Dash Hogan

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Dec 12, 2010



By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Two months back on Earth. Two months of General Tolson yelling in his ears. "What the hell did you think you were doing on Mars any fucking how?"

At first, Dash had tried to defend himself. "Sir, I didn't have any control over what the Martians did! They'd already built the genetic collector, all I did was help them fine-tune it to Earthmen and even that I didn't..." "Know about what they were doing until they'd finished fucking him silly," was what he'd intended to finish saying, but the General never let him get that far.

"And that warning you sent us! How the hell were we supposed to take that, anyhow?"

"It was all they'd let me send you!"

"Then that ray hit the Earth! Ye, Gods! My cock is still sore! I may never fuck again, and it's all your fault!" That last part seemed to be the most offensive part to the General, one reason that Dash had given up trying to defend himself.

The Martian ray had hit the Earth and every man on the planet had gone into an instant orgasm. As their cocks shot out the jism, the Martian genetic collector had scooped it up through some sort of interdimensional mini-portal (Dash had been on Mars when it'd happened so he didn't know the details very well and those who had experienced it had been otherwise obviously occupied to make careful notes) and all that spunk had been transported to Mars. The Martians didn't plan to repeat the experience any time soon, so Dash really didn't see the big deal himself. "A man can shoot one wad to save a planet can't he?" he'd said instead.

"If the Martians had been the only curse you'd dumped on us, maybe. But the Lunites had come to Earth at your invitation, and you'll remember what they wanted from us?"

Now that HAD been Dash's fault. "So you had to call on volunteers to line up so the Moon Men could suck on their cocks. Did you have any problems getting enough men for the job?" That was a jab at the General, he'd learned through radio contact on his way back from Mars that the Moon Men had been greeted by a crowd estimated at over a hundred thousand enthusiastically eager volunteers. The orgy that had followed (for the Moon Men hadn't minced words or actions but gotten right down to business of sucking those volunteers off hungrily) had cemented a firm and VERY friendly treaty between Earth and its sole companion planet.

Still, the weeks back had been extremely grotty (the General had retaliated by giving Dash the sort of duties about the base normally reserved for discipline cases instead of a hero returning covered in glory), so when the new trip had come up, he had boarded his ship (same ship but with some modifications and upgrades installed) with a sense of escaping an insane asylum.

He'd been on his own for the three weeks of the trip to Venus, which gave his stroking arm a very good workout and then it was time for him to try to land on Venus.

Those damned clouds. The planet was a maelstrom of clouds and thunder, enough to make his instruments do a tap-dance. His ship had been outfitted for this, though, he flipped on the infrared scanner and began to scout out a landing point.

Shit! The whole planet was one enormous jungle! No oceans he could see, but lakes, rivers, pools and puddles blanketed the whole planet, and what wasn't plant-covered water was plant-covered land. No choice for it, he hovered briefly in order to clear a small area for his ship to land, then set it down. The landing fins sank worriesomely deep into the mud, but they hit solid rock a few feet down (without the blast, he might have sunk even deeper!) and settled only slightly canted, perhaps ten degrees from level. Good enough, you don't go out to other worlds if you insist on level tables and his bed would roll his sleeping form toward the wall instead of the empty floor as he slumbered.

At least it wasn't raining right now, though the look of those clouds didn't guarantee that condition was anything more than a brief respite on this world. You shouldn't go to Venus if you insisted on staying dry. Dash stepped out onto the soil of Venus and said his now-standard first words, "I come from Earth, and I come in peace. Let these first steps be the path which all Mankind can follow!"

Only the miscellaneous sounds of innumerable unidentified small animals and insects answered those majestic words. Ah, well, you can't have everything! "I should have waited until I got outside the blast zone before making my grand pronouncement." he muttered to himself.

Ah, well, time to scope out the place. Every planet so far had (or had had, those poor, extinct Phobians came to mine) intelligent life, he just had to hook up with them.

He got less than a hundred feet into the jungle when he noticed what was going on. "Shit, my space suit is falling to fucking pieces on me!" he blurted out when he noticed. The edges of the holes were turning blue, then purple, then black and falling off of him in a very fine ash. The fog was enough to dampen everything and that must be all this, this...call it Purple Mold...to get the munchies. Thank God the Purple Mold didn't like the taste of his hair or skin (that could have been nasty) and his boots, belt and weapons were non-organic material. He could press on, naked but unharmed save for a mild embarrassment when he encountered the natives, and dig through his wardrobe aboard ship for something that would cover his body and not disintegrate outdoors.

After fifteen minutes, he was brushing the last remnants of his jockstrap from his waist (save for a small bundle of elastic threads that insisted on remaining behind, gripping his middle valiantly but uselessly underneath his belt; he left them there, he might need them to hold his loincloth when he got back to the ship) and ready to face the natives with his cock waggling proud and free. "At least I can say, I have nothing to hide!' to them!" he smirked to himself.

And that was when he met them. Three natives. They burst through the bushes to one side and confronted him. Except for having greenish-colored skin marked with the fine semi-circles of scales (not big ones like a fish, but the nearly-integrated ones like lizards have), they were a fair equivalent to human men. Hunky, muscled, large men, nakeder than Dash as they didn't even wear boots or belts, and each was sporting a rather large, prominent erection.

They burbled and gibbered at him, in what he assumed to be their language. "I'm sorry, I don't understand you." Dash said as they approached him. Any closer, and those dongs would be slapping his own burgeoning pud. It had been a half day since his last jerk-off, and those had been wearing thin after three weeks, he was now confronted with three studly Venusians all sporting hard-ons, his own organ was quick to shout out, "Hey, yeah, me, too, guys, let's party, woo-hoo!"

The three Venusians reached out for him. Dash found himself simultaneously snatched and fondled, he was quickly down on the ground (on a bed of moss-like growth, not mud, thank God) and all three of them were atop him, one somewhat to each side and the third right in the middle and lower down. Dash felt three hard puds, one on his left palm, the second on his right wrist, and the third upon his inner thigh, but not for long, because the third Venusian's hands grabbed his legs and hoisted them upwards and Dash knew that these three didn't plan on celebrating his arrival by a rousing game of tiddly-winks!

"Hey, hey, now!" Dash protested as two pairs of lips kissed him from both side, and two pairs of hands were busy on him, holding him down as he would squirm, and change that to caressing him as he stopped squirming, only to fasten on him again if he tried to worm free.

Those dongs on either side were busy in their own right, the Venusians were hunching back and forth. But that third one was the one that worried Dash most.

But the Venusian on top of him down there turned out to have a prick that was self-lubricating, for the tube that found and poked at his anus turned out to be all slippery and slimy, so it hit his pucker, the Venusian shoved with his hips, and Dash was full of hot Venusian prick! He did what he always did when so impaled, he moaned and quit fighting it. It just felt so damned good!

His left hand clutched the prick that was rubbing it, the right one had to shift a little but then he had a stiff (but unslippery) dong in each hand while the one fucking him was hunching like he was in a race and it was the final lap and he had to gun it if he was going to win, that is, he was rabbit-fucking Dash's butt, hard and fast, ah, shit, that felt so fucking great!

Given the rapid hunching of the Venusian stud in him, Dash wasn't surprised that he was barely out of the starting gate of sexual delight when the stud moaned, shoved his dong in deep, and squirted a huge load into Dash's butt. He was stuffed, turkey-like, with a hot load that felt like a single, coherent packet of jizz inside him.

The other two had been waiting for this, for as the third one finished squirting and was still panting atop him, the one on his right shoved at the third, knocking him off of (and out of) Dash and the right-hand Venusian promptly took his place. The remaining one, feeling that Dash was no longer resisting, let go and as Dash took one hard, slippery (no doubt about it, these Venusians had self-lubricating dongs!) and long prod into his ass, the third one, tired of waiting for his turn no doubt, clambered onto Dash's chest and shoved his prick at Dash's mouth with an intent that brooked no argument.

Dash opened up and the dong rammed into him, all he had to do was hang on (all he could do with the roughness of it) and he was being double-stuffed, two horny pricks slipping in and out of him (Dash found the flavor of the cock in his mouth somewhat juicy and nearly nutty-flavored, with little or no salty taste to it) and that longer second dong was really working his love-button!

Dash moaned as the Venusian in his mouth unloaded, and the jizz that came out landed on his tongue like a small sausage, it was definitely a packet-load that these Venusian studs squirted out, and he felt it slide down his throat like an oversized medicine capsule, and his senses lost it.

He gulped that load past his lungs, then moaned and sprayed his jizz hard onto the Venusian's back and the other one's stomach, for the remaining Venusian was now reaching its own climax, and as Dash splashed these two alien lovers with his Earth cream, he felt a second sperm-packet added to his butt, he felt the new packet push the first one further inside him.

Finished, sated, his two Venusian lovers let go of him and settled nearby. Dash panted, then rose up and said, "Well, that's not the welcome I was expecting, but it wasn't half bad."

The two Venusians only murmured, but the third, or rather, the first one that had fucked him, said to him in English, "You are from Earth. I was wondering about that."

"Yeah, my spaceship is over there." Dash pointed. "My name is David Hogan, but call me Dash." "David" had been his father's name and there had been enough confusion about that in his teen years that he had pretty much foregone his given name by his sixteenth year. Better "Dash" than "Junior" as he was called at family gatherings.

"We apologize for our mating with you." the Venusian said. "Your presence was an unfortunate occurrence."

"I wouldn't go that far." Dash grinned, as he played with the spunk on his stomach, his own of course. "I felt pretty lucky there."

The Venusian smiled, but ruefully. "You do not understand. We Venusians live in the waters, we only come onto land when we come into season."

"You have mating seasons?"

"Yes, we come into heat." the male said. "We come onto land to form our bands and stake out our land for mating. Our females will arrive in another ten-day, at which time they will seek us out as mates based upon our attractiveness and the size of his group and the positioning of his lands to the waters. The season has only just begun, we are among the first to leave the waters."

"So there will soon be more of you."

"A great many more." the Venusian explained. "And a few, very few, females that leave too soon."

"So you mistook me for a female?"

"You did not exude the pheromones we males give off to warn other males away, and were of the right size and shape." the male said. "That is all our sex-sodden brains needed to decide that you were a female available for mating."

"But after you fuck, you're all right."

"We're all right." the male agreed. "For a short time."

"A short time." Dash drunk that in, then gasped. "You mean...."

"I'm afraid that you are in for a very bad time." the Venusian said. "We will keep you here for mating. Others will join us, when they see that we have a female available for mating. We will form a huge band, as long as males can mate with you in their turn, they will join us. It takes a few hours for a male to be ready to mate again. And when the band gets large enough."

"You're going to be fucking me non-stop." Dash saw a couple of new Venusians creep out of the bushes and see them. "A lot of you, over and over again."

"For the next pair of ten-days." the Venusian agreed. "Females that leave too soon are overwhelmed by the matings. I fear you may not survive."

Dash was wondering about that, but he didn't have time to think about it, only enough time to get up and onto all fours. He was then plugged with a new pair of puds, one in each orifice, and it began again.

And more noises told him the two new arrivals were about to have a lot of company.

"About time you reported in." the General grumped when Dash crawled back into his ship nearly three weeks later. "I figured I was rid of you at last."

"You nearly were." Dash said wearily. His ass ached like mad. "I arrived just as the Venusians came into their mating season. And I was the only available ass they had to fuck. I feel like my ass is a piece of hamburger."

The General (no doubt about it!) smirked. He felt Dash deserved every last cock he'd had to take. "So why are you even alive after all that."

Dash grunted and shrugged. "I guess there's a benefit to being an oversexed love machine. The Venusians all had well-slicked puds courtesy of their own glands, and with my experienced ass on my side, I was taking them all on. I varied and got rests now and then by sucking and jerking them off, and they did let me rest at least part of each night. I would push the spunk out of my ass between times and Venusian sperm was nutritious enough to keep me alive that way. And no problem with water on this planet, that's for sure. I think there were about seventy-five Venusians in the band that had me as their sex toy, and they all fucked me about a dozen times each."

"So, Captain Hogan." the General said. "All the horny men in the world can't wear you out."

"Not in that short a time, anyway, though it was close." Dash agreed. "I'm going to sack out for about twenty-four hours, then I'll go talk to the Venusians. Now that their mating season is over, we can talk about establishing trade relations with them. I learned enough these last few weeks to know that they have an incredible pharmacological treasury here, we are going to want to buy a lot of Venusian products."

"So what do we have to trade?"

"Well, sir." Dash smiled. "The Venusians are pretty advanced, but their sexual seasons are too frequent for their extended lifespans. It comes around every couple of months and they're getting horribly overpopulated."

"So what do they want from us?" The General demanded. "Condoms? Or women?"

Dash shook his head. "Not women, but males willing to perform as passive sexual surrogates. A lots of guys who can take a lot of hard cocks up their ass and survive the experience. If you can get proper protection procedures and gear into place before the season begins, you can put the men on in shifts instead of a single unending session like I had. But let's face it, if you want what the Venusians can provide, and you do, you're going to need every horny gay man on Earth your corporations can sign up for duty on Venus. And better concentrate on strong men, Venusians are awful strong and a weak man couldn't stand up under the butt-pounding they'll be getting."

Dash grinned and said to the General's stupified face. "Just tell everyone that Venus is just like the Marines; they're looking for a few good men!"

And he signed off after that. A quick bath, then bed. Next stop, Mercury.


Comments, complaints or suggestions?

E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Next: Chapter 5: Comet Culture

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