Daves Den

By Derek Jones

Published on Jul 23, 2017


Dave's Den Part 1

If you are under 18 years of age, offended by stories which depict sex between teens and men, or live in a jurisdiction where reading/possessing such materials is illegal exit now.

This story is fiction, never happened, except in my mind!

Dave Jones was a 45-year-old single dad. His wife passed away when his now 16-year-old daughter Jessica was only two. Dave had never remarried and had devoted himself to his job and raising his daughter.

Dave was 5'10" tall and weighed 155lbs. He kept himself in good shape riding his bicycle to and from work and around the area on weekends.

His hair was a light brown, cut short, and he had hazel eyes.

Jessica had a boyfriend named Jared. He was 18 years old and was the quarterback for the high school football team.

Jared was 6'0" and weighed 160 muscular pounds. He had dark brown hair that he wore longish so that it covered his ears. His eyes were dark brown.

Dave worried a lot about Jessica having an older boyfriend. Any boyfriend really, but the older the boy the more chance that he would be encouraging her to have sex with him. Dave remembered what it was like to be 18, he was a walking hard-on looking for a place to put it!

Dave had made it very clear to Jared early on that it was ok to date his daughter, but if he caught him in bed with her, he'd fix his ass good!

Jared took Dave at his word. He was taller and stronger than Dave but he could imagine what an angry father could do to him, and it wasn't pretty!

Jared came over to visit Jessica a lot when they weren't out somewhere together or she wasn't watching him play football.

He and Jessica would watch TV and hang out in her room. The door always had to be open, Dave's rule #2! They would make out on the sofa or on her bed, but Jared kept his hands to himself for the most part!

All this making out made him horny as hell and he would excuse himself and go outside and sit in his car for a while before coming back inside.

Dave had observed this behaviour. Jared visit for a while, then go sit in his car that was parked on the street or in the driveway. He'd be out there for 15 minutes or so then he would come back in and go back to Jessica's room.

Dave wondered what the teen was up to. Was he out there smoking dope? Or maybe tobacco?

One evening Dave went into his bedroom and looked out the window overlooking the street. He waited for a while with the lights off in the room, then he heard Jared go down the stairs and out the front door.

He watched as the teen got into his car. He had a great view from his bedroom window and he waited to see what the kid did.

It wasn't what he had thought. He saw Jared unzip his pants, lower them to his knees exposing his erect cock. He proceeded to jerk off while sitting behind the steering wheel of his car.

Dave saw the boy's hand sliding up and down what look to be a fairly large cock. The teen worked his cock for about 5-10 minutes and then Dave saw him hold a tissue to the end, he was obviously catching the cum as it shot out.

Jared wiped up and stuck his cock back in his pants and came back inside the house.

Dave realized that the horny teen was keeping his word. He wasn't having sex with Jessica, he was going outside to relieve the pressure when his arousal was too much!

Dave observed this a few times over the next week. The same routine, Jared would go outside, jerk off, come back inside.

One Friday night after the team had played and Jared was coming over to hang out with Jessica, Dave met him at the door.

"Hey Jared, great game tonight!" Dave said to him.

"Thanks Mr. Jones! Yeah, we are doing really well this year!" Jared replied.

"Hey Jared," Dave continued. "I have noticed that you go outside and sit in your car quite often when you visit."

"Uh, yeah I guess so." Jared replied nervously.

"I know what you're doing out there Jared. I've seen you masturbating in your car."

"Oh god Mr. Jones!" Jared said turning red in the face. "I'm so sorry! I just get so excited with Jessica that I need to relive myself! My testicles feel like they are going to turn blue if I don't!"

"Hey Jared, don't worry. I used to be 18 myself! I know what blue balls are!" Dave said as he tried to ease Jared's fears.

"Tell you what son, why don't you just use my den for that?" offered Dave. "If you keep doing that in your car someone other then me is going to catch you!"

"Ah jeez Mr. Jones. I don't know if I can do that!" Jared replied. "I mean it's kind of embarrassing!"

"Don't worry Jared. You just go in there and close the door and take care of business. I will even leave a hand towel in there if you want to save on tissues!" Dave told the teen with an assuring tone of voice.

Dave let it drop there and Jared went off to hang with Jessica. But the next night after the teens and been together for a while, Dave heard Jared coming down the stairs and then he heard the door to the den close quietly.

Dave had rigged up a peephole into the den. He had done it when Jessica had started seeing boys and he had been worried that they might use the den for sex. It was in a quiet part of the house, down the hall from the main living area. Dave had though that it was a prime spot to sneak off to for sex.

The peephole was from the laundry room into the den. You couldn't see it unless you moved aside some storage boxes in the laundry room. In the den the hole was inconspicuous because it looked like a knot in the wood paneled side wall.

Dave went into the laundry room and moved the boxes over and stuck an eye up to the hole. There was Jared on the other side, standing in front of the sofa, facing the paneled wall. He was unzipping his shorts, then he lowered them to the floor.

Jared stood facing the wall, his erection was making a big tent in the white boxer-briefs he was wearing. He must have been horny for a while, there was a large wet spot on the front of his underwear.

He slipped the underwear off over his hard cock and dropped them to the floor, kicking them aside. He was now standing naked from the waist down. His big teen cock pulsing with arousal. Dave figured that cock had to be 7.5" long and from the circumcision scar, he was cut.

Jared sat on the sofa and gripped his boner in his right hand and began to work it. His hand moving up and down the long, thick shaft.

Dave could see that the teen had a trimmed bush of dark brown pubic hair. His walnut sized balls had some hair, but not too much.

As Jared stroked his cock up and down, his balls jiggling in their sack in time with the movement of his hand.

Dave was watching intently. Secretly he was gay, he had known it since he was a teen himself. He used to have sex with his best friend, but had gotten married to a woman anyway. It seemed like the thing you had to do when he was in his early twenties.

He had longed to return to his gay sex days, but had denied himself that pleasure as he raised his daughter. Now here in his den was a teen boy jerking off!

Dave checked the laundry room door and locked it. Then he took his own pants and underwear off and began to stroke his 7" cut cock.

Jared was jerking his cock quickly. His hand flying up and down its length. The mushroom-shaped head of his rod was slippery with his pre-cum and is made a wet sound as his skin rode over it as his hand stroked his big teen meat.

Dave was stroking fast too. He was drinking in the sight of the teen athlete beating his meat in the den.

Jared's body tensed, his hips were driving his groin up and down as he hand-fucked his cock. They thrust forward one more time and then he began to cum. White cum squirted out of his cock head, it splattered all over his tummy and flew up and hit his nipples.

Dave could hear the teen's voice crying out, "Ohhhh fuckkk. Oh fucckkk I'm cumming, oh god!"

Dave's hand was working his own dick fast and it brought him off quickly. His cum shot out all over the laundry room floor. Some splashed against the side of the dryer as his balls emptied themselves.

Jared used the towel that Dave had left for him to clean up. He wiped up the cum from his fingers, belly and chest.

Dave used a clean bath towel to wipe up his own mess from the floor and everywhere else it had landed.

Jared finished cleaning himself up, got dressed and then went back upstairs. Dave finished his own mop up and then went and sat in the living room.

This went on for a couple of weeks. Jared would jerk off in the den and Dave would watch through the peephole and doing the same.

One Saturday night Jared had come for dinner and then he and Jessica had gone upstairs to watch TV. A couple of hours later Jared came down and went into the den, but this time he didn't close the door.

Dave stood in the hallway to the den and he could see Jared strip down until he was totally naked. His large erection poking skyward, his large balls hanging loose in the sack below.

Dave watched Jared intently. This was easier than peeking through a hole!

"Why don't you come in here and join me, Mr. Jones?" Jared called out down the hall. "I know that you have been watching me!"

Dave turned red, but went into the den and closed the door.

"Why do you think I have been watching you?" he said to the naked teen.

"I could see your eye through the hole!" Jared said. "I knew it wasn't Jessica, so it had to be you!"

Jared sat down on the sofa. His boner was rock-hard and the slit in his cockhead was wet with pre-cum.

"Like what you see, Mr. Jones?" he asked Dave. "I think you do, why not get naked and then come here for a closer look? Jessica fell asleep and I need some relief!"

Dave knew he shouldn't, but his horniess won out over good sense. He stripped naked, his own 7" cut daddy cock was throbbing with arousal.

Jared motioned for Dave to come closer. "Get on your knees Mr. Jones! Get a close look!"

Dave sank to his knees in front of the 18-year old high school quarterback. He took the teen's big cock in his hand and he stroked it. The warm flesh felt so hard in his hand. How he had longed to touch cock again!

Jared's cock was rock-hard. Dave could see the veins along the erect shaft. The glans as mushroom shaped. The slit was red and leaking precum that was covering the soft skin of the head. His balls were large and loose in the sack. A few hairs were visible on his ball sack.

Jared smiled down at Dave and said, "Suck my cock Mr. Jones!" "you won't let Jessica do it for me, so you do it!"

Dave licked his lips and then he stuck his tongue out to lick the pre-jizz from Jared's erect tool. It tasted salty on his tongue. The liquid kept seeping from the slit of Jared's mushroom like cockhead.

Dave wrapped his lips around the head, sucking the juice as it oozed out. Tasting its sweet flavor. He lowered his head more and slowly swallowed the teen's cock.

"Oh yeah, Mr. Jones, suck that cock!" Jared ordered.

Dave's head rose up and down as he took Jared's cock deep into his mouth. The head of the teen's cock touching deep in Dave's mouth as he gave the boy head.

Jared placed a hand on the back of Dave's head and gently pushed it down on to his cock. He thrust his hips up and down, pumping his cock into his girlfriend's dad's mouth.

Dave was fisting his own cock as he sucked the teen towards an orgasm.

Jared was humping Dave's mouth with his cock as Dave sucked it deep. The teen's pubes brushing his nose as he sucked the meat deeper. Dave tongued the cock slit and the head as he sucked the teen cock.

"I'm gonna cum!" Jared cried out.

Dave felt the cock in his mouth get even harder. It pounded his throat deeper.

"Ohhhh fuckkkkk, I'm cummingggggg!I'm cumminggg!" Jared called out as his cock erupted in Dave's mouth. It shot spurt after spurt of hot cum into Dave's waiting mouth.

Dave swallowed the cum as it spewed inside his mouth and down his throat. He didn't miss a drop, he wanted all of that sweet load!

Jared's cock slowly stopped pumping jizz into Dave's mouth. Dave reluctantly let the cock slip free.

"Oh fuck Mr. Jones! That was so fucking hot!" Jared said to Dave enthusiastically.

Dave was extremely horny himself and he hadn't cum yet.

"Kneel on the floor and face the sofa," he said to Jared.

"What? Why?" replied the teen.

"Just do it!" ordered Dave.

Jared got up and turned to face the sofa and got on his knees. Dave knelt behind him and began to rub his muscular ass. It felt so nice and firm in his hands.

Dave parted Jared's ass cheeks with his hands and then began to lick the crack.

"Oh shit, Mr. Jones! That feels so good!" Jared told Dave.

Dave licked the teens asshole and then curled his tongue and stuck it inside the tight hole.

"Oh fuck yessss!" Jared called out.

Dave ate the teen's tight ass for about 5 minutes. Jared was writhing in ecstasy as he was rimmed for the first time in his life.

Then Dave wet a finger and poked it into Jared's ass. "Mmmmm, yeah!" Was the teen's response.

Dave rose up on his knees and took his cock in his hand and rubbed it up and down Jared's crack. He moved it to the rim of his asshole and stopped.

"What are you doing Mr. Jones?" Jared turned his head and asked nervously.

"I am going to fuck you Jared!" replied Dave. "I sucked you, I get to fuck you!"

"It's going to hurt!" protested Jared.

"Only at the start!" replied Dave as he pushed his cock forward.

Dave's cock head was fairly large and it was helmet-shaped. It began to penetrate Jared's ass as Dave pushed it into the tight little pink virgin asshole.

Jared groaned as the head of Dave's cock slipped through his sphincter. "Slowly!" He begged Dave.

Dave liked the kid, so he took it slow. Inch by inch he fed his cock into the teen's tight ass until he was balls-deep. He let Jared get used to it before he began to thrust.

In and out Dave's cock pounded the teen's ass. His balls banging against Jared's firm ass cheeks with every thrust.

"Oh fuck, oh fuckkk!" Jared called out.

Dave fucked his ass hard and fast. Sweat dripped from each of them as the pounding continued. A slapping sound filled the air as their sweaty bodies met with each thrust of Dave's cock.

"I'm gonna cum!" Dave warned the boy. "Ughhhhhh! Ohhhh fuckkkkkkkk, ohhhhhh fuckkkk!" He yelled as his cock ejaculated gobs of semen up Jared's tight ass.

Jared's own cock had become hard again and without it even being touched, he had another orgasm. His teen seed spilling out onto the floor of the den, some of it splattering onto the sofa cushions.

Dave's cock finally stopped spitting cum into the tight, teen ass. He collapsed onto top of the boy's sweaty body. Both Dave and Jared were panting from exertion.

As Dave pulled his cock out of Jared's ass there was a slight popping sound and some cum leaked out of the opened hole and it ran down the teen's leg.

Jared and Dave got cleaned up and Jared headed for home and a hot shower. Dave was elated that he had sucked and fucked his daughter's boyfriend. But he was worried that he had gone too far by fucking him.

The next Saturday night the doorbell rang and there was Jared at the front door. "Jared? Are you mixed up on your date nights with Jessica? She is away at her aunt's this weekend!" Dave said.

"I know!" replied Jared with a grin as he brushed past Dave and into the house!

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Thanks for reading Part 1. There will be more chapters to cum!

I have more stories published on Nifty. You can find them in the Gay section:

"Jason Camps Out" in Young Friends "Jason and Josh" in Young Friends "Josh at the Mall" in Adult Youth "Gary's Workshop" in Incest

You can send comments and suggestions to me at derekmtrl@gmail.com. Thanks!

Next: Chapter 2

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