David the Sailor

By Michael Tull

Published on Jul 27, 2010


We drove into the night escaping from the lawman protecting innocence of a deserted midnight beach front. I was still breathless with the lust that David had awoken in my 18 year old virginal self. In the last hour David went from being the sailor friend of my classmates to my own personal heroin, I had instantly become addicted to this man with the skin of alabaster dusted with ginger red hair, eyes of an angel with the affectation of the devil shown in his hairline and beard.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"A place I know." he said. He turned from the lake road on to the highway, speeding away from town. He suddenly turned on to a dirt trail barreling over a cattle guard and through a thick grove of trees. A few feet before us was an abandoned farm house. The moonlight lit its facade winking reflected light from a second story window.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"I grew up here."

"You grew up in an abandoned farm house?"

"Well it wasn't abandoned then. When my grandmother died my father sold the farm and the new owners didn't need the house. They tried to sell the house by itself but no one wanted it so now it just sits." He pulled around behind the house and parked. "Come on. We aren't likely to be disturbed here." he took my hand and kissed my palm. Like a Jane Austen heroine, I swooned. He opened his door and stood outside the truck and I watched him walk up to the house with his shirt in his hand. His pale back rippled with muscles as he stood waiting for me to follow him. I stumbled out of the truck and tripped over my feet as I walked toward my new master. He smiled, his blue angel eyes sparkled in the moonlight between his devilish beard and flaming hair. My virginal lust was renewed as I looked at him standing framed by the sun bleached kitchen door.

"Come on." he said. "I won't bite. Much." he smiled fiendishly and pushed open the weathered door with his muscular shoulder. I followed obediently. We meandiered through the kitchen and what must have been the dining room.

"And this is the parlor." David said with an expansive gesture as if he were the model showing off the game show grand prize.

It had been a beautiful room once. Wood floor, a stone fireplace and a thick cedar plank mantle, huge picture window and a flight of stairs were all ghostly reminders of the rural luxury of this room.

"Oh shit, wait here." David said as he sprinted out of the room. I meandered to the window and looked out into the night. The yard was a dusty blue green and overgrown with wild flowers and ivy. I imagined children playing in the yard, and grandparents looking over them fanning the heat of the day away.

"My Grandmother loved this window." David said in a soft sexy growl as he walked up beside me. "The front yard was hers. She called it an English garden, Grandpa called it weeds. We played in the back. As kids we were not allowed in this room or the front yard because those were Grandmother's." I turned to look at David and he was staring at me. "You are beautiful." David said traced my jaw with the back of the fingers of his left hand. "so beautiful."

"You are embarrassing me." I turned away.

"How can you be embarrassed by the truth?" David said to my silence. "Come here," he commanded silently. He took my arm and pulled me into an embrace. I melted into him, my skin tingled where it touched his. My mouth effortlessly found his in an intoxicating kiss. He grabbed my head and held me tightly, I wrapped my arms around him and my fingers found the waste band of his jeans. I breathed his breath, I tasted his essence. His beard tickled my nose and scratched my chin. My cock quickened.

After what felt like a thousand lifetimes we broke our kiss and David grunted, "come here. I am sorry I ran out earlier, I didn't want to sit on the dusty floor."

"And the box is..." I said.

"Oh, well that is for later." he said sheepishly. I wondered to myself what that could mean and was all at once frightened and excited. The pale moonlight filtered into the room through the dusty windows and fell on David's skin, and just like the car he seemed to glow. He stood in front of me wearing only bluejeans and socks. I had never been so turned on.

"It doesn't seem quite fair. Me being half naked and you all dressed and stuff."

"Oh, but why should I take my clothes off." I affected a southern belle accent and finished by saying, "Mama told me that boys like you only want one thing, to make girls like me pregnant and then just leave me lonely."

"That is two things."

"Mama never could count."

David walked over to me started to un-tuck my shirt and pull it over my head. I stood there as if I were a helpless child who needed his mama to undress him. The night air was cool on my newly exposed skin. The moonlight made my farmers tan more pronounced and that made me self conscious. David stepped close and kissed my shoulder and ran his tongue down my chest to my nipple. What did this man have over me, his touch was like electricity. As he nibbled on my nipple his hands traveled down my back to my ass. He kneaded my butt like it was dough proofing for the oven. His mouth traveled down from my nipple to my belly.

"I believe that I have found the trail to a treasure." he sang lightly and he started to pull at the hairs of my lower abdomen with his teeth. He was now fully kneeling before me, he looked up and me with his face inches away from my body, staring into my eyes he popped the top button of my blue jeans, then the next and the next until my BVD's were fully exposed and barely holding my diamond hard cock. I was breathing shallowly and was desperately anticipating his next move. David pulled my pants down to my knees and nipped at my cock through the thin fabric of my underwear. I felt his fingers slip into the band of my BVDs and slowly pull them down. As my underwear inched down my ass David held my cock in his mouth through the fabric. Like a child at Christmas he could no longer wait and he ripped down my underwear and my cock sprung out like a spring and he pounced on it. The feeling of his mouth and teeth on my cock was mind bending. I could not catch my breath as he suckled my dick. He grabbed my cock with his left hand and licked the underside of my dick, then circled the head with his hot tongue. He darted his tongue into my piss hole as he reached up with his right hand to fondle my balls. My knees weakened with this additional sensation.

"Oh my Jesus," I cried.

Encouraged by my cry he licked my cock like a melting ice cream and caressed my balls. His fingers crept back to my asshole, he spat on his fingers and shoved them up my ass and again my knees buckled and I cried to any diety who would listen begging this experience to never end but it was only a matter of seconds that I felt my orgasm begin to tingle in my toes. I could feel it drawing energy from my extremeties and travel to my core. It was as if David were sucking energy from me. The room faded into darkness. I could no longer feel anything but my dick and my ass as I floated in darkness. Suddenly my cock exploded like a supernova.

I woke moments later, standing in the same place I had been before breathing heavy and clutching onto David's fiery red hair.

"Oh my God," I said. "Oh my fucking God, I have never experienced that before, ever."

"Your cum tastes so good, like berries and cream." David said licking his lips.

"You said I would be easy to love, shit man if I was straight I am as crooked as they come, you just fucking sucked me out of the closet."

David laughed.

"I don't want to be done." I said.

"Don't worry you are not."

Next: Chapter 3

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