Date with Paul

By Joyce Devries

Published on Jun 2, 2001



By Joyce Devries, ICQ: 26082876

You should read "first-date-with-Paul" to fully understand this story.

March 26th, 1994

Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure I will tell you about, a wonderful date with a sweet and wonderful man, Paul. I am 5'2", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, but this was a wonderful adventure.

The time had come, my close friend Paul, had offered a few months ago to escort me on a date of a lifetime, to date me formally, with he as the man, and me as the woman, both of us dressed up for a formal Saturday night out to a formal occasion, and on Saturday March 26th, it happened.

At first, Paul and I were to be dating as a platonic male and female, but recent get togethers had changed that immensely. Firstly, Paul posed as my photographer, with the time being the first we had ever got together, and I ended up, as planned before the meeting, posing in some of my intimate lingerie, and allowing Paul to see a sensuous side of me, but originally no contact physically, but emotionally, things changed.

The next meeting was a "warm-up" to the big date, and that was on February 18th, 1994, and had Paul escorting me out on an informal date to a couple of bridal stores, and as things developed towards that date, it worked out that Paul was to assist in a great way to buy my formal dress for the big formal date. As that date progressed, something clicked, and that changed the fate of what was to transpire for the big date on the 26th of March, and it was basically that Paul and I got "physical" as far as kissing and holding hands. I was now comfortable with him, reacting a a woman, and accepting his male advances. The whole day ended very erotically and set the big date up for an occasion that would not only have the experience as me as the woman, allowing myself to be seduced as only a woman could, but to experience the acceptance of a complete woman.

So the big date arrived, my outfit was all picked out, right from my lingerie, to my dress, to my jewelry. The dress that Paul had got me was tried on at least 10 times, and my whole look checked out, the look was very pretty and sexy, yet at the same time sophisticated and elegant. The dress was not the only new thing that was purchased for the date, but so many other little things were bought to make the outfit perfect.

I decided to nap in the afternoon, as dinner was set for 8:15pm, and we were planning on taking our sweet time so when the evening ended up it could have been as late as early Sunday morning. Around 5pm, I shed any "male" things that I had on and started the ritual of making myself into a beautiful and elegant woman. I made sure that all of my exposed skin area was very smooth and clean, and made sure that all of my body appeared to be feminine, smooth and sexy.

As soon as I was sure that perfect, I donned a low back-cut strapless bra, the same one that I wore under my wedding dress. I thought for a long time over which panties to wear, and then decided that even though I had several more elegant and lacy panties, I chose my first ever pair of panties, red satin with lace trim on the edges. After a girdle for extra protection, I slipped on a very silky and sexy pair of "French Linen" pantyhose, and I made sure that nothing would ruin them and took care in wearing a pair of satin gloves to put them on. Once into my pantyhose, I slipped into my pink satin dressing gown, and a very comfortable pair of low black heels, and made my way to my makeup mirror for the next stage.

The makeup application was also very special, after my foundation application, I decided to do my eyes more dark and dramatic for the evening lighting. So with that, my lower lids were a dark rich blue colour, and the upper lids with a darker richer pink than what I am used to, and the highlighter, a dark charcoal colour. The eyeliner was the thing that added the dramatic flare, instead of making sure things were only a little line around the eyes, I strayed past that point to further accentuate my eyes, and when I was done, I had to sit back a bit and admire how sexy and hot they made me look!. The blush was a dark rose colour and carefully applied, it was rich and very pretty when I was done, not too dark, but rich and sexy. The lipstick was another more dramatic highlight, with not only my favorite dark pinkish red lipstick, but I used another lipstick, deep dark red, and very glossy to add just that little bit extra. Before I slipped into the rest of my outfit, I spritzed myself both on the nape of my neck, but my wrists and ankles with "Halston's" perfume, and I knew that this would drive Paul crazy. The last thing I did with regards to makeup was to apply my darkest and richest red nail colour, it matched perfectly with the lipstick and set my look off even more.

The dress I was going to be slipping into was a little bit restraining and so I would ruin anything by stretching too far, I decided to get everything else on at this stage, except for my heels. I donned a pretty little new anklet on my right ankle, it was a fine gold chain and on the outside of my ankle was a pair of tiny hearts, and it made my legs look very dainty. Next was my new necklace, fake diamonds, yet classy and pretty, with that, matching earrings and a bracelet that I put on my right arm. I decided to don only a small little charm bracelet on my left wrist, as I had a funny feeling when I met my date at the door, he would have his own ideas of what should be on that wrist. With all of that on, I was ready to get into my dress, but first, I made sure that everything else was ready to go, and waited for the call from Paul before I got into my dress and heels.

I was just packing my black patent clutch purse when the phone rang, it was Paul, and he was only a few blocks away, I asked him to give me exactly 5 minutes more, and then come and get me. After hanging up the phone, I slipped out of my low black heels and then took the wonderful dress off the hook and unzipped it, and slipped into it, doing it all the way up the back. After slipping into my heels, I looked into my full length mirror, and even I had to gasp a little, as I saw myself with my entire ensemble on for the first time, everything, makeup, jewelry, dress and heels, I knew I looked and felt very feminine and sexy, and here is what I saw;

From top to bottom, my hair was brushed softly around my face, and my ears had on a pair of glittery short diamond like earrings with a red jewel in the middle of the earring. My makeup was perfect, sexy, yet sultry and sexy, definitely one of the best jobs I think I have ever done, my lips looked like they were dying to be kissed. Moving down, my necklace, matching the earrings with a broach at the bottom of the chain, oval shaped with a red jewel in the middle of it, and the necklace falling only an inch or so from my cleavage. Finally the dress, one that was very elegant, and like I said, sexy, it was red velvet, form fitting, and a skirt just below the knees, and slit just offset from the front of the dress to the thigh (very sexy), the most exciting part of the dress was the fact that is was almost off the shoulder in style with a cut just above my cleavage in the front, and a deep cut in the back just above my low cut bra. The shoulders of the dress are slightly "puffed" out to help with the illusion of a slimmer figure. Moving further down, my pantyhose were very silky and sexy, and were slightly coloured, very pretty, my right ankle was adorned with a tiny gold chain and tiny hearts, and finally my heels, 4 inch comfortable black patent, with fashion clips that featured diamond squares to accent the other jewelry. Like I said, the look in the mirror caused me to have a second and third look, and I am sure Paul would have the same reaction.

I recently read in a Glamour magazine article with regards to dressing for evening wear, and those thoughts echoed in my mind as I stared at myself in the mirror. Those thoughts included, "making sure everything was special, and remember the dress is extra special, so should your accessories", ensure nothing was "ordinary", and as I stared at my hose, jewelry, heels, and makeup, I knew that I had done just that.

I then went to the downstairs kitchen, staring out the window waiting for my date Paul to arrive.

Paul arrived a few minutes later and after letting him into our automatic garage, I scurried upstairs to wait for Paul to come into the house and greet me for the first time. I heard Paul walk through the garage port door and up the stairs and once the upstairs door was opened, there was Paul, dressed in a suit and tie, and offering me a beautiful wrist corsage. Paul looked me in the eyes and we stared at each other with initial nervousness, and had a cordial first meeting. Paul looked me up and down and complimented me on my appearance and I felt so special that he appreciated all of the effort that I took.

Since I had some last minute things to do, Paul sat for a moment, and when all was ready, he draped my winter coat over my shoulders and opened the door for me leading to the garage and escorted me to his car, were he opened the door for me and drove to the restaurant in a nearby town, and all the way he was the perfect gentleman, and we shared idle conversation, and he made subtle comments about my look that made me feel so good. I must say that even though the drive was rather quiet, the energy of the date and the evening was there. Paul had set the dinner date for 8:15pm, and he picked me up at 7:15pm, allowing us time to drive to the restaurant and spend some quiet time in the bar before being seated for dinner.

Paul parked the car at the restaurant and swung himself around to my side of the car to open the door for me, and I discovered how restrictive the dress I was wearing was, I managed to stand up and gave Paul a thankful kiss for the first time of the evening, not long and lingering, but short and sweet. Because of the corsage that I was wearing, I did not have my coat done up, but rather draped over my shoulders, leaving the front part of my outfit open to the cold March winds, and thank heavens the walk to the door was not that far.

Once inside, Paul was the perfect gentleman and took my coat off my shoulders and handed it to the coat check. The usher at the door was dressed in a tux and looked very handsome, I could tell by the "mood" of the restaurant that Paul had found the perfect place for a formal dinner, and I looked perfect. Paul took control of the situation and informed the Usher that we would not be seated right away, but rather we would be sitting in the lounge a few minutes before being seated. We entered the dimly lit lounge to a romantic table were a candle was lighting the area around the table, providing a wonderful mood.

Once seated at the table, I informed Paul of my choice in drinks, a "sling" for me, and I asked Paul to ask our waiter for the ladies room, and after informing me were it was, I took a walk, making sure to walk slowly and seductively, hoping that Paul was watching. I loved the walk to the washroom, looking around the restaurant, seeing what all of the other women were wearing, and feeling special in how I looked and felt. I entered the washroom, and found that it contained only two stalls and both of them were occupied, and the strange thing was that the one stall that I approached, I saw the bottom side of a pair of high heeled shoes, and I heard the sounds of a woman being ill in the stall, and the other was occupied by another woman that was talking to the one being ill. Well, the whole situation was a little uncomfortable, so I moved to the large mirror and check my lipstick, and left to rejoin Paul at the table in the lounge. Paul and I chatted for a while, held hands and eventually, Paul informed our waiter that we were ready to be seated, and in a few minutes the Usher came over and escorted us to a very romantic and quiet place in this already romantic restaurant.

Dinner was filled with subtle teases by both Paul and I, back and forth. I teased Paul by playing "footsies" with him, and watching the expression on his face, and also by playing with the straw in my drink with the tip of my tongue. Paul on the other hand made suggestions about what to do after dinner, and these included walks, maybe dancing, etc., but nothing that would indicate what was to happen in the very near future.

Following dinner I took a final trip to the ladies room, were I at least had a chance to use one of the stalls, and afterwards made my way to the large mirror in the ladies room, and put on a fresh coat of lipstick. I looked myself over and knew that now dinner was over that the most interesting part of the evening was going to take place.

After an after dinner drink in the lounge, Paul took the lead once again and retrieved my coat from the coat check and helped me slip it on, and escorted me out to the car, and as it was going in, the wind cut right through me.

After dinner, Paul took us down to a nearby harbor to take a stroll down by the water, just like we had talked about so many times before. The drive there was very special, as Paul started to take the next step in seducing me, and before I knew it, his hand found it's way to the inside of my thigh, and I started to get chills up and down my spine, and I leaned back in seat and enjoyed the caressing of my silky and sexy legs, causing me to close my eyes and bite my lower lip. Once at the harbor, Paul came around and opened the door for me, but once again, the cold was a little too overwhelming, and the walk around the harbor, was short lived and ended only with a few light kisses.

Paul then drove along the lake, on a road that was not a major freeway and could allow the drive back to the house to be as long as possible. The drive got a little hotter as Paul continued to rub and tease my inner thigh, and all the time complimenting me on my look and that turned me on even more. On the way back to the house, I noticed a nice quiet area to park at, right next to the lake, overlooking the skyline of a major city, it was quiet, and very romantic looking.

Once "parked", Paul and I looked at each other, and before I knew it, Paul's lips were against mine, and the kissing was not light and cordial, but rather deeper and more passionate. The pace of our kissing grew very rapidly, and before long I felt Paul's hands rubbing my breasts and I could hear him groaning and shifting in his seat. We kept on kissing and kissing, more and more passionately, and before long I could not resist, and found my own hands drifting over Paul's body and eventually I started investigating why he was shifting in his seat, and found my hands moving over a rather large bulge in his pants, and at that exact moment I knew that I was responsible for that bulge. My dress, the silky pantyhose, the high heels, the makeup, the perfume, and my demure all were responsible, and I knew that I was the one that started the events that lead to the bulge, and knew that the time was right for me to cross over the line that I had always dreamed about, and found it only very feminine and natural to explore the bulge without the obstacle of pants and underwear.

Paul and I continued our deep and passionate necking, as my hands explored the front of his pants, and I found his belt easily and with some effort, undid it, and then the top button on his pants was another matter, and with a little help, it was undone, all the while Paul and I were necking.

The next thing that happened was only feminine and natural, all the while kissing Paul, my hand found it's way to Paul's now erect member and I held it in my right hand, and found myself hearing Paul's groans of passion as we kissed, and I started massaging Paul up and down, and the groans indicated that I was doing something that pleasing my male date. I was not only lost in the heat of passion and the moment and as Paul's groans intensified, I knew that I was doing well. Paul and I broke our embrace and looked at each other, and then as if a spell came over me, I felt like I was in a trance and then it happened, I lowered myself to please my lover one way a woman pleases a man. I found the experience very natural, and knew very quickly that I had at that moment lost my feminine innocence. It was kind of odd at first, and I knew that I was doing well, as I could hear the groans of Paul, and could feel his hands gently caressing the back of my head as I pleased him. Unfortunately the cold was getting to me, and I was so involved in my feminine duties, that I neglected to realize I was shivering like a leaf with the cold air. Paul gently squeezed my shoulders and tugged at me gently to sit back up, and when I did he kissed me and told me that I was shivering so, and that he had something to say.

When I asked what it was he say, "would you like to come back to my hotel room, were it is a little warmer and a drink?", after I finally realized that I was shivering like a leaf, I readily agreed. Paul did up his pants and as he did, another car pulled into the area by the lake I knew that they would see the steamed up windows and know that something erotic was happening, and I felt very special and feminine.

I could not wait for the hotel room, as I had some very feminine and erotic business to finish.

Paul continued along the shore of the lake and then finally pulled into a hotel parking lot, and when I looked up at the hotel and saw some of the rooms lit up, I closed my eyes and knew that soon enough I would be getting hot and romantic with a man, that, had to that point made a big huge dream of mine already come true!. To ensure that I looked perfect, and to tease Paul a little more, I took out a lighted compact and applied another healthy coating of lipstick, and I could see that Paul enjoyed the little show that I put on.

Before leaving the car, Paul suggested that we walk down by the lake, as there was a sidewalk around the hotel, and I told Paul that I would love for that to happen, and I made the decision to remove my corsage to allow my coat to be done up all the way, so I would not freeze!. Paul and I walked hand in hand down by the water and even though it was really cold, it was very romantic, and there was a little pier at the rear of the hotel, and it had no lighting in the area, and before long, I fell under the spell of Paul's tender lips, and warm embrace.

We ended our chilly walk by heading back to the hotel and I knew that I was in for an experience of a lifetime. Once inside the hotel Paul escorted me hand in hand to the elevator, were we took it up to his floor, and I could not resist allowing him to steal a passionate kiss, and I made sure to check a growing bulge in his pants.

The doors on the elevator opened and Paul took my hand and lead me to his room that he had occupied earlier in the day, and excitement ran up and down my spine as he looked for the keys, and I knew that I was going to be entering the room with a large amount of feminine virginity, and leaving with allot less.

Paul opened the door slightly, then asked me to close my eyes and took my hand and lead me into the room, closing the door behind me. He instructed me to keep my eyes closed as he went around the room, and I could hear him doing things, but did not know what it was, and finally, I heard the sounds of music and then Paul grabbed my hands and asked me to open my eyes.

To describe the feelings that ran through my body at that moment is very hard, firstly, it was a feeling of ultimate romance, and an ambiance that could easily induce a romantic and erotic setting. Paul had the room lit by candlelight, all over, small candles giving the room a soft and erie glow, and the music he selected was erotic in its own way, sexy, and provocative. The room was also very romantic, it was a single, with a double bed, and a table and chairs, the room also had a bookcase and the walls were covered with a stone look, that made things very "homey". I was in awe and until I felt Paul's lips pressing against mine, I was lost in thought. Paul took my hand and lead me to a chair and sat me down, he then took out a chilled bottle of champagne and poured me a glass, and this was exactly what I always had dreamed about.

Paul and I talked and stared at each other, still trying to arouse each other, and finally he asked me to dance to a classic romantic song, one that was very special to both our age, and that was "Stairway to Heaven". Our dance was slow and erotic and we kissed deep and passionately, and I felt his hands caressing me up and down, from my neck to my velvet covered ass, and I found myself caressing his ass, and eventually the front of his pants.

After dancing and enjoying every minute of it, Paul sat me back down and poured me another drink then suggested pictures. I loved posing for my new found lover and found it very different posing in the dress that he had bought for me, and in a room that was his territory. At one point Paul posed with me, and we could not resist in taking pictures of us looking at each other, and finally kissing, both lightly, and passionately!.

With pictures over with and another drink done with, Paul took my hand and looked me deep into the eyes, and lead me up out of my chair and to the side of the bed were we started kissing deep and passionately, eventually sitting down on the edge. At this point I started to undo Paul's tie and the buttons on his shirt, and all the time kissing him, when I got to certain point, I felt Paul's hands on the back of my dress, and with ease he had my dress undone and the zipper almost all the way down. Paul then stopped and gently pushed me away and looked me once again deep in the eyes and said "I don't want you to get your dress messy, so please change into this", and he proceeded to hand me a clothing box and motioned me to the bathroom.

I got up off the bed as was taken back with not only the love, affection, passion and generosity of my lover, that I was a little stunned as I walked to the washroom to slip into what was in the box. I made sure that before I left for the washroom that I grabbed my purse to ensure that my makeup was perfect when I met him after I changed. As I walked to the bathroom, I was still stunned and stared back at Paul, and all he did was look back at me and motioned me to proceed to the washroom.

Once in the washroom, I slipped out of the dress and removed my strapless bra and stared at my bare breasts in the mirror and liked what I saw!. I then opened up the box Paul had handed me, and I knew that it was lingerie before I opened it, but once again, I was in awe as I stared at the silky white lingerie that was before my eyes. I picked up the lingerie and found two pieces, one every silky and long, and the other a flimsy white nylon cover, very, very pretty and sexy. I slipped into the two pieces of lingerie, and looked at myself in the mirror, and could only imagine what Paul would think as I appeared out of the washroom and greeted him, as I looked so sweet and virginal in the lingerie. After staring at myself for seemed like several minutes, I reached into my purse and pulled out my lipstick to apply another coat, and when i was finished with that, I spritzed myself heavily with another dose of Halston's and prepared myself to present myself to Paul.

I opened the door from the washroom, and felt so romantic and electric as I took the first step in my lingerie out the door. When Paul first saw me, I knew that I looked sexy and pretty as I could see by the look in his eyes. Paul greeted me with a long and passionate kiss, and I could do nothing but respond, and I could feel Paul's hands feeling me up and down and I loved every minute of it. Paul had changed as well to a white bath Paule, and what seemed like nothing else, and I was getting very aroused and excited.

Before long, Paul and I were kissing passionately again, and started to feel each other up when it happened, the fire alarm went off!, thanks to the lovely candles Paul had placed out. It was quite the site, seeing Paul scramble to put them out, and as well stop the fire alarm from going off, I was scared for a few seconds at the thoughts of someone coming in and seeing me in my lingerie etc. Thanks to Paul, he stopped the alarm before anything happened and the evening continued on.

Paul guided me over to the bed and sat me down and started kissing me again, and before long, I found my hands slipping under Paul's Paule, and before I knew it, I found that Paul was naked underneath and I had his semi-erect manhood in my hands, and at that point, I wanted, very badly to take up were I left off in the car, and proceeded to drop to my knees, leaving Paul at the edge of the bed. I took my lover into my mouth and started to suck and please him, every once in a while taking the opportunity to lick and suck the lower genital area, taking one of his balls into my mouth and gently sucking. Once again, the groans of passion from Paul, told me that I was doing good, and I continued the sucking. I could feel the passion of Paul grow and subside in my mouth, and knew that I HAD to have his juice spill into my mouth, but Paul admitted to me that NO woman had EVER taken him to the joy of orgasm with their mouth, and with that I would not let up my sucking. I continued for several minutes, and finally, I felt Paul get very hard in my mouth and it stayed that way for a long time, then it happened. Paul started to come, and I kept the pumping action, and swallowed each and every drop, and knew that I had reached the ultimate point of my feminine self that I wanted to achieve.

After Paul was completely spent, I got up and had another sip of champagne as Paul continued to recover from his orgasm. Paul then motioned me to join his on the bed and he told me that I was the first woman to ever make him come with their mouth and that it was a very special moment for him, and I told him that it was special for me as well.

Paul and I then relaxed for a while, and finally Paul asked for more pictures and I agreed and I knew that as the pictures were snapped that I would appear very different when the pictures came back. Paul and I then relaxed and talked about my efforts in making him come, and how we were having such a wonderful time. Before long I found myself being kissed and seduced once again by Paul, and knew that I had not had the last of sucking Paul, and before long, I was on my knees once again sucking, but this time, I did not get another prize in my mouth.

It was around 4am when Paul suggested that he get me home, and I agreed, and I went back to the washroom and slipped back into my formal dress and joined Paul back in the room, were he was cleaning things up.

Paul helped me into my coat and we took the elevator and down to the ground floor, and when stepped out to the cool morning air, we were surprised and shocked to find a fresh layer of new snow on the ground!, and all this in late March!. Paul made sure that I was walking alright in the snow in my high heels, and helped me into the car.

Once we pulled into the garage at our house, Paul gave me a long good night kiss and we talked about how much fun the evening was. I wanted Paul to have a momento of the evening and told Paul to feel up my left leg, were he found the garter I had slide up my leg at the beginning of the evening. I asked him to removed it and then proceeded to slip it onto his mirror and spritzed it healthily with Halston's.

Eventually the wonderful evening had to end and I found myself giving Paul a final kiss and seeing him leave the garage at the end of a very wonderful and passionate evening.


The evening you have read about was totally 100% reality, and was exactly what I enjoy when dating my dream date,

So here is the offer: This 36 year old, petite, passable TV, would love to entertain you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the story above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON-smoking male or female, that would like my company for the evening, please contact me, kisses,

Joyce Devries, ICQ: 26082876

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