Daves Domination

By David Gibson

Published on Sep 26, 2003


This is a story parts of which were true but they did not all happen in the short space of time that I have fitted them into. If you were never 13 and did not experience having gay sex this may not be for you so pleas don't read on.

None of this left any lasting scars have faded into erotic memories that I relive from time to time but not all at once and not always just in my memory. Just been fucked by 2 guys this afternoon and I enjoyed every second


Dave's sixth and seventh domination(part one). The camping trip

I was fortunate that on the Thursday my mother came home and had tickets for us all to go to Jersey (an island in the English Channel (La Manche)) for a week. I was relieved to be going away and this might mean I could not go camping and be used as a slave for a week and the state of my lower body after the abuse of the last few days I think there would have been permanent damage. This gave me time to recover and as the guys were going for 2 weeks they would not come back for me the second week.

Part of me was disappointed.

I still had to tell Craig and James and we did not leave until the Friday night after my parents had finished work.

Craig called me the next morning and I could not avoid answering the phone because my mother had told me the travel agents were going to ring and confirm the taxi to the airport.

I told Craig I could not go out.

Five minutes later he was there on the doorstep "looking forward to the camping trip" he said with a smile.

"I can't come" I replied meekly avoiding eye contact.

It all went quiet and I could feel the air get cooler.

"I hope you have a fucking good excuse"

" Sorry Craig, my mum has booked us a holiday for the next week"

"Ahhh" "OK Dave nothing we can do about that but you will just have to come up for the second week"

I got the feeling that I was not going to have any say in the matter.

"We can catch up when you get there, now you can get stripped and get your mouth round my cock"

I stripped in the living room with no argument and he dropped his jeans and I got to my knees and swallowed his hardening 8 inches.

His nuts were tightening after giving my face a pounding and the phone rang.

He answered "No Dave's busy I will give him a message"

His other hand had firm hold of the back of my head

"OK I will let him know"

His hand pressed harder as he thrust his jerking cock into my throat.

"Swallow my cum and get ready for a really big load when you get back from Jersey"

"I will be sending James and the guys round to make sure you get a taste of what it will be like for you for the week after next, Oh the taxi for you and your folks will be here at 6:30 tonight"

He left and I got dressed and went to my room to pack some clothes. Half an hour later the doorbell rang and when I got to the door it rang again impatiently.

I opened to door and there stood James and six friends.

"You gonna invite us in"

I stepped aside and they trooped in.

"Did Craig tell you to get dressed"

I thought a little and answered "no"

"Well get those clothes off there are seven cum filled guys waiting to be serviced"

I stripped and knelt down.

Oh no not like that lean over the dining table.

James was lubing up his 12 inch monster.

"Please James let me go first your big cock will widen him too much"

"OK Paul lube your 7 inches and leave lots of cumlube for the rest of us"

I was held down over the table and one by one they fucked my arse hard and fast. I doubt if any of them took more that 2 minutes and I was ripped apart by James who went hard and fast at me as if in anger because I was not going camping for the two weeks.

When they had finished I was allowed to stand up and turn around. They got a towel and lifted me in a sitting position on the table pulling my legs apart, the towel was getting soaked in the cum dribbling from my wide open hole. They pushed me back and one of them held my stiff cock and gave me a fast wank until I had coved my chest in my own cum.

He kept hold of my cock and six of them held me down

"what are you doing"

"Punishment" said James in a cold voice

The first smack of the belt on my supported balls caused me to breath in hard and a ball gag was rammed in my mouth. I would have screamed when the second blow hit but all that came out was a muffled cry. The third caused me to pass out.

I woke in the same position and was greeted by another blow, It hurt but not as much as before.

"You have been given ten smacks on the balls by my belt and that should stop you from cumming whilst you are away" James told me

They let me up and when I looked down my balls were swollen and a dull ache was beginning to flood through to the rest of my body from them.

"When are you Back" asked James

"Friday Morning next week" I answered

"We will pick you up on Saturday morning at about 8:30 and you wont be back for 8 days on the Sunday night"

"Kneel down that has got some guys exited again" I did what I was told and although I now wanted to double up in agony I gave 3 of them slow blow jobs, yes they had all got exited again as each of them fired a massive load down my throat.

They left and went for a soak in a warm bath and that eased the pain a little.

I had to explain that I had a bit of stomach ache when my parents say how uncomfortable I was on the journey but after a decent rest I could almost stand up straight. My parents left it up to me where I went and I spent the first couple of days reading and wearing very baggy shorts.

By the fourth day I even got a hard on but did not risk a wank. For some reason I felt I was being watched and would not risk wanking even a little. By the Friday morning I had a permanent stiffy but had to think of other things for the journey home so I was not tenting my shorts.

Saturday morning at 8:00 the doorbell rang.

"Your friends are here to pick you up"

"I have not had any breakfast yet"

"Don't worry Dave we will give you some breakfast on the way"

Mum handed me my bag and pressed a roll of notes into my hand.

"Don't forget to pay your share of the fuel"

James opened the back of the Ford van.

"You can get in the back with me and Paul, Shane and Derek are in the front" ordered James

I had never met these guys before but they were all at least 10 years older than me, slender and fit.

I waved goodbye and the doors of the van swung shut and Shane got into the driving seat.

Devon here we come"

I had not even thought to ask where we were going and before we reached the end of the road James ordered me to take off all my clothes and lie spread-eagled over a little pile of thin camping mattresses in the center of the van.

I obeyed and in that instant surrendered my body to them all to use for the next 8 days

My arms and legs were tied to bars that were on each side of the van and James was kneeling by my head. He unzipped his jeans and I opened my mouth instinctively as he fed me his cock and with me lying on my back his balls were soon brushing across my forehead

It had been a week and I could not swallow fast enough when he flooded my mouth and throat without warning.

Paul did the same with his 7 inches about 2 minutes later.

Time to put the jewelry on that Craig brought for you

I had a feeling that I would not like this but a studded collar was strapped round my neck and it felt sort of good. It had a chain lead attached to it.

James reached in the bag and produced 2 stainless steel rings with metal eyes on them.

I tried t struggle knowing what to expect.

"Lie Still"

I lay there and fist one testicle was forced through one of the rings causing me to wince and pull in my abdomen muscles and then the other testicle was pushed through the other ring. My limp cock was squeezed into a leather tube that was laced round my balls and tieid securely by three straps round my waist and legs and when I was untied I had half inch diameter ball ring on each testicle and a leather tube smaller than my cock tied securely round the back of my legs with only the piss slit showing. My balls were tied to the straps holding my cock pulling them up and apart either side of my cock. A small padlock on the side kept it all in place.

"I will give Craig the key when we get there" said James

"It's about time Dave had the rest of his breakfast" said Paul and suggested Shane and Derek swapped over and Paul could drive.

"Good idea I am busting to empty my load" said Shane

The van came to a halt and they swapped over in a lay-bye

Shane already had his zip undone and his 8 inch cock was bulging through it and Derek had a big bulge in his jeans.

Shane knelt over my head and before the van could start had started to face fuck me making my gag with every in thrust he was so stiff and his balls were drawn tight his cock jerked 5 times as he unloaded in my mouth.

He kept his cock in my mouth

"Come on Shane I need to let a load go" pleaded Derek

"I haven't finished, find another hole"

"No you don't Craig has promised his ass first to a mate so it's mouth only. Let Derek dump his load and you can have another go after Derek." barked James.

Reluctantly Shane pulled out and a very grateful Derek slid his 7 inches in.

"Don't suck I just want to feel the inside of your mouth massage my thick cock"

I did as I was told and was rewarded by 8 thick ropes of cum shot into my throat.

Shane was wanking slowly and had not lost his hard on and lost no time trying to bruise my throat again. I don't think he took his cock out for about 45 minutes and came a couple of more times.

I was feeling sick with all their cum inside me.

They decided to stop at the services on the M5 just past Bristol and they let me put some shorts, a T shirt and some sandals to go to the toilet and have a coffee.

Pissing was very difficult with my cock strapped up so I went in a cubicle

Shane gave me a piece of toast. But I still had my Jewelry on and got some strange looks from other people in the café.

They let me keep my clothes on until we got to the camp site which was down a track in a wood in Devon, they said I did not need to know where because I was a slave and would not be leaving for 8 days.

They made me strip in the van before the doors opened.

7th domination part one of eight

They opened the doors and I counted 4 tents from where I could see. I was dragged out by my lead and counted another 8 tents. We must have one each because that made 12 tents.

I was only 13 and a half.

There were 4 men in each tent and I was not the only toy/slave there.............we did not have a tent. 48 men and 3 slaves and I was the youngest and subordinate to the other two.

I did not work that out at the time but was being led through crowds of men and I kept my eyes glued to the ground as hands groped my slim young body as I was being led to the 2nd tent in.

Craig pushed me into the tent and a guy, I suppose about 45yo, turned to look at me. He was muscular, hair thinning a little but he had a well developed body and a clean shaven face.

"Mmmm you will do nicely, I have a juicy surprise for you"

No one else had come in and I dropped to my knees as expected.

"well done" he said as he slid his shorts down and 8 inches of thick uncut white meat came into view.

He pulled my head towards him as I opened my mouth and his rapidly hardening cock forced its way in.

He said nothing and worked my mouth and throat as I did my best to make him cum. He pulled out after 15 minutes with my jaw aching I was grateful.

"Lie down on the bed on your back and hold your legs up so I can get at you joy hole"

Again I did as I was told and he knelt at the bottom of the camp bed. I noticed his cock had grown to over 10 inches and was thicker than James's monster.

He spit on his hand and without any other lube he pressed the end of this thick pole at my sphincter. It was as solid as steel and I cried out as he forced the end in and pushed hard not pulling out until I felt his pubes pushing against my flesh. I let out a little scream as he pulled out and pushed the full length back into me. He grabbed my hand and pressed it onto my abdomen as he gave another thrust and I felt his cock rubbing on the inside of my body. I now had tears streaming down my face as he took my hand away and got on with fucking me hard.

He grasped my ball rings and pulled them up away from my body making me push up and he could force more of his cock in me. I could now see the bulge each thrust made as he got faster and faster.

Please cum and release me from this I wished silently but it was a full 10 minutes before he groaned pressed down on my imprisoned balls hard and jerked violently inside me. I was dreading him pulling out but he had shot so much cum it lubricated his exit..

"You can go now" he ordered

I got up very unsteadily and he smiled a sadistic smile.

"I think they have a party ready for you outside" he said with an evil grin.

Shit I had been so preoccupied I had forgotten about he rest of the men.

He opened the flap of the tent. "He is ready for the party now guys"

I stepped out and a portable sling had been erected in the open and Craig beckoned me towards it.

"This will be your bed for the rest of the night" he said

I was lucky it was a very warm night and I was fairly sure I was not going to be alone.

Four guys lifted my slender frame and strapped me in with my head back and my legs apart lying on my back so both holes were available. It was not long until they were filled for what was going to turn out to be a very long night.

To be continued.

The nights onslaught and the embarrassing trip to the village and the humiliation with the pony on day 6 will be in further episodes.

Hope you enjoyed it so far

Next: Chapter 7

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