David Lifeguard


Published on Jun 3, 2002


My Cape Cod off-and-on sex playmate had the idea of staying in touch winters. But Cambridge, Mass is at least a 5-hour haul north from New York City. And I was real busy teaching fulltime, Fall and Spring, at the University.

Still the idea appealed to me--of seeing David in the winter up in historic, romantic Boston, where I think T-shirts and Sneakers and Youth were all invented.

I phoned Dave from N.Y. at his dorm-actually, a large house on old Boston street I had already sent him by regular mail some nude Polaroids of myself, which, he said,. "Came in handy now and then." Actually some had been taken by one of my hottest grocery delivery guys-a kid about 18, with a super build and a big tool, who loved to fuck whenever he brought groceries to my apartment. (What the operator on the freight elevator in my apt bldg thought about how long this delivery guy stayed in my apartment after coming up to my floor, God only knows!!)

Luckily, although the dorm house-phone was shared by umpteen other 20 y/olds, I got Dave first crack out of the bat-6-ish on a Thursday before the weekend. It was so hot to hear him say, "Please come up, Al. I"ll even break a date this weekend if you do." He meant a date with his current g.f.

Well, with that invite, who could say no? I told him I'd take him out to dinner, then we could go over to the nearby Holiday Inn and throw down a couple of "our" Scotch or Bourbon highballs. He almost exploded with joy over the phone at that prospect.

So, I made this date with him that, I confess, kept me totally on edge the next two days--and the whole 5 hrs. or so on the road up to Boston. I was to meet him at 6 p.m. sharp in Harvard Square. Fine. But it was snowing like hell, it being end of November. What if he couldn't make it for some reason? After I had driven all that distance!! Though I had doublechecked a second time with him by phone to "reconfirm." It would still be a very long trip, after all. We'd be out of touch while I was driving up (no cellular phone). I guess I'm notorious for fretting.

So, I wind through the crowded streets of Boston near Rush Hour feeling my way to Harvard Square in almost blinding, wet thick snow. I had been there only once before couple years ago. Luckily, I was on time, even with about 20 min to spare, in fact, which gave me a really comfortable feeling. But it had been a long trip, and here I am in faraway Boston, and what if he wasn't there? What the hell would I do in Boston all evening and night? Well, there was "Sporter's," a gay bar with pool tables. Since I don't like gay bars but like shooting pool, that would be do-able, I thought. Eating alone in an out-of-town restaurant wouldn't be too cool, though.

Well, so I go circling around Harvard Square in blinding snow about 10 min to 6, about an inch of snow on the ground by then and still coming down In Corn Flake-size blobs.. Hard to see through the windshield wipers on my VW Beetle, but I could at least make out people standing near the newsstand and bus stop.

My GOD! I almost shouted to myself. THERE HE IS!

All bundled up in the cold, big, long black and white scarf wrapped around his neck and partly hanging down from his broad shoulders, bareheaded, his blond hair powdered with snow with him looking like he was shivering, even in his fur coat with the collar turned up! He later told me that it was a borrowed fur coat. It sure looked great on him!

Rolling down the window I shouted, but he had already spotted the car and me and was sort of slipperily, carefully but quickly shuffling in the snow to the passenger side of the front seat. In a second, he had popped into the car and we both clasped and slapped each other's thighs and started laughing like hell! Just why we laughed so hard like that, I don't know. Maybe it was the mutual excitement of it alkl. Me, I was laughing out of sheer joy-that long trip and there he was, one of my favorites of all time!! So goddamned loyal. Always reliable. A loving person in his way (though, you know, we never kissed, even in the hot middle of things in bed?? Never.). I loved him for that loyalty of his. (Always will love him in general, in fact, but he probably doesn't know that, or does he? When he himself fantasizes now several years later? Well, I'll bet he does remember a lot of things.Maybe evben what I'm telling about although he's now married, etc..)

I drove over to the nearby Holiday Inn and checked in-room with a single wide bed--then we quickly left to go out to dinner.

"Al, I have to be back at the dorm before midnight, OK?" David said.

"Sure, no problem. I'll make sure that you are." I was little disappointed to hear that but that was the rule at his house. (The following year, that rule no longer held-at least, not for him!)

It was a very memorable dinner. Candlelight, our pre-dinner drinks and endless conversation. Dave would tell one story after the other-about school, about parties, about the Cape. I loved to hear him talk and he loved to see me listening to him while telling him about my own thoughts and activities. Dave sort of admired me, I mean quite aside from everything else, which made me feel good. I think deep down he felt toward me like a younger brother. Which also gave me a real high. I have two old bros. Always wanted a younger one. So, I mean with us it wasn't just sex. Or if it was, it was sex mixed with other non-sex elements in our relationship which were mutual catalysts to each other, and made us feel all that sexier toward each oiher when it came to being in bed w/each other. If this makes sense (?).

Our dinner over and after a couple of cups of coffee, we drove back in the by-now deep snow to the H.I. Once in the room I cracked open a pint of Scotch from my overnight bag while Dave went out in the hall for ice.

We chatted and sipped our highballs, our room TV showing some movie or other with the sound off. Then I told Dave that I was going to shower. All that time on the road and all. " `Cuse." I said, dashing off to the shower and the sexy, overhead orange bathroom heat-lights with the dimmer that always flatter your nude bod. Heh heh.

As I emerged from my shower with only a towel wrapped around me, I was startled, somehow, to see that Dave had already totally undressed and was under a sheet on the wide bed. And, also surprisingly, he said: "Al, just stand there for a minute, OK?" The sheet showed the moving contours of his hand stroking his cock. Then he asked, sort of excitedly and slowly, "And..take off. that.towel!"

All this, as I say, sort of surprised me since D. was not that "open" about sex, and here I was doing a striptease for him. Well, I didn't mind!

Then into bed w/him.

The sex was wild! He said he wanted me to "teach" him "everything." But then he improvised and proceeded to teach me a few tricks-mutual rimming of our holes, for instance, which I had never done before.The first round of sex ended with 69 amid much body feeling.

The time flew by, then in a half hour or so we had another orgasm-hot, mutual jacking. Then, almosyt midnight, it was time to return him to his dorm. We were both feeling elated, a "sexual high," after it was over, like it had been a "first" for both of us in certain sexual ways, and for both of us in the same bed for a length of time. Our previous sessions had been catch-as-catch-can things in the woods or wherever

I drew up in the car, on D.'s instructions, a discreet half-block from the big house on the quaint, old street with the big mansions, the snow covering the roofs and trees so it a;; looked like a Christmas card.

"God, that was cool, Al!" Dave said turning to me with his gloved hand on the car door latch "Thanks, man, for everything! It was great! All of it!"

"You still have those pix I sent you?" I asked.

"Yep. Look at `em a lot.Well, gotta go. Bye, Al!" He grasped my thigh.

Watching him bound off in the snow on that romantic evening left me with such a warm spot in the pit of my guts.

It also left me in Boston for the rest of the nigh! So, I went to "Sporter's" to shoot some pool. I got cruised some. It was a fun evening all `round. And, yup, back at ther H.I. I jacked off again in bed-the smell of him and us still on the sheets.thinking about David and what we did earlier that evening, while also thinking, maybe he's doing the same thing in his bed in the dorm right now!

Next day, it was up early. The drive back down to N.Y. went unusually fast, like my fleeting thoughts and memories of the preceding night.My cock, pleasantly sore, hardened again off and on as I was driving.There was even pre-cum.


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