Daves Den

By Derek Jones

Published on Apr 26, 2018


Dave's Den Part 7

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Dave woke up the next morning with Jared curled up against him from behind. He could feel Jared's morning wood pressing against his bare ass while the teen slept on.

Dave loved the feeling of the youthful erection poking at him, but he needed to release his bladder, so he slid carefully out of bed and headed to the adjoining bathroom.

After he voided, he walked back into the bedroom and stood in front of the window to see how the day's weather was shaping up.

The sun was up; it was 9:00am after all! The sky was clear, not a cloud in sight. It was going to be a great day for fun before the drive home.

Dave looked down and noticed that the flaps on the entrance to Brad and Brennan's tent were pulled back. He could see right into the tent, and for a moment he wasn't quite sure what he was looking at. Then he realized that a guy was laying on his back, his legs on the shoulders of another guy who was fucking his ass.

He assumed it was Brad and Brennan going at it. Jeez, he thought, didn't they get enough last night?

Then he glanced over at the picnic table and saw Brennan laying atop it on his back, with Seb standing between his raised legs, pounding his ass with his big cock.

That meant that it was Billy and Brad in the tent and judging by the stature of the guy on top, Billy was giving it to Brad up the ass. Good for Billy, Dave thought.

Dave's cock fully hardened as he watched the action below. He gave it a couple of slow strokes, wondering if he should wake Jared.

As he contemplated his next move, he felt warmth behind him, then the touch of Jared's body against his, as the teen wrapped his arms around him in a hug.

Dave gave Jared an encouraging sigh as he felt Jared's hard tool press against his ass. He felt Jared's lips on his neck as he kissed him.

"Morning, Dave," Jared murmured in his ear. "Looks like our friends are early risers in more ways than one!"

Dave laughed and turned to face Jared before pulling him close to kiss him with parted lips.

"Does the view outside give you any ideas, Dave?" Jared asked coyly.

"A couple."

Jared pulled away, walked to the bed and lay on it face-down, his chest on the mattress, his feet on the floor, his ass presented invitingly to Dave.

"Fuck me, Dave. I want your cock inside me so badly. I get jealous when you fuck the other guys! Do me now, please!" Jared begged.

"Oh Jared," Dave said as he leaned over the prone teen. "I want to fuck you too. If it helps, I am jealous when you and the other guys fuck!"

"Oh Dave," Jared moaned as he felt some lube squirt on his hole followed by the head of Dave's hard cock pushing inside.

Dave pushed his cock steadily into Jared's ass until his balls touched his firm buttocks. He waited a minute for Jared to get used to the feeling of the big tool inside him, then he began to thrust it in and out.

The bed started to squeak as Dave pounded Jared's ass. His balls tapping Jared's butt cheeks with each thrust as the boy begged for more.

"Yeah Dave, fuck me good! Give me your hard wood! Yes, yes like that!"

Dave held onto Jared's shoulders as he hammered his cock up his ass. Sweat dripped from his brow and onto Jared's back as their bodies slapped against each other.

"I'm gonna cum soon!" Dave cried out after about 10 minutes of pounding Jared's hole.

"Yes daddy, yes! Cum in me!" Jared urged.

"Oh Jared! Ughhhhhh! Awwwwww fuckkkkkkk!" Dave called out loudly as his cum spurted deep inside Jared's tight ass.

After his cock stopped throbbing, Dave collapsed onto top of Jared, his cock still buried in his ass. They lay like that for a few minutes before Dave got up; his soft cock sliding out of the wet hole.

As Jared rolled over onto his back, his erection popped up from under him, the head of his cock wet with pre-cum, a wet stain on the sheets.

"That looks good enough to eat!" Dave exclaimed as he admired the hard cock.

"Don't let me stop you!" Jared replied with a grin on his face.

Dave got onto the bed and knelt beside the prone body of the naked young man.

He took Jared's hard 7.5" cut cock in his hand and gave it a few strokes before leaning down to suck it deep into his mouth in one swift move, causing Jared to gasp out loud.

Jared ran his fingers through Dave's hair as he felt his wet mouth swallow his cock until Dave's nose was brushing against his pubic hair. He could feel Dave's tongue moving against his hard cock flesh as his girlfriend's dad gave him head.

Holy fuck, he thought to himself, if anyone had told him that someday Jessica's father would be sucking his cock and fucking his ass, he would have told them that they were fucking nuts. Now, here he was spending a weekend with him, sucking and fucking each other in multiple positions!

Dave was having much the same thoughts as he sucked Jared's cock. He had long wished he could be with guys again. Now, after many years being married to a woman, and then a widower, he was sucking his daughter's boyfriend's cock after having just fucked him. Life was great!

Jared's hips were heaving up and down as he was racked with the pleasure of Dave's mouth around his erect pole. His breath was ragged as he moaned and groaned with pleasure.

"Oh Dave, I'm gonna shoot!" he cried out loudly.

"Ohhhhh Davvvvveeeee! Ahhhh gawddddddd, cummmmmminggggg!" he yelled as his cock throbbed and fired strings of jizz into Dave's mouth.

Dave felt the warm juice hitting the back of his throat. He tasted the salty goo as it filled his mouth before he swallowed it.

After Jared's balls were empty, Dave let his cock out of his mouth and pulled himself up towards Jared's head to kiss him. He let a bit of the teen's cum slip into his mouth, so that he could taste his own semen. Jared let it sit on his tongue a moment before swallowing it.

"Wow! You guys sure go at it!" A voice came from behind them. It was Seb, standing in the doorway, naked as the day he was born.

"I came to see if you guys were ready for breakfast, but it looks like you already ate!"

Dave and Jared laughed, then got up and followed Seb downstairs to the kitchen where the other guys were cooking breakfast. The only guy with something on was Billy, who was wearing an apron while he fried bacon on the stove.

"Good idea, Billy!" Dave said to the teen as he flipped the strips of sizzling meat over. "You'd have burned your pecker with splattered grease landing on it!"

"Yeah," Billy replied, "The only way that I want my cock heated up is inside your ass!"

"Maybe later!" Dave shot back while giving Billy a wink.

After breakfast everyone helped wash the dishes and then hit the lake to freshen up. They splashed around nude in the cool water for a short time before everyone dried off and got dressed.

They discussed what they wanted to do for the day; deciding to use the boat and canoe to go down the lake to a hiking trail that Brennan and Brad knew about.

Water bottles and snacks were loaded into knapsacks. Then Dave, Jared, Seb and Billy boarded Dave's boat and headed out onto the lake with Brad and Brennan's canoe in tow.

The trail proved to be quite grown over, but the view from the hilltop was great. The guys emptied the knapsacks and sat around on logs to drink water and eat potato chips.

They hung out on the hilltop for a while and then headed back to the cottage to prepare lunch.

Dave was pretty tired from all of sun, fun and sex. The rest of the guys suggested that he grab a short nap while they got the barbeque going and made up the burgers.

Dave went to his room and lay down to take a short nap. He went out like a light, not waking up until about 30 minutes later, laying face down on the bed. This wasn't unusual, he often slept on his stomach. But something wasn't quite right.

He heard a snickering noise and looked around for the source. There, standing side-by-side at the foot of the bed, were all 5 young men. They were naked and stroking their erections as they watched him wake up.

Dave immediately became aroused and tried to roll over to join the action. It was then that he realized that he had been tied face down to the bed! His arms and legs were lashed to the bedposts and a pillow stuffed under his hips to raise his ass up.

"What are you fuckers up to?" he asked the naked studs.

"Dave," Jared explained, "you have been so good to us this weekend that we decided to give you something that we know you like; young, hard cock in your ass! We are each going to fuck you and fill your ass with our hot cum!"

"I don't think I can take that many cocks inside me," Dave protested.

"We think you can!" Seb replied with a laugh. "Brad suggested the bonds in case you thought otherwise!"

Dave felt something cold on his asshole. Billy was rubbing lube onto the puckered hole, slipping some inside with his index finger.

"We played rock, paper, scissors to see who goes first and so on. The winner goes first and the ultimate loser goes last." Seb explained.

"Why does the loser go last?" Dave asked as Billy fingered his hole.

"Because he has to fuck a hole that has already had 4 other cocks shoot their loads in it," Seb replied and added. "You can imagine how sloppy that last fuck is going to be!"

Billy got onto the bed and lay on top of Dave. Propping himself up on his arms, he rubbed his hard 6" cock up and down Dave's ass crack.

"I won Dave," Billy told him, "I get to fuck your hairy daddy ass while it's still tight!".

Billy slid his cock between Dave's ass cheeks moving his body around until his cockhead found the hole. He paused for a moment and then began to push it inside.

Dave felt growing pressure against his hole. It hurt for a moment, then the head penetrated his lubed orifice.

"Oh fuck!" Dave gasped as Billy continued pushing his hard cock deeper inside his ass.

When Billy's rod was buried balls deep, he began to thrust it in and out. Quickly building up a rhythm, his cock thrusting, his balls tapping Dave's ass as he humped him hard.

The other guys encouraged Billy as he fucked Dave. They called out for him to fuck him harder. "Give it to him! Ram that bone up that ass!"

Billy was fucking Dave with short, rapid thrusts. He was close to cumming. He thrusted his cock a few more times and then his cum began to spurt deep inside Dave's ass.

"Ohhhh fuckkkk Dave!!! Ohhhhh fuckkkkk!" Billy called out as his cock throbbed, ejecting a hot load into the older man's ass.

When his cock stopped pulsating, Billy withdrew it from Dave's ass and got off the bed, his shrinking cock glistening with cum and lube.

"I'm next!" Brennan said as he climbed onto the bed. His 7" cut rod was leaking precum as he lowered himself on top of Dave, aiming the head at Dave's open hole. He thrust his hips forward and drove his erection up Dave's cum lubed asshole.

Dave groaned as the bigger cock expanded his hole even wider. He felt Brennan's pubic mound press against his ass cheeks as the young man fully inserted his erect tool.

Brennan kissed Dave on the side of the face before he began to thrust his rock-hard cock in and out of his ass. He would pull it just out of the open hole, then stuff it quickly back inside. Faster and harder he pumped his rod in and out. The bed frame squeaking with the force of the thrusts.

It wasn't long before Brennan came hard up Dave's ass. "Awwww fuckkkkk! Fuckkkkk! Awwwwww!" he cried out as his cock ejected a big load deep inside of Dave. As he pulled his cock out, a trickle of cum ran from Dave's hole and onto the sheets.

Brennan's tool was replaced by Brad's 8.5 thick inches of meat. Dave groaned as the big rod slowly worked its way into his cum lined hole.

"Fuck that's big!" Dave gasped as the whole shaft was buried inside him.

"You love it, don't you Dave?" Brad said as he pumped his cock inside him.

Dave didn't reply, he just panted as the big cock hammered his butt.

"Don't you Dave?" Brad asked.

"Uh huh!"

"Say it!" Brad urged as he fucked Dave hard.

"I love it!"

"I knew you did!" Brad crowed as his balls bounced off Dave's hairy ass.

"Oh god I'm gonna cum!" Brad gasped a few minutes later. "Oh fuck I'm cumming! Awwwww shitttt!" he cried as his semen mixed with Billy and Brennan's inside Dave's worn hole.

As Brad withdrew his cock more jizz leaked onto the bed. Seb and Jared stood by watching the cum trickle out of Dave's gaping hole.

"Dave," Jared said, "You ok?"

"Yeah, I'm doing ok." Dave replied. "Who's next?"

"Dave, now that you are all loosened up, Seb and I would like to double-fuck you again. Ok?

"How can you do that with me tied up like this?" Dave asked.

He got his answer as the teens untied him before Seb climbed onto the bed to lay down on his back beside him.

"Oh god help me!" Dave muttered as he raised himself up on the mattress to straddle Seb's toned body.

Seb held his pre-cum covered cock in his hand while Dave lowered himself onto it. Dave felt the shaft slide deep inside, then he felt the bed move as Jared got onto it and knelt behind him.

Dave leaned forward until his face hovered just over Seb's. He looked at the young man's soft lips and couldn't resist. He kissed him as Jared maneuvered behind him, leaning onto Dave's back and working his cock towards the already occupied hole.

Jared slid his cock along Seb's hard tool. He pushed it inside Dave's hole as Dave groaned loudly.

"Slow, Jared, slow!" Dave urged.

Jared slowly worked his cock deep into Dave's ass. He could feel the hardness of Seb's cock against his; the wetness of Dave's cum filled hole around their boners. He began to thrust in and out. The friction of Seb's cock against his, the super tight asshole gripping their hard rods, drove him crazy.

The two teens thrust their cocks against each other as Dave panted loudly. He just had to stay immobile as the boys did the work.

"Tell me when you're close!" Jared told Seb after almost 10 minutes of fucking.

"I'm close!" Seb quickly replied.

Me too! Jared panted.

"Gonna shoot!!" Seb yelled.

"Cumming!" Jared yelled back as his cum erupted from his cock, squirting all over Seb's cock and the inside of Dave's ass.

"Aww fuck!!!" Seb cried out as jizz fired out of his cock, mixing with Jared's and that left by their friends.

"Oh holy fuck!!" Dave yelled as he came along with the boys. The friction of the two cocks in his ass and against his prostate got him off and he blew a huge load all over Seb's chest with some hitting his face.

The three of them blew their loads at the same time in an earth-shattering simultaneous orgasm. Moans and sighs filled the air as cum was ejected from their balls.

When the ejaculation of semen was over, Jared pulled his cock from Dave's wide hole, Seb's softening cock slipped out as Dave collapsed on top of him.

"That was fucking fantastic!" Dave told the guys as Seb held him close, "I never thought I'd ever take 5 cocks in less than an hour, let alone two at a time! You guys are great!"

"Nah," Seb replied, "You're the best Dave. Thanks for having all of us up here!"

They were joined on the bed by the other guys and everyone lay there for several minutes before Dave said that they had better get moving.

They were all fairly quiet as they trooped down the stairs and out to the lake for one last dip to wash the cum and sweat off their bodies. Everyone was tired from the sun and the sex, mostly the sex!

The burgers were cooked and eaten in short order, then the cleanup began. The car was packed by the younger guys as Dave changed the sheets on the bed.

Dave, Jared, Seb and Billy said their good byes to Brennan and Brad, promising to get together soon, Either in town or back at the cottage during the summer.

As Brad and Brennan paddled across the lake, the rest of the guys headed for home with Jared at the wheel. Dave was too tired to drive after all of the sex.

When Jared and Dave dropped Seb and Billy off, Dave told them that he really liked them and hoped that the weekend wasn't a one-time thing.

"Just try and keep us away Dave!" Billy said. "You'll be sick of us before long!"

"Never!" Dave shot back before Jared put the SUV in gear and drove off.

Jared was quiet as he drove the rest of the way to Dave's house.

"You OK?" Dave asked him.

"Yeah, just..." Jared's reply trailed off.

"You know that you're the special one, right?" Dave asked him. "The other guys are fun, but you are special."

"I am?"

"Of course!"

Jared smiled and turned up the radio; driving the rest of the way home with grin on his face

Thanks for reading Part 7 of my story. More to come!

Comments and suggestions appreciated at derekmtrl@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 8

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