Daves Domination

By David Gibson

Published on Dec 30, 2003


This story is about male domination of willing participants the first part of the series is based on truth but the latter half is largely a work of fiction with a grain of truth therein I have decided that this is the last of the series and will endeavor to write another if I am encouraged by your ideas. The end of 2003 seems an appropriate time. Happy New 2004 and enjoy, I know I will ;-)

Craig came into the tent and shook me, I went to stand up and found my balls were still tied to my ankles and I fell over with a yelp of pain

"I will untie you" said Craig with a sympathetic tone as he undid the chord attached to my ankles.

The chord, of course, was still attached to my ball rings and he led me by them out of the tent.

"You and Jamie are going to have some fun and he is waiting for you in the sling" said Craig cheerfully.

"Ramone has a surprise planned"

My blood ran cold because Ramone was, in my opinion, the ultimate sadist.

Sure enough Jamie was looking beautiful in the sling, but tired.

"We have given Jamie some exercise whilst you have been asleep" chuckled James

I could see that from the look on Jamie's face that he had been abused and his cum stained face and the pool of cum formed from his still dripping ass was spreading on the groundsheet.

That was when I noticed that the sling had been changed and now looked more like a drilling tower and there were extra straps hanging down.

"You are going to join Jamie in the final enjoyment of our holiday" said Craig "and this will be really special"

There were about 4 cameras set up to video this from the most intimate angles and my shoulders and thighs were attached to some straps and hoisted up to be facing Jamie, he looked exhausted and ready to give up.

I tried to send him a kiss with my eyes and he looked deep into mine. His eyes were a pit of despair and resignation to his fate.

"Put you legs round Jamie's waist" ordered James.

My balls were nestling above Jamie's limp cock and for a wild moment I thought they were going to let Jamie fuck me.

Then I saw Ramone and another man carrying this stool across and what looked like a thinner version of a traffic cone about a foot in diameter at the base but with a cock like head. It was nearly 2 foot long.

Jamie could not see this as he snuggled against my chest.

Jamie and I were hoisted further in the air and they placed the heavy stool with the huge dildo underneath us.

Then they started to lower Jamie and his head jerked away from my body as the thick device entered is ass.

They let him down slowly at first until he was nearly a foot lower than me.

Jamie was starting to feel very uncomfortable as he must now have about 10 inches of it inside him and it was getting thicker the more that went in.

They released Jamie's straps completely and he dropped screaming on to this enormous dildo.

"Please stop" I pleaded "You will hurt him permanently"

Craig said "he can take this, Ramone said he has done this before"

"Now we come to the fun part" sneered Ramone

My straps were released and I slid down rapidly onto Jamie adding my weight to his and forcing the dildo in even more.

Jamie Screamed and screamed and screamed and I was surprised he had not passed out.

That was when it happened and Ramone jumped onto Jamie's back adding his weight as well and I felt Jamie slide further onto the dildo.

There was a tearing sound and Jamie passed out.

"Get that stupid bastard off" yelled Craig and James ripped him off us, spun him round and punched him in the face. Ramone went down like a sack of potatoes and did not get up.

Tie that bastard up he is going to pay for this" said Craig

They hoisted me off the lip hanging Jamie and I saw the dildo was a good 18 inches inside him.

He was hoisted off and dildo and stool rose with him wedged inside his body.

"Shit" said Craig "this is bad news"

They eased the still unconcious Jamie off the dildo and the blood started trickling down what was still inserted.

"We must take him to hospital" I said

"Yes but we have to make a story up first" "and Ramone has to pay"

"Try and stop the bleeding Dave" as one of the guys handed me a big roll on cotton wool

Ramone had been tied up and was being hoisted onto the sling and now he was conscious he was cursing and threatening anyone who touched him.

"No lube" "it has to go in dry" said Craig.

The dildo was positioned under Ramone and a ball gag was been put in his mouth. It is easy to get someone's mouth open when you put enough pressure on their lips .

After getting the end in his ass with Ramone struggling the straps were released and he slid hard onto the dildo.

If he could have screamed he would and he was trying to reach invisible straps above him to get free.

One by one four of the guys added their weight, there was a tearing sound and a crack, like bone breaking and he passed out as the last inch of the dildo went inside him. He had 2 foot inside him and it had split his ass and possibly worse.

"I would have not thought it would all go in him" said James with no trace of sympathy or compassion. Even I felt that they had been hard on him

"Now leave him here and lets get the camp moved whilst I take Jamie to hospital" said Craig

"Dave, you come as well and get some normal clothes for you and Jamie"

"We will say we lost you in town 2 days ago and I did not phone your parents because I was sure we would find you"

"You will say that you were bundled into a van, tied up, blindfolded and sexually abused by the men for 2 days not knowing where you were and unable to recognise any of the men or know how many there were. You did not know how badly Jamie was injured until you were thrown out of the van and were trying to get to a phone box when you recognised this van and flagged me down. I was so relieved to find you because we had been looking for the last 2 days and I was too afraid of having let you down to call your parents. Not knowing who to call in Jamie's case because we picked him up as a hitch hiker."

We had no idea if we would be believed but it was worth a try.

Jamie had regained conciseness and I explained this to him and he agreed even though he was in great pain.

We arrived at the hospital and Jamie was treated immediately and we were told that the injuries were not as serious as they looked and we would be able to pick him up the next day. The police had been called and we told them our stories and they seemed a little sceptical but believed us in the end. Craig phoned my parents and I spoke to them and told them not to worry because Craig will not let me out of his sight again and that he felt very guilty letting me and my parents down. They spoke to him afterwards and told him that it was not his fault.

I The police interviews at the hospital were thorough but they seemed to believe us and we were allowed to take Jamie with us the next day when we were due to leave.

Craig and I went back to the camp and it had been cleaned up and there was no trace of the structure, the stool or in face Ramone. Even his car had disappeared.

It was as if all trace of him had vanished and the camp site was just like a normal one.

"Where's Ramone" asked Craig

"He has left here and all trace of him has gone" Said James.

"He won't ever be back"

There was a whips of smoke from the forest where the charcoal ovens were.

"I see you have fired up one of the old ovens" I said.

The others looked at each other "Yes" James replied with a satisfied grin "We had some unwanted refuse to dispose of" "We still don't know what happened to young Sammy the 12 yo that Ramone brought last year and we suspect we never will, but it won't happen again" "Ever"

I looked over to the rising smoke and a shudder went down my spine.

"No one feels like sex tonight so you can have a rest Dave before we pack up to leave tomorrow" Commented Craig.

"We will pick up Jamie though?" I asked

"Of Course" replied Craig "Your parents have agreed to look after him for a few days until his parents can be contacted" "I asked them when I spoke to them on the phone"

"I thought you were a long time" I said

"Well I had a lot of explaining to do" Craig looked me deep in the eyes and I could see the word sorry pouring out of them.

I flung my arms round his neck and he carried me to the tent and we went to sleep with me lying in his arms.

Jamie was indeed an orphan and Ramone had offered to take him on a holiday of a lifetime. Now no one could get in touch with Ramone and my parents were prepared to take him in indefinably. I was very happy and Jamie felt secure for the fist time in his life. We had to share a bedroom and I said that I would put up with it for a while whist being ecstatic with happiness and we spent every night having sex together.

James started a new job a month later and moved away. Craig went to Uni and met a girl and fell in love. Eventually both Jamie and I started dating girls and when he was 22 Jamie got married. I felt a bit let down but happy for him. I followed myself 6 years later and now have 2 wonderful children and if anyone lays a finger on them I would kill them.

Twelve years after the camping trip some bones were found in an old charcoal pit of a man in his mid 40's, there was also some bones of a young man about 10 to 15 years old in a shallow grave not far from the charcoal pit. What the police could not figure out was that they both had fractured pelvic bones but the youth had other bones that bore obvious signs of fracture and they drew the conclusion they were both ritual killings. I did not say anything but knew in my heart that justice, however cruel, had been done.

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