Dating Rules and Pretty Fools

Published on Jan 2, 2024


Dating Rules and Pretty Fools Chapter 19

Dating Rules And Pretty Fools – Ch. 18

By Laura S. Fox

Copyright © 2023 Laura S. Fox

All Rights Reserved

Gay Erotica

Intended for Mature Audiences Only

This story will contain graphic depictions of sexual intercourse, strong language and it is not meant for readers who are less than 18 years of age.

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Chapter Nineteen – Breaking Point

Hudson placed his hands under his head, trying hard to school his face to not betray the sensation of absolute delight he was experiencing at the sight of his clumsy, yet delicious, boyfriend riding him. His cock didn't care so much for that type of honesty. It was twitching and enjoying the perfect squeeze delivered by Otis's ass, so tight and able to take it at the same time.

"You might have some regrets in the morning," he teased his partner.

Otis gave him a surprised look. "Why?"

Hudson grinned. "Ah, I see. Let me spell it for you, beautiful. Your amazing ass will feel this workout. You might have trouble sitting." A part of him felt elated at the thought. Otis was so level-headed all the time, taking things as they came. Whenever he was surprised by something, he looked so adorable. And Hudson would so love to watch his lovely lover's eyes growing wide in surprise when he tried to plop down on a chair.

Otis, no wonder there, stopped and nodded in understanding. "That happens when you are a novice like me. It cannot be helped."

"Well, we could stop and do it again in a few days." His cock remained trapped in the exquisite heat of Otis's ass, completely oblivious to the type of torture Hudson was preparing for him with those words.

"No," came the firm refusal. "What should I do now? Is this enough? I don't know for sure."

Hudson moved to capture Otis with one arm around his shoulders. His hand found purchase in the strands of ash-blond hair, and he used his strength to make his lover yield. He got busy kissing him while he held him by one hip. It was enough for him to control the situation, as he pushed upward while dragging Otis over his body, to drape himself with the lovely young man.

Yes, he could fuck Otis like that, and it was maddening because his range of motion was limited. Still, Otis understood enough to meet him half-way, and that caused them to fall into a rhythm that was simply perfect.

"But you are still doing all the work," Otis complained when Hudson allowed him a mouthful of air.

"I can't help but take you over and over," Hudson admitted. "I'm afraid I won't let you be in charge too often in the beginning. Damn, I want to ravish you to the point that no one else would matter."

"No one else matters anyway," Otis said promptly and caught Hudson by the shoulders to support himself. His head lolled to one side and his eyelids fluttered.

It was quite obvious what was going on. Hudson didn't need it spelled out for him. His experience in dealing with men and sensual matters helped him a great deal in the process. Now Otis was receiving the fruits of all that experience. A fleeting thought made him wonder if Otis would ever be jealous if he knew of all the previous conquests under his belt. He hoped he would if only for the sake of seeing those pretty lips pout and those eyes throw daggers at him.

He wanted Otis in every possible way. He wanted Otis to look at him while feeling anxious, ready to yield, annoyed, and yes, jealous. All those faces belonged to him and him alone. That was his privilege and he wasn't prepared to surrender his lover to the world once all was said and done.

There was no notion left in his mind of what that meant. Thoughts swirled around in his brain, but only on the surface. Everything he felt was overwhelmed, taken over completely by the notion that he had Otis in his arms. He was fucking him, yes, but it wasn't ol' plain fucking. Hudson had had enough of that in his life to realize the difference. With both wonder and elation, he discovered that being so intimate with Otis led to just one end result. They were making love. He'd love to hear the analytical, practical mind of his lover dissecting the notion. Without a doubt, he'd come up with something surprising, something other people would never think of.

Otis let out small huffs of breath, as he appeared to be fighting a losing battle in Hudson's arms.

"How does it feel?" Hudson asked, his question as urgent as the need of his body to meet Otis's slender frame with each thrust.

"It feels so good," Otis whispered. "Is it always so good?"

"With the right person, always," Hudson replied.

"Is it as good for you?"

"A lot more. I have no words. Otis, you're amazing," he continued his hurried, whispered answers to the passion Otis was doling out to him.

"Hudson, I think something is happening," Otis confessed, his breath shallow and delivered in short gasps matching the rhythm of slapping flesh on flesh.

He only had a dim awareness of how fast they were going. Hudson only knew that it was good, that he needed it, and that there was nothing in the world to prevent him not only from wanting it but from getting it, too.

Otis squeezed him in his arms so hard Hudson could swear there was no escape left for him. The slender limbs were more powerful than they looked at first glance, the sort of power belonging to them that had to be recognized and acknowledged.

He wrapped one arm around Otis and held him close as he felt his lover riding the pleasure he felt. This was lovemaking. Not one ounce of doubt remained in his mind. This was the point of no return, and there was nothing left beyond it. Other than happiness. Yes, he felt that, and there was no denying the feeling whatsoever. How simple and wonderful.

His growls matched Otis's pretty moans. As he came, he regretted telling Otis that they should wait indefinitely for starting to do it raw. He wished, at that very moment, that he could come inside the perfect body he was holding. It would make him feel so complete, perfect in ways that he didn't believe possible.

That was a thought for another time. Greedy as he was, he had to settle for their coming together in that manner. How many couples could take pride in a thing like that? And it was basically still the first time he was doing this with his lovely lover.

"I made a mess," Otis whispered once he was by his side. He rubbed his fingers into the cum drops trapped in the hair on Hudson's belly. "Do you mind it very much?"

"Not at all. It's the right kind of mess. You marked me, beautiful."

"I did?"

"Don't act so surprised. You're so damn sexy. And without a condom, I will make an even bigger mess when I come inside you."

"Really?" Otis sounded more and more excited. "And if you come more than one time, I will be pretty messy, right?"

"Damn it, beautiful, stop teasing a man like that." Hudson threw one arm over his eyes to show his helplessness. "I just came, and now you're talking about taking load after load from me. And you were saying that you were no good at dirty talking."

"Then it appears that I'm better at it than I thought," Otis concluded with unhidden glee.

"As I said, you're one fast learner. Don't ever let anything get in the way of your learning. You're doing wonderful things with everything you learn."

"I know that some people might believe it to be a cliché, but that is the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me," Otis said with pride.

"I plan on saying it more often. That and other things."

Otis sighed in contentment. Hudson shared the feeling. How could he not? It all had happened so naturally between them there was no need for any feelings of inadequacy. There was none from him and, as it seemed, none from Otis, either.


Taking a shower together felt so intimate. The place was so cramped, they couldn't help making a mess. One particular thing that made it seem impossible to act properly, or at least as what Otis knew of taking efficient showers, was the way Hudson didn't seem able to let go of his mouth. All of the time, he wanted to kiss him, and Otis felt like kissing back. Only the fact that he knew they both had to work the next day stopped him from doing other irresponsible things.

Save for one. He dropped to his knees, his fascination still centered on that sexy piercing. He teased it with his mouth and then swallowed half of Hudson's cock.

"Can you please use my mouth?" he asked politely. He knew that there was nothing polite in how he imposed himself on Hudson, who had to be tired by now, but he couldn't help himself. He wanted to learn more about how it felt when Hudson came while he was teasing around the piercing. His curiosity simply had no bounds.

"Stop tempting me, you imp."

He was learning many things. For instance, right now, Hudson didn't mean it. He wanted what Otis offered him, and it became more apparent as the rough hands moved to cup his head and he found himself being made to swallow a bit more of the length of the cock in front of his eyes.

His surprise must have been felt by Hudson, who immediately withdrew. Otis didn't want that to happen, so he grabbed Hudson by his buttocks to gain leverage allowing him to push him into his mouth.

"Fuck, sexy," Hudson whispered. "Do you even have any idea what you're doing to me?"

Not precisely, but his mouth was too busy to ask for additional details. He focused on the feel of having his mouth full. It was a different sensation than having his backside full of Hudson's cock, but it caused the same sort of pleasure. There were differences, of course. For instance, right now, he found pleasure in giving pleasure. It was the mindboggling kind, too, because he discovered that he wanted nothing but to push further, to see how much he could take and what he could do.

He moved his head back until only the tip of Hudson's cock was on his lips. With increased appetite, he twirled his tongue around the piercing, listening closely to all the sounds his boyfriend was making. That was what he was doing right now. He was giving his boyfriend a blowjob. A frisson of pleasure coursed through him, although it was warm in the bathroom and the cramped shower. That sounded so good and dirty. He wanted to learn more dirty words, and he wanted to do what all those words meant to Hudson. Such things boyfriends did to each other. His lessons were bearing fruit.

He placed his hands in his lap, determined to have his way. While using only his mouth, Hudson was holding his head and moving his hips. Otis could tell he was drooling as the cock moving in and out of his mouth was slick with his saliva. That was also dirty and good. It didn't matter if things got messy because they were in the shower anyway.

"You're driving me crazy," Hudson whispered. "You have such a sexy mouth, baby. Fuck, I'm going to come in your mouth. Do you want it? Do you want my cum on your tongue? Down your throat?"

Oh, yes, he did. He wanted it so much. But he couldn't talk and truly hoped that this was one of those occasions that proved that actions spoke louder than words. He used his lips and tongue to show Hudson how desperately he desired to be used that way. As he opened his eyes, he noticed the look in Hudson's dark ones. There was no need for any other explanation, as little versed as he was in the way such things worked. That naked look of desire spoke for itself. Otis closed his eyes and went as deep as he could. Hudson cradled the back of his head and then made him stop.

There was no other thing for him to do but to wait patiently as Hudson began shooting in his mouth. Such a strange thing to have become so familiar with sexual things in such a short time. But they felt right. He didn't have to question himself about doing them the right way or not. He just knew that it was good for Hudson and him.

The sensation of having his tongue coated with his boyfriend's cum was getting the better of him. No, the best. Such expressions were sometimes fuzzy, they needed to be used and transformed for each situation.

"Good job," Hudson said and smiled at him while caressing his head.

Otis grinned from below. "Only good?" It was essential for him to grade his performance so that he could improve it.

Hudson leaned down and kissed his forehead. "No, awesome... blowjob, Otis."

He moved to meet the kiss that waited for him. Hudson seemed more than pleased to explore his mouth and taste himself from his tongue. That was also dirty and good. How many wonderful things he was learning.

"Keep going like that, and you'll become an expert at giving head," Hudson praised him with a pleasant smile on his face.

"I certainly hope so. May I apply myself to using you?"

Hudson burst into laughter. He grabbed his ball sac and squeezed it. "For as long as my balls are capable of making jizz, I'm yours."

That was a more than satisfactory answer. Otis felt proud and accepted Hudson's help getting to his feet.

"You know," he confessed, "I've always thought that I would experience a great deal of trouble with talking dirty, but you make me understand that it comes naturally."

"Okay. But don't use it with other guys." Hudson put a hand on his ass and squeezed hard.

"What other guys? These are conversations to be held between people who are intimate," Otis explained the lesson he had just learned. His boyfriend was obviously testing him to see if he got the notions right.

"You're danger dressed up as mind-blowing pleasure, baby. Don't ask what I mean. Just think of how all of me belongs to you now. My cock and balls included, of course." A short laugh followed. "Let's sleep before I discover that I can do it for a fourth time tonight."

"Is that a big challenge?" Otis questioned. "It must be," he gave himself the answer. "Producing semen takes effort."

"Please don't launch in some in-depth explanation of that," Hudson begged.

Otis turned to see the big smile on his boyfriend's face. "I won't. But it is all very interesting."

"I don't have one doubt. But you wrecked me tonight, baby. Let's rest."

Rest meant sleeping together. Otis sighed in contentment.


As he adjusted the lenses on his camera, Hudson couldn't help but notice the way Jackie kept very close to him like a dog in search of a master.

"What's up?" he asked as he continued to work.

Watkins hadn't sent them back to the location of the new club, and they were doing their job at Twinlight for the moment. He, at least, was doing that. Jackie was only busy getting into his hair, making Hudson wonder just how much close supervision Watkins believed he needed.

"I took the freaking plunge," Jackie said in a morose voice.

"Hmm," Hudson offered no more than a noncommittal grunt.

Jackie appeared incapable of taking a hint. He leaned over and whispered as if he were sharing the biggest secret in the universe, "I told him how I felt. Only to find out that he has a freaking boyfriend."

That warranted stopping what he was doing.

"Take five," he said to the models lounging in sexy positions on the small dais. "Now you have my full attention," he added as he turned to face Jackie.

Damn, he looked like a kicked puppy all right. Hudson had a feeling that he knew what was coming. He couldn't stop it and it was also his doing that the young man in front of him looked like that. Therefore, a bit of responsibility taking was in order.

"I went and told Otis how I felt. It took courage. I mean, look at me," Jackie said and gestured wildly. Hudson didn't understand what exactly he was supposed to see. "I'm good as long as I behave like a player. But asking someone out? That was new to me, in the sense that I was serious about it. And he turned me down."

Hudson nodded. He felt the need to fiddle with his camera only so that he didn't have to stare at Jackie. All feelings of annoyance he'd had for the guy had faded. Maybe it was the surety he had of having Otis as his. So he patted Jackie on the shoulder and gave him a compassionate smile.

"Better to know, right? At least you know where you stand."

Jackie pouted. "I would have been better off. You and your freaking advice, Vegas. You got this into my head, and now I'm heartbroken."

"I assume full responsibility. The drinks are on me. Let's hang out tonight."

"Really? You'd do that?" Jackie's face lit up. "And you won't get bored hearing me talk all evening about him? How pretty he is? And how he broke my heart?"

"He was honest with you. That's a big thing."

"Yeah," Jackie said and nodded. "Honesty. Big thing, indeed."

Hudson felt just a pang of discomfort at the way Jackie said it. There was nothing wrong with it; his reaction upon hearing it was more likely to be the cause of that. He observed Jackie from the corner of one eye.


The confused look told him everything he needed to know. Jackie was aware of very little happening around him. A strange line of business to be in and be such an airhead. Hudson couldn't stop thinking of what strange connection had to exist between this young man and Watkins. There was a story there, more than what Jackie let on, not because of his unwillingness to share, but because of his lack of knowledge on the matter.

He grinned at his imposed partner and punched his shoulder.

"You're a handsome mofo. You're going to be all right."

"If you say so," Jackie said, puffing out his cheeks and looking like a chipmunk in the process.

"Say, what does the man tell you about the preparations for opening the new club? Any news?"

"You know as much as I do. You know, he got pretty pissed about that Angel thing. His disappearing like that on him. But the good news is that Jasper's coming back. Man, I'm so going to give that guy an earful."

Hudson turned and pretended he needed to put his camera away or wipe its lenses or some other thing to hide his face from Jackie. He had to start being more careful. The case he was working on was dangerous and there was no room for rookie mistakes. Or any mistakes, for that matter. Between getting cozy with Otis and seeing Jackie more and more as a not-so-guilty party in whatever was going on, he felt as if he was starting to slip.

"When is he going to be here?" His tone was a neutral as possible.

"You know, Vegas, I wish I could be as chill as you, you know? I mean, Jasper tricked you first and foremost. And you don't seem mad at him at all. Teach me your secrets."

"I'm not mad at him. He must have had his reasons," Hudson said. Then, schooling his face in an expression meant to allay any more suspicions, he looked at Jackie. "Okay, maybe I'm a little mad at him, but I can't stay mad at people as a rule. I guess everything's on track now. Jasper's going to be here for the grand opening, after all."

"Yeah, although the boss is now so set on Angel, you wouldn't believe it."

"How so? Does he know where our top earner is?"

Jackie shook his head, but there was something in his eyes telling Hudson he wasn't quite sure. He wished he could prod him more, but the boys came back, ready to pose. There was time, he liked to think, as he grabbed his camera again. And being close friends with Jackie seemed like a good strategy for getting info on things Watkins didn't care much to make him privy to.

Before getting to work, he checked on Jackie one last time. There was something eating the young man. Was it only Otis's rejection? In a simpler world, maybe. But Hudson wasn't the kind to work with maybes.


Getting close to Otis's workplace had been a no-no so far, and Hudson intended to keep things that way. However, when a disappointed Otis received the news over the phone that his permanent boyfriend of just one day would be late, Hudson had made another concession to himself. Therefore, he was now waiting for him at what he believed to be a safe enough distance from the restaurant where Otis was tending tables. Since he didn't intend to add more lies to the ones he already told his boyfriend, he didn't offer an explanation of his choice, but Otis had appeared perfectly happy with the arrangement.

Which was that he would walk him home and only after that go about his evening, which included meeting Jackie and not much else. Hudson couldn't quite recall a moment in his life when he had been so keen on finishing work so that he could return home. Bone-tired, yeah, he had been that, but this had nothing to do with the natural need to rest. It had everything to do, however, with a pair of amazing blue eyes that were bound to get him into trouble one of these days. The trouble he had in mind was of the sweetest variety.

Otis waved happily from a distance and hurried toward him. Hudson opened his arms and hugged him, as if this were a thing they had been doing for many months or even years now.

"How was work?"

"It was fantastic," Otis said with a large grin. "I don't know why, but I couldn't stop smiling, and people noticed and I got so many tips you wouldn't believe it."

"Really?" Hudson drawled, ready to tease his pretty boyfriend. "You have no idea why you couldn't stop smiling?"

"Yes, it's like I'm so happy I'm ready to burst out of my skin, although if I did that, it wouldn't be too nice a picture, actually at all, because it would be like something from a horror movie--"

Hudson moved closer and, after a quick look around, pinched Otis's behind through his dress pants. Only for a fraction of a second, but it was enough to earn him an outraged gasp from the cute young man walking by his side.

"Hudson, we're in public," he whispered. "What if someone sees us?"

"Oh, are you ashamed of me?"

Evening had set over the city, and the street lamps cast their light over Otis's hair, making it look a particular shade of silver and gold.

"No, I'm not!" the protest came promptly. "But things like that... I mean, not that I don't like it... actually, if I think about it--"

"If you need to think, I'm doing something wrong," Hudson continued his teasing.

"No, that's not true," Otis continued his defense. "But I've never had a boyfriend before, and... is this what boyfriends do? Pinch each other's butts in public?"

"No, not usually. Not in polite company. But tell me, Otis," Hudson said gently as he stopped and turned the other to face him, "do you see anyone else around?"

The passersby were few and far between at that hour in that part of the city. The more glamorous venues claimed more than their fair share of party-goers, hip young people with corporate jobs going out for drinks, even couples looking for the right place to spend a romantic evening.

Nothing was more romantic than this, Hudson decided as he pulled Otis close. "I'm of a mind to do something even more scandalous. With your permission, of course."

"It's not butt-pinching, right?" Otis pulled slightly away but only so that they could look at each other.

"No, it's this." Hudson hugged him and placed a soft, almost chaste, kiss on the soft lips waiting for him, slightly parted and signaling nothing else but the sweetest desire.

Otis smiled and pushed his hair away from his usually concealed eye in what seemed an unconscious gesture. Hudson looked at him for a moment, caught between hard to describe and conflicting feelings. When he noticed the slight frown transforming the cute face in front of his eyes, he hurried to remedy the situation. He brushed his lips over the old scar.

"You're always beautiful to me."

Otis giggled, and it was a tender sound, so in tune with the evening falling around them like a cozy blanket. A soft wind had been blowing for a few days now, a sign of the fall that was to come, but there were still pleasant days ahead before chillier weather would become the usual.

Hudson took Otis's hand in his and offered him a smile. "Let's see you home."

"I'm so curious," Otis said. "I put the slow cooker in charge of the stew. But if it doesn't end up right, will you be all right with something else? Like sandwiches?"

"You know what? I'll call you and if the slow cooker failed you in your attempts to seduce me with food, I will grab something on my way back. What do you say?"

"It sounds wonderful." Otis stopped for a moment in the middle of the street, making him stop as well. "Is this normal? To feel so happy?"

"That's what all people wish it would be," Hudson assured him. And then, he added for the both of them, "We're the lucky ones."

"I like that. The lucky ones," Otis repeated after him and grabbed his hand so that they could continue to walk together.


When he arrived at the bar where he had agreed to meet Jackie five minutes early, he was surprised to see his work partner already there at a table, a few empty bottles in front of him.

"Have you started without me?" he asked, eyeing the table before taking a seat across from Jackie.

What he received in return wasn't a reply but a pointed look. A frown crumpled the usually smooth forehead, making Hudson think of something incongruous like as a cartoon character aging overnight.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"Why the fuck are you called Hudson?"

The noises around them grew dim, as old instincts kicked in.

Jackie rambled on, unaware of the change happening before his eyes. "I got it that you used Vegas as your moniker as an artist or whatever the fuck you pretend to be, but you're supposed to be fucking John Adam, right? Are you lying to Otis? About your real name?"

The slip-up. And it had happened at the beginning, when he had given his neighbor his real name, going against undercover basics 101 like a newbie.

Hudson watched Jackie. This was bad. He could lie and wiggle his way out of it, but there was no way Jackie would keep this to himself. It wasn't a small detail, it was the kind of thing that could get him in a very dangerous situation.

Despite the alcohol-induced drawl, Jackie's next words sounded clear enough to confirm his worst fears.

"You know, I wondered why the hell Jasper confided in you. He saw you as the outsider, but he probably knew, right? That you'd help him run away. Are you like a cop or something?"

Hudson took a snapshot of the place while Jackie's words still lingered. And then, he moved, lunging quickly across the table, grabbing Jackie by the front of his shirt with one hand, while holding the other under the table.

"Listen here, I can blow your kneecap off if you do as little as squeal. Now, we're going to get up slowly and you'll turn, and we'll walk out of here through the back."

He hoped Jackie was drunk enough or stupid enough not to see through his bluff. Their eyes engaged in a battle of wills for a moment, and then, the green eyes grew wide in understanding. A nod followed, and Hudson loosened his hold, not completely, but enough to allow Jackie some freedom of movement.

On their way out, Hudson offered a couple of patrons reassuring strained smiles, gesturing with his chin at Jackie who was having trouble holding himself upright. To anyone looking, he was taking a drunken friend out for a walk and a bit of fresh air.

"Vegas," Jackie breathed out, "what the fuck, man?"

"Shut up and do exactly as I say."

Time for him to go off-script. Damn, he had been stupid. Otis had disarmed him with just one look, and he had forgotten his mission. If that wasn't a sign from the universe that he had fucked up, he had no idea what was.

He forced Jackie to walk to where he had parked the car and pushed the guy inside. "Don't fucking move or I'll blow your brains out. Am I clear?" he said in a menacing growl.

"With what gun?" Jackie challenged him, finally getting hold of himself.

The bluff had only held this far. Hudson looked around and then punched Jackie short, in the face, making his head snap back. Mission accomplished. Now on to the next step.

He smacked his hand on the hood of the car. "Fuck!"

And then, he climbed into the driver's seat. There was no time to waste. With one hand on the wheel, he searched Jackie's jacket for the guy's phone. If anyone else knew, that was one way to find out.


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Next: Chapter 20

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