David's Gratitude

Published on Jul 1, 2012


David's Gratitude 9

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com

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Rusty was the third man to fuck Dudley that afternoon. He ended the day's sexual adventure on a high note. Rusty's cock was the perfect fit for Dudley ass. Rusty could do no wrong and Dudley left with a smile on his face and a new outlook on life.

My life with David and Rusty entered a quiet period. We settled into a nice routine. David came to grips with his newfound wealth. He wasn't quite a millionaire, but for a man who had been teaching history in a High School for most of his life, he was well off.

David was doing well, not just financially. He had been living an all but monastic life with his late wife. It was sexless and joyless. I wouldn't describe life at my house as wild and crazy, but I was dramatically better than with Dorothy. I was afraid it would be a shock to David's system.

It was clear to me if your wife dies and your house burns down, sex can really take the edge off. David had no sex life for at least twenty years. My house was the Garden of Eden compared to that. I am not sure David knew he liked man sex before, but he was a fast learner.

I was under the impression I had passed my sexual sell by date. After two weeks with David, we had discovered a world of nice men and hot sex. Somehow, the word got out that we were available and willing. The secluded nature of my house was an attractive feature and David's oversized cock play a role too.

With Charlie and Joey, we connected to the world of redneck men. William connected us to the country club set. Johnny provided a connection to firemen, EMT's and cops. This was all a surprise to me.

I had fallen for the media version of gay life. It consisted of cross dressers, interior designers and flaming fags. While my first experiences were with lumbermen, I hadn't considered that there were many masculine working men who liked man sex. Charlie and Joey knew who they were and who I would find attractive.

When I met William and Johnny, I assumed they were babes in the homosexual woods. They weren't experienced, but they had many more experience than they let on at first. Heterosexual men tend to brag about the women they have had, and they tend to inflate the number of conquests. When you meet a gay man, he will tend to minimize the number of men he knows. I discovered Johnny and Bill were not as innocent as they seemed.

They seemed to have forgotten about the man they sucked at the rest stop, or at the park restroom. Many of their sexual connections were quick and fleeting. They experienced sex in five or ten minute's interludes. They knew men, but not deeply.

Most of our friends were excited to go to a place where there was privacy, a bed and a shower.

I also found out when they wanted a private place; they were not always talking about a place only for one on one sexual contact. Private seemed to mean a place where everyone was gay and tolerant. Private seemed to mean a place where you could be yourself, where you could be naked and hard and enjoy those things you had only dreamed about.

Bill was sixty years old and had barely scratched the surface of his sexual potential. Johnny was young but sex had been a quick grope or a mouth filled with sperm in dark corner. David was all but virgin and didn't even have that.

Rusty had a wider range of experience. Luckily, he was so relaxed; he tended to make other men relax. He could drain the drama and tension from a situation. Sex with him was all pleasure without the worry and nervousness. If you didn't like something you could just do something else.

In some ways, David was an unconscious spark plug. He was unaware of his role, but he had a cock that could launch a thousand erections. He didn't seek out sexual fun; it came to him like an iron filing to a magnet. While he wasn't a libertine by any stretch of the imagination, he was always polite and accommodating.

When we first connected after the fire, David was largely unaware of the potential for sexual pleasure and excitement. We connected and had a great time. It was lovely and David would have been perfectly happy to do that for the rest of his life. David was not into variety or new experiences.

Luckily, while he didn't seek our sexual opportunities, they seemed to come to him, drawn by his oversized organ. Most said they would just like to see it. That was only partially true. Looking at it was only a first step. Everyone came back for more than a look or a lick. It could be hypnotic for some men.

David knew that he was not adventurous or inventive and he had no predatory tendencies at all. At first, he did not realize he was cable of feeing great sexual pleasure and satisfaction. He was surprised to find he could please men and they could please him.

He told me came from a conservative family, and father was hard but fair. I knew enough about that to know he meant his father was a demanding asshole. He father wanted perfection and nothing less. I don't think he was physically abusive; he just could never be pleased or satisfied by his son. That was why David liked teaching so much. He could give his students the support he wanted, but never received.

Most of our friends were middle-aged men. Pleasing them excited David. He didn't know it was possible. It was emotionally satisfying and fulfilling. I don't think he knew it was possible to please a man his father's age. For most fathers David would have been the perfect child, obedient, hard working and respectful. While I never met David's father I knew the type. It wasn't possible to satisfy him. Doing your best was not enough.

While I think David always felt a forbidden attraction to men, he had hoped Dorothy would let him play the role of a father and husband. David was a conventional man and he wanted a conventional life. Dorothy was both uninterested and non-receptive. He knew his cock caused pain, not passion.

When David fucked Johnny, David discovered a man who was both receptive and appreciative. Johnny loved David's cock and David loved his tight quivering hole. David was born to top, but his sexual equipment was oversized for the task. Johnny and Joey were the only ones who could take it with enthusiasm. This was a revelation to David.

Luckily, an oversized cock is rarely a disqualification for friendship for most gay men. Johnny told me about a man who wanted to meet us, Clarence. Clarence was perhaps 55 and served on a local rescue squad. He was a dairy farmer who had a big operation about ten miles outside of town. He was the youngest son of a large family and had stayed home with his folks on the farm when the rest of the family moved on.

"Clarence is a good guy, but he doesn't get out much. I was doing an inspection of a burned out barn and Clarence and I hit of off. Nature called and I was pissing behind a bush. He joined me and liked what he saw. He is a big man, and not bad looking, but he's real shy," Johnny said. "He thought I was big and he liked that. I made a mistake and blurted out that if he thought I was big, he should see a pal I know. Well, Clarence was really interested."

"Does he just want to look?" I asked.

"That's what he said, but I know better," Johnny said. "He called me about getting together. He never calls. That was a big step for him.

I wasn't too interested, but David surprised me and said he was willing. A day later Johnny came by with the big farmer. If you were a Hollywood producer looking for someone to play the part of a farmer, he would have picked Clarence. He was well over six feet tall and on the high side of 250 pounds.

Clarence had just showered and was wearing his good clothes. That counted with David. He had years of experience in parent teacher conferences and knew the parents who made an effort were capable of helping their children. A working man in a clean tee shirt had some respect for the teacher and for education.

It was Saturday afternoon and I offered everyone a cool drink or a beer. We went to the garden and Clarence was impressed. As a farmer, he was more comfortable with men who could grow things. Rusty was away for the day, but Polaris was with us, he took an immediate liking to Clarence. That was a good sign. Most dogs have good taste in human friends.

It was a hot day, so we returned to the house and I turned on the air conditioning. We talked about David's fire. Clarence was the chief of his volunteer fire department and he was interested. He had encountered the hoarding situation too and he was sympathetic to David. He had an aunt who had the problem and he knew how hard it was to deal with it. Davis said losing his wife and having the house burn down within a month was a shock.

"My folks died within four months of each other," Clarence said. "Towards the end, I was a full time farmer and a full time nurse. When they were gone, I had no idea what to do with myself. I had always watched the television programs they liked. Three weeks after Mom died, I watched a program I like. I felt guilty, as if I was doing something wrong."

David smiled. "I know that feeling. It was always easier to do what Dorothy wanted, so I took the course of least resistance. I obeyed," he said. "I had Willy here to get me out of the rut. Johnny did his part too."

"How did that happen?" Clarence asked.

"Well, you don't find this in the self help books on dealing with grief and loss, but I discovered sex," David said. "Dorothy and I had an all but sexless marriage. I didn't have many friends to rely on, but Willy likes sex, and I discovered I did too."

"I think about sex a lot, but I've not tried it," Clarence said in almost a whisper. "I would like to do a little more." He paused. "I'd really like to do more."

"I like sex and Willy likes it as does Johnny," David said. "Are you willing to play a little?"

Clarence nodded. "I'm afraid I might not do things right," he murmured.

I smiled. "Man sex isn't much like a ladies Bridge club, or a church meeting. They plan is to see how much fun we can have with each other. You don't need to make sure your hair is combed. If we do things right, were all going to be naked and playing with our private parts," I said. "I don't know about you, but my parts tend to ooze and drool some. In know that doesn't bother David and Johnny. In fact, I think they like it that way."

David had already started to strip. Johnny followed suit. Clarence glanced at them, and began to unbutton his shirt.

"Eventually we will all shoot off if we are lucky," I said. "You can get out of the way, or open your mouth to take the man seed."

"You guys would do that?" Clarence asked. He was taking his shirt off by then and unbuckling his belt.

"Sure we do that," I said. "Let me ask you one favor, Clarence. Let us know when you are ready to pop. One of us would love to be the first to sample your special sauce." The conversation diminished after that comment.

Once we were all naked, David's cock worked its magic. David didn't know enough about man sex to know the meaning of the phrase "Size Queen." As a farmer, Clarence knew all about bulls and stallions. When he saw the human equivalent of a hose cock, he discovered true love, or more correctly, true lust.

Clarence was a polite, well-mannered man who didn't ignore Johnny and me. He liked us all but it was David's cock that rang his chimes, and the same cock turned off all the circuits in his mind that made him cautious and shy. I think that Clarence knew that David's cock was a rare and impressive natural feature, and that he had better experience it when he could. There might not be a second chance.

I dropped to my knees to suck Johnny and Clarence went for David. Johnny was turned on as usual. I took some time to get David fully erect, but Clarence was willing to try. We traded playmates a few times. Clarence was downright juicy; his balls drooled continuously.

We went to the room to get more comfortable. That is where David nosed his monster into Johnny's ass. I don't think Clarence knew it was possible. I was sucking Clarence at the time and I tasted him react to watching the huge cock ease into Johnny's welcoming ass. His cock was enthusiastic about the view.

Apparently, my comment about cock ooze and drool directly applied to Clarence. He oozed buckets of precum when he became excited. This embarrassed him and he had been worried about it. My comment reassured him it would be okay. Clarence had a beer can style cock, although it was perhaps more like a beer keg. With a wide slit, he began to drip and drool. Clarence was also reserved, but his drooling cock gave everything away.

David slowed his thrusts to casual pace. "You can see that Johnny, Willy and I are good friends. I hope you aren't offended?" he asked. "I hope this isn't too intimate for you? We are not shy at all."

"It's exciting," Clarence replied. "I can't believe it fits and Johnny is taking it so easily. What does it feel like?"

"Johnny is firm and tight. It's hard to describe," David said. "His insides are firm and still soft. He quivers and twitches when things are particularly good. I like to savor the experience so I take my time. When I was younger, I was eager to get to the orgasm. Now I seem to enjoy the trip as much as the destination. Would you like to spend some time in Johnny? I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

David pulled out and Clarence took his place. The look on his face was a joy to behold. Clarence was in heaven. While Clarence's cock was no rival to David's it may well have been thicker. Johnny moaned as it popped in.

"It's wonderful," the farmer said. "I'll have to pull out soon. I can't last long."

"Don't worry about that. Think of your semen as extra lubricant," David said. "I can't tell you how I know it, but Johnny likes that!"

"I don't want to cum so fast," Clarence added.

"Relax, we have the entire afternoon, and the night if you want," I said. "Have you fucked a man before?"

"Oh no, I've never done it," he replied. His stubby, fat cock stretched Johnny's hole, but the cock tapered some as it vanished into his bush. It was more comfortable when it was in deep. I wasn't sure if this was because of the taper, or the thickness. The cock was long enough to squeeze Johnny's prostate.

"I was fucked once a long time ago," Clarence said. "It wasn't bad or good, but I do think of it often."

"What was it like? David asked. "Was it like this?"

"It was with a friend of my older brother," Clarence said. "I had graduated from High School. One of my brother's pals had joined the army and he was on his way to basic training. He came by the house to go out for a beer with my brother. My brother wasn't there and my folks were out so I went with him. We had too much to drink and he fucked me. He was big, not as big as David, but big."

"You still think about it?" I asked.

"Would it sound funny if I told you I've always thought it could have been better?" Clarence asked. "Part of it was embarrassing and it hurt, but towards the end it was good. I could feel him squirting into my ass."

"You liked that?" David asked. Clarence nodded. David was behind Clarence and he wrapped his arms around his chest. David played with Clarence's tits. The farmer moaned.

"Have you ever had an orgasm with your pals helping before? Just relax and let things flow," David said. Clarence shuddered and twitched. "Johnny would love to have you fill him up," David continued. "You've already plowed the field, now seed it! When you're done, I'll make sure it's planted deep. Just let go! Fill him up! Clarence began to twitch and shiver as he rear loaded Johnny.

"Damn I can feel you shooting!" Johnny cried. Clarence had a beautiful, full body orgasm. He twitched at each ejaculation.

"That's beautiful," I said. When Clarence's ejaculations diminished he pulled out, David replaced his cock in Johnny's vacated ass. As David's tool slipped in some of Clarence's sperm oozed out on the sides of the oversized organ.

"That is a tight fit," I said as I put my arm around Clarence. "You were beautiful," I said to him.

"I've never done that; I've never been watched," Clarence said. "I feel strange, sort of embarrassed." By now, David was building up ahead of steam with Johnny. Johnny was well on the way to the moon.

"Do you think David is embarrassed?" I asked as I reached over and fondled his balls. His cock was still drooling.

"It's exciting," Clarence said. As I played with his cock, he had a delayed ejaculation and covered my hand with his man seed. "I'm making a mess; I'm sorry."

"Clarence, making a nice sticky mess is why we are here," I said. "Sometimes it's good when it's neat, but most of the time it's better when it's messy. I like watching a man have a good time. You enjoyed it, didn't you?"

Clarence was silent. David was pounding Johnny hard and fast now. He couldn't have been more than a few seconds from an orgasm. David suddenly turned ridged as he channeled all of his energy into the orgasm.

"It is beautiful," Clarence said as he watched. "I didn't know a man could feel so much and so good. I didn't know anything could feel that good. I had heard some guys talking about it and I thought they were just making it up." He paused. "Is it like that every time?"

"That is our objective here. The more you do it, the better it gets," I said. Clarence looked relieved. "Let's all regroup and then see what we can do." we all took a shower and talked some but both David and Johnny needed to catch their breath. It had been that good. The rest period was good for Clarence too. I think the excitement disoriented him.

Clarence assumed we were old hands sexual play, but David explained we were all new at it. "I had been is a sexual drought since my marriage. I had also been one of those who had saved himself for marriage before that," David said. "Dorothy's death, my retirement and the fire shook me to my core. I broke out of my shell and tried something new. It was shocking for me even to consider anything sexual. To tell you the truth, it was even more shocking to discover I loved it. I was clueless. I thought my cock was a crude and vulgar leftover from evolutionary needs."

"I was under the impression the sexual aspect of a relationship was a minor feature," David continued. "I thought of ex as an optional desert after a dinner. I discovered it was actually a multicourse banquet, with the cock the major feature of every course."

Clarence and Johnny laughed. "That's a nice way to put it!" Johnny said. "Sometimes I can't get enough of it."

"I have discovered another shocking aspect of sex," David said. "I thought you have to love someone to have good sex with them. I found out sex is rip-roaring good with anyone who is into it. Johnny is a nice man, but I didn't love him. Shoving my cock into his ass and fucking him silly is wonderful! The cock had its own mind. Affection is nice, but not required."

"You know I love that too?" Johnny said.

"I did notice that," Davis said. "Do you feel demeaned when I fuck you?"

"It's too good to feel anything else," Johnny replied.

He was very soft after the orgasm, but after twenty or so minutes, his male hormones kicked in and he became excited again. I thought he might have been drained by the earlier climax, but either he had held some back before or he had made new. As before, as soon as he was excited, his cock began to drool. I told David that Clarence had a high quality special sauce, and David sampled it.

I know that most ball juices are lubricant intended to make fucking easier, but it seemed to be an aphrodisiac for me. The juices seemed to have the same effect on David. As David sucked Clarence, Johnny came over to Clarence's ass, he nosed his cock head toward the ass. Clarence shifted his legs to give better access.

Next: Chapter 10

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