David's Gratitude

Published on Oct 3, 2012


David's Gratitude 10

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com

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Clarence was a happy man when he left my house that afternoon. He had learned how to enjoy himself and also was at peace with himself. He had some new friends and a new approach to life. Perhaps that is an overly grand way to say it, but it good when a middle-aged man finds himself.

He called me a week a later and asked if he could come by. Of course, I said yes. "I have a friend who would like to meet you guys," Clarence said. "I told him what it was like."

"He is interested?"

"He's a nice man, but shy. He didn't believe me at first. I got him to drop is pants and I sucked him," Clarence said. "He liked that a lot. He shot off quickly and I took it. He was almost crying it was so good."

"You know just how good it can be, don't you?" I said.

"His name is Al, he's a bachelor farmer like me," Clarence said. "He asked if he had to suck me. I told him it would be nice and polite to do it. He was a little uneasy at first, but after a minute or two, he loved it. I mean he really loved it." We talked a little longer and I said David and I were interested.

Clarence and Al came by at 2:00 Saturday afternoon. They brought one more man with them, Al's cousin, Mel. If shyness was an Olympic sport, Al and Mel could have won a gold medal. They would barely talk. Fortunately, the sex drive is powerful force and it overcame the men's reserve.

David was good with shy men. As a schoolteacher, he encountered many students who were unwilling to speak in class. He could adopt a Mr. Rodger's like mildness to encourage them to participate. He wasn't aggressive at all, but somehow his relaxed attitude spread to Al and Mel.

The two men were farmers, like Clarence, and they both stayed on the family farm. They were classic, good sons, who stayed home with Mom and Dad. Their brothers and sister had moved away and had a life. Al and Mel had their parents' life. Al's mother was in a home, the others were dead.

Mel had completed high school, but Al dropped out to help his folks. Al was big, six-four and well over 250 pounds. Mel was over six feet tall, and he looked strong. Both had large farms and did most of the work themselves. Farm hands were rare these days.

David surprised me and was able to talk about farming. We showed them the veritable garden. The farmers were impressed. We were townies, but we knew how to grow things. We had a beer on the back porch, overlooking the garden.

Once they relaxed, lust reared its head. The beers were helpful, as was David's mellow approach to the men. He got the ball rolling.

"I think Clarence told you that we had some fun a week ago," David said. "Am I right in thinking you want to join us?"

The two men were silent.

"I can see you are uneasy about this, and I understand. I was a schoolteacher and I couldn't imagine have a sex life. Unfortunately, I was married and that didn't help. I was one of those who saved himself for marriage and the married a woman who was revolted at the thought of sex with a man," he explained. "In some ways you could say I played by the rules my parents told me and it didn't result in a good life. I was wondering if you men have had the same experiences?"

They remained quiet, then Al spoke up. "Well, it was sort of like that, but I never got married. My Mom thought it was important that I marry the right woman, but no one was good enough. I never got to know or even meet many women."

"I don't know if I'm going to like it," Mel said.

"We are all here together. We're all adults. If you don't want to try something new, that is not a problem." David said. "Let's go to the bedroom and get comfortable. We can see what happens and go with the flow.

In the bedroom, David asked if anyone would like to shower. Mel took him up on the offer. I think a shower gave him an excuse for being naked. David took him in the bathroom and shut the door. David had plans. I was with Clarence and Al.

"I've never been naked with men before," Al said. "It's embarrassing. David's cock is huge. I feel like a dwarf."

I smiled at him. "You have nothing to be embarrassed about. When I first saw his cock, I was impressed. David thought it was a deformity, birth defect."

"I'd like a birth defect like that!" Al remarked.

"We are as just as naked as you are," I said. "If your cock works the same way Clarence and my cocks do, we are going to have a good time."

"I shoot off really fast," Al whispered.

"How many times can you shoot off?" I asked.

"I don't know," he replied.

"Maybe in an hour or so, you will know," I said. "I'll keep count, if you are too preoccupied to keep score."

Al looked at me, and then smiled. "That's a deal!"

I put my arm around his shoulder and cupped his equipment with my other hand. He jumped a little. Clarence came over and we formed a tight group.

"Al is my best friend," Clarence said.

"We're all going to be good friends," I said as I dropped to the floor. I put a hand on each man's ass and then pushed the men closer. Soon they were erection to erection. I licked the undersides of their cock heads where the foreskin connects to the head. It was very tender. Al shivered in excitement. I then licked the cock head and the slits.

"Don't do that, I'm dripping," Al whispered.

"Cock juices are the food of the gods," I said. "Relax and let it flow." Much to my surprise, Al relaxed. I licked a little longer and then stood up. As I hoped, Clarence dropped to the floor and sucked Al and me. He copied what I had just done.

"How are you doing Al?" I whispered to him.

"I can believe I am doing this."

"Is it good?" I asked. He nodded. "We are all nice guys and we all like the same things. Just relax and enjoy."

David and Mel joined us after their shower. Both men were erect and Mel was smiling. I am embarrassed to say it, but when I am with naked men, I tend to look at the cock first. I now had a chance to look at both men. Both were average looking guys, but they were more masculine than handsome. Al was clean-shaven and muscular. He had a hairy chest and a treasure trail to his pubic hair. He possessed an average cock with a distinctly above average cock head.

Mel was beefier. I assumed he was fat, but he was solid. He had the look of and 19th century boxer. You could tell he had never set foot in a gym, but he did a lot of heavy, physical work. He was bald with a brown beard that was streaked with white. The center of his hairy chest was which graded to brown. He also had the hairiest back I had seen on a man. He had a fire plug shaped cock, stubby and short.

Once we made genital contact, they relaxed. They were willing to be sucked and soon they were sucking. Al went for David with enthusiasm. Mel sucked me, gingerly at first. Cal sucked Mel and Mel became more energetic.

I realized Mel was Al's friend and no relationship with Cal. Both men were unexplored territory and both enjoyed it.

After, about fifteen minutes, the three men relaxed and began to enjoy the sexual adventure. They weren't adventurous or daring. After their conventional lives, this was a great departure. Fortunately, men's genitals are more adaptable then men's minds. If your cock is happy, you are happy. It seems your body follows your cock lead.

I think they were worried they were going to be embarrassed or humiliated. We made it through fifteen minutes of cock sucking and ball licking without any lightening strikes, or direct intervention by god. They were relieved and ready for more. There was a good chance that our fifteen minutes of intense cock play was ten or twelve minutes more than they had experienced before.

Cal, Al and Mel weren't emotional powerhouses. They were shy, reserved, and not demonstrative. I understood men like that; I was one of them. Their cocks and balls weren't reserved. Once we got going, they took over. Mel was downright messy. He dripped, oozed and drooled nonstop. At first, he was embarrassed, but soon the sensations were so good he didn't care.

This was a big step for them, but they had hardly scraped the surface of their sexual potential. During a break, we had a chance to cool off and talk. Mel was the shyest man in the group, but he was more adventuresome than the others were. I asked them if there was anything they wanted to try out. I said David and I were flexible and accommodating.

"Do you mean you fuck?" Mel asked. "I've seen animals doing it, but have never done it myself. Do men enjoy that sort of thing?"

David was in his best Mr. Rodger's mode. He explained he normally topped and the men he had been with seemed to enjoy it a lot. "Willy is a good bottom," he added.

I was taken aback by that comment. I never thought of myself as a good bottom. I admit I am a good sport, but that was all. Clarence, Mel and Al's cocks all seemed to twitch at that comment. I liked that, as did my cock. As my cock grew, their organs also expanded.

I had said we were accommodating, but it was time for me to put my ass where my mouth was. I do get charitable urges once and a while. I don't mind helping men in need. The men looked needy and I could tell they were hoping they might get lucky. They were so shy I wondered if David and I might be pushing their sexual education too far. David was a teacher and I knew he was known for getting his students to excel.

Al was up for it, so I lubricated my ass as David greased his cock. I was on the bed and Al put my legs on his shoulders. He pushed gently, too gently to get in. His big cock head needed more force to pop through my sphincter. David added more lubricant and on the third try, he was in.

His cock head was bigger than I thought and his shaft was thinner. It felt as if a little mouse was frolicking in my rectum. He didn't get to play for long. Nature took its course and he shot off quickly.

When he pulled out, Mel was ready. I hoped I was open enough for his thick organ. His cock was shaped like a chunky dill pickle. It tapered toward his head, so it eased in without effort. Mel was the shyest of the trio, but having his friend shoot off in me, seemed to relax him. His cock tapered toward his body, so the thick part of the organ rubbed my prostate.

"It's better than your mouth!" Mel moaned. I squeezed my sphincter. He moaned again. "I can't hold back," he cried.

"Don't worry, Willy likes it. Just let things flow!" David said. "We're all men here. We all know what feels good!" Once Mel knew it was all right to shoot off, he relaxed and spent a good ten minutes exploring my ass. Cal was happy sucking David.

It was a remarkable transition. It wasn't just that they had tried man sex; they enjoyed it. Of course, you might say, "What's not to like about sex," but that is not true. These adult men had spent most of their lives avoiding sex of any sort. Gay sex was well beyond their comfort zone.

Thyme had a new comfort zone. It happened to be in my ass, but they had both plowed and seeded me. They were ready for more. David was happy. He was always pleased when his pupils did well. He also liked to top, and I wondered if he was satisfied with the afternoon's play.

We all showered and then returned to the bedroom. The doorbell rang. I looked out the window and saw it was Johnny. I let him in. When he saw I was naked he asked, "Have I interrupted something?"

"Well, you have either interrupted something or you are about to join in," I said. "Are you in a playful mood?" Johnny's eyes sparked as we went towards the bedroom. He was half-naked by the time we got there.

Al and Mel were surprised, but adapted well. Johnny was much younger than they were and they liked that. Johnny was always polite, but he soon gravitated toward David. Johnny liked them big. The new men soon discovered what David could do with his monster dong. It's good when you can combine a deeply erotic experience with an educational demonstration.

Once David was in Johnny's ass, Johnny lost any reserved he might have. He loved it and wasn't afraid if everyone knew it. That was inspirational to Al and Mel. They realized it was possible to enjoy sex and admit it. Johnny was a good-looking man and he wasn't afraid to admit he like it. Our little party wound down and our guests left.

"Do you think they will come back?" David asked. "This all may have been too intense for them. It was a lot for their introduction to man sex."

"I think they were okay," I said. "When they get home, they will either have an attack of guilt, or they will want more."

David smiled. "I'd put my money on both feeling guilty and wanting to do it again." David was right about that.

A few days later Al called me. He wanted to get together again and me to his hunting camp that weekend. Al told me he wanted us to do something for him. I asked him what he wanted.

"I want to try some new things," he whispered. "I don't want the other guys to know. I watched you enjoy it as you were fucked. I want to know what it feels like."

I arrived at his camp Saturday morning. It sat on the edge of a small clearing and had a beautiful view. The camp itself was rustic but attractive. Al was a whittler, and his wood sculptures filled the place. He was nervous, so I asked if he was positive that he wanted to take it in the ass.

Al gave me a crooked smile. "I guess you could say I'm really curious, but uneasy," he said. "You seemed to like mine. I don't think David's would fit."

We stripped and I soon realized he was excited and eager to learn. I sucked his cock and soon massaged his hole. He jumped a little when my finger touched his ass, but he relaxed. I brought some lubricant and put it on my finger. He opened some. I slipped it though the sphincter.

"Are you sure you want to take my cock?" I asked. "Have you thought about taking anyone else's cock?"

"Is it better than sucking?" he asked. "I liked that. I like it a lot." At that moment, my finger touched his prostate, and Al knew the answer. We stopped talking as I massaged the tender organ. I spent almost ten minutes working over his prostate.

"Fuck me, please fuck me!" Al begged. At first, fingering his ass was exciting. Now it was a tease. He wanted the real thing. I lubricated my cock and put his legs on my shoulders. I thrust my cock into his pucker, but he resisted.

I pinched his tits and he opened wide. I was in and my pubic hairs tickled his sphincter. When I let go of his tits his ass clamped tightly on my cock. I alternated hard thrusts with a gentle pumping motion. Everything was good for Al. He was a natural bottom. Once and a while it was too much for him and I stopped.

"Is this what you expected?" I asked during the lull.

"It's good, almost too good," Al whimpered. "It's too much."

"I remember the feeling. I could believe how good it was when I first did it," I said. "I asked my playmate to pull out and he did. A second later, I was begging him to fuck me again."

"Are you going to shoot in me?" he asked.

"You liked shooting off in me?" I asked.

"I didn't know I was that close," Al replied. "It felt wonderful and suddenly I was squirting! I never had an orgasm that good before. It was beautiful." He paused. "I'm uneasy about cum."

I began to pound him again. When I felt my sperm rising, I pulled out and shot it all over Al's torso. As my semen splattered on him, he let loose. Cum splattered everywhere. We both collapsed on the bed, exhausted.

We rested and then went at it again. This time I did him doggy style. That too was a success. His ass was receptive but firm. He was more relaxed and I went deeper. He would squeeze tight to keep my cock in him. When I pulled out, I sucked him for a while. He was much more relaxed that at our previous meeting. He warned me he was about to shoot. I told him to relax and let things flow.

He had an impressive orgasm, but when I continued to suck after the main event, he continued to have intermittent ejaculations. Al was almost asleep, but he would twitch and let lose a volley. Eventually he went soft, but his balls still needed draining. I was patient and he shot off again. I dressed to go home.

"Al, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?"

"No, not at all," he said.

"Is your interest in being fucked simply a general desire, or are you hoping to be fucked by a specific person?" I asked.

"Mel is my oldest friend," he said. "I'd like to take his seed. He wouldn't have to take mine." He was silent for a minute. I had the feeling he hadn't admitted to himself who much he loved Mel.

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