David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Apr 4, 2002


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation 02

One week after school was out for the summer David celebrated his fifteenth birthday. Kate organized a party for David and his friends and they topped it off with a trip to the movies. The following Monday morning David was up early to report to his new job. His father had used his business contacts to get David hired by a construction company. His first day on the job he reported to the trailer that served as the construction company office for a large housing development they were just beginning. His job was to keep the office clean, empty waste baskets, make coffee, deliver documents to various work cites around the development and just about anything else of a menial nature the construction manager could think of. In other words he was a `gofer'.

Because David was only fifteen years old, he was restricted to office duty and running errands. Surprisingly, he found the office environment quite interesting. Early on the third day he watched two men dressed in shirts and ties open a long tube and pull a roll of paper from it. They unrolled the paper onto a long table and bent over to examine it. When David peeked around the shoulder of one man he saw they were looking at paper with all kinds of lines on it. It intrigued him.

"What's that?" David asked.

"Well young man," the man said as he turned toward David, "these are called 'blueprints'. You ever see anything like this before?"

"No sir!" David replied excitedly. "What are 'blueprints' for?"

"See all these lines and symbols? Well, they tell you how to build a house. By the way, my name is Joe and this is Pete. What's yours?"

"David, sir."

"Well, David, you hang around here long enough and I'll show you how to read these things. Okay?"

"Sure Mr. (David hesitated) I don't know your name, sir."

"Just Joe, David. First names will do fine around here."

"Yes sir." David said with a big smile.

"And please drop the 'Sir' stuff too. Makes me feel too old." Joe smiled as he gripped and squeezed David's shoulder trying to make him more comfortable.

"Uh, yeah, Joe." 'Damn, the guy treats me like a grown-up and wants me to call him by his first name! This is way cool!' David thought.

That was the beginning of David's experience in the world of adulthood. His father's purpose for getting him the job in the first place was to let David learn how adults function in the real world. He knew kids often learn faster and better when they are out of direct parental supervision and on their own have to put into practice what their parents have taught them. At the same time, David's father was comfortable knowing that David would not be unsupervised. On the contrary, he would be monitored closely and his colleague would report on David's activities. David's eyes began to open wider to match the expansion of his world. Never the less, he was still a kid and there were limits.

One of David's favorite things to do was deliver important papers or messages to various work cites around the development. He even got to drive a golf cart. About three weeks into the job, David was delivering some revised plans to one of the foremen when he noticed a young man about his age carrying lumber. He was sure it was Danny Chambers, a kid from his school. Danny was a year ahead of him and would be a junior next Fall so he must be sixteen, David thought. He had to leave before Danny saw him. One morning about two days later David delivered some items to the same work cite and practically ran over Danny as he pulled up and stopped.

"Hi." Danny said as he stared at David. It seemed to be an awkward situation as the two boys remained motionless for a few moments. "Don't I know you?"

"I'm David Baker." David said as he stepped out of the cart and extended his hand.

"I'm Danny Chambers." Danny grasped David's extended hand and shook it politely.

"Yeah, I thought I recognized you from school last year. I'll be a sophomore next year."

"Yeah, and I'll be a junior." The two boys stood silent for a few moments just looking at each other, not knowing how to continue the conversation. "Hey, I'd better get back to work. Maybe we can get together for lunch some day."

"Yeah, that'd be nice. I brown-bag like everyone else." David smiled and Danny smiled back. Danny walked toward a stack of lumber and David delivered his documents to the foreman.

The next day, David asked his boss if he could drive over and have lunch with Danny. 'Go right ahead' his boss had said. Before leaving, David pulled a couple of real cold Cokes from the office refrigerator to take with him and drove to find Danny. They sat down in the shade of one of the buildings and began their lunch. Danny really appreciated the cold Coke and thanked David for it. The conversation proceeded in spits and starts as they searched for a topic they could both discuss. Lunch ended quickly and they had to get back to work.

"Hey, how do you get to work?" Danny asked.

"My dad drops me off on his way to work then picks me up on the way home. Why?"

"Well, I got a car, if you can call it that. It has four wheels, four doors, an engine and brakes. Anyway, I'd be glad to pick you up in the morning and you could ride with me."

"Wow! That sounds great. I'd better check with my Dad. I'm sure he'd like not having to bring me to work." David wrote Danny's home phone number on a piece of paper and stuffed it into his pocket.

On the way home after work, David told his father about Danny's offer of a ride. Like most caring parents, his father expressed reservations about the plan until he could think about it (secretly he was ecstatic). Seemed like he had some idea about the trouble two young boys with a car could get into. Maybe he'd been there once or twice. That evening, Mr. Baker called Mr. Chambers and after discussing the idea they decided it was okay. Danny would pick David up in the morning. The rest of the summer the two boys went to work together and became good friends.

That summer was both a growth experience and a turning point for David. Joe took David under his wing and taught him as much as possible about construction and blue prints as possible. David learned that Joe was an architect who loved to create houses, not just build them. The kind of project they were working on involved 'building' houses but Joe had other 'creative' projects he told David about. As Joe talked, David began to see a connection between what the school was trying to teach him and work in the real world. The math, the physics, the chemistry, the need to communicate, it all began to make more sense. The men in the office, and those at the work cites, seemed to never miss a chance to rib David about girls and romance. Some of the ribbing got a little graphic, bawdy, and sometimes downright profane. But it was all in good fun and David learned how to take their ribbing and give some back, all in good fun.

David hit a growth spurt that summer and he became much more aware of his phy sical development. He continued to run in the evenings after work but not as often as he did during school. The work took more out of him and sometimes he had to give it a rest. He watched as his body grew taller but his muscles stayed slender and rounded. He would have like bigger muscles like Danny. Then he looked at his 40-year-old father and saw a flat stomach, slender build, little body hair, smooth chest, medium brown hair, and blue eyes. He realized that is probably how he would look in about 25 years. He particularly liked the flat stomach. As he grew, his mother continually exaggerated about having to buy new clothes and shoes every week. In reality she was exceedingly proud to see her son developing into a young man. Another important area of expansion was David's equipment. One day near the end of summer he got out his ruler and measured - almost seven hard inches. He would have liked to measure it soft but every time he tried, he got hard just thinking about it. As he began to jack off one evening after going to bed he remembered Kate's comment about Steve Maxwell, how he was a wimp because he came so quickly. David realized that his principle purpose in jacking off was to achieve orgasm, the quicker the better. Did that make him a wimp? He began to wander how long he could last before ejaculating and proceeded to find out. His climax that evening was rewarding but it was real quick. From then on David occasionally concentrated on delaying his orgasm for as long as possible. One benefit of this effort was learning how to enjoy the extended sexual tension that precedes orgasm. The pre-orgasmic high could be almost as enjoyable as the post-orgasmic one.

A big turning point for David occurred one evening after he got home. He skipped his run, showered and got ready for dinner, he was tired. David noticed his dad was late and when he arrived, he looked exhausted. At that moment something changed inside David's mind. He saw his father in a new light. This man he called 'Dad' worked hard all day so he could provide for his family. David now 'knew' how hard his father worked. He understood the workplace much better. And he suddenly realized what it meant to be an adult male and how much he loved his father. After dinner, David's father went into the living room to read the paper for a while. David followed him and before he could sit down, David walked up to his father and hugged him.

"Whoa, what brought this on?" His father asked with an appreciative smile.

"I love you, Dad. Thanks for everything." David said as he hugged his father again.

"Well, thanks Son, I love you too and that deserves a hug back." And David's father returned his hug.

David then went into the family room to watch TV feeling pretty good about himself. It only took a few minutes until he realized he'd better give his mother the same treatment so he got up and went into the kitchen. His mother was removing dishes from the dishwasher and putting them in the cabinet when he went up and hugged her. "I love you, Mom."

"Thank you David, that is so nice, I need that." His mother said as she hugged him back and kissed him on the cheek.

David went back to watching TV. Later that evening, just as he slid into bed and was preparing to turn the light off, Kate knocked on his door.

"Can I come in?" She asked.

"Sure." David replied as he slid to his right to make room for Kate to sit on the edge of the bed. "What's up?"

"Are you alright?"

David looked at his sister for a moment with a puzzled face. "Sure! Why wouldn't I be?"

"You're not planning on jumping off a bridge, or anything?"

"No!" David chuckled. That sounded so funny. "What's this all about?"

"Well, Mom and Dad told me you were acting kind of strange earlier this evening and asked me to find out if you were okay. I know you've been struggling with your...situation and I thought we had worked it out but there might be something I missed and I got concerned."

David leaned forward and hugged Kate. "I love you too. I'm not going to do anything crazy, really! It's just that this feeling came over me about how much Mom and Dad have done for me and I couldn't remember ever telling them so I told them. I guess it was kind of a shock, huh?"

"Yeah. I'll tell them you're okay. Now get some sleep." Kate left the room, closing the door on her way out. David turned the light off and began his almost nightly ritual of jacking off for as long as he could make it last.

After school started David became more committed to his studies and grades. He and Danny didn't see each other very often but when they did it always seemed to bring back happy memories of last summer. One thing David learned from his job was that the men who made the decisions and the most money were the ones with the most education. If he wanted to be a success he had to work hard at school.

Another development concerned Kate. Eventually, just as Kate predicted, John Close and Sally Hawkins had a fight and Kate made her move. Before long she and John were 'close' friends and David was sure he knew why. As a senior, John was an even bigger football star than the previous year. Sometimes when he came to pick up Kate, he and David would pass a football around the yard and play a little one-on-one. John was impressed with David's speed and agility and complimented him on. The two young men developed a solid relationship with Kate in the middle.

One more thing changed for David, he discovered girls, but not as sex objects. He learned he liked girls and they liked him as friends. Oh, they all thought David was 'cute' and a few even tried to hit on him but he was able to diplomatically discourage such interest. Preparation for David's first dance turned into a lot of fun when Kate whirled him around the living room teaching him what to do. Their parents got a big kick out of watching also.

At the end of the fall semester, David had one 'B' and all the rest 'A's, by far his best effort. In the spring semester he launched himself into his studies even harder. In late January, he ran into Danny in the hall.

"Hey David!" Danny called and he ran to catch up. "Are you going to try out for the track team this year?"

"I haven't thought about it, why?"

"Well, you're a runner and as a sophomore you can join and we need good runners. Think about it, will you?"

"Okay, I promise, I'll think about it." David said as the two boys headed down different corridors.

When the notice for track tryouts was posted, Danny made a point of showing it to David and applied as much pressure as he could. Finally, David agreed. Because of his early push in his classes, his grades were well under control and a commitment to the track team would not interfere. Well, David was a shoe-in.

David, dirty and sweaty, his T-shirt thrown over his right shoulder, trudges exhaustedly up the steps from the stadium toward the gym. 'That shower is going to feel damn good.' He thought. He had just finished another practice with his high school track team and his first real track meet would be Friday. He heard footsteps overtaking him from behind.

"Just look straight ahead, David. Don't let on that I am talking to you." It was John Close, Kate's boyfriend who played tight end on the football team. He ran track in the off season to stay in condition. Next year he would be on the university football team and conditioning was more important now than ever before.

"In a few minutes all you sophomores are going to be initiated into the track team. You're going to be embarrassed as hell but you will not be hurt. I'll make sure of that. Just keep smiling and laughing like you are having fun." John was already past David, headed for the gym. David watched John's well formed ass climb the steps ahead of him and wandered what it would be like to feel them with his hands. 'Tight end' seemed to be a good description for John.

'An initiation, huh? I never heard about that. Well, I'll just have to trust John.'

David entered the locker room along with the other men on the track team. He noticed Steve Maxwell talking to the track coach and assistant coach, and then they left. Steve locked the door behind them. The seniors and juniors gathered at one end of the locker room; they were already naked. Maxwell stepped out in front and began speaking.

"Alright 'ladies'," Maxwell began, "In a couple of days we will have our first track meet. Before we do, there's one test you all have to pass. Now, if anyone has any reservations about or will be embarrassed by being touched and want to withdraw, now is the time to do it. Once this induction begins, nobody will be allowed to leave and everyone will be sworn to secrecy. Is there anyone who wants to leave now?" All the sophomores stood silently in various stages of undress and glanced around to see if anyone was going to leave. David had been alerted and promised nothing dangerous would happen. After about a minute of silence it was obvious no one was going to leave. "Okay!" Maxwell said. "Raise your right hand and repeat after me, 'I promise never to disclose to anyone outside this room the proceedings that take place here tonight.'" All the young men, including the seniors and juniors raised their right hands and repeated the promise. "Let the induction begin! All you sophomores finish undressing, get into the shower room and line up along the wall facing forward and leave approximately three feet of room behind you. NOW MOVE!"

David and the rest of the sophomores hurriedly finished stripping and scurried into the shower room and lined up as they were instructed. He was only slightly on edge from the uncertainty of the moment. He had already gotten over any potential embarrassment about the size of his equipment; he was by far among the top five- percent. In a few minutes he would learn he was even better than that. No sooner were the sophomores in place than the seniors walked in and took positions directly in front of each sophomore; they faced each other. John Close stood facing David, looking directly into his eyes and gave a reassuring wink. Four of the sophomores were alone until four juniors moved into the senior positions. The rest of the juniors came in and took positions behind the sophomores. Danny Chambers stood behind David. Because of the imbalance of the number of men from each class, some of the sophomores had no one standing behind them.

"Okay, Ladies," Maxwell began speaking again, "The purpose of this induction is to establish that we have real men joining our team. That means you are going to demonstrate the one thing all real men can do, EJACULATE! This is a team effort and everyone participates."

David looked in amazement as Steve Maxwell's cock began to grow. Almost instantly it was hard, standing up at a forty-five degree angle, and David could see Kate's assessment of Maxwell's equipment was correct. It had to be slightly less than six inches and not very thick. There is something about men and the effect of visual stimulation that can't be controlled. When one cock sees another erect cock, it instantly seeks to achieve the same state. Within moments every the cocks in the shower room was completely hard and ready for action.

"Ready, begin!" Maxwell commanded. All the seniors and the four juniors reached out and wrapped a hand around the sophomore cocks in front of them. David jumped when John's right hand slid around his engorged poll. John did not look down but continued looking into David's eyes; David decided he'd better copy everything John did so he stared back into John's eyes. The next thing John did was take David's right hand and place it around his own cock. The sensation David felt was almost indescribable. This was the first cock other than his own that he had ever touched. It felt both hard and soft at the same time and it felt silky. He never noticed that about his own cock. David couldn't resist; he looked down and stared in amazement. He and John were holding each other's cocks. David wandered what Kate would say if she knew. John's hardness was only slightly bigger than his, slightly longer and slightly thicker. 'John must have at lease seven and a half inches.' David thought. At that moment Danny placed his hands on David's hips, move up against David's back and slide his cock between David's legs, stroking his perineum and pressing against the back of his scrotum. John began to stroke and David followed suit. Danny began humping slowly, pulling back far enough to rake the head of his cock across David's anus. In his peripheral vision, David could see all the others were doing the same thing. It only took a matter of moments when a loud moan echoed around the shower. Everyone looked around just in time to see Maxwell ejaculate his cum all over his sophomore's abdomen. A cheer went up. Then there was another moan indicating another ejaculation.

Just as David and John were getting into a rhythm, David felt a hot liquid hit the back of his scrotum. Danny came silently without any telltale moan and he stopped thrusting but his cock stayed hard. Ejaculation after ejaculation began to spread around the shower room and rivulets of cum rushed toward the shower drain, carried along by the water from the showerheads. After ten minutes less than half of the men were still stroking and thrusting. Shortly, David felt Danny begin to thrust again. Each time Danny withdrew he would place the head of his cock against David's anal opening and press. The cum from Danny's previous ejaculation provided excellent lubrication and David's anus slowly began to dilate. David could feel his orgasm building but he wanted to try to hold out longer than John and enjoy the feel and pleasure of John's cock in his hand. John smiled at him and he s miled back. Danny's cock was stimulating David's anus in a way he never imagined possible. Soon they were the only three men still in action. All the others crowded around and began cheering them on. What fun! Finally, Danny let go with a loud groan and might have collapsed to the floor if two other guys hadn't caught him. When Danny came, the head of his cock was pressed firmly against David's dilated hole and David could feel the liquid trying to get inside his body, but it didn't. That was too much for David and just as he relaxed and let his orgasm explode he felt hot cum splatter against his chest and abdomen. A loud cheer went up among the spectators. As David's cum struck John's chest another cheer went up. David's knees buckled and he would have fallen if John had not grabbed him. "Easy, David, easy." John said softly in his ear. David realized his body was pressed up against John's and their groins were smashed together. If he hadn't just climaxed he surely would have sprung another boner. He managed to recover quickly and stood on his own two legs. Everyone was slapping the three of them on their backs and congratulating them on holding out for so long. David knew Danny had pulled a fast one but he wasn't going to say anything. The entire team finished showering, for real this time, dressed and left the locker room.

"Come on, David, I'll give you a lift home." John said as he draped his arm around David's shoulder and guided him out the door. The ride to David's house was quiet; neither man spoke. John stopped the car in front of the house, placed the transmission in park, turned, looked at David and extended his right hand.

"Congratulations, David. I'm honored to be on the same team with you. You're a really good sport." John said.

"Gee, thanks, John. And thanks for giving me the heads-up on the way to the locker room. It gave me a lot of confidence. It's kind of a shame you are a senior; this will be the only time we can be teammates."

"Well, we'll just have to figure out a way to be teammates anyway."

"Ah...I was wondering, can you answer a question about what happened tonight?"

"Sure! What is it?"

Well...how did I get pared with you?" David asked.

"Oh, that's easy. I asked for you. You see, each senior gets to choose who he wants to initiate. It's both an honor and a responsibility. If more than one senior chooses the same sophomore, the one with the best reason wins. Since Kate and I are dating, I told them we were practically brothers. And that was that."

"How about Danny?"

"Uh, after I selected you Danny came up and asked if he could assist. I thought that was kind of strange because he could have had senior duties tonight. But he insisted so I agreed."

"What do you mean, Danny could have had senior duties?"

"Remember how everyone was congratulating you when it was all over?"


"Any sophomore who distinguish himself during initiation or on the field is considered for senior duties when they are juniors. You may have noticed some juniors filled senior position tonight; that's because there are never enough seniors. And, tonight you distinguished yourself by beating me. I have a reputation for endurance and you went longer. So next year you will do senior duties."

"Wow! That's awesome." David said proudly and somewhat astonished. "Hey, I'd better get inside or Kate will be out here wanting to know what we are doing." David opened the door and got out of the car. Before closing the door he leaned back in and said, "I'm glad it was you, John. Thanks."

"My honor, David." The car door closed and David went in to the house.

David distinguished himself on the track field also. He was in great shape from all the running he did before joining the track team and he turned out to be quite a distance runner. The coaches gave him some valuable help with his technique and turned him into the team "rabbit." His duty was to get out front early and set the pace then let the older, more experienced guys try to win the race.

About three weeks before the end of the school year, David was in his room sorting through some magazines he wanted to throw away when he heard a knock at his door. He turned around to see Kate standing there.

"May I come in?"

"Sure, Sis. You want some of my old mags?"

"Not my taste, brother dear. Look. The Prom is coming up soon and I've made a decision." Kate said as she sat down on the edge of David's bed. David began to get nervous.

"And what is it have you decided, if I may ask?" He continued sorting his magazines.

"It's time that I did `IT'. You know, go all the way."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" David shouted as he stood up and scurried toward the door remembering what happened last year. "Not this time Kate! Don't even think about it!

Kate bent over with laughter. "No, no, Davie! Knowing how you feel, I'd never go there. I just wanted to share this with you and get some information." David eased his way back into his bedroom.

"Like what kind of information?"

"Well...like...ah...John. How big is he? You know...down there."

"Kate, I can't believe you are asking me that. I just assumed you already knew. You have had you hands on him, haven't you?" David blushed a little. He less comfortable discussing such things with his sister than he used to be.

"Well, what I meant was, how does he compare with the other guys?"

"Look, I'm not going to get specific but I will tell you he is quite a man. He is very impressive in the equipment department. And if you are serious about doing IT', well...ah...you might..." David was trying to find the right polite, sensitive words. Finally he gave up. "Oh shit! He's big, Kate, so be prepared. Also, I have a lot of respect for John. I place my respect for him right along side of the respect I have for Dad. Plus, he is intelligent, loyal and caring and, if down the road you should decide he is the man for you, I would be most happy to call him brother'.

Kate got up off the bed, walked over to David and kissed him on his forehead. "Thanks, dear." She said softly and left David's room.

The morning after the Prom David was sitting on the back step cooling down with a bottle of water after his run when he heard a noise behind him. As he turned around Kate sat down beside him. David looked at his sister and raised his eyebrows to indicate a question mark. Kate peered deep into David's eyes and smiled a smile that confirmed she had accomplished her goal. David did not say a word. He just reached for her hand and brought the back of it to his lips then placed it back on her knee. It was something he had seen some guy do in a movie once and it must have been the right thing to do because when he looked into Kate's eyes again they were filled with tears of happiness. Kate reached her arm around her brother and hugged him tightly. It was amazing how the two could communicate so clearly without saying a word.

Next: Chapter 3

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