David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Aug 29, 2002


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation 14

The drive back to the ranch was quiet. Both men were deep in thought about the events at the saloon. Dave's left hand still rested on top of Paul's upper thigh where Paul wanted it. Dave opened and closed the gate then hopped back into the truck for the short ride to the house. Upon entering the house, Paul walked over to the kitchen counter, turned on the radio and found a station that was playing music that was just right for slow dancing. Then he walked back to Dave who was standing like he was waiting for orders and took him into his arms and began dancing. It wasn't really dancing; it was more like swaying back and forth while wrapped in each other's arms. Paul looked into Dave's eyes and then their lips met. At first the kisses were soft, very tender. Paul's tongue slid back and forth across Dave's wet lips several times before they parted allowing him to enter. Dave began unbuttoning Paul's shirt and taking the hint Paul followed suit. Next, Dave unbuckled Paul's belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his Levi's but held onto them so they wouldn't fall to the floor. Then he reached inside Paul's boxer briefs and lovingly wrapped his hand around the hot hard piece of male meat he found there. Paul was quick to mimic Dave's actions and soon they stood swaying to the music and fondling each other while still locked in an erotic kiss.

"We'd better get to the bedroom before we make a real mess in here. I'll remove your boots then we can get to the real meat of the situation." Dave proposed. Without saying a word, Paul turned and they walked side by side to the bedroom. Dave had Paul lie down on the bed and he removed Paul's boots, pants, and boxer briefs. Paul quickly did the same for Dave.

There was no question that Dave was in command of this evening and Paul was enjoying it. They stretched out on the bed with Dave on top. Paul found Dave's weight very enjoyable. After kissing and fondling each other for several minutes Dave reached for a condom then sat back on his knees straddling Paul's hips, their erections dancing side by side. Dave opened the foil, removed the condom and began rolling it down Paul's cock.

"Wh... Are you thinking about doing what it looks like you are gonna do?" Paul was surprised.


"But I thought you said you didn't like that."

"That was with somebody else. This is you. You've trusted me, I trust you. I'd like to do this unless you don't like it this way."

"No... no. I'd like to do it... but only if you want to."

"Well, I do."

"Okay, but you have to let me get you ready."

"See, I knew you'd say that. That's why I want to try it. I know you care."

"Come're." Paul requested with open arms. Dave lay back down on top of his lover who rolled them over so Dave was on his right side facing Paul with his left leg bent at the knee and draped around Paul's waist. Paul picked up the lube, squeezed some onto his fingers and as he kissed Dave he also began applying the lube around Dave's anus. He stroked around and around, each time getting closer to Dave's pucker. Dave's breathing increased with anticipation and he closed his eyes. Eventually Paul reached the target and Dave let out a sigh, then a moan. Squeezing more lube on his fingers Paul went back to Dave's pucker and began working it inside.

Dave didn't flinch when Paul's finger entered him; he remained relaxed and quiet with his eyes closed as though he was totally focused on what Paul was doing to him. Dave did flinch when the second finger slid into him but he didn't complain. Paul took great care to help Dave's ring relax and begin feel the pleasure.

"Dave, I'm going to insert a third finger. I think it's needed. Okay?"

"Okay." Dave's reply was a quiet whisper of submission.

Paul pulled his two finger out of Dave's channel, placed the third finger along side the other two, added more lube, carefully aligned the all three fingers with Dave's anus and pressed. He felt Dave's flesh open willingly and receive his offering with little resistance. Dave seemed to accept the invasion without much discomfort. After a few minutes of careful manipulation Paul stopped but left his fingers inside.

"I think you're ready, Dave, how do you feel?"

"Like I want to continue, like I want you inside me."

"How do you wanna do it? What position?"

"I'd like to be on top, like you were yesterday."

"Okay, we'll roll back up so you're on top but I'll try to keep my fingers inside until just before you're ready. Okay?"

"Yeah, that sounds good. And it feels pretty good right now too. I'm ready to roll when you are."

"On my count of three. One, two, three." And they rolled back to Paul's right and stopped with Dave positioned over Paul's cock, fingers still imbedded.

"Okay." Dave said. Paul slowly withdrew his fingers and took hold of his cock to position it for Dave's assault. Looking between his legs, Dave lowered himself onto Paul' erection. "Hold my nuts out of the way will you, so I can see better." Dave asked, and Paul used his left hand to hold Dave's balls to the side. "That's good, here goes." Dave let his weight press him against the head of Paul's appendage. He could feel the flesh begin to separate and allow penetration. At that moment his mind flashed back to his experience with Danny and his body stiffened in anticipation of the pain. He was aware of Paul sliding deeper and deeper inside him and he kept waiting for the pain. It didn't come. There was no pain, mild discomfort, but no pain. `I guess it must be good with the right man.' Dave thought. In a matter of moments he felt himself settle into Paul's soft pubic hair and knew he was home. With a grin of self-accomplishment on his face he looked up and was greeted with another grin.

"Well?" Paul asked.

"Kiss me you fool." Paul raised up as Dave leaned forward and they kissed. The sensation Dave felt when Paul thrust his tongue into his mouth was electrifying. Having both of his orifices filled by his lover was intensely stimulating. Dave was beginning to feel the pleasure created by the invader. He began lifting his hips up, withdrawing Paul's member from within his body. He stopped when he felt the flange of Paul's corona causing resistance on his ring then he reversed and descended again on the pleasure tool. This time it felt even better.

Up to this point Dave remained bent over trying to watch the action. After a few strokes Paul offered a suggestion, "Dave, try to sit up straight or even lean back a little as you to up and down."


"You'll see, just try it."

"Okay." Dave said with a sigh. While firmly implanted on Paul's cock Dave sat up. Immediately he felt pressure inside caused by new position of the rigid tool inside him. This time when he ascended Paul's pole he felt more pleasure in his groin but when he reversed his motion and began to descend, the head of Paul's cock raked across Dave's prostate causing a new and wonderful sensation.

"Ohh, ohh." Dave gasped as he looked down at Paul with surprise.

"You okay?"

"Oh yeah." Paul gasped. "Gotta do that a again." He said as he began raising himself off Paul's cock again. The second time was even better and soon Dave was impaling himself again and again and again. He couldn't stop. Globs of precum ran from the slit at the end of his cock. Dave seemed like he was in a trance.

Paul watched in amazement as Dave bounced up and down on his cock. Paul was really enjoying this and that might cause a problem -- of a sort. Paul was so excited he knew he was going to cum pretty soon but he wanted to take Dave along with him. As he watched Dave's cock sway and dance back and forth, precum leaking down the shaft he decided to try something. He lifted himself up by putting his hands behind him then he leaned forward and captured the head of Dave's cock in his mouth. Dave was at the bottom of his stroke so that when he lifted up he drove his cock into Paul's mouth and down his throat. Dave grunted when he realized his cock was being devoured but he didn't care, his eyes remained closed and concentrated on generating as much pleasure as he could.

In less than two minutes Dave's nuts released their treasure and his body erupted in a kind of orgasm he never imagined possible. Paul thought he was going to drown. The instant Dave's cum released into Paul's mouth Paul's body convulsed and he pumped his sperm up his shaft and into the condom imbedded deep in Dave's body. Paul managed to hang on to Dave's cock until it began to soften then he made sure it was clean before releasing it. He then looked up to see Dave leaning back with his hands supporting him and still impaled on Paul's cock. Paul reached out, slid his right arm behind Dave's back and pulled his lover down on top of him. They lay in that position for what seemed like hours. Actually it was only twenty minutes.

When Paul began to feel Dave starting to get heavy he knew his young lover's body was drifting into asleep. He rolled then both over so they ended up in what was becoming their favorite sleeping position, Dave lying against him, Dave's head against his chest with Dave's right knee bent and almost in Paul's groin. As Dave's breathing slowed and deepened, Paul could hear the radio in the front room still playing nice dance music. He'd turn it off in the morning.

`My dearest David, you said you wanted to dance. Boy did you ever.' Paul thought. He reached around to his left and pulled a tissue from the box and spread it over his abdomen then he reached down and pulled the used condom from his spent cock. He wrapped it in the tissue and dropped it over the side of the bed in a position where he would not step on it if he had to go to the bathroom. He'd take care of that in the morning too. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep with Dave in his arms.

Dave woke up early. He noticed the clock displayed 5:33 A.M. Paul was still sleeping and he needed to piss so he carefully slid out from under the sheet that one of them had pulled over them during the night. A chill filled the room as the windows were still open and at that time of year the nighttime temperatures dropped pretty low.

Dave quickly did his business in the bathroom and hurried back to bed and the warmth of Paul's body. He carefully slid back under the sheet and snuggled up against the body of the man he had grown to trust and... yes, love. Perhaps that was too strong for no longer than he had known Paul but if it wasn't love Dave felt it was certainly something close to it. He propped his head up in his hand supported by his elbow and watched Paul sleep. He could see the tent in the sheet about where Paul's penis should be. He lifted the sheet to peek and confirmed his observation. `He's probably going to have to take a piss pretty soon,' Dave thought. As he watched Paul continue to sleep he made another interesting observation, although Paul's chest rose and fell with each breath, his abdomen actually rose higher and fell deeper than his chest. Dave resisted the urge to place his hand on Paul's abdomen because he didn't want to disturb his peace.

Slowly Paul became aware of birds chirping. Then his began to detect a pale li ght filtering through his closed eyelids. As his senses sharpened he could feel the room and everything in it. A smile spread across his face -- he could feel the warm male form pressed against his right side. But, something was different, there was no head resting against his chest. He opened his eyes.

"Morning, Lieutenant." Dave greeted his man with a smile as he looked down from his slightly elevated position.

"Mornin. What are you doing?"

"Watching you sleep."

"I'll bet that's exciting."

"Actually it is. You should try it sometime, watch yourself sleep that is."

"Enough! I have to pee." Paul said as he threw the sheet back, bounded out of the bed and walked swiftly to the bathroom. He did pause long enough to pick up the used condom from the previous evening's activities. He hurried back to bed, jumped under the sheet and snuggled up to Dave. Suddenly he sensed a change in the mood he felt before going to the bathroom.

Paul placed his left hand on Dave's butt. "Everything okay back there?"

"Yeah. IT' knows it saw some action last night but IT' doesn't hurt."

Dave fell silent again. Paul stroked Dave's short, bristly hair. Then he stroked Dave's back. `What's bothering this kid?'

"Okay, Dave, what's wrong?"

Dave didn't answer immediately but Paul could almost hear him thinking.

"This is the end isn't it? We have to go back to the Post today."

"Oh, so that's it, that's what's bothering you." Paul held Dave closer. "Dave, Dave, Dave. We've had a great weekend." Paul thought for a moment. "Come with me," Paul said as he threw the sheet off them and got out of bed pulling Dave with him. He led his naked bedmate into the kitchen, took a glass from the cabinet, filled it as close to half as he could and set it on the counter. "Now tell me. Is that glass half empty or half full?"

Dave looked up at Paul and asked, "Is this a test?"

"Yes. It is. What is it, half empty or half full." Dave could tell that Paul was serious.

Dave studied the glass for about a minute. "I guess I'd say it's half full."

"Why?" Paul asked, again in a serious tone.

"Well..." Dave continued looking at the glass. "If you keep putting water in it, it will get full."

"That's good enough." Paul said as he led Dave back to the bedroom. They lay down again and snuggled together in their favorite position.

"What was that all about?" Dave asked.

"That little demonstration told me you have a positive attitude about life. If you had said the glass was half empty it would have shown you to be a negative thinker. Now I want you to think positive for a few moments. This was only our `FIRST' weekend. I hope we'll have many more."

"Me too." Dave said quietly. "I just don't want this to end."

"Well, we'll just have to plan and make sure we keep putting more water in our glass. Does that make any sense?"

Dave raised his head, looked into Paul's hazel eyes and kissed him softly, briefly and affectionately. "Yes." He replied.

Until that moment neither man had felt any desire for sex, the mood was all wrong, almost like they were sexed out. As they lay in their favorite position Dave's ample penis lay flaccidly draped over Paul's upper thigh. It just lay there. Paul now detected an increase in the weight of that member and it began to move ever so slowly higher on his thigh.

Dave's hand was resting on Paul's left breast and he began to feel the nipple harden and erect. He took it between his thumb and index finger and gently manipulated it. He lowered his head and took the other nipple between his lips and stroked it with his tongue.

With his left hand Paul groped for and found a condom, gripped the foil with his teeth, ripped it open, captured the condom and began rolling it down the length of Dave's now raging erection. When that was complete he pulled Dave on top of him, spreading his legs and raising his knees toward his chest. Paul thought about lube but chose to go without it because the mood of the moment was so wonderfully spontaneous he didn't want to spoil it.

Dave followed every move Paul made and knew what his mate wanted. As from the beginning, Paul was in charge, wherever he led Dave would follow. Dave instinctively knew where Paul's hole was and he quickly made contact. He wondered about using lube but if Paul wanted it he would call for it and he hadn't.

Once Dave's cock was at the precipice, Paul used his heels to press against Dave's buttocks to signal he was ready for penetration. Dave pressed forward and felt Paul's flesh give way, his glans slid smoothly inside the very warm tunnel. It wasn't as slick as it would have been with lube but it went smoothly. With very little resistance Dave was soon completely inside his mate, his balls pressing into Paul's ass crack.

Paul lifted his head and engaged Dave's lips in a delicate and passionate kiss, their tongues touching tenderly. Paul relaxed the pressure of his heels against Dave's ass cheeks and Dave took that as a signal to start the lovemaking.

This was the slowest, most tender, longest and most rewarding coupling the two men had enjoyed up to that time. There was no hurry. They both felt like there was a future for them as a couple, although neither man said so to the other. Their lovemaking continued well beyond forty minutes. Neither man wanted it to end. But finally, nature could not be denied and they climaxed in unison by reading each other's levels of arousal.

Completely spent, Paul and Dave lay again in their favorite position. Occasionally Paul would lean over and kiss Dave on the forehead and Dave would kiss Paul on his right chest.

"When do we have to move out?" Dave finally asked with a tone of dread in his voice.

"Whenever we decide, are you in a hurry?"

"A hurry? Oh hell no, I could stay like this all day. However..." Dave paused for a moment as he measured his words. "Leaving here is going to be painful. But staying around here all day with that hanging over my head might be even more painful - kinda like waiting for the executioner to throw the switch. If it's all the same to you, I'd just as soon get it over with."

"Yeah, I know exactly how you feel." Paul said as he savored letting his hand caress Dave's firm buttocks. "Okay!" Paul exclaimed as he wrapped Dave in his arms for one last intimate embrace. "If you'll head for shower I'll start getting this place ready to close up."

"You're not joining me?"

"If I do that we'll still be here tomorrow. Now get your ass in gear, Corporal." Paul released Dave from his embrace and rolled out of bed.

"Sir, yes Sir!" Dave replied as he also rolled out of bed and headed for the bathroom. Their mood had already lightened considerably. "I can help too so save something for me to do."

"Okay." Paul replied.

While Dave showered Paul went outside and placed the tarp over the truck and checked around the immediate property to make sure nothing was out of place. Then he went back inside the house and checked to make sure the gas was turned off and the kitchen and front room were in order. Next, Paul laid out a clean pair of Levi's, a shirt, boxer briefs, and socks then threw the dirty clothes in his bag and took it to the car. By the time he got back Dave was getting dressed.

"After you pack, you can close all the windows and put your stuff in the car. I won't be long," Paul instructed. Dave dressed and packed quickly and placed his bag in the car. He lowered the windows, starting in the front room and then the other bedroom. When he got to the main bedroom Paul was almost dressed and Dave finished closing the two windows in that room.

"Mission accomplished, Sir." Dave announced standing at mock attention and saluting."

"Good job, Corporal. Now get over here and give me a kiss." Paul said. "I've always wanted to say that to some guy," he continued as he took Dave into his arms and they shared a deep, tinder kiss. "Now, move out!" And he popped Dave on his butt. Dave giggled and headed out of the bedroom.

"What about all the trash... and the dirty sheets?" Dave asked.

"Not to worry, someone will take care of that." Paul responded. "Okay, if you must know," Paul could see the large question mark in the little cloud above Dave's head (like the ones you see in the comics, "if you must know, Billy Joe comes in here and cleans this place after we're gone."

Dave thought for a moment, "You mean he's gonna see all those cum splattered sheets?" He exclaimed in disbelief.

"Well... Look... I should have told you, Billy Joe he knows what's been going on here, he's gay too."

"Oh," was all Dave could think to say. He suddenly felt embarrassed to learn that someone else knew what he and Paul had been doing. Without another word he turned and walked toward the door. As he reached for the handle he stopped and spun around. Paul was looking around the room in one last check and didn't anticipate that Dave had stopped and ran right into him. Dave grabbed Paul in one final hug.

"I can't leave without telling my host what an absolutely wonderful time I had." He also took the opportunity to inhale Paul's scent one more time.

"Well, guest, I had an absolutely wonderful time too. This host would like to do it again some time soon if the guest is interested."

"Ohh, he is, he is." Dave replied. They released each other, Dave turned and they walked out the door.

When they arrived at the gate, Dave hopped out and did his gate-duty thing then got back into the car. Paul turned left onto the county road then several miles later turned left onto the state road. With the top up they were able to talk more easily although neither felt like saying much.

Approaching the first town, Paul turned to Dave and asked, "Hungry?"

"As a horse!"

"There's a little restaurant up ahead that makes the best pancakes in Texas. Coffee's not bad either."

"Okay, but I buy!" Dave was emphatic about it.

"Deal." Paul agreed.

In the middle of town Paul pulled over to the curb, they got out and went in to the restaurant. The waitress placed a hot cup of coffee in front of each young man almost while they were sliding into either side of the booth. They both ordered pancakes and sat staring at each other with grins of guilt.

"What're you gonna do when you get back?" Paul was the first to speak.

"I'm gonna go to my room and jack off thinking about all the sinful things we did this weekend, especially dancing with May." Dave smiled after that last comment.

"Hell, I'm gonna have to replenish my supply, I'm empty." They both chuckled. "Really, what's on your calendar?"

Dave glanced at his watch. "I might be able to catch the 11:00 chapel if I hurry. If not, I'll just go by myself later."

At that moment the waitress appeared with their pancakes then left.

"Are you serious?" Paul asked with a tone of disbelief in his voice.

"Well... yes, I've been going to church all my life."

"But... how... I don't understand. What we just did this weekend, doesn't the church frown on that?"

"Of course but the Bible doesn't." Dave smiled across at Paul.

"Son, you're going to have to explain that one to me." Paul said as he shoved a fork full of pancake into his mouth.

"Sure," Dave said after he swallowed a bite of pancake. "It's organized religion that's the problem, not the Bible. I started figuring that out when I was about 14 and really struggled with who I was. The more I read the more I came to understand the problem is with people who interpret what the Bible says. Actually, the things I read in the Bible gave me a lot of strength. My sister was willing to talk about that stuff and I still like to pray; I get strength from prayer."

"What do you pray about?" Paul said and shoveled another bite into his mouth.

"I pray for the safety of my family, mostly. I pray for strength, courage, patience, understanding and tolerance for myself." Dave looked directly into Paul's hazel eyes and said, "Now I have someone else to pray for."

Paul smiled, "I sure need it. I ought to join you but it would be too dangerous."

"How so?"

"We'd both be killed by the lightning strike." Both men broke out in laughter.

As they were recovering from laughter the waitress came by to check if there was anything else they needed and left the check which Dave quickly grabbed to beat Paul to it. Paul asked if they could have a couple of cups of coffee to go and when the waitress left to get it Paul said he needed to take a piss and got up to go to the restroom. Dave paid for the meal and thought a piss break was in order so he too headed for the restroom. Paul had just finished shaking off and was putting himself back into his pants when Dave walked in. Paul stepped away from the single urinal so Dave could use it and walked over to the sink. Just as Dave pulled his pecker out through his fly Paul slid in behind him and simultaneously reached his right hand around and grabbed Dave's prick as his left hand reached under Dave's left arm, across his chest and pinched Dave's right nipple through his T-shirt. To top it off, Paul stuck his tongue into Dave's ear. Dave erected in a nanosecond as he gasped from the surprise assault. Needless to say, his ability to piss was no longer possible.

"Ohh, Paul." Dave moaned with disappointment. He needed to piss but now he couldn't. "Damn it!"

"See you in the car." Paul said laughingly as he exited the restroom.

Dave's erection was very short lived; it was just a momentary thing. He quickly emptied his bladder and walked out to the car.

"Bastard." Dave mumbled under his breath as he slid into the car seat. Paul knew Dave wasn't really pissed because he clearly also detected a chuckle. "What was that for?"

"Retaliation for the way you surprised me yesterday morning. I don't get mad, I just get even and move on."

"At least yesterday I finished what I started."

"So now I owe ya."

"Yes you do and don't expect me to forget."

"Ohh, I'm hoping you won't."

The rest of the drive went quietly. As they approached Post Road Dave made a suggestion, "Paul, why don't you take me into town and drop me near the bus stop and I'll take it to the Post?"

Paul was quiet for a few moments. "I don't like that but you're right." He turned left and headed into town and drove one street over from where the bus stop was located. He stopped on the opposite side of the block from the bus stop, Dave got out and removed his bag from the front then walked to the driver's side.

"See you at the Annex Tuesday?"

"Dave, I hate this. It's not right you have to take the bus. I want to drive onto the Post with you by my side." Paul said disgustedly. "Yeah, the Annex Tuesday." He placed his hand on top of Dave's which was resting on the windowsill. Their eyes made contact and Dave stepped back away from the car smiling like there would be a tomorrow.

Dave watched as Paul drove off. He saw Paul turn around and look at him just before the car turned the corner and disappeared. Dave walked around the block and got on the bus that was about to leave for the Post.

Next: Chapter 15

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