Daves Domination

By David Gibson

Published on Oct 3, 2003


By now you should have realized that my stories are of an adult nature and taken from a time when even sex between adults of the same sex was forbidden in the UK. I have since grown up and theses are a extracts from my life a few years ago.

I was strapped into the sling with my legs secured in a wide open position with my knees up in the air, lying on my back with my arms secured and my head lying back with little support so my mouth was accessible.

The sling, I noticed had four arms reaching upwards but attached to the heavy base by a central pivot on either side, which meant I could be turned over without releasing me.

I was barely strapped in when my vision was filled by a pair of dark green shorts being slowly pulled down exposing a 7 inch limp uncut cock and a pair of pendulous balls. At the same time eager fingers were probing my arse which was still wet with cum. I opened my mouth and could not stop the rapidly stiffening cock from forcing my throat open and causing me to gag. I don't think I have ever got used to that. Being one of the kinder guys he pulled back and let my tongue and lips do the work and his end was now well exposed and rubbing up and down my tongue getting wet and I had to swallow his torrent of pre cum.

My arse was now well fingered and a hard cock was entering it.

"Push the 8 inch steel hard cock into him" said the guy in my mouth as I felt a deep penetration in my arse until the pubic hair pressed hard against my flesh. I was spit roasted like this for about ten minutes before the guy in my mouth groaned and sprayed my tongue with his cum and before I had swallowed all of it the guy up my arse did the same.

Whilst this was going on I had heard another car draw up but could not see who had arrived or how many guys were there now.

Two others had arrived and there was another young guy of Western Mediterranean origin slim and muscular with a lead round his neck but I noticed his cock and balls were inside a leather jockstrap with padlocks on the side to prevent access.

He was introduced as Jamie and we did not speak. The other straps were now brought into use when his jock strap was removed revealing a nice 6 inch soft cock and a pair or beautiful hanging balls.

My cock restraint was being removed and the blood rushed in making it stiff within seconds and Jamie was led to me.

"Open your mouth Dave" ordered someone and I obeyed and an eager hand helped Jamie's cock into it.

He was strapped on top of me and my cock was placed into the warmth of his mouth. A strap was put round my waist and round my neck forcing us to stay locked in that position. It was impossible for us the remove our cocks from each others mouth........and I liked it........and I could feel my juices rising. I guess Jamie felt the same and had grown hard and into the back of my throat.

"He has never been fucked, is 16 years old, and is here for a holiday"

From where I was I saw a familiar hand with a finger probing his tight little arse causing him to push harder against my throat and try and cry out with my cock filling his mouth.

The finger retreated and came back wet with lube and penetrated again, this time with less of a negative reaction. The lubing went on with next 2 fingers then 3. I was not given the gentle treatment and I recognized James's monster foot long cock being eased inside me. Jamie must have a face full of that monster cock stretching my arse wide and I felt him tense up against me as if he were taking it.

The 3 fingers were removed from his ass and my suspicions were confirmed.

Craig's cock and balls loomed into view and I tensed up this time. I wanted to scream out "no you are only allowed to have me" but I could not and my eyes moistened as the end of his cock forced open Jamie's little hole and he desperately tried to pull away, forcing yet more of his now very hard cock down my throat. On the third thrust from Craig Jamie's already jerking cock unloaded into my mouth and his entire body shook with the force of it. This tipped me over the edge and within 30 seconds I did the same into his mouth. He let it out and it dribbled down my balls and onto James's cock.

"He didn't swallow Dave's cum"

" Very naughty of you Jamie you will have to be punished" said a voice heavy with a Spanish accent.

I felt Jamie tense up and the thrusts from both Craig and James got deeper and they were both getting close. I heard the sound as Jamie bucked against me his exposed back being hit with a whip. A second, a third and then another ten of so and I could feel his sobs of pain as he sucked hard on my softening cock causing me to pull back in a futile effort to free myself. Craig thrust hard into Jamie and held it there with his legs quivering and I knew he had emptied what I though was mine into Jamie. A minute of two later James erupted into me and pulled his cock out and sprayed the last drops onto Jamie's face and I felt his cum drip onto my balls and legs.

Craig slid his out and not even a dribble came out for me to savor. Another guy took the place of the first one who I assumed was James and thrust into me in one go, not as big but hard and slim pressing on my prostate and rubbing it into action as I went stiff in Jamie's mouth again. Another guy dropped his dark blue shorts and a 7-inch stiff cut cock was pushed into Jamie. This had the same effect on him and his cock began to stiffen and make ready to deliver. His cum tasted sweet and salty at the same time. Neither of us had the time to orgasm because these two were really turned on and fired their loads into us after less than a minute. I felt cheated and I expect Jamie felt the same. We need not have worried because no sooner had one pulled out than another entered us both and when I had one guy in me that took his time Jamie had 3 in him and when the first on pulled out a dribble of cum emerged from Jamie's arse and ran down over his tight balls and down his hard cock onto my lips. I opened wide and tasted the warm second hand cum. When the next two that came in him there was a steady stream of cum running into my mouth.

The one guy finally shot in me just after number four had entered Jamie and my arse was vacant for about 30 seconds until a thick cock was pushed into me. The fourth guy in Jamie had barely had time to push it all in when he came. And then I saw what he was going to get next. A full 12 inches of white cock. It was huge and I knew this would hurt the average slut like me but Jamie would be stretched to breaking point.

My ass was feeling sore and Jamie must be in agony, shudders were going through his body which was tightly strapped to mine. The thick 12 inch cock started to push into his stretched hole and he screamed in pain but because he was well cum lubed the full 12 inches slowly pushed inside him. He stopped screaming and the guy fucked him slowly at first pushing about 10 inches in and out of Jamie's tortured arse and then got faster and faster penetrating deep with each thrust. The guy in me tensed and thrust as deep as he could go. Jamie's slender body was now resigned and limp on top of me as his mouth sucked for air round my cock, at least he was conscious. The cock in him stopped pumping away and instead was pushed in as hard as it could go and Jamie whimpered as I saw the base of the 12 inch monster jerk and unload yet more cum into his well filled body.

It was almost insignificant that I was getting the same treatment.

Craig's voice said "Untie them and let them get some rest. We can use them later"

Jamie was released from the straps and helped off my body and his legs collapsed underneath him and streams of cum were running down the inside of his legs, at least he was not bleeding. He was helped up and two guys supported him as he walked away towards one of the tents. I saw the marks on his back from the beating and wanted to hug him and kiss him better.

They did not untie me and a further 4 guys used my mouth and two used my arse before they decided they were going for a drink and untied me. Even then there were guys who had not used me but they needed fuel.

Even I had difficulty standing up but got no help just a sneer from Craig and a barked order from James to go and look after Jamie. I got to my feet and felt a warm trickle run down my leg. I walked unsteadily to the Tent and found Jamie in a heap on a blanket.

"There's a first aid kit at the back of the tent so get Jamie cleaned up" said Craig

"We will be back in about 2 hours so get some rest"

Jamie looked up at me and said nothing so I opened the first aid kit and squeezed some antiseptic lotion onto my hand and gently rubbed it on his back.

He raised himself up and put his arms around me and we kissed that kiss of sheer desperation and fell into a deep sleep holding on to each other for comfort.

I forgave him for having Craig inside him.......he had no choice.

Luckily they returned after about 4 hours and they had all had a lot to drink so just wanted to sleep.

I did get called over to drink 2 guys piss because they could not be bothered to get up but at least Jamie and I were not going to be used for a while.

Jamie was very quiet and withdrawn the next morning and I prepared the other guys breakfast and waited for my protein drink from most of the guys in the camp.

"We are taking you both to town today" said Craig after we all get rid of our morning stiffys.

Jamie was dragged out from his sleep and we were made to kneel.

"This is a race" said James as his cock slid into my mouth and the white guy with 12 inches slid the end into Jamie's

He who sucks the most guys off and does not spill a drop wins and can wear the studded collar.

Jamie was cute but there was no competition really I did 28 guys to his 18 and felt very near to being sick.

Jamie was sick after number 12 and I am sure he will be punished again before the day is out

As the collar was placed on me Craig said that I should teach Jamie my technique so he could take more and not be sick.

Jamie and I had to clear the breakfast away and wash up the dishes. I made sure we both had some bread whilst the others were getting ready.

Both of us were still naked except for collars and leads and some little white shorts and a very small T shirt were provided for us to wear. Both garments were very thin and almost transparent but I knew complaining would only lead to trouble so I flashed Jamie a look to tell him just to put them on and say nothing.

We got into the van together and I realized we had not said a word to each other just kissed when we were not being watched and held each other in a tight embrace of mutual comfort

The convoy headed for the nearest town.

To be continued if I can stop getting a stiffy and keep typing

Thanks for all the messages of encouragement and "The town visit" will follow in due course

Next: Chapter 8

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