David's Gratitude

Published on Jun 16, 2012


David's Gratitude 8

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com

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I woke the next morning sporting a spectacular erection. I was sleeping between Johnny and Rusty, so I cuddled up to Johnny to see if he was open for business. He seemed asleep, but when my cock touched his ass, he shifted a little to make his hole more easily available. His hole was tight, but he offered no resistance. His ass was juicy and I wondered whose semen filled him. That thought did nothing at all to reduce my erection.

Rusty rolled over and his cock was at my ass. I wasn't interested, but I shifted my legs too and Rusty was in me a few seconds later. I wasn't interested in the bottom, but somehow I had been bottoming quite a bit and enjoying it.

Perhaps traditional thoughts that men should fuck, but not be fucked lingered in my mind. Maybe my body was telling me something. I could tell my prostate was getting some strong messages for Rusty's cock. I was slowly thrusting into Johnny. Rusty matched my pace so I was feeling what Johnny was feeling. It was good, and I soon lost it.

The atmosphere in the cabin was odd that morning. While we were all mellow, but still sexually excited and stimulated. The orgasms of the previous night had taken the edge off, but we all wanted to do more. I think we were all a bit more adventurous than we had expected, and I was willing to get more into it. Bill and Butch seemed fine. We were just about to get into the swing of things when Johnny's cell phone went off. There was an explosion at a factory near the interstate and it was all hands on deck for the fire department. Butch was a volunteer fireman so the party broke up.

The next two weeks were bad for me. The explosion involved a potential leak of hazardous gases. They drifted to toward the school. At one point, the school was enveloped in the toxic fog. The building had to be tested and the school board decided to do a complete cleaning of the building and the mechanical system. We hired a professional crew to do it, but I had to be at the school while they were working.

Several of the members of the cleaning crew were a bit suspect, and I wanted to watch them. I found one man had a school computer he said he was moving to a safer place. I think he planned to take it home. It was the only new computer in a room filled with computers. He didn't seem to be interested in protecting the older ones. I wasn't too obvious about it, but everyone knew I was watching.

David took a tip to California to investigate check out Dorothy's cousin's will. The cousin had indeed left money to Dorothy, but David had to consult a lawyer in California since their probate laws were different. Since he was there, David went to see another distant cousin. I was taking care of both our gardens. That took care of any free time I had at night.

Charlie's crews were busy too. Everyone near the spill wanted to be careful. As far as I understood, the toxic elements in the spill evaporated quickly, so there was almost no real danger. The school board had been worried about potential liability, so they wanted to go the extra mile. Others were careful too.

I had one adventure during the clean up. Bill came by and asked me about the potential dangers of the spill. His house was well away from the spill. I had the impression he used the spill as an excuse for coming to see me. Of course, he didn't need as excuse. He lived alone, but some men are uneasy regardless.

"I was talking to a friend at the club," Bill said. "I think he might like to meet you and some of your friends. He a good man, but he's very shy. He doesn't get out much. "

"I take it you are really close to your friend?" I asked.

"We aren't that close," he said. "About a year ago we discovered we shared a common interest."

"Have you been able to explore that interest?" I asked.

"Not really," he replied. "It's hard to get away. We done nothing like what you have done. I told him what we did and he was really excited," Bill explained. "His wife is away. He's afraid he will be caught. It would be good to be somewhere private." I know you are not supposed to be into quick hook ups, but I have a hard time saying no. Bill asked if 2:00 that afternoon would be okay with me. I said yes.

They arrived a little early. I had just stepped out of the shower and I had wrapped in a towel. He introduced his friend, Dudley Mason Wentworth II. Dudley was the assistant golf pro at his club. I guessed he was 35 years old, and looked like a young Jack Nicklaus. He was a bit beefy. I was still wet and wearing only a towel. That was good for them since they met in a shower room and associated that with sex. I offered them a drink or a beer, but they were ready and we went to the bedroom. They stripped.

"Are you sure no one can see in?" Dudley asked.

"It's oddly secluded here, given we are in town. The only people who drop my house by are men who are in the fraternity," I said. "They would want to join us." That satisfied Dudley. He was a polite courteous man, but he was so nervous he was on edge. Bill was much more relaxed. Both men were perfectly groomed. I looked like a hairy Attila the Hun at a tea party. Dudley was un cut, well equipped, but he seemed to possess double the amount of foreskin he needed. It completely covered his cock head even when he was fully erect.

"What do I have to do?" Dudley asked.

I smiled. "You don't have to do anything. The minute I saw your cock, you received unanimous approval from the membership committee!" It's always good to compliment a man on his cock.

He laughed and seemed to relax. "You mean I wasn't back balled?"

"We usually expect to see the contents of your balls, before you leave," I said. "That is not required, but usually isn't a problem.

"Let me warn you, I'm not the romantic type," Dudley said. "You could say I'm here for a little fun, some tension release."

"I'm not much into a little fun," I said. "I want a lot of fun, ball draining, cock drooling fun."

"I don't know if I could do all that stuff you see in porn movies," Dudley said. "It's exciting to watch, but I don't think I could do it."

"I've just met you and don't know you at all, but I can assure you that you can do it, and probable will. Not today, mind you, but eventually," I said. "We are all men. We all like sex, but different things get our engines going. Relax and let's see what develops." Both men were semi-hard, so I dropped to my knees and sucked both of them.

At first both fit in my mouth, so soon I had to alternate. Dudley liked it when his cock was in my mouth with Bill's organ. Bill told me they weren't close, but I suspected Dudley was willing. Bill was turned on by sex with a janitor. He became excited quickly, and Dudley liked that a lot.

After five or ten minutes of play, Dudley was more comfortable with the situation and he relaxed. Dudley seemed like a nice guy to me, but I think Bill wanted much more from him sexually. I was there as a trainer. I'm not sure Bill realized he had a preference for working class men, but my presence was good for him.

While I'm not much of a bottom, while I was in the shower, I decided to lubricate my ass just in case. Dudley was on his back with his head over the edge of the bed, working on his sword swallowing exercises with Bill's cock. He could deep throat it from this position. His cock was rock hard and sticking up vertically in the air. I straddled him and sat on it. The lube in my ass helped with this, but Dudley was a leaker, and his own homemade lube had filled his foreskin. When my sphincter peeled his foreskin back, he was fully lubricated.

His cock was longer than average, but a bit thinner than average. It slid in effortlessly. It was a surprise attack, although Bill was watching and he approved. Dudley's cock must have been designed for my ass. I loved it. He more than loved it. Apparently, my tight ass was enough to make him lose all of his sense of reserve and decorum.

I think sex can only be so bad, but let it all hang out and let's see what happens sex is really good. Dudley seemed to have lost his inhibitions. His newfound freedom inspired Bill and they were both willing to spread their wings.

I grabbed Dudley cock with my sphincter rubbed it against my prostate. He was rock hard and my prostate loved it. I lifted up a few time so that only his knob remained in my ass and then sat back impaling myself. Dudley moaned every time I did that. I knew he was close to shooting, so I slowed the pace. We broke apart to cool off and recharge.

"I didn't know anything could feel that good," Dudley exclaimed.

"I thought you were happily married?" Bill said.

"It's never been close to being like that," he said. "Willy makes you feel like he likes it!"

Bill laughed. "Your wife and my wife may have been related. My wife was loving woman, a good mother and housekeeper and helpful in every way possible, except for sex. She just wasn't into it. She never complained or said a word about it, but it wasn't important to her," Bill said, "We had such a good life, it wasn't that much of a problem for me either. It's been a shock to discover how good it can be now that I'm middle aged and over the hill."

"We have three boys," Dudley said. "This is what Diane wanted. I think sex was just the way to have children."

"Well, don't expect that from me!" I exclaimed. "I like sex for fun, plain and simple. The more fun, the better it gets."

"Does it get better than this?" Dudley asked.

"Sometimes your earlier experiences are real hot, but it is better when you get to know your playmates. You come to know what your buddy likes and what turns him on," I said. "You also get more comfortable with more experience. I remember the first time I shot off with a guy. I was so embarrassed. You are so exposed and naked when you shoot off. Of course, the guy I was with was planning to shoot off too. We were playing with our genitals; we all knew where that would end. Still, I was embarrassed."

"I came close to shooting off in your ass," Dudley said.

"I'm a big boy. I wouldn't have been shocked," I said. "I tend to think of an orgasm as a reward for a job well done. We can try it again. There is time for another session or two."

"It's hard for me to remember that. Sex is usually a quick ten or twelve minute interlude," Bill said. "I can go from being soft to an orgasm in five minutes. I want to shoot off before I get caught."

"I like things long and drawn out," I said. It seems to me the more quality time with a cock, the better it is."

"I shoot off too quickly for that," Dudley said.

"You did well when I sat on your cock," I said. "I think you were well revved up by that."

Dudley turned beet red. "I was hoping no one noticed," he murmured.

"Dudley, just pretend you fell through the looking glass. The rules are different here. It's okay to admit you like sex. No one thinks badly about you for enjoying it," Bill said. "We're all naked. There is no way to hide your feelings." I reached over and stroked Dudley's cock. A bead of precum emerged from his cock. Dudley moaned. Bill leaned over and licked the tip of his cock. Dudley's cock twitched and he ejaculated a single shot of cream. Landing on Bill's tongue, Bill didn't object at all.

We eased back into full-scale sexual play. Dudley had played a few times with Bill but always with time limits and never is a safe place. He soon discovered Bill had a far greater sexual range than he suspected. Bill was always a bit uptight, but his play experienced with me and Johnny had been good. During the sexual lull between the cook out and now, Bill seemed to have relaxed and will willing to do more.

Dudley wanted to get back into my ass, but Bill was in me first. Bill wasn't a fucker; he did an anal massage with his rock hard organ. Dudley had never watched another man being fucked and that turned him on big time. When Bill pulled out to cool off, Dudley slipped in. I don't know if Bill's cock had tenderized my ass, of if my fucking the ass just vacated by his pal's cock turned on Dudley. Whatever it was, it was good.

"In getting really close," Dudley said, "Do you want to shoot in him?"

"You go ahead; I'd rather soot in another ass later," Bill said. Dudley was preoccupied and it took him a little while to realize whose ass Bill was talking about. Dudley didn't shoot. He slowed his pace and we talked.

"My ass is virgin," Dudley said, "I don't know if I could do that."

"It's a desire, not a demand," Bill said. He was smiling. "I'd like to do it and I'd like to be the first."

"You've seen me going after Willy," Dudley said. "Does that bother you? I really enjoyed him. I have never fucked a guy before."

"It's good to watch a friend have a good time," Bill replied. "It doesn't bother me that my friends play in different foursomes at the club. No one objects when a friend hits a hole-in-one, does he? You look like you are on the top of the world right now."

Dudley was still slowly pumping his cock in my ass. "I didn't know it would be this good," Dudley said. "Shit, I didn't know anything could be this good! Do you think my ass could be this good for you?"

"You never know until you try it," Bill responded. "Would you be offended, or feel violated if shoved my cock into your ass? When you state it baldly, it doesn't sound that appealing."

Dudley didn't verbally answer that question; he had an orgasm instead. Dudley was calm and collected except for shivering with each ejaculation. At one point, it looked as if he was going to pass out. Bill held him steady. Bill's touch was enough to induce several massive ejaculations. I could feel the semen spurting into my ass.

We broke apart and collapsed on the bed, exhausted. Bill fingered my ass. I think he was interested in Dudley's sperm. He used his semen-coated finger to lubricate Dudley hole. He squirted some lube into Dudley's ass. I held Dudley in my arms and gave him encouragement as Bill worked his cock into Dudley's ass. While it wasn't that easy, Dudley never lost his erection. Luckily, Dudley's prostate was sensitive and he gasped when Bill's cock hit it the first time.

I didn't know how sensitive Bill was to Dudley's reactions. He was sensitive enough. He massaged it for a minute or two. I could feel Dudley relax. Bill made a hard thrust and then Dudley balls were resting in Bill's bush.

"Are you in?" Dudley asked in whisper. He was winded.

"You have it all! Damn, you're tight, nice and tight," Bill said as he began to thrust slowly. Bill picked up the pace quickly and soon he was pounding Dudley like a mad man. I was going to tell him to slow down, but Dudley had a hands free orgasm and sprayed us with his man cream. Dudley's orgasm pulled Bill's trigger and he rear loaded his pal.

Bill said he had to go, so he showered and left. Dudley showered too, but when Bill was gone, he asked if we could do it again. I showered and we returned to the bed. Bill turned Dudley on; I was just a guy. Dudley could relax with me.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

Yes, it was good. I didn't know what to expect. Once he was in, it was good," he said. "There were some rough spots."

"It's not that easy the first time. It's too much for some men. I think you did very well," I said. "You like Bill, don't you?"

"Yes, it was a surprise when we first made contact. He is so distinguished, I didn't dream he was into this stuff," Dudley explained. "It was in the locker room. I was the only one there and he walked in. I was sitting and he was standing next to me. He came closer and his cock was almost at my mouth. I took it, he jumped a little but he didn't go away. We heard men in the hall and broke it off."

"I was afraid he might be mad, but the next time he saw me he winked. He asked me when the shower was least used. I told him, but said I had a key to the towel room. He smiled and asked about my schedule," Dudley continued. The next time we met, we went to the towel room. I wasn't that sure he wanted to, but he did show up. He didn't seem to be that into it, but I sucked him and he shot off in my mouth. I was shocked at that, but I swallowed it. I saw him later that week and he said he appreciated me swallowing the evidence. He wanted to meet again. I was pleased a good looking man like him was still interested."

"I did all of the sucking, but he did stroke my cock a few times. I sucked him off again, but this time he really liked it when he shot in my mouth. The next time we me he shocked me when he sucked me. I didn't think he would do that. I shot off quickly. I tried to pull away, but he held me. He took it all. Even after I stopped shooting he sucked until I was soft," Dudley said. "That was a week ago. Here I am now, fucked and happy."

"Unless I'm really mistaken, you were both happy," I said. I reached over and played with his hole. "Is it sore? Bill's a big man."

"It is fine," Dudley replied.

"Sometimes there is an itch in your ass that needs to be scratched after your first time," I said. Dudley didn't say anything, but he shifted his legs to give better access. We alternated fucking each other for the next half hour. Dudley got into the groove.

Rusty returned and found us in the bedroom. Dudley looked like a little boy with his hands in the cookie jar at first, but then Rusty stripped and joined us on the bed. The combination of lust and curiosity is hard to resist, and Dudley was not in a resisting mood.

I told Rusty that Dudley had just taken it in the ass for the first time. Rusty was matter of fact about all things sexual. Dudley was sitting back on the bed. His hole was visible. "Damn. I like popping virgins too," he said, as he reached over and fingered the opening. "Your hole still looks virgin and you're still tight. How was it?"

"It was good, but I think it will be better when I have had some more practice," Dudley said. By that time, Rusty's finger had reached the prostate. Dudley moaned and squirmed.

"Let me see if your chimes are in operating order," Rusty said. He lifted up Dudley's leg and flipped his cock into the cum-lubricated hole. That was unexpected, but not unwelcome. Rusty is attractive if you like the lumberjack-cowboy type. I think Dudley might have objected, but before he could say anything, Rusty was ringing the chimes and it was too late. Dudley had been relaxed, and Rusty's cock was anything but relaxed.

Rusty was also a natural leader of men. He expected to be obeyed. When he asked Dudley to get on his hands and knees so they could do it doggy style, Dudley obeyed. Rusty's cock tended to droop when he was erect. That seemed to be just right for Dudley's ass.

Next: Chapter 9

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