David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Oct 10, 2002


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation 19

The B-727 exited the runway and taxied to the terminal. Dave was seated in the next to last row, the typical seat for the price of the ticket he purchased. He was happy and seemed to have a permanent, subtle smile on his face.

Will Kate be here to meet me by herself or will she bring the whole clan?' He looked out the window. I wonder what Paul is doing? Is he trying to prosecute some poor grunt or spring somebody from jail? It was a good thing he wasn't there when I got my final papers and left for the airport. I don't think I would have handled that very well.' Dave had recovered from the emotional parting the night before and now could only think of the many fun times and good thing they had experienced together. His smile grew.

Dave stood in the aisle waiting for almost the entire planeload of passengers to move out the door so he could get to the reunion with his sister and `his' boys. Finally he was able to move. His excitement grew as he walked up the jetway and could see the doorway into the waiting area. It took him a few seconds to find Kate but it wasn't hard; she was jumping up and down holding a big sign that said, "WELCOME DAVE!" John and the boys were right beside her and Dave almost ran to where they stood. He hugged Kate and kissed her on the cheek and he extended his hand to John. Mark and Matthew were in strollers and Dave squatted down to their level to greet them. They hadn't seen Dave for several months and he wasn't sure they would remember him so he proceeded cautiously. Not wanting to frighten them, he took hold of one hand from each boy, looked into their eyes and said, "Hello." They smiled at Dave then looked up at their parents then back at Dave. Then they giggled and acted both friendly and shy.

"Hey, let's go home." Kate announced. Dave stood back up and they all headed for the parking lot. Dave fielded the usual questions like, "How was your flight?" and "Did they feed you; are you hungry?"

The transportation was a GMC Suburban, a rather impressive piece of Detroit steel. Dave got to ride in the back with `his' boys who were safely strapped into their car seats. There wasn't much conversation during the trip to the house and it gave Dave time to think. He didn't know exactly how much John made but he remembered reading something in a sports magazine that John's contract had seven figures in it, probably several times seven. So he wasn't sure what to expect when it came to how they lived.

Dave was impressed as they drove through what was obviously a new housing subdivision. All the housed were new and very big and there were still several vacant lots available. Dave noticed that the developer had taken the easy path and used a blade to clear the land of everything before starting to build. What a shame.' Dave thought, not a tree in sight.' John slowed the Suburban and turned into a long driveway that led to an absolutely huge English Tudor style home. Dave' architectural eye immediately saw flaws in the design of the house and he thought of things he would have done differently. But he kept his opinions to himself and complimented John and Kate on their beautiful home.

John parked the Suburban in one bay of the four-car garage and they all got out and went into the house. Dave carried his own bag and let Kate and John carry Mark and Matthew. Walking into the kitchen they were met by a middle-aged woman who took charge of the boys and proceeded to help remove their jackets. Gloria, Dave was informed, was the nanny/housekeeper. Kate needed a lot of help with the boys and the house so they hired Gloria for that purpose.

Once on the floor and free of their jackets the boys took charge of life at the Close residence. It didn't take them long to grab Dave's hands and drag him to their stash of toys. He was down on the floor taking instructions on what to do and what to hold. The boys would pick up a toy, hand it to Dave, then get another toy and drop it into his lap.

Soon Gloria swept into the room, corralled the boys and announced it was time to change their diapers. Potty training was still a few months in the future.

"Come on, David," John said," I'll show you to your room." John was carrying David's bag and led the way up the stairs and down the hall to the room David would occupy until Sunday morning. "You have your own private bath," John said as he opened the door to the bathroom just like one of the bellboys at one of the hotels Paul and Dave had stayed at. Then John did something totally unexpected, he stepped up to David, wrapped his arms around him and said, "Let's have a proper welcome, little brother, I've missed you; we've all missed you."

David hugged him back. "Now that I no longer work for Uncle Sam, perhaps we'll all get to see each other more often. It's good to be here, John." With that, they released each other and stepped back. A warm feeling spread through Dave's body; he was with his family again and it sure felt good. John said dinner would be ready shortly but David had time to clean up, even take a nap, if he liked.

David did wash his face and hands and it did help him feel better. Then he went back downstairs and joined the Mark and Matthew on the floor. The boys seemed to love to crawl all over him and David was in seventh heaven rolling around the floor as they pounced on him. Kate finally called them to dinner and invited David to help feed the two urchins. What an educational experience that was!

By the time the boys went to bed David was exhausted. The excitement of getting discharged, the flight, playing with the boys, all had taken their toll. Before going to bed Dave decided to shower and wash away the travel dust; it would help him sleep better. Before climbing into bed he slipped into a pair of the boxer briefs Paul had given him. They felt so good, snug against his skin with just the right amount of comfort and support for his genitals without those annoying elastic straps cutting across his groin and around his legs. He left the bedroom window open because there was a nice cool breeze blowing and the fresh air smelled very nice.

Sliding between the cool sheets, David closed his eyes expecting to be asleep instantly. Ten minutes later he was still wide-awake. It was too quiet. There were no room doors opening and slamming closed. There were no loud voices shouting up and down the hallway. There was no bright light creeping under the door to his room. These were all things he had grown accustomed to while living in an Army barracks.

Dave's mind focused on Paul. `What's he doing? Is he in his room watching TV? Is he at the Officer's Club pining for me and drowning his loneliness with alcohol? Is he even thinking about me? I wish I were with him. Paul...' Dave said as he exhaled. He inhaled slowly and deeply. "Pau..."

The first sound David heard were birds chirping; it was a happy sound. He could tell that the sun was up by the opaque light trying to penetrate his closed eyelids. `Paul.' He thought as his right hand slid under the covers and under the waistband of his boxer briefs. He checked his semi-hard pecker and gave his nuts a scratch before pulling his hand back and rolling over onto his right side.

Suddenly he had a strange feeling he was not alone. He opened his eyes to see four little hands and two blond little heads with blue eyes peering over the top of the mattress. Their faces were possessed with a look of curiosity. David smiled. They smiled back. Then his field of vision expanded and he saw Kate.

"Oh!" he exclaimed as he sat up quickly.

"They just had to see if their Unka Dayid' was still here." Kate chuckled as she said that. The boys weren't yet able to say the v' sound.

David blushed. Kate had been standing there watching him fondle and scratch himself. `Gawd! How embarrassing!' he thought.

"Come on, boys, let's get out of here and let `Unka Dayid' get dressed. I'm sure he'll be down for breakfast soon." Kate was still chuckling. "And don't worry about it, Davie, I know it's a guy thing. I've seen John do that hu ndreds of times." She chuckled again as she closed the door.

Thursday and the following two days were a blur for David. During breakfast John explained that he had to leave about 8:30 AM for a light workout at the training facility and asked if David would like to go workout with him; John had already received approval. Because Thursday was his normal workout day David accepted, not having any idea what he was getting himself into.

David followed John to the track where they warmed up by running wind sprints for thirty minutes. David thought he was in good shape until he found himself struggling to appear even reasonably respectable before John and some of the other players who were running with them. He didn't finish last but he certainly was a long way from being first. In fact, the only player who finished behind him was Tomas Douczek, the place kicker.

Next they went to the weight room and it was impressive. John and David began their workout with lightweight dumbbells; David's were lighter than John's. Soon John moved to a weight bench and asked David to spot him. The weights John lifted were well out of David's range but he was confident he could provide John the margin of safety he required. Looking around the weight room David was really impressed with the size and strength of all the players. All, that is, except Douczek; he wasn't much bigger than David. That's when it suddenly dawned on David that he was among a group of superior athletes who were committed to achieving top physical condition and totally dedicated to their jobs. These men were working out at a level far above even the best college athlete.

After the workout they hit the showers and David found it to be a real eye-opener. Not only did these jocks have big bodies they were big every where else. It almost made David feel inadequate. He finished his shower and was about finished drying off when, "SMACK!"

"Yeow!" David exclaimed as a sharp pain registered on his left ass cheek. He spun around to see who had done that and there stood Tomas with a rolled-up towel in his hands and a big grin on his face.

"Velcom, David!" Tomas said in his Eastern European accent as he backed away. David knew a challenge when he saw one; his days on his high school track team and in the Army taught him that. He still had his towel in his hands and it was partially wet from having just dried himself off. He dropped one end and began to spin it around into a tight spiral.

"Ohhh, Tomas, you shouldn't have done that." David warned jokingly and he began moving toward the place kicker like a leopard stalking its prey. Tomas began laughing nervously as he darted around the room hiding behind other players, some of whom were naked as jaybirds while others were covered with towels or briefs. Tomas didn't seem to care how the others were dressed; he grabbed them by their hips and used them as shields against David's attack. Everyone was laughing and having a lot of fun watching the two men going after each other. Everybody loves a fight, especially when it is friendly. Tomas was feeling secure behind one of the wide receivers when the guy suddenly jumped to the side leaving Tomas unprotected. David seized the opportunity and immediately flung his towel forward catching Tomas on his left hip. "SMACK!"

"Okay, okay, I gib, I gib." Thomas laughed as he stood his ground and extended his hand. David reached out and they shook hands; a new friendship was formed and several of the players walked up and clasped David on his shoulder or gave him a pat on his butt.

"Can I treat you to lunch? John asked as he drove the Suburban out of the parking lot, "or would you rather go home?"

"That depends. Where's lunch? And I'm buying, by the way."

"Okay," John chuckled, he knew David wouldn't have offered if he hadn't felt the need to do so. "There's a Subway I know on the way back to the house. Will that be okay?"

"Oh, yeah. I like those."

John turned into the strip mall and parked in front of a Subway shop. They went inside and stood in line.

"This place is pretty busy!" David said.

"Yeah. Business is good today."

"Hi, Mr. Close, can I take your order?"

"Hi, Benjamin, yeah I'll have a large turkey with cheese. And fix my little brother here whatever he wants." John replied as he turned to smile at David.

"I'll have the same thing." David offered then they moved down the line.

"Hi, Mr. Close, what're you having on your sub today?"

"Hi Tina, let me have lettuce and tomato with honey mustard sauce, please."

"And you sir?" Tina asked David as she began adding the ingredients to John's sub.

"Just give me the same." David answered. He was trying to keep things simple. And he was really puzzled about how the kids behind the counter seemed to know John on sight. Then he thought, `Of course, he's a football player. They're bound to know who he is.'

"Hi, Mr. Close, any chips or cookies, something to drink maybe?"

"Yes, Porter, I'll have a lemonade and some chips, please. And my little brother is buying today." John said as he turned to smile at David. David just smiled back and reached for his wallet.

" Gee, I didn't know Mr. Close had a brother." Porter said to David.

"Well, it's really brother-in-law but John is nice enough to call me his brother." David replied with a big grin of pride on his face.

"I'm impressed!" David said as they slid into opposite sides of one of the booths. They all know your name."

"There's a reason for that, little brother, you see, I own this place. It's one of my investments. I know that this football job won't last forever so I'm trying to diversify my investments. I own several others too. In fact, I own one in a strip mall just off campus where you'll be going to school in the fall." Dave felt excited by this news; he knew John had studied finance in college and was happy to see him putting it to good use.

David spent the rest of the afternoon rolling around on the floor with the boys and Gloria also helped him polish up his diapering skills. While the boys napped David visited some more with Kate and John. This was the first time they had found to really talk and catch up on things. Kate and John also took David on a tour of the house and grounds. They had a pool, which they kept covered when it wasn't being used; they didn't want the boys falling in accidentally until they learned how to swim.

Dinner was great and the glass of wine David drank seemed to hit him really hard. He begged to excuse himself saying he was beat and needed to hit the sack. John made some snide comment about him not being able to keep up with the boys and David agreed.

Friday John had some other business to attend to so David played with the boys in the morning and in the afternoon Kate drove him and the boys around the neighborhood. The drive served two purposes, it gave Kate an opportunity to show David around the area and the motion of the vehicle lulled the boys into a much-needed nap.

Friday evening Kate and John hosted a social gathering of several of the team members and their wives. Many of the man David met earlier Thursday morning were there, including Tomas Douczek. Since Tomas was still single, he and David spent a lot of time talking. But David also visited with other guests as well.

Kate watched how her brother moved from one group to another with such ease. He was like a salesman trying to schmooze some prospective clients. She noticed an air of confidence she had not seen before. Was it the Army experience or was something else at play here? She couldn't decide.

In those moments when Kate wasn't watching David, he was watching her. She seems so radiant, looks so happy.' He thought. I've never seen here like this.'

Saturday was another day of playing with the boys. They were completely bonded with their uncle and were comfortable running to him for comfort when they hurt a finger or bumped a toe, or whatever. He could change a diaper in a flash and, remembering his first experience, managed to avoid getting sprayed by a small penis again. And even at their ages David had to conclude that they must have inherited their daddy's genes when it came to the dick department.

Saturday was Gloria's day off so Kate had to fix dinner. The boys were taking their nap and Kate was at the sink rinsing off some chicken to put into the oven. David entered the kitchen, walked up to his sister, placed his arm around her waist and kissed her on her cheek.

"How's the cook doing?"

"Fine, just fine." Kate replied. "Have a seat and we'll talk. Dave sat down at the table as watched his sister finish with the chicken and place it in the oven. She washed and dried her hands then sat down with David.

"You know," she began, "I sure have missed you a lot. And having you here these few days had been so great." Kate paused as she looked into David's eyes. "You've changed!"

"Well... Yeah, so have you." Dave stared back at her.

"I don't think I've ever seen you so happy." Kate continued. "Is it because you're out of the Army of that you're finally going to go to school?"

"Yeah. That's why." David answered. He knew the real reason but he wasn't ready to tell her. "And you seem really happy too. Life must be real good for you now."

"Yes, it certainly is." Kate replied. She had another reason to be happy but she wasn't ready to tell David; she continued looking at him. "No... I think there's more than you just being out of the army. You have a secret. What is it?"

The brother and sister spent too many years reading each other. It was a game they used to play.

"Okay, you have to guess. And then I'll guess your secret." They smiled at each other. This game required some thought. Kate went to the refrigerator, got some lemonade and poured each of them a class. No words were spoken while they studied each other.

"I'VE GOT IT!" Kate exclaimed. Leaning toward her brother to be more intimate, she almost whispered, "You've found someone haven't you!" Dave couldn't contain his grin. "THAT'S IT! It was right in front of my nose and I didn't see it until just now. I'm right aren't I!"

"Yes, you're right." Dave still couldn't stop grinning.

"Well! Tell me about him." David thought it strange that she just assumed it was a `him'.

"Well, his name is Paul, and he's still in the Army." Dave stopped there.

"Oh, no you don't, you don't get away that easy! You have to tell me everything: how you met, where you met, how long have you known each other, what does he look like, do you have a picture, what does he do, things like that."

"Okay," David replied as he reached for his wallet in his back pocket. "Here's a picture." He said as he handed it to Kate. "We took this last weekend at the beach."

"At the beach!" Kate exclaimed. "Are you in Club Med of something." Kate questioned as she looked at the picture. "Oh, David! He's really good looking! I always knew you had good taste." She laughed. "You two sure make a cute couple... but why do you have that goofy look on your face?"

"Ah... well... just as the shutter snapped Paul grabbed me in a ah... critical place and ah..." He began to blush. Well, what can I say?"

"Oh, a guy with a sense of humor too, ehh? I like that. Okay, go on, start at the beginning and spill it all."

"Well, it started about eight or nine weeks ago. I was working out in the weight room of the Gym Annex when this guy walked up to the weight bench on my right and began adding a bunch of weights to the barbell. Well, anyone could see that he would never be able to lift the amount of weight he had on that bar, he just didn't have the muscle for it. I kept working with the dumbbell I was using but I kept an eye on this guy; I'll admit he was easy to look at. Sure enough, when he lifted the barbell off the rack it quickly dropped to his chest and began rolling toward his neck. I jumped up and grabbed the bar and together we were able to lift it back into the rack. He thanked me. Because I was finished I went to the sauna. About five or ten minutes later he came into the sauna and sat down. We talked briefly and introduced ourselves then I had to leave to go back to work.

"So the first time you met you were both naked?" Kate asked.

"I guess you're right, I never really thought about it in those terms. Anyway, this all happened on a Tuesday and on Thursday, as I walked to the Annex I noticed this hot Porsche Boxster drive up and Paul gets out and walks inside the building. That's when I noticed the silver bars on his shoulders and realized he was a lieutenant."

"An officer, huh?" Kate interrupted, "and driving a Boxster too. You DO know how to pick'em."

"May I continue?" Dave asked rather sarcastically. He was leaving out a lot, especially all the sexual innuendoes and stuff.

"Sorry, go on."

"Well, we ran together, I smoked his ass, and lifted weights again. In the sauna we began talking again and he asked me if I played tennis and I said I did, but not very well."

"Boy you can say that again." Kate interrupted again. David just gave her a dirty look and continued.

"Well, Saturday we played tennis. Then Tuesday, I think, he asked me if I'd like to go visit a Texas ranch that belonged to a friend of his and I agreed. (Man, was David leaving out a lot of detail.)" So Friday after work we went to this ranch that was about an hour's drive away. We went swimming, I road a horse," David noticed Kate's eyebrows go up. "Yeah, I really did ride a horse. It was a lot of fun."

By now Kate knew she was not getting all the juicy details but decided it was best to let it ride.

"Well, the next weekend Paul invited me to go to the city with him to a concert. A really good pianist performed Rach 3. It was a tremendous experience. The next weekend we went back to the ranch; the weekend following that Paul took us back to the city where we saw a performance of "le Cage aux Folles."

"David," he could see a very large question mark written all over Kate's face. "If you don't mind me asking, who's paying for all this? Did you get some kind of military discount?"

David stared at his sister. He was a little stunned at just how quickly she had figured it out. "Well... actually Paul paid for most of it. Early on we talked about that and he understood that I didn't have much money. I think he said something about the Army paying me starvation wages. He said he had lots of it, money that is, and that because he enjoyed being around me so much he wanted to bare the costs. I told him I wouldn't be his boy toy and didn't want him giving me lots of gifts. I also said I wanted to pay for things when I could and he agreed to all that. Want to hear more?"

"Yes, go on, please."

"Oh, where was I..."

"You just saw "le Cage aux Folles."

"Oh, yes. So we spent the next weekend at the ranch and the following weekend, last weekend, that is, we went to the beach to get that picture for you." Dave grinned at his ridiculous reason for going to the beach.

"What does Paul do in the Army?"

"He's a lawyer."

"Oh my gawd. Okay, let's recap this. Paul is one hot, rich number who's also a lawyer and drives a hot car. Is that about it? Is there any more I should know?"

"I love him and I'm pretty sure he loves me although neither one of us has said the `L' word... yet"

"Do you have anything you can point to that says he loves you?"

"Well he gave me a really nice parting gift. Here, I'll go to my room and get it." David arose from his chair and trotted upstairs to his room. Moments later he walked into the kitchen carrying the package Paul had given him. Kate had the oven door open and was checking the chicken. Dave placed the package on the table in front of where Kate was sitting. Kate sat back down and picked the package up without saying a word. Then she opened it.

"This is very nice, David, van Gogh's Yellow House." She said as she continued looking at it. "OH, David! This really is nice. This isn't a photograph it's a real print. This must be worth tones of money."

"He took it off of the wall of his room and gave it to me." At that moment a wave of emotion swept over David and tears welled up in his eyes. Suddenly he missed Paul; he missed him a lot.

Kate noticed and she scooted her chair close to her brother and hugged him and kissed his cheek. "I'm sure he loves you, Davie. How could he not?"

Dave regained control, "Yeah, how could he not!" And he sat up straight and returned Kate's kiss on her cheek.

"So! When are you getting married?" Kate asked preposterously with a laugh.

David burst out laughing. "The Army won't be finished with Paul until November of next year. I guess we're going to have to wait a while. But the courtship is so much fun!" Dave said with a grin. And then he wished he hadn't and began to blush. "I'd better put this away." He said as he picked up the package and left to place it back in his luggage.

When he returned he was back to normal. "Okay, now it's my turn to guess." David sat down at the table and stared at his sister. He stared for a long time. Once Kate got up to check on the chicken then sat back down.

Finally David looked directly into his sister's smiling eyes and said, "You're pregnant." It WAS a wild guess.

Kate gasped. "John told you! Didn't he!" she demanded. "I'll break his neck."

"No, he never said a word, honest! The subject never came up until you decided to pry open my sex life." Dave knew he had her with that one.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Kate agreed. "Anyway, isn't it exciting!" She looked like she was going to bubble over with joy.

"When is he due?" David asked.

"SHE is due in late mid December."

"Are you sure She will be a SHE? He could be a HE, couldn't He?"

"I'm guessing. I want a little girl so bad it hurts. But if it turns out to be a boy, I'll love him just the same."

"Have you told Mom and Dad?"

"NO! So, don't you say a word! We're going home in a few weeks and we'll tell them then.

At that moment John walked in from the garage. "Well, what are sister and brother cooking up? The chicken sure smells good, what time is dinner."

"John Close you just go get your smelly self in the shower and by the time you get back you'll have time for a drink before dinner." They hugged and kissed and David thought, `the fire still burns'. "David guessed our little secret."

"Oh? And just how did he do that?" David felt his body get tense. He hoped Kate wouldn't say anything about the other half of the secret. He didn't think John knew he was gay and now didn't seem like the right time to tell that one.

"Oh, we've played guessing games since we were kids and he just guessed it. Unless you dropped a clue here and there, huh?"

"Not me, Sweetheart." He looked at David then at Kate. "I'll never understand you two." With that comment he headed for the master bedroom to take a shower.

Later that evening Kate called her parents and David got on the phone to confirm his flight was scheduled to arrive at 2:05 PM. His folks said they'd be there and were anxious to have him home again.

The next morning the four members of the Close family transported `Unka Dayid' to the airport to catch his flight.

Author's note: If anyone is disappointed by the lack of sex in this chapter, sorry about that. The characters in this story are about more than just sex. Chapter 20 may be more to your liking.

Happy reading, Jeff.

Next: Chapter 20

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