David's Gratitude

Published on May 15, 2012


David's Gratitude 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com

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I called the number and it was Lumber Camp Rusty. He had retired and was driving around and seeing the world. He remembered where I came from and he had looked me up in the phone book. There was another William Butler in my town, but my folks named me Willy, not William. He was nearby and and I asked him over the next day.

David was watching me. I wondered if I should have asked him if he minded. I immediately realized that was stupid. It was my house and David was my guest.

"Is he an old friend of yours?" Davis asked.

"He is sort of an old friend," I replied. I told him about meeting Rusty at the lumber camp. "He was my friend then, but I haven't seen or even heard of him in more than twenty years. I don't know if he is still a friend."

"It's funny, our experiences are so different," David said. "I get Christmas cards from college friends, but none of them were pals. I think I was too absorbed in my studies. No one has ever dropped in to see me. My friendships weren't that intense."

I briefly thought David was doing the pathetic, abandoned puppy routine. I then smiled to myself. Whatever one might say about David, calculating was not a part of his make-up. He was simply stating a fact.

I decided to tell him about the real nature of my friendship with Rusty and our relationship with Gussy. "It may sound dumb, but I don't know if he's coming over to say hello or hopes to rekindle some of the old feelings. It was so long ago, it is hard to believe he's still thinking about it."

"It's not hard for me to believe it," David said. "If it was anything like what you and I have done the last two days, I'm sure he would remember it forever."

I smiled at David. "I guess you really liked it?"

He gave me a shocked look and then he smiled. "You are joking? Right?"

"Yes, I was joking. I liked it as much as you did," I replied. "It's been a long time since I've let myself relax and let it all hang out."

"I didn't know it was possible to feel so much," David said. "I feel a bit like Dorothy when she found herself in the Emerald City. That is Red slippers Dorothy, not my wife." He looked at me. "You know I like being with you and what we did, but I don't love you. Do you want that? I don't know if I could do that."

"Would I shock you if I said great sex is enough for me?" I asked.

"Great sex is more than enough for me," he replied. "I was afraid I was deceiving you."

"Rusty and I didn't love each other, we enjoyed each other," I said. "I suspect for 95 % of the time, enjoyment is more than enough for me." David looked relieved. The next morning, David had to go to the insurance agents for a meeting, so he went off. Rusty arrived about fifteen minutes later.

I hadn't seen or heard from Rusty in years, but as soon as he appeared at the door, it was as we were back in the logging camp. Rusty had filled out and now looked a bit like Kenny Rodgers with a ginger beard. He was the same man I remembered. He had worked his way up in the Lumber Company and he recently sold it for a bundle. He was divorced and when we compared notes, we seemed to have married similar women. He was the same, cheerful, somewhat devil-may-care man. He was a hard worker and got a lot done, but it seemed effortless for him.

"You know, Willy, that time at the lumber camp was the best time of my life," Rusty said. "Everything was new and exciting, and old Gussy was there to give us lessons in having fun."

"Is Gussy still alive?" I asked.

"He died six or seven years ago," Rusty explained. "Apparently he died in his sleep with his ass filled with man cream. He died as he lived, keeping the boys happy. He had a long life." We talked as if there hadn't been a long gap in our friendship. He asked me if I played around the way we did with Gussy.

"No, I haven't," I said. "I sure did enjoy it when I was there."

"I loved it," Rusty said. "I was side tracked by my marriage. We had three kids and then she left me with the children. I played mom and pop for years and oddly enough I was good at it. The kids turned out well. When you are working full time and raising kids, it really cuts into your playtime. I would like to get back into the swing of things."

We talked more and then David entered. He was a happy man. He had a check for $300,000.00 in his hand. The insurance company gave him a lump sum settlement. I explained the situation to Rusty. Rusty was a smart man, and somehow I think he knew David was a member of the fraternity. They got along well.

Old Gussy had a knack for finding like spirits in the lumber camp. He seemed to know who was into it and who wasn't. Rusty apparently had the same skill. If a personality could be called magnetic, Rusty had it. David was an up-tight, shy man and was always a bit uneasy socially. Rusty was laid back and relaxed. David relaxed too. We went out to dinner that night. We were three, slightly over the hill men having a good time and then came back to my house for a nightcap.

While I had told David about my adventures with Rusty, Rusty knew nothing about David. They got along well. Rusty said he had to leave. His dog was at the motel and he had to let him out. I asked if he could come back the next day for breakfast. He could bring the dog. He agreed and left.

"I can see why you liked Rusty," David said. "He is a nice guy. I felt at ease with him."

"Rusty has that effect on almost every one," I replied. We went to bed.

Rusty arrived early, as I knew he would. Polaris, his dog was with him. Polaris was a black Labrador with a white star in the middle of his chest. He was slightly reserved. He was only three years old, but Rusty told me the dog liked to check things out before he relaxed.

David slept late and he came in the kitchen wearing only jockey shorts. Rusty did a double take when he saw David's basket. David pretended he hadn't noticed, but he didn't go back to the bedroom to put on shorts. While Polaris was slightly standoffish with me, he took to David immediately. He found the shy man attractive.

After breakfast, I went to work. In the summer, I worked a half day. I went off to the school leaving David, Rusty and Polaris talking. Actually, Polaris was just watching them talk with polite interest. My half days in the summer were just to check things out and deal with any problems that might pop up. I was a salaried full-time employee of the School, but they didn't pay overtime. When school was in session, I was there for every night game and most weekends. The summer schedule made up for some of the 60 hour weeks during the rest of the year.

When I got home for lunch, Rusty and David were still talking in the kitchen. The only difference was that both were naked now. "I see you boys have gotten acquainted?" I said.

"Well Willy, I had some equipment I hadn't used in a while. I dusted it off and we had a trial run to see if it still worked," Rusty explained.

I smiled. "Does it work?" I asked.

"As far as I can tell, it was in tip top condition," David said. We all laughed. David was remarkably relaxed.

"We did have one problem," Rusty said. "David put on a little tableau-vivant of Noah's flood, and I thought I might drown!"

"Remember to breathe and swallow!" I said.

"After that good breakfast of yours, I didn't need the extra protein, but I made the sacrifice," Rusty added. "We've been talking. It seems to me we've been having some pretty boring lives. It's time to kick some things up a notch! We are all free and without attachments."

"I'm not too sure I want to be attached!" I said.

"I'm talking about those attachments that last fifteen minutes to an hour and vanish once you balls are drained," Rusty explained. Rusty was always more direct than I was. I was never comfortable talking about sex. Rusty never had a problem. He was always cheerful and enthusiastic. He use to tell stories at the logging camp that would have been offensive if told by another man, but when Rusty told them you would be rolling on the floor in laughter.

I looked at David to see how he reacted. He was fine. In a small town, a school teacher has a lot of baggage. David had been teaching for years. Everyone was a former pupil, or a parent, so you knew everyone. That makes it a nice small town, but a hard place to find a playmate for a little relief. Rusty had no associations with anyone in town except me.

There was one weakness in Rusty's plan for sexual liberation. He loved to top, and neither David nor I were bottoms. Rusty suggested we go to a bar and see what we could find. David was horrified. It was getting late and I sent David and Rusty off to the Food Lion to get something for dinner.

While there were gone the doorbell rang. I went to answer it and found a found a big, beefy fireman standing there.

"Excuse me, I am looking for David Miller," he said. "I'm Johnny Hughes, the assistant Fire Marshal for the county. I had a report on the fire to give him. We gave it to the insurance company, but I forgot to give him a copy." I looked him over and liked what I saw. When I looked at him, I realized I was doing the same to him. I was wearing shorts and a loose fitting wife beater. He was in pressed uniform trousers, a white shirt and tie. I could not have been sloppier; he couldn't have been neater. I told him David would be back shortly and asked him in. He came in.

"We sent the report directly to the Insurance Company, and I forgot to get it to Mr. Miller first," Johnny said. "That is the wrong way to do it and I hope Mr. Miller won't be too mad."

"Well, David is a very even tempered man," I said. "I doubt it will be a problem. Would you like a beer?"

"I'm on duty until five," he replied.

I noticed he didn't say no. "You don't know Mr. Miller? HeI use to teach at the High School,"

"I'm from Gladstone in Essex County. I just moved here and don't know many folks," Johnny said. "The former fire Marshall here was overly friendly with some of the local developers. They decided to switch them out and bring in men who aren't familiar with the residents."

"I guess that makes some sense," I said. Johnny may have been 30, but he gave the impression he was a younger man. He had a military style haircut and bushy mustache, that I guess was almost too big to meet regulations.

When David and Rusty returned, Johnny had the look of a bear cub that had fallen into a bucket of honey. He seemed like a real straight arrow and I wondered if he admitted to himself that he found men attractive. He gave David the report on the fire. The cause was a squirrel eating the insulation off wiring in the attic. A recent had storm damaged an attic vent. The hole was big enough for the squirrel. The fire was unrelated to the trash, although once the fire got a start, the trash contributed to the intensity. David looked relieved. It was a freak accident; it was not due to Dorothy's "collecting."

Johnny had to go to a meeting that night, but I knew he wanted to stay. He left his card and put his home phone number on it, in case we wanted to get in touch with him.

I told Johnny to, "Stop by if he wanted some garden fresh vegetables. I have more than I can eat." I had a suspicion he didn't do much cooking, but I thought he might like to make a return visit. We had another good dinner, and went to bed.

The three of us barely fit in the bed, but that wasn't a problem. I liked sex and Rusty liked sex. David needed sex. He had years of built up needs and desires. Dorothy had suppressed those needs in her dreary life of complaint and backhanded insults. For years, David was the man who couldn't satisfy her and provide a child. The sperm count problem was a fantasy. She was infertile; David produced man cream by the quart.

David had spectacular orgasms. His entire body shivered and shook as he pumped out sperm through his magnificent organ. I don't think the orgasms were the main sexual attraction for David. I think he was shocked that he could sexually satisfy another person. I am not the most demonstrative man in the world, but compared to Dorothy, I was wildly affectionate. David felt appreciated.

Rusty was demonstrative and affectionate. Everyone appreciated David as a teacher. No one had ever appreciated or even thought of him as a sexual person. That he encountered Rusty and me in two days was a revelation. I had a few revelations too.

Rusty had a taste for man cream. He loved it, and in David he discovered an almost inexhaustible source of the sticky fluid. He liked it when it was spurting Roman Candle style or flooding his mouth. What tured out to be even better for David and me, was his taste for what Rusty called the afterglow.

Technically I would have thought after drool would have been a better term, but Rusty loved coaxing last drips and drops of sperm from my cock. It was incredibly relaxing an erotic. He would lick your cock lollypop style. Sometimes he would induce a late ejaculation. David would sometimes respond with a full-scale orgasm, but just drooled and spurted.

One time, Rusty began to kiss me as David sucked my cock. we went at it big time and damn if David didn't get his first taste of Janitorial High-Test Ball Juice. I should have warned him about what was coming, but I was preoccupied. This was his first mouthful of sperm. David did well, but he didn't swallow. Rusty noticed and he kissed David.

David had a nice hands free orgasm as they shared my cream. He told us he had never had that happen before. I think David was surprised that some overt signs of affection increased the pleasure so significantly. He was shaking after that experience, but he came to terms with it.

Rusty liked going were no man had gone before. He seemed to have a genuine interest in exploring other men's sexual potential. David and I tended to hold back. My dad told me to hold my hand close to my chest and to make sure I never showed my cards. That is good advice for poker, but not for sex. In some ways I thought it was bad to let anyone know how sexually excited I was. It was unmanly.

No one was more a manly or more sex crazed than Rusty. He liked sex and wasn't embarrassed or apologetic at all. He looked for ways to break through my reserve. That task was made easier for him when he moved from the motel to my house. Polaris, the dog, came with him. Polaris was a good dog, affectionate but not a pest. He liked the back yard overlooking my garden. He did not like four legged trespassers in the garden. Deer soon decided to stay away. Groundhogs, rabbits and other pest either stayed away or I would find an animal sacrifice on the back steps.

David was planning to rebuild a house. Rusty had owned a construction company and was really helpful. Everything was good. The only weak part of our new living arrangement was Rusty still wanted to find a top. I had bottomed a few times at the camp, but I thought Rusty was bigger than I could take and I knew David was well beyond my sphincter's capacity.

A week after Rusty moved in, I saw Johnny, our fireman, jogging by my house. It was a Saturday and he wasn't in uniform. He was wearing a tank top and shorts. I was in the garden and called out to him. He came over. My house wasn't on any normal jogging path, so I knew he was there on purpose.

Johnny is a big boy and he was sweating like a pig. While he was blond, he tanned and a thick coat of golden, curly hair covered his body. The sweat matted is hair and the shirt to his body. He wasn't a body builder, but he was in much better shape than I suspected. He would never be a ballet dancer, but he would have been a good man to have on a football team. I gave him some water and we talked.

Rusty and David came out of the house wearing only shorts. This time no one pretended that weren't looking each other over. Everyone seemed to like what he saw. Rusty wasn't exactly forward, but he wasn't shy. His shorts were too small and his equipment was clearly evident. David was wearing my son's gym shorts,. They were polyester, well worn and entirely inadequate to the task of hiding his horse cock.

Johnny shorts were wet and clung to his body. If he had been the only one showing off his equipment he would have been embarrassed. David wouldn't stare, but Rusty looked. Johnny almost did a double take when he saw the outline of David's cock. As he looked up he saw that Rusty had noticed. Rusty smiled and winked. He then licked his lips. Johnny knew the lay of the land.

We wandered around the garden and talked. I hadn't been sure of Johnny, but I decided he was a straight man who liked cock. He responded to masculine men. He wanted to be with them. We were all well endowed with testosterone, as well as the matching physical equipment. Johnny was a small town boy and I guessed his images of gay life were of the effeminate types portrayed in the media. I'm not sure he knew about other gay men, who were just guys.

It was hot and the sun was even hotter. Sweat poured off his body and his shorts clung to his cock. It looked meaty and I was pretty sure it wasn't entirely relaxed. When we returned to the porch, I said I would make some lunch. I went in the house and produced some ham and cheese sandwiches. I got some beer out of the fridge. I hear the porch shower turn on. My guess was that Rusty suggested that they clean up and cool off.

When I returned to the porch, they were all clean and naked. "I told Johnny the dress code here was informal," Rusty said. I put the food on the table and stripped off my shorts.

"It is all boys here," I said. "My Momma always said, "A smile on the face is perfect for every occasion." I don't think she envisioned this exact occasion, but good attitude is enough for my house." The sandwiches vanished in seconds. Johnny volunteered to help me make a second batch.

"I've never been naked outside before,' he whispered.

"Are you embarrassed? Offended?"

"It was strange at first, but I'm okay now," Johnny replied. "You guys must be use to it." He paused. "I'm afraid I might show hard. It's hard for me to control my cock."

I smiled. "It's hard for every man to control his cock some times. Don't worry," I said. I decided to clue him in. He was excited and was afraid they might find out his sexual interests. I figured if I told he we liked man play, he would either relax and join in or leave.

"Let me tell you something, Johnny. For David, Rusty and me a cock isn't just your piss drain, it our favorite toy. If you showed hard, we would want to play with it, not laugh at you."

"You guys don't look gay," he said.

"You don't look gay either," I said. "It takes all kinds. I like sex with men, but not the flower arranging part of gay life."

Johnny laughed nervously. "That sounds like me. Too tell you the truth, it's what I think about, but don't have the nerve to do. I've never really don it."

"Have you sort of done it? Like with old pals or at the rest stops?" I asked. He nodded.

"It's different when you are with nice guys and there is to chance of anyone walking in on you," I said. "I remember those quick blowjobs behind the bushes in the rest stop. They were exciting, but nothing like what Rusty, Dave and I can work up. Let's take the sandwiches out to the boys."

"I'm hard," Johnny murmured.

"That is not going to be a problem," I replied.

Next: Chapter 3

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