David's Gratitude

Published on Jun 8, 2012


David's Gratitude 7

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com

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The cook out was on short notice, so they was no way to fix anything elaborate. I figured fresh vegetables from the garden could only be so bad. Bill called me and asked what he should wear. I told him it wasn't that sort of an affair. It told him when I was there before it was semi-formal. The hosts were wearing -cut of jeans with only an inch or two of pubic hair showing. He laughed.

"The guys are a bit rough?" he asked.

"They are a bit light on the social graces, but not rough at all," I said. "It's an all-male event and the dress code is informal. Let me warn you. They aren't shy and they sure know how to enjoy themselves and their guests."

"Do you think I will enjoy it?" he asked.

"Just think of it as a frat party, but for a fraternity with unusual membership standards," I said. He laughed.

"I was a little worried about Johnny. He likes the bottom, you know," Bill said

"He won't be the only bottom there," I replied.

"Johnny is so enthusiastic."

"Bill, I have a feeling he will not be the only enthusiastic bottom there," I reassured him. "When I was with these guys before I noticed they aren't possessive. The older person, Charlie, said they aren't lovers, but I am not sure about that. He does like watching his pal have a good time."

"How good was the good time? Bill asked.

"It couldn't have been better," I answered.

Rusty arrived a few minutes later. Polaris was overjoyed to see David again. He and the dog were both a bit reserved. They were comfortable together. I noticed David relaxed when the dog was with him. I told Rusty about the party that night.

"Damn, that sounds good!" he exclaimed. "My visits were good and fun but lacking in sexual release. I'm ready."

At 3:30, Bill and Johnny came by. They were going to follow us to the Chimney Pond. Bill knew of the place before the fire, but Johnny had no idea where it was. We arrived at chimney Pond at 4:00. Charlie and Joey were dressed as I expected, except they had almost all of their pubic hair on display. Their shorts were exceptionally low-slung.

I mentioned that to Charlie. He burst out laughing. "If I had known there was going to be this much company, I have gone to the beauty parlor and had a perm!"

"Do you tease it?"Bill asked. I was surprised Bill was that forward. I looked at him and realized the crude man turned him on. I didn't expect that.

"It's all natural!" Charlie said, still laughing. We went to the back yard and looked at the pond. Chimney Pond was small, but it looked bigger than it was. Irregular in shape, several peninsulas gave the impression of great length. Charlie asked if any of us wanted to go fishing. Bill was game and he went off with Charlie.

When Bill saw Charlie's fishing gear, I saw lust in his eyes. I'm not into fishing, but Bill was and Charlie possessed the Holy Grail of fly rods. It was apparently antique and in perfect condition. Charlie made his own lures, and they too were works of art. Listening to men talking about fishing is sort of like listening to kids talking about Harry Potter. They spoke a language of their own.

They went off to fish just before Butch arrived with a friend. His pal was Al, the man in the back warehouse of the building-supply part of the hardware store. He was a short, exceptionally hairy man with a beard covering a cleft pallet. At the store, everyone knew Al as the helpful man in the back. The warehouse crew had high turnover. Al was the one who could find things.

While he was small, Al was strong as a bull, although very shy bull. I suspected kids had made fun of his cleft pallet and he tried to avoid talking. Polaris was a good judge of character and immediately went to Al. The dog wanted to be near him.

Rusty was new to most of the men, but he made friends quickly. Joey whispered to me that this was Butch and Al's coming out party. They had never participated in anything like this before. Butch's wife had gone off to see her sister in Denver. Al's mother had recently died and he was alone for the first time in his life. Butch was naturally gregarious. Rusty and David seemed to take Al under his wing. Rusty is an attractive man if you like them masculine and cheerful. Al had gone to David's school twenty years earlier, but had not been in his classes. Al was flattered by the attention. People tended to ignore him and he usually hung out in a corner.

An hour later, the happy fishermen returned to the cabin with several impressive fish. Bill was a master angler and his understanding of fish and their hiding places on a hot summer afternoon impressed Charlie. They seemed to be pals.

The breezes that had kept the day pleasant diminished in the later afternoon and the air became oppressive. Charlie said there was time to take a swim before he started cooking. He dropped his shorts and ran into the pond. He was a leader of men and the rest of us followed, including the dog. Al and Bill were the last men in, but they overcame their shyness and stripped too. Butch actually swam a little, the rest of splashed around in the water. It was like being a kid again. It was cooling and fun.

Charlie was the perfect host in many ways. He had a knack for putting you at ease. When he came out of the water to cook dinner he was half-hard. As kids, we would have made fun of another kid who was erect, but no one ever dared to make fun of Charlie. He wasn't that sort of a man. He didn't put his shorts on again. He was comfortable and relaxed being naked. We all understood a surprise erection would not be a problem.

The other men stayed in the water for a while playing catch with Polaris. In the splash filled pond, the men had a chance to feel each other out. By the time they got out of the water, they all had a clearer understanding of the sexual potential of the group. No one was soft, but only Johnny and Al were fully erect. Johnny looked good and knew it. Al had a butt-plug type cock, so while he was hard, it didn't stand out.

"Charlie, shouldn't you use a hair net on that bush of yours?" Butch asked as he saw him making dinner. Everyone laughed.

"I'm pretty sure the heath regulations don't mention Bush nets," Charlie replied. "If worse comes to worse, you can always floss with it!" There was more laughter mixed with groans. "I am not the sort to insult my guests, but I suspect many of you have had a lot more than a pubic hair in your mouth."

"I, as a certified virgin, do not have any idea what you are talking about," Rusty said is a falsetto. "My mind is purely virginal!"

"Is your ass virginal?" Butch asked.

"My ass is purely semi-virgin!" Rusty proclaimed. "By which I mean I have never been fucked while sober!"

"I'm not sure I have ever met a semi virgin before," Bill said. "Is drunkenness is a requirement? I can say I am a semi-virginal top. I've never fucked a guy sober!"

"I think if you did a nationwide survey, you would discover and good portion of the world's population is semi virginal," Butch said. Joey lugged out an ice-filled beer cooler. The beer hit the spot on the muggy evening.

Al and Bill went to help Charlie cook, the rest of us talked and let nature take its course. No one paid much attention to David when Dorothy was alive. He tended to fade into the background. Once he was naked and his genitals were fully exposed to view, he was a rock star. His oversized organ demanded attention. In a locker room or a shower, other men would have to pretend they didn't notice. That wasn't a problem in this group, so just frankly looking at it raised the sexual temperature.

Butch was a good-looking, well-endowed man and was use to getting attention. "You've got beauty there," he said as he gazed at David cock. "I've heard of size queens, but it didn't occur to me I was one."

David smiled. "I had no idea I was into cocks period!" he said. "I was a shock to be a sixty year old man who suddenly has a sex life. I can't seem to get enough of it."

"This may be your lucky day!" Butch said. "There seems to be excitement in the air."

"Dinner is ready!" Charlie announced. Charlie was a good cook. Everything was simple, fresh and cooked just right. The sun set as we ate and it cooled off a little. Heavy breathing replaced conversation as we all found playmates. The darkness was good for the shyer men, but I also provided an opportunity to be a bit more adventurous in selecting playmates.

I thought Bill would go for Butch, but he hooked up with Charlie. Butch went for David; Rusty for Joey and Al, Johnny and I made up a good trio. We had all had three or four beers by then, and while there had been many admiring glances and some gropes during dinner, we were all ready to get it on big time. There was also an exciting mixture of new and familiar faces. Most of us were with new playmates.

I noticed that I tended to look toward new men for excitement, rather than men I knew. Part of this is a desire to try someone new. There is always the potential for novelty and excitement. Butch wanted to experience David's oversized organ up-close and personal. Bill was attracted to redneck sex. You certainly couldn't get more redneck than Charlie was. I noticed novelty could be physical, such as David's cock, or intellectual. Men of a different social class turned on Bill.

Al was a pint sized strong man. Being a diminutive, but very masculine man attracted me. I don't know what I expected or even what I wanted from my trio, except I thought I would spend some time in Johnny willing ass. This must have been some sort of Sadie Tompkins thing going on. I ended up on my hands and knees sucking Johnny. Al was at my rear and he began to rim my ass.

Johnny was excited and was drooling precum big time. Al was into asses, and possessed a long tongue. He pushed my legs apart so my ass was more open. This was good for me. I soon discovered Al was a top and his cock went where his tongue had already explored. I'm not much of a bottom, but I figured, what the hell, why not? Al had a short, stubby cock; it couldn't be that bad.

I soon discovered Al's cock was long enough to give my prostate a workout. Treated my prostate as a punching bag and drove me crazy. He went at it hot and heavy. I couldn't think or react as he rammed it. There was a lull. Al twitched a few times and then pulled out and damn if Johnny, the ultimate bottom, shoved his organ into my ass. His cock was longer that Al's and went deep. Al had left his load in my ass and Johnny planted it deep. He moaned. My sperm filled ass must have been good.

Both men had short fuses and each was in and out in ten or twelve minutes. I discovered the short fuse was matched by a short recharge time. As Johnny pulled out, Al wanted to do it again. I had barely recovered from his earlier pounding, but Al was so polite, when he asked I said yes. This time he was more relaxed and I got control over my feelings. I realized I enjoyed it.

It was at this point that the night turned into a game of musical chairs, or more correctly musical asses. Everyone was excited and willing to play. While Al, Johnny and I were into it first, Charlie and Bill were close behind.

Bill was a tall, handsome man; Charlie was a big redneck. I didn't expect to see Bill on his back with Charlie giving his ass some stretching exercises.

"Billy, you've got a nice tight hole!" Charlie said. "When I'm done with you, you will be able to take any guy here. David could even do you. You've never haven't anything like that monster up your hole, I'll bet. You'd like that wouldn't you?" Bill muttered something I couldn't make out.

"Have you ever taken it in the ass before?" Charlie asked. He didn't wait for an answer, he knew. "You'll be nice and open when I'm done. I'll shoot a good load in you. I like to build up a good head of steam before I pop. That's best for me and it will be good for you too."

The moon was out now and I couldn't see much, but Bill wasn't objecting. Johnny went over to Bill and sucked his cock. I could see he was erect, so Charlie's cock couldn't have been that bad.

Rust was introducing his member to Joey's rectum. Both men enjoyed that. Joey was pretty much appreciative of anything in his ass, Rusty's probe seemed to have discovered something special somewhere in Joey's well used hole.

Al shot off a second time and pulled out. "Thank you, that was good," he whispered. "I don't get to top much. Most guys fuck me."

"The pleasure was mine," I said.

We heard Butch moaning. David was slowly easing his cock into Butch's resisting ass. Butch had hooked us legs with his arms so his hole was defenseless, but David's cock was obviously at his upper limit.

"I didn't know Butch bottomed," Al whispered.

"Does Butch usually fuck you?" I asked.

"Butch always fucks me," Al replied. "I like him in me. He's nice about it." Charlie had temporarily broken apart from Bill. He went to the cabin and returned with a few tubes of lubricant. He gave one to Rusty, one to David and kept one for himself. He returned to Bill.

"Do you mind if I go to Butch?" Al asked.

"Do you want to watch?" I asked.

"He's my friend." Al replied. "I want to help." we kissed and he went to Butch. I walked over to Bill. Charlie was lubricating Joey, so he was alone.

"How are you doing?" I asked.

"I can't believe I'm doing this stuff," he said in a low voice. "You must thing I'm a pervert."

I sat next to him. "Have you looked at the rest of us? You are in good company."

"I'm embarrassed. I lost my head," he whispered.

"Did I mention this wasn't going to be a cocktail party at the country club?" I asked. "If it was, I wouldn't be here. Did you enjoy Charlie?"

He had an almost frightened look on his face for a few seconds and, then he relaxed. "I loved it. I don't want to admit that even to myself, but I loved it."

"Don't worry, the night is young," I said. Just try to think of this as a vacation. Relax and go with the flow. Everyone here is a good guy; there is nothing strange about us. Most of us are straight arrows, conventional and ordinary. We have all discovered something about ourselves and we are willing to act on it." I leaned close to him. "David was clueless until a week or two ago. He was nearly a monk. Johnny is new to the scene too. You aren't alone. To tell you the truth, I'm not too sure how it is possible for two adult men to have some fun can be a sin. "

"I been afraid to do it an afraid I'd never do it," he said.

"I suspect you've had forty years of not doing it. Maybe it's time for a change?" I said. "Keeping that all bottled up in you isn't good. For one night, try to let go. Let it all hang out and just see what it's like."

"It's too late to change, I'm afraid," he replied.

"Well, I just took three loads up by ass, delivered by Al and Johnny. It is definitely not too late to learn new tricks."

"You took it up the ass?" Bill asked. "You like to bottom?"

"Up until tonight I was 90% top. I had a much better time than I expected and I may need to reevaluate that," I said.

"If you need another cock to tickle you ass, I'm more than willing," Charlie said as he joined us. "Is it nice and juicy up there? I suppose some men don't like sloppy seconds, but sex is a messy business if you do it right. Now Billy here isn't use to entertaining on the back porch."

"He's embarrassed and uneasy about that, but I hope he will be a happy camper by the time he leaves here," Charlie continued. "I remember back when I thought I was the only man in the world who liked man sex. I was scared shitless that someone would find out. We are a 100% redneck family, but we were all macho, stupid and straight. I didn't know you could be macho, stupid and gay!"

"How did you find out?" Bill asked.

"Well I had a little interlude at a rest stop with a trucker. He was so butch, I felt like a little girl," Charlie answered. "We had a hot session in the sleeper compartment and a trooper caught us. I thought I was a goner, but the Trooper was the trucker's pal. He was mad I was trespassing."

"Did you get arrested?" Bill asked.

"Let's just say, I learned how to bottom, and the trooper learned just how good a threesome could be," Charlie said. "Both men were tops and I ended up with several loads of trooper and trucker high test in my ass. I'm not a bottom but I don't mind helping a guy out. It was educational for me."

"Are you trying to educate me?" Bill asked.

"I sure as hell am, but I need for you to stop thinking and worrying, and just let your cock get the relief it needs," Charlie replied. He coated his cock in lubricant and re entered Bill. Bill sighed as the organ slipped in.

"I told you I have you open and willing," Charlie said. "We are finished with the educational part of this night; it's time for fun. Let's see if we can work on the guilt free orgasm next." I left them and went to Al and Butch.

Butch was skewered on David's cock. Al was providing cheerleading and lubricating services. David was a gentle fucker. He took his time and was careful. I think it was more of an achievement than a pleasure for Butch. It got better for Butch when Al sat in his cock as David filled his ass.

That was a successful combination, but they broke apart to cool off. They wanted more playtime. Much to my surprise David sat on Butch's organ. I had no idea he was willing to bottom. After the stress of David's penetration, Butch went to the moon. He loved it. David bounced on the rod and Butch had nothing to do but feel pleasure.

Al decided to use David's cock as a stool, and he sat in it. In the moonlight, it looked as if an elf were sitting on a toadstool. The huge knob actually fit in Al's ass. David held the furry man steady as gravity took its course and the stool became shorter and shorter. David was bouncing on Butch's cock and with each bounce, his cock slipped deeper into Al's ass.

"Damn, it looks as if David is fucking his teddy Bear!" Charlie exclaimed. David played with Al's tits as Butch stroked his cock. Al eventually bent over to kiss Butch. With Butch's cock in David's ass and David's organ in Al, David was the first to pop. A second or two later, Butch released his load and Al shot off. It was a triple orgasm.

We were all watching toward the end. It was hard to believe David's cock would fit in Al's ass. Not only did it fit, but also Al obviously enjoyed it. There was a fourth orgasm. Charlie did Bill doggy style as they watched. Charlie hooted and hollered as he transferred his balls' contents to Bill's rear. I was close enough to see Bill smiling.

The temperature dropped and we went in the cabin. Joey and Johnny talked in the corner with Charlie. We all had another beer or two. It was a quiet night interrupted only by a few moans and some slurping sounds. Just before I drifted off to sleep, I was thinking that a cock fucking an ass is silent. That must have been nice for cavemen who had insomnia.

Next: Chapter 8

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