Daves Den

By Derek Jones

Published on Sep 10, 2017


Dave's Den Part 4

If you are under 18 years of age, offended by stories which depict sex between teens and men, or live in a jurisdiction where reading/possessing such materials are illegal exit now.

This story is fiction, never happened, except in my mind!

The big day finally arrived It was Friday afternoon and Jessica was on her way to her aunt's home. Dave was packing his SUV with groceries and other supplies needed for a weekend at the cottage.

Jared arrived at Dave's house at around 4:30pm and Dave had him park his car inside the garage. Jared had told his parents that he was going to the cottage with Dave and Jessica. At least part of that was true!

Jared was excited about going away with Dave and the two young guys that they had met at the lookout a couple of weeks earlier. It wasn't just about the sex, Jared also loved the outdoors and was looking forward to spending time at the lake.

Jared helped Dave finish loading the rest of the stuff and then threw his own knapsack in the back and walked with Dave through the house to check that the back door was locked and all windows were closed.

When they got back to the garage, Jared grabbed Dave and pushed him back against the wall and kissed him deeply, his tongue snaking inside the older man's mouth.

The two of them kissed for a few minutes, Dave could feel Jared's erection pressing against his groin as they made out.

"Whoa tiger, we should save this for later!" Dave said to Jared with a laugh.

"Oh man I am so psyched!" Jared exclaimed. "I have been looking forward to this trip for 2 weeks now! We are going to have so much sex! Other fun too, but so much sex!"

Dave hugged him and then they headed out to the SUV, closed the garage door, and headed off towards Smithson, about a 30-minute drive away.

Seb and Billy were to meet them at the train station. The plan was for Seb to pick up Billy and then park his car at the station for the weekend. Their story was that they were going to spend the weekend visiting Cooperstown, NY.

When Dave and Jared arrived at the station at 6:00pm, Seb and Billy were waiting for them. They threw their bags into the back and then climbed into the backseat.

"Are you guys up for this?" Jared asked them. "I have been excited for 2 weeks thinking about this trip!"

"Oh yeah we are both totally up for this!" Billy confirmed as Seb nodded his head in agreement.

"I hope you brought lots of lube Jared, cuz you're going to get fucked silly this weekend!" Seb told him with a big grin.

"Yeah, yeah, prove it big boy"! Jared shot back with a laugh.

"Oh you'll see!" Seb said. "I promise you that!"

Dave listened to the banter with amusement. It was funny to hear the young testosterone filled teens throwing challenges at each other.

The trip to the cottage took about an hour. During the drive they exchanged in a friendly banter, mainly about sports. With Jared, Seb and Billy playing for opposing teams, there was a lot of back and forth about who had the better team etc.

They arrived at the cottage at 7:00pm. The two-story building was located on a secluded, well-treed lot on a small lake. The closest neighbor was about a mile down the gravel road, so privacy was pretty much guaranteed.

There was a dock at the water's edge with a decent-sized fishing boat tied up alongside. The water was warm and the lake bottom suitable for walking on when swimming.

"Sweet place!" Jared exclaimed as he looked around. "How come I have never been here before?"

"We just haven't had time to come up here much this summer," Dave replied.

"Can we go for a swim before we eat dinner?" Billy asked.

"Of course!" Dave answered with a smile on his face.

"I forgot to bring swim shorts," Seb told the group.

"Well nobody can see us here," Dave told him. "You can go in your underwear, or you can skinny-dip!"

"I've never swam naked; sounds like fun!" Seb said enthusiastically.

Seb pulled his t-shirt off over his head. His pink colored nipples were erect as they were exposed to the open air.

He dropped his shorts and his boxers, tossing the lot onto a lawn chair. He stood in front of the guys stark naked. His flaccid cock hung down over his walnut-sized balls. His cut cock looked to be about 4" the head was mushroom-shaped; his light brown pubes were trimmed neatly.

"I'm not swimming naked alone you guys! Strip down now!" Seb told his friends.

Billy took his shirt off exposing dark brown nipples and tight abs. He lowered his shorts and took them off. He was wearing blue boxer-briefs that he peeled off and tossed on top of his other clothes.

His limp cock rested on top of his ping-pong balls sized testicles. His uncut dick was about 3" soft, his dark brown pubes had also been trimmed. His foreskin covered the prow-shaped head of his tool.

"I'm a grower! OK?!" he told the others as they looked at his cock. He was a bit self-conscious about the size of his cock when it was soft.

"No worries bud, we will make it grow real soon!" Jared said as he licked his lips for effect.

Jared was next to strip. Off came his t-shirt, his tight abs and brown nipples looked a lot like Billy's.

Shorts and boxers dropped in one move. Jared's 4.5" of soft cut cock hung low over his walnut-sided balls that were themselves hanging low in their sack.

His dark-brown pubes were trimmed, but not as short as those of the other teens.

"Now you Dave," Seb told the older man. "Let's see you naked!"

Dave disrobed and stood facing the 3 teens. His nipples were light brown and his chest fairly hairy. His flaccid cut cock hung about 4", his brown colored pubes were shaved, his big hairy balls hung low.

"For an old guy you're fucking hot," Seb told him.

"Fuck you!" Dave replied with a smile on his face.

"Maybe later old man!" Seb shot back with a laugh.

With that, the guys all ran into the lake, splashing each other and swimming around having fun.

After about 20 minutes they began to feel cool, the sun was setting and even though the water was fairly warm they were ready to head into the cottage.

As they all waged ashore they looked at each other. So a man they all had a lot of shrinkage going on.

"Hey guys! We all look like Billy now!" Jared called out with a laugh.

"Fuck you!" Billy yelled back.

"No, not that! Sorry man! I mean my dick is so shriveled up that I look uncut now!" Jared replied. "Look, so are Seb and Dave!"

They all laughed at that and commented about being cold was a great equalizer in cock size.

Clothes were gathered up and the guys trooped inside the cottage where Dave tossed them each a towel to dry off.

"Let's get our stuff from the SUV and see about dinner," he said to the group.

They all just wrapped their towels around their waists and went back out to haul everything inside.

While the teenagers stashed the food into the fridge and pantry, Dave went back out and came in with a case of beer. "We will be needing this too!" he said.

They all popped open a beer and started to drink.

"Hey look! I'm still all shrivelled up!" Seb announced as he pulled off his towel.

"Let me help with that!" Jared said.

He walked over to Seb and got down on his knees in front of him. Placing one hand under his balls that were pulled up tight in their sack, he parted his lips and wrapped them around Seb's shrunken cock and began to suck on it.

"Oh yeah, suck it!" Seb urged Jared. "Warm it up for me!"

Jared sucked on Seb's cock and it began to grow in his mouth, he could feel the cockhead emerge from the skin that had been surrounding it as his rod continued to inflate.

Billy dropped his towel, his cock was starting to elongate without any help as he watched Jared give Seb head.

Dave tossed his towel on a chair and knelt before Billy and pulled the teen closer by pacing his hands on the boy's ass and pulling him closer to his open mouth.

As Billy's hardening cock entered Dave's waiting mouth Dave pushed the foreskin back with his lips, exposing the glistening head.

Seb's cock was now fully engorged. Jared was sucking on it, his head bobbing up and down, his longish brown hair waving back and forth as he went down on the big teen meat.

Billy had his hands on Dave's cheeks, gently holding his face as the man sucked on his fully erect rod. He slowly humped his cock into the warm mouth while quietly moaning.

Both Jared and Dave's cocks were fully hard now too. Jared's was leaking precum and it was causing the head of his rod to shine in the light of the living room.

Billy was looking down at the wet cock and he licked his lips as he asked "Can we like lie on the floor so I can suck cock too?"

They lay on the carpeted floor with Seb on his side with Dave's daddy cock just in front of him. Billy lay in front of Dave so that Dave could resume sucking his cock and Jared lay so that he could suck Seb while Billy blew him.

Billy stuck out his tongue and licked the precum from Jared's rock-hard cock, he tasted the salty flavor of semen as he opened his mouth to take the rigid member into it.

Jared placed a hand on Seb's tight ass and pulled him closer so that he could get his big, thick cock into his mouth. Seb shifted his body until his rod was hitting Jared's tonsils.

Seb grasped Dave's big cock in one hand and moved his head until he could suck the hard meat into his mouth.

Dave leaned in and sucked Billy's cock back into his mouth.

The four horny guys lay on the floor, each with a hard, pre-cum leaking cock in their mouths. Heads moved back and forth as they sucked hard on the rod that was filling their throats.

Wet, slurping sounds filled the air as 4 cocks were worked by 4 wet mouths. Jared was thrusting his cock into Billy's mouth as Seb humped his into Dave's mouth.

Jared felt his orgasm getting close. He was near the point of no return when suddenly Seb's cock began to throb in his mouth and hot cum began to spurt from its head.

Jared felt the salty liquid squirting onto his tongue, the taste drove him over the edge. His own cock began to pulse, he could feel the pumping between his legs as he thrust his cock forward and deeper into Billy's mouth and his juice began to spray onto the other teen's tongue.

"Mpfhhhhh, mffffpp!" Was the only sound that Jared could make as his mouth was filled with Seb's cum as he loaded Billy's throat with semen.

Dave and Billy's cocks erupted at the same time. Dave's rod began to pulse and his jizz ejaculated into Seb's waiting mouth. Seb was swallowing the spooge as fast as Dave's balls could shoot it out.

Billy's reached down with one hand and held Dave's head when he felt his orgasm hit. His teen cock shot ropes of pent-up cum into the older man's mouth and Dave struggled to swallow it as fast as it was filling his mouth.

As their orgasms slowly ended the four guys took their mouths off the cock that had been filling them and they lay on their backs gasping for air.

"That was fucking hot!!!" Billy cried. "Oh holy fuck that was hot!"

Everyone was in agreement. None of them had ever been in a 4-way and they were all excited about how it had turned out.

"We better get something to eat," Dave told the guys. "We will need the energy of the rest of the night's fun!"

The teenagers around the table naked drinking beer while Dave fixed up dinner. He had bought a sandwich platter for the first night and they sat around drinking as they ate every bite.

"Can we see your bedroom?" Seb asked Dave. "I want to see where the boss sleeps." he said with a wink.

They all headed up stairs and to the master bedroom. They saw that Dave had a king-sized bed.

"Heck we could all sleep on this one bed!" Jared exclaimed.

"Maybe we could at that," Dave agreed.

"Let's see if we all fit," Billy suggested. So Dave pulled back the covers and the 4 naked guys all climbed onto the bed and lay beside each other.

"See? We all fit!" Jared pointed out.

"Yes, we do," Dave agreed. "You're not all ready to sleep yet are you?"

Jared, who was laying beside Dave rolled onto his side and propped himself up on one elbow, leaned over Dave and began to suck on his hairy left nipple.

"I guess you aren't!" Dave said as he laughed.

Jared sucked on Dave's left nipple and nipped it with his teeth. Dave groaned as both his nipples hardened.

Billy, who lay on the other side of Dave, turned to face him and he propped himself up and began to suck and nibble on his right nipple.

Dave moaned loudly as his cock slowly rose back up to be fully erect again.

Seb moved over to kneel between Dave's legs and he started to lick his big hairy balls.

"Oh fuck boys, this feel so good!" Dave moaned.

Seb licked his way up Dave's cock shaft and then sucked it into his mouth.

Jared and Billy continued to suck Dave's nipples while using their teeth to nip gently on their hard tips.

All 4 men now had fully erect tools, Dave's was buried in Seb's mouth and the other three jumped in time with their owner's heartbeat.

"Lie on your front now Dave," Jared instructed.

Dave rolled over onto his stomach, his hairy ass sticking up in the air. Jared grabbed a pillow and Dave lifted his hips while the teen stuck in under his hips to prop his ass up even higher.

Then Jared leaned down to part Dave's ass cheeks, exposing his hole. He bent over and began to lick his light-brown colored asshole as Dave began to moan again.

Seb and Billy were on their knees on the bed watching Jared eat Dave's ass. They were holding each other in their arms and kissing deeply, their tongues in each other's mouths.

Dave was humping his ass up and down while Jared rimmed it. His cock was leaving wet marks on the sheets as his cock leaked pre-cum.

Jared raised his head and said to Dave, "I really want to fuck you Dave, I want to fuck you bad!"

"There is lube in the night table drawer," Dave told him.

Jared reached into the drawer and pulled out the bottle of lube. He squirted some onto Dave's already wet hole and then lubed up his cock.

"Can you ride my cock, Dave" he asked the older man. "I really want to see you ride my cock,"

Jared lay down on his back. He 7.5" hard cock pointed towards the ceiling as Dave straddled his muscular body and lowered his ass towards it.

Jared held his erection in one hand as Dave lowered himself onto it. The head popped into Dave's lubricated hole and Dave paused to get used to the big mushroom-shaped knob.

Dave lowered himself down, feeling the teen's big rod fill his ass. It hurt as he let it enter him deeper and deeper, until he was sitting on Jared's body, all of the hard cock deep inside.

Dave began to rise up and down on Jared's rigid tool and Jared humped his cock upwards into Dave's ass as the man rode the young man's cock.

Seb and Billy were watching Jared fuck Dave while they stroked each other's cocks. Then Seb reached over and took the bottle of lube and squirted some onto his own cock and greased it up.

Then he moved closer to Dave and rubbed his ass as it was impaled on Jared's cock.

"Think you can handle two cocks?" Seb asked Dave. "I bet you can!"

"Oh fuck I don't know!" Dave exclaimed. "I doubt it!"

"Let's try," Seb told him.

He pushed Dave's body forward until he lay mostly forward on top of Jared. Jared's cock was still deep inside Dave's well-lubricated ass. Seb worked his way closer to Dave and held himself up on extended arms and let Billy guide his steel-hard cock towards Dave's already cock-filled hole.

His cock was now brushing against Jared's as Billy helped him get it to the edge of Dave's hole.

Seb pushed forward with his hips and the tip of his big cock entered Dave's asshole alongside Jared's cock. Dave gasped loudly but said to keep going.

It took about 5 minutes, but Seb was finally able to get most of his cock into Dave's hole at the same time as Jared's cock was penetrating it.

The two teen cocks rubbed against each other as Seb began to hump his cock up and down into Dave's stretched hole. Jared felt the hardness of Seb's boner against his as the other teen did the work of thrusting.

Billy moved to the head of the bed and then lifted himself to stand with his butt against the headboard and his cock in front of Dave's mouth.

"Suck me daddy!" Billy told Dave. "Suck your boy's cock!"

Dave opened his mouth and Billy fed his pre-cum leaking cock into it. Dave started to suck the teen's sweet cock as it was thrusting into his face.

Jared and Seb were now both thrusting their cocks into Dave's stretched hole. Their hips moving back and forth driving their cocks into the older man's hairy ass. Their cocks rubbing together as they fucked in unison.

Billy held Dave's head as he fucked his mouth. Dave gasped for air between moans. He felt the two hard cocks inside his ass as they fucked him hard.

"I'm gonna cum!" Jared warned.

"Awwwww fuckkkkk I'm cummmingggggg!" Jared yelled loudly. "Awwwwww fuckkkkkkk!"

His cock erupted in Dave's ass, his cum spurting out, coating the inside of Dave's ass as well as Seb's cock that was still thrusting beside his.

Seb could feel the hole get wetter as Jared's cum squirted into it.

"Ohhhhhh shittttttt!" Seb cried out. "Cummmingggggg! Awwwwww fuckkkkk!"

Seb's cock spit out gobs of cum mixing with Jared's, the two cocks still thrusting causing wet slurping sounds as their cum mixed and ran down along their cocks and dripped from Dave's hole.

Billy groaned and pulled his cock from Dave's mouth and jerked it as his cum shot out all over Dave's face. Ropes of jizz flew form the tip as his balls drained themselves all over Dave's face and lips.

Dave came without touching his cock. It had never happened to him in his life, but it began to jump and bounce on it's own and semen splattered out all over Jared's stomach below him. It splashed up as far as the boy's chin.

Seb withdrew his cock from Dave's ass and collapsed on the bed. Jared's cock slid out, covered in both teen's cum.

Jared licked Billy's cum from Dave's face before he rolled off Jared's prone body and he lay on his back beside Seb.

Finally, all 4 guys lay panting on the bed. Dave was covered in cum as was Jared's lower body.

"That was fucking incredible!!" Seb exclaimed. "I am so happy that we met you guys!"

"I think we need another dip in the lake before we get some sleep!" Jared suggested with a chuckle. "I know I can't sleep like this!"

Thanks for reading Part 4. Saturday at the lake to cum!

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You can send comments and suggestions to me at derekmtrl@gmail.com. Thanks!

Next: Chapter 5

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