Dating the Rabbit

Published on Dec 26, 1997




Dating the Rabbit

by Amy Brett

'I know what you want to do,' he said, 'but please let me see first. Okay.'

The anticipation in his eyes relaxed me somewhat though our first meeting was still tense with both excitement and fear.

'Okay. What do you want to do?' I said with some trepidation.

He was a nice looking guy. Not pretty but shy and quiet.

'Just let me look,' he said, his eyes almost pleading as they roamed across my body.

I slipped my sports coat off, unbuttoned my shirt and dropped it on the nearby chair. He seemed to hardly be able to keep his hands off me as he kneeled there in front of where I sat in the chair.

I lifted my teeshirt off over my head and saw him move still closer to me, almost between my knees.

'Can I...' he paused. 'Can I touch your nipples?'

I smiled thinking about it for a minute. 'Yes.'

Very softly, his attention completely on the tiny points of flesh, his trembling hand reached to my right nipple where it stood out from the goosebumps on my chest and very tentatively touched it. I hadn't ever felt a touch like it. Soft and almost rabbit-like in its appreciation and apprehension.

His touch was electric. The warmth of his fingers transmitted through the nerves and into my chest.

'Can I kiss it?' he said longingly.


Crawling closer, his mouth neared it and, excruciatingly, stopped, his eyes looking quickly into mine as if I might push him away at the last moment. I smiled reassuringly and again he shifted closer on his knees and, as if fulfilled, tongued it brushingly and kissed it ever so slightly, almost imperceptibly.

My hands came to the sides of his head and, after a few seconds, very gently pushed him away. He moved away longingly but easily, looking into my eyes with gratitude. He looked down into my lap where the obvious bulge showed through my pants.

'It's big,' he said matter-of-factly. 'Can I see?'

'No,' I said too quickly. 'No. Then it would be all over.'

He nodded through a small, disappointed smile of understanding. His smile broadened.

'Please get dressed. I want to see you...' He almost interrupted himself in mid word. 'No, no. Let me help you with your shoes. And socks,' he added and looked down at my feet, moving to do so even before I had moved my foot toward him to let him do it.

He slipped off the loafer and pealed back the sock sensuously. That's really the only way I can describe it. Sensuously. His hands followed the contours and shapes of it as the sock came off. Then, as if dismissing it, he switched to the other foot and did the same thing. He lingered with it in his hand before gently setting it back on the floor and allowing me to start to stand.

He moved back, still on his knees, to allow me to stand but, I found, he was still very close to me as I stood.

'Let me help...' he said softly. 'Let me help you undo your pants.'

I saw him swallow hard then and, not waiting for an answer, reached for my belt. The vibration clear throughout my body, his hands began to undo my belt, the fastener at the waist and the zipper. I stood with my hands on my hips to allow him to lead the way.

Again looking into my eyes with an anticipatory smile almost like a young child opening a christmas present, he helped the pants fall down my hips and onto my thighs. As my underpants came into view, unnaturally tented with my own excitement, his eyes locked on it in spite of his continuing movements to lower the pants to my thighs, calves and, as I lifted my foot, off first one leg and then the other.

I could see the intention in his eyes to stop me there and continue with his primary pursuit immediately. I stepped around him then.

'Can I watch?' he begged.

'No. I want you to be surprised.'

I moved to the bathroom and quickly stepped out of the underpants. Shaking, I pulled the panties out of the sack and put them on, carefully nestling my hardon into them and to the side. My fingers not cooperating, I fastened the bra around my middle, turned it and put my arms into the straps, pulling it up into place.

Then I put the blouse and skirt on. My hands shook as I threaded my legs into the thigh high stockings one at a time and the shoes eluded me for a moment before I could get the high heels on my feet. The wig was relatively easy.

I looked into the mirror and put the necklace, earrings, lipstick, eye shadow and mascara on. It had taken only a few minutes but the anticipation was amazing.

I walked back into the main room of the motel room.

He again sat in the chair by the small table. I saw a frown cross his brow first and then a smile, so much in contrast that it almost seemed to break his face. I could see the almost bouncing excitement spread from within him to his face, to his posture and, finally, to his clasped hands.

'You're beautiful!' He stared openmouthed.

I could only smile at the obvious sincerity of his statement even though I knew there were a great deal of faults he may not have seen yet and soon would. He still stared until I became self conscious.

'Thank you,' I said then into the silence that was really unbroken by the motel room radio playing a soft song.

As if it had broken a spell, he stood and rapidly looked me from top to bottom. 'I see,' he said. 'I see why you wanted to do this. You're magnificent. You''re...' He seemed to be speechless.

I raised my hand to stop him. 'No. That's enough. You'll swell my head until I can't keep this hair on anymore.'

His mouth open, he looked at the radio as if he'd just realized it was on and couldn't figure out why the sound was from outer space and totally unfamiliar. Then he looked as if he had recognized it and, in a single motion, extended his hand to me irresistably until I took it. My other hand played with the hem of the short skirt. He pulled me close to him naturally and easily and moved in concert with the music as if we had already been doing that for some time.

His other hand had already gone beneath my arm and around my waist, pressing into my back through the blouse, my nose and eyes peeking over his shoulder. Almost of its own volition, my hand went to his shoulder as if we had been dancing forever. I had never danced with another man.

'You feel so wonderful next to me!' he sighed. 'Perfect. Just perfect. Wonderful. Beautiful.' All his words floated across my shoulder and surrounded and warmed me until I found myself smiling rediculously for no one but my own pleasure.

Then, easily, he slowed our movements, moved slightly away from my body and looked into my face. His lips moved as if in slow motion to my own. My eyes closed as we met and my arms went around his neck.

'Perfect,' I heard him sigh to himself as he took a breath between empassioned kisses that left me unable to open my eyes.

I felt him move away from me slightly then, his hands tracing my sides, my waist, my hips and back, upward. His left hand moved to the middle of my back and pressed forward then while the other pressed firmly into the form within my bra. I was literally unable to raise my arms or open my eyes. I could only moan softly at the feelings it unleashed. My back arched to him.

I don't know when he unbuttoned the blouse but I felt his lips touch the naked skin of my neck, my chest, and my nipples, one after the other.

My legs wouldn't hold me as he lay me back onto the bed.

His hands held the shape of my calves then. Then the thighs. Then, I knew, my skirt was raised high onto my stomach. The thin material of the panties were whisked aside only the tiniest amount as my legs spread and raised.

His lips kissed it. Enveloped it. Pumped it. And swallowed it whole.

My eyes exploded.

In a moment, my eyes refocussed and pleasure changed to mild pain. My hands went to the back of his head, stopping what little movement his head still made.

Though my head still spun, I moved to straighten my clothing, moving the bra back into place, the skirt down somewhat. I nestled my own quickly softening manhood back into the panties. I smiled into his grinning face as it raised from my waist.

'Let me up,' I said, his frown answering me. 'No, no. Not to worry.' My own sexy smile apparently answered his fears of abandonment.

I directed him to move his head to the pillows where he had laid me a moment before and rolled to a sitting position on the edge of the bed. I crossed my stockinged legs toward the pillows, fending off his probing hand for a moment as it tried to edge under my skirt. I let him put it on my waist as I buttoned some of the blouse's lower buttons. I couldn't help but notice as he kneaded my side, looking at me as I moved. It was very flattering.

I turned to him then, smiling and beginning to unbutton his shirt. Finally, I got to his waist and he sucked in his breath to let me pull the shirt from his pants and spread it wide over his naked, almost hairless chest. As I held the shirt wide, I kissed his chest softly, looking into his waiting eyes with my own smile.

Moving slightly, I moved to his face, my hands on either side of it and kissing him softly on the lips. They opened but I didn't allow my own to do the same but instead catching the sensitive skin of the inside of his lips.

I moved away from him then, moving down his body and undoing his pants. In a single movement, I stripped down his pants and underpants, leaving him standing tall from his body. Only quickly and in passing, I kissed it dryly and moved on to pull the pants off his legs. Then I pulled off his socks as sexily as he had mine earlier, running my hands across his naked feet and legs. He reacted by starting to sit up but, with one hand, I forced him back to the bed.

Now, completely revealed, I looked at him from about the level of his knees and smiled again at his embarrassed nakedness. I moved quickly to try to make him feel more comfortable or, at least, to divert his attention.

I stood up next to the bed and clasped my knees together under the short skirt. My hands went to my false breasts through the blouse, kneading them as my eyes closed and my tongue traced the shape of my upper lip and tasted the lipstick.

I peeked through my clasped eyelids and saw his continuing arousal as he watched me; rapt.

My hands went to the hem of the skirt and started to edge it upward until, I knew, the white of the panties again showed. Then I slowly turned until my back was to him and continued to edge the hem upward until it was at my waist. Slowly, sensuously, I edged the material between my cheeks until it formed only a thin line of white material from between my legs to my waist, the material pulling roughly between my legs.

Then I jumped to the waistband and slowly threaded my hands into the waistband to push it downward until it was below my ass altogether.

Then I spread my legs slightly, my back still to him, and ran my forefingers down between the cheeks. I bent at the waist slowly, arching my back and moving my hands back to my false breasts and squeezing them as my head tilted back until it almost met my back. I knew the action thrust my ass out toward him and he could see the muscles of my legs quivering with the tension of the exercise and the excitement.

Still facing away from him, I put my legs back together tightly and wiggled to let the panties fall to my knees, my ankles and finally to the top of my shoes where I could step out of them.

Then again, I spread them, reaching to the nearby nightstand where I got a healthy fingerful of Vaseline. Reaching between my legs with three fingers, one on each side of the one holding the Vaseline, I felt the cold lubricant touch the naked skin of my asshole.

I watched him stare at my hand as I looked over my shoulder, my finger disappearing into me then.

Again, I was quite aroused as I turned back toward him, my skirt slightly below, covering myself, but it still tented the material upward.

I moved to him then, bending over with my back again arched and quickly kissed his manhood again as I got another large fingerful of the Vaseline. In a motion, I moved away from it and replaced my kiss with the cold lubricant.

My hands shaped themselves to his manhood, spreading the lubricant and coaxing a moan from him. Not wanting to lose the utmost of his hardon, I quickly straddled him and, in a motion, allowed him to slip into my body.

My head went back and my eyes closed with the intensity of the feeling within me. The muscles of my legs trembled with the exertion and assault on my senses as I moved up on him slightly and, as quickly, back down until it nearly went into me fully; back up and back down again until I felt him deep within me and the pubic hair against my ass.

Staying very still for a long time, I let my eyes re-focus and the intensity of the feelings subside toward quiet. I leaned my head forward and saw that he was doing exactly the same thing, his eyes now focussing on my face and a smile spreading across his face.

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