David's Gratitude

Published on May 27, 2012


David's Gratitude 5 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com

Once Charlie shot off, I could focus on David and Joey. David was doing deep stokes. He would pull out until only the tip of his knob nuzzled in Joey's ass. He would pop the rest of the knob though the sphincter and slowly push deep into Joey's ass. Joey shivered when seven inches was in him. I suspected that was the deepest any one had reached before David. David's cock was in virgin territory.

Joey was a vocal bottom and David was afraid he was hurting the small man. When Joey could focus, he assured David he was fine. I did notice Joey's ability to focus diminished as the cock went deeper. David was always polite. He was also enjoying himself.

David was new to the man sex scene and wasn't sure about was good and what was bad. Joey gave him an instant review of every action. I tend to hold back some, and Johnny had been so out of it with pleasure he could only twitch, shiver and ooze in response. With Joey, everything was open. You knew exactly how he was feeling, what worked and what didn't work.

In reality, anything that involved a cock and Joey's ass was probably good for Joey. It was even better for David. Sex can be superficial, but this was one of those occasion when superficial was good. Joey was just a man with a greedy ass and good attitude. That was ideal for a novice. If the sex was good, that was fine. I the sex was not so good, that was okay too. You didn't need to break the engagement or break up.

Man sex has another attractive feature for the novice. Men can hide neither their excitement, nor their orgasms. A cock is a good thermometer of lust. There is no need to tell a partner he was good in bed when your sperm is splattered over your bodies. It's obvious. There is no way for a naked man to hide his interests.

This was good for a man like David who was unsure of himself. Unsure may not be the right word. David was careful, considerate and polite. He was a man who played by the rules. David did not break rules. Unfortunately for him, the rules for sex aren't written down.

I am not a verbal man. I like sex, but it's hard for me to talk about it. It's not a subject well suited for textbooks. I am careful too and I am very much not into pain. I took my time with David and that was the right way to go about it. Charlie and Joey were much more into sex than I was. They loved it and weren't shy about talking about it. That was helpful to Davis. Shit, it was helpful to me.

Joey was insatiable so they played for most of the next hour. They explored every possible way David's cock could get into Joey' ass. David went in from the back, from the front and sideways. Joey sat on it while facing David and facing away. It's wasn't exactly a scientific exploration but it came close. Joey shot off a few times, but that didn't seem to diminish his sexual drive. He wanted more.

This was good for David. All sex was new and exciting for him. He had been in a sexual desert for years and any relief was welcome. As he played with Joey, the initial excitement and thrill wore off and David could savor the experience. While the experience ranged from between great and spectacular for Joey, Davis discovered some things that made his cock tingle.

Charlie seemed like a big, old redneck, but he was observant and could tell when things were really good for David. Charlie wasn't shy about giving directions to them. These directions were consistently successful.

As I watched, Charlie talked. "This may sound strange, but I've never thought I was a gay guy," he said. "I like playing with my cock and playing with my buddies' cocks, but I don't seem to get romantically involved. It's just having fun, messing around."

"I'm not sure what messing around is," I said.

"Well, after my marriage with Dorothy, I'm not sure I associated sex with romance either," David said. "I know I don't think of it with love. When I first did it with Willy it seemed strange to be doing it with a friend, or even with a person who was interested."

"I can defiantly say I like sex with friends," Charlie said. "It's great when you can help a friend get off. It's nice and comfortable. Joey and I have been playing around for years. It just gets better."

"When we first played around, it was fun," Joey added. "It was always good, but we just kept on trying to make it better. Once you get into it, you discover there is always more you can do. Charlie's always trying to push deeper. He always wants to do more."

"Does that work out well?" David asked.

"99.9% of the time it does!" Joey exclaimed. "Sometimes I think he knows me better than I know myself."

"Is that why you wanted me to play with Joey?" David asked Charlie. "You wanted someone to go deeper into his ass?"

"Are you mad at me? I thought Joey would like it"

"I was good for me too," David said.

"I guess you noticed I liked it in the ass?" Joey asked.

David smiled. "Something about the way to smiled made me think you would like it! It was a really tight fit, but I could feel you try to open up."

"Some part of me may be a voyeur. I admit seeing you plow Joey was a turn on." Charlie said. "This is new for me. I was always in the thick of things and too preoccupied with getting my own rocks off to think much about Joey. I knew it was better for me when he has a good time, but that was about it."

"It was exciting to watch him take you. As that monster or yours slipped into his ass, I could see Joey turning on. When you were in six inches it was as if you flipped a switch. I can tell you right up front, there's not much of Joey that is virgin and untouched by another man's cock. I knew when your cock hit virgin territory," Charlie continued. "David, I noticed you stay pretty much in control the whole time. Do you ever let go and let it all hang out? I love it when a man lets loose and goes at it full throttle."

"I'm afraid I'm not that type," David said.

"Maybe we can work on that," Charlie said.

"I'm not sure I want that," David replied. As he said that, he began to shiver and shake. David tried to pull out, but Charlie went over to him and held him. David twitched with each ejaculation. Joey was moaning and then he shot off again. A minute later, it was over and everyone was exhausted. As the semi-erect cock pulled from Joey's ass, David's rich man cream flowed from the still open hole. It took a few seconds for Joey's sphincter to close up.

"Oh god, I made a mess," David whimpered.

"Damn, that's the most remarkable thing I've ever seen," Charlie exclaimed. He dropped to his knees and licked David's sperm from Joey's drooling ass." Joey moaned. David looked shocked, but he ejaculated again.

"I guess you noticed, Charlie likes sloppy seconds," Joey said. He was smiling.

It was getting late and time for us to leave. We thanked them for dinner and said we had a good time. Charlie gave us a very heartfelt invitation to drop by any time we wanted. Some of David's load was in his beard. Charlie didn't seem to care. As we drove away, I saw Joey bent over the porch railing with Charlie fucking him like a mad man. I couldn't see well in the dusk, but I knew Joey was still smiling.

I went off to work the next morning. David was going to check out two more safety deposit boxes he had discovered the day before. I suggested he take the day off and rest. "This thing with Dorothy has my head spinning," I said. "I can't imagine what you are thinking." He took my advice.

When I came home at lunchtime, he was still sleeping. I woke him for lunch. He seemed refreshed and was cheerful.

"I was thinking these discoveries about Dorothy have confused things," he said. "It was a shock, but discovering you are wealthier than you thought is not so bad."

I laughed. "Technically I think that is clearly a good thing," I said. "Unless I am very mistaken, you have also discovered the glories of sex, and you liked that too."

David looked at me and almost whispered, "I'm embarrassed. I'm not sure I should be doing that stuff," he said. "That I enjoyed it so much made it worse. I was afraid Charlie and Joey would think I'm a pervert. I taught Charlie's children."

"Did you notice they enjoyed it as much as you?" I asked. He nodded. "I don't think adults having fun is perverted. We were all into it and having a good time. It's perverted when you are trying to force someone into participating. Sex is a part of life, a normal human activity."

"It's hard for me to accept that," he whispered.

"I know it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks, but it's time for you to branch out," I said. "You have been in a poor relationship with Dorothy for years. You are an intelligent man and you have made up ways to justify that relationship. She is dead now and all of those justifications you created to explain why you stayed with her are of no value anymore. Let them go."

He was silent for a while. "I hadn't thought of it that way. I buried myself in work and my students. That made living with Dorothy possible. I was afraid if I made friends they might drop in and discover the secret of the house. No one guessed she was a hoarder."

"You never noticed she visited Sally regularly?"

David smiled. "Any time she wasn't home was so good for me, I never considered where she was. When she was gone for an afternoon, it was like a mini vacation! There was no nagging, no one telling me how inadequate I was."

"Can you tell me one thing?" I asked. "I know you are uneasy about your sexual explorations. How does your cock think about it? I know the science books say there is no little brain in your cock, but I am not so sure about that."

David laughed. "The little brain in my cock thinks it just won the lottery," he said. "It also made pals with a mini-brain in Joey's ass! Are you suggesting I should let my cock make decision in place of my brain?"

"There are times when that is a good idea," I replied. "I wouldn't rely on my cock 24/7, but letting your brain rest while your cock takes the lead can be good sometimes. Once and a while you might let it take complete control and see what happens." David seemed to relax some after the conversation. After a long-term relationship, even a bad one, it's hard to turn on a dime. There needs to be a period of adjustment.

David was set in his ways, but he had enjoyed some new experiences. Intimacy was new to him, but I hoped some mind-blowing sex and top-of-the-line orgasms would be enough to build up his enthusiasm for more, new sexual experiences.

We also talked about Dorothy's money. It seemed to me it would be good for David to consult a lawyer to check on any possible legal ramifications. Dorothy and Sally had been so secretive about it, it seemed to me there might be a problem of some sort. We were talking it over when Johnny dropped by. He was in uniform and on his way to a meeting and just had a little time.

Johnny rented his apartment from a lawyer, so he gave David his name, William Smith. David called him and made an appointment for the next day. David found out he had taught the man's daughter so that was good. There were only 14 William Smiths in the phone book as well as six Bill Smiths and four Billy Smiths, so the name hadn't rung a bell.

Smith did some quick checking and found out all was well. Sally had a will that left everything to Dorothy, and all the legal requirements were taken care of. I was worried there might be some income tax problems, but they weren't a problem.

William Smith was a character who looked like Gabby Hayes. He knew everyone at the courthouse and most importantly in the probate office. While Smith was semi retired, he was interested in David's situation. Smith's wife had died ten years before, and had been the recipient of several bequests from aunts and other distant relatives, so Smith knew the drill.

When I said he looked a bit like Gaby Hayes, there were several major differences. Smith was well spoken and sophisticated. He was also six feet, five inches tall. Johnny hadn't mentioned he had connected with Smith sexually. Given his appearance and size, Smith was discrete. You noticed him wherever he was and he was worried about blackmail.

Johnny was his tenant in the former carriage house of Smith's residence. Somehow they found out they shared common interests. They had explored these interests in a modest way. Apparently, at their last get together, Johnny had sucked up Smith's load. He loved that and asked Johnny where he learned to do that. Johnny told him about his experience with us. He didn't use our names, but he told Smith what we did.

"To tell you the truth, he was kind of shocked. I'm not sure he thought you could actually do those things," Johnny explained. "Mr. Smith thought you might do those things in New York or California, but not here. Well, yesterday he told me he wanted to meet you. He said the more he thought about it, the more exciting it seemed to be."

"I was wondering if the four of us might get together?" Johnny asked. Don't you think one on one might be better?" I asked

"Mr. Smith is real nervous about it. He wants some moral support. He's a nice man, but he's really timid about sex." Johnny said. "This may sound odd, but he thinks I am more worldly and knowledgeable about man sex. Shit I was almost a virgin a week ago!"

We laughed and told him to drop by with Mr. Smith. I assumed nothing would come of that. A timid, up-tight man is hardly the raw materials for wild man sex. I assumed Smith would lose his nerve.

At six the next day, I received a call from Johnny asking if they could drop by at 8:00 or so. I said sure. We were in a typical summer, pop-up thunderstorm when, Johnny drove up. They ran into the house through the cloud burst. David and I had been outside closing the car windows. A few seconds later, there was a terrific clap of thunder and the lights went out.

The four of us were soaking wet inside a dark house. It couldn't have been better. We all stripped off our wet clothes and hung them up to dry. I found some old beach towels. Johnny went straight for David's cock like an iron filing to a magnet. My hand bushed against Smith's cock. I didn't pulled it away. Smith was in his sixties, but he had the erection of a sixteen year old a few seconds later.

I dropped to my knees and took a lick of his rock hard cock. He moaned. "Do I have to reciprocate?" he whispered. He was shivering. I don't know if it was because of the cold rain or the sexual excitement.

"Relax, just let me do what I like to do. You do as much or as little as you are comfortable with," I said as I flicked my tongue over the thin skin that connected his cock head to the foreskin. He shivered again. "By the way, I'm Willy."

"We can shake hands later," he said. At least he had a sense of humor. "I'm Bill." I wrapped my lips around his cock head and then swallowed the entire organ. Bill moaned again. As I pulled back, I suctioned some of his sexual juices from his balls. I went down on him a few more times. Each time I sucked more home brew from his private parts.

He shivered and moaned each time but he stood there like a log. That would normally be a turn off, but his genital juices made it clear he was a sexually excited log. All was well. Bill wasn't demonstrative, but he was needy and his body responded to my attention even though he was too up-tight to show any reaction.

During a lightening flash, Bill recognized David. Johnny had just told him they were visitng friends. "Mr. Davison!" Bill exclaimed.

"Call me David," he replied. "This isn't a teacher parent conference." Bill laughed. He relaxed a little. That too increased the flow of man juices.

"I need a breather," Johnny said as he stood up. "I'm sorry I jumped right in. I was a lot more horny than I thought. I forgot my manners. Bill, you know David. The man sucking your cock is Willy Butler, the school janitor."

"The janitor!" Bill exclaimed. I don't think he expected that. He was not the type of man who noticed janitors. I might have been a bit insulted if he hadn't squirted a single volley of sperm. He didn't expect to have a janitor sucking his cock, but his cock sure liked it. I realized the advantages of being naked and sexually excited. Bill was a conventional man with a well-established sense of propriety. His cock was that of a normal man responding to sexual stimulus. Cocks aren't interested in propriety.

I stood up and we shook hands. Bill was a polite man and he was cordial. "I greatly appreciate the attention," he said. "It was both unexpected and welcome. I'm not use to this sort of . . . activity."

"Actually, we are not that use to it ourselves," David said. "Willy's been my neighbor for years. After my house burned, he offered me a place to stay. I didn't know if it was the shock of the fire or of my wife's death, but somehow we discovered we shared a common sexual interest. I hadn't occurred to me we could find such intense pleasure. Somehow, Johnny fell into our web."

"I didn't fall into the web, I jumped in feet first," Johnny said. "I had no idea what I was getting into, but it turned into the most exciting and pleasurable thing I have ever done. Everything we have tried has been great."

"You make it sound as if we are great sexual explorers," David said. "We just fell into this and have been trying things out. It has been trial and error."

"Well, it had been trial and error, but I don't think there has been any errors," I said. "Everything we have tried has been good, really good." The storm had passed and the room was lighter. Bill could see David's monster cock.

"Is that thing real?" he asked. I was pretty sure that was his cock talking, not his well disciplined legal mind.

"Let me vouch for that. Every inch of that beauty is real!" Johnny said.

"What can you do with it?" Bill asked incredulously. "It looks too big."

"I'm not sure a cock can be too big!" I said. Everyone laughed. At a party, a beer or a drink is usually an icebreaker. Here, David's cock played that role. Johnny had told Bill we were nice men. He forgot to mention David was horse hung. He also hadn't noticed or didn't know Bill had twelve of the ten danger signs of being a size queen.

Bill was uneasy and reticent, but the cock turned him on big time. David seemed to have considered his over sized cock to be an embarrassment. Embarrassing though it might be, genuine cock worship from another man can only be so bad, especially since that man was handsome and imposing.

The four of us were in a tight cluster. Bill reached out and stroked David's meat. "It's magnificent," Bill said. David reached over and played with Bill's organ. He collected some of the ooze at the tip of Bill's cock on his finger and tasted it.

Next: Chapter 6

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