Dave and the Date Rape Drug

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Aug 22, 2004




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


There is nothing more annoying than to have a wet, naked, muscle-bound, square-jawed-handsome, sandy-haired hunk come running into your room in the morning, and say, "Hey, dude, get up!" and stand there toweling his hair while he talks to you, giving you a completely unobstructed and unobserved view of his morning erection!

A dream come true? Not when it's your straight roommate and he doesn't know you're gay and you have a crush on him anyway, it isn't! It's way beyond agony, it's knuckle-biting frustrating! I wanted David Buchanan, and I wanted him so damned bad it hurt, sometimes.

It was why I hung out with him so much my freshman year, why he and I did so much together, he'd suggest doing something and I'd grin and say, "Sure, Dave!" and so we'd do something awe-inspiringly dumb like (just one random example among too many others) balance-beam walk the railroad track over the gulley, which was a quarter-mile wide with a drop of about five hundred feet...more than enough to kill you if you slipped. Dangerous enough, and worse when we'd been drinking, I nearly fell off five times on that dimwitted trek! But with me, then as always, it was "Sure, Dave!" and off we'd go. I'd turned into a total hellion in college, and it was all due to being Dave's best friend. Naturally I was the one he asked to be his roommate, and naturally I was the one he liked and trusted enough to not worry about how he was dressed; if he wanted to come talk to me, he did, like now, early in the morning just after a shower, still dripping wet. Which happened a lot, Dave was a total morning person and possessing an inexhaustible supply of energy.

But now, near the end of our sophmore year, I was (a little, anyway) immune to his charms, even with that dancing stick of his morning-cock jutting out, nine hard, succulent inches begging me to take it into my mouth and feel it pulsing on my tongue...uh, ahem! Sorry about that! Anyway, I managed an annoyed, groggy sound, "What is it? I was sleeping, damn it!"

"You can't sleep all day." Dave urged me. "Come on, get up."

"All right." I groused. I sleepily tossed back the covers and sat up, my posture helping to hide my own hard-on, not that Dave ever looked at me to check for such things. Dave was done with his hair and now he was toweling his body, that still gave me more than adequate looks at his body. I'd already memorized it anyhow, long ago. The way his pec would kind of ripple when he moved his arm, turning from a square to a triangle and back again, seamlessly and smoothly, the way his abs just barely showed ridges when he bent over, how his legs were light and lively things that moved adroitly as he lifted and balanced to dry them, ferrying his body with ease when he was done.

I realized Dave had been talking, for quite some time. "Uh, I'm sorry, could you say that again?" I said. "I'm still asleep."

Dave looked exasperated. "I said I just figured out who I'm going to take out tonight. Mary Spaskey."

"Oh." I said, my typical end-result of craving Dave's body, having to listen how someone else was going to get to touch it.

"Sure, she's an easy piece." he said. "Or so they tell me."

"You haven't done it with her?" I said, surprised. "I thought you had." I'd heard from our mutual friends....

"Oh, I got backed into a corner by Bob and Wesley and had to make something up." Dave said, not the least ashamed of it. "That's why I want to be sure and bag her pretty quick. Going to be embarrassing if word gets around that she's my girl and I haven't even fucked her."

"I can see how that would happen." I said.

"I'll get her to drag one of her friends along for you." Dave said.

"For me?" I was surprised.

"Sure." Dave said. "I said you and me were double-dating tonight."

"Oh." I said. And grinned. "Sure, Dave." God, when was I ever going to learn! Well, at least with a blind date, the girl wouldn't expect me to put any moves on her.

"We'll get that cherry of yours busted, boy-o." Dave said. He'd figured out I was a virgin, and I was, but not for the reason he thought it was. "And I got a sure way tonight for both of us."

"What do you mean?" I said, waking up.

"I mean the girls aren't going to say no tonight." Dave winked at me, grinning widely. It wasn't a nice grin, but on him it looked good, it sort of turned his face into a work of art, a "happy hunk" mug. Just glue a handle to the back of his head and pour coffee in the top and you were ready to drink out of it.

I knew that grin. "What is it, Dave?" I said. My tone of voice told him that while I was always his patsy, this time I wanted more information.

"This afternoon, I'm getting hold of some roofies." he said to me.

"Roofies?" I didn't get the word.

"Man, roofies, the date drug! Slip one of them into her drink and she forgets she's a good girl." Dave said. "If that doesn't work, slip another one and she'll go out like a light. I'm picking them up from a buddy just coming back from Mexico City. It'll cost, but it'll be worth it. A dose of those babies and we'll both get lucky tonight. You want to get lucky, don't you?" he asked me.

"Sure, Dave." I agreed. I always agreed, and that was enough, Dave turned around and left. I frowned. Dave was always the wild one, but this time...well, he was going too far! Not only would I not use that on any girl I went out with (above and aside from the fact I didn't want her!), I was also going to have to prevent him from slipping one to poor Mary Spasky! Getting himself and me in trouble was one thing, but some girl...I guess I'd finally found where I drew the line with Dave.

The double-date itself wasn't bad at all. Gretchen, the girl that Mary brought along for me, turned out to be a pretty cool girl. I liked her and when we were alone, I even managed to kiss her a couple of times and enjoy it. Not in any sexual way, but it can be fun to kiss someone without wanting to have sex with them. This only firmed my resolve that there was no way Dave was going to slip these girls a dose of his "roofies."

But how was I going to stop him?

"How" turned out to be a lot easier than I expected. He invited them back to our apartment for a late night drink and to watch "Saturday Night Live." Once we were there, he got us alone and hissed to me urgently, "Brad, I need you to slip these into their drinks."

"Why me?" I asked, though inside I was thinking "Great!"

"Mary found out I got the roofies and she's keeping an eye on me. Any drink I give her, she's not going to touch. But if you and Gretchen do the pouring, it'll be fine. Just take Gretchen back with you to pour the drinks, then slip in the pills when she's not looking. Then Mary will take the drink that Gretchen gives her, got it?"

I got it, but not in the way he thought. He handed me the package, a dozen round white pills in plastic bubble-packs, looking like so much sinus medicine. When we got back into the kitchen, me and Gretchen, I said, "I need you to speak with Mary real quietly."

"What for?" Gretchen wanted to know.

I showed her the pills and she recognized them right away. "I'm not going to let Dave use them on you or Mary. But he wants me to. So Mary needs to pretend she's been dosed, only not enough to pass out. You, too. Can you do that, just for a little while?"

"But why?" she asked.

"Because the only drink here that's going to contain these things is Dave's." I said.

It took her a moment and then she grinned. "Oh, and while he's going under..."

"He needs to think it's you two who are going under." I agreed. "After he's out, you two can leave and I'll put Dave to bed and flush the rest of these pills down the toilet."

Gretchen agreed and managed to slip down and whisper to Mary. Whatever she said didn't take but a few words, and Mary just nodded. I found out much later these two were close friends and had been for years, so all Gretchen had had to say was, "Mary, pretend your drink has a roofie in it," and Mary was ready to play her part. I sometimes think women have their own special language.

I'll admit Dave really planned to first try to just loosen their inhibitions with it. The 1mg pill dose he told me to add wouldn't have done much more than a few Valium would have. Relax them, make them giddy and stupid and ready for anything. But I put three of them in his drink, which was more than enough to knock him flat on his ass in a half hour or less.

Mary played her part well, giggling and acting silly. Dave was really tripping, wired and acting out. I felt the effects of the drink extra strong myself, and was cheerful. I think it was the stress of waiting for this time all day long and having managed to stop it and that made me relax the way a pill would make you relax.

So we were a cheerful crowd, right up to where Dave, in the act of dancing with Mary who was playing up really strong to his intoxicated/dosed up state, knocked over one of the side-tables and said, wavering back and forth like a sailor standing aboard a ship on stormy waters, "Man, but you're a beautiful girl. Really want to make you, Mary. Really do."

Mary laughed and said, "Then why don't we sit on the couch."

"Good idea." Dave said and Mary steered him to the couch, pushed him down into it and as he fell into the seat, he bounced and fell over with his head on my lap and looked up at her, holding up his arms, "Come on down." to Mary.

"No, you come up." Mary said.

Dave tried, but he fell back, lowered his arms. "Can't." he mumbled.

"Are you tired, baby?" Mary crooned.

"Yeah." Dave admitted.

"So go to sleep."

Dave snuggled against my thigh like it was a pillow, smacked his lips and went off into slumberland.

"I think he's out." I said quietly to Mary and Gretchen.

Mary reached out and poked at him. Dave flinched a little, but didn't react otherwise, she had poked him hard, too. "Yeah, he's gone. Thanks for the warning." she said to me.

"Don't mention it." I said. "I owed it to you."

"You're an okay guy." Gretchen said.

"Thanks, but now I have to get Sleeping Beauty here in bed."

"We'll call a cab." Mary pulled out her cell phone. "We'll wait for it in the lobby."

"Good night." I said and let them leave, waving goodbye to them. Looked down at Dave, sleeping soundly on my leg, his face all soft and smiling gently, kind of little-boy-like, innocence all wrapped around deviltry. Which summed up Dave pretty well.

"Okay, stud, we'll take you to bed now." I said to him.

To my surprise, he looked up at me. "Bed?" he said to me fuzzily.

"Yep. The girls are gone, we both struck out." I said. "Time for bed."

"Mph." he said. "Might'a known."

"Think you can stand up?"

"Dave moved. "Nope." he said.

"I'll carry you." I said.

"Yeah, carry me." he said. His words were horribly slurred, it came out like "eh-a, currie meh." I understood him mostly because I knew him so well, someone else probably would have only heard mumbling. But I was his best friend, I could understand him when anybody else wouldn't.

I hauled him to his feet and he fell against me and into my arms, clung to me much the way a drowning man weak would fatigue would cling to a piece of wood, sloppily but tightly. His legs were rubbery, I was holding onto his back, and he kept bumping against me with his crotch.

I threw a hard-on. I couldn't help it, I felt Dave's dick in his pants banging up against my own, and he was stiff and it got me stiff. Soon there we were, two roommates banging their hard-ons together and Dave realized me, beamed at me blearily and said, "You're a good friend."

"I know." I said to him.

"Not fair you never getting any." He said and his hands came down with a sudden firmness and caught me on my buttocks and he clenched them, ground his hard cock against mine. "I give you some."

I knew that the drug meant Dave wasn't going to remember any of this. It would all be a dreamlike, drunk-like, fugue state for him. So I said, "Don't tempt me, Dave."

He ground against me again. "Why not? You want me, don'cha? I feel you poking at me." He snickered.

"Yours is, too." I said in lieu of denying it.

"Yeah." he slathered. "So let's do it."

God, how long I had waited to hear those words. But to take him when he was dosed up? But with a dose he had planned to use on someone else? My head dithered in uncertainty and while it was trying to decide, my cock decided for me. "Okay." I said.

I had to support him into the bedroom. He fell back on the bed and his fingers wove erratically over the buttons on his shirt. I had my own shirt off, shoes and socks, too, while he managed just the last button on his shirt, and paused to rest.

Dave lying on my bed, shirt open, showing the beautifully contoured body to me, mounds of breasts, graceful curves of the stomach, and his jeans still jutting up with his hidden erection. Maybe somebody out there can forgive me for losing every last dreg of my reserve at that sight. I didn't know if Dave ever would!

Wearing only my chinos, I sat next to Dave on the bed, and he reached his arms up to me. "Yeah, come on, boy-o." he said to me. I smiled and leaned into those arms, those wonderful arms. They held me drunkenly, off-center, but they held me and that was all that counted!

The taste of Dave's lips was nectar, dimpled by sour taste of alcohol and perhaps a bit of that dissolved drug. I'm sure that it wasn't the pill that made me reel dizzily from their taste, from their feel, upon my own, I quivered and when Dave's tongue came up into my mouth, I sucked on it greedily; it tasted as I'd always dreamed it would.

His skin was smooth and warm as my fingers slid over his chest. His breast was firm and cupped into my palm perfectly, I could feel the nipple like a tiny seed in the middle. Down, over the ribs that just barely made themselves known to my fingertips, lines of harder surface under the skin, alternating with lines of softer indentations. Dave sighed and his chest swelled under my hand; it was like petting a mountain lion, all strength and masculinity and power, lying quiescent for me. Giving itself to me.

Coldness. His belt buckle, he wore a small, square piece of silvery chill there. The button on the top and bottom of it, pressed together, they released and the belt relaxed.

Dave moaned in my mouth and his hand caught mine and pushed it down further, pressed it onto his crotch, let me feel the majestic glory beneath the denim. "There, there!" he mumbled into my mouth and I even understood that without any trouble.

I had my hand on a writhing inferno, Dave moaned and twisted with every move of my hand, I could feel how powerful his hard-on was, it was pulsing just as I'd dreamed it would, Dave was thrusting upwards into my hand, his tool like a curved, steel handle on some big lid, and it was boiling from within, thrusting up at me, all hot and covered with steam.

I couldn't wait any longer, I pulled out of Dave's embrace and slid down onto the floor on my knees, I had that pair of jeans-covered legs on each side of my body in no time and I had both hands fighting that fly, the big copper-colored metal buttons gave way reluctantly under my avid fingers, and I was pulling at them, getting them out of the way, the fly broke free...and I was confronted by a pair of red briefs beneath, a white waistband, and still no sign of that cock which had danced tauntingly at me for more mornings than I could count.

I growled in frustration, long-held frustration breaking free, Dave was in my bed and Dave was willing (never mind the reason, he's willing and that's enough, my desire told my intellect) and these jeans DARED to encumber me! I grabbed hold and the belt balked me, it had relaxed but not released entirely, I snarled as I caught it and unfastened it, unraveled it, threw the ends back out of the way, caught those jeans by the waistband on either side of Dave, of horny, giggling, willing Dave, and I yanked on them hard.

They peeled from him like a skin off the edge of a slice of bologna, clinging all the way down, but coming off, and I skinned him like that until the jeans gave up the fight at his mid-thigh and now they slipped off from him and I got them down to his feet. Now only a pair of cringing briefs waited for me, straining to contain the monster within themselves, they were a contemptible barrier now and I grabbed them and pulled them down after the jeans, revealing that rigid dick, that turgid pole, that tumescent temple of Dave's manhood! It swayed like a belly-dancer as I moved up to it, it smiled at me as I rose over it, and my lips touched it and it wept for joy, Dave groaned and hunched and that cock slid into me as I moved down and Dave moved up.

It was in me at last, at last! God, I'd wanted this cock for years, I'd done stupid things to be near that cock, I'd held back in fear of losing it, I wanted that cock, and now I had it, I had it!

Lust lent speed and skill to my lips and mouth, I slathered it as I dove down onto it, my hind-brain recalling that I'd read you needed to lubricate a cock to suck on it and my saliva glands gave freely in response, I didn't slide down Dave's cock, I surfed on a wave of drool that bathed him as I went and when I stopped over two-thirds of the way down, the backlash poured over my lips and out the edges and I dribbled more onto the remainder of his prong.

Dave moaned, his cock poured precome onto my tongue, salty, salty!...and nice! I milked and wrung and danced my lips over his dong, he writhed and rippled in passion's torment, he was hot, so damned hot, and even in his intoxicated, near-delirious state, his raw animal nature came through, thrusting, hunching, struggling to help me give him joy, we were in a sinuously moving state, reminiscent of two snakes mating, coils expanding and relaxing over and over.

Dave was horny, tremendously horny and uninhibited, and he moaned, he thrust at me with heated frenzy, and then he burst into my mouth, a heavy, steaming load of come poured into me, hot, salty, slippery, thick, creamy jizz, I had him, I had him at last! I gulped without even thinking about it, I drank from this fountain of Dave, I wanted him, all of him, and I slurped hungrily at his jizzing prick, relishing the hot slick milk of human life that poured down my gullet and pooled warmly in my stomach, I wrung him completely dry and left him depleted and panting beneath me, the lion conquered at last!

Dave panted, looked at me as I rose up and my hands at my pants, I undid them.

"My turn." I said to him, my eyes burning at him.

"Yeah, God, yeah!" Dave moaned. "Again, let's do it again!"

"Over and over, all night long." I promised him as my pants slid down my body, my briefs going with them. "You're mine tonight, all of you."

"Yeah, yeah!" Dave seethed at me. I stepped out of my clothes and held out my hands and he took them. "Shit, I didn't think you'd ever get the hint." he said as he took my hands in his and sat upright.

"Hint?" I said, not really listening, I was pushing that shirt off his shoulders, those big, firm shoulders, round and supple under my fingers, God, I wanted to touch him all over.

"Fuck me." Dave pleaded as I lifted his shirt away. "Get these pants off me and fuck me. Ooh!" and he fell back onto the bed, dizzy from his brief foray upright.

"You'd better believe I will." I said. My cock hurt, it was so hard. I'd been ignoring it while I sucked on Dave, unable/unwilling to stop long enough to unfasten my pants and get it out so I would whomp it. Well, now it would get its reward.

I had a job ahead of me still, I had to get his shoes off before I could pull of his jeans, and that took some doing, they were laced-up sneakers. But I managed it after five annoying minutes and then I was peeling him raw, I even took off his socks, the feeble remnants of his clothing, and stood up, triumphant. Vaseline was in the night-stand, I used it for masturbation, and now I would use it for more than that.

Dave scrabbled up onto the bed to lie in it with his head on the pillow and I got in beside him. Lying on my side, I loaded up my cock with Vaseline, him watching me apply it, grinning at the sight.

"Now, we got to get this into you easy." I said. I'd done a lot of reading about sex, but anybody would realize that a virginal butt is going to take some getting inside of. Especially since I didn't intend to rip him any more than I could help.

Dave lay onto his side, his buttocks pushed backwards for me, and I wormed my cock into him with us both lying on my side. Dave moaned when my cock went into him, but nothing else. He was surprisingly smooth and easy to penetrate. Maybe the Vaseline was doing it, or the excitement of the drug, or who knows just what combination of it all. But I pushed into him and it was like an embrace from your mother, the warmth of that butt wrapping around my pud and slickly smooth beyond the ring of tightness at the entrance. I still made myself stop, held still while he moaned and urged me to stick it in deeper, deeper! But I wasn't going to hurt Dave more than I could help. If nothing else, if I ended up in jail because of this, it would help make the rape charge harder to prove. You were raped? When why isn't there any tearing? Not that I thought it all through so calmly, this was a churning morass of ideas and schemes and plots that I was running through. I wanted to fuck him? Okay, here's how I had to do it if it was going to work. Like that.

Once I was firmly inside of him, though, and Dave was moaning, "Oh, yeah, fuck me, fuck me," I was done with my scheming, nothing else mattered now. I had my cock inside of Dave and I was going to use it!

Eager thrusts at him from the side turned awkward in a hurry, I rolled him onto his stomach and I continued to pump at him from atop him. Dave then managed to get up onto his knees, face pressed down into the pillow, and I on my own knees, hands holding his hips, I fucked him more.

The magic of that moment, no matter how tawdry its beginnings, was dizzying to me. Here was the man I'd always wanted, and he was beneath me and I was drilling my cock into him. Every muscle on his back that I'd seen and desired was there, moving as I'd always dreamed they would, helping me fuck him. My cock was a pole of fire, excitement dripped off it like sparks, poured into my body like a rush of water pouring into a basin, splashing all about, and my entire groin was aflame. My cockhead was like a sparkler, glistening with pre-orgasmic flickers of joy, I knew that I was going to come soon, damned soon.

"Dave, I'm coming!" I groaned to him. "I'm coming!"

"Yeah, yeah, shoot it!" Dave mumbled to me. "Give it to me, stud, fuck me hard! Yeah!"

"Oh, oh, oh!" I gasped out, discrete bursts of joyful sound.

"Yeah, do it, do it!" Dave muttered.

"Oh, oh, oh, GAH-AHHHH!" I was coming, I felt my climax rush through me like a hot knife slices through butter, like it wasn't there, my ejaculation bubbled out of my balls and gurgled through my cockshaft and then wham! It burst into Dave's butt, pleasure knifing me all the way. I humped at Dave's butt like a man possessed...which I was...and I slammed into his ass, and Dave groaned as I did, his sounds echoing my own, and I knew that he loved the feel of my sperm splashing into his ass.

Done, I managed not to fall on Dave, but lay down next to him and he turned and took me in his arms. "You're a good friend." he said to me again, like he had in the beginning.

"You are, too, Dave." I said. Remembering the effects of the pill; Dave wasn't going to remember any of this. "I love you, man. I've loved you ever since I met you."

"I know." He mumbled and snuggled up to me.

I took him in his arms, and I felt him fall asleep. Well, he was drugged, after all. I would take this warmth of him in my bed and I'd settle for it. Get out of bed early and move to his, claim he'd passed out on mine. Maybe he'd never know what we'd done.

I was beginning to feel a little ashamed of myself. Regret is a symptom of post-coital ecstasy...if you're unlucky, like me.

The next morning, Dave was still firmly in the grip of the drug. He roused when I did, moved groggily, and I realized this hard-on had nothing to do with sex, so I helped him to the bathroom and held him while he pissed and got him back into the bed. He smiled at me as I did and said blurrily, "Want another one, buddy?"

Surprised (doesn't a drug wear off in about eight hours?), I said, "Sure, but let me go get a drink of water, okay?"

One thing I'd done which I hadn't mentioned the day before was picked up a flyer about the drug at the library. I hadn't looked at it, just wanted it there in case I needed to read about it. So my excuse to get a drink was just to find the flyer, which I'd left in the living room, and read up on it.

The date rape drug has effects lasting up to 24 hours with a large dose. Yes, that would explain Dave still being under. The effects of giddiness, uninhibited behavior, yes. Poor recollection afterwards, yes.

And a picture of the pills, both 1mg and 2mg sizes. I looked at that, then went back into the bedroom.

"Ready now?" Dave asked.

"I sure am." I said, my hard-on pointing the way. "How about we suck each other off this time?"

Dave giggled, mumbled, "Okay."

I got into bed and locked onto his cock and felt his lips close upon mine. Hard, firm cock in my mouth, warm, wet mouth on my own. This was bliss, utter bliss!

There was no rush, we sucked on each other for nearly a half-hour in the early morning light. Climax for me, when it came, was slow and unrushed. I moaned as my pleasure rose in me, and Dave did the same. We didn't come quite together, but it was less than two minutes from my jetting my jism into his mouth and him squirting his salty seed into mine. That joy was so very good, better than the more intense one of the night before.

Done, sucked each other dry and I crawled around and up into his arms and pressed my forehead to his. He smiled into my eyes and I said, very kindly and gently, "You son of a bitch!"

"What?" he asked.

"There was no date rape drug. What are those pills, sinus medicine?"

"Cold medicine." Dave affirmed. "Who cares, they worked."

"They sure did." I had to admit.

"You sure weren't taking the hint of me coming in here naked and hard." Dave said.

"I'm an idiot." I agreed.

"Nah, you're just timid." Dave defended me. "So, you want to do it again?"

"Sure, Dave!" As if I'd ever said anything else to his ideas!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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