Dash Hogan

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Feb 24, 2013



By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Dash was engaged in his favorite on-ship activity and less than two days from Mercury, his next stop, when it happened. He had been reminiscing about his past adventures, the hunky Moon Men, the sexually ravenous pixies of Phobos, the come-hungry Martians, the orgastic Venusians, and who knew what was waiting for him on Mercury, a hot property, he hoped! His hand was busily pumping away on his dong, that warm familiar thrill growing up his spinal cord, ready to blossom when it reached his skull, oh, God, it was so close, he was going to cream like gangbusters! He wouldn't have bet he had any jizz left in him after he left the Venusians when their mating season ended and he had staggered back aboard his ship, hot Venerian jizz pouring out of his ravaged butt. He'd come so many times over the course of twenty days that he'd lost count of them...four times!

But he'd rested for the last eight days and his cock was back to being Old Reliable, needing him to milk it out four times a day, and this was only the second time this wake-period. Mmmm, this was going to be a long-and-creamy climax, he could feel his jizz boiling in his balls, gurgling in his glans, he was going to come, he was going to come, he was, he was, oh, oh, ohhhh....

"DWHOOP! DWHOOP! DWHOOP! DWHOOP!" came the proximity alarm, the worst sort of jerk-offus interruptus! Dash dropped his cock and grabbed his viewer, scanned the surrounding space for whatever it was that was on a collision course with him.

There! "A comet!" he said in wonder. "A freaking comet! What the hell?" Comets weren't exactly subtle celestial objects, especially this close to the sun when they threw long tails out after them as they dove close to orbit the Sun. His calculations should have steered him well clear of these gigantic glowing snowballs, what was one doing heading right for him, anyhow?

"Oh, well, I have time." he consoled himself. "A short blast on the attitude jets and my new trajectory will steer wide of the comet entirely." Five seconds ought to do it...make it eight and he'd correct his course later when the comet was a receding memory.

His alarm went off and Dash breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe if he stroked his pud right away, he could get back most of that slowly building joy that promised him such an exquisitly delightful come and...

"DWHOOP! DWHOOP! DWHOOP! DWHOOP!" came the alarm, right as his pud was starting to hum again.

"Damn it!" Dash swore as his prick drooped again. He again manned the viewer, smearing some precome over the controls as he did.

The comet, again! Same one, had to be, comets don't exactly cover the cosmos! It was still coming right at him. Maybe an outgassing had pushed it in a slightly different orbit.

Dash again took evasive action, a more drastic one. This move would leave him unable to match orbits with Mercury for another two weeks, but it would let him avoid the comet.

And this time, he saw the comet change course to continue heading toward him. "Fuck!" he said in wonder. "That thing's under control by someone...or something!"

Nothing else for him to do. Dash set about turning his ship and preparing to land on the gigantic snowball. He never had a chance to hit the controls to blast his jets for landing, though. A ray shot out from the comet and for Dash, everything went promptly black.

He came to later, and sat up, looked around. Or moved as if he'd sit up, for he was in free fall! Floating in outer space? He didn't have a spacesuit on, if he'd been in outer space, he'd now be slightly dead!

He was in the comet's tail! The comet itself was forming a block against the sun's rays for him, though enough light was reflected from the comet's tail to give him plenty of light. He was breathing normally, there must be oxygen in this vicinity. Maybe the comet was throwing off free oxygen, enough for him to live. And heat, enough to keep his body from freezing solid, as well, though how that was done while he was surrounded by ice was beyond him. A bubble of heat?

"Welcome." came a voice from somewhere near him.

"Who's there?" Dash looked around. Nobody was around him, though the gases of the comet were like hundreds of tendrils about him, insubstantial wisps that danced around, wavering like snakes on all sides as far as he could see. He began to realize that these "snakes" were in fact the Cometarians! A form of life unlike anything he'd ever seen before, so very different from his earlier experiences on the planets and moons.

"We are the Cometarians." came the answer. "We live in and near the comets of the universe, and travel all through this galaxy, riding them in deep sleep until they approach a star. When we get close to one, we check it for life. If it has no life, we plant life upon its planets."

"So you're the ones responsible for the life I've been encountering all through the Solar System?" Dash wanted to know.

"We have no specific information, but it seems very likely. If nothing else, one of our sister comets took life that had arisen upon one world and planted in on the rest of them."

"That would explain a lot." Dash said when he considered it. World after world of horny men, all of them eager to get to know him and the hard column of man-flesh between his legs very, very well!

"We agree." the voice said. "Your own worlds here bear a great similarity to other worlds we have encountered, but you have evolved in a way that we are unfamiliar with. Your people have a vitality and eagerness to explore and propogate that we wish to encourage. It is why we have taken you. We shall use you to spread life of your sort throughout the Galaxy."

"So how can I help you do that?" Dash asked suspiciously.

"We shall carry you with us on our travels through the cosmos."

"Uh...does that take very long?"

"A few millenia between systems, but don't fear. We shall place you in suspended animation for the trip between systems."

That had some ominous overtones. "I had my own plans for my life." Dash said uncomfortably. "Like right now, I'm supposed to be on my way to Mercury and after I finished looking it over, I am to head back to Earth to report on it."

"This is more important."

"But...but even if I agreed to go with you, I'm only one person!" Dash argued. "When it comes to the human race, it takes two to tango!"

"You need only awaken enough to contribute a portion of your genetic material. We shall take a part of your body, one of your legs, for example, and use it to generate new life on other worlds."

"That'd work for what, four times?" Dash retorted. "Well, in my case, five times." He had to smirk.

"You need not fear, we have the ability to assist your body in regenerating itself, to replace the portions we would take from it to form the single-celled organisms that we would spray over the world."

The combination of the word "spray" and Dash's own frustrated jerk-off session gave Dash a clue. "Wait a minute!" he said as the wisps of gas wafted his way. "There's another way for you to do this, I mean, if my genetic material is all you want, I can give you all you want in liquid form! You don't have to go carving on my body!"

"But we must have your genetic code for propogation!" protested the Cometarian (was it one or several, it kept saying "we" but only one voice had communicated with him so far). "Your body's cells are the only source for that. We are aware you produce various bodily fluids, but we cannot use blood or tears or sweat; they are incomplete genetic forms."

"You're forgetting my most important fluid." Dash exclaimed. "My people reproduce by exchanging genetic material in fluid form. I can give you all the genetic code you can possibly use, in fluid form, easy to freeze and store. I'll be happy to milk out as much for you as you'd like before you go!"

Now Dash knew he was dealing with a multitude rather than a single individual, for the voice made a sound like a thousand people in considered consultation, a murmuring sound much like that of a brook running over stones that had coursed near Dash's childhood home's back yard.

"You can do this? Provide us with pure genetic material from your body?"

"Several times a day." Dash bragged.

The voice conferred with its other selves. "This providing us with your genetic material will be acceptable." the voice finally said. "How is it withdrawn from your body?"

Dash explained as clearly as he could. How do you describe a cock and sex and orgasm to entities that had not only never experienced it, but had never encountered it before in other species. They knew about cellular division and spores and pollen and the like, but the actual act of mammalian sex and reproduction was foreign to all their experience.

"Very well, human of the third planet of this system." the voice said. "Prepare yourself for genetic transfer."

"It's about bloody time." Dash grunted as he unzipped his pants fly for the third time. "I thought I was going to have to skip a day. In my case, that could give me an acute case of blue balls!"

Then he had to waste more time explaining that! Meanwhile, the wisps of gas were getting thicker about him. Dash realized how thick when his cock, happy at getting some uninterrupted attention from him at last, had surged out into a turgid tube. Those wisps were caressing his dong, and he saw now that they were under intelligent control. It was like having fingers, each one under separate control, stroking over his pud. Only these were smaller than fingers, he had something like fourteen of them touching various points on his cock, his glans, his shaft, his testicles, his pubic hairs were being tickled, his balls were being joggled, his skin was being stroked softly, and his cock's skin was being tuggled gently back and forth over his glans.

"Ahhh!" Dash moaned. "Yeah, like that, like that! Ohh, ohh, oh!"

The wisps were firming up somehow, becoming more solid, combining into a single element, rippled like a taut helix of varying colors, making his cock look like a multi-colored peppermint stick, now he had a tube over his prod. "Is this pleasing to you, Earthman?" the voice asked him as the tube jerked his pud without moving back and forth, the coils pulsing upon him like a dozen talented snakes.

"Uhh, yeah, God, yeah!" Dash grunted. "You'll be getting your first sample any second now!"

"That is good. We shall need a good many samples."

"Can you speed up a little more?"

The wisps sped up. "Oh, gah, yeah, like that, like that!" Dash groaned. "I'm going to come, I'm coming, ah, AH, AH, GAH, AH, HAH! HUNNNNHHHHKKKHHH!"

His long-withheld spunk sprayed with a vengeance. Dash shot one of the biggest, best loads he'd ever created, and every ounce of it won him a galaxy of joyful star-splashes within his brain!

Finished, panting, Dash blinked his eyes to clear them and saw with bemusement that his sperm had bubbled out into a sphere in front of him, making a small globe that was held aloft by wisps a few inches in front of his cock. There must be no real gravity out there! Funny, his stomach wasn't doing the free-fall flip-flop on him.

"This makes a satisfactory first contribution." the voice said to him. The globe wafted away, spinning like a miniature world.

"Glad you liked it." Dash panted.

The wisps began to stroke his cock again. "Ready for your second contribution." the voice declared.

"Uhhh!" Dash hadn't planned on this! "I could use some time to recharge my inner batteries."

"This is not acceptable." the voice said. "Our time within this system is limited. If you cannot produce adequate material before we must depart the proximity orbit of this sun, we shall place you into suspended animation."

"How many contributions are you looking for?"

The voices conferred. "Eleven elevens will be sufficient for our purposes."

"You want...a hundred and twenty-one...samples?"


"And how long are you in the, uh, proximity of our Sun?"

Another conference. "Three elevens of your planet's revolutions."

Dash didn't have to think in their counting system to work the math on that one! "You want me to come four times a day for the next month?"

"If you can create the same size as you did the first one, that will be adequate."

His come had been like double-quantity. Make it eight times a day! Dash had only three words for that. "Oh. My. God!"

What the hell was he going to do?

"Can you produce such a quantity, Earthman?"

Only one answer for that, the hopeful one. "Sure. But I could use a little help." Dash added. "Like, how talented are your, uh, gases? I could use a partner."

"We can do that."

The gases coalesced, formed before him. Man-shaped, only larger than any man, like ten feet tall. Big. Baldheaded, with features that were soft approximations, indentations for eyes, a bulge without nostrils for the nose. The body was muscled, heavily muscled. And hung! "Will this do?" he was asked.

"Yeah." Dash breathed. "That'll do." He wriggled the rest of his way out of the jumpsuit. He wasn't going to want that for the next month or so. Lifted his legs up and showed that huge thing his ass. "How about you take that whanger of yours and shove it up here for starters?"

He had to teach this monstrous gas-man what to do, but soon enough his ass was crammed full of nearly-solid gas that was shoving in and out of his prick. The wisps were busy about his entire body once they realized that Dash could be stimulated by touching upon nearly any part of his body. After approximately an hour of this oh-so-intimate touching of every part of his naked, sweat-stained body, Dash again creamed for the Cometarians. His cock made a valiant effort, but only produced about half the prior quantity.

"We shall require more for the second contribution." he was told.

"I know, I know." Dash groaned. "I'm doing the best I can."

"Perhaps you need more help."

Dash saw more forms rising from the mists about him, and sighed. It seemed to be his lot in life, the sole and central object of desire for a large number of horny male aliens. Ah, well, it sure beat collecting garbage for a living!

The General had the good grace not to be angry with Dash when he finally reported in. "Captain, our last report had your ship entering the coma of a comet." he said. "Has your ship sustained any damage and are you in need of assistance?"

"Not anymore." Dash told him wearily. "I met up with some visitors from outside our solar system and they were taking up a collection of sorts, but I made them happy and they'll be leaving for good."

The General, of course, insisted on a full report, which Dash provided. "So you've ended up turning another expedition into a series of orgies, have you?" the General snarled when Dash was done.

"Believe me, General, it wasn't my idea."

"You were the one who suggested it."

"Yes." Dash had to admit. But since the other choice was to have his arms and legs periodically amputated and regrown for provide genetic material for the Cometarians to seed other worlds with, he didn't have any regrets about his choice!

"And now these aliens are leaving our system and no doubt will report that all Earthmen are sexual perverts that want to be fucked all day and night. What's going to happen when word of that gets out among the stars?"

"Mankind will have a few thousand years before that can happen." Dash assured him. "We can warn our descendants to avoid comets by a wide margin whenever they possibly can."

"And if they don't?"

"Tell them there's a penalty for violating the rule." Dash said. "As a matter of fact, we can tell them in all truth that getting too close to a comet can cost a man an arm and a leg!"

And with the General sputtering at his little inside joke, Dash turned his attentions to computing his new course for Mercury. He was in luck, another week or so would get him to the tiny little ball at last. He wondered what would be waiting for him there.


Comments, complaints or suggestions?

E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Next: Chapter 6: The Great Wall of Mercury

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