Daves Den

By Derek Jones

Published on Sep 6, 2017


Dave's Den Part 3

If you are under 18 years of age, offended by stories which depict sex between teens and men, or live in a jurisdiction where reading/possessing such materials are illegal exit now.

This story is fiction, never happened, except in my mind!

Over the next couple of weeks Dave only saw Jared in passing when he came by to pick up Jessica on their way to and from school. It was mid-term exam time and both teens were busy studying and didn't have much for anything else.

Jared would always wave to Dave and say hi and one more than one occasion threw him a wink. However, there were no opportunities for them to connect for sex of any sort.

Exams were finally done and on Friday afternoon Jared had a football game that Jessica attended to watch him play.

After the game they went to a burger joint for dinner and then back to the high school for a dance.

Jared dropped her off at home at around 10pm. Dave saw them making out in the car and was actually a bit jealous of his daughter.

Jessica came in the house and Jared drove off towards home. A few minutes after Jared's car was out of sight Dave received a text message from a number he didn't recognize.

"Hey, its Jared. Can you meet me at Smith's Lookout tonight at midnight?" read the message.

Dave thought about it and decided that he could get away with it because Jessica would probably be in bed by then. So he replied, "See you then!"

Smith's Lookout was a known spot where teens, and others who didn't have a place to go, met for car sex. Dave was getting aroused by the possibilities.

He left the house at around 11:30pm. Jessica was still up, so he told her that he was just heading out to the local tavern for a beer with one of his friends.

Dave arrived at the lookout and saw Jared's car as well as 2 others cars parked in the lot that overlooked the city below.

The lookout was in a secluded area well off the main road. The headlights of arriving vehicles could easily be seen as they approached, so getting caught wasn't a big risk.

Dave parked beside Jared's car, killed the engine and the lights, and waited to see that would happen next.

Jared opened the door of his car and approached the passenger door of Dave's vehicle. Dave drove a SUV, so he was able to see down a bit into the other cars parked nearby and was checking them out to see who was inside them.

He couldn't see much. It was dark and the moon was covered by a cloud at the moment.

He noticed that Jared was wearing sweat pants and a t-shirt. The shirt was close fitting and he could see the teen's muscular arms and tight abs. The sweatpants allowed Dave to see the bulge of Jared's cock, and that served to make Dave even hornier.

Jared opened the passenger door and hopped in.

"Thanks for coming, Dave," Jared said. "I've been so horny the last few days and I've so busy that didn't even have time to jerk off to relieve the pressure! I was sure hoping you could come here tonight!"

Dave smiled and said, "I think I can help you with that. I'm pretty horny myself. It's been a long time since I saw you naked!"

"Do you think we are safe here?" he continued. "I mean it's mainly straight couples that come here, right?"

"No worries man," Jared reassured him. "Before you got here I was checking out the other cars. There are two guys in that one of the left of us. I actually recognized them. They are two of the players on the Smithson High School football team. Their QB and one of the Running Backs. I don't think they recognized me though."

"There is a guy and a girl in that car to the right of mine," He went on. "But they weren't paying much attention to anyone else."

As if to confirm Jared's statement, the moon appeared from behind the clouds and Dave could see a guy's bare ass rising and falling in the back seat of the car.

"Yup," Dave thought." They have something else on their minds!"

Dave looked to the left and saw two older male teens sitting in the car. The guy in the driver's seat had short blond hair and the passenger had longish light brown hair.

As Dave watched he saw the passenger lean over towards that driver's side and then his head went down into the driver's lap. A minute later he could see the head bobbing up and down. "Someone is getting a blow job!" he thought to himself.

He turned to look at Jared and watched as the stud lowered his sweatpants to his ankles. He wasn't wearing underwear; his rock-hard cock was pointing skyward. His full looking balls lay under the towering 7.5" cut tool.

"Can you help me, Dave?" Jared asked.

Dave leaned over and took Jared's cock in his left hand and held it as he lowered his mouth over the hard flesh and licked the head, tasting the pre-cum that had already formed on the tip.

"Oh fuck yeah Dave!" Jared moaned out loud. "It's been too long!"

Dave tongued the whole head of Jared's teen meat. It felt soft, in spite of the hardness of the cock itself.

He took the head in his lips and then sucked on it and then slowly swallowed Jared's cock, inch-by-inch.

Jared rested a hand on the back of Dave's head as he lowered his mouth onto the boy's member.

Dave began to suck the teen's hot cock in earnest. His head rose and fell as he tasted the sweet meat. Up and down his head moved as he sucked the big cock. Wet sucking sounds filled the SUV as Dave delivered a juicy blow job.

After a few minutes Jared said, "We better take a break or I will cum too soon. I wanna make this last a while!"

Dave sat up and looked around. The guy who had been fucking the girl was now standing outside their car. The back door was open and the girl was on her hands and knees on the back seat. The guy, who looked to be around 20, was naked from the waist down and fucking her from behind.

To the left the teens had changing places. The blond's head was going down in the lap of the passenger.

Dave wondered if the driver had already shot his load into the mouth of the brunette.

"Get those pants down Dave," Jared urged Dave as he rubbed Dave's hardon through his jeans. "I want to taste that daddy cock!"

Dave unbuckled his belt, undid the top button and zipper, then lowered his pants and briefs to his ankles.

His boner rose tall from his groin, the head coated with pre-cum.

Jared reached over and took Dave's rod in his right hand and licked his lips.

"This is going to taste so good!" he murmured as he lowered his head into Dave's lap.

Jared sucked on the head of Dave's big cock, slurping the gooey pre-jizz from it as he took the shaft into his mouth.

Dave placed both hands on the teens head as his cock was engulfed by Jared's hot, wet mouth.

He humped his hips upwards thrusting his cock deeper into the boy's throat.

Dave reached the side of the car door and used the controls to lower the windows. It was getting warm inside plus he wanted to see if he could hear the sounds coming from the other couples.

Jared felt Dave's hard cock hitting the back of his throat as Dave humped his rod into his mouth.

Dave saw that the straight young guy was fucking the girl hard. He could hear her voice and she was making yelping sounds as the young man drove his cock into her.

The two male teens were still engaged in oral sex. The blond still sucking on the brunette's tool.

"Better ease up or I'm going to cum," Dave warned Jared.

The teenager let Dave's cock slip from his mouth and then sat up in the passenger seat.

He leaned over to Dave and the two began to make out. Their lips locked together with their tongues probing each other's mouth.

As they held each other, kissing each other deeply, they heard the straight guy cum.

"Awww fuckkkkk Susan! Ohhhh fuckkkkk!" they heard him call out.

They stopped kissing and looked over and saw the red-headed 20-year-old gripping the girl's hips as he thrusted slowly into her from behind, depositing his cum into her pussy.

They noticed that the two guys in the other car had stopped sucking and were looking over as well.

"There is something about hearing a guy call out as he cums that makes me real horny," Dave commented.

"Yeah, I know what you mean!" replied Jared as he touched Dave's hard rod with his hand.

The guy's orgasm was over and they watched as he pulled his cock from the girl's pussy. It looked to be a pretty big one and it was still hard as he bent over into the car and retrieved his pants and put them back on, tucking his bone into the front and zipping up.

"I'd like to have helped him with that!" Jared exclaimed.

"Hey you never know, maybe he is bi!" Dave replied with a chuckle.

They glanced to the left and noticed that the high school football players were looking over at them.

"The driver is the QB," Jared told Dave. His name is Sebastian but everyone calls him Seb. He is 18 and a senior."

"The passenger's name is Billy. Also 18 and a senior." Jared continued. "I think they may have made me now."

"Is that a problem?" Dave asked.

"Naw, I saw them sucking dick. They got nothing to say!" Jared replied with a snort.

The straight couple got dressed and they drove away. The lookout belonged to the guys now.

"Wanna fuck me Dave? I brought some lube," Jared asked as he slowly stroked Dave's hard cock.

"Does a bear shit in the woods?" Dave shot back as he took Jared's boner in his right hand and stroked it.

"Not easy to do in the front seat of my SUV though," he added.

"Let's get out and give them a show," Jared replied with a wink.

Dave and Jared got out of the SUV, the teens in the car were watching intently.

Dave and Jared walked to the back of the SUV and Dave popped open the rear hatch while Jared removed his sweatpants.

The young adult's erection was sticking almost straight up. He was fully aroused, his cock leaking a lot of pre-cum.

Dave took off his pants and underwear, his man-tool stuck out at a 45-degree angle. His big balls hung down below his hard shaft.

The teens in the car were both craning their necks to watch.

They saw Dave rubbing Jared's firm, lightly haired ass with his hands and Watched as he ran a finger between the teen's ass cheeks.

They both got out of their car. Dave saw that they were both already naked.

Seb was about 6'3" and had a very toned body. What looked to be a 7" cut cock jutted up over his walnut-sized balls that were hanging loose in their sack.

Billy was around 6'0" with tracker runner's body type. His cock was about 6" uncut. His ping-pong ball sized nuts were pulled up tight in his scrotum.

They both slowly stroked their cocks as they watched Dave sink to his knees and part Jared's ass cheeks and begin to lick his crack.

"Holy fuck!" Dave and Jared heard Seb say as he saw Dave licking Jared's ass.

Dave stuck his hot tongue into Jared's hole causing Jared to moan loudly.

"Fuck yeah Dave! Eat my ass!" Jared urged him on.

Seb and Billy were slowly walking towards Dave and Jared, wanting to get a closer look at the hot scene unfolding before their eyes. Their erections were wobbling back and forth as they moved.

Jared looked over at the guys as they slowly approached and gave them a "c'mon" wave.

The teens reached the SUV, stroking their cocks as watched Dave eat Jared's ass.

"I thought it was you," Seb said to Jared. "Didn't know you were into guys." He added.

"Its new for me," Jared replied. "Didn't know you were both into guys."

"Yeah, Billy and I have been hooking up for about a month now." Seb confirmed.

"Isn't that your girlfriend's dad?" Billy asked nodding towards Dave who was still on his knees rimming Jared's tight ass.

"Yeah and he is fucking hot!" Jared said and then let out a moan as Dave stuck his tongue deep up his ass.

Dave got back to his feet and nodded at the boys and said hi. Then he reached for the bottle of lube that Jared had left at the back of the SUV.

He smeared lube on Jared's asshole and stuffed some inside with his index finger. Then he squirted more onto his fingers and lubed up his cock with Seb and Billy looking on.

Dave moved behind Jared and said, "Bend over son, let me see that nice hole."

Jared bent over exposing his puckered asshole. It was pink and glistened with saliva and lube. Dave held is cock with one hand and guided it to the winking target.

Seb got on his knees and took Billy's cock in his mouth. Billy grasped Seb's head and held it as he fed his cock deeper into his teammate's face.

Jared let out a gasp as Dave's cockhead penetrated his hole. Dave paused and then applied more pressure, his cock pushing deeper inside his daughter's boyfriend's ass.

His cock slid inside until he was ball-deep. His trimmed pubes brushing against Jared's smooth ass. Then he began to thrust in and out.

Seb kept sucking Billy's cock while cupping his balls in one hand. Billy had a hand on the back of Seb's head as he pulled his mouth deeper onto his cock.

"Fuck me Dave, yeah fuck me hard!" Jared called out loudly.

Seb let Billy's cock slip from his mouth and he got to his feet. He stood watching the man fuck an opposing team's QB up the ass.

Billy got to his knees and crawled under Jared until Jared's cock was bouncing up and down in front of his face.

He reached up and took Jared's big cock in his fingers and steadied it as he leaned in to take it into his mouth.

Seb stood by Dave and rubbed his ass with his hands as Dave hammered his cock deep inside Jared's hole.

Dave pistoned his steel-hard bone inside Jared's ass. His balls slapped against the teen's butt as he fucked him.

Jared felt Billy's mouth wrapped around his cock, it felt amazing as Dave's cock kept hitting his prostate with each hard thrust.

"I'm going to cum!" Dave warned.

"Me too!" echoed Jared.

"Awww fuckkkk! Awwwwwww fuckkk, Jared!!!!" Dave called out loudly as his cock erupted into Jared's tight ass. Cum shot deep inside the teen's hole as Dave's balls emptied their load.

Billy felt Jared's cock jump in his mouth just before the hot cum began to spray onto his tonsils.

"Fucckkkkk yesssss! Cumminggggg!" shouted Jared as he filled Billy's mouth with his spooge.

Dave held Jared's hips as his cock pumped out the last shots of cum, then he pulled his cock back and it came out with a bit of a "pop".

Billy let Jared's cock pull back from his mouth as he swallowed the cum.

Jared stood up as cum leaked from his open hole and ran down his inner thigh.

"Holy shit that was so hot!" Seb exclaimed, his own erect member proving his interest.

Seb and Billy stood by the SUV stroking each others cocks. Dave looked at them and admired their youthful bodies and their hard tools and said, "We can't let those to waste!"

He reached over to take Seb's thick cock in his hand and he stroked it up and down. Jared did the same for Billy.

"Have you ever fucked an older man?" Dave asked Seb.

"No, I have only fucked Billy a few times." Seb replied.

"Do you want to fuck me?" Dave asked him. "Jared already blew a load in Billy's mouth and it will take a bit before he is ready to go again."

"Oh fuck yes sir, I do!" Seb replied enthusiastically.

Jared eyed Billy's boner as he stroked it.

"Nice cock, Billy" he told him. "Do you top?"

"Top, bottom, whatever, I do it!" Billy said with a grin.

Dave bent over the back of the SUV, his upper body lay on the carpeted floor inside the back area. His hairy ass was exposed to Seb who pulled his cheeks apart and looked at the dark skin of Dave's hole.

"I've never tasted a guy's ass before," Seb told the guys. "I kind of want to try though."

"It's easy," Jared told him. "Hey Billy, bend over beside Dave so I can show him how."

"Oh fuck yes!" Billy exclaimed. "I'd love for you to lick my ass!"

Billy bent over, his light-pink puckered hole exposed to the air.

Jared leaned over Billy's hairless ass and spread his cheeks with his fingers as Seb followed suit with Dave's ass.

Then Jared stuck out his tongue and licked the upper part of Billy's ass crack as Billy moaned softly.

Seb licked Dave's upper crack and tasted the sweat that had build up as he had fucked Jared. He noticed that it was a salty taste on his tongue.

Jared licked Billy's ass crack from top al the way to the bottom as far as he could reach. He let it slip quickly over Billy's puckered hole on the way and Billy's let out another moan.

Seb did the same to Dave and Dave moaned loudly as he felt the wet tongue ass over his hole.

Jared began to lick Billy's asshole eagerly. Billy was going nuts moaning and groaning as he enjoyed the sensation of a hot tongue on his hole.

Seb did the same to Dave and licked and tongued his pucker. He found that he liked the taste of Dave's clean ass.

Jared curled his tongue and used it to tongue fuck Billy's hole.

"Oh fuck yes!!" Billy called out.

Seb tongue fucked Dave as Dave moaned loudly.

Finally, Dave said," Fuck me now Seb! Give me that big cock!"

Seb stood up and took his cock in his right hand, grabbed the lube and squirted some on his cock, but correctly assumed that Dave's ass was wet enough to not need it.

He lined up his hard meat to Dave's puckered hole and pushed forward with his hips. The mushroom shaped head of his cock penetrated Dave's rectum and he kept pushing as Dave urged him to just shove it in.

Seb pushed hard and was quickly buried to the pubic mound inside Dave's ass.

"Fuck me hard!" Dave urged the teen.

Seb began to thrust hard into Dave's ass. The air was filled with the slapping sound of flesh on flesh as he hammered his big cock inside Dave's ass.

Jared got into the back of the SUV and lay on his back with his ass at the edge of the flooring. Billy stood at the back of the vehicle and reached down to pull Jared's exposed hole closer to him. He let Jared reach down to guide his uncut rod into his cum-lubed hole.

Billy's prow-shaped cock head slid easily into Jared's hole, it had just beem fucked hard by Dave's big cock and it hadn't fully tightened up again.

Billy shoved his cock deep into Jared's ass as far as it would go and then he began to pump it in and out of the wet hole.

Soon Seb was fucking Dave's ass hard and Billy was pumping his cock inside Jared's tight ass as he held his legs up.

Sweat dripped from Seb's brow as he fucked the older man. Billy's balls swung back and forth as his cock was driven deep inside Jared's hole.

"Fuck me Billy, yeah fuck my ass! Give it to me hard!!" Jared urged him on.

"I'm gonna cum!" Seb warned Dave.

"Cum in my ass son, give me your hot load!" Dave called back to him.

"Ohhh fuckkkkkkk, ohhhhhhh fuckkkkkkk!!!" Seb yelled as his cock got even harder and then began to erupt inside Dave's ass. "I'mmm cummmingggg, awwwwwww!"

The sound of his friend cumming caused Billy to lose it too.

"Oh Jared!!!! I'm cummingggggg! Fuckkkkkkkk!" Bill shouted as his semen squirted out inside Jared's body.

Jared wrapped his legs around Billy and pulled him closer as the boy's rod pumped its hot deposit of cum inside his ass.

Seb was panting and kept his cock inside Dave's ass until the last spasms of his orgasm died out. He then pulled his cock free from Dave's hole and he stood back and watched as his cum oozed out of the man's ass.

He leaned over and licked his own cum from Dave's hole as it seeped out.

Billy's cock began to deflate a bit and it popped out of Jared's open hole. He leaned over and kissed Jared, the two teenagers flicked their tongues at each other.

The 4 guys stood beside Dave's SUV, their cocks returning to their flaccid state. Dave and Jared both had some cum leaking from their asses and were using some tissues to clean up so that they could get dressed.

"That was the hottest experience of my life!" Seb announced enthusiastically. "Can we get together again sometime soon?"

"Yeah, I'd be up for that too!" Billy nodded with a smile on his face. "I want to get fucked next time!"

"Well guys, my daughter will be away at her aunt's for the weekend a couple weeks from now. We have a cottage at the lake, if you think that you could all get away for the weekend we could head up there."

"I'm in!" replied Seb.

"Me too!" Billy added.

"Me three!" Jared said. "And I get to fuck Seb!"

"Oh I think everyone will get their share of cock!" Dave said with a laugh.

Thanks for reading Part 3. More to cum!

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You can send comments and suggestions to me at derekmtrl@gmail.com. Thanks!

Next: Chapter 4

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