David's Gratitude

Published on Jun 2, 2012


David's Gratitude 6 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com

"Let's go to my bedroom where we can get comfortable," I suggested. Strangely, Bill relaxed as soon as we entered the bedroom. He was a conventional man and sex in the living room seemed odd. We fooled around for about fifteen minutes and Bill got use to the situation. There was a lot of touching and stroking. David, Johnny and I were much more relaxed than Bill. I was sure Bill wanted to do more, but was uneasy.

I got Bill off to the side. "David and Johnny usually get it on pretty hot and heavy," I whispered into his ear. "I think they are ready to go at it."

"Can I watch?" Bill asked.

"Sure, but it's better if you join in," I explained. "If you see something that gets you going, don't be shy!"

"I'm really excited and afraid I'm going to shoot off," Bill whispered to me. "I shoot huge loads; it's really messy."

"I don't think that's a problem," I replied. "As a matter of fact, I think that would add to the festivities."

"Are you sure about that?" he asked. I nodded. He was like Johnny. He was new to the scene and didn't know the rules. The lights came back on with the air conditioning.

I smiled. "Don't worry, I wash the sheets afterwards. Everyone will shoot off if we get lucky. Usually there is sperm and semen everywhere, on the sheets, in my beard, in Johnny's ass." There was only one light in the bedroom, and I saw Bill's cock twitch when I mentioned Johnny's ass. Naked men can't hide anything.

I left Bill to his own devices and joined Johnny and David. Johnny was sucking David. Johnny had his ass in the air and his legs spread. His delicate hole was exposed. I went to the side table and found a tube of lubricant. I second I touched Johnny's ass he moaned. I worked some into his ass.

"Get it in deep," David said, "as deep as you can!" Bill was watching and all but shivering in excitement. I motioned for him to come over.

"Can you help me out?" I asked.


"Let me coat your cock in lube and then you can shove it in deep," I explained. "David is a big boy, the deeper the better." Bill looked shocked. "I'm sure Johnny would love it." Lust triumphed over discretion. Bill nosed his lube-covered cockhead into Johnny's quivering ass. Johnny was moaning in pleasure.

"Don't be shy; he needs that lube in as deep as you can go!" I said. Bill gently pushed and his cock vanished.

"Pump a little; get it all in as deep as you can!" I added. After four or five stokes Bill treated us to a view of what had have been the best orgasm of his life. His whole body shivered and twitched as he pumped his man seed deep into Johnny's rectum. He tried to pull out after the first six or seven ejaculations but I didn't let him.

"That's right, get the lube deep!" I cried. When the ejaculations subsided, he pulled out. As he stepped aside, David came over and eased his monster into Johnny's body. Johnny didn't resist at all. Bill gasped as the huge cock slipped in. His cock twitched once more and a glob of semen fell to the floor.

I wasn't sure Johnny wanted Bill's cock in his ass and I didn't know if David would appreciate using Bill's semen as lubricant, but all was well. Bill sat down. I think he was dizzy after his orgasm. David and Johnny seemed more than satisfied. Johnny later told me Bill was good on his own right, but it was a good way to prepare for David's oversized organ.

David gave Johnny's ass a complete workout, and then pulled out to avoid shooting to early. I slipped in and damn, if I didn't add my seed to the sexual soup in Johnny's ass. I had a top of the line orgasm and collapsed on the bed, exhausted. By then David and recharged and continued his anal marathon.

I must have fallen asleep. When I woke, my legs were on Bill's shoulders and his cock was at my ass. I didn't want to be fucked, but I was too tired to complain. I didn't want to hurt Bill's feelings either. He was new to man sex and it was good for him to take the initiative. I just relaxed.

Bill had a nice cock, slightly larger than average, but not exceptional. When he was soft, I noticed he had some extra foreskin. He pushed a few times and my sphincter resisted. He added more lubricant to his cock and then he pushed again. This time he went deep and his cock seemed to touch every sexual nerve in my body. I almost passed out it was so good. Fifteen or twenty minutes later, my sperm coated my body. I had shot off Roman candle style spreading my seed over my gut, chest and even beard. I felt him squirting after every ejaculation. It tickled my ass lining. It was beautiful. Johnny and Bill left, but I knew they would be coming back.

'Are you running school for sexually repressed men?" David asked. I laughed.

"It seems like that," I said. "It seems to me I am an unlikely candidate for running such a school. I'm not that experienced and I don't know shit about sex!"

"I think you have such a good attitude about sex. You are comfortable and easy to be with," David said. It seemed to me that was a compliment.

David spent the next day with Bill going to banks and checking out safety deposit boxes and savings accounts. They also were checking out some brokerage houses. Sally had a taste for tax-free municipal bonds. I came home at lunchtime and Johnny was waiting. It was his day off.

"Willy, do you think I'm normal?" he asked. "When I got home last night, I couldn't sleep. All I could think about was what we did and how good it was. Do normal men enjoy that stuff as much? Do you think I'm a pervert?"

"I think we all enjoyed it," I replied. "You may have enjoyed it more, but perhaps you are capable of more enjoyment. Are you a Baptist by any chance?"

"How did you know?"

"Well, parts of my family are afflicted with born-again, bible-thumping religion. They seemed to think that anything on the wild side of a bible study class is sinful," I explained. "There are a lot of people who assume if it's enjoyable it's sinful. You may have been infected."

"You make it sound like a disease," Johnny said.

"The world is made up of ugly things and beautiful things; good people and bad people, painful things and pleasurable things. Some preachers see only the bad side, the ugly and painful side of life," I said. "Some believe you should continuously fight sin. I think it's important to remember to enjoy life, treat people well and enjoy the good things god gave us. Forgiveness and love are more important than punishing sin. I've run into some people who hated sin so much they turned mean, sour and nasty."

"I had a Sunday School teacher like that. We all left her class every Sunday feeling bad about life," Johnny said.

"How did you feel last night when you left my house?"

"I was on top of the world," Johnny admitted. "It was later that night that I began to get worried. I guess it was my old Sunday school teacher making an unwelcome reappearance."

"Human beings are hard wired to enjoy sex and to crave it sometimes, all animals are," I said. "Sex is the basis of life and evolution. The only real perversity is when you don't enjoy it. That is a problem." We talked a little longer, but Johnny was on his way to help his folks with chores around the house, so he left. I think he was feeling better.

I went off to the hardware store. I had done my annual inventory of tools and it was short as usual. The main culprit was the annual school play and it wasn't as bad as last year. Somehow, the students managed to break three hammers, some screwdrivers and destroyed several saws. For some reason they seemed to think a standard saw would work on a concrete block. The school had a budget for tool replacement, but some of the parents gave me some cash to pay for the damaged tools.

The manager of the store, Butch, knew me and I got a good discount. He was into hardware and was really good about doors and lock hardware. My school was almost 40 years old and they had skimped on the hardware. It was always falling apart or jamming. Butch was a help.

I was looking for saws that would be good enough for daily use, but not so good that another attack on a concrete block would leave me mourning its loss. I saw Butch talking with Joey on the other side of the store. Joey saw me looking at them. Joey gave me a look as if he had been caught doing something wrong, but then smiled in a knowing way. I bought my tools and left. Joey was waiting in the parking lot.

"How are you doing?" he asked. "I had a good time with you and your pal."

I smiled. "I noticed you connected with my pal."

"I sure did." Joey came closer to me. "I was talking with Butch about some quick tension relief. We both need it, but we need a place. You're his type. He only has an hour for lunch."

"Do you know where I live?" I asked.

"No, but Butch does. He's made deliveries to you often enough," Joey said, "Are you game?" I nodded and went off to my house. Joey and Butch appeared at my front door five minutes later.

I shook hands with Butch. "Damn Willy, I had no idea we had pledged the same fraternity," he said. Butch was about six feet tall, blond, barrel-chested and solid. He had a Marine type haircut. He was the least likely to be a gay man in town.

"Are you and Joey old pals?" I asked.

"We aren't exactly pals, but we pool our resources from time to time," Joey said. "We aren't lovers; we are playmates. He's a great top, but usually we don't have the time. Butch has a long fuse."

"Well, let's not stand here talking. Let's get naked and play," I said. We went to the bedroom and stripped. Butch was better naked than dressed and he was pretty damn good dressed. He body was pale white with a coat of almost white hair covering his chest. He had large pink nipples and an impressive man snake crowned with a purple head. He was half-hard.

I took a tube of lubricant and squirted some on his cock. I massaged it on and then added more. He was rock hard.

"That was real nice, Willy," Butch said. "Do you mind if Joey and I get down to business? I need to get back to work shortly." I told him to go ahead.

While Butch was businesslike, he was also enthusiastic. Joey was just enthusiastic. "We've never done it with store bought lube before. Your ass is smooth as silk," Buster said. "Let's see if you can keep me out." He pulled his boated organ out so only the tip of his knob was at the pucker. Joey tensed up as he clenched his ass. Butch playfully pushed, but didn't get in. He pushed a few more times. Butch pushed harder and his cock head vanished, but then he pulled it out again. "Keep that ass tight!" he ordered, "It feels great on my cock head!" Joey did as he was asked.

"Willy, you might think I am gay, but I'm not," Butch said as he pushed his cock deep. He began fucking Joey with slow, rhythmic thrusts. "I do like sex a lot. My wife had moods, and I mean moods. Joey is always ready, willing and able."

Joey had his legs on Butch's shoulders. Butch almost has his eyes closed as the rubbed Joey's rectum. Sometimes he would slow is thrusts as his cock rubbed Joey's prostate. Butch knew his way around a man's ass.

"I can tell you like sex, being not gay is not as evident," I said.

Butch looked at me and seemed annoyed and them he smiled. "Maybe telling you I'm not gay while I'm pounding a guy's ass isn't that convincing. Joey's man cunt's is a lot tighter than a woman's hole. I didn't want to fuck Joey at first. Joey had sucked up a few quarts of my special sauce for a long while and he wanted to be fucked. I figured I owed him that."

"I take it the experiment was a success?"

"As you can see, it sure was. It's not tense like with my wife," Butch added. "I can just relax and let nature take its course. Joey likes it when I flood his hole with sperm. My wife's had a few accidents with birth control. I have four kids. Joey promised me not to get pregnant." I had straddled Joey's face and he was licking my balls. I reached over and played with Butch's big tits.

"We're all boys here. I don't care if you are gay or not. As long as it's fun, it okay with me," I said.

"Damn I wish I could shoot off. I'm running out of time," Butch said.

"What if we were to pretend we were gay and try to get it on big time?" I asked. "That might pull the trigger." He leaned forward and we kissed. A minute later he was shooting. If his orgasm was so intense I was afraid some of his internal organs might have become detached and been shot into Joey's ass.

I had a chain reaction orgasm. I shot off spraying him and coating his gut. The sperm rained on Joey and he shot his load. Butch was one of those men who lose interest as soon as they climaxed. We broke apart; he showered and left. Joey cleaned up and thanked me for helping out. Butch is a real turn on for me," he said. "I hope he was good for you."

An hour later, the phone rang. It was Butch. "I really enjoyed getting together," he said. I said it was good for me too.

"That pretending stuff was good too," he added.

"Maybe we could get together another time and pretend again," I said.

"I would like that. It was much better than I expected," Butch said before he hung up the phone. I was flattered.

I knew that some men were willing to take a trip on the wild side form time to time. At the logging camp, it was either man sex or no sex. It seemed to depend on your sexual drive. Some were happy dating their right hand. Others were open to sexual possibilities. I think many men are opportunists. They might not go looking for a blowjob, but if the opportunity arose, they were willing to contribute a cock. Butch liked sex and could make do with whatever was available.

The media tends to show men as flaming faggots or macho he-men. I think there are many variations. I have run into men who didn't like women, but liked one particular woman. I certainly have run into men who liked sex with women, but didn't seem to like women in general. I think there are many gay men who like women, just not as sexual partners.

My dad and mom had bachelor uncles and maiden aunts. Some men just didn't settle down. That was expected and normal. Today a man over forty is "probably" gay. If you don't get married, you are a bit suspect. No one thought anything about sailing on a ship with an all male crew for months or years. The crew might get wild and crazy at port, but they always returned to the ship with all male crew.

For some reason, David and I seemed to have been attracting men. They weren't the people the television portrays as gay men. They seemed to be ordinary nice guys who happened to share our sexual tastes. I laughed at myself. I wasn't sure I had sexual tastes. At the logging camp, I had been purely opportunistic. I was young, very horny and willing. Gussy had an ass; I was willing to fill it. I didn't love Gussy; it was purely recreational.

While it was recreational, I wonder if it might be more than that in some ways. While some say sex is evil, it is more likely that it is life affirming. It is at the core of all animal life. Sex is so physically and emotionally satisfying because it is necessary. It's called a sex drive or a sexual urge for a reason. Men get hard because it is an absolute requirement for sex. The sex drive doesn't exist only when persons of the opposite sex are nearby. It seems to be a constant in most human lives.

David returned after a long day visiting banks. He was tired, but it now appeared that the grand total of Dorothy and Sally's cash hoard was nearing $600,000.00. That was in addition to the insurance settlement and David's own retirement and savings. He complained it was a long day. I told him if he was tired form finding all that money he could keep it to himself.

He looked at me and smiled. "I guess there are worse things."

I made dinner as we talked. He told me about the search. While Dorothy and Sally were hoarders and misers, they were also honest. All the taxes and fees were paid. The accounts were set up so Dorothy signed a paper and the accountants would do everything. David had thought it was odd that they never filed jointly. Dorothy was an odd woman in many ways. The tax filing quirk was minor compared to her desire to save every scrap of waste paper she came into contact with.

"I was thinking that we could have traveled or had a summer house in the woods. She loved the mountains," David said. "We could have fixed up the house and had a pleasanter life."

"That is your thinking, not hers. If you had a bigger house she would have just had more room to fill with scrap," I said. "She had control over her life, and your life by the way. She wanted to live that way. She was married to the man with the biggest cock in town, and she didn't want it. I don't know if you have noticed, but there are a good many men who were more than willing to enjoy your cock?"

"Do you think they really enjoy it?"

"Shit David, if we put a naked picture of you on the web we would have so many people interested in you we would have a problem with crowd control," I exclaimed. "We would have lines around the block."

"You think there are that many gay men in town?"

"David, I bet we would have a good proportion of the female population too," I answered.

"I have a hard time believing women are interested in that sort of thing," David said.

"Dorothy brain washed you," I replied. "Look on the bright side. Dorothy is dead and you have her money. You have also discovered you have all the makings of a middle-aged sex god. You have just discovered new ways to use your cock, and I can assure you that the more you use it, the better it will be."

At ten David went off to take a shower. I dozed off and when I woke, he was snoring away on his bed. He was tired. I went to bed and had no problem falling asleep. The next day was Saturday and the 4th of July was in the middle of the next week. The school was closed for the entire week, so I only had to drop by and check things out once a day. I had the week off.

Saturday morning Rusty called me and asked if he could visit again. Of course, I said yes and that he could stay as long as he wanted. David went to the hardware store to get some garden things. When he returned, he said he had run into Joey who said he and Charlie were having a cook out, sleep over that evening and they wanted to know if we could come. "I would like to go, but I said I would talk with you," David said.

"I'm game," I replied. "A night in the woods might be fun." Then I remembered Rusty was going to be back that afternoon.

"We can bring Rusty, David said. "Joey said the more the merrier, as long as we bring our own beer. If the fishing is good, we will have fish for dinner, if it's bad it's hamburgers and hot dogs. I said we could bring anything that was ripe in the garden. I'll call Joey and tell him we have a guest."

A little later Johnny dropped by. David asked if he wanted to go to a cook out, sleep over at Charlie's pond. Johnny wasn't sure, but that was because David's invitation wasn't clear enough. I explained the cook out would have a sexual component. "Don't worry, you won't be the only bottom," I added.

"Do you think Bill would enjoy it?" David asked.

"I think Joey and Charlie might be a bit more rustic than Bill would find attractive." I said.

Johnny blushed bright red. "That might not be a problem," he said. "You know he was uneasy when he came here. That was because of Willy. Bill has associated exclusively with the country club set for years. The idea of association with a janitor rather scared him. That it might turn into sex terrified him."

"I thought he liked it," I said.

"Bill didn't like it; he loved it," Johnny explained. "He told me he had never been so turned on. Your rustic friends might be good for him."

David called Joey and told him we might brick several friends if that was oaky. They talked for a while. I went to the garden to pick some vegetables. David came out. Charlie and Joey seemed to be pleased as punch we were bringing some friends. "I told Joey these guys weren't very experienced. He liked that too."

Next: Chapter 7

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