Dave assured him that there had not been any sex, in fact, the thought had not even crossed his mind; he was too concerned about Mike's problems. After saying their good-bye's, Dave opened his bedroom door and managed to get in another hour and a half of studying before turning in. He didn't know if Mike would want to seek more comforting and by keeping his bedroom door open he wanted to send the message that it was okay.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 25

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