David's Gratitude

Published on May 19, 2012


David's Gratitude 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com

David and Rusty of course noticed Johnny's erection but they played it cool. The acted as if having a naked, erect man serving sandwiches was the most normal thing in the world. While they played it cool, their cocks did not. In a humorous interlude, Polaris, the dog was interested. I accused Rusty of training his dog to sniff out cocks. He said dogs were always interested in fun. Johnny said his dog back home spent half his life with his nose in his ass. "And he's completely hetro, as far as I can tell," he added. We all laughed.

David and Rusty were good-looking men, if you like your men masculine and mature. Semi-erect cocks did nothing to reduce their attractiveness. While no one said anything directly, we didn't pretend to be uninterested. As David's cock filled out, it turned into an exhibit at an anatomical museum. Much to my surprise, Johnny not only admired David's tool, he seemed to appreciate Rusty's thick member and my own fireplug style cock.

This was a mutual admiration society and we found Johnny just as attractive as he found us. I think he was what they use to call a fine figure of a man. There was nothing delicate or elegant about him, least of all his erect cock. It was rock hard and oozing a little. A small thunderstorm appeared from out of nowhere and we moved inside.

"That will cool things off," David said as we stood at the back door watching the rain. Rusty had his arm around Johnny.

"I need a lot more than rain to cool me off," Rusty said.

It is stuffy here," Johnny murmured.

Rusty looked at Johnny in the eye. "David, Willy and I like to pool our resources and get our rocks off," he said. He touched Johnny's cock. "I was hoping you might like to join us?" Johnny nodded. I think he was too nervous to talk.

"We're all men and this isn't a ladies tea party. We don't mind getting hot and bothered," Rusty added.

I dropped to my knees and took Johnny's cock into my mouth. He shivered twitched and oozed some precum. I was afraid he would shoot off, but he held back. An hour later, we all knew that while Johnny got excited easily, he had a long fuse. It took a lot of quality man-to-man time for him to give it up.

"It isn't a tea party, but there is a lot of cream," David said. "I hope you don't mind if you get sticky?"

Johnny finally was able to talk. "I think I would like that," he said. We went to my bedroom. My bed is a full, not Queen or King sized, but somehow it was just right for the four of us.

When you have a man as big as David, there is a chance a new comer will concentrate on him. His cock was hard to ignore, the way a moth can't ignore a flame. Johnny was like a little boy in a candy store. He wanted all of us.

He was nervous, but once we were all naked in bed, nature took its course. He may have been new to man sex, but he had good instincts and learned fast. We had fifteen or twenty minutes of fun. It also turned out Johnny wasn't squeamish. When David shot off for the first time, Johnny was watching. He looked uneasy and uncertain but then he leaned over to take the rest of the man seed spurting from his cock.

Johnny didn't just take the load; he savored it and swished it around his mouth before he swallowed it. While I watched Johnny suck on David's sperm dispenser, Rusty watched Johnny's ass.

Johnny was on the bed sucking David with his ass in the air and his legs spread. Most men keep their asses clenched tightly. Rusty saw an opportunity. I wouldn't have had the nerve. I suspected Johnny was inexperienced and I wouldn't want to turn him off. Johnny had sucked three cocks so far and to me that seemed enough. I do admit Johnny didn't seem to have any problem sucking.

Rusty was sly. He didn't fuck him; he rimmed the exposed ass. Johnny loved that. He really loved it. Maybe thirty seconds later Johnny shot off. It was a spectacular orgasm, messy, but spectacular. He needed a break by then. We all rested on the bed and talked.

"How are you doing?" David asked.

"Great. I've thought about doing this stuff, but never thought I would actually do it," Johnny replied. "I never even considered I might be doing it with three guys."

"You're okay with it?" Rusty asked.

"Shit, I'm more than just okay with it. I hadn't dreamed it would be this good!"

"I'm fairly new to this and I didn't have a clue," David said.

"Is it always this good?" Johnny asked.

"As far as I can tell, it gets better the more we do it," Rusty said. "We have barely scratched the surface of what some imaginative middle aged gay guys can do. There is a new world of enjoyment out there."

"I was nervous and excited the first time I did it with Willy. Every time we do it again, it gets better," David said. "Now I'm more relaxed and more comfortable."

"I can't imagine being relaxed and comfortable," Johnny stated. "I can't believe I sucked three cocks. It was so exciting; I lost control. I'm not sure I should have done it."

"When I was younger it was hard to believe anything so good was possible," Rusty said. "I thought I was the only one else who liked what turned me on so much. I thought I was a perverted freak. To my folks sex was the reward for marriage. They had seven kids and eventually I think Mom thought it was punishment for marriage. She was a good Catholic, and was just worn out."

"I wouldn't mind getting worn out doing what we just did," Johnny added sheepishly.

"That is a real possibility!" I interjected. "Just go with the flow. Let your body be your guide. It knows what feels good. When you get to know us better, you will soon know what works for us."

"I still can't believe I did all that stuff," Johnny said.

"Remember we like all that stuff as much as you did," David added. "I didn't suck your cock just to make you feel good. I enjoyed it too. Sucking your cock and tasting your excitement was as good for me as for you." With that comment, Johnny rolled over and began to lick David's organ back to life again.

I think big cocks inspire and excite most men. I guess it's built into the way we are made. David's cock was impressive soft; it just got better as it grew. I attended to Johnny's organ. It was nice, well shaped, cut and rock hard. The knob was so hard it was shiny. I licked the wide slit and Johnny oozed some ball juices to encourage me. When I was younger, I was embarrassed when my cock oozed. It seemed messy and I didn't want my playmate to know how much I liked it.

Of course, that was stupid. I was sucking a cock trying to get him to shoot off. Of course, I liked it. There is no accidental way to end up sucking another man's cock. You don't walk down the street and suddenly find yourself with a cock in your mouth. It is always on purpose.

David, Johnny and I had a nice triple orgasm and we dosed off afterwards. I thought that might have been the end of the day's games. Rusty had other ideas.

Rusty loved to top. That made him one of Gussy's closest friends. Rusty was always ready if needed. He had fucked me a few times in the logging camp. It was okay. I wasn't into being fucked, but I was willing to let Rusty enjoy himself. My sphincter is really tight, but I didn't mind the idea of Rusty's cock in my ass. He was a good guy; I was his pal. I wasn't too sure about it, but I was oddly pleased when he shot his load into me. I liked him and I liked pleasing him.

Rusty always said he never shoved it where it wasn't wanted. He sometimes had a clearer understanding of what a man wanted than the guy did.

Johnny's moans woke me. As I slept, Rusty had eased his cock into Johnny's ass and turned Johnny into sexually charged jelly. Johnny was out of it, quivering and shivering in ecstasy. Rusty slowly thrust deep and then slowly withdrew. Each movement of his cock must have been exquisitely pleasurable for Johnny.

"It's like watching Michelangelo at work, isn't it," David said as we watched Rusty's cock vanish into Johnny's hole. David must have woken up before me and hand been watching. "It was completely painless. Johnny didn't even have a problem with Rusty's big cock head. It just slipped in."

Rusty was relaxed and it was as if his cock was gently massaging Johnny's prostate. Rusty varied the rhythm from time to time. All good things come to an end. Rusty tensed up and began to pound. By then, he and Johnny were both moaning. Finally, Rusty pulled out; he was drained, but happy.

"How are you doing, Johnny?" David asked. "Is this your first time?"

"Oh yes! It couldn't have been better," Johnny moaned. "It's just that. . ."

"Just what?" I asked.

"I kind of feel odd, empty," Johnny murmured. "I want more."

"I'm afraid I might overfill you," David said. Johnny looked him in the eye. Nothing was said, but they understood each other. Johnny lifted his legs and rested them on David's shoulders. David nudged his cock head into Johnny's recently vacated ass. He opened his hole slightly and I could see Rusty's recently deposited sperm glistening in the deepest recess.

A second later, David's monster cock had vanished. He made a single, thrusting motion and it was gone. David and Johnny were about the same height, but Johnny was much heavier. He was big boy. I couldn't believe he could take it, but take it he did.

"Are you okay?" I asked Johnny.

"Shit, I love to be fucked!" Johnny replied. Johnny hadn't learned how to play hard to get. That was good for all of us.

A few days earlier, I had spent a night sucking David continuously. I sucked almost all night interrupted only by orgasms and a rest time after the ejaculations stopped. This afternoon we all took turns in Johnny's ass, but it was clear Johnny's capacity to enjoy a cock in his ass was unlimited.

I was the third to give him a spin. His ass was both firm and soft. Both David and Rusty had already shot off in him. David's orgasms were always productive. His ass was like a cream filled tunnel, like an éclair. I became really excited. I think using my pals' sperm as a lubricant got me going. I did him doggy style and he liked that. Johnny liked everything.

I pulled out for a rest period and David went in a second time. Johnny's ass seemed to open slightly and then it enveloped the huge member. Semen oozed out as the cock slipped in as if there wasn't room in his rectum for his cock and the sperm.

I think Johnny would have gone on forever, but Rusty knew he needed a break. We all showered and cooled down both physically and sexually. We sat naked on the back porch and talked. The storm had cooled the air and it was pleasant.

"I hope we haven't worn you out," David said.

"I'm fine. Do you guys think I'm a slut?" Johnny asked.

"I liked it; you liked it. Where is the problem?" Rusty asked.

"Sex is its own reward," David said. "We are sharing experiences. For years, I jerked off by myself. It was good, or at least as good as I could reasonably expect. I was married, but that wasn't sexually satisfying for me or for my wife. To tell you the truth, I had no idea sex could be as good as it was with Willy and Rusty. Now you have joined our merry band."

"I was afraid you would think I'm trashy," Johnny said.

"I know trashy pretty well," Rusty interjected. "You ain't trashy. I'd describe you as being open to the possibilities." We all laughed.

"Was it too open?" Johnny asked.

"I'm not sure being too open is a possibility," Rusty said. "I knocked on the door; you opened up and let me in. That was nice, but when you gabbed my cock, it got even better. You have one hell of an ass."

"I've never done that before." David said. "It was beautiful to be in you. I had no idea it would be that good."

"Are you joking?"

"Not at all," David replied. "It was lovely, prefect."

"I was too confused to know what was going on. I was like I was on another planet when you fucked me, David," Johnny said. "You guys were good too," he added looking at Rusty and me.

Rusty laughed. "Johnny, don't worry about David and his pal Willie. Every cock is different, and you never know when one will hit the jackpot. The second I saw David's cock touch your hole, I knew you were going to love it. Every inch it slipped in deeper made it even better."

"You sound as if you have made a study!" I said.

"My studies are strictly amateur, but Old Gussy was a pro," Rusty explained. "He was use to cowboys who weren't much into showing emotion. He liked doing some exploring to see if he could get them to give it up and let loose."

"Did he succeed?" Johnny asked.

"Most of the time he did. He figured most men would feel better if they could just enjoy sex without hang-ups or attitude," Rusty said. "Gussy was observant and a good student of human nature. Every man has an on button, and Gussy went looking for it."

"It sounds rather cold and mechanical," Johnny said.

"Nothing that involves the cock is that cold and mechanical," Rusty said. "All three of us fucked you, one after the other. That wasn't cold and mechanical, was it?"

"Not, it was fine. I do feel embarrassed," Johnny said. "You guys were watching."

"We were admiring, not watching," I said. "You and David were like two athletes testing their limits. It was good, but you men need to practice more. Look at David sitting in that chair. Just talking about you gets him hard. "

"Let's do a little experiment," Rusty suggested. "Why don't you take a seat on David's love pole? You just try to stay calm and collected."

"Are you going to make fun of me?" Johnny asked.

"Johnny, we aren't that kind of guys. You must have noticed how much we enjoyed you," Rusty said. "I think you enjoyed us too."

"I may be too big for him," David said. "Once a day is okay with me." in some way both Johnny and David were uneasy and insecure sexually. David wanted to give Johnny an easy way out.

"I wouldn't mind trying David's cock again," Johnny said quietly. "I was confused and disoriented the last time." I had a bottle of lubricant and I coated David's organ. The cool liquid made him harder. It looked even larger coated in the lubricant.

"Straddle him and impale yourself," Rusty instructed. "Try to keep calm, cool and collected." I think Johnny was uneasy, but he did as Rusty asked. Years before I realized most men did what Rusty asked. He was that kind of a man. "Stay calm."

Rusty and I were on each side of Johnny keeping him steady. He gasped when the head popped through the sphincter, but seemed to calm down after that. I think when six inches of David's cock was in, David began to wiggle his hips and moan. An inch or more later, his eyes glazed over. Rusty was nice enough to feel Johnny's his cock. I got on my hands and knees and fucked his cock. The flow of precum turned me on.

All four of us lost our scientific detachment, abandoning all efforts to be calm, cool and collected. I don't know how long we went at it, but eventually I had a mouthful of Johnny's special sauce as David rear loaded him.

When we broke apart, Rusty and I had a hot, make out session. He seemed to like French kissing with a sperm filled mouth. Johnny joined us. He seemed to like the taste of his own seed. I think would have gone on playing, but Johnny had to go. He had an engagement that evening. We went out to dinner that night. I was too tired to cook.

I was worried about Johnny. That was a lot of sex for one day and he was new. Shit, it was a lot of sex for everyone. David was very silent, more silent that normal. I asked him what was wrong.

"I've never fucked a man before," he replied. "It was good, but I'm not sure it was right."

"I looked good to me," Rusty said.

"Do you think Johnny was pretending to like it just to please me?" David asked. "Dorothy said it hurt every time I did it. Johnny must have been pretending."

"As I said before, Dorothy wasn't a reliable sex guide," I said. "She was marching to a different drummer, and I have a suspicion, you weren't actually in her band at all. How often did you do it? I suspected you were behind the bandstand sweeping up the trash."

"David, it's really hard to fake interest in ass sex with men. I would venture to say, it is impossible to do it when you are the fucker," Rusty said. "You may be able to pretend to like a small cock, but I bet most men couldn't begin to take your monster."

"Think it's that big?"

"Shit, I know it's that big," Rusty said. "I'm not a true size queen, but I like looking at it and I loved seeing it in action. Johnny is downright handsome when you've skewered on it. He loved it."

Polaris went over to David and nuzzled him. He wanted to be petted. David did what the dog wanted and David seemed to relax. Life with Dorothy must have been like "Through the Looking Glass." Up was down and down was up in Dorothy's life. David had adapted to her and now that she was dead, he discovered the world was a different place.

It was a brighter, more cheerful and beautiful place, but it still took some time to readjust. While he had a good time with rusty and me, I suspected his trip up Johnny's behind was pleasure of a different order of magnitude. It was completely unexpected and indeed, I assume David hadn't come close to suspecting the intensity of his feelings.

Rusty and I knew Johnny felt the same way, but David didn't. David was so overwhelmed by the sensations his cock felt in the tight warm hole, he couldn't focus on Johnny's reaction. Both men were in unexplored territory. Both men enjoyed it, but were still unsure. I figured a few repeat performances would resolve the problem.

The next day Rusty left for a two-week trip to the Adirondacks. He was going to meet some friends there and camp. He asked if I would mind if he returned to my place afterwards. Of course, that was fine. Rusty's visit had been good for David and me. Rusty was unsure. That surprised me.

Next: Chapter 4

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