Daves Domination

By David Gibson

Published on Jun 29, 2003


Craig's last day at school

Any resemblance between anyone in this story and anyone having memories of this is purely coincidental unless you know me personally

It was the last day at school tomorrow for Craig, Chris and Ray. Craig and Chris were going on to Uni and Ray was joining the Armed Forces as a trainee pilot. Craig said he wanted me to enjoy their leaving day with a ritual after school and to report to his house for 7:30 in the morning and he would prepare me. I felt a little excited and wanted him to have me that night but he told me he was going to be busy. He did hand me a ring about 1 inch in diameter and about an inch long and told me to push both my balls and my cock into it when they were soft. I did this just after I woke up and to my surprise I was able to do this in spite of it being smaller than one of my balls. It made the bulge in front of my trousers push out further

I dragged my 13year old body to the bathroom at 7:00 the next morning and showered and brushed my teeth, drank a cup of coffee and went to Craig's. His parents had already gone to work and he was waiting for me dressed only in a pair of boxer shorts. Displaying his slender, muscular body in all its glory. I wanted to kiss it all over but he told me to go upstairs to the bathroom and strip off. Wow I was really hot now, sex before school was a great idea and I started salivating at the prospect.

When I arrived in the bathroom I took every stitch of clothing off and waited for him with my little cock stiff with anticipation and the constraining effect of the ring pushing my balls proud from my body keeping the skin stretched over them. "Bend over the toilet bowl" came the command from the stairs. I bent over and he walked in. "No not like that stand astride and bend forward" I stood up and wondered what was next Craig pushed a finger in me with a blob of lube on it and worked it into my hole and then inserted a tube deep into me much further than I had been penetrated before but the tube was thin and did not hurt. "You need washing out for today I don't want you eating shitty cocks when you clean us off" I felt the rush of liquid enter my guts. "Keep holding tight and don't let it leak out until I tell you", ordered Craig I don't know how much he pumped in but I was bursting and my abdomen was tight against my skin, and I know if I let go there would be trouble. "Turn round and sit down" I did as he ordered and was faced with a raging hard 8" cock. "You can't release the liquid until you drink your first load of the day" I was squeezing my hole as tight as I could as I took the head of his cock in my mouth and luckily he was getting off on what he had done and gave be six big wads into my throat after 45 seconds. He pulled his cock and the tube out of me and I relaxed my sphincter and everything gushed out and I wiped myself dry with tissue before he ordered my to turn around for a second wash out. This was quicker and I noticed when I stood up what came out was almost clear. I dried and got dressed. "Wait for me downstairs and we can walk to school together" said Craig Waiting downstairs I felt very empty and wondered what was going to happen after school. He came down with his bag and said "Let's go little buddy" I felt so proud to be called his buddy

When we arrived at school he told me to go to the disused toilets at the back of the gym for about 12:30 just after school broke up and we were allowed to go home.

The morning dragged and we had our exam results and were told which form we were going to be in next year. I had done OK but as 12:00 approached I was excited and apprehensive at the same time.

When I arrived at the old toilets they were locked and I rattled the door catch and I heard a bolt slide open. I went in and Craig was there alone and handed me a plastic bag with some clothes in. Put these on and tie the leather pouch tight round your cock and balls threading the drawstrings through the inside of the ring and under the Y fronts. I was not yet hard and wondered why he wanted me to do this, after all I could strip out of these clothes I have on and be ready in seconds but I did what I was told.

There was a pair of cum stained pants that were a size too small some shorts, also tight an old white school shirt and a little leather pouch. "I can't get my cock and balls in this" I said "Yes you can" said Craig "or I will squeeze them in for you." His tone was very cold and I knew I had no choice. My genitals seem to shrink and I crammed then into this pouch and pulled the drawstrings behind the ring and two under my legs and two round the side of my thighs and tied them fairly tight round the back. This pouch was not much bigger than a golf ball and with the ring pushing my balls and soft cock out from my body I felt very vulnerable. "Put your hands in the air and turn round so I can check how tight the pouch is" I put my hands up and he pulled to strings even tighter until it was beginning to hurt and my balls and cock were one round little lump at he end of the ring. I struggled to put on the other clothes and he led me to the end cubicle. There were some slings attached to hooks hanging on the wall and he went in first and lifted my left leg up and secured in the sling on that side (I was facing the back of the cubicle) my left arm was secured under the armpit with my wrist tied a little above to a separate chord so I could move a little but not much. Craig then secured the right arm and lifted my right leg free of the floor and secured it the same manner as the left. My balls and cock in the little pouch inside the tight shorts were getting squeezed so hard now I begged Craig to release them. He smiled that ice cold smile and said "soon" I had not heard anyone else come in and Craig said "You have not met James yet have you" "No" I replied as a large hand felt my bum. "Got the scissors?" came a sharp voice from behind me "How could I forget" said Craig He took the scissors out of his pocked and started to cut the shorts up inside my thigh. "Please don't cut me" I pleaded, but I was helpless and tied up and Craig could do whatever he wanted. Craig just kept cutting and went up to the crutch with the scissor points brushing my pouch and scraping the steel ring . He then cut up the other side. The shorts flapped open front and back and a finger went round the side of the Y fronts from behind and entered me. Craig cut up the front of the shirt and passed the scissors to James who cut up the back and the shirt fell from my shoulders he also pulled the material under the pouch and severed the Y fronts so that they also hung loose held only by the elastic waist band

Craig pinched the pouch hard and I bucked with pain and begged him to stop, the ring kept my balls and cock where they could be tortured. His response was to stand on the seat and plug my throat with his 8". James had started to push his fingers in me again and this time they were covered in lube. Craig had started to rock me backwards and forwards ramming his cock deep into my throat so I could only breath for a few seconds at a time. I heard a zip and felt the end of a thick cock pressing at my very exposed hole. What was worse I was getting a stiffy and the pouch was full to bursting, I was crushing my own balls with my hardening cock. I tried to cry out but Craig kept his cock rammed in my throat only giving me enough time to catch my breath.

James pushed the end of his cock in me and he stretched me and although I was in the slings and any resistance was futile I tried and struggled. With the end of his cock in me he reached round and squeezed the pouch I bucked back with pain and he sank his cock into me up to the hilt. My body was quivering with pain but after a little while I relaxed, I had no choice and James worked my hole like the piston on an engine.

Craig pulled his cock out of my mouth and asked me if I was enjoying myself.

"Yes" was my meek reply. "Open your mouth wide and close your eyes" he said I did that and he placed something in my mouth that kept it open and filled it , a bit like a soft rubber ball. It was a gag and James stopped fucking me and secured the belt for it behind my head "This might hurt a bit to start with" said Craig Craig stood in front of me and stared into my eyes positioning himself so his thick hard cock was pressing my filled hole James had pulled his entire thick end out of my very relaxed hole and before it could tighten up Craig held their cocks together and they both pushed hard entering me as one. I tried to pull away but they both held me with their strong hands and forced every inch of both cocks into me showing no mercy

I screamed a muffled scream and both Craig and James rammed as much cock in me as they could. I lost what was left of my tightly constrained erection for a while as James fucked my arse and Craig just held his cock, balls deep, inside me. I started to go stiff again as James pounded my arse ripping into my stretched hole pounding faster and faster. Craig was staring into my tear wet eyes and smiling enjoying hurting me. Craig was also started to fuck me and when James buried himself inside me as deep as he could go I felt his cock pulsate and his cum filling what little space there was left inside me within seconds Craig thrust his last and fired a great load into me. "Don't pull it out yet" said Craig to James "we don't want to make a mess of the floor". He reached into my bag of clothes took out my clean Y fronts and shirt, handed the shirt to James and held my Y fronts in between their softening cocks tucking the ends into the chords holding the pouch in place as the both withdrew. I could feel their cum dribbling out of my very sore arse into my Y fronts and a final stab of pain as both their thick ends pulled out of me at the same time. James handed the shirt back to Craig and he wiped his cock and balls on it as well. "You have to walk home with these on after the others have finished" others?

Craig loosened the right leg sling enough to get passed me and told me to hang around for the others. They both thought that was funny I did not have long to wait.

I heard Craig's voice saying "help yourself" to someone outside and several footsteps came into the toilet. "awesome" came a rich deep voice from behind me as a hand removed my Y fronts from my still leaking hole and dropped them with a plop on the floor. "Let me get past him before you start" and a very slim guy squeezed past me and stood on the seat and pulled down his cargo pants and boxers. His 5-inch cock bounced up and hit my chin and his large hairless balls hang down like a couple of lemons in a skin bag. He looked about 12 years old but he must have been older and I did not recognize him. He undid the gag and pulled it out of my mouth, replacing it with his cock that was so hard and bolt upright it pushed along the roof of my mouth. Whilst this was happening the boy behind me unzipped his trousers and placed his cock at the entrance to my sore and stretched arse. He pushed hard and I felt like someone was pushing a large bottle of coke into me. I bucked forward and once again a hand came round the front and fingers pinched my pouch sending sharp stabs of pain through me forcing me to pull back and his very thick cock end forced into me. I would have screamed again if my mouth was not full but he reached up and released my right hand and held it to my abdomen as he pushed more of his cock inside me and I could feel his thrusts against my hand on the outside of my body. I was starting to get stiff again and I had a wet feeling on my tightly enclosed balls with it leaking past the metal ring keeping my genitals away of the protection of my body. The hairless cock kept pounding my face with the now soaked in pre cum head rubbing against the roof of my mouth he pulled the back of my head forcing my nose against him as his cock jerked and unloaded the contents of his balls into me. Ten great squirts of cum from such a small cock that filled my mouth to overflowing and made my cheeks bulge out before I swallowed. The boy behind me was groaning and I could feel his cock getting harder inside of me as he thrust erratically, gave a final push and a bolt of electric shock proportions fired from his body into mine. My tortured cock and balls had cum and it was oozing through the ring of steel and dripping onto my soaked Y fronts on the floor. The hairless cum champion removed his cock and I swallowed again. "My cock needs cleaning" came the voice from behind me. " You can stand on the seat and Dave will do it", said the hairless one

They changed places and the cock that had been inside me was now in full view. Now going soft but still a full 12 inches so I opened my mouth but the end would not fit inside and I had to lick the smears of cum from his cock. "Better use his shirt to clean him up a bit" and I felt the material wiping me clean from behind. "How did you like my black dick boy?" the guy in front of me asked. "It hurt" I replied "You will be used to it by the end of the summer" he laughed and stood off the seat and pushed past me "See you later" they both said in unison and left the toilet.

In total I was kept there for 4 hours and lost count of the number of times I was fucked and had my mouth filled but at 4:15 Craig came in to release me. I was feeling sick, my arse hole was numb and I had lost the feeling in my legs. He removed the pouch and my balls and cock were free. It felt so good until, still helpless and tied up he smacked my balls hard with his fingers. I screamed with pain "No use screaming" "There is no one left to hear you" He smacked my balls again...........hard and I screamed again and started to cry. He started to release my legs and then my arms and held me up, turned me round and sat me on the seat. It was such a relief that I thanked him. I then noticed he had Ray and Chris with him and all 3 had raging hardons with balls tight up and ready to blow. Ray pushed past and sank his cock into my mouth. "That was a great show" "now get your reward. Seconds later he blasted my throat with thick creamy cum. Chris followed suit and shot as soon as his cock met my lips sending a large dribble of cum sliding down my chin. Craig was wanking slowly and he ordered me to open my mouth wide. He was about six inches from my face and I watched the first squirt or cum fire from the thick slit in the end of his cock. It landed on the inside of my top lip and dripped onto my tongue. The second shot fired on my nose and he pulled my head closer and pushed the head into my mouth and emptied the rest into my mouth.

You had better get dressed but keep the ring on. My Y fronts were soaked in cum and my shirt was not much better. In fact none of my clothes escaped the deluge but I put them on and walked home in front of my masters.

"We won't see you for a couple of weeks because we are going to Italy for a holiday but we have given you phone number to all of the boys who had you today so you won't get lonely" said Craig

My parents were out when I got home thank goodness and I was able to take off my clothes and get them into the washing machine with my other stuff and take a shower.

The phone rang...............

If you enjoyed this have any feedback please let me know

My arse has now recovered and has become tight again...............for the moment.

Manchester next week so who nows?


Next: Chapter 5

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