Daves Den

By Derek Jones

Published on May 14, 2018


Dave's Den Part 9

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This story is a work of fiction!

At the beginning of August Jessica asked Dave if she could go to London early. She wanted to spend some time in the city before her classes would start in early September. She told Dave that she had originally wanted to stay home longer, but with her relationship with Jared over, she felt like she needed to move on. The early move to London would help get her head into a good place before school started.

Dave called his sister and she was happy to have Jessica live with her for a month before school started. So Jessica began to pack her bags and a week later Dave was seeing her off at the airport.

It was one of the hardest days of his life, his little girl was leaving home and even though Jared was about to move in, it wasn't the same. He loved his daughter, his flesh and blood, and his heart was breaking as he saw her off. He cried more than she did.

Dave arrived home to an empty house and plunked himself down on a patio chair and stared numbly at the reflection of the house on the surface of the pool. He sat there for over an hour feeling sorry for himself.

His deep thoughts were broken when he spotted the image of another person in the reflection from the pool. Jared came up behind him and placed his hands on his shoulder and kneaded his muscles with his strong hands.

"You OK, Dave?" he asked.

"Not really..." Dave replied as he started to cry again.

Jared knelt beside him and took him in his arms. He held Dave close and comforted him until the tears stopped.

"Sorry I'm such a baby!" Dave said to Jared.

"My dad says that a real man should be able to show his emotions, Dave. So you're just being a real man!" Jared said before kissing Dave on the cheek.

"So how are you, Jared?" Dave asked.

"I'm good, thanks. I came by to ask if I can move in sooner that we had planned. My parents are packing up the house and it would help if I got my stuff out of there. Would it be a problem?" he asked.

"Of course not!" Dave replied with a smile. "When do you want to move in?"

"Well, my first load of stuff is in my car!" Jared replied with a big grin on his face.

Dave got up and gave him a hug, then walked out to the driveway to help him carry in armloads of clothes. They placed everything in the spare bedroom, then Dave followed Jared back to his parents' house with his SUV, to help move more of his belongings.

After everything was dropped off into what was now Jared's room, Dave started the grill and began to prepare dinner. Jared's parents came over and ate at Dave's house and then headed home, leaving Jared behind. It wasn't goodbye for them yet, they still had another week of packing to go.

Dave and Jared watched a bit of TV before they both started to fall asleep on the sofa in the den. It had been a long day for both of them. They made their way upstairs and Jared walked towards his new room.

"Where are you going?" Dave asked him.

"To bed!" Jared replied.

"You don't have to sleep there if you don't want. You know my bed is plenty big enough for us both to sleep in it," Dave explained while Jared stood at the doorway to his room.

"Are you saying that I can sleep with you tonight?" Jared asked.

"I'm saying that you can sleep with me every night, if that is if you want," Dave replied, hoping that Jared would say yes.

"Did I tell you that I love you yet today?" Jared asked with a smile growing on is face.

"No," Dave replied.

"Well, I FUCKING LOVE YOU!!!" Jared's voice became a yell. "I so fucking love you Dave!"

Jared practically ran down the hall and grabbed Dave in a bear hug and planted his lips against Dave's.

They both got ready for bed, brushing their teeth, etc. Then they undressed and climbed into Dave's bed. Jared held Dave close and started to kiss him deeply while sliding a hand down Dave's body to find his hardening cock.

He stroked the lengthening rod while probing Dave's mouth with his tongue. Dave sucked Jared's tongue as he ran his hands all over his muscular body.

Jared lifted his mouth off of Dave's and said, "Do you have some lube in the nightstand drawer?"

"Yes, of course!"

"Good, I need you to fuck me and I mean right now! No sucking, no more foreplay, I need your big cock inside me right now!" Jared breathlessly told him.

Jared lay on his back and raised his knees while Dave squirted some lube onto his finger and applied it to his cock and Jared's hole.

Dave lay on top of Jared and pushed the teen's legs higher to expose his puckered hole. He placed a leg on each of his shoulders and then guided his cock towards Jared's waiting asshole.

"Yes Dave do me! Do me now!" Jared begged.

Dave pressed the head of his cock against the opening between Jared's legs. He felt the warmth of Jared's flesh against the soft skin of his knob, then he pushed it inside as the young man moaned loudly and begged him to fuck him hard.

Jared felt the head of Dave's cock penetrate his hole, it hurt, but he wanted it so bad. He wrapped his legs around Dave's body and pulled him closer as the full length of Dave's 7-inch cut tool buried itself inside.

When Dave's balls touched Jared's body, he hesitated a moment, then began to thrust it in and out of the hot orifice.

"Oh god yes!" Jared cried out as Dave's cock filled his ass, pounding it over and over again with hard meat. He clung to Dave with his hands and legs as his lover fucked him hard.

"Fuck me Dave! Oh Dave I love you! Fuck me hard!" Jared practically yelled.

"I love you too, Jared!" Dave called out as he stuffed his cock in and out of the teen's open hole.

They fucked for almost 15 minutes, Dave varying the speed of his thrusts to keep himself from cumming too quickly. Then, he couldn't hold off any longer, he blew his load up Jared's ass.

"Oh Jared! I'm cumming!!!!! Ohhhhhhh Jaredddddddd! Ohhhhhhh my god!" Dave cried out as his cock erupted deep inside Jared's hole, pumping a huge load up his ass.

Jared called out Dave's name as he came without touching himself. The friction of Dave's cock against his prostate was enough to get him off.

"Davvvvvveeee! Oh my god Daveeeee!" Jared called out as his cum shot out of his 7.5-inch cut cock, splattering all over his own chest and stomach.

As their orgasms wound down, Dave lowered his body onto Jared's and they both kissed and caressed each other while Jared's cum squished between their bodies.

"Maybe we should have a shower, Dave suggested after a while.

"I think we need one!" Jared replied with a laugh.

They showered together, then retuned to bed, falling asleep quickly; with Jared being spooned from behind by Dave. It was their first night together, sharing a bed as lovers.

Morning came too soon, as it always does. Dave had to go to work and Jared was going to his parents' house to help them pack.

They ate breakfast together on the patio, then went their separate ways, agreeing to meet for dinner at a diner near Jared's parents' house.

And so it went until Thursday, when Jared's parents left for the West Coast. It was their turn to be upset and Jared was upset too. Dave came home from work early to be with Jared when he arrived home. It was his turn to provide comfort.

They made love again that night, as they had done every night that week. This time Jared was the top.

The next morning, they began to make plans for a party on Saturday afternoon; a sort of welcome party to Dave's home for Jared.

They invited Seb and Billy, who happily accepted. They also contacted Brad and Brennan, but they were going to be away at their cottage and had to regretfully decline. They did however, make a plan to meet at the cottage in two weeks, when Dave would be on vacation.

"So what to you want to do today?" Dave asked Jared over breakfast on Friday morning.

"I need to buy some cycling shorts," Jared told Dave. "I want to ride my bike while you are working next week, but I can't find my shorts. I think they must be with my parents' things."

"Where do you go to buy cycling shorts?" Dave asked.

"There's a small sports store near the west side of town," Jared replied. "I go there for things because they give good service, better than the big-box stores. Want to come with me?"

Dave was happy to go with Jared. The mental image of Jared in cycling shorts was one that he couldn't miss seeing for real!

They arrived at the shop on Friday afternoon and were met at the door by a young guy who looked to be about Jared's age. The guy walked over to them and when he saw Jared, he smiled and greeted him by name. "Hey Jared!" He said. "I haven't seen you since school wrapped up!"

"I didn't know that you worked here now," Jared replied.

"Just started in July," the guy replied.

"Where are my manners?" Jared said. "Dave this is Owen, Owen this is Dave!"

Dave and Owen said "hi" to each other as Jared explained to Dave that Owen was on the school swim team and that they had graduated together in June.

Owen was about 5'11" tall with a trim swimmers build. He had fairly short blonde hair and light-brown colored eyes.

Jared told Owen that he was now living at Dave's house since his parents moved out west.

He went on to tell Owen what he was looking for, then two young men went through the racks of lycra and spandex cycling shorts searching for something that Jared liked. The shop was empty but for Dave and Jared, so Owen had plenty of time to spend with them.

Finally, Jared chose 3 pairs of shorts that he wanted to try on. Owen showed him to the change rooms and Jared went into one of the cubicles to see what fit best.

He had been in there for almost 5 minutes when Owen and Dave heard him ask if Dave could come in and help him.

"What's up?" Dave asked.

"I just need your help, please!" Jared called through the door.

"Ok!" Dave replied as Jared opened the door a bit to let Dave inside.

As Dave walked through the doorway he saw that Jared was naked from the waist down and his cock was as hard as a rock. Dave quickly closed the door behind himself, hoping that Owen hadn't seen the erect penis.

"What's going on!" Dave whispered to Jared.

"I got hard and it won't go down!" Jared whispered back. I can't try on shorts like this!"

"What do you want me to do about it?" Dave whispered.

"I dunno, maybe suck it for me?" Jared replied with a small smile on his lips.

"Here? Now?"

"Why not?" Jared whispered while giving his hard-on a shake with his hand.

"Owen is right outside!" Dave shot back.

"So? That makes it more exciting!" Jared replied with a suggestive wink.

"Shit!" Dave whispered as he got on his knees in front of Jared's throbbing organ.

"Suck it!" Jared whispered.

Dave took Jared's cock in his right hand and pulled the stiff rod into his mouth, causing its owner to quietly moan.

He sucked the warm meat, savoring its taste, at the same time as the musky aroma of his balls wafted into his nose. Dave's own cock was now fully erect inside his shorts.

Dave had been sucking on Jared's cock for about 2 minutes when there was a tapping at the cubicle door followed by Owen's voice asking if they needed help.

"No, it's ok!" Jared replied with a bit of a rasp in his voice.

"I know what you're doing in there!"' Owen called back through the closed door.

"You do? What do you think is going on?" Jared shot back.

"That guy is giving you a blow job!" Owen said.

"Why do you think that? He is just helping me with the shorts!" Jared called out as Dave continued to suck his cock.

"I can hear the slurping sounds! I know what a blow job sounds like!"

"Really?" Jared replied.

"Yes! I have given them before!" Owen shot back.

With that, Dave stopped sucking and looked up at Jared with a questioning look.

"What if someone comes in the store?" Jared asked Owen who replied that he had locked the door and put up a "Gone to Lunch" sign.

Jared looked down at Dave, whose face partly hidden by his erection, then he unlocked the door.

Owen swung the door open and saw Dave on his knees in front of Jared. Jared's cock was rock-hard, glistening with Dave's saliva.

"Oh man what a nice cock!" Owen said as he eyed Jared's tool. "I knew you'd have a nice cock!"

"You did?" Jared replied with raised eyebrows.

"Yes! I have seen you in the locker room before and your soft cock was real nice. I just knew it would be great when it was hard. I just never thought I'd ever see it though!" Owen told Jared with an excited tone of voice.

"Wow!" Jared replied, looking a little embarrassed.

Owen's pants were tenting, with a very obvious erection acting as the tent pole.

"Can I suck it? I mean do you mind?" Owen was looking at Dave as he said it.

"Be my guest," Dave told the eager young man.

"Yeah, Dave gets to suck it any time he wants!" Jared told Owen.

"I thought he was maybe your uncle," Owen said as he got to his knees.

"No, he is Jessica's dad." Jared confessed.

"Holy fuck!" Owen exclaimed. "I thought you looked familiar!" he added, looking at Dave.

"You got your girlfriend's father sucking your dick?!"

"My ex-girlfriend. And I suck his too, when we aren't fucking!" Jared told Owen while Dave rolled his eyes.

"Holy fuck!" was all Owen could say before Jared pulled his head towards his cock and slid it into his open mouth.

Owen eagerly went down on Jared's hard tool. His head bobbed up and down while he played with Jared's dangling balls with his left hand.

Jared gently fucked Owen's mouth while he held onto his head with both hands. His balls started to bounce off his chin as he picked up the pace.

"I'm getting close!" Jared warned his former schoolmate.

Owen's head rose and fell even faster as he sucked Jared's cock while stroking it with his right hand.

"Oh fuck!" Jared exclaimed. "Oh fuckkkkk! Ughhhhhh!" he gasped as his cum started to shoot into Owen's warm mouth.

Owen tasted Jared's salty jizz spurting onto his tongue, savoring the hot liquid before swallowing every last drop.

When he had taken Jared's load, Owen got to his feet, his erection still making a major tent in his pants. Jared took a look at Owen's bulge and said, "Looks like you have a load to unleash yourself!"

"Um yeah, I'm pretty horny!"

"Well you just ate Dave's lunch, maybe you should offer him your cum in its place!" Jared replied while looking towards Dave, who was now sitting on the changing room's bench. "If he wants it, that is!"

Dave looked at Owen who was nervously looking back at him.

"It's ok, Owen, he doesn't bite, much!" Jared assured him.

"Will you suck me, sir?" Owen asked Dave. "I'm really horny!"

"Show me what you got," Dave said to him. "And knock off the `sir' shit! Call me Dave!"

Owen unzipped his shorts, letting them fall to the floor. He was going commando underneath, so his hard cock was immediately in view. It was a bit more than 6-inches long and uncut. The foreskin was pulled back, due to his throbbing hard-on. His balls were medium-sized low hangers. His pubes were light brown and neatly trimmed.

"I'd suck that any time I could!" Dave told Owen who gave him a big smile and a "thanks".

Dave reached out his hands and placed them on Owen's hairless ass, he felt the firm, round fleshy mounds and pulled the teen closer. He opened his mouth and let Owen's hard cock slip between his lips and deep into his throat.

Owen's slippery pre-cum coated Dave's tongue as he sucked on the hard cock. He swirled his tongue around the cock head and into the piss-slit, lapping up the pre-jizz as it oozed from Owen's leaking rod.

It didn't take long for Owen to start humping Dave's face and then for his balls to blast a huge load of sperm into Dave's waiting mouth.

"Ughhhhh, Ughhhhh, oh fuckkkkkkkk!" Owen cried out as his cock pulsed, ejaculating its wad down Dave's throat.

After he had swallowed it all, Dave licked and sucked the softening cock until it became too sensitive and Owen had to ask him to stop.

After Owen's breathing returned to normal, he asked Dave if he remembered what he had said before he started blowing him.

"About sucking you any time I could?"

"Yeah," Owen replied. "I just wanted to tell you are welcome to that every day of the week!"

They all laughed while Jared and Owen stood pants-less in the cubicle and Dave was still on his knees.

Owen checked out the bulge in Dave's pants as Dave got to his feet. He reached out to touch it and commented, "Looks like someone else needs relief! I've never sucked a guy my dad's age before!"

"Don't knock it until you try it!" Jared told him.

"I want to try it!"

Dave took his shorts and underwear off, throwing them beside Jared's clothes. When he stood up straight, Owen got a good view of his 7-inches of cut-daddy cock.

"Oh fuck yeah, I want!" Owen exclaimed as he knelt in front of Dave.

"You have to share!" Jared said as he got to his knees beside Owen.

The two high school graduates went down on Dave's hard meat, taking turns sucking his tool and licking and sucking on his balls.

Dave was moaning as two mouths worked his cock. The teens were sliding their mouths up and down either side of his shaft, then sucking his balls into their mouths. He had a hand on the back of each of their heads as they took care of his cock, running his fingers through their hair.

"Boys! I'm gonna shoot!" Dave warned.

Jared and Owen intensified their sucking on both sides of Dave's big cock. Sliding their mouths up and down the shaft while their tongues touched each other.

"Oh jeez! Oh fuckkkk yessssss!" Dave called out as his cum spurted out onto Jared and Owen's faces, spattering onto their noses and cheeks.

After Dave's wad had blasted all over their faces, the boys took a look at each other and laughed before taking turns to lick it the jizz off each other.

Then Jared tried on the three pairs of shorts and made a choice before they all got dressed and went to the cash.

As Owen recorded the sale, Dave whispered something to Jared, receiving a nod in return.

Owen thanked them for shopping at the store and encouraged them to come back soon and often!

Jared smiled and said, "We are having a bit of a party tomorrow afternoon and overnight. Do you want to come? We have a couple of other guys coming over as well."

Owen grinned and asked if he knew the other guys.

"Their names are Sebastian and Billy, they played for the Smithson High football team." Jared told him.

"Seb and Billy? Are they gay too?" Owen exclaimed.

"Um yeah, do you know them?" Jared replied.

"Oh yeah, I have seen them play against our team. Those two are hot!"

"Well, they will be there too," Jared confirmed.

"Sweet! I am looking forward to it!" Owen enthusiastically replied.

"Um, Owen, have you ever been fucked, or fucked a guy?" Jared asked.

"Been fucked a few times," Owen replied. "Never fucked a guy yet though."

"You can count on both tomorrow, if you want to that is," Jared told him.

"Oh fuck yes I want!" Owen said," Fuck, what a great day I'm having today!"

"Just wait `til tomorrow!" Dave told him as he left the shop with Jared.

Thanks for reading Part 9 of my story. Party to come! Comments and suggestions always appreciated.

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