David's Gratitude

Published on May 25, 2012


David's Gratitude 4 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com . If you like this story, please consider a gift to Nifty!

Life at my house seemed quiet without Rusty and Polaris. I actually went to bed and slept. David slept a lot. The stress of the fire and the excitement of wild sex caught up with him. He needed rest. He wanted to rebuild his house right away, but I suggested he take it easy. His first plan was to rebuild it exactly as it was. I asked if he liked the house.

David answered, "No. It was Dorothy's house. She liked it. It had all the bells and whistles she thought were nice. They didn't mean anything to me."

"What do you want?" I asked. David said he didn't know. I suggested he take some time and decide what he wanted. He agreed that would be a good idea.

Johnny came by in his role of Assistant Fire Marshall and told David it would be a good idea to clear the ruins. "The house is a hazard, and it would be better to do it now than to wait," he explained. "It will be condemned as matter of course. I think it's better to do that before the signs get posted."

"Do you know who does that sort of work?" David asked.

Johnny had some names. "These guys will get the right permits so you won't have any hassles. They are also insured, so if someone gets hurt during the process you would be liable." David went to work on the list quickly met with several demo men that afternoon. He decided to go with a guy named Charlie Belton. He was the father of two of David's former students.

When David told me he picked Charlie, I was unhappy. My family wasn't from the right side of the tracks, but at least you could see the tracks from the front porch. The Beltons would have needed a telescope to see it from their trailer's stoop.

That night we walked over to look at the remains of the house. Charlie had already surrounded the place with safety fence in day-glow orange and no trespassing signs. I felt better about him seeing that. He seemed to be on the ball.

Late the next day a demolition permit appeared as did a port-o-potty. Charlie and his crew arrived in full force the next day with a front-end loader, bulldozer and trucks. Charlie was a big man with a beard the size of a large beaver. He looked like hell, but he was clean and didn't smell. That had been a problem with the Beltons I knew as a kid.

I found out David was almost a god to the Belton family. David was Charlie's son and daughter's councilor in school. He realized they were smart and helped them out. They eventually went to college. Graduating from high school, not to mention college, was all but inconceivable for a Belton. Charlie was the head of the clan and he appreciated David's efforts.

Charlie had discovered there was money in trash and demolition and big money in removal of hazardous materials. Most of that sort of work was done by out of towners with crews from

Poland or Mexico. Charlie had an entire family of unemployed men who like ripping things down. They didn't like working much, but a quick two, or three days of demolition was just the sort of work they liked. Charlie told David he could have paid his men in beer and they would have been happy. Charlie was usually the low bid.

David's house and the basement vanished in two days and was replaced by a seeded patch. Charlie repaired the water line and connected it to the Dog House. He added an outdoor faucet so David could sprinkle the newly seeded area and what remained of his garden. David cheered up when they demolished the ruins of his house. I was afraid he would get depressed, but the ruins were a reminder of not very good times.

Two days later David and I were on the back porch of my house cooling off after a day in the garden. With the new water supply, David was able to salvage some of his garden. The heat of the fire burned some of the plants, but a remarkable number of plants just needed water. The doorbell rang. I went to get it and Charlie was there with a bill. He had been working all day and was as hot and sweaty as I was.

"It's time to pay the piper," Charlie said as he gave David the bill. David opened and read it. He smiled.

"Do you want to get paid now?" David asked.

"I give fifteen days to pay the bill, but I've never said no to a check," Charlie said. David went to get his checkbook.

"You have one beautiful garden here. My grandfather had a good garden, but he's been dead for years," Charlie said.

"Not everyone had a green thumb," I volunteered.

"It's not the green thumb that's the problem in my family," Charlie said. "It's being lazy good for nothing bastards that keep us in our place."

"You seem successful."

"I'm a junk man who got lucky," Charlie replied.

David returned with a check in hand. David was wearing gym shorts that were soaked in sweat. Charlie saw the bulge and licked his lips. Doing a double take is one thing, but licking your lips is another. I wondered if Charlie was a member of the fraternity.

Charlie was the least likely to be gay man I had ever seen. My Gaydar is bad anyway; Charlie wasn't even in radar range. It was nearing five and the banks would close. Charlie left to make his deposit.

"Did you notice Charlie checking out your equipment?" I asked. "I may be wrong, but he seemed to like looking at your basket."

"I was wearing shorts," David protested.

"You were soaked in sweat, and not wearing underwear or a jock," I explained. "Technically you were dressed, but you didn't need much imagination to fill in the gaps."

"That's embarrassing," he replied. "It must be your son's gym shorts. They are a bit tight."

"Actually they are tight and worn thin," I said. "You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Most men would love to have your equipment dangling from between their legs."

"I don't think men notice that sort of thing," David said.

"I think men do, and it doesn't much matter if they are straight or gay. A big cock is a curiosity, and more often than not, an object of desire."

"You may be right about that. It grew to full size when I was 13 and it was a problem," David explained. "I was always afraid it might pop out or show. As far as I can tell when you are an adolescent, whatever you have or are embarrasses you. I remember boys with straight hair wanted it curly, those with curly hair wanted it straight. I was embarrassed I had to shave so early, other were embarrassed they didn't need to shave. I definitely can say I am not going to put my cock on public display!"

I laughed. "I wouldn't recommend that either, but there is nothing wrong if someone gets a hint of what you have."

"I've always been respected as a teacher!" he exclaimed. "I don't want to attract attention for any other reason."

"Well, you are retired and need to broaden you repertoire," I said. "And there is nothing wrong with being a horse hung teacher. I hate to state the obvious, but you and your cock seem to be able to make some men really happy." I could tell David wasn't too sure about that. He had devoted his life to teaching and excluded everything else. Some of that was due to his basic personality; some was due to Dorothy. Dorothy closed off many paths to normal social interaction. Where David was, Dorothy was near and no one wanted to be with Dorothy.

Are you sure you and Johnny liked what we did?" he asked.

"When you were ramming Johnny's ass and his cock was spurting a few quarts of cum into the air, it safe to assume he liked it," I said. "I was afraid he would lose some weight or get dehydrated he shot off so much."

"I replaced some of his semen in his ass. I lost it and filled him up," David confessed.

"How was that?"

"It was beautiful. I hadn't done that since the first year of my marriage," he said.

"I was afraid Johnny would get mad at me. It was so intimate. I should have pulled out."

"For a woman, sperm is a potential for a baby. That may be good or bad, depending on the situation. For a man it's a reward for a job well done," I said. "I wouldn't worry about Johnny getting mad. It was a reward, not a punishment."

David smiled. "For you I think semen is a food group!"

"I don't suck it up that much," I protested.

"Willy, I'm afraid you haven't been keeping score!"

I didn't want to admit it, but he may have been right. I hadn't been into man seed until David's house burned. I didn't think I was into it. It was possible I wasn't into man cream. Perhaps I was just into David's seed. Again, I didn't think that was true, but an impartial, scientific observer might think otherwise.

Later that week I ran into Charlie again. I was leaving school at noon and Charlie happened to be there. "It was real nice of you to help Mr. Davidson after the fire. He was a good man. A fire is a terrible thing."

"Well, we've been neighbors for years," I said. "My family has moved away, so there was room at my house." he said. "

"Mr. Davidson helped my kids a lot. No one ever saw any hope in anyone named Belton, except for him. It was sad he got saddled with Dorothy." He said. "Dorothy was one of my customers when I was a trash man," She was a mean dyke."

"A dyke?" I asked. I was shocked. It hadn't occurred to me.

"She was Miss Sally Turner's pal. Sally died a few years ago. She was the check out lady at the drug store, but she came from a old family," Charlie explained. "She was a hoarder too. Dorothy was jealous of me. With me being the trash man, I had everything she wanted. She got meaner as she got older, if that was possible. I always hoped David had some way to let off steam. He got the short end of the stick."

"David is a conventional man. Relaxation isn't a part of his approach to life," I said.

"He sure has a big valve to release and built up steam!" Charlie said.

"You noticed?" I asked.

"It was hard to ignore. Damn it was impressive. Bigger than my cousin Woodrow's pile driver." He paused. "I got a little carried away; you must think I'm a pervert."

"Everyone needs a hobby," I replied. "Everyone has a itch that needs to scratched sometime. I take it once you saw David's dick you discovered your itch was a lot deeper than you thought."

"You got it. I was wondering if you guys might like to come out to my hunting cabin tonight for a cook out?" Charlie asked. "It will be just me and my pal Joey."

"That sounds good to me. I will talk to David and give you a call. Where is your cabin?"

"It's at Chimney Pond. Do you know where that is?"

"Was that the old Smith place?"

"Yep, I got the pond after the fire. The entrance is on Route 11 through the old gateposts. The cabin is the only part of the place that remains," Charlie explained. I went home.

David was at the house and he had some news. He had gone to the bank to open an old safety deposit box belonging to Dorothy. He hadn't known about the box, but he had found the key in their box at another bank.

The newly discovered box had deeds to five or six properties, jewelry, and stock certificates. There was also a listing of bank accounts in Oaktown, a small city thirty miles away. He assumed it was just costume jewelry, but the teller at the bank told him it was real. He took the stock certificates to his broker. He told David they were real and had a value of two to three hundred thousand dollars.

He then called the bank in Oaktown. The accounts had another hundred thousand on deposit in them and there was an additional safety deposit box. "Apparently, the accounts were originally in a Sally Turners name jointly with Dorothy's name," David said, "Who in hell is Sally Turner?"

I told David what I had heard for Charlie. Dorothy had another life. After the shock wore off he remarked, "Well, that explains a lot. I hadn't guessed anything like that." I then told him about Charlie's invitation. I assumed David wouldn't be interested, but I was wrong. He wanted to find out more about Dorothy's other life. I think he may have wanted to spread his wings and break away from his normal pattern of activities. I called Charlie and said we would come to his cook out.

Chimney Pond was the site of the Smith Family estate. They were local big wigs a century ago. The hose burned thirty or forty years ago and the property reverted to wilderness. The gateposts were still impressive but the road was overgrown. I drove into the property and came to a cabin on the edge of a large pond.

"Welcome to my country residence," Charlie bellowed as he came to greet us. "I'm afraid the butler has the day off." He was wearing cut off jeans and suspenders. From a distance, it looked as if he was wearing a sweater, but it was his body hair. A scrawny man was with him. He was dressed the same, but his sweater was red. The scrawny man was Joey.

The property was over grown, but when we went to the other side of the cabin, there was a well-tended lawn overlooking the pond. It was a beautiful view. We had a beer and David asked questions about Dorothy.

"Sally was a hoarder, like Dorothy, but there was one big difference. She hoarded money too. The Turners were a big family, but not too lucky. Sally was the last to survive, and the uncles and aunts left whatever remained of their property to her. Sally was good about nursing the sick and she benefited by it," Charlie explained. "Actually it would be wrong to say she benefited by it. She never spent anything. I don't know if she was saving it for a rainy day, or if she was just a cheapskate."

"Dorothy must have been her soul mate," I said. "They could have saved things and not used them together." Charlie laughed.

"When I was collecting trash, Sally would take some items that she thought were particularly good. I found out she would give them to Dorothy. Mr. Fortner saved magazines and then bundled them particularly neatly. I think they ended up in your house."

"I noticed them," David said. "Most of the crap was individual items. The bundled ones were unusual. I had no idea Dorothy had a lover."

"I'm pretty sure they were in love," Charlie said. "I'm not sure they were lovers. That would have required they give something away. I think Sally was saving her virginity too."

"She must have left it all to Dorothy," Charlie said. "She was the one person in the world who she knew wouldn't give it away. Dorothy would keep it. I was the one who found her body. She had a heart attack and died alone. Dorothy was on a vacation."

"We never vacationed," David said. "When did she die?" Charlie knew the approximate date. "That was about the time Dorothy's sister died in California. Dorothy went to the funeral. That must have been the time," David said. "I didn't go; she said the tickets were too expensive. Her sister was single too and left everything to Dorothy. She told me there was nothing left, but that might not have been true."

Charlie produced dinner at this point. It was all standard cook out stuff such as steaks and corn on the cob and it was good. We talked more about Dorothy and Sally, but it was clear Charlie and Joey knew much more about them than David did. David was both trusting and unimaginative.

Charlie was a good judge of character and knew much more about the underside of human life. Of course we were all sympathetic about the situation.

"I can see saving up money," Joey said, "not that I've ever done it, but I can't see saving up sex. It seems to me you'd get all stale and squirrelly."

David laughed. "I think you just described my late wife!" Charlie brought out another beer.

"Joey is open minded on the subject of sex," Charlie said.

"I like doing it, and I like having it done to me. It's all good as far as I can see," Joey said. "The only problem I have with sex is that I can't get enough of it."

"Somehow, I suspect that is the usual situation for most men," I said. "Some people may have a higher tolerance for sex than others. It's getting warm here. How is the water in the pond?" I asked.

"It's usually cool and nice, but not cold,' Charlie said. "Take a dip. There is no need to worry about swimming trunks. As long as I've been coming here it's been a birthday suits only place." He stood up dropped his shorts and walked toward the water.

"It looks to me that you boys are never naked. You are always wearing your fur coats," David said as he stripped. Joey and I brought up the rear. The water was nearly perfect, just cool enough. No one talked about sex, but I had a feeling there was some explorations going on under the water. After about ten minutes, we got out of the pond, went to the house and dried off.

Charlie didn't have a subtle bone in his body. "Damn you have a big cock," he blurted out when he saw David's cock in the light. "I had no idea they grew them that big at the school."

"You might expect a big cock on a burly construction worker, but not a history teacher?" David observed. David's cock responded to the sexual tension in the air. As his organ grew, so did Charlie and Joey's members. They had shriveled in the cool water, but then began to inflate.

"Well I admit it sounds stupid when you say it out loud, but that is what I was thinking," Charlie confessed. "I also suspect it has not been overused. It's not high mileage and has been stored in a garage."

David smiled. "Are you comparing my cock to a used car? I assume your sexual equipment is well used."

"We are "use it or lose it people." I've been coming here for a long while with Charlie," Joey said. "When I came here the first time I discovered there was no television here. That was a shock to me. Charlie told me to grow up and find other ways to amuse myself."

Charlie was a big man, but Joey had the bigger cock. Joey didn't mind being naked and erect at all. Like most well endowed men, he didn't mind showing off. He went over to David, dropped onto his knees and began sucking.

Charlie came to me and swallowed my cock in a single gulp. His massive beard cushioned my balls and this felt great. His tongue seemed to be everywhere, touching, caressing and licking my cock. He soon found all the good spots and had me quivering in pleasure. Charlie was a master cocksucker.

We went to a couch and sixty nined. When I glanced at him as we stripped to go swimming, I thought he was an "all potatoes and no meat" man. He indeed had huge balls stored in a low hanging, hair covered sack. I licked the sack and he moaned. Charlie had both monster balls and he liked ball play.

His cock seemed as if it was wider than it was long. It was a thick, stubby organ, all knob and no shaft. As if to make up for this deficiency, Charlie's cum slit was exceptionally wide. It seemed as if I could get my tongue deep into his slit. He was churning out juice as I licked.

Joey was moaning so I looked over. He bent over a table as David skewered him. It didn't look as if Joey was big enough to take his cock. I was shocked, I hadn't guessed the over sized organ would fit in the thin man, but I was more shocked that David would fuck him at all.

David seemed to be getting over his shyness and his reticence. Johnny's ass had been virgin, or at least mostly virgin. I sensed Joey's was experienced. David liked Johnny. With Joey, David was just getting his rocks off.

The shock passed. Charlie started to ooze more of his rich ball juices, tasting them seemed to effect my ability to multitask. I couldn't think and suck at the same time. Nature took its course and the thick cream followed the precum.

Next: Chapter 5

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