Daves Den

By Derek Jones

Published on May 5, 2018


Dave's Den Part 8

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This story is a work of fiction!

Summer arrived and brought with it a number of changes.

The first was that Jessica was accepted into an international school program in London, England. She had worked hard at school the previous year and unlike her father, she was an excellent student. Dave always told people that his daughter took after her mother in looks and brains, he wasn't quite sure what she had inherited from him except maybe for his love of the outdoors.

The idea of losing his daughter for the next two years wasn't a happy one for Dave. She was all he had, he thought. Having her gone for the school year was going to be tough, and lonely. He wasn't worried about her, he had a sister who lived in London who could keep an eye out for her.

Dave knew that it a fantastic opportunity for Jessica, so he put on a brave face and went to London with her to see the school and the dorms. They didn't stay long on this first trip, it was a scouting mission and a chance for them to get a lay of the land.

When they got back home Jessica starting spending a lot of time with Jared. It was sort of a last hurrah before they would be away from each other for months at a time, maybe forever if they both moved on with other people. At their ages, that was a virtual certainty.

Dave got a shock one day when he came home early after a power failure knocked out the electricity at work. He saw Jared's car parked in front of the house. Not unusual, he was there a lot.

Dave went into the house and walked around on the ground floor, but didn't see Jessica or Jared. He went up stairs and into his bedroom to change. Then he heard a noise down the hall. He followed the sound to Jessica's room where the door was open. He looked inside and found the teens laying naked on top of the bed, Jared was fucking Jessica in the missionary position. His back was towards the door and Jessica's eyes were closed. Neither of them knew he was there.

Dave retreated down the hall to his room. He changed his clothes, went down the stairs to the kitchen to get a beer from the fridge, then outside to sit on the patio.

So, he thought to himself, Jessica was no longer a virgin. He actually wasn't angry, he always thought that he would be, but he wasn't. The girl was now 17 years old and about to go away to school. Who knew what she would get up to there? All he really wanted for her was to be happy and be safe.

No, Dave wasn't angry at Jessica; but he was hurt that Jared was making love to his daughter and not to him.

Dave sat there in silence thinking about how fucked up he was. He was feeling angry and sad because his daughter's 18-year-old boyfriend was having sex with her instead of him. How stupid was that? Jared wasn't his boyfriend, he was Jessica's. Jared had never said that he was Gay or even Bi, so why wouldn't he want to have sex with a pretty girl?

As Dave struggled with his thoughts, the young couple upstairs finished their love-making. Jessica got out of bed, looked out the bedroom window and saw Dave's car in the driveway.

"Oh my god, Dad's home!" she cried to Jared who turned as white as a ghost.

"Do you think he knows what we were doing?" Jared asked.

"Oh he knows!" Jessica said as she got dressed. "He always comes to find me to say `hi' when he gets home! The bedroom door was open!"

"He's going to kill me!" Jared said as his stomach flipped over.

"You have to leave!" Jessica told him.

"No, I have to talk to him!" Jared replied.

"No, trust me, you need to leave!" Jessica said.

Jared got dressed, followed Jessica downstairs and she shoved him out the front door. He got in his car and drove away as Jessica went looking for Dave.

She found him sitting on a lawn chair on the patio. She approached him crying and begging him to forgive her.

"Forgive you for what?" Dave asked her.

"I know you saw us," Jessica said with tears running down her cheeks. "You told me not to have sex and I did it. I did what you told me not to do!"

"You are old enough to do what you think is right, Jess," Dave told her.

"Soon you will be living in London and you will be making your own decisions about many things, including sex." he continued. "All I ever want for you is to be safe and happy."

Jessica stopped crying and asked if he really wasn't mad. Dave explained that he wasn't mad at her. He was mad at himself for not being more realistic. He told her that he was having sex at her age and shouldn't have held her to a higher standard. He left out the part about the sex being with other guys.

He hugged Jessica and asked her if he could ask a question.

"Shoot!" Jessica said.

"Did you and Jared take precautions? I know it isn't something that a father would normally ask his daughter, but your mother isn't here to ask it." Dave asked her in a gentle tone of voice.

"Yes, Jared bought condoms," Jessica replied. "He insisted, even though I told him that I am on the pill."

"You're on the pill?" Dave replied with raised eyebrows.

"Yes, Dad. I asked Aunt Jackie to take me to a clinic when I decided I was ready for sex."

"Your mother's sister is always a great help to us. I'm glad that you felt that you could go to her." Dave replied

"Me too!" Jessica replied. "And Dad?"


"I was the one who encouraged Jared to have sex with me. He didn't want to do it."

"Where did Jared go?" Dave asked her.

"I told him to run for it because you might kill him!"

"I still might!" Dave replied with a laugh.

"One last question?" Dave asked.

"Yes?" Jessica replied.

"Was it good? Like are you ok? I don't want details; I just want to know what you are ok." Dave told her.

"It was good and he was gentle."

"Good! As long as your ok." Dave replied.

"Dad, he was more scared that I was!"

They both had a laugh at that one. Dave especially, as he thought of how unafraid Jared was when he was having sex with him.

It was around 10pm that night when Dave's phone chimed with an incoming text.

"Can we talk? Please? – Jared" it read.

"When/where?" Dave texted back.

"11pm – Lookout?"


Dave went to Jessica's room, knocked on the door and asked her if she had told Jared that he wasn't mad. She told Dave that Jared hadn't replied to her earlier messages, she thought that he was scared and had turned his phone off.

Dave told her that he was going out to meet Jared because he had asked to talk. He didn't say where and she didn't ask.

Dave got to the lookout and pulled up beside Jared's car. They were alone in the night. Jared got out of his car and climbed into the passenger seat of Dave's SUV.

Dave could tell that he had been crying. His eyes were puffy and red and he looked drawn.

"Are you OK, Jared?" Dave asked gently.

"No, I'm not. I let you down. I did something that you asked me not to do. I am so sorry Mr. Jones!" Jared said as a tear trickled down his cheeks.

"It's OK Jared, I had a long talk with Jessica and she and I are ok. She even told me that she was the one who urged you to do it and that you resisted."

"I still shouldn't have done it!" Jared insisted.

"Maybe not, but then again, you are a horny teenager and there was a willing partner. It isn't like you forced her." Dave told him.

"No, I didn't...but..." Jared said quietly.

"It' OK Jared. And thank you for being man enough to come to me about it. Jessica told me that you wanted to talk to me before you left the house."

"She told you that?" Jared said with questioning eyes.

"Yes, she did"

"So are we OK, Mr. Jones?" Jared asked Dave.

"Stop with the Mr. Jones shit, Jared, or we won't be OK!" Dave said the last part with a wink.

"There is something else, Dave" Jared said as he looked Dave in the eyes.

"What is it?"

"I think I am gay." Jared said in a quiet tone.

"Well I was selfishly hoping that you are bi," Dave replied. "Why do you think you are gay?"

"Because I enjoy the sex with you and the guys more than with Jessica!"

Dave and Jared talked about this for a while. Dave encouraged Jared to not base his sexuality on just one or two experiences with a girl. Maybe he should do it a few more times to see if he becomes comfortable with it.

Jared laughed at him and told Dave that he had just encouraged him to have more sex with his daughter!

They talked a while longer, then Dave said that he had better get back home.

"Hold me? Dave?" Jared asked.

Dave took Jared into his arms and held him tight. He looked him in the eyes and told him that everything was going to be fine. That's when Jared kissed him with an open mouth.

It became almost frantic. Dave and Jared kissed each other deeply, their hands roamed over each other's bodies. Jared told Dave to recline the driver's seat, then he undid his shorts for him and pulled his hard cock out.

Jared lowered his head into Dave's lap and licked his balls and then up his hard shaft. He wrapped his lips around the head of Dave's cock and sucked on it while caressing his balls.

He bent further over and let Dave's cock slide deep into his throat. His head bobbed up and down in Dave's lap as he sucked his cock. His mouth making sucking, slurping sounds as he took the big rod as deep as he could.

In minutes Dave came hard. "Ohhh Jaredddddd, Jaredddddd! Ohhhhhh!" he cried out loudly as he filled the young man's mouth with a huge load.

Dave and Jared had not done anything sexual together since the trip to the cottage. Dave made up for it as soon as Jared had swallowed his cum. He gently pushed him back in his seat and slid his shorts and underwear off. He buried his face in Jared's groin and swallowed the hard, teen cock until it was hitting the back of his throat.

Dave sucked Jared's meat as Jared held his head down with one hand and raised and lowered his hips to fuck his face. He kept moaning Dave's name as he felt the man's mouth working his rock-hard cock.

"Dave! I'm cumming! Davvvvveeeee! Ohhhhh!" Jared called out as his cock erupted in Dave's mouth, blasting cum all over the back of Dave's throat.

Jared sagged in his seat after he had ejaculated a big load down Dave's throat. "I'm pretty sure I'm Gay..."

"Give it more time," Dave told him as he pulled his shorts up.

"Am I still special?" Jared asked.

"You're Very special!" Dave replied.

"Thanks Dave, you're special too!" Jared said as he opened the door to head back to his own car.

A week later there was another change. Dave arrived home from work and parked his SUV in the driveway. He noticed that Jared's car was parked on the street again.

As he walked towards the front door, it opened suddenly and Jared ran past him towards his car. As he rushed past him, Dave noticed that Jared looked like he was crying.

"Are you OK?" Dave called to the teen as he fumbled with his keys to unlock the car.

Jared looked at him and shook his head. He didn't say a word, he just got in his car and drove away.

Dave went into the house looking for Jessica. He found her on her bed wearing just her bra and underwear. Dave had seen that before, they lived in the same house and sometimes she would go to the washroom wearing only her underwear.

Jessica was also crying.

"What's going on Jess?" Dave asked with concern in his voice. "You and Jared are both in tears."

"Jared broke up with me!" Jessica told Dave with tears running down her cheeks.

"What? Why? What happened?" Dave asked.

"Dad, he says that he is Gay!" Jessica said while sniffling.

"He told you that?!" Dave asked with a surprised look on his face.

Jessica went on to explain that they had sex a couple of times after the day that Dave had caught them in bed. It had gone OK, but she sensed that something was missing. Something in the way that Jared as with her, like he was uncomfortable and not super excited about it.

Today she had tried to get him into bed and he resisted. She couldn't understand why Jared, a teen male, wasn't excited at the idea of having sex with her. She pushed him on it a bit and that's when he broke down and started to cry and told her that he is gay.

"I didn't want to believe him Dad, but he said that he had tried sex with guys and that when he did, it confirmed what he had suspected about himself. That he likes guys sexually more than girls"

Dave and Jessica had a long talk. She admitted that she didn't think that Jared was her forever love. She knew that she was going to be leaving the country and that she would likely meet other guys that she would be attracted to. The main thing was that she was shocked and she still cared for Jared, even if it was just as a close friend.

Dave marvelled at the maturity of his daughter. He doubted that he would be that mature, even now! The idea of still being friends with a lover who had ended their relationship, was something that didn't compute for him.

Dave was a bit nervous that it would come out who Jared had been having sex with, but so far it was still their secret.

Father and daughter talked late into the night. By the time Jessica went to bed she was doing ok and talking about wanting Jared to come over just to swim in the pool or play cards.

Dave went to bed wondering how his own relationship with Jared was going to go. With the relationship between Jess and Jared over, would he disappear on him. Especially when Jess left for Europe?

Another week went by. Jared had been over to the house a few times, but it was when Dave was working. Dave hadn't laid his eyes on him since he had run past him after coming out to Jessica. He was missing him in more ways than one. It was not just about sex, he really like the guy.

Then another change happened.

It was about 2 weeks before Jessica was going to leave for London. Dave arrived home from work on a Friday afternoon. He was looking forward to the weekend, plus he was on vacation the next week. He was feeling pretty good!

Jessica was sitting on the sofa in the living room, her phone in hand, texting away like crazy with someone. She had a concerned look on her face.

"What's up, Jess?" Dave asked her. "You look like you are worried about something."

"Dad, it's Jared, his parents are going to move to Seattle because his dad got transferred. Jared doesn't want to move; he is enrolled in college here this Fall."

"What's he going to do?" Dave asked her.

"He doesn't know. He wants to stay here, but has no family here to live with!" Jessica said with a worried look on her face.

"Poor guy," Dave replied, while inside feeling sorry for himself too. If Jared moved away, he wouldn't see him anymore either!"

"What if I let him live in our spare bedroom?" Dave said to Jessica, who turned to look at him.

"Really, Dad? You would do that for him?" Jessica asked with wide eyes.

"Sure," Dave replied. "He is a nice young man."

"Oh my god, Dad! He would be so grateful!" Jessica told him with a big smile on her face.

"You really like this boy don't you?" Dave asked her. "Even though he ended your relationship?"

"Dad, he is such a nice boy. You will love having him live here with you! And it will give you company when I am away at school!"

She has no idea how much, Dave thought to himself!

"Don't tell him what I said, Jess. Ask him to come over and let's break it to him together!" Dave told Jess before she excitedly texted Jared telling him to come over.

Jared arrived about an hour later. He was just in time for dinner. Dave was on the patio by the pool. He had the barbeque going and was ready to throw pork chops on the grill.

Jared came outside with Jessica. He smiled at Dave and said "hi".

Dave could see the stress on Jared's face from worrying about having to move away with his parents.

"Jess tells me that your folks are moving out west," Dave said, as he opened up the topic.

"Yeah, and I don't want to go!" Jared replied looking like a sad hound dog.

"Will your parents let you stay back east?" Dave asked.

"Yes, but only if I have a safe place to live. There is no dorm at the college that I am going to attend. So I'm shit out of luck!"

"You could live here, with me," Dave told the boy with the sad face.

Jared's head had been hanging down. It snapped up and he looked at Dave with wide eyes. "REALLY?! You would let me live here with you?!!!"

"Of course, Jared!" Dave replied with a huge grin on his face.

"OH MY GOD!!" Jared jumped up and grabbed Dave in a tight hug. He squeezed Dave tight and even kissed him on the cheek with Jessica watching.

Jared thanked Dave up and down a hundred times as Jessica looked on with a big smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye.

"You won't regret this, Dave! I swear I won't be any trouble and I'll help out around here. Anything you want!" Jared excitedly told Dave.

"Can I tell my parents?" Jared asked.

"Of course, and we probably should have them come over here tomorrow if they are available. Tell them that we are having steak for dinner and that the pool is a perfect temperature!" Dave told Jared.

Jared called his parents and Dave could hear the relief in their voices over the phone. They had been worried about how sad their son was and were happy that someone reliable would take him in so that he could stay where he called home.

When the pork chops were ready, they sat on the patio table to enjoy them along with the salad that Dave had prepared. Dave even let them both have wine with dinner.

After the dishes were in the dishwasher, Jess excused herself to use the washroom. After she went upstairs Jared grabbed Dave in another hug, this time kissing him hard on the mouth.

"Thank you Dave! Thank you so much! You have saved my life!" Jared told him between kisses.

"Well that may be a bit of an exaggeration, Jared, but I am so happy to have you live here with me!" Dave told him.

"The first time we are alone, I am going to give you a blow job that will have you pulling the sheets out of your ass!" Jared whispered in Dave's ear.

"I'd rather you fuck me," Dave whispered back.

"Right after you fuck me!" Jared replied.

They heard footsteps on the stairs so they pulled back from each other and quickly sat down at the table. Both guys were trying to hide hard-ons.

Jessica came back into the kitchen and said, "Dad, Monica wants me to go with her to the mall so I can help her choose some new clothes. Do you mind if I go? Jared, you can come with us if you want."

"No problem, Jess," Dave replied. "How long will you be gone for?"

"Until the store closes, so about 3 hours."

"I'll give that a miss thanks! Jared said. "I'll stay here for a while and talk with your dad about me moving in!"

Jessica took the keys to the SUV and headed out the door. Dave and Jared heard the vehicle back out of the driveway and then roll down the street.

"Can you get me that apple from the bowl?" Dave asked Jared while pointing at a bowl of fruit sitting on the counter.

"Sure," Jared replied.

As he leaned over the counter to reach for the apple, Dave stepped behind him and wrapped his arms around him. Jared could feel Dave's erection pushing against his ass right through the fabric of their shorts.

Jared wiggled his ass, further stimulating Dave's hard cock.

"Take me now Dave, right here, right now!" Jared urged.

Dave reached around Jared's waist to unbuckle the belt on his shorts. When it was undone he lowered the zipper, hooked his fingers on the waistband and pulled the shorts and boxers down. As they dropped to Jared's ankles he stepped out of them, kicking them aside.

Dave dropped his own shorts and briefs, tossing them onto a chair. Then he grabbed Jared from behind again. His hard tool rubbing against the teen's firm ass cheeks.

Jared was breathing hard. He was aroused as hell, his cockhead coated with pre-cum. "Oh god Dave, its been so long! I want you so bad!"

Dave knelt behind Jared and parted his ass cheeks with his hands. He buried his face between the mounds of ass flesh, sticking his tongue out to lick Jared's pink hole.

"Oh fuck yeah Dave!" Jared moaned. "Eat my fucking ass!"

Dave rimmed Jared's sweet ass, licking the crack and tongue-fucking his hole while he reached around to grip Jared's pre-cum dripping cock in his hand.

"Please I need it in me! Now pppppllllease!" Jared begged.

Dave got back to his feet and used one of then to spread Jared's legs a bit further apart. Then he took his cock in his right hand while using the left to spread Jared's cheeks. His hole was exposed and Dave placed the head of his cock against it and started to push forward.

"Ohhhh yeahhhh, yeahhhh push it in!" Jared begged.

Dave pushed his hips forward, driving his cock deeper and deeper into Jared's tight ass until he felt his pubes touching his cheeks. He paused a moment then pulled it back until it was almost out, then he pushed it back until it was balls-deep.

He built up a rapid rhythm, his cock thrusting in and out, his balls tapping Jared's ass with each hard thrust.

"Oh jeez yesss, yessss like that!" Jared cried out as his body absorbed the hard pumping motion of Dave's hard meat pounding his hole.

"I'm going to cum soon, babe!" Dave warned.

"Cum in me Dave! Fill my ass with your seed! Breed me! Make me yours!" Jared was practically yelling as he was filled with lust.

"Oh JARED!!! Awww fuckkkkkk!!!! Awwwww!" Dave called out loudly as his cock swelled slightly larger then erupted deep in his ass, firing wads of cum inside him.

Dave could feel a throbbing sensation between his legs, behind his balls, it ran through his cock shaft as he had an eye-rolling orgasm. He was finally fucking his boy again after weeks apart. He was in ecstasy.

Jared felt Dave's cock pull out of his hole. It left an empty feeling that he wanted Dave to fill again and again. He turned to face Dave, the older man's face was flush from exertion and his orgasm.

Jared looked into his eyes and said, "I love you, Dave."

Dave choked up for a moment. He had felt that he loved Jared for some time now. He didn't want to say it to him because he thought it would be to much for the younger man. Now, here was Jared saying the words to him.

"I love you too, Jared!" he exclaimed before the two of them locked lips to kiss each other deeply.

They kissed for a few minutes, then Jared said, "I need to get off, my balls are starting to ache."

"Take me, Jared. You know I want you, and I want you badly!"

Dave leaned over the counter for a moment before he felt Jared's hands spread his ass cheeks. Then he felt a hot, wet tongue probe his hole. He moaned loudly as he felt the tongue lick his hole, lubricating it, preparing it for Jared's rock-hard cock.

Jared stood behind Dave and humped his cock between Dave's hairy ass cheeks. "You ready?" he asked.

"Fuck me!" Dave urged. "Now!"

Jared guided his cock between Dave's cheeks, moving it up and down until it found the hole. Then he pushed it in using his hips to pump it in and out, a little deeper with each thrust.

"Push it!" Dave urged before Jared shoved hard and drove his big cock deep inside Dave's hungry hole.

"Yesssss!" Dave sighed loudly.

Jared fucked Dave's ass hard and fast. He was driven by lust for the man he loved. He held Dave's by the hips as he pumped his cock quickly in and out of his ass.

Dave could feel Jared's cock slip outside his ass, only to be shoved back inside hard again and again.

"I gotta cum!" Jared called out. "I can't hold it any more!"

"Oh fuckkkkk! Fuckkkkk! Ohhhhhhh fuckkkk!" Jared cried out as his cum exploded out of his cock and coated the inside of Dave's hole.

He kept thrusting his cock inside Dave's ass. His cock didn't go soft. He fucked Dave for another 10 minutes. Sweat was dripping off their bodies and the sound of sweaty flesh hitting sweaty flesh filled the kitchen.

"I'm gonna cum again!" Jared moaned, a second before his balls ejected their second load of jizz into Dave's wet hole.

"Ohhhhh ohhhhhhh, fuckkkk!" Jared panted out the words as his cock deposited another large wad inside Dave.

Finally, he pulled his cock free of Dave's worn ass. Dave was panting almost as loud as Jared. They faced each other and held each other close until they both caught their breath.

Dave looked at the clock. "Jess will be home in about 30 minutes. We better clean up!

They wiped down the counter, it was wet with sweat. Dave sprayed the room with an air freshener while Jared used a rag on the to wipe up some drops of cum.

They decided to take a dip in the pool to wash the sweat and cum off. They went in naked, Jared didn't have a swim suit there anyway.

That's where Jessica found them when she got home. She came through the garage and into the backyard. She saw Dave and Jared in the pool and went over to talk to them. The lights were on in the pool and she realized that they were not wearing anything.

"Ewww, are you guys skinny dipping?" Jessica asked.

"Yeah, well, Jared didn't have anything to swim in and I didn't want him to feel like he was the odd-man out. So I went in naked too!" Dave explained.

"Gross!" Jessica shot back before going into the house. "If you guys are going to keep skinny dipping I'm glad that I'll be in London in 2 weeks!

"We will keep skinny-dipping, right Dave?" Jared asked when she was gone.

"Maybe we will turn the house into a nudist resort!" Dave replied with a laugh.

Thanks for reading Part 8 of my story. More to come!

Comments and suggestions appreciated at derekmtrl@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 9

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