David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Nov 23, 2002


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation 23

Due to thunderstorms in the Ft. Lauderdale area the air traffic was backed up and they arrived about ten minutes late. Dave followed Paul off the plane, through the terminal and outside where they boarded the waiting Hertz shuttle van, which waited a reasonable period of time before it began to move. Stepping off the shuttle at the rental car lot, Dave watched Paul examine an electronic board with a list of names on it. They simultaneously saw `Roehl: A-15'.

"Over here." Paul said and he began walking down a row of cars. Dave followed. Backed into parking spot B-15 was a silver Ford Taurus with the trunk already open. They threw their bags in the trunk; Paul closed it, opened the driver's door and got behind the steering wheel. Dave didn't need any instructions; he got in on the passenger side. Without any conversation, Paul removed some papers that were suspended from the rearview mirror and examined them then started the car and drove out of the parking spot. Stopping at the exit booth, a Hertz employee examined the rental agreement along with Paul's driver's license, handed it back to him and wished him a good evening. Paul drove out of the lot and toward the Interstate.

"That was smooth," Dave commented, "they just let you get in and drive off?"

Paul explained how his advance reservations, along with the necessary personal information on file with Hertz made it easier and faster to get the car and be on their way.

They were only on the Interstate for a short distance when Paul exited onto the city streets. Before too long he drove into a parking garage and pulled into a space that had a sign Reserved No. 404.' Grabbing their bags from the trunk Paul led them to the elevator where he inserted a special key. The elevator doors closed and he punched the button for the forth floor. When the elevator doors opened Paul led them across the hall to a door with the number 404' on it. He inserted a key, opened the door and turned on the light.

Stepping inside and waiting until Dave entered, he closed and locked the door then led Dave down the hall to the master bedroom. He reached out and removed the bag from Dave's left hand and set in on a table next to his own. Paul took Dave into his arms and kissed him tenderly and deeply for almost three minutes. The next thing he did was help remove Dave's coat and then hung it in the closet. Next he began to methodically remove Dave's clothing, one article at a time. As each piece of clothing exposed more of Dave's skin Paul applied loving kisses to it like he was discovering it for the first time and needed to make love to it.

Once Paul had completely disrobed Dave, except for those boxer briefs Paul had purchased, he stopped just long enough to remove every stitch of his own clothing and then turned his attention back to Dave. Paul sank to his knees and grasped the waistband of Dave's briefs with his teeth. Slowly, carefully he began pulling them down over Dave's hips until it finally became necessary to grasp the front of the waistband and pull it far out away from Dave's body to get it past his straining erection.

Dave stood motionless; he was prepared to allow Paul any desire, any fantasy. His body shuddered with desire each time that Paul touched him. He felt Paul's hands brush lightly up and down his legs, just close enough to disturb the hairs without actually touching the flesh. Dave's eggs were already drawn up tightly inside his scrotum.

Paul escorted Dave to the bed and guided him to lie down. With Dave on his back Paul began with a soft, passionate kiss that had Dave gasping for air. Then Paul began his assault. Starting with Dave's forehead, he began kissing and nibbling almost every inch of the younger man's flesh. Paul tenderly guided Dave arms out from his sides then began kissing and licking Dave's pits. This was a new and previously unexplored erogenous zone Dave never knew existed until then and he felt like he was going to explode. Paul continued lower across Dave's torso, skipping his genitalia for the moment and moving directly to his feet. He inserted the great toe of Dave's left foot into his hot, wet mouth and bathed it with his tongue. Dave was practically floating above the bed.

Paul lifted Dave's legs and his lips began a systematic trip down the backside, pausing behind Dave's knees to apply loving licks and kisses. Dave's inni-navel was already full with precum and he could feel the overflow rolling down both sides of his abdomen.

Eventually Paul reached Dave's entertainment center and he did not hesitate. He was already holding Dave's legs in the air so he pushed behind his knees and Dave, taking the hint, grabbed on behind his legs and pulled his knees into his chest. Moving into position, Paul's tongue darted and flicked around and on Dave's anus eliciting moans of intense enjoyment. Paul did not dally though; his tongue next stroked Dave's perineum several times then lifted one testicle at a time and guided it into his mouth. Releasing Dave's second egg, he wrapped his lips around the base of Dave's cock and began inching his way toward the glans. As Paul' lips closed over the tip of Dave's prick he stuck his finger in Dave's navel and got it well coated with precum then transferred the slippery liquid to Dave's rosebud. It didn't take Paul very long to get three fingers inside his lover's orifice which was now very slick with his own precum; Paul even added some of his own to the mix. By now Dave was squirming and moaning; he was getting impatient.

"Paul... Please... I'm ready... Fuck me! Yes... fuck me now!" Dave had completely forgotten Paul's prediction earlier on the plane; Paul had him exactly where he'd promised.

Releasing Dave's cock, Paul moved forward and engaged Dave in a heated kiss. At the same time the tip of his rod made contact with the gaping hole in the center of Dave's body. He held his position to see how Dave would react; he didn't have to wait long. Using his legs, which were now wrapped around Paul's hips, Dave drew them closer together and he could feel Paul's cock begin its penetration. Paul loved it. When Dave had taken all he could from his inferior position, Paul took over and completed the insertion to the base.

Paul could tell that Dave might be close to orgasm so he held his place, gently kissing and caressing his man.

"Please, Paul." Dave whispered in Paul's ear.

"In time, Baby, in time." Paul felt Dave start to retreat from the brink so he began to slowly make love to him. He wanted them both to enjoy this time together as much as possible; he was in no hurry.

It seemed that each time they got together they got better. They got better at reading each other, better at giving pleasure to each other, better at loving each other.

Dave was the first to find release and that allowed Paul to follow almost immediately. When it was over the two exhausted men lay covered in sweat and glued together with Dave's cum.

When their breathing finally returned to normal and their strength began to recover Paul asked, "You think you can stand up?"


"I think I'd sleep better if I had a quick shower. How about you?"

"I think I can stand if you help me to my feet." Dave said with a chuckle. Paul helped him up; they showered quickly, turned off the hall light, returned to the bed and slept soundly.

Early in the morning Paul got up to pee and went right back to bed, snuggled up to Dave and fell asleep. A short time later Dave opened his eyes; he had a morning woody and needed to piss. Once that was complete he felt wide-awake. Walking back into the bedroom he watched Paul sleeping so peacefully, so innocently that he just couldn't wake him. Dave located his wristwatch and checked the time: 9:48, time to get up. But Paul's body was one hour behind his so he decided to let the beast sleep.

It was Thursday morning. Walking down the hall, Dave passed another, smaller bedroom and then entered into a larger room that was obviously the main living area. The large window, sliding glass door actually, was the most dominant feature of the room and it provided an expansive view of the sun drenched beach. It was beautiful! Looking around, Dave saw the large room was divided into three functional areas, one was the living area, then there was the dining area with an expensive looking dining set, and finally there was the kitchen which was partially delineated by a breakfast bar sticking out from the wall.

Dave walked into the kitchen looking for anything he could eat for breakfast. The refrigerator contained milk, eggs, bacon, Danish rolls and numerous other food items. He even saw some steaks in the meat drawer. Rummaging around some more, he found bread and noticed a toaster sitting on the counter.

"Yes!" Dave said to himself, he would fix breakfast for his lover and serve it to him in bed. Surely he wouldn't mind waking up for that. Dave set to his task. First he started the coffee. As the bacon was frying, a tiny drop of grease popped over the side of the pan and landed on the shaft of Dave's penis. "Oh Shit!" he exclaimed as he jumped back away from the range. Suddenly he remembered Paul wearing an apron that first morning they were together at the ranch. Now he knew why. He couldn't find an apron but he found a large dishtowel and wrapped it around his waist. That worked just fine. When the bacon was done he placed in on a paper towel to drain then chopped a little onion and a piece of green pepper and sautéed them in the grease for a few seconds. Then he cracked seven eggs into a bowl, mixed them with a fork, added a little milk, then poured them to the pan and scrambled them, crumbling the bacon in along the way. He also added salt and pepper so he wouldn't have to bother with that in the bedroom. Looking under the counter he found a large tray with folding legs on it which would be perfect for bed service. Dave placed the eggs on one plate; they could share, and placed it on the tray, added two knives and forks, found some strawberry jelly and added it to the tray. Taking two mugs from the cabinet he filled them with the coffee, which had just finished and at that moment the toast popped up. He was ready; his mother would be proud. Well, maybe not with everything, like his living arrangement.

Dave picked up the tray and walked back to the bedroom. Paul was just beginning to stir. There was just enough light filtering around the edges of the room-darkening drapes that made it easy to see quite well without hurting the eyes. From his fetal position Paul rolled onto his back, opened his eyes and smiled big at Dave.

"Mornin, Babe... Oh my, what have we here!" Paul said as he pushed himself up with his hands and scooted back to lean against the headboard.

"How does breakfast in bed sound?" Dave said proudly as he approached the bed.

"And what the hell kind of outfit is that you're wearing, Soldier!" Paul almost shouted then began laughing.

Dave realized he had forgotten to remove his bacon grease shield so he set the tray on the bed, grabbed the towel and pulled it off his body.

"Oh, this old thing? It's just something I threw on." Dave replied as he leaned over and kissed his love briefly. "Ready for breakfast?"

"Yeah, set it down, I'm hungry." Paul said as he pulled his legs up close and crossed them in a modified lotus position. Dave sat down on the opposite side of the tray so they were facing each other, both were cross-legged and both were nekked. It was a wonderful breakfast but there was one major distraction, two actually. Each time one of them reached for a bite of food, the other's genitals were in a direct line of sight. By the time they finished the meal their members were stiff and leaking and each man had only one thought on his mind.

Dave took the last bite and Paul lifted the tray and sat it on the floor. Then he reached out and pulled Dave to him and held him in a long, loving kiss. In a matter seconds, they were stretched out on the bed, Paul was flat on his back with his legs around Dave's waist and they were in the throws of another expression of their love for each other. They never seemed to run out of fun ways to start the day.

Later as they lay in each other's arms Dave asked, "What're we doing this morning?"

Paul reached out, picked up his wristwatch, checked the time and replied, "You mean this afternoon?"

"No shit? You mean we frittered away the morning!" Dave exclaimed.

"Oh, is that what you call what we were doing, frittering?"

"If it is, you can fritter me any time you want, Captain." Dave gave Paul a peck on his lips. "Really, what're we doin?"

"You wanna try some golf?"

"Yeah, you sure you wanna play with me?"

"What a leading question! You wanna rephrase that, Stud Soldier?"

"Okay, you sure you wanna play golf with me? I already know the answer to the first question."

"The answer is YES' and YES'. Now let's get showered and find a golf course." Paul instructed.

Driving down the street, Paul slowed, made a right turn and drove through an impressive entrance to a private country club.

"That sign at the entrance said this for `Members Only'. Are you a member?" Dave asked.

"Nah, that's for other people. They put that on the sign hoping to keep out the riff-raff. It's really a message that says you have to pay money to belong and play. Otherwise, go to a public course."

"Well, how does that work for us?"

"The country club I belong to back home has what's called a `reciprocal' agreement with this club. That means the folks here will allow us to play just like we were members. Sometimes they'll even transfer my charges directly to the account at my club. We'll just wait and see how they want to play it."

"Don't we need a tee-time?" David remembered that form when John took him to play and they had to get a tee-time.

"Normally yes. I'm guessing that since this is off-season we won't have much of a problem. Most of the residents here are older, retired and they don't like to play in the afternoon heat. That's a plus for us." Paul was doing a good job of answering Dave's questions.

When Paul drove in to the parking lot he was able to get a space fairly close to the clubhouse. That was a good sign; it probably indicated that many of the golfers had finished and gone home. He and Dave entered the clubhouse and wandered down a hall. Along the way they walked past the entrance to a magnificent looking formal dining room. On the other side of the hall was a room that looked like a bar area. At the end of the hall they walked out into what was obviously the pro shop. Clubs, bags, clothing, hats, and all sorts of other golfing equipment were all over the place.

"May I help you gentlemen?" a young man behind the counter at the far end of the room asked. Paul, Dave and the attendant were the only people in the room.

"Certainly. My name is Paul Roehl and we are interested in playing a round of golf. Here's my card; my pro tells me we have a reciprocal here." Paul had removed his club's photo ID from his wallet and handed it to the young man behind the counter. He also noted the name `Chuck' was printed on the guy's nametag.

"Yes, sir, let me check." And he began typing on his computer keyboard. "Ah, here it is. Yes sir, we do have a reciprocal. You can charge whatever you need and we'll transfer it to your club's account. Now, what else can I help you with?"

"Neither one of us brought our clubs on this trip, Chuck, so I guess we need to rent some. Whata you have?" Paul asked. Dave stood beside him drinking all this in, somewhat amazed. He marveled at the way Paul stretched the truth about them leaving their clubs at home.

"All of our rental sets are Callaways with Big Bertha metal woods. Will that do?" Dave was really puzzled now, just what were metal woods? And what were Callaways?

"Great, Chuck! That is exactly what we have at home. We'll need a cart and..." looking around Paul saw a 12-pack of balls that the club had retrieved from their water hazards, and packaged for sale, "...and a pack of those balls. Oh, we'd better get some gloves too."

As Dave watched he couldn't help thinking how in charge' Paul was. He just seemed to know exactly what to say and what to ask. Dave also felt like things were getting away from him and he wanted to contribute something. Looking around, he noticed some baseball caps with the country club name and logo on the front. Then he almost swallowed his tongue when he saw the price, They sure are proud of this shit!' he thought. But he picked up two of them and walked up to where Paul was still talking to Chuck.

"I want to buy these," Dave said as he tossed $55 out onto the counter. Paul looked at him and was about to say something but changed his mind. He knew Dave would only spend the money if he thought he could afford it. After all, he was working now.

"Well I'll be dammed!" a voice shouted from across the room. Three heads turned to see who was talking. "Is that Paul Roehl? IT IS!" A young man about Paul's age came walking toward them.

"Ben!" Paul exclaimed in surprise. "What're you doing here?"

"I might ask you the same thing, guy. We haven't seen each other in what, about three years? Oh-oh, you must still be in the Army; just look at that haircut -- high and tight!" Ben said and began laughing. Dave had no idea what to do or say so he just stood still, thankful that Paul was in command if this situation. The trio of men moved away from the counter and Chuck the pro shop attendant.

"Yeah, I'm still in the Army," Paul replied with a laugh, "and what're you doing in these parts, Ben?"

"It's simple, really, I had to come down here to help my parents do some estate planning and set things up so that the government doesn't get all their investments when they go on to that great golf course in the sky. Well, they just happened to mention to a couple of their friends what I was doing and before I knew it I had a large clientele clamoring for my services. It's now so lucrative I can't afford to leave. In fact, why don't you resign from that dumb Army job and come join me?"

"Trust me, I would if I could!" Paul looked at Dave then back at Ben. "Oh, Ben, I'd like to introduce my partner, Dave Baker." And turning to Dave, "Dave, this is Ben Klass, one of my fraternity brothers from college and law school." Dave almost fainted when he heard Paul introduce him as his partner. But then he began to feel proud that for the first time Paul had publicly acknowledged their commitment. "He's a lawyer too, so be careful what you say," Paul added. At that point Dave assumed that Ben must know that Paul is gay and is okay with it.

"Hi, Dave, it's a real pleasure to meet you." Ben said it like he actually meant it and he also had a genuine smile on his face. "I'm really happy to know that Paul finally has someone to keep tabs on him," Ben chuckled, and then looking at Paul, "I can see you stuck to your usual high standards when it came to picking a partner!" Ben said with a grin. "By the way, what does the Army think about this?"

"Well, they don't know and..."

"Hey, let's go into the pub and have a beer while we talk, I'm thirsty." Ben suggested. Ben and Paul did most of the talking for about thirty minutes as they each consumed a beer. Ben congratulated Paul and Dave on their partnership and said the Army would never learn about it from him; he thought the Army policy toward gays was prehistoric. Finally Ben stood up, "Say, guys, I gotta go. But I'll go back to the pro shop with you first." When they were back in the pro shop Ben shouted, "Hey, Chuck, anything these guys want, put it on my account." Turning to Paul and Dave, "Look guys, your game today is on me. I'll get my money back the next time you come here and we can play together," Ben snickered. Waving goodbye, he was gone.

Paul and Dave stood silent for about a minute. "Well, you just met one of the crazy guys I went through school with." Paul said.

"Boy, he's kinda intense, isn't he!" Dave added.

"Yeah, but he has a great heart and he's someone you can rely on when the chips are down." Paul paused for a moment then, "Come on, let's go spend his money," Paul exclaimed as he turned and walked back to where Chuck was waiting for them to complete their arrangements.

"Here's your refund, sir," Chuck said as he handed Dave the money he paid for the two hats. "Mr. Klass would have my ass if he found out you paid for anything."

As Paul had anticipated, they didn't need a tee time, they just walked to the first tee and hit. As always, Dave and Paul had a great time. They just seemed to click on every level and fed off of each other. It didn't take Dave long to find a bunker a bunker and Paul took plenty of time showing him how to get out of it properly. Twice more during the round Dave found himself standing in sand and showed Paul that he had learned his lesson well.

They took a nap when they got back to the condo, no sex, just cuddling. After another shower and clean clothes, Paul directed them to the best steak restaurant in the beach area (but it wasn't Texas beef) and after dinner they went to a couple of gay bars where they had a few drinks and danced. At one point, Paul went to the bathroom and while he was gone, three different gorgeous looking hunks approached Dave and tried to hit on him. Dave decided that from then on he and Paul would go together when either one needed to piss. By the end of the evening both men were exhausted and barely managed to disrobe before falling into bed.

Friday morning was not a replay of Thursday, they crawled out of bed, had Cheerios and bananas for breakfast. Dave really wondered how the condo just happened to be stocked with all the right food but he kept his questions to himself. If Paul thought he need to know, he'd say something. After breakfast Paul suggested they do the beach scene and Dave was more than eager. Paul went to a small storage area in the hall and pulled out a couple of really short folding beach chairs. After donning their bathing suits, each carried a chair, a beach towel and a few other things and they headed for the beach. Paul also remembered to take sun block as well as a book he was reading. Dave found a couple of magazines in the condo which looked interesting, one was `Golf Digest', and took those with him. Once they claimed their territory and positioned all their belongings, they took great delight in spreading the sun block all over each other's bodies before splashing into the surf (such as it was).

They played around in the ocean for almost forty minutes before settling into their chairs to enjoy the sun. Paul suggested they add more sun block to areas of their skin that would be getting direct sunlight because some of the early application might have washed away in the water. At last they were settled, enjoying their reading material and watching the other bathers. Paul was reading his book but his mind was on Dave. He was really interested in taking Dave home to visit his family and he also wanted to meet Dave's. He felt like he already knew Kate and wanted to see her in person. He just wasn't sure how to bring up the subject without seeming too pushy. Finally it came to him. He'd ask Dave to meet his family and let Dave take it from there.

"Hey, Hon..."

"Yeah, Hon..." Dave responded in kind with a smile. He loved the way Paul called him `Hon'.

"Ya know, I've been thinking," Paul began. Dave didn't respond verbally, he just looked up from the magazine, turned his head toward Paul, kind of tilted it back, peered through his sunglasses but he didn't say a word, he just smiled as if to say, `You know that can get you in trouble?'

Paul looked at Dave, "Okay, I know, you don't have to say it."

"What have you been thinking?" Dave asked, intentionally giving Paul a different response than he expected. He knew he would never catch Paul off balance but that didn't stop him from trying.

"Well, I've been thinking about telling my family about us at Thanksgiving. I think they'll be excited. I'd like you to be there but I know you already have plans to go to Kate's for Thanksgiving. So... I'd like to put in a request now for you to join me at my parent's place a couple days after Christmas. Would that interfere with your Christmas activities?"

"You know, I've been thinking about that too. I'd sure like to meet your family and I want you to meet mine. Yeah, we're all going to Kate's for Thanksgiving and that will not be the most opportune time to come out. But, I've been thinking I ought to tell my folks right after Christmas. I'm really dreading doing it but it's time. It helps since I won't be living at home so that if they throw me out I'll have somewhere to go. I gotta say I'm hopeful because I've never heard my parents say any bad things about homosexuals. But I really don't know what to expect." Dave stopped talking.

"So, can we plan on you coming to my home after Christmas?" Paul picked up the subject.

"Sure. That works, no matter how things turn out at home."

"If things work out in a positive way maybe we could go back to visit with your folks after you've met mine." Paul really wanted that. "And if they don't, you can stay with me until you have to go back to school.

"We can hope for the best, can't we," Dave said as he reached over and took hold of Paul's hand. Paul squeezed Dave's hand affectionately then continued staring at him.

"What?" Dave asked.

"Could I interest you in a group shower before lunch?" Paul asked. Dave didn't respond verbally, he just stood up and began collecting all his gear. P aul understood that to mean `yes' so he collected his things and they walked back to the condo.

Paul stepped into the shower then turned and extended his hand, inviting Dave to join him. Dave stepped in and pressed his nakedness firmly against Paul.

"Remember the first time?" Paul asked.

"God, how could I not remember that. I was so nervous my pecker refused to inflate until I felt your skin against mine, then it was like steel." They kissed and proceeded to repeat their first sexual encounter. This time their sex was not quite as nerve-wracking, their first time was so exquisite, but now it was certainly more relaxed and satisfying.

They drove to the mall and found a Subway then walked up and down the mall until their feet hurt. Returning to the condo they took a short nap then Paul grilled steaks for dinner. The sliding glass door opened onto a balcony, which contained a gas grill. They had a salad and Dave nuked the potatoes and the green beans. After dinner they stretched out on the sofa and watched a little TV. They both appreciated the relaxing time they were sharing. It wasn't possible for them to lay pressed against each other on the sofa without causing something to pop up so they retired early and enjoyed each other once more before the day was over.

Saturday was only slightly different than Friday in that instead of sitting on the beach they began by running as far as they could in the sand, a real test of endurance, then walked back to where they started, occasionally darting into the ocean to cool off. They enjoyed a mutual shower before lunch but limited their actions to stimulation only, no completion. They agreed to try another round of golf and returned to the country club where they played on Thursday. A few more people were there than before but it didn't pose a problem. They got a tee time then had lunch in the snack bar before teeing off. Both Paul and Dave had hoped to see Ben Klass again, Dave thought he was an interesting person and Dave wanted to reciprocate with a round at his own expense, but he never showed.

Saturday evening, Paul took them to a nice seafood restaurant and they had the chef's plate that consisted of a selection of various fresh catches. They tried the gay bar scene but gave up; neither one of them could get excited about it. They weren't cruising, looking for a pickup, and they decided they preferred the quiet intimacy of the condo. It made Paul wonder if he was getting old.

They sat on the balcony in lounge chairs placed side by side and looked out over the dark beech and water. They had turned off the lights of the condo and that allowed them to see people walking up and down the beech and see in other condos in adjacent buildings.

"One more question," Dave stated as he held Paul's hand.

"Shoot, pawdnah!" Paul replied.

"A few weeks ago at the Westin, you promised to tell me how you knew about the church and the driving range. Well?"

"That's simple. Most good hotels have a service they call a `concierge'. That's a person who provides all kinds of services like telling you where to find a church or golf driving range or helping you get tickets for special events around the city. They often have discounts available for some activities and can tell you where to find a certain kind of restaurant you might want to try. That's my secret; I just asked that guy."

"I'm curious, how did you learn all this: concierge, reciprocals, Cirrus Clubs, etc.?" Dave asked.

"Dave, Hon, I just grew up with it." Paul was silent for a few moments then continued. "You know, we probably ought have a talk, share with each other things we remember about our childhood, how we were raised, and stuff like that. We can do it now, tomorrow or the next time we get together, your choice."

Dave thought for a moment. "How about the next time we get together. I'd like some time to think about that. I want to decide what I'm going to tell and what I'm going to lie about." He chuckled.

"Why you little..." Paul rapped Dave on the head with his knuckles. "Just remember, I get to do the same thing."

"I love you." Dave said, kind of like out of nowhere.

Paul stood up, took Dave's hand and said, "Why don't you show me."

Their lovemaking lasted for quite a long time that evening and both men were completely wasted when it ended.

Sunday was a day they dreaded because it was their last day together and no matter what they did, they couldn't escape the thought that before the day was done they would be going different directions until their next meeting. They were up early, walked along the beech, went to church, Episcopal, had lunch, made love and lay holding and caressing each other. At one point Dave inhaled deeply then exhaled just as deeply, in a long sigh.

"What was that all about?" Paul asked as he brushed the hair back from Dave's forehead. He got a great deal of enjoyment out of doing that since Dave's hair had grown.

" Oh, I don't know. I was just thinking about finally deciding to tell Mother and Dad and actually picking a time I'm going to do it. And then I thought about how lucky I am to have you. Although you won't be there when I tell them, at least I'll have you to run to if things turn out badly. That's a great comfort."

"Babe," Paul said as he kissed Dave's forehead, "I'll be there in spirit, count on it." They lay caressing each other for a while longer.



"Were these last few days our Honeymoon? I mean, they sure have been like I imagine a Honeymoon would be like."

"Pretty close, Babe. But we can't go on a Honeymoon yet!" Paul almost exclaimed, he was teasing Dave.

"And why not?"

"We haven't had our first lover's quarrel'. You wanna have a lover's quarrel'?

"Why would we wanna do that?"

"So we could make up. That's the best part!" Paul explained.

"Let's save that for next time. We'll have to think of something to fight about. Right now I can't think of anything. We may have to pretend we are fighting about something just so we can enjoy making up." They continued to savor their closeness until they could no longer ignore the clock.

Paul had set up the reservations so that from Ft. Lauderdale they went their separate ways. They said goodbye at the airport and Paul left first. Dave found the Cirrus Club and relaxed there waiting for his flight. Monday was another workday.

Paul called several times over the next week and each time they talked for a long time. He finally announced he would be making another trip to the Pentagon in a couple of weeks and could deviate on his return trip so they could have another weekend at the Westin. Dave, meanwhile, continued alternating golf with running and was pleased to see his shot production improve. The driving range had a variety of clubs to choose from so he began trying different ones.

Two weeks later Dave again drove to the Westin Hotel. Paul had not called so he assumed everything was okay. He walked up to the registration desk and, like the first time, asked for Paul's room. The associate, a man this time, typed on his keyboard.

"Well, Sir, it appears that Mr. Roehl has called to say his flight has been delayed and he will be at least an hour late. Would you like register for him. Will that be all right?"

"Of course." Dave said without blinking an eye, reached into his wallet, extracted the American Express Platinum card Paul had given him and handed it to the associate. "Will this be okay?"

"Certainly, Sir." The man took Dave's card, swiped it through the reader then handed it back. In a matter of seconds the man completed his work, reached over and tapped the bell. "Front!" he called out. Almost immediately Todd was standing beside Dave. "Todd, Please show Mr. Baker to his suite," and he handed Todd the plastic key-card.

"Yes, Sir." Todd replied and he turned to look at Dave. "May I take that bag, Sir?"

"N... sure." Dave started to say `No' but changed his mind. That was Todd's job and Dave was going to help him do it. Then he could tip him. Dave appreciated the help Todd had given during his last visit.

Dave followed Todd to the elevators and after the doors closed Todd turned and asked, "Will Mr. Roehl be joining you later, Sir?" Each time Dave heard Todd call him `Sir' it made him feel uncomfortable but he didn't say anything.

Once in the suite Todd took Dave's bag into the bedroom and opened the curtains. This suite was on the corner and the living room had two walls of glass, which provided an even wider view of the airport.

"Will there be anything else, Sir?" Todd asked. That finally got to Dave.

"Todd..." Dave hesitated for a moment, thinking about just exactly how he should express himself. "I would appreciate it if you would call me Dave'. We're pretty close to the same age and it makes me feel uncomfortable when you call me Sir'. Besides, I was in the Army where only the officers get to be called `Sir' and I wasn't an officer."

"Sure... Dave, no problem." Todd hesitated a moment like he wanted to say something then he found his voice. "Would you mind if I asked a personal question?"

"That depends. Go ahead and ask and I'll decide if I want to answer."

"You and Mr. Roehl... well, are you a couple?"

"Yes, we're a couple, partners, we're just geographically separated for now but we plan to fix that as soon circumstances permit."

"Well... I just want to tell you how much I admire you two and the relationship I witnessed the last time you were here. I'd like to know how it happened, you know, how you two found each other, because yours is the kind of relationship I'd like to have."

"Gee thanks, Todd, that's a nice compliment, I hardly know what to say. Paul's and my meeting was pure happenstance but he and I need to discuss it before we talk about it with anyone. I'll ask him when he gets here." With that Dave extended his hand and gave Todd a $10 bill. He had learned a few things from Paul and he felt Todd deserved a good tip after that last compliment.

After Todd left Dave walked over to the oversized chair next to the window, sat down and watched the airplanes take off and land. Where are you Paul? I'm waiting.' Dave thought. Paul is so calm, so cool. He always seems to be in command of every situation. Nothing throws him. He probably would never ask Todd to call him by his first name. That's the way he is. He always seems to notice people's nametags and then addresses them on a first name basis. That must be something he does to gain some kind of advantage, like he knows their name but they don't know his. At the same time he is always courteous, polite. I've noticed when he shakes someone's hand he always looks directly into their eyes like he's trying to establish dominance or something.'

On the other hand,' Dave continued, he treats me differently. He never tries to control me. He lets me, sometimes wants me to push him. We seem to share with each other, not dominate. It's almost as though Paul surrounds himself with a defensive shield when he's around other people, it must be something he has to do in the courtroom, but when he's with me he throws it off and lets me see the real Paul. Maybe that's what it means to be in a relationship. You love someone enough that you are able and willing for the other person to see your faults, your warts, so to speak. In a way, I'd like to be like him; I'd like to be in control of situations. Who knows?'

Dave sat staring out the window. If he were able to step back and examine himself more critically he might see that he was already developing the very thing he admired in Paul. Dave took his first step when he decided to enlist in the Army and then learned to live with his decisions. After meeting Paul, Dave's development seemed to accelerate. The experiences Paul had given him, including the sexual ones, had made great contributions toward his maturation. Earlier, for example, when he checked into the hotel he had handled the news of Paul's late arrival with calm. He wasn't thrown off balance; he was collected and cool. His new instincts carried him calmly through the process of checking in; he acted like he was in charge. Even recognizing how Paul used something as simple as the name on a nametag to gain a position of authority was an indication of Dave's enhanced awareness.

As Dave sat staring out the window he heard the door open. He almost launched himself out of the chair walked rapidly toward the door as a very tired looking Paul walked in the room. Paul dropped his bag as the door closed behind him; he stood and waited until Dave slid between his outstretched arms. They kissed warmly and Paul pressed Dave tightly to him, his lips found Dave's neck then, lowering his head, he pressed his nose against the nape of Dave's neck. He inhaled deeply, held it for a second, then exhaled in a long sigh.

"God, you smell good. I've needed to hold you for a long time." Paul said almost in a whisper.

When Dave wrapped his arms around Paul he could feel how tight the muscles were, everywhere. Paul seemed like a bundle of nerves and Dave decided he was going to try to help.

"Here, give me your coat." Dave almost commanded and he helped Paul remove the sport coat he was wearing. Dave hung it in the closet then took Paul's hand and led him to the chair he had sat in earlier. "Have a seat and I'll make us a drink." Paul did as he was told and Dave was completely unaware as to how he had taken control of the situation. Paul sat down, almost collapsed into the chair as Dave walked over to the wet bar and fixed two Gin-and-Tonics. "Try this." Dave said as he extended the glass toward Paul.

Paul looked up at Dave and with a tired smile said, "Thanks. I really need this. AND... I need you too. Sit down, please." Dave was eager to comply and sat down next to his obviously tired partner.

As they sat together Dave watched Paul stare blankly out the window, not really seeing what was there. Dave was sure something was bothering Paul but he would wait; Paul would talk when he was ready. Dave decided there was something else he might do to help Paul relax and when they finished with their drinks Dave stood up, took Paul's hand and tugged on it.

"Come on, I know exactly what you need." He pulled Paul out of the chair and like a docile lamb Paul followed him into the bedroom. Paul stood still as Dave undressed him and hung up his clothes then Dave had him lie down on the bed, face down. Dave hurriedly stripped off his own clothes and moved into position at the foot of the bed. He lifted Paul's left foot and began to massage it. He gave the foot a loving work-over then massaged his way up the calf to the back of Paul's knee before moving to the right foot and calf, giving equal attention. He moved on up the back of Paul's right leg and massaged his right bun then did the same to the left side.

By now Dave was up on the bed and straddling Paul's hips. He bent over and, using his thumbs and fingers began working them into the muscles on either side of Paul's spine then slid his hands away from the spine toward the sides. Slowly his hands worked their way up Paul's back. Paul's shoulders were still very tight when Dave's hands reach them so Dave spent a lot of time massaging before finishing off with the neck.

Dave climbed off the bed and instructed Paul to roll over onto his back. Paul didn't move immediately and Dave wondered if he might have fallen asleep but moments later Paul began to roll to his right. Dave was a little surprised to see that Paul was still soft. Normally he would have had a raging erection. Starting at the foot of the bed again, Dave resumed his massage with Paul's feet and worked his way toward Paul's groin. By the time Dave reached Paul's upper thighs he could see movement; Paul's tool was showing signs of life. He intentionally skipped over Paul's genitals and worked on his abdomen then his pecks.

While astride Paul's abdomen, Dave leaned over and kissed him softly. He didn't need to look to see if Paul was hard, he could already feel the erection pressing against his perineum. All Dave had to do was make a minor adjustment and his anus was perfectly aligned against the tip of Paul's manhood. Paul's arms came to life and wrapped around his lover, drawing them into a more passionate kiss. The precum leaking from Paul's member was adequate lubrication to facilitate penetration and when his hips moved closer his tip slipped inside Dave. A little K-Y would have helped but Dave didn't mind. He pressed back until Paul was completely inside him. Dave lifted off about half way and allowed Paul to do all the moving. After a few thrusts Paul pulled Dave against him and rolled them over so he was now on top and he began fucking Dave at a moderate pace that rapidly quickened until he shouted and deposited his love deep inside Dave's body.

Paul yelled then collapsed on top of Dave. After about a minute Dave rolled them over onto their sides facing each other and watched as Paul rapidly slipped into sleep. It was over, just that quickly. Now I think I understand what some women complain about.' Dave thought. Their lovemaking had happened so fast he had not gotten off and was still erect. Oh, well...' he thought, Paul was more important right now. Dave got out of bed, went to the bathroom, got a damp cloth and hand towel and returned to the bed. Paul was already on his back, his favorite sleeping position, and Dave proceeded to wipe him off, clean his penis and then lay down beside him and snuggled.

Dave wasn't the least bit tired. He lay against Paul listening to him breath for a few minutes then decided to take a shower. He got off the bed, pulled the sheet over Paul and walked into the bathroom Afterward, wearing the soft white terrycloth bathrobe provided by the hotel, Dave walked out of the bathroom and noticed Paul was still asleep. He had slept for about thirty minutes and that might be enough. Dave decided to check, if Paul was ready to wake he would. If not, he could sleep all night. Dave leaned over and kissed Paul gently on the lips.

"Mmmm... Hi, Babe." Paul responded as he reached up and pulled Dave down beside him. "You're wonderful! You know that?" Paul said softly in Dave's ear. "And you smell good and clean too. Where did you learn to do that?"

"Oh, I don't know, I just did to you what I thought would feel good to me." They kissed again. "Hungry?"

"Yeah, now that you mention it. What's for dinner... besides you?" Paul kissed Dave again.

"If you'll take a shower I'll order us some lasagna from Room Service."

"That sounds great. Let me out of here and I'll get in the shower. You're welcome to join me after you place the order, if you like."

"We'll see," Dave replied as he got off the bed and helped Paul up by pulling on his arm.

Paul took a long, hot shower and was so preoccupied with thoughts of his week at the Pentagon he didn't even notice that Dave hadn't taken him up on his invitation. When he walked into the living room wearing the soft, white terrycloth robe, Todd was setting the food on the table.

"Hi, Mr. Roehl." Todd greeted him.

"Hi, Todd, nice to see you again. I missed you when I came in."

"Yeah, I must have been busy somewhere else." Turning to the table he said, "I think we're all set, Dave, will there be anything else?"

"No, that's about it, Todd, thanks." Dave replied as he handed Todd a tip.

Todd hesitated for a moment then accepted the $10 tip. "Thank you, Dave, I feel guilty about accepting this from someone I consider a friend."

"Go ahead. You've earned it." Dave replied.

"Thank you both; have a nice evening."

When the door closed behind Todd, Paul took Dave into his arms and kissed him. He also undid the belts on their robes allowing them to fall open. At that point Paul became very aware of Dave's erection.

"I'm sorry, I guess I owe you, don't I?"

"Oh, don't worry, I intend to get mine, now let's eat."

Later that evening Dave did get his. He showed Paul that he could shoot more cum even though his last orgasm had been a little more than three hours earlier.

On Saturday they slept late then decided to go play golf in the afternoon, go to dinner and spend the rest of the evening in the suite. After another round of wonderful sex and a shower they sat in the darkened room in their robes watching the airplanes taxi, takeoff and land in silence.

"You know, you're wonderful. You haven't asked why I was so tense last night. I appreciate that. Now I owe you an explanation."

"You don't owe me a thing. Explain only if you want to," Dave replied.

"Well, I want to. I need to share this with you." Paul went on to explain how a new policy on Gays in the military was being formulated and his Colonel had selected him to be the front man for the Post. Paul figured he had been selected only because he was single and none of the married and more senior guys wanted anything to do with it. Spending five days in the Pentagon listening to bigots make snide and derogatory remarks about gays had just about driven him mad. It had taken more courage and strength than he thought he had to stop himself from speaking out and telling then to all go to Hell. Anyway, maybe he could, in his own way help gay soldiers get fair treatment when they needed it.

Dave could feel Paul getting tense the longer he talked so Dave got up and poured them a glass of the nice Merlot from the wet bar.

Sunday they went to church, had lunch and checked out one of the museums before Paul had to leave for his flight to Texas. Dave dropped him off at the terminal; they kissed, waved goodbye and Dave drove on home.

"Shit!" Dave exclaimed. `I forgot to talk to Paul about Todd's question. Well, maybe next time,' he thought.

Next: Chapter 24

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