Date with Paul

By Joyce Devries

Published on May 22, 2001


A first date with a special boyfriend.

By Joyce Devries, ICQ: 26082876

Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure I will never forget, a date with an admirer and one I will never forget. I am 5'2", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, but this was a first date in our releationship.

February 18th, 1994

It was a shopping date of a lifetime, one that I will NEVER forget, one that was filled with excitement, wonderment, discovery, and pure feminine Bliss. It was a trip that was planned for a few months and ever detail worked out perfectly, and the result was a beautiful February day that found me on the arm of a dear friend that posed as my "boyfriend" and we shopped at three shops, and two of them were formal bridal outlets!.

Rita, a dear friend that near the beginning of October 1993, posed as my professional photographer and took me on a trip to a public flower garden to be photographed, in a number of my formal dresses. Well the day went so well and Rita and I had so much fun together, that I actually ended up leaving the flower gardens in a very short leather miniskirt, and Rita in kind made sure that I was photographed by a very busy road, posing by her very sexy car, and we both loved the attention. So when I told Rita about my thoughts on how much fun she had posing as my male escort and that we would have even more fun if we played up the part of boyfriend and girlfriend on a formal date, well it was like a snowball starting down a hill, and the events of February 18th, are about half way down that Hill.

Rita expressed an interest in taking me on that very formal date, and offered herself in a very sophisticated "male" form, and offered to take me dancing and dining in an elegant restaurant. This has always been a dear dream of mine, and here is a very welcome and extremely generous person to offer me that. Thus the thoughts and ideas started to flow, almost like a domino effect, at first the formal date was just Rita "dating" me with a dress that was from my wardPaule, but one of the things that Rita really enjoyed from the photo shoot at the flower gardens was the attention that was paid to us because of the short skirt and high heels, and mentioned that maybe I should consider a sexier dress for the occasion, just to make the evening more exciting.

Well, that lead to the next thing, and that was that there was a bridal "factory outlet" in the mall that I pickup my mail from my P.O. box and I pass by this shop every day, and saw some girls trying on some very sexy off the shoulder velvet dresses, and I knew then and there that I had to have one, or at least try one on. So, after talking with Rita, we agreed that a shopping trip was in order, so that she could see the dresses and how they looked on me.

Thus the next domino fell, so now we had a shopping date, well why just go to one bridal shop?, and I thought that it would be great to have Rita take me to another bridal shop, one much more intimate, and one that would be a wonderful experience that most "men" never get to see, and that is the inside of one of these bridal shops.

Then Christmas came along and Rita wanted to get me a Christmas present, and asked me for suggestions, and one of them was possibly helping me with buying a formal dress at one of the bridal shops that I knew had formals marked down as low as $30, or maybe during the boxing day sales she could find me a cheap lavender leather skirt. Well one thing lead to another, and another stop was added to the shopping trip, and that was a trip over to a nearby town, and a visit to a leather "factory outlet".

During the October '93 trip out to the flower gardens time ran a little late for us, there was no time for a lunch together, well the plan was to make time for one during this trip.

Rita and I talked about the date that was planned for the 18th of February and then as we talked, started looking further to the formal date that we were also planning. We talked about were we would be possibly going, i.e., dining and dancing, and thought about how we might look, and then decided together that we should play the part of a boy and a girl on a romantic formal date. This scenario would make the date and evening more enjoyable, after all why would I be getting all dressed to the "nines", and then going out with a guy if we were not dating as male and female. Soooo, we decided that in order to "play" the role of boyfriend and girlfriend on a formal date, we should practice being boyfriend and girlfriend on a more casual date first, and thus the final mood, or stage was about to be set.

Therefore, Rita was going to be "Paul" for the casual and formal date, and at the first bridal shop, he was going to play my boyfriend. The scenario was as such, one that he was accompanying me to a very formal awards event in a month. He was going to pose a boyfriend that saw what Jennifer had in her formal wardPaule and found all of her dresses to be "prudish" and "didn't show any leg at all". Because Paul saw nothing he liked in Jennifer's formal wardPaule, and Jennifer was not in any mood to buy a new dress, she basically stated, "fine, you buy me a new one, and I will model anything that you want!". So with that set, we had the roles set and were going to play off the salesgirls/ladies when we got to the first shop. The leather shop and the lunch date were going to be played as boyfriend and girlfriend, and Paul promised to be the perfect gentleman.

The second bridal shop we were going to be attending was a different scenario, and one that was a bit more complex. About two weeks before the 18th of February I was walking by the first bridal shop and noticed a bride and her bridesmaid getting fitted for dresses, the bride under all of the spotlights and having the salesgirl help her adjust her dress. Well the thoughts of my own bridal shopping experience raced through my mind and I began to think, "well what if I posed as a bride at the second intimate bridal shop?", and thus the seed and thought was set. So Paul was going to pose as a friend that was going to help me find a formal at the second bridal shop and then watch me try on bridal dresses and be pampered by the salesgirl, and then the ultimate, with a pre-arranged script, he would take pictures of me changing in and out of bridal gowns!!.

Whew!, with all of that background information setup, the date approached and as we talked and planned, we got more and more excited. I was planning on what exactly I was going to greet Paul in when he came to the door to pick me up, and I pretty well went through so many different parts of my wardPaule, and planned on basically two different outfits, one with a more conservative look, and the other with a shorter skirt. I finally decided to let the weather decide on what exactly the final look would be, knowing full well that Paul would want to be escorting a woman in high heels and a short skirt, rather than a longer skirt and boots!.

In order to play the part of a bride for the second bridal shop, I had the pleasure of going through all of my old bridal magazines and sorting through the different styles of dresses, so that when the sales girl/lady asked me exactly I was looking for, I could show her, and this was something that is recommended for most brides. So there I was, going through all of my old bridal magazines, looking at the different fashions, and deciding on what style to try on, and it reminded me so much of the first time that I went out to shop for real, for own wedding.

Well, finally February 18th came, and the weather was perfect for February in this area, the temperature turned out to be in the low 50's, and the sun was shining. So when I woke up on the morning of the 18th, and saw the temperature, I knew exactly what I was going to be wearing, and it was going to be short and sexy.

So with the clothing decision made, I waited for the rest of the family to leave and then I went into my bedroom and started to get ready for a date that was already very exciting. To start, I knew that I would be trying on wedding dresses and formal gowns that were of the off-the-shoulder variety and therefore I slipped on my uncomfortable, yet necessary strapless bra. I continued and picked out a pair of my favorite purple panties, and slipped into my a pair of "nearly-black" pantyhose that are considered "ultra-sheer", and boy they were, but did they ever feel nice and silky on my legs. Finally I slipped into a blush colored camisole and then finally my pink silky dressing gown. I then started my makeup application by applying my usual favorite makeup colors to my eyes, purple and pink, and making sure that my eyes were dark and seductive as I applied my eyeliner. My blush was light, yet making my cheeks look fresh and alive, and my lipstick was the only thing that I really altered. I decided that with my usual light pink that I would add a bit of a brighter pink to make my lips even more sexy.

When my makeup was complete, I left the washroom and went to the bedroom and stripped off my dressing gown and started to get into the rest of my outfit for the day. I started by slipping on a short suede black skirt that I hiked up even more than just letting it sit on my hips, and with that I had a skirt that was about 4 inches above my knees, not quite a mini, but very, very close. The top I chose for the outfit was a wool knit top that was part of a skirt and top combination, but the top is perfect all on its own. The top has a wide open collar, not "V" neck, but scooped necked, and with the shoulder pads and the tightness of the sweater it is very complementary. The green and black stripes on the sweater make it very attractive with the short black suede skirt.

With the clothes on, I started to go through and add the accessories for the day. The first a single strand of pearls, ones that would look good when I was trying on off the shoulder fashions, and very geed with the sweater I had chosen. The next was my gold anklet, and with the colour of the hose, the gold was set off perfectly, and made my feet look even sexier and dainty. Finally, my gold watch, short dangly earrings, and I decided on a healthy spritz of Obsession perfume. I moved in front of the mirror and slipped my feet into 3 inch black pumps and admired the look that I had achieved, and knew that Paul would as well.

About 30 seconds after viewing myself in the mirror, the phone rang, and it was Paul, only a few blocks away calling to say that he was going to be only a few minutes. I used the time before Paul came to make sure my purse was all packed, including the cutouts of my favorite bridal dress styles, and then I picked out my nail colour for the day, I decided on my favorite light pink colour. I greeted Paul at the door, like any boyfriend and girlfriend would, and that is with a light friendly kiss. I knew once I made the first friendly move, that things would be allot more like boyfriend and girlfriend on this date. Paul was the perfect gentleman, by giving me a bouquet of flowers and contained in them was pretty red roses.

After the initial greetings, Paul and I retired to the living room of our house and we chatted about we were going to be doing, as I applied my nail polish. I learned the hard way when I got up from the couch after doing my nails, about how fussy ultra silky sheer pantyhose are!. As I got up from the couch, I slightly tripped and one of my heels slightly brushed up against my leg and viola!, a run. So with that delay, I rush upstairs and slipped into another pair of my ultra sheer pantyhose and but a regular lycra beige pair in my purse just in case. When we were finally set, Paul played the perfect gentleman and offered to hold my long winter coat as I slipped into it.

The ride over to the first bridal shop was short, as it is only a few minutes away from my house. The first bridal shop, labels itself as one that is considered a "factory outlet", and thus does not have the same romantic nature about it like other bridal outlets, it was more like a large "mall" store and basically has two rows of dresses on either side, one side has wedding gowns and the other, formal evening dresses. The back of the store has the change areas, several change rooms and two lighted mirror's with pedestals lighted by spotlights.

When Paul and I walked in hand in hand, we were greeted by the sight of a girl trying on wedding dresses with what looked like her mother and possibly her bridesmaid giving her compliments. At first Paul and I scanned a few of the racks, concentrating on the velvet formals, with the more off-the-shoulder look to them. At first, the lone saleslady was paying attention to the young bride to be and we were basically left to our own devices for the first little while. Paul made a comment about interrupting the sales lady to get some service, but I assured Paul that she would be with us in due time. Of course, as I had two or three dresses in my hands, she came up to me and asked if I wanted to try on the dressed, and what I was really looking for. After explaining what I wanted, she directed me to a dressing room stall and instructed me to feel comfortable and come out when I was ready. The first dress that I tried on was a dark green velvet formal, one that was totally off the shoulder and had a sweetheart neckline. Unfortunately, the dress was a size 15/16, and fit very loosely on me, but as pulled back the curtain and moved towards the large mirrored area and started to pose for Paul and myself in the mirror. Paul loved the look of the dress and made all sorts of comments, and so did the saleslady, and she scurried off to try and find that style of the dress in my size 13/14, my size. I also noted that the girls that were trying on bridal dresses when I came in, well now it was the bridesmaid's turn, and the other girl that was with the bride to be, was modeling dresses, her in one mirror and me in the other, it was quite the thrill.

I then went back into the change room and slipped into another dress that we had chosen, and this was a dark red velvet almost off the shoulder dress, one that also featured a sweetheart neckline. This dress was my perfect size and as I zipped up the back, I knew even before I looked in the mirror that the dress was a dream. I stepped out of the change room and knew that the dress was a hit, I went to the mirror and stood there, and the saleslady came up behind me and did up the last part of the zipper and hook. As I looked in the mirror, I could see the look of the other girls sitting there waiting for their parties to come out and I could see them eyeing me in a pleasing fashion. Paul and the saleslady agreed the dress was flattering to my figure and they really enjoyed how it looked. One of the things that the saleslady commented made the dress "elegant", and I had to agree was the fact that the skirt was knee length and had a slit off to the side and to the front, about 4 inches up from the hem, very, very pretty and sexy. The pearls that I wore for the day looked great, and they really looked good with this dress. I made the comment to the saleslady that the other style that I tried on was very sexy and pretty and made my way to the other velvet formals and started thumbing through them, and started talking to the saleslady about the velvet dress style and how they were and how they make velvet dresses fit a little tighter, so the larger sizes are pPaulably the best way to go.

The final trip to the change room, found me trying on a form fitting velvet dark green dress, and it was a style that featured spaghetti straps and long below the knee skirt and a slit that pretty well came up to my mid-thigh. As I left the change room, I noted that the other girls had wrapped up their affairs and Paul and the saleslady were talking about what I was getting the dress for, and how he opened his big mouth and now has to buy the dress. I was smiling from ear to ear as I modeled the dress in front of the mirror, but even though the dress was pretty and sexy, but I did not really think the style was for me.

So with that, I told Paul and the saleslady that I wanted to try on the red velvet formal again, and as I entered the change room, I knew that Paul would love another chance to talk about the dress in front of the saleslady and such. Just like I thought, as I left the change room and started to model the dress, Paul started with his comments on how pretty I would look and how much I would make a great impression in front of all his friends. The saleslady started to make comments about how elegant the dress was and that I would definitely make a great impression, and with that, we decided this was the dress.

After I changed back into my clothes, and brought the dress out for the saleslady, I went to Paul's side and held his hand as we walked to the front desk of the salon, were Paul bought the dress just like the plan we had talked about. As we left the bridal shop, we left hand in hand, and was really flattered as I looked in the mirror in the mall on the way out, only to see me walking hand in hand, with Paul carrying my dress over his shoulders. Then it was onto the next stop in our lovely date out, as boyfriend and girlfriend.

I slid myself into the passenger seat of Paul's car, he very "gentlemanly" held the door open for me and as I sat down, made sure that my already short suede skirt did the natural thing it does when you sit down wearing it, and that is ride high up my thigh, only falling just below the crotch, exposing maximum leg.

The route that we were using to go to the next stop on our date was a very busy highway here in Southern Ontario, and is a major artery, and would be very busy even at the time that we were going to be traveling on it, and our destination was a leather factory outlet about 15 miles away. As we got onto the highway, I could tell by Paul's expression that he like the fact that I was showing allot of leg and we both hoped that we would have some fun watching the truckers jockey for position to see the "babe in the hot car with the short skirt almost up to her panties", and I was really excited about being noticed like this. The truckers were not the only ones interested in my legs, Paul was warned that the pantyhose were very silky and sheer and would make my legs irresistible, and I kind of liked teasing him, but as I found, when you tease, sometimes you have to accept the consequences. So when I looked over at Paul, and he was eyeing my legs, I motioned that it was OK to touch and see just how silky my legs felt. Well the result was that Paul did enjoy my legs and he kept his hand on my thigh caressing my silky left leg all the way to the leather shop, and I found that the inner, upper thigh, is an erogenous zone...... Paul was not the only one that found my legs exciting, as was expected, Paul and I watched as trucks passed on the passenger side of us, slowing to get a look at me, and I could not have been any more thrilled!.

Before we got to the actual leather shop, I mentioned to Paul that I needed to lose the ladies room, and informed him that there was a doughnut shop nearby that I could slip into and use the facilities, so Paul headed there and parked and waited for me to return. I swung my legs out of the car, once again noting how hard it was to get in and out of a car in a short and tight skirt, and made my way through the store to the ladies room in the rear, and in doing that passed two sets of younger ladies that made sure to check out what I was wearing, and with coat open they could see exactly how much leg I was daring to show!. The trip into the ladies room was the first of two trips, and one that brought back memories of all of the other trips that I have taken and I was thrilled once again. Once I finished my business I went to the mirror and adjusted my lipstick and then headed out the door of the ladies room and through the shop to Paul waiting for me at the car, who was the perfect gentleman, and opened the door of the car for me, as I slid back into my seat and we headed for the leather shop.

Once at the leather shop, Paul and I held hands as we entered and were greeted by a saleslady, and were asked what we were looking for. I informed her that I was looking for a suede or leather skirt in a light purple or mauve colour, and she indicated that she may not have that colour, but invited us to look at the skirts that they did have. Well Paul and I looked at the skirts and were disappointed at the price and selection, but I decided that should not waste the opportunity to possibly find another colour of leather skirt that would look good on me, and selected a red leather skirt and headed for the change rooms. I slipped into the skirt and did not really like the look or feel of the skirt and proceeded to leave the change room were I was greeted by Paul and the saleslady, and I nodded "no" to Paul and he made some negative comments, and then I went back into the change room and slipped my black suede skirt on. As I came out of the change room, I noticed that there were some leather pants and made a note to Paul that I would not mind trying some on.

As we look further at the skirts, the saleslady came back over and informed us that they had another store in a city nearby that might have the colour we were looking for, and we thanked her and kept on looking. Paul and I were about to leave and then Paul mentioned right in front of the saleslady, "Jennifer, I thought you were interested in the leather pants", I thanked Paul and went through the racks and found a size 13, and went to the change room to try them on. Well!, I don't know if they were the wrong size or what, but they were snug around the waist and were so baggy and unflattering that I did not even bother to wear them out of the change room, and once again proceeded to slip into my black suede skirt, and then it happened again!, I slightly tripped and put another run in my ultra sheer pantyhose!, but this one was not that bad, and I thought I could get away with it, but I found out that the other thing ultra sheer pantyhose do is get worse very, very fast!. After I left the change room, Paul made a comment about going to the next store and thanks for all of the help.

When we left the store we found ourselves on the way to the place that we had chosen for lunch, and this place was one we were considering for our formal evening out together dinner establishment. As I exited the car, I found the temperature was very nice and it was very comfortable to walk to the restaurant from the parking lot without a coat, thus I loved walking hand in hand with Paul to the entrance of the restaurant knowing full well how my skirt rode up as I walked.

Once in the restaurant, Paul asked for a quiet out of the way place to be seated and they located us in a part of the restaurant that was empty and we were seated in a booth by the window, nice and quiet and romantic, even for daylight hours. I noted the run in my pantyhose and made plans in my head to go to the ladies room to change into the emergency pair that I had brought, but first I waited for the waitress. When the waitress came, I asked in a feminine way were the "ladies room" was. Paul and I had discussed exactly what I wanted and he was the perfect gentleman, ordering for me, exclaiming, "and the lady will have". I was touched and very moved that Paul, was wanting to play the part of my boyfriend to that degree, and I just smiled back at him, and knew that things were changing for the both of us, as far as how we were playing boyfriend and girlfriend.

I waited for my beer that Paul had ordered to arrive, and when it arrived and I poured the beer into the glass, I started staring at Paul, and felt that as he looked back at me, we were changing our roles ever so slightly. I decided to make the best of the situation, and make the first move in letting Paul know that I was loving all of the feminine attention he was giving me, and decided to show some appreciation. I then looked directly at Paul and brought my glass up to my lips and instead of drinking, let the tip of my tongue slip out to the outer rim of the glass, and I moved it back and forth slowly and erotically..... Paul simply smiled and I noticed that he shifted a little in his seat......

I then grabbed my purse and headed for the washroom and loved the feel of my skirt riding almost up to my crotch as I walked up the steep stairs to the ladies room. I entered the ladies room and was thrilled at being there, the looks and the sights were as always, wonderful. I found my way to a stall and stripped out of my silky sheer pantyhose, and got my emergency pair out of my purse, and slipped them on, they were not silky and sheer like the first pair, but rather they were lycra and nude and durable. I slipped the silky sheer pair into my purse and made my way to the makeup mirror and started adjusting my hair and makeup. I was in the middle of freshing up my perfume with a spritz to the neck when I got the naughty idea about the pantyhose that I just removed. I then took the pantyhose from my purse and sprayed them with a healthy dose of Obsession perfume, and stuffed them tightly in my right fist.

I left the ladies room and made my way downstairs and came up on the booth that Paul and I were sitting at, and walked right up to Paul, and leaned over him and kissed him right on the lips, and I slipped the perfumed pantyhose into his hands, and as he broke of our embrace he looked at the pantyhose and stuffed them into in his jacket pocket. Smiling and looking at my reaction, and his reaction was very simple, keep up the tease. So when I sat back down, I slipped my foot out of my right heel and raised it up under the table and decided that I would caress the bottom of his leg and watched the reaction of Paul, and enjoyed it, as I went about eating my salad and sipping on my beer, as if nothing happened. Paul was enjoying the attention and as he ate and I looked him right in the eye and allowed my stockinged foot to ride higher up Paul's leg to a place that only made Paul smile even more..............

As Paul and I finished lunch, we decided that it was time to leave for the second bridal shop and the next part of our experience.

I allowed Paul to help me slip into the car, by taking advantage of his chivalry during the day, and this was no exception, and as he opened the door, I decided that I should repay some of that attention, by giving Paul a firm, yet thankful kiss, and by Paul's reciprocation, I knew that things were going very well between us.

As Paul and I once again entered the highway, I made sure that my skirt was riding nice and high up my thigh, resting just below my vaginal area. Once again, the truck drivers were jockeying for position to look at my legs, and once again, I found that Paul had moved his hands to my thigh and began to caress, and after the experience that we shared at the lunch restaurant, I began to wonder as I felt my body reacting to his male caresses.

The date Paul and I set out to be on in the planning stages was for he and I to "play" the part of boyfriend and girlfriend, and that was the way things were supposed to go. But as I sat there reflecting on things, and stared out the window of the car as Paul drove, and feeling Paul's gentle male advances, I knew that when I slipped on the suede miniskirt and high heels, and made sure that I was made up perfectly, that this is the result that deep down, I always was hoping would happen. I also thought at that time that the formal date Paul and I were planning for the fall would pPaulably be much different than originally planned.....

Paul and I discussed the morning's activities and I wondered what he thought about the last bridal salon, and I told him at that time that is was going to be an experience that he would never forget, and as for myself, I was tingling with anticipation. Well, after what seemed like an hour of driving, actually only 15 minutes, we arrived at the bridal salon, and as I entered the door, with Paul right behind me, I was thrilled and very excited and we were immediately greeted by the saleslady who inquired on the nature of my visit.

I told her exactly what we had planned, that A, I was there to find a formal gown, and the other purpose was to look for a bridal gown for a fall wedding date, and that my friend (Paul), was kind enough to drive me. I informed her that firstly I was going to look for a formal, then when that was done, I was going to be ready for trying on wedding dresses, to which she just smiled and showed Paul and I the way upstairs to find the discount formal area. I made a teasing comment to Paul, "come on Paul, don't be scared, I need a hand", and then we retired to upstairs to a small room that featured three or four large racks full of discounted dresses. I whispered to Paul to find the dresses that are the cheapest and don't worry about the style or colour, but look for my size, 13/14. Paul and I started pulling out one dress after the other and hanging them off to the side. I could see by the look on Paul's face that he was enjoying himself looking through all of the formal and feminine gowns, and that he was enjoying himself.

Once we had a bunch of dresses, Paul once again played the gentleman and carried them downstairs for me. The change area was slightly different than any other bridal stores that I have been in, and one of the main differences was that the area or pedestal to stand and model your dress in the mirror was near the main door and was not as well lighted, but it was special and feminine in all the ways I needed it to be. I asked Paul to hang them up in an open stall, and I started to undress and change into the gowns, one by one. Well, as expected, most of the dresses that Paul and I found were size 11/12, and like I thought, would not even do up as I slipped them on. I did manage to slip into a few dresses, and the ones that might have been able to be done up, with a little work, I left the stall and the saleswoman immediately came over and helped my do them up, most of them with no success. I came across one dress, a very pretty and feminine fuchsia formal, definitely a bridesmaid's dress, and even though it was a size 11, it fit perfectly, with no fighting to get the zipper up, and when the saleslady saw my look in the mirror as I stared in approval, I saw her look over to Paul and quietly saying "I think she likes it", at that instant I looked over at her and said, "definitely". I had a couple more dresses to try on and as I entered the change room, and drew the curtain across, I motioned for Paul to come and see me. When Paul came over I whispered for him to go upstairs and see if he could find anything else. I tried on a few more dresses in the change room, with no success.

Right in the middle of changing out of one of these dresses, Paul opened the curtain slightly to hand me another dress, and my reaction, which came out 100% by surprise to me was "Sweetie, please, I'm naked", and later Paul told me that when he looked back at the saleslady that she had a smile on her face, it was a special moment that was a highlight of the day. After trying to squeeze into the dress that Paul handed me, I decided that the fuchsia bridesmaid's formal was the dress I wanted, and I slipped back into that. As I came back out of the change room, and made my way to the mirrored area of the store, I knew this was my dress. The saleslady was good, and as she zipped me up, said, "I knew you chose this dress the first time, just by the look in your eyes", and she was right. After looking at myself again in the dress, I stated that this was the dress that I wanted and after the saleslady made a comment about fixing something up on the dress, I said, "great, then let's look at bridal gowns".

The saleslady then took charge, something that I was really happy about, and said, "now my dear, do you have a style of dress in mind?", to which I answered, "oh yes, I most certainly do", and proceeded to pull out the clip outs of the bridal magazines, to which she informed me how organized I was compared to other girls shopping for their wedding dresses, and I just told her that I wanted the perfect dress for the very special occasion of my life. After looking at the pictures for a few seconds, she said "I'll be right back", and she went into another room of the store and returned with about 3 gowns, and proceeded to hang them up in the stall next to the one I was using for trying on the formal bridesmaid's gowns, and invited me to slip into the first one, informing me that this was not my size and that things would be a little tight. As I walked into the stall she then asked me, "by the way dear, what is your name", and I was thrilled by the comment and of course answered her.

I was thrilled as I slipped into the first gown, and had a tough time squeezing my wrists through the cuffs of the dress, but I managed. As I left the change room for the first time, I was not wearing my heels as I made my way to the podium, but I was thrilled once again to be walking in a wedding dress, and the feeling of the fabric against my body was fantastic!. As I stood on the podium, I felt the saleslady start to do up as many buttons as she could, and for the first dress, decided to squeeze the back of the dress fabric, and I looked on. I was admiring the dress and just as planned, looked over at Paul, and said, "my this dress looks so pretty, I only wish my mother and sister could see this one", to which Paul inquired about taking pictures and then things worked out perfectly, and before I knew it, Paul was snapping away, for a permanent memory of the day. Just after the first dress, the saleslady came up to me and touched me on the arm and spoke softly, and said, "what is your budget dear?", and I replied, as planned, "my parents have told me that they are paying for the gown, and whatever I find, as long as it is under $1500 is alright". She looked at me in the eyes and said, "fine, I know exactly what to get for you".

The next several minutes were like a whirlwind, with the saleslady having slip in and out of dress after dress, and I was loving every minute of it. I paused her at one point and asked if the shop had any gowns in the style that I was looking for with an Organza skirt, and she left me and came back in a few minutes and passed me a beautiful dress to me in the change room. Even though the dress was two sizes larger than my size, she said that I would be "floating" in the dress, but not to worry about it, and that we would get the general idea of how the dress would look. Slipping into the dress was wonderful and the organza train and full skirt was wonderful, and was a dream to wear, and she was right, it was like a tent on my body and I listen to what the saleslady had to say and just admired the beauty of the dress. I loved modeling this dress in particular in front of the large mirror, the train was all organza and looked so wonderful as the saleslady flared out the skirt and made it land all over the floor, oh so feminine and pretty, I looked over at Paul about that time and I knew that he could tell I was in feminine heaven. The Organza gown had a very, very low back on it, even lower than the bra that I was wearing and she told me, "if you decide on this dress, I have a solution for your bra". I smiled and said thank you and was tickled pink at the comment and the fact that I was really, really being accepted as a bride and more importantly as a woman.

Eventually, I found myself deciding on one dress, just like I was buying a wedding dress for real, and the one I decided on was $800, and was a dream to wear and to look at myself in the mirror in. So the last thing wedding gown that I tried on was a dress that was just like the wedding dress that I had fallen in love with in the bridal magazine, and I don't think I can do it justice with words, but it was a dress much like the wedding gown I wore when I was married, except the material around the breast was more see-through, and the skirt had more lace trim around the edges. I found myself on the podium saying that this was the dress that I loved and that I wanted to stay with this one. The saleslady was the same way with the wedding dress as the bridesmaids dress and said that she could see by the look in my eye that this was the perfect dress for me, and the one I had wanted from the beginning. Finally I said, "well now I have decided on the dress, can I try on headpieces?", to which the saleslady reacted, "what would you like in the way of a headpiece".

I then went on to describe a headpiece that would be long at the back, and most importantly I stressed that I wanted to have a veil for the wedding, just to make my look more intriguing and exciting for my groom to be. The saleslady then went on to say that the veil was something that would be considered after I got the headpiece as it was a separate item that is added to the headpiece. Well she disappeared once again and then returned with a few headpieces.

As I stood there, the saleslady slipped the headpiece on my head, making sure to press the comb into my hair. I stood there patiently, as she approached me and put the headpiece into my hair. staring all the time at my image in the beautiful wedding gown as she went about her business. Once the headpiece was on my head, she fluffed it out the back and got a mirror and stood behind me to let me see exactly how I looked, and I must admit, I was once again in awe at myself, and how the wedding ensemble looked. When the second headpiece was being lowered onto my head, the saleslady commented, "what lovely thick hair my dear, I am sure that you will have no pPaullem on your wedding day keeping the headpiece in place". I was thrilled at the comments, yet I hoped that she would not tug too much at my hair, but that was not the case and everything worked out well.

Just before I was to leave the podium, two girls walked in the front door and started to inquire about seeing the owner for an appointment to try on wedding dresses. Both of them were only a few feet away from me, and one of them looked at me and said, "wow, how pretty", and I mouthed back, "thank-you". Shortly after that I had one last look at the dress and the headpiece, and asked the saleslady to unbutton me and after that I returned to the stall and slipped out of the dress and into my short black skirt, sweater and heels.

After leaving the stall, I went to the front desk and completed the motions like any other bride would, and made sure that the saleslady had recorded the dress and headpiece number just in case I was going to return, so that my "mother and sister" could see how beautiful the dress was. Once all of that was complete, I left the store with Paul, and we got back into the car and headed for my house.

I was thrilled with the day and loved every minute of it, and held Paul's hand all the way home. Once at home, Paul helped me into the house with my purchases, both the bridesmaid's dress and the velvet formal. Paul helped me slip into the formal velvet dress and proceeded to snap a ton of pictures of the dress as I posed around the basement in it. I felt so wonderful in the dress, and I even slipped on the heels that I was going to wear during the date, a black 4" patent heels, and with that, I got the idea that Paul and I should practice dancing, just so I could get used to dancing with him, and make sure the heels were manageable. Well the dancing was very "proper" for the first little while, but then a seductive slow song came on the radio and Paul dimmed the lights and we were dancing for real, very slow and very close, and I got to experience what a woman that is turning on her man does when hugged close to his body..........

That is about it were the day was left, Paul said good-bye and we kissed and smiled at each other knowing that the date ahead was going to be very special, and that the time we had spent together during the 18th of February was a major turning point in our Male-Female relationship, and the formal date in March was going to be much different than originally planned. ICQ: 26082876

Next: Chapter 2: Wonderful Date with Paul

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