David the Sailor

By Michael Tull

Published on Jul 21, 2010


This is the first in a series, let me know what you think as the story continues.


"I know that you're straight and all," David said intently looking into my eyes. "but you would be really easy to fall in love with."

We were sitting in his pickup truck near lake Texhoma. I was a college freshman at a university near by and he was a sailor passing through on his way to deployment to the gulf.

"Do you say that to make me feel better, or so that you would feel better?" I asked.

I met David less than 24 hours before at a Halloween party held at one of my classmate's house. Halloween parties at a drama students house is... well for a freshman it was quite an eye-opener I wore my letterman jacket popped my polo shirt collar and said I was Tom Cruise from Risky Business. David was dressed as a bedside table complete with a porno magazine and a box of tissue.

"I said it because I mean it." David said with a sober look on his face. The moonlight lit his pale skin like a romantic movie. His red hair flamed on from his forehead like a rock star while his beard flowed from ear to chin like a back draft. He was at once a devil and angel and his earnest stare awoke in me a desire that I had never before felt. I was only 18 and new nothing of love or sex with man or woman. I was straight because when I was asked by anyone if I was gay, I said no. They never asked me what I thought about when I masturbated. Now as I was the object of this fallen angel's affection.

"I don't want to be a war bride." I quipped.


"You are going away, being shipped away to the Gulf to fight in a war. Do you want me to profess my love for you and wait for your return? Or do you want to fuck me?"

"Well, I want to fuck you and then I want you to profess your undying love for me so that you are waiting on the dock when I return."

"So, you make me gay and then leave me to suffer the local Baptists while you go fight and become a hero?."

"Pretty much. But it would be OK if we just fucked. I can make you fall in love with me when I get home."

"But I am straight." I said very innocently.

"Are you?" he said as he reached out to my arm and pulled me toward him.

"I don't know what I am." I said as much to myself as to him, as I allowed myself to be pulled toward him on the bench seat. I looked into his eyes and they were the color of a swimming pool at noon on a hot summer day. I dove into them and the night around me faded as I became intoxicated by the smell of his skin, a moist mixture of sweat, earth, and his natural musk. I leaned toward his open lips and felt my lips encompassed by the sweetness of his breath, the taste of beer, cigarettes, and juicy fruit gum. As I breathed him and tasted him and felt his lips slip against mine I discovered what the fuss of lust was about. I was drunk on David, I was high on David I was addicted as sure as any heroin addict.

My hands, as if on an automatic program, grabbed at his chest and pushed up his plain white t shirt to expose the flaming thick red hair on his chest. He pushed me backwards in an agonizing adjustment. My body now prone on the seat of the pickup and soon he was bending down on me like a vampire and he began to bite and suckle on my neck, the nibbles sent shock waves to my cock which throbbed against my tight blue jeans.

"I want you so much." he said with a throaty growl of lust. He lifted up and I watched him lift his t shirt above his head his milky skin seemed to glow under the strawberry froth of his chest hair. He stood on his knees, one between my hip and the truck seat and the other nestled next to my cock leading my every move an erotic frottage. It was at that moment that I gained an appreciation for the erotic nature of blue jeans. They gapped slightly at the waist and cupped him and wrapped his masculine package as any parcel worth delivery. The air left me as I objectified the subject of my lust. The fire in his eyes suddenly as his skin began to reflect red and blue lights.

"Shit, Fuck." he exclaimed as he turned to the wheel and the engine of his truck roared into life. Dazed by the sudden change in the mood of the moment I sat up and saw in the receding distance a state park ranger with cherry lights blazing.

More to come.

Next: Chapter 2

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