David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Jul 25, 2002


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation 11

If Dave was distracted by thoughts of what might be, Paul also experienced quite a few restless hours between Thursday afternoon and Saturday morning. Legally, which was his field, he knew both military and civil law frowned on relationships like what he was contemplating. As an officer, if discovered he would be held to a higher standard and would be accused of using his position of authority to seduce a younger, innocent recruit, even though Dave was legally an adult and regardless of any consent on Dave's part. In spite of all that he was prepared to find out what lay ahead. If Dave appeared the least bit cold or resistant Paul could easily reverse course and pull back, essentially terminating the relationship. However, if Dave continued his friendly and suggestive banter Paul would invite him to his apartment for something cool to drink. There was a 99% chance that if Dave accepted the invitation it would be tantamount to agreeing to have sex. After all, Paul wasn't the only one who had been playing with suggestive word selection during their conversations. Dave had sent plenty of signals he was receptive to a closer relationship.

`I wonder if this is how a lemming feels just before he jumps?' Paul mused.

As Dave approached the tennis courts after walking halfway across the Post he could see Paul sitting on the bench with his head bent down in contemplation while waiting for him. Dave could also see an extra tennis racquet and a can of balls.

"Good morning, sir." Dave had a big grin on his face; he was still using `sir' only because Paul had asked him not to and the way Paul was smiling back it was clear he understood the game Dave was playing and he was enjoying it.

"Morning, Dave, I hope you're ready to get your ass stomped."

"Oh, sir, you wouldn't take advantage of a poor enlisted man, would you?" Dave chuckled inwardly at how he had phrased that question so it would have a double meaning. Did he do it inadvertently or intentionally? He didn't really know.

"Only if I get the chance, Corporal." Dave immediately picked up on the double meaning of Paul's reply. "You got any balls?" Paul had a smirk on his face.

"Yes sir, but since you invited me, I thought you'd let us play with yours first." This game of tennis sure offered plenty opportunities for double entendres.

Paul popped open a can of `Wilsons' and they walked onto the court to begin warming up. Dave sprayed balls all over the court and into the net until he remembered how to hit them properly. Paul said he was ready and Dave said he was too. At Dave's request, Paul served first. It really wasn't much of a contest and Paul ran Dave all over the court chasing after balls. In about fifteen minutes Dave removed his T-shirt and threw it on the bench. Paul's game suddenly made a turn for the worse; he was constantly distracted watching Dave move around the court on the other side of the net. He couldn't take his eyes off of Dave's beautiful, graceful body long enough to concentrate on hitting the ball. Also, as each game progressed Dave's performance improved sufficiently to actually give Paul a small challenge. After almost an hour and a half in the sun Paul gave up and called their match a draw and they sat on the bench to cool down.

`Here goes nothing,' Paul thought. "Hey Dave would you like to come to my place for something cold to drink?"

`Okay Dave, you can't say you weren't expecting something like this, hoping is more like it. If I accept, surely he'll assume I'm willing to have sex with him. I've been trying to send him signals ever since we met and I'm convinced he's been doing the same. The question is, am I truly willing? ...YES!'

"Sure. That sounds good, where is your place?" Dave had dropped the pretense of using "sir."

"Follow me, it's just down the street." They picked up their rackets, Dave put his shirt back on and they walked to the BOQ. Paul's apartment was an end unit and that meant they could enter the building at the end, right off the street without having to walk all the way down the hall to reach the place.

"Make yourself comfortable," Paul suggested once inside his apartment. "Coke, 7 UP, Gatorade?"

"Coke sounds good," Dave said nervously as he glanced around the room. Actually, it looked like two rooms. The living area they were in was sparsely furnished with a sofa and chair, TV, refrigerator, dinette & chairs, and a desk with a chair. There was a door to the left and Dave could see it was obviously a bedroom. He assumed the bathroom was off the bedroom.

Paul placed two Cokes on the table and pulled a chair out for Dave to sit in. "Have a seat," he said as he sat in an adjacent chair just around the corner of the table. Dave sat down, picked up the Coke and took a drink. As he did so he noticed a picture hanging over the sofa which looked like a copy of van Gogh's `Yellow House'. That gave him something to talk about and break the awful nervous silence that permeated the room.

"Well, I see the Army has good taste in wall decorations. Van Gogh is my favorite post-impressionist."

Paul was slightly taken aback. `This kid actually knows something about art? What a surprise!' "Don't give the Army too much credit, that's mine. It's not a photograph it's a print. You like van Gogh?" At that moment Paul deliberately placed his left knee against Dave's right knee. He waited to see how Dave reacted. If he broke contact Paul would terminate his plan. On the contrary, it felt like Dave increased the pressure on Paul's knee.

"Yeah, only his later stuff though, I don't care for his early dark period like the Potato Eaters."

Paul couldn't believe what he was hearing. The kid really did know painting. "Do you have a favorite?"

"I like all the impressionists but my favorite is Bazille's `Bathers'," Dave said as he finished his Coke. "There are some religious connotations to the painting in addition to being a little suggestive, if you know what I mean."

"Well, you might be interested in a picture I have in my bedroom." The minute Paul said that he cringed because it sounded too much like he was inviting Dave to view his etchings.

"Oh really?" Dave smiled; he understood exactly what Paul had said.

Paul decided to just let it ride as he stood up. "Come on, I'll show you." He placed his hand on Dave's shoulder and both men felt a jolt of electricity surge through their bodies. Except for shaking hands and the light pop on the rump Paul gave Dave in the sauna, this was their first firm body contact. Using his hand, Paul guided Dave toward the bedroom.

As they reached the bedroom door, Dave hesitated ever so slightly. He realized that crossing that threshold would remove all doubt that he was willing. Paul felt Dave's hesitation and was ready to pull back when Dave continued through the door. Paul guided Dave toward a large picture on the wall at the end of the room.

"Wow! It's so big!" Dave seemed surprised at the size of the picture, it was a print of Bazille's `Bathers'" I've only seen pictures in books; is this the real size?" This was the closest thing to the real painting he had ever seen.

"Yeah, it's just a little over five by five." Paul said as they stood looking at the picture. He could feel the heat radiating from Dave's body so he moved closer and slid his right hand from Dave's shoulder down the middle of his back and rested it on Dave's waist. Dave turned his head to the left and looked up into Paul's hazel eyes. For the first time, Paul's four-inch height advantage was clearly evident. The smiles of friendship both men wore earlier had morphed into serious expressions of desire, lust.

"You want to shower?" Paul asked softly as he slipped his hand under Dave's T-shirt and slowly slid it up his back.

Dave swallowed hard, he knew Paul could hear it. He cleared his throat and managed to eke out a feeble, "Yes." He was sure Paul could feel his body tremble.

Paul's hand continued lifting the back of Dave's T-shirt so Dave took the front and pulled it up and over his head. As he was doing that, Paul was sliding Dave's shorts and briefs down over his hips allowing them to fall to the floor. As Dave stepped out of his shorts, shoes and socks and turned around, Paul was pulling his shirt over his head so Dave unhooked the waistband and unzipped Paul's shorts and let them fall to the floor. Paul was wearing a jock strap but Dave didn't hesitate, he pushed it over Paul's hips and sent it to the floor with the shorts then Paul removed his shoes and socks.

They stood facing each other. Paul was about as hard as he had ever been while Dave was only partially hard; his nervousness and uncertainty seemed to be suppressing his libido slightly. Paul smiled as he took Dave's hand and led him to the shower. He stepped in first and turned, giving Dave one last opportunity to back out. That was not going to happen. Dave stepped forward, right into Paul's arms. As their bodies made contact the electricity of the moment caused Dave's erection to spring to full attention. Paul looked down into Dave's blue eyes and slowly moved his lips closer and closer to Dave's.

Dave's eyes closed in anticipation of the kiss and when he felt Paul's lips meet his, he suddenly needed more oxygen and began desperately sucking air through his nose. He needed even more oxygen so he opened his mouth and felt Paul's tongue slip between his lips and begin exploring his oral cavity. He forgot all about breathing, it was no longer necessary, his body belonged to Paul.

Oh! God! I need this!' Dave said to himself. How could I deny this need. Take me, Paul, I'm yours. Do what you want with me, I don't care, just take me!' The two men stood grinding their steel rods against each other, each frantically exploring the other's body with their hands. Dave felt like a bowl of Jello that had been left out of the refrigerator too long.

He tastes so good! He's sooo good. This kid may be the death of me but what a way to go!' Paul thought as he sucked Dave's tongue into his mouth and made love to it with his own tongue. I have to have him!' Paul turned them both around and leaned Dave's back against the wall then ever so slowly began working his lips down to Dave's nipples.

Dave moaned loudly when he felt Paul's tongue stroke his right nipple and guide it between two sucking lips. Quickly Paul moved to Dave's left nipple and gave it the same treatment. Dave had never been at this level of arousal before and he almost felt lost, confused. As Paul worked his way down Dave's body, Dave's hands moved from under Paul's arms to around his neck to around his head. Even so, he didn't realize just how low Paul was until he felt the head of his manhood being enveloped by a hot, wet mouth. His knees almost buckled when Paul's tongue began to swirl around his helmet. Dave felt the moist heat move farther and farther along his hardness. The movement stopped momentarily and Dave knew he was at the entrance to Paul's throat but only temporarily. He felt Paul's throat open and welcome him inside and then he felt Paul's nose pressing into his pubic hair. All this time Paul had been massaging Dave's balls and now he began stroking his perineum, a sensation that was new to Dave. Dave's next awareness was Paul's finger pressing against his anus. His body tensed momentarily but then relaxed to allow Paul whatever he wanted. Surprisingly there was no attempt at entry, only pressure. Dave was on sensory overload and when Paul began to moan, the vibrations set up in Paul's throat were too much and Dave lost whatever control he might have had over his body. "I'm gonna cum, Paul," Dave announced breathlessly; it was only proper to issue a warning. His sperm burst past the barricades and rushed headlong through their passageways to join the seminal fluid and launch themselves down Paul's throat.

Dave was in a kind of dream world for a few moments. Then he was aware that Paul was standing up looking down at him moving in for a kiss. Their lips met. When Dave parted his to welcome Paul's tongue inside he became the recipient of the gift of his own cum. As their tongues danced back and forth, mixing and swallowing Dave's seed, Dave began to recover. Paul's erection was still pressing against his abdomen seeking release. Dave looked up into those hazel eyes.

"My turn," he said softly as he pushed Paul back against the shower wall.

"You don't have to," Paul replied.

"I know, that's why I want to." Dave went after Paul in the same way Paul had done him. When he had Paul in his mouth and was pressing against Paul's rear entrance, it seemed to open and suck his finger inside. That was the moment Paul's testicles chose to release their juices. Paul gasped, he tried to warn Dave -- too late, and moaned and gasped again. Dave could feel Paul's body go limp and he braced Paul's knees to prevent him from collapsing. When Paul had seemingly recovered his senses, Dave stood up, grabbed Paul around the neck, wrapped his legs around Paul's waist and raised himself up until he could look down at his lusty new friend while they kissed. When Paul parted his lips he was surprised when Dave rewarded him with a mouth full of his own sperm. What's good for the gander is good for the next gander.

Slowly Dave released the grip his legs had on Paul's waist and allowed his feet to reach the floor. The two men stood quietly wrapped in each other's arms for several minutes, neither spoke. The afterglow of their first intimacy was sooo soothing, sooo comforting. It was something both men so desperately needed.

"What say we find out of this shower really works?" Paul finally said. Dave couldn't stop his chuckle. Even after intense sex Paul's sense of humor was still intact. First directing the shower head to make sure the water would not hit them, Paul turned the shower on and adjusted the temperature. Using only their hands they lathered and washed each other's bodies. They were hard before they finished. Paul turned off the water and they stepped out of the shower. Dave dried Paul first then it was Paul's turn. When he was finished, Paul threw the towel in the corner, slipped his right hand inside Dave's and led him into the bedroom where he sat down on the edge of the bed and drew Dave in between his wide-spread legs. Paul's hands slipped around Dave's waist and his fingers began trying to memorize, almost see Dave's beautiful and delicate back. Stopping just below Dave's shoulder blades, Paul slid his hands back down Dave's back to his firm ass cheeks, and squeezed them lovingly.

"Can you stay a little longer?" Paul asked as he pressed his lips against Dave's upper abdomen. Dave could feel Paul's hot breath on his skin as he exhaled through his nose. Both men were now completely hard again even though they had enjoyed orgasms moments earlier. Before Dave could reply Paul wrapped his right hand around Dave's throbbing member, looked up into Dave's eyes and said, "This guy looks like he wants to stay."

Dave smiled, "Well, if he stays, I stay. I won't leave without him."

"You certainly have a way with words, Corporal!" Paul laughed.

"I thought words were your forte, counselor."

"Come here, you." Paul pulled Dave down on top of him and rolled them onto the bed lengthwise. They lay quietly kissing and letting their hands lovingly roam for several minutes then Paul rolled them over so Dave was on top and lying between Paul legs.

"You're not so much taller when we lay like this," Dave whispered quietly in Paul's ear. Paul giggled; he thought Dave was so humorous.

"Sit back on your knees for a minute, will you?" Paul asked. Dave pushed up with his hands and rocked back on his knees. Paul leaned over, opened the top drawer to his night table and pulled out a condom and a tube of lubricant. He removed the condom from its foil pouch and, with his eyebrows raised indicating a request he handed it to Dave.

`I said I was his; if he want's to fuck me that's okay. Who better? I'm sure he'll be careful and try to avoid hurting me.' Dave thought as he acknowledged Paul's request with a smile. He took the condom with both hands and was about to place it over the head of Paul's cock when Paul grasped his left wrist and repositioned Dave's hands so the condom was directly over Dave's cock. Dave quickly glanced up at Paul with questioning eyes.

"Please?" It was a request. Dave could see it in Paul's eyes as well as hear it in his voice.

Dave hesitated for only a second before he rolled the condom down his cock and took the lube from Paul's hand. `If this is want Paul wants, he's got it. I'll do my best to make this as pleasurable as possible. Paul seems a lot more patient and relaxed than Danny ever was. Thanks, Danny, for giving me experience.'

In any relationship there seems to be an understanding as to who is in control and who is being controlled. Sometimes it is subtle and sometimes it is not so subtle. Until this moment, Paul had been in control, primarily a result of the Officer/Enlisted relationship between the two men. The instant Paul moved Dave's hands to place the condom on Dave's cock he relinquished control. Dave understood clearly and accepted control with ease.

Paul lifted his knees and pulled them to his chest, rotating his hips and exposing his pink hole. Dave wasted no time in squeezing some lube onto his fingers and applying some to his cock. As Dave applied the jell around Paul's anus Paul closed his eyes and laid his head back against the pillow to concentrate on what Dave was doing to his body.

`I hope I don't regret this. After all, I've just assumed this kid knows what he's doing, now I hope he does. He's spreading the lube around my hole but he hasn't touched... Oh damn, he did and does that ever feel good! That must be his index finger going in. What touch, so gentle, so smooth! He's working on my ring now, trying to get it to relax. I'll help him. There goes a second finger, must be the middle one. Nice stretch, he's so gentle. Around and around, he's twisting his fingers, prying them apart trying to open me wider. Ahh, a third finger. Well, he is pretty big... and I haven't had anybody in there for a while. This is sooo good.'

Dave thought it best to not prolong the process and as quickly as Paul accepted one finger he added another, then a third. Looking at Paul's face one could see he was in a state of bliss. Without a word Dave aligned the head of his cock with Paul's hole and made contact. Paul did not flinch; he only smiled. Dave leaned forward, applied pressure and watched his crown begin to penetrate Paul's flesh. Once his head was half way past Paul's sphincter he got the sensation that he was being sucked inside. A quick glance at Paul's face told Dave everything was okay so he continued to push until Paul's body had completely swallowed his entire 7.5 inches. This time when Dave looked up, Paul's eyes were still closed, his head was pressed back into the pillow and his mouth was open and still smiling.

`I must be living right; I hit the jackpot with this kid. He sure knows what he's doing. I've never felt so full; and he was so smooth about it. He's all the way in. I can feel his pubic hair and balls against my ass. He's letting me adjust to his size and length. Oh, he's pulling out, don't go all the way out babe... please. Good! He's still inside me. Come on back in big boy, I'm ready.'

When Dave moved back in, he remembered to go for Paul's prostate. He struck pay dirt on the first try as he observed a large glob of precum ooze from the tip of Paul's straining penis.

`Here he comes (gasp). Oh God, he hit my spot! NO! Don't cum; don't cum! Okay, it's passing, he's all the way in again; now he's pulling out again; and now back in... (gasp). He did it again. I've died and gone go heaven. I'm being fucked by an angel.'

Supporting his weight with his hands, Dave began thrusting and withdrawing in a slow and steady rhythm that he hoped would be pleasing to Paul.

`Ohh, this is sooo great. How did I get so lucky as to be fucking such a great guy? The neatest thing is, he wants me. ME! I'll give him the best I can.' Dave was enjoying what he was doing and his feelings for Paul the person deepened. He acknowledged to himself that whatever Paul wanted, he would do.

After about five minutes Dave watched Paul's body begin to stiffen, his fists clinched the sheets. His back arched, his cock stood up and spit a ribbon of cum up into the air and it splatter just under his chin.

"Ahhunggg...Ahhhg...Ahh..." Paul's body completed its contractions and soon collapsed back on to the bed, he was quiet. Dave stopped thrusting, waiting for some signal from his new friend.

"Corporal?" Paul asked firmly but quietly, his eyes still closed.

"Yes, Sir?" Dave was almost ready to laugh as he pondered his situation. Here he was, planted deep inside this officer who lay beneath him, and the officer seems like he is about to issue a command. The circumstance seemed almost too funny for words.

"Did I give you permission to stop?"

"No, Sir!" This was becoming too humorous and Dave was almost ready to laugh out loud.

"Well, continue... until you fill that condom you are wearing. We will not waste Army property." Even as he spoke, with his eyes still closed, Paul was smiling.

"Yes, Sir! Corporal Baker resuming fucking, Sir." `What a time to have a sense of humor!' Dave thought as he resumed thrusting and withdrawing. The simple knowledge that he was able to bring Paul complete sexual release was enormously rewarding and greatly enhanced his own arousal. Having satisfied Paul, Dave now concentrated on his own orgasm. He closed his eyes, opened his mouth and increased his pace. He wasn't aware that Paul had opened his eyes and was watching himself get fucked.

`Look at that stud. He's beauty in motion. This has to be only the beginning of something wonderful.' He could see Dave's cock pull out and disappear inside him, time after time. As Dave watched voyeuristically, a renewed lust grew deep in his loins. He could sense that Dave was getting close to cuming and that intensified his own level of desire. Suddenly Dave pulled almost all the way out of Paul's chute and then with great force thrust the full length of his cock deeper than he had been before. He suppressed a loud scream and the only sound that came from his throat was a low, guttural groan, almost like a growl.

The force of Dave's powerful thrust sent Paul over the edge and he experienced another, less powerful but still wonderful orgasm. Completely exhausted, Dave's wobbly arms lowered his sweaty body onto Paul's sweat and cum covered chest and into Paul's encircling arms. As he gasped for oxygen, Dave was aware of the gentle kiss Paul planted on his forehead. `What a nice touch,' he thought.

They lay together for several minutes, regaining their senses and their strength. Finally, Paul rolled them to his left and allowed Dave's left leg to slip between his legs, Dave's knee was almost up in Paul's groin. Paul began stroking Dave's very short hair as though he was rewarding a loved pet.

"Dave?" Paul asked softly.

"Yeah?" Dave replied just as quietly.

"In a few minutes you're going to have to go get ready for work."

"Please don't remind me."

"I like you Dave... I just have to tell you that. And what we just did... well... it was great beyond belief. I'd like this to be the first of many such meetings, how do you feel?"

Dave lifted his head of Paul's chest and peered into his eyes. "Is this real? Are we really here? It's hard to believe, but I don't want this to be the only time we get to do this. And... I really like you too, Paul." Dave moved and placed his lips against Paul's. They hugged tightly as they kissed. After a few minutes Paul, being the officer, the leader, reluctantly pulled away and ended the kiss.

"We'd better hit the shower and get your hot butt out of here." Without further words they separated, rolled off the bed and headed for the shower. There was affectionate touching, fondling, and kissing but no further action as the men washed their bodies of sweat and cum. They each dried separately and threw their towels in the corner. When they were dressing in the bedroom Dave noticed Paul was putting his tennis clothes on again.

"How come you're wearing those, aren't they dirty?"

"Yeah, but I think I ought to walk with you back to the tennis courts and we can act like we are saying goodbye there. If you just walked out of the BOQ and headed back to your barracks it might cause someone to notice. What do you think?"

"I'm glad one of us is thinking clearly. Damn good idea."

Once dressed, Paul placed his hand affectionately on Dave's shoulder and started guiding him through the living room toward the door.

"Oh, before you go," Paul said as he stopped at the desk to write something on a piece of paper. "Here. This is the number for the phone on this desk. If you ever need to reach me, call here. If I'm not here, leave a message on the answering machine. I check it several times a day from my office so it won't take much time for me to get your message."

Dave looked at the piece of paper and handed it back to Paul. "Okay, I got it."

"You memorized it that fast?"

"Yup." Dave said with a smile.

`Okay," Paul replied but there was skepticism in his voice.

As Paul placed his hand on the doorknob he stopped, looked at Dave and leaned forward for a farewell kiss. Dave met him halfway, only their lips touched. Both men knew that if they got any closer they would be there a lot longer. Paul pulled back, opened the door and they walked back to the tennis courts. They chatted for a few minutes then shook hands and went their separate ways.

Next: Chapter 12

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