Daves Domination

By David Gibson

Published on Oct 14, 2003


Dave's ninth domination The Town visit and its consequences.

This is a story involving dominant gay men and a couple of slaves. If you might be offended do not read further.

If not enjoy it make sure you aim away from your keyboard.

The journey to the town did not take long, about half an hour and both Jamie and myself were left alone in the back of one or the vans.

Our transport came to a halt and when the back doors opened we were ordered to get out and stand there. We were in a small square of shops and far from being a town it was more like an enlarged village. James and Craig stepped forward and attached the leads to our collars. I stopped myself from making a comment but Jamie protested and then fell silent after James gave him a hard stern stare. He would regret that later.

"I have some money back at the camp" I said

"No you don't" barked Craig "We have confiscated it and anyway you don't need money we own you"

It began to dawn on me why we were there

We were led into an off licence (liquor store) and there was a fat man behind the counter.

"Hello Craig we are ready for our transaction" said the fat man and another older guy appeared but not as fat as the first.

"Like the currency" he drooled undressing Jamie and myself with his eyes.

Jamie then realised what was going to happen and I hoped Jamie would not protest again.

Our leads were handed over to the two men and we were led into the back and the one went back into the front and heard him talking to someone.

He came back and told the fat one he had put the closed sign up and locked the door.

The Older one, Raymond, told us to take off our T shirts and we had tied our hands in front of us.

There was a table in the room and we were made to lie across it from opposite ends with our hands down the other side. If I turned my head I could see Jamie's cute ass bent over the table and he could see mine. Our hands were tied to one of the supporting cross pieces so we cold not get up.

After that I could feel hands rubbing my slender back and groaning in anticipation as they worked down to my shorts. The fat guy was doing the same to Jamie and slowly I saw his shorts pulled down and off his feet as I felt the same being done to me. Eager fingers were probing my crack and easing there way into my hole and Jamie's sore and battered ass was getting the same treatment as he winced with pain with each thrust of the fat guys thick finger

I heard a zip and something much thicker than a finger was being pushed into me. I relaxed and he pushed his cock slowly deep into my cum hole.

"That is awesome Raymond and I have not seen you push it all in one go, now it's my turn"

Jamie must have been watching and I saw his body tense up when Raymond's cock went into me

The fat guy unzipped and dropped his pants and I saw he had about 7 inches of thick boner on top of a pair of massive balls. Jamie tried to move his legs out of the way,

"Oh no you don't" another two lengths of chord were tied to each of Jamie's ankles and his legs were stretched apart giving me a clear view of his hole between his tiny ass.

The fat guy could clearly see it and thrust his rod of steel into Jamie in one go and Jamie stifled a scream.

The fucking lasted about ten minutes and they both pulled out and the fat guy grabbed my hair and thrust his cock into my mouth straight from Jamie's ass. I felt Raymond pull out and yell at Jamie to open hi F'ing mouth. The next thing I heard was Jamie gagging and moans of delight from behind me.

After a few more minutes they swapped over and Raymond walked round with at least 11 inches of rock hard cock sticking up at 45 degrees. It was still glistening with Jamie's spit and I felt the other guy push into me and start to work.

Raymond had to force the first few inches in and said "God this kids ass is tight". That did not stop him from forcing the rest into Jamie and giving him a brutal fucking for 5 minutes leaving him to whimper like a beaten dog when he pulled out and thrust as much as he could into my mouth. Jamie went quiet as his mouth was also filled to capacity.

"I have to empty a load" said the fat guy can we swap over again

"Sure" said Raymond "This guys ass is a bit tight for me"

They swapped round again and for a further 10 minutes I watched Jamie's ass get pounded whilst I had a thick 11 inch boner rip into me. The fat guy was beginning to shudder as he thrust as deep as he could and let out a loud groan and a couple of minutes later I felt the violent jerks of an over filled hose spasm inside me. They pulled out and once again I heard Jamie gag as he cleaned Raymond's cock and I cleaned the fat guys,

They did not untie us but got themselves dressed.

"We had better open up we have customers" the fat guy chuckled

From that I began to understand we had moved from being currency to merchandise.

"You still have another 2 hours before the boys pick you up so don't try so don't get up.

My legs had now been tied like Jamie's and I think he was trying to be funny

Two other guys came in and gave us the same treatment. The next two fancied Jamie more and I watched whilst they took turns to use his ass and mouth before they gave him yet more cum in both holes.

At least I had a rest.

When the boys came back for us for us we were untied and made to put on our stained clothing and I noticed that the cum had run down Jamie's legs and soaked his little white socks. I don't know why but that was a turn on. Once again le was unsteady on his feet and I helped him back to the van. The Boys loaded 100 six packs of extra strength beer on to the van with us.

"The ones last year did not earn us this much"

I felt cheap and used and did not like it. They drove back to the camp and dropped us telling us both to get some rest because tonight is party night.

"Back in about an hour" said Craig

I knew better than to ask where he was going.

We got to the tent and lay on the mattress together and I held Jamie close as if he was the only friend I had. He whispered to me but I did not catch what he said.

He repeated it "I want to make love to you"

At that moment in time I knew what he meant. He actually wanted to make love to me not just sex and pain or use and abuse but loving and gentle. I wrapped my leg over the top of his thigh and his rock hard cock crept towards my ass.

"Have you ever done this before" I asked


He slid inside me and rolled on top, my legs up to give him easy access, quivering with anticipation with an electric current that transferred to me. He looked deep into my eyes and gently started to fuck me very slowly. I found this was turning me on rapidly and I could feel my balls churning with a big load as he speeded up and all of a sudden my cock jerked and I let out a groan as jets of cum sprayed between our tightly pressed bodies and within seconds his cock jerked inside me and pumped jet after jet of thick cum into my body. We kissed gently and then I thought "what if they come back and find us like this"

"We must get cleaned up my master will be very angry if he found out"

The next half an hour was spend cleaning each other. With our tongues first and then with some water and we turned the thin mattress so the damp patch was underneath.

We both then fell into a sleep in each others arms.

"Wake up you to time for the party"

The voice was James and he had been drinking, not a good sign.

We both stood up. Jamie had a partial erection.

"Enjoy sleeping with my Dave do you?"

"Yes sir" was Jamie's meek reply

Ramone was standing there with a huge bulge in his pants.

"Time for you on the sling Jamie" he said with a trace of menace in his voice

Jamie walked over and was helped onto his back resigned to his ass and mouth being used all night.

The strapped his wrists and elbows to the sling and they had never done that to me and did the same with his ankles and knees so he could hardly move.

"We need to add some finishing touched," said Ramone

And preceded to wind some chord careful round Jamie's ball sack until his balls stood proud and tight against the skin surrounding them. The two ends of the chord were run over his shoulders and tied to some weights that stretched his balls up level with the end of his cock.

I had been tied on my front with my legs apart again almost immobile looking over the side of Jamie's body and could see his whole body and the apprehension on his face.

"Did I not say you would be punished if you ever disobeyed me again" spat Ramone into Jamie's face.

"I have not disobeyed you sir" Jamie said quivering with fear.

"Turn you head and look at the TV screen"

As we watched the pictures and listened to the sound of us making love I glanced at Jamie and he had turned white with fear there had been a hidden camera triggered by movement, and there was plenty of that.

Before the video finished Ramone took off his 4 inch leather belt and folded it double and standing between Jamie's tightly secured open legs brought it down hard on Jamie's tied up balls.

"AHHHHHHH" Jamie screamed out loud in pain his body bucking in the sling trying desperately to pull away from the pain.

"What are your only sex organs Jamie?" asked Ramone

"Whatever you say sir" Jamie gasped between sucking in air and still writhing in pain

Thwack the belt came down even harder this time and I thought he was going to burst Jamie's balls apart.

Jamie screamed Just as hard and begged Ramone to stop.

"What are your sex organs"?

Jamie muttered something and the belt came down again for a third time. Thwack

Jamie's screams were getting more desperate and he shouted "My mouth and my ass"

"Don't you forget it again"?

Thwack, the belt came down for a fourth time and James stepped forward and stopped Ramone from giving any more. Jamie was sobbing uncontrollably and he was writhing to try and relieve the intense pain.

"I will not hit him any more but his balls have to go in this until I can trust him"

He had produced a tiny rubber bag that would barely fit one ball let alone two.

"Ok " said James

Ramone stretched the bag so that it enveloped both balls and let it snap closed causing Jamie to writhe with discomfort adding to the pain.

Ramone took out his thick cock and rammed it into Jamie's ass making sure every last bit went in and Jamie let out a little feeble cry, he had nothing left. This was obviously turning someone on and the same was happening to me.

"Someone else can use his mouth and when I have finished you can use him as much as you like tonight," said Ramone obviously pleased with his work

I watched the scene as one after the other the men used his mouth and ass.

This sweet young man who so tenderly made love to me earlier and I felt my eyes go moist as I myself was willing the guys to use me and leave him alone.

"You might wonder why your mouth is not being used Dave" said Craig

"You can use what you like Master" I replied

"You have to watch and see what happens when you let someone get close to you when we do not give you permission"

"I am sorry"

"You will watch the others take your lover and hurt him more and when we have finished we will leave you to watch his suffering and then take you away separately tonight.

Then a steady stream of men used him, about 30 in all, until eventually they had had their fill and released him and they left his limp body hanging in the sling and I cried and sobbed for him and looked into his desperate eyes begging me for help.

Four men carried him back to a tent and Ramone was using him again as I heard the insults and grunts. Jamie was silent apart from the odd muffled scream.

I was untied and taken back to the tent where Jamie and I had spent our time. I crawled onto the mattress and buried my exhausted head into the pillow.

I slept

The next morning I woke up feeling sleepy but refreshed and wanting to see if Jamie was OK.

I looked out of the tent

No one was up.

I looked round there was a space where the cars were lined up

Ramone's car had gone and I fell back into the tent shocked at how cruel this was for us to have has an hour of blissful happiness and have it ripped away. I wished I could have given Jamie my home number and I crept back into the tent and cried.

The flap opened

"No use crying," Craig said, "Ramone took Jamie away and by now they will be on the ferry going over to France.

"Was he ok sir"?

Craig turned to walk away and looked over his shoulder

"He was still alive"

I threw myself back on the mattress and sobbed uncontrollably

I have to get out of this somehow must find some way of getting away.

If you enjoyed this please let me know at dave@gibbod.f9.co.uk and I always welcome suggestions for future adventures and if you wish to be written in to a story let me know your preferred role

Next: Chapter 9

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