David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Oct 22, 2002


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation 20

Again David found himself in the next to last row of the packed airplane waiting while more than 150 other people got off ahead of him. The flight was more than thirty minutes late and he knew his mother would be worried. She hated flying and always worried when anyone in the family used that mode of transportation. She could never quite accept the overwhelming statistics that proved flying was the safest method of travel.

David's last day of his visit with Kate, John, Mark, and Matthew began with him down on the floor playing with the boys. When they took him to the airport, he insisted they drop him at the curb of the terminal because it was such a hassle to unstrap the boys, put them in strollers, walk him to his gate and then reverse the process in order for them to get home. Now he was about to see his parents for the first time in months and he was excited. He had missed them just as much as he had Kate and her family. As expected, his mother and father were waiting for him when he emerged from the jetway into the concourse. His mother looked like she had successfully worried herself to a nervous state and the welcome relief was expressed on her face. After a tender family hug they worked their way to the parking lot and started the drive home. He thought how funny it was that no matter how old he was or how far he had traveled, when he came home he was still a little boy. He sat in the back seat and politely listened to his mother tell him things he already knew.

David's day also began with an agenda. At the top of that agenda was a phone call to Texas. Everything else came second. He was anxious to make that call but he would wait until after dinner and he was settled in his room before making it. David was also anxious to begin rebuilding the life he had put on hold during his tour in the Army. He was excited about working with Joe again and about making the final arrangements for college. He still didn't have a place to live and all the residence halls were full. Besides, after living in the barracks a residence hall held no attraction for him what so ever. He would have to find an apartment.

David's parents seemed to have a never-ending list of questions and pummeled him with them before, during and after dinner. Finally, about 9:00 PM, David, claiming exhaustion from traveling, excused himself and, leaving his parents to watch TV, went to his room to shower before bed. Thirty minutes later he reached for the phone.

Wait! What will I say?' Dave began a conversation with himself. First, Paul will answer with, "Roehl," like he had that one time I called him. A little arrogant maybe? Maybe more self-confident. Anyway, should I try to be funny? Maybe I should be serious. I could start by telling him I need his ass. No, too desperate. But I am desperate. No you're not; you're just horny. Okay. Maybe I should go with how I feel? How do I feel? I miss him... dearly. What do I miss? I miss the way he smells, the way he tastes, the way he feels to the touch. I miss the sound of his voice. I want to know when we can get together. Well, here goes...' Dave anxiously reached for the phone and dialed.

(Riiii-) The receiver was picked up quickly - interrupting the first ring before it could be completed.

"Roehl!" a voice filled with nervous anticipation on the other end announced.

"Hey, Lieutenant, do you realize this is the first weekend in the last nine that we haven't been together?"

There was a momentary pause. "DAVE! Oh God, it's great to hear your voice. Where are you?"

"I'm home and I miss you."

"Oh yeah, me too. You sound so good I could eat you."

Dave began to laugh. "If AT&T offered that service I'd gladly pay the price." They both had a good laugh at that.

"Well, Stud Soldier, tell me all about your travels. I'd love to hear about them."

Dave proceeded to tell everything that happened, including the towel fight with the place kicker in the team locker room. He even broke the news that he was going to be an uncle again. Then Dave asked Paul what he had been up to and Paul talked about a couple of cases he was working on. Then the conversation turned serious.



"When can we get together?" Dave was begging and Paul could hear it in his voice.

"Soon, Babe... I have a plan." Paul replied. "If you can spring loose on Friday, two weeks from the day before yesterday, I've set a plan in motion to fly into your metropolis. Whata you say?"

"There's nothing on my calendar and I'll make sure it's empty, just tell me where and when."

"Well, I can get a flight that arrives at 1725 hrs; that's 5:25PM for you civilians. I haven't found a hotel yet but we'll talk several times before th en so when I get that settled I'll let you know. How's that sound?"

"Wonderful! Just like the sound of your voice."

"Yeah, you sound great too. You know what?" Paul asked.


"The minute I heard your voice I got hard."

"Well, the second I dialed the phone I got hard thinking about how good it was gonna be to hear your sexy voice." Dave wasn't going to let Paul get the best of him.

"What're you wearing?" Paul asked in his best, very low, sexy voice.

"Nothing but a pair of those sexy boxer briefs you gave me. Every time I put them on I think about the time you gave them to me and I get hard. You knew that was gonna happen, didn't you!"

"I'd like to say I did, but I didn't. Now that I know it works I'll get you some more."

"What're you wearing?" Dave asked his lover.

"Same as you."

"I'd love to see you in your boxer briefs... and then I'd use my teeth to grab the waistband and slowly pull them down off your body."

"Oh, Dave..." Paul was beginning to breathe heavily. "Please, let's not do this over the phone. It's gonna screw up my mind, let alone mess up my briefs."

"Okay." Dave chuckled in agreement. "I'll just have to hang up and go beat off thinking about you. Now that I've heard your voice it won't take long."

"Me neither. Listen, shall I call you next time?" Paul asked; he was thinking primarily about the cost of the phone calls and Dave's limited income."

"Better let me call you, say Wednesday, after I get some idea of what I'm going to be doing and have a better grip on my schedule."

"Okay, Dave, if I happen to be out (or in the shower jerking off thinking about you)," Paul whispered, "leave a message on the answering machine and I'll get back to you."

"Sounds like a plan, you perv." Dave laughed at Paul's whispered statement. "Bye, Paul."

"Bye..." Paul hesitated, he was about to say `my love' but finished with, "...my Stud Soldier."

Monday morning David was up early so his father could drop him off at the construction company office. He was surprised to find that all the same people he used to work with were still there. They were actually waiting for him to arrive and everyone greeted him with a handshake and a pat on the back. Mr. McCracken's secretary even hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. Joe wasted no time taking David back under his wing and helped bring him up to speed. David felt like it was just yesterday that he left to join the Army, not two years ago.

One of David's highest priorities was to find some transportation. His father sold the car he and Kate had shared when he left home so now he needed to get something for himself. He mentioned this to Joe during lunch and Joe asked him what he was looking for. David explained that he wanted something simple, economical, and cheep, maybe a small pickup would do.

Later that afternoon, another employee approached David and said Joe had told him David was looking for new wheels. He said he had a nephew who owned a Toyota pickup and was thinking about selling it, would David be interested?

After dinner, David's father drove him to look at the pickup. It looked well cared for, no big dents or scratches and the inside was very clean and almost smelled like new, the guy didn't smoke. The one drawback was that it had over 110,000 miles on the engine. The owner said that he had replaced the transmission at about 85,000 miles and the engine had always run well. When the guy stated his price David almost flipped, it was so low he couldn't pass it up. They made the deal on the spot. David's father wrote a check, which the guy accepted without question. In that town everyone knew everyone else and trusted each other's word. David followed his father home. During dinner, David offered to repay his father from his wages for the summer but his father declined the offer, saying it worth having David back home after being gone for two years and, besides, most of the money came from the sale of his and Kate's old car. David's mother agreed so the case was closed.

Wednesday evening Dave was sitting at the desk in his room paging through the owner's manual for his truck that the seller had given him. That was another selling point for the truck, Dave never heard of buying a used car and getting the owner's manual along with it. As he sat quietly, his hand reached over and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" Dave said, followed by silence. "Hello?" Dave repeated himself.



"This is really weird. I dialed your number but I didn't hear it ring. Were you calling someone?"

"No! I don't know what happened. I just picked it up. I don't think it rang... but who cares! Talk to me, Babe." That was the first time Dave called Paul `babe'. It just seemed and felt right. They talked for over an hour and Paul said he would call Sunday evening then they hung up.

Sunday evening Dave was in his room looking through some stuff the university sent him. He absentmindedly placed his hand on the phone and let it rest there. When the phone rang he picked up the receiver before the first ring finished.


"Yeah, Babe. You know... you're getting good at this. I didn't hear the phone ring again."

"Well, this time I heard it ring here."

"Okay, I called to tell you I got us a hotel. Do you know where the Westin Hotel is near the airport?"

"Yeah, I've seen it a few times when I've gone to the airport."

"Well, that's where we're staying. That okay with you?"

"Where ever you are is where I want to be."

"Why did I know that's what you'd say! Anyway, I can't give you a room number but when you get there just go up to Registration, identify yourself and tell them you're there to visit me. They'll probably need to see some identification and then they'll tell you how to get to our room. What time you think you can get there?"

"Not until about 1800 hrs, Lieutenant. See, I still know how to speak military time."

"Okay, smartass Corporal, I'll expect to see you then. And if I'm not checked in when you get there, just wait for me in the lobby. Okay?"

"What if I call you Wednesday?" Dave asked.

"Not a good idea. I'm going to be at the Pentagon all week. You see, that's how I'm gonna be able to see you so soon. I'll just detour on the way back here. So unless I call you, everything is a GO."

They talked for another forty-five minutes before saying good-bye.

"David, didn't I hear the phone ring last night?" His mother asked Monday morning during breakfast.

"Yes, Mother, it was for me."

"We were watching TV in the family room and it stopped ringing before your father could get out of his chair. You know, we forget what it's like to have children living at home again. We hardly ever get calls anymore, and almost never at night. So, I guess we'll just let you take those calls and you can tell us if it is for us."

"Yes, Mother, the call last night was from one of my Army buddies. We're going to get together next weekend in the city. I'll leave Friday after work and probably won't get home until after dinner Sunday. Will that cause a problem for you and Dad?"

"Oh no, Dear, it's so nice that you keep in touch with your Army friends. It will help if you'll just tell us what you are doing so we can make our own plans about dinner and such.

"Yes. I met some really nice people and I plan to keep in touch." If she only knew!' David thought. But not now, I'm not ready.' "Another thing, from time-to-time I'll need to make some long distance calls. I'll pay you back, just let me know how much. Will that be okay?"

"Oh, don't worry about that, Honey."

By Friday Dave hadn't heard a word from Paul so he assumed their rendezvous was a GO. He was calm all day until he glanced at the clock and saw it read 4:15. Suddenly he began to get nervous. At 4:25 he told Joe he needed to leave a few minutes early to pick up something at Wal-Mart. He was out the door in a flash. Dave rushed home and showered. He put on a pair of new, dark blue Dockers his mother bought him but he purposely chose not to wear any underpants. He threw a few additional articles of clothing in his overnight bag, jumped in his truck and hit the road. Dave had been planning this weekend ever since Paul said he was coming. He was going to show Paul that he had some resources of his own and knew how to have a good time. Several times during the drive to the Westin Hotel he had an erection but each softened with time. There are limits to the hydraulic function of the male penis.

Dave exited the Interstate and quickly found the hotel. After parking in the lot he grabbed his bag and headed for the hotel lobby. When the doorman opened the door for him he nodded and smiled, then thanked the guy as thought this was old hat for him. Walking into the lobby, Dave's eyes looked around and then up. The front of the hotel was all glass panels that must have been at least forty feet high and the lobby was open all the way to the third floor. It was very impressive and the hotel reeked of $$$$. Looking around he saw the Registration Desk and walked toward it. `I sure hope Paul is here,' he thought.

"May I help you, Sir?" the young lady behind the counter asked.

"Yes. My name is David Baker and I'm here to see Mr. Paul Roehl. Has he checked in yet?"

"If you don't mind, Sir, may I see a driver's license or some other form of identification?" The lady asked as she began typing something into her computer terminal.

"Certainly," David replied. He was glad Paul had alerted him that this might happen; it allowed him to act self-confident. He handed the lady his driver's license and waited.

"Here you are, Sir, thank you." She said as she handed Dave's license back to him then she reached up on top of the counter, slapped a bell and announced loudly, "FRONT." In a matter of seconds a young man whom Dave estimated to be about a year or two older than he and wearing a uniform that seemed to advertise his good looks and fine physique was standing beside him.

"Would you please show Mr. Baker to this room, Todd?" The lady handed Todd a piece of paper with the room number written on it.

"Yes ma'am." Turning to Dave he said, "May I take your bag, Sir?"

"No thanks, it's not heavy."

"Please follow me, Sir." Todd said as he turned and began walking toward the bank of elevators. When the elevator doors were closed, Todd took a plastic card, inserted it into a thin slot just above the columns of buttons then pressed the button for the top floor.

Dave could almost feel Todd examining every inch of his body as the elevator smoothly ascended to its destination. He began to feel naked, like Todd was undressing him right there in the elevator. It felt exciting and he began to get hard. Thankfully the elevator soon stopped and the doors opened. Todd seemed momentarily distracted and this gave Dave an opportunity to adjust his erection to a more comfortable position.

"Suite 1802 is right over there, Sir. Just knock on the door, Mr. Roehl is expecting you."

Dave walked over to the door and knocked. As he waited for the door to open he turned his head back toward the elevator to see if Todd was still watching him. He was. Todd was standing in the elevator door preventing it from clo sing and he had a smile on his face. Dave smiled back.

While Dave and Todd were making eyes at each other, the door Suite 1802 opened, a bare arm reached out and a hand wrapped around Dave's upper arm then yanked the startled young man through the small opening and into the room. Dave's bag made it through the door just in time to avoid being sliced in two by the closing door.

Dave's eyes immediately found Paul's and they locked on to each other. From that moment on their minds accelerated at warp speed and everything that happened seemed to move in slow motion. Paul's arms were already around him, lifting him into the air. Dropping the bag, Dave wrapped his arms around Paul's neck, lifting himself closer to Paul's face. Their lips and slightly open mouths drew closer and closer. Paul stopped moving and allowed Dave to close the distance. Their lips touched. The ensuing kiss was soft, wet and tender. Two sighs broke the silence on the room followed by moans of joy. Dave lifted his knees and grabbed hold of Paul's hips and at that moment he realized Paul was totally naked. Paul turned and began walking slowly toward the bedroom holding Dave tightly to him. This scene began to seem surprisingly familiar when Dave remembered what happened at their last meeting in Paul's apartment. Dave relaxed his legs from around Paul's hips and, discovering his feet didn't touch the floor he toe-healed his loafers off his feet and heard them fall to the ultra-thick carpet. He felt Paul's right hand unzip his pants then work on the button at the waistband. When Paul managed to get that undone Dave's pants slid rapidly over his hips, down his legs and to the floor. Paul's free hand instantly found Dave's bare bottom.

"A little anxious, are we?" Paul said softly.

"Just thinking ahead," Dave replied with a grin, "as usual."

Reaching the massive bed, Paul dragged Dave into the middle of it somewhat like a lion would drag its prey into its den. Paul broke their kiss only long enough to slide Dave's polo shirt over his head and toss it somewhere around the room then they re-engaged their kiss. Dave was now naked, except for his socks.

Paul lay on top of his lover; his legs were parted on either side of Dave's, their straining erections lying side by side. Each man seemed intent on pressing their groins so tightly together that their cocks might be forced lengthwise into their abdomens. Paul finally withdrew from their kiss and he placed his head beside Dave's.

"You're wonderful! I've missed you so! You smell so good; you taste great too." Paul whispered these things into Dave's left ear as he nibbled on the lobe. "I really need to taste your essence, to drink from your fountain of life."

"Ohh... Yes... I need to do that too!" Dave whispered back.

"Just lay still while I get into position." Paul instructed.

"Hurry... please." Dave's response sounded like urgency was taking control.

Hearing Dave's plea, Paul decided to tease Dave and prolong his agony and ecstasy as long as he could so he started placing soft kissed on Dave's neck, tasting as much of him as possible. Working his way down Dave's body, his lips latched onto the left nipple and suckled it for a moment. Dave moaned loudly and his body began to writhe. After caressing Dave's right nipple, then his navel, Paul shifted his position so that by the time his mouth was positioned above Dave's genitals, his own equipment was within easy reach of Dave's mouth. Dave had followed Paul's movements and as soon as Paul was within reach, Dave's hands were caressing every square (even round) inch of Paul's body he could touch.

Once in position, Paul lay down beside Dave so he could pleasure Dave other without having to support his own weight while allowing Dave full access to his love toys. They could have played around longer but Paul chose to take David into his mouth as soon as he was in position. First he cleaned Dave's glans of the precum that was leaking profusely from the slit then he kissed the tip. He felt Dave return the favor. Paul slid his lips over Dave's helmet and slowly and softly caressed it with his tongue. Dave was giving him the same treatment. Paul eased down on Dave, taking perhaps no more than an inch inside his mouth then pulled back slowly while maintaining a vacuum. He carefully eased down on Dave again and pulled back slowly as if he was trying to hold Dave inside him. Paul's method of performing fellatio was slow, deliberate, and driving Dave wild. Dave attempted to match his lover's technique and was succeeding better than he knew. The objective of both men was to provide as much pleasure for the other that they could possible take before erupting.

This time, the rare event happened, Dave lost it before Paul. While he was concentrating so intently on making love to Paul's organ, Dave's own orgasm caught him by surprise. With Dave's lips around the base of Paul's dick, his contractions began, his body jerked, his hips thrust wildly and he moaned deeply as his hands grabbed Paul's hips and pulled him to him. His body released its treasure directly down Paul's throat. Paul backed off immediately and allowed the rest of Dave's sperm to fill his mouth before it was consumed.

Paul's climax followed almost immediately. When Dave moaned while Paul was deep inside Dave's throat it was like pulling a trigger. Paul blasted weeks of stored cum down his partner's throat and held on to his lover like he wanted to never let go.

Heartbeat: normal. Pulse: normal. Respiration: normal. Mental capacity: recovering.

Lovingly Paul's tongue removed the remnants of Dave's juices from his cock and then using his lips he laid Dave's completely relaxed penis across his thigh. Turning his head, Paul looked down the length of his torso and watched Dave finish cleaning his cock. When Dave released Paul's flaccid member Paul slowly sat up then repositioned himself to lay along side Dave and take him into his arms. They kissed deeply. Although they were spent they were not tired. Paul was the first to speak.

"You hungry? I sure am. And now that we've had the protein appetizer the hotel room service menu includes grilled salmon. If we order now it'll take about 45 minutes to an hour." Paul imparted this information in a soft, breathy, sexy voice directly into Dave's ear. The intent was to try to make it sound sexy and it worked.

"Yeah, order now and then let's just lie here for about thirty more minutes before showering for dinner to remove all this perspiration. I'm not done holding you." Dave whispered back.

"Great. If you can let go of me for a couple of minutes I'll call."

"Okay, call... and then get your ass back here." Dave insisted as he released Paul from his grip. Paul quickly found the phone on the nightstand and pressed the button for room service. In addition to salmon, Paul also ordered a bottle of excellent California Chardonnay and returned to Dave's side.

The two men lay together, sometimes Paul was on top and sometimes Dave was on top. With their hands they would stroke, pet, and caress in an attempt to communicate their love for each other.

"What's this!" Paul said as he ran his fingers through Dave's hair.

"That, Lieutenant, is hair, just in case you forgot. I managed to skip my last two haircuts before leaving the Army so I was able to get a running start on growing more. Jealous?"

"I like it! It looks good on you... and it's sexy." Paul answered while continuing to caress Dave's head. "Hey, let me hop in the shower for a quickie then you can do the same." Paul said as he pulled away. Dave released him reluctantly then rolled onto his back with a sigh.

"What if I join you?" Dave suggested.

"Now you know we'd be there too long and miss dinner."

"Yeah, right." Dave sighed again. Paul had a quick shower to remove the layer of sweat that had coated his body during the torrid sex he and Dave had enjoyed earlier. Paul knew they both would enjoy their meal more if they were clean and could then start fresh when the meal was done. Dave was waiting patiently with a broad smile when Paul stepped out of the shower. They kissed briefly then Dave stepped into the shower while Paul dried himself off.

Paul was just donning one of the soft, white, terrycloth bathrobes provided by the hotel when he heard a knock at the door. He slid his feet into the matching slippers, also hotel provided, walked into the living room to the door and looked through the peephole. He could see a food cart covered with a white linen tablecloth with Todd waiting patiently to wheel it into the room.

"May I set this up for you, Mr. Roehl?" Todd asked when Paul opened the door. Paul had purposefully not used his military rank when he made reservations or signed in at the registration desk. The credit card he was using was one he had before entering the Army and he just kept it that way.

"Thanks, Todd, I'm sure you don't need any help from me so I'll just get out of your way." Paul smiled at the attractive young man as he pushed the cart up to a small round table near the large picture window that provided a panoramic view of the airport. In the darkness with the runways, taxiways and terminal all lit up the scene looked like a large Christmas display.

As Todd went about his duty of setting the table for dinner, he happened to glance up and into the bedroom. Dave had finished his shower and was standing in front of the mirror over the dresser using a comb to try different hairstyles. He was wearing the other terrycloth bathrobe but had not closed and tied it shut and it to gaped open about eight inches exposing the full length of his body. As he combed his hair his cock jiggled and swung from side to side in a very appetizing way. Todd seemed frozen momentarily as he stared at the image in the mirror. Blood began to rush into his prick as he almost gasped. Ripping his eyes from the erotic sight to return to his duty he noticed Paul smiling at him. He knew Paul had already assessed the situation and was fully aware of what Todd was looking at. He was also sure Paul could see the bulge at his groin.

"I've never seen him before," Todd said as he quickly struggled to recover, "he's not from one of the local services is he!"

Paul knew exactly what Todd was asking. He was assuming Dave was a young man who Paul had acquired from one of the local escort services, what the English like to call a `rent boy'. After all, Todd had seen several such young men often in his line of work. Paul's initial reaction was one of anger at the insult that Todd had just thrown at Dave. But then he realized that Todd's assumption was actually a compliment.

"Private stock." Paul replied with a grin.

"No offense, sir, but I'd say you are a lucky man, really cute, damn fine."

"And don't I know it!" Paul said proudly.

Todd finished his task and walked toward the door, leaving the cart behind. "I'll leave the cart here just so you'll have some place to put the dishes if you need to use the table for any reason."

"Thanks, Todd, nice job." Paul smiled as he held out this hand. Todd placed his hand, palm up, under Paul's and watched a $20.00 bill drop into it.

"Enjoy your evening, sir." Todd said as he backed out the door with a devilish grin on his face.

"You can count on it." Paul replied before the door closed. `I think that young man would like to join us.' Paul thought as he turned the lock in the door. Turning around he saw Dave walk out of the bedroom.

"Dinner is served?" Dave asked. "I didn't hear it come. I'm famished!"

"You'd better close your robe before I eat you instead. Or, better yet, let Todd come back and do the job for me."

"What's with Todd?" Dave asked.

"Oh nothing, he almost fainted when he saw you standing in front of the mirror combing your hair with your cock swinging back and forth like you were trolling."

"Oh gawd, did I do that!" Dave exclaimed with embarrassment, as he blushed a little. "I didn't know anyone was here."

"Hey, he thinks I rented you for the evening; he thinks you're cute and hot. Why, he threw a boner right here in front of the table."

"You're joking, right?"

"Not this time, Stud Soldier." Paul answered as he hugged Dave and gave him an affectionate kiss. "Now let's eat before the meal gets cold."

Todd had set the table so they would be facing each other and parallel to the window with the view of the airport for atmosphere. Paul poured some Chardonnay into their glasses then raised his toward Dave. Dave raised his glass in response.

"To us!" Paul exclaimed softly with a little hoarseness in his voice.

"To us!" Dave echoed. This was the first time he ever remembered anyone ma king a toast that involved him and he felt a tightness in his throat. They clinked their glasses then drank. Setting their glasses down they removed the silver covers from their plates to reveal delicious looking grilled salmon with rice and some steamed veggies. Feeling a little silly, Dave broke off a piece of salmon and, placing it on his fork he extended his hand and offered it to Paul. Catching on quickly, Paul opened his mouth and allowed Dave to slowly and sensually insert the food. Paul chewed the bite then repeated the gesture for Dave. For the rest of the meal the two lovers sat quietly, feeding each other in one of the most intimate acts of affection either had ever experienced. Occasionally one of them would giggle or laugh softly. They paused from time to time to drink the wine and Paul made sure their glasses were never empty. By the end of the meal both men were hard as steel and leaking precum all over those terrycloth robes.

With the meal complete they cleared the table and placed all the dinnerware on the cart that Todd had left behind. Paul turned out the living room lights as they adjourned to the bedroom and Dave turned out the bedroom lights. The curtains were wide open and the lights from the airport filled the room with a soft multicolor glow. Sliding onto the bed from either side the lovers met in the middle and picked up where they left off earlier to take their showers.

After several minutes of leaving pecker tracks on each other's bellies Dave spoke. "Your wish is my command, General."

Paul hesitated for just a moment, totally enjoying the situation and the wonderful offer Dave just made him. "Stud Soldier... I wish you to be inside me." Then he gave Dave one of the most tender and deep kisses he could.

"Sir... yes Sir." Dave whispered in Paul's ear.

"And do it now, soldier, on the double." Paul urgently commanded.

"Sir, yes Sir." Dave replied more emphatically. He found the tube of lube Paul had placed on the nightstand earlier, squeezed some on his fingers and quickly found Paul's rosebud. Having already crossed the condom-less threshold during their last sexual encounter both men were eager to repeat the performance. Gently and with confidence, Dave applied the lube to Paul's anus and soon had him opened and ready for penetration. Paul was already holding his knees tightly against his chest.

"Now, Dave, now." Paul begged. Dave moved up over Paul's body and his cock, behaving like it had radar, went straight to its target. Dave's entry was so effortless it was like Paul's body had opened and sucked him inside. In a matter of seconds they were `one', Paul was moaning and breathing hard even though Dave had not begun his movement and the excitement of rejoining with his love had Dave at an emotional peek. Dave, buried deep inside his soul mate, knew he needed to take charge and slow them down so he held his position until the intensity of the moment passed. When he felt his control strengthening and Paul's excitement ebbing, Dave began to make slow, passionate love. Initially he tried his best to avoid over-stimulating Paul's prostate. As their physical and emotional union grew, Dave began increasing pressure on Paul's sensitive spot. Over the past ten months Dave had learned to read Paul quite well and could tell when he was getting close to orgasm. That allowed Dave to gage his own climax to match Paul's as closely as possible.

Making love in front of a large picture window with the curtains completely open added its own excitement. Although no one could see into the room, Dave and Paul had the feeling they were making love on a stage and perhaps the passengers on the planes that were taking off and landing were watching them. That added a new level of excitement and risk to their act of love.

The moment of no return finally arrived. Dave watched Paul's face contort with pleasure, felt his body stiffen and listened to his sounds and could sense that he was about to leap over the edge and that fact was crucial to propelling Dave to the same precipice. Arm in arm, body to body they leaped together, Paul spraying both their bodies with his cum and Dave filling Paul's gut with his hot, milky substance.

It was several minutes before either man regained any semblance of cognizance, primarily because they were in no rush to leave the state of euphoria they had traveled to. Dave lay quietly on top of Paul listening to his heartbeat and hearing the air enter and leave his lungs. He kissed Paul's neck then moved higher and found two lips ready to join with his in an expression of love. Paul hoped he wasn't dreaming as he held Dave in his arms. He felt Dave softening so he squeezed tighter trying to keep his friend inside him. Eventually his sphincter tired and released its captive to slowly slide from its temporary sanctuary. Paul then rolled them onto their sides, found the top sheet and pulled it over them just before sleep claimed both of them.

Without opening his eyes, Dave knew he was alone in the bed. He raised up on one elbow and looked around the room. The clock displayed 2:08. Where was Paul? He moved to the edge of the bed, stood up and took a better look around the room. He checked the bathroom and found it empty.

In the glow of light from the airport Dave easily found his way to the living room. There, sitting at the table, he saw Paul silhouetted against the airport lights and looking out the window. Slowly he walked to the table and sat down. When Paul turned to look at him Dave saw streaks of tears running down Paul's cheeks. Dave reached out and used his thumb to tenderly wipe away some of the tears then he covered Paul's hands with his own.

"You alright?" Dave asked, his voice filled with concern. Paul had turned his head to look out the window. He turned back and looked Dave directly in the eyes.

"Yes. I'm fine." He said softly. "No... I'm not... I'm better than that... I'm in love... with you. I know this is pretty heavy stuff, and I don't know if you are ready for this, and I pray you don't run away, but I have to say this... I love you."

Dave stared back into Paul's eyes. He wanted to assure Paul that his love was welcome, desired in fact. But he held his voice to allow Paul to say what was on his mind. He must have given it a lot of thought.

"There, I've said it!" Paul continued. "And it feels good, no great to finally tell you how I feel. From the day I saw you in the weight room I always felt like I loved you. After I got to know you better that feeling got stronger. Oh, yeah, the sex is great but that's only a part of it. You take my breath away! You make me laugh and you laugh with me. You always seem to know what to say at the right moment. I always feel comfortable when I'm with you. You make me feel like I'm me. You seem to enjoy doing some of the same crazy things I like to do. I never get tired of talking to you because you listen to my stupid conversation and are courteous enough to seem to like it. I didn't put all this together until you weren't there. The Thursday after you left I went to the Annex to work out like usual. I found myself looking around, waiting for you to arrive. Out on the track I kept expecting you to run up and join me. In the weight room I kept looking at the doorway expecting you to walk through it at any moment. Then in the sauna I had to admit you were gone. You weren't going to come back. I felt so alone I cried. My world seemed to fall apart without you. Thank God nobody came in and saw me; I couldn't have explained it. I had no idea I had become so attached to you until you weren't there."

Paul paused for a moment to look out the window again. They watched as the airplanes took off and landed in eerie, silent, slow motion. Then he turned his head and looked back at Dave.

"I love you, David Baker. I don't know if I have a right to ask this but I'm asking if you would consider having me in you life for a long, long time. I won't get out of the Army until November next year. I've considered if I should ask you to hang around and wait for me until I get out. You're going to college and I know you'll meet a lot of other guys you'll be attracted to. And I can guarantee other guys will be after you. Only you can answer that question. At least now I can feel better knowing I've told you how I feel."

By now tears were streaming down Dave's cheeks. He got out of his chair, sank to his knees in front of Paul, moved between Paul's knees and wrapped his arms around Paul in a very tight embrace. He was silent for a few minutes.

"Oh, Paul! I love you too. I've wanted to tell you for the longest time but was afraid you weren't ready and I might lose you. What you just said expresses my feelings so much better than I ever could. And I don't want anybody else. Those other guys in college can just go piss up a rope; you're the man for me. I'm ready to start planning our future together if you are."

"Look at us! Look at me! I never used to cry. Now I seem to cry at the drop of a hat. See what you've done to me? But these are tears of joy. What's your excuse?" Paul began to laugh.

Dave placed a wet, sloppy kiss in the middle of Paul's chest. "God, you make me happy!" He kissed Paul's chest again. They remained silent for several minutes trying to categorize and understand all that had just been said. Finally Paul leaned over, kissed Dave on the top of his head.

"Let's go to bed... Partner."

"I like the sound of that... Partner." Dave replied as he stood up and took hold of Paul's hand. In bed again, Dave spooned back against Paul and together they drifted off to a sleep filled with happiness.

Next: Chapter 21

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