David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Sep 5, 2002


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation 15

Paul closed the door to his apartment, turned around, surveyed his assigned territory and sank into loneliness. He had become so enthralled with Dave that he forgot how lonely his life was without the young, attractive, and intelligently playful man at his side. The two of them certainly seemed to bond over the weekend. It surprised Paul although he assumed that someday he would want to find one person he could love for the rest of his life and he was seriously beginning to wonder if Dave could be that man. Was it only the sex? He didn't think so, although sex was undoubtedly great between them. Dave had six weeks to go. That really meant only five weekends and Paul committed himself to not waste one minute of that time. He began making plans.

Dave stepped off of the bus and began walking to the Post Office to check Saturday's mail. As he walked he felt different. He felt stronger. He felt more secure in who he was. He knew he had turned a corner in his life and he would not go back. The time with Paul had been so much fun and Paul was such a good person. He marveled at how he had been able to drop his defenses and permit himself to be whom he really was when he was with Paul, no more being on guard to protect his true self. The entire weekend had been one large release for him.

Dave found two letters waiting for him, one from Kate and another from Dan. He stuffed them in his pocket and hurried off to his room where he could sit down and read them in comfort. He checked his watch and determined he could make the 11:00 chapel if he hurried but decided to go later when he would have the place to himself.

Arriving at his room, Dave found his roommates were gone. Dave, Miguel, Chuck and Kevin had decided to room together when they became friends after their first marathon. The Captain even helped them arrange it. Chuck was already gone; his tour ended at the end of April. Kevin still had almost two years left on his tour and was already thinking of re-enlisting. Miguel would finish his tour near the end of October. That meant that there were now only three men assigned to the room that was intended to house four. Dave hoped no new man would be assigned until after he left because the extra space was nice.

Dave's friends were just that - friends. They all joked around with each other, played tricks on each other, and generally got along quite well. Nudity was ever present but it had never bothered Dave because he was committed from the beginning of his tour to, as he told Dan, keep certain thoughts "in cold storage." Never the less, he knew exactly what each man looked like without his clothes on and that included all their private parts. But they were his friends and that is all he ever wanted.

Dave sat down and opened Kate's letter first. It was a report on where they were now living and the adjustments they were making in their lives. John had initially been drafted in the first round by a west-coast team but then immediately traded to one closer to the middle of the country. The boys were doing great and growing like weeds. Kate had included several pictures and Dave sat staring at them for some time before pinning them, along with many others, to the bulletin board beside his bed. Next he opened Dan's letter.

"Yo Dave. I done fell into the briar patch. This damned old Navy just assigned me to a place called Treasure Island. It's an island between Oakland and San Francisco. The only way to reach it by car is from an exit on the Bay Bridge. Looks like I'll be here until I finish my hitch. Let me tell you, the nightlife in Frisco is beyond belief. If you ever get the chance to visit, I'll really show you a wham bang time. There's a place called the Tenderloin District you have to see to believe. I can't promise how often I'll be able to write cause there is so much fun to do here. You know what I mean? Write soon, Dan."

Dave reread Dan's letter a second time before folding it and placing it in the drawer where he kept all his letters. Dan's letter caused him concern and he wasn't exactly sure why. After removing his dirty clothes from his overnight bag and dumping them in his laundry bag he left the room and headed for the chow hall for lunch before it closed.

When Dave walked in to the chow hall he noticed Miguel just sitting down at one of the tables. Miguel waved to him and Dave waived back then proceeded to get a tray and some food. As he went through the line he glanced back across the room and noticed Miguel was looking at him but immediately redirected his eyes to another direction. Dave didn't think anything of it at that time. After getting his food Dave sat down across the table from Miguel.

"Missed ya, where ya been?"

Dave instantly realized that there was now another part of the equation he had not anticipated -- finding an excuse for his absence he could tell his roommates.

"Ah... I ran into an old family friend and we spent the weekend bummin around town. You been okay?" Dave tried to shift attention back on to Miguel.

"Yeah, I went to a movie last night and..." Success! Miguel took off on a discussion about his activities and let his question about Dave's absence slide. Apparently Miguel was satisfied with Dave's brief explanation.

After lunch, Dave walked to the Chapel, went inside and sat down in a pew; he had the place to himself. He sat quietly for a several minutes just reflecting on the quietness and solitude and how comfortable it made him feel. Then he bowed his head and prayed.

`Dear Lord, thank you for giving me strength and so many things to be thankful for. You have blessed me with two wonderful parents, a loving sister and all her family, especially her two boys, a good friend in Danny, and now a new happiness has entered my life. For my mother and father I ask that you c ontinue to watch over them and bring them good health, happiness and safety. Also, please help them have strength, patience and understanding when the day comes that I tell them about their son. As for my sister Kate, John and the boys, please give them your love and keep them safe. They are a wonderful people who love you dearly. Dear Lord, please look after Danny. He troubles me. He is in such need of protection and especially your guidance. Now I am going to add one more request to my growing list and hope you can find room in your heart for it. There is a new person in my life and I think he may become very important as time goes by. I believe he is a very good person and I pray for his soul. Thank you dear Lord for all your bounty. In thy name I pray. Amen.'

Dave sat still for several more minutes. He lifted his eyes to the crucifix above the far end of the sanctuary and felt a calmness settle over him. He felt at peace with himself for the first time in a long time.

As Dave approach the Annex he could see that Paul's Boxster was parked nearby and figured he was already inside. Paul wasn't in the locker room so Dave changed hurriedly and almost ran to the track. Paul was stretching as he obviously waited for his friend to arrive. Dave went through some quick, perfunctory stretching exercises, announced he was ready and they started to jog.

"You been okay?" Paul asked; it was obviously an expression of true interest.

"Yeah, you?"

"Missed ya." Paul said while wishing he could take Dave in his arms and kiss him right there on the track.

`Funny, that's what Miguel said.' Dave thought. "Yeah, me too." he replied as they picked up their speed. He wanted to feel Paul hold him.

"You free next weekend?"

"I'm free to you any time, Sir." Dave said with an impish grin.

"Behave yourself, Corporal, or I'll attack you right here and get us both in trouble."

"Sir, Yes, Sir." Dave laughed. "I'd love another weekend, Paul."

Hearing Dave address him as `Paul', told him Dave was being totally honest and serious.

"Good. Would you be interested in driving two and a half hours to the city to go to a concert? Last year's winner of the Van Cliburn Competition is going to play Rach-3." Now this was another test. Paul was fishing for just how deep Dave's knowledge and interest in the arts went.

"Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 3? You've got to be kidding. Man, I've always wanted to hear that performed live. You're on!"

"Great. I figure if we leave here Friday after work and drive into the city we could do dinner... and other things, then Saturday we could catch the matinee performance. That would leave us free for other entertainment that evening then we could come back here Sunday morning. Whata ya think?"

"I sure like the `other things' you mentioned." Dave grinned.

"Can't you get your mind out of the gutter for five minutes?"

Hey, you're the one that mentioned `other things', not me."

"Okay, you win. Now, how about the rest of the schedule?"

"What do I have to wear? If it's a formal event, I don't have the wardrobe for that."

"That's one reason I thought a Saturday matinee would be best; it'll be much less formal. Dark pants, a white shirt and a tie will do the trick. How much of that you got?"

"I'll have to get a shirt at the PX; I need one anyway. I have some dark pants but I don't have a tie."

"I have plenty so I'll loan you one, okay?" Paul would have been happy to buy Dave a tuxedo, or even a white shirt, but he understood Dave's need to care for himself. Dave's independence was at issue.

"Sounds like we have a plan." Dave would be happy to wear one of Paul's ties; it was something that had been close to Paul's body.

They talked some more about their trip and worked out how to link up after work.

"If we're done with that I have little problem that surfaced Sunday that I could use your input on." Dave changed the subject.

"Okay, shoot."

"When I ran into one of my roommates, Miguel Sanchez, Sunday afternoon he wanted to know where I'd been all weekend. I told him I ran into an old family friend and we spent the weekend bumming around town. I think he swallowed that story but I can't be absolutely sure. You got any ideas?"

"Actually, that was good thinking, Dave. Let's try to make that work for as long as we can. If anyone asks, we can say our families go way back. Since I just arrived on the Post a short time ago it might make sense."

During the rest of the week every time he and Miguel were near each other Dave was certain he caught Miguel staring at him. He had never noticed that before. Dave worked at expanding his peripheral vision so he could follow Miguel's eyes without actually looking at him. Sure enough, Miguel's eyes followed Dave's every move. A couple of times Dave would look directly at him and smile and each time Miguel would turn his head and look at something else. Dave wondered if something was up.

Friday arrived and Dave was jittery all day. "You okay, Dave?" Miguel asked.

"Yeah, sure, why wouldn't I be?" Dave answered. "It's TGIF time."

After work Dave went to his room, changed into a knit pullover shirt and slacks and picked up the overnight bag he packed that morning before going to work. He walked to the bus stop and this time got there before the bus departed. He didn't know any of the people on the bus and was sure none of them knew him; he began to feel more comfortable. Stepping off the bus in town he walked down the street to his left about ten yards then turned right and headed down an alley. At the end of the alley he entered the stairwell of a three-level parking garage. Exiting the stairwell at the second level he saw Paul's Boxster parked immediately to his right. He walked to the car, raised the lid and dumped his bag inside, opened the car door and slid into the passenger seat. As he closed the car door, Dave felt Paul's hand behind his neck pulling him toward the middle. Dave turned his head and Paul's lips were all over him.

"Ummmm. I've been waiting all week for that." Paul said softly as he continued to kiss Dave's face, nose, eyes, ears, neck and anything else he could make contact with. The windows on the Boxster were heavily tinted and it was unlikely anyone could see in unless they were standing directly in front of the car and looking through the front window. Dave knew that but he was still nervous.

"Me too, but let's get out of here before we do any more of that."

"Party pooper," Paul responded with a laugh as he started the car. He drove the car out of the garage and pointed it toward the Interstate.

As Paul accelerated the Boxster up the entrance ramp to the Interstate, Dave began to relax. In a matter of seconds they were careening down the highway and Dave noticed the needle rapidly passing 95 MPH. He placed his left hand on Paul's right upper thigh and smiled at his buddy. Paul's right foot let up on the accelerator and he engaged the cruise control as the car decelerated through 75 MPH. Even at that speed other traffic passed them like they were parked.

Paul turned the radio on, country-western of course, and they settled down for a long drive. After about fifteen minutes Dave's fingers began to act up by rubbing up and down the fly of Paul's pants. He could feel Paul respond to his caresses.

"Dave... what are you doing?" It was more of a rhetorical question because Paul knew exactly what Dave was doing. At that moment Dave's fingers found the zipper to Paul's pants and he unzipped it.

"I'm looking for something I lost last Sunday." He had a mischievous grin on his face. At that moment Paul's cock popped out of his pants and Dave's fingers wrapped around it.

"Oh damn..." Paul exclaimed as he sucked air into his lungs, "you're going to get us killed.

"You just keep your eyes on the road and focus on keeping the car there too." Dave instructed as he leaned over and slid the head of Dave's penis between his lips.

"Oh shit, oh shit... Dave... oh my god... oh my god!" He was already leaking precu m and his climax was building rapidly. Just like at the ranch, the surprise blowjob seemed to accelerate him toward orgasm. Dave managed to get his right hand into Paul's pants so he could squeeze his nuts. "Ohhh shit, Dave, I'm gonna cum. Ohhh, ahhh, oh damn you. Shit. Ah." Paul finally exhaled; he was completely relaxed. Dave swallowed all of Paul's juice, cleaned him up, placed him neatly back inside his pants and zipped them up. Then he leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"Think you can make it to the city now?" Dave asked with a chuckle.

"Man, I guess there's a first time for everything and that was definitely a first. Wow! Yeah, I might be able to make now." Paul laughed.

Not too far down the Interstate Paul noticed a sign that read "REST STOP." He pulled off at the exit.

"How come we're stopping here?"

"I need to piss, okay?"

"Yeah, you want me to escort you?"

"Don't do anything you don't want to do. Remember, that's our motto."

Both men went to the restroom and on the way back Paul handed the keys to Dave. "Here, do me a favor and drive, I could use a rest."

"You want me to drive this?" Dave exclaimed with astonishment. He was really excited at the prospect of driving such a hot car.

"Yeah, don't you think you can do it?" It was almost like Paul was questioning his manhood.

"Well yeah, but... I've never driven anything like this before."

"Well, now's your chance."

Dave walked around to the driver's side, cautiously opened the door and slid behind the wheel. He was definitely nervous and it showed.

"There's nothing to worry about, it drives the same as all other four-wheeled vehicles." Paul was trying to help build Dave's confidence.

"No it doesn't, this thing is awesome!"

"Just start the engine and I'll talk you through it."

Dave turned the key and the engine roared to life. He was no stranger to a stick shift; he drove lots of then while working construction. In short order Paul talked him out of the Rest Stop and back out onto the Interstate. Dave quickly accelerated to about 60 MPH and then slowly worked his way up to 70 MPH. Paul showed him how to engage the cruise control and they settled down to continue the trip.

After about 30 minutes Dave felt Paul's hand on his right thigh. Then the hand slid between his legs and started to rub around his crotch.

"You fucker! You set me up, didn't you!" Dave was smiling. "This is payback, isn't it!"

"Like I told you last weekend at the ranch, what's good for the gander is good for the gander. Besides, I need to check your gear shift." By this time Paul had Dave's cock outside his pants and totally accessible. As Paul bent down toward his target Dave added one more comment.

"I might wreck your car."

"No you won't, you like it too much." With that last comment Paul's warm, moist, velvety mouth closed over Dave's knob and devoured as much of the shaft as possible. Although Dave had initially objected to Paul's actions, he shifted his position to give Paul better access and his entire instrument was soon completely engulfed by his lover's mouth and throat. For all of Dave's endurance he didn't last long under these circumstances.

After swallowing Dave's juices, cleaning him up and returning him securely into his pants, Paul settled back for a brief nap. As they approached the city Dave poked Paul in his ribs.

"Wake up, sleepyhead, I think you need to drive from here on. I have no idea where I'm going."

"Okay." Paul responded as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Just pull off onto the shoulder and we'll trade places."

When they arrived at the hotel, Paul parked in the garage under the hotel. He planned to leave the car there because it was more secure and they would either walk or use taxies to get around. As Paul went to the front desk to check in, Dave looked around the very opulent lobby; he had never been in any hotel this expensive before. Dave saw Paul signaling for him to join him and they walked to the elevators. Paul gave Dave a room key, a plastic card, and Dave watched how it worked when they got to the room.

Once inside the room the two men dropped their bags and were instantly in each other's arms. Yes, they were both hard and yes they were more than ready for action but more than that, they wanted to hold each other. Each man wanted to feel the other in his arms.

"I'm hungry, how bout you?" Paul asked.

"Starved." Dave replied. "I know we just `ate' but I'd like something that will stick to my ribs."

"The hotel restaurant is good if that's okay with you. Then we can get back up here even faster."

"Sounds good, I'm ready."

The men washed their hands and straightened their clothing and would have combed their hair if it had been long enough for that, then left for the restaurant. After being seated and handed the menus, Dave just about croaked when he saw the prices.

"Paul, this certainly isn't McDonald's, is it! Maybe we ought to look for some place cheaper."

Paul looked up from the menu and leaned toward Dave. They were sitting around the corner of the table instead of opposite each other so they could rub knees. Under the table, Paul placed his hand on Dave's thigh and spoke softly.

"Remember our discussion? This is one of those times when you are with me and I'm picking up the tab. Please don't feel uncomfortable about it. I'm not trying to impress you and I know I can't buy you, you're here of your own free will. Perhaps you can look on this as a learning experience -- how the rich live." He leaned forward a little more with a questioning face.

Dave thought for a moment. "Okay, you're right. What do you recommend?" he asked as he looked at the menu and at the same time placed his hand on top of Paul's and squeezed it.

Paul sat back up as they smiled at each other. "I recommend the king salmon. It's grilled and served with a mustard dill sauce. It's my favorite."

Dinner was delicious and Dave thought the salmon was terrific. The elevator was painfully slow as it took them back to their room. Once inside, they quickly stripped and were on the bed in each other's arms. They were in NO hurry. The little activity in the car on the drive to the city had tempered their ardor and their lovemaking now proceeded at a patient pace, each man intent on pleasing the other for as long as possible.

Lying face to face, arms and legs entwined, they shared the post-coital eup horia and quietly stroked each other, never quite getting enough tactile satisfaction. When Paul noticed that Dave was beginning to appear drowsy he suggested they shower and get a good night's sleep. The large shower was a real treat. Each soaped and scrubbed the other tenderly and lovingly, which brought each to another erection but neither had the energy to do anything about them.

They slept late Saturday morning; late, that is, for two Army guys used to an early schedule. Upon waking they made love again. This time, after a good night's sleep and at peek energy level, they were much more athletic. Later, as they lay in their favorite position with Dave leaned up against Paul and his right leg between Paul's legs, Paul heard a rumble in Dave's stomach.

"Hungry, are we?" He asked.

"Yeah, I guess I must be if my stomach is complaining."

"Breakfast or lunch? I'll call room service."

"Isn't that going to be expens..." Dave stopped in mid-sentence when he saw Paul giving him that look that said `Haven't we already discussed this?' "Breakfast. My mother always says it is the most important meal of the day." Dave promised himself that would be the last time he would comment on how much things cost. Paul was an adult and didn't need his input on how to spend his own money.

"Why don't you head for the shower while I call for breakfast. Then I'll join you. Whata you want to eat?"

"Okay, order whatever you want, I'll eat it." Dave responded as he bounded out of bed and walked toward the bathroom.

They spent a long time in the shower and were quite clean when they finished. They dried each other and put on the soft terrycloth robes furnished by the hotel and that is how they were dressed when room service delivered breakfast. The server set up the small, round dining table that sat in front of the large glass window and Dave noticed Paul slip a few bills in the young man's hand as he walked through the door.

"You think he knows what we've been doing?" Dave asked.

"It doesn't matter. It's none of his business. Although... I'll bet he knows; I'm sure he's seen everything if he's worked here for very long. Just try not to let it bother you. We pay this hotel to provide a service, not to pass judgement on our activities." Paul bent over and briefly kissed Dave who was already sitting at the table.

By the time breakfast was finished it was time to begin thinking about getting ready to go to the symphony. They dressed and Paul handed Dave a silk rep tie that went remarkably well with his white shirt and navy blue slacks. They walked out to the front of the hotel and Paul handed the Doorman some money and in a matter of seconds a taxi pulled up and the Doorman stood holding the car door open.

The taxi dropped them right in front of the concert hall. Dave was almost overwhelmed by the massive appearance of the place. He marveled at how thick the carpet was and the crystal chandeliers were quite impressive. The concert was an experience Dave would not soon forget. It seemed like he was in a dream world. He always wandered what it would be like to see a performance like this.

Following the concert Paul and Dave agreed to walk back to the hotel; it wasn't all that far and the exercise would do them good. Arriving in the room, Dave wrapped his arms around Paul and thanked him with a kiss. Their embrace continued for several minutes until Paul broke the kiss.

"It's getting close to dinner time and seein's how we skipped lunch, I'm hungry again, how bout you?"

"Yeah, we gonna eat here again?"

"Let's go out; I know a few other places we will enjoy. But let's get out of these ties and change to more casual shirts, the slacks are fine." After both men put on Polo shirts they left the room and went to the hotel entrance where Paul handed more money to another young Doorman and another taxi pulled up. Paul gave the driver an address and the taxi began moving down the street. About thirty minutes later the taxi stopped in front of an office type building but it had a sign in front that said it was a restaurant-night club.

Once inside, a waiter seated them in a small alcove that had all the appearances of being a romantic hideaway. Dave was seated next to Paul and they could hold hands without being seen. Dave was a little surprised when Paul took his hand and held it on top of the table. Then Paul leaned over and kissed him full on the mouth, Paul's hand was behind his head pressing their lips together firmly. Dave was getting nervous.

"Should we be doing that in public?" Dave asked when Dave released him from the kiss.

"Look around and tell me what you see." Dave scanned the room and noticed that most of the diners seemed to be same sex couples. "Yes, it's okay, this is a gay restaurant. And later we'll go into the night club where we can dance and watch a floor show."

"Oh my god! This is soooo cool. I don't know what to say. This is so exciting."

"Glad you like it. I'm tired of hiding. I want to be able to express my affection without feeling threatened or embarrassed. We're gonna let our hair down..." Paul placed his hand on top of Dave's head and slid it over the short military stubble, "in a manner of speaking."

The meal was simple, steak and baked potatoes, and Paul ordered some red wine that Dave thought tasted pretty good. Dave was a little puzzled at how he never seemed to get asked for an ID before he was served alcoholic beverages. Maybe it was because he was with Paul. Maybe it was the kind of places Paul was taking him, he couldn't say. And he wasn't about to press the issue.

After dinner they moved up to the second floor of the building. People were sitting around at small tables; some were standing, while others were dancing. About half of the patrons were smoking cigarettes but it didn't bother Dave or Paul. The first thing they did was rush to the dance floor and fall into each other's arms. Dave, ever observant, took a clue from other dancers and began kissing Paul as they swayed back and forth trying to avoid stepping on each other's feet. When their feet began to tire they found a table, sat down and ordered drinks. While they sat watching everyone else having fun the lights flickered and the stage began to come to life.

Any attempt to describe the floorshow would not do it justice. There were male strippers, drag queens and even some simulated sex between nude dancers. Paul explained to Dave that this was the early show and the performers were holding back for the late show that didn't start until after midnight. Maybe someday they might come back for the later, wilder version.

When the show was over the two men left the nightclub, hailed a cab and returned to their hotel room. Still turned on by the evening's stimulating activities, they attacked each other in some of the most passionate sex they had experienced to date.

Sunday morning Paul awoke to the feel of a condom being rolled slowly down his dick. And before he could make any comment Dave was impaling himself on Paul's appendage. They repeated the scene from the previous weekend at the ranch. Realizing he was going to shoot long before Dave, Paul again captured Dave's cock between his lips and made love to it. Both orgasms built swiftly and just as Paul was about to shoot, Dave released a volley of cum into his mouth. Paul's own convulsions took control of his body and he was forced to release Dave and lie back on the bed while driving his prick deep into his lover. The rest of Dave's seed splattered all over Paul's chest and belly. Having satisfied their lust, they lay quietly pressed against each other. The body contact following sex seemed to be almost as rewarding as sex itself. It was certainly more restful and comforting.

They showered, dressed, got in the car and left the hotel for the Post. Dave remembered that when they arrived Friday he saw an IHOP on the outskirts of town and he suggested he buy breakfast there.

Paul dropped Dave off at the usual spot for him to find his way back to the Post on the bus. Again, he told Dave how much he hated leaving him there.

They got back too late for chapel or lunch but Dave checked his mail before going to his room.

"Been out with your friend again?" Miguel asked.

"Yeah. We went into the city to see the sights." Dave sat down on his bed and began reading the letter from his parents. Miguel read Dave's body language to mean he wanted to be alone for a while so Miguel went down the hall to the lounge. Paul found him there a few minutes later and they went outside to throw a football. Soon several other men joined them and a full-fledged game erupted. Dave soon forgot that his ass hurt a little.

Next: Chapter 16

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