Daves Domination

By David Gibson

Published on Oct 29, 2003


This is the 10th story and contains scenes that did not happen in real life, well not all of them. Please do not read further if offended by graphic descriptions or gay dominant sex and other scenes that typify man's domination of others

I plan this to be the last but one and would welcome suggestions for scenes I can write into the last one with names you would like me to use. No promises but I will try to please. I am a sub bottom guy and think I know what I am describing but need input from a top (in a literary sense I mean!!).

Dave's 10th domination. The penultimate in the series

I was devastated to have found out that Jamie had been taken from me even though I did not own him and had no right to feel that way. I felt, in a way, betrayed by my masters but the conflict of emotions churning inside my nearly 14 year old body was perhaps understandable with what I know now.

I think I must have shown this and it was not until the evening that I was used but I was very unresponsive and I suppose that was the only way I could protest at Jamie's harsh treatment. The next day, Thursday, Craig told me that Ramone was coming back on Friday and when I asked if Jamie would be with him he replied "Well he won't come back alone will he"

I knew better than to ask any further.

"It is about time we got some service here" Tony said grabbing at his soft cock through his shorts.

There were a chorus of yes's from several other men

"You had it easy yesterday but some of us left you alone and we need it real bad today.

"Let's get Breakfast and we can give Dave his whilst we eat.

An improvised Breakfast bar was set up with a high trestle table on two wooden stands that 6 guys could stand against each side and I was instructed to kneel underneath and start at the one end and work each in turn.

"Don't waste time lets see how quick you can finish them all"

The first 6 inch uncut cock slid into my mouth and I massaged with my tongue and lips and he blew his load in less than 30 seconds. I swallowed and turned to the 8 inches to my left and began to devour it. He had not cum in two days and he took less than the first with a massive torrent of cum that I had to swallow 3 times to get it all. It took me less than 10 minutes to do all 12 and my stomach was full of cum.

"That has to be a record" said James

"Some of us have not had time to finish eating " joked another

"Dave must be very hungry," said Craig as another 6 guys stood at the breakfast bar with their plates and forks.

"Get a move on" barked James

He was first in line and I took 8 of his 12 inches into my mouth and he moaned, dropped his fork and grabbed hold of my head forcing as much in me as possible. He face fucked me for about a minute before he fired volley after volley down my throat and into my already full stomach.

"5 more to go" he said pulling out of my mouth

"I can't do any more I feel sick" I pleaded

James grabbed hold of my hair and jerked my head back so I was looking at him.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY" he shouted right in my face.

"Sorry sir I will do them but I don't feel well" I murmured.

He slapped the side of my face hard so I fell to the floor.

"get him up and spread his legs"

"Time for the ball rings again"

"No please I will do anything but............"

My left testicle was being forced through this tiny half inch ball ring and the pain froze my body but left me quivering uncontrollably. The right one was fitted and I screamed in pain.

"back on your knees and finish us off" I was told

I did not feel sick any more at least but I wanted to curl up and nurse my balls.

I finished off the other 5 and was so full of mancum that I began to feel sick again and hoped that the other 20 guys in the camp did not want the same. It sounds selfish but with Jamie there we shared the load.....or loads.

One of them asked Craig if they could put me in the sling.

"not yet the batteries on the camera's have not finished charging" he replied

"But I have got a real need to empty a load"

"use his mouth then" said Craig

"I want to fuck him now"

"Wait for another hour and we can get some good shots of you forcing your 9 inches into his dry hole" replied Craig

"Won't stay dry for long" said Mike one of the others waiting for me to be strapped into the sling.

The next hour went very slowly as the ones yet to have me were feeling my body and my ass building themselves up to a big finish.

"Batteries charged now" said Craig and I was rapidly carried and strapped into the sling with the camera's going and a 9 inch cock being pushed into me without any lube at all. I could not help but cry out, as my ass ring was being pulled, pushed and stretched with every thrust.

"Fuck the bitch hard" said one of the guys "I have a big load to fill it with next"

"Why wait" said Craig

The sling was adjusted so I was upright and staring the guy in the face and my legs were wide apart with my hole exposed as the guy who called me a bitch positioned himself behind me and began to push his 9 inches to join the other one. Luckily I was lubed by a little precum by then and my scream was stifled with a pair of soiled pants.

They were Jamie's.

The shock of seeing them and tasting him in my mouth made me ignore the pain in my stretched ass but not for long as the two studs were thrusting hard and deep and the first one gave a final deep thrust and emptied his balls with the one in from the back ploughing my now sticky hole for a further minute before his load gushed out and into my guts. I knew what he meant when he said a big load.

"Don't let any drip out" ordered Craig "We have a glass ready to catch it and a bowl underneath so you will drink any that you spill."

"Next two" said Craig as he adjusted his camera.

The next guy was 8 inches long but not too thick and it slid inside me easily whilst I tried not to let any cum flow out of me.

The guy from behind had a huge red end and forced it into my hole.

" I don't need to do a thing you will get me off just rubbing that thick end up and down my cock" and the guy from behind pushed in the rest, not as long but twice as thick and I felt the end rippling up my insides with each thrust and I could feel the guy that entered me from the front start to pump his cock as it stiffened even harder and jerked inside me.

"Awww that is fantastic"

The guy behind me was pounding away and he soon stiffened and just like a recoiling gun fired his so fast that I swear I could feel it shooting far up my ass.

The slimmer guy pulled out

"Don't spill any"

The guy in the back pulled out and I could not close my muscles in my ass properly.

I heard the plops of my cum filled ass going into the glass.

"Quarter of a pint I recon"

Let save it for him he will be thirsty by the end.

The next four guys were just like two repeat of the first and the glass was up to half a pint.

My own balls were churning with this activity but I was not allowed to cum.

Craig handed the camera to another guy and came over and kissed me.

"lets see if you can take me and James again.

Both had thick cocks and James was 10 to 12 inches depends how randy he was.

Craig easily pushed his inside me and James started to push into me from the back.

"Remember this from 2 months ago" He was feeling very randy

I winced from the initial pain of insertion and they both rutted me like there was no tomorrow.

I felt Craig stiffen after only a couple of minutes and fire jet after jet of his sweet cum inside me . It was a full 5 minutes later when James turned on the tap of his cum hose and douched me with his big load.

They kept on kissing me and moaning for another 30 seconds and I thought I was going to get an encore but Craig pulled out followed swiftly by James.

I felt satisfied even though I had a raging stiffy and could hear the plops of yet more cum in the glass.

"Now your turn" said Craig as he started to rub my enraged stiffy "I think you need to have some release"

It did not take long before I threw my head back and moaned and shot jet after jet of teen cum. I had not cum since the Sunday 4 days ago.

"Nice" said James "Now there is a full half pint now you have added your own"

"That filled up quick and it is still warm" joked Craig as he glanced over at the group that came in my mouth earlier.

It dawned on me they had also helped fill the glass.

With cameras focused Craig held the glass to my lips.

"Drink up like a good boy"

I wretched a little but after the first mouthful it was not too bad and I had to keep on going until I had finished every drop and licked out the glass.

They let me out of the sling and went to get some beer, I felt like being sick with such a big load of cum in my stomach and my ass was still dripping and running down my legs.

I was told to go to my tent until I was needed and I soon dozed off to sleep

The next thing I was woken up by Craig

"Get up lazy bones" "Time to have some more fun"

It was dark and tied in the sling was Jamie. I almost cried with joy at the slim hope of just lying down next to him.

They led me over and turned his head to see me.

"Want to fuck your boyfriend slave"

"No sir" he replied, "I can't do that any more unless my master orders me"

"You are never going want to fuck him after tonight" came the voice from behind me and it was Ramone.

I felt like crying and noticed that he had been beaten and he had cum dripping from his exposed hole.

"I think it's time the horse had some fun," said Ramone.

No they couldn't Jamie would be split in two a horse would be too much.

"I'm here," said a slender white guy with baggy jeans on and a cut away T-shirt.

"OK horse let's see what you are made of" said Mike

They forced me to my knees and I was ordered to take his jeans off and lick his cock and balls.

That is when I realised why he had that name. His cock was semi erect and a full 14 inches long and growing under my attention and he had balls to match as big as lemons. No wonder he wore baggy jeans. This would hurt Jamie and leave him unusable for a couple of days.

"Get on the sling" barked James

They were going to make me watch from close quarters but I could not prevent Jamie's ass from being used at least it was well cum lubed.

I was strapped in much tighter than usual and I could smell Jamie and instinctively licked his balls, he winced under me and I realised they were still bruised by his beating.

I could not see horse and eager fingers were probing my hole. I thought they were going to do me at the same time horse was fucking Jamie.

I felt Jamie go ridged under me and my hole was assaulted and stretched beyond belief. I screamed in pain as the 15-inch monster that must have been 10 inches round was forced into me.

I screamed again as horse pushed his cock into me and I could feel Jamie sobbing underneath me. More and more was pushed into me as he rutted my ass hard and fast.

The cameras were getting all the action as he came to a massive climax and I could feel his jerking cock throbbing and filling me up. He pulled out slowly and let Jamie see just how much hard Horsemeat I had inside me.

"If you are good boy you can have some later," he said to Jamie

The Straps were untied and I was lifted off and to my feet where I promptly collapsed in a heap. They untied him and he was laid down so he could see me.

"Horse where is that randy dog of yours"

"I will get him out of the car"

My head was picked up and I was made to lay on my side with my head propped up about 9 inches off the floor, it was uncomfortable but OK. Jamie was made to lay next to me about a meter away looking at my face and the cameras were on me.

Horse led his longhaired Alsatian over and positioned him so that my head was under its groin area. There was a little pink dog dick sticking out of a furry tube and I was ordered to open my mouth.

I did "No you can't make me do this it is sick" the strings attached to my ball rings were pulled hard and I opened my mouth in pain to let out a small scream.

A hand had appeared round the dogs cock and was massaging it.

Almost instantly the little pink tube thickened and grew to 6 inches and my mouth was in its path and I had 4 inches of dog cock in my mouth. When the dog felt this it started thrusting very fast with encouraging noises being made by some of the men. I heard the noise of disgust by Jamie.

The dog did not take long to finish and there was a lot of dog cum in my mouth.

They backed the dog off me

"Don't swallow it" ordered Ramone

As if I was going to, I just wanted to throw up and get it out of my mouth.

They made me open my mouth to show Jamie and the cameras and the look of disgust on Jamie's face was very clear.

"Jamie, give your boyfriend a kiss," ordered Ramone as he thrust Jamie's head towards mine.

Jamie's eyes were closed when his lips touched mine.

"Open your mouth and let your boyfriend give you the cum"

I felt his lips part and his tongue went into my mouth and I squeezed the dog cum into his mouth and out of mine the taste was bitter and I was glad to be rid of it.

"Open your mouth Jamie and show us the present your boyfriend gave you"

He did this and the cameras caught it all.

"Keep your mouth open and swallow se that we can see it go down," ordered Ramone

He did and retched a few times but swallowed.

He then began retching a lot and was sick.

"Look Dave Jamie does not like your present it must have been your fault," said Craig

"Jamie you must punish Dave for doing that to you" Craig was loving this

"Take him back to the tent"

Ramone came along to make sure he did what he was told.

"Tie the chords from his ball rings round his ankles" ordered Ramone

And he did stretching my balls down between my legs with me lying on my back.

Ramone placed the ball of his foot on one testicle and pressed down and I screamed then

Ramone stuffed a pair of socks in my mouth and squeezed my balls hard in his strong muscular hands and I screamed a silent scream in pain and passed out.

When I awoke I was on my own still tied up with my balls tethered to my ankles but I now had nipple clamps on that were very tight and had teeth to bite into my flesh. I awoke in pain

I had not come here for all this but at least I was going home in 2 days.

Craig came in after about an hour and released me gently kissing my sore nipples and soothing me with his gentle touch.

I suppose you would like to see Jamie now.

"I would like to very much sir" I replied in a respectful tone

"Ramone had to leave but Jamie is outside if you want to come out"

Jamie was there tied over a table and having both ends filled and seemed to have been there some time.

"There you have seen him when they have finished clean him up with your tongue but not his cock and balls we don't want him to have any attention there"

He was covered in cum and was whimpering softly, beaten and subdued.

Tears filled my eyes as I lovingly licked his body clean

Two guys untied him and I was guided to the sling. I was feeling weak from lack of solid food and sleep.

They placed me on my back and strapped me in with my legs bent and my ass exposed as never before and there were additional straps hanging over the tops of my legs where they were bent at the waist.

Jamie was standing in between my legs and he had a very stiff cock for the first time (as far as I knew) since his return. You are going to get to fuck Dave at last and I saw a smile(again for the first time) and a light switch on in his eyes. You do have permission to do this Jamie.

Unnecessarily some lube was pushed into my hole and Jamie stepped forward and plunged his cock inside my almost reaching an orgasm immediately with the pleasure it gave him to enter me. The straps were quickly put in place and Jamie and I were locked together but neither of us minded he was deep in me and I could feel the heat of out passion building up.

There was a little too much heat and I felt a burning sensation in my ass and Jamie's cock was swelling up inside me, as a look of terror appeared on his face.

"We ran out of lube so this had to do" chuckled James as he held up a tube of muscle ointment that is used to relieve aches and pains.

That should keep you warm whilst we are away.

They tied Jamie's hands securely up each side of the sling so he could not get them down to relieve the burning.

"Leave the cameras going with the new batteries whilst we are away and we can see the suffering they both endure with no possibility of breaking free" "We may be away a couple of hours or more so enjoy yourselves boys"

They left and a few minutes after they had gone the burning sensation became more intense and Jamie had his fist spontaneous orgasm with his cock jerking in response to the pain.

We both screamed..................

Will be continued when I get the time.

If you enjoyed it and have some ideas what you would like to read please let me know. Stories are nothing if the don't provoke a reaction Dave@gibbod.f9.uk

Next: Chapter 10

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