Dash Hogan

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jan 10, 2004



By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


[This group of three short stories are done tongue-in-cheek in loving imitation of the old sci-fi adventures I read as a child, when it was thought that life would be found everywhere, even on every planet and moon in our sky, and that getting there was just a matter of figuring out how to build a spaceship. This, then, is not a presentation of the Solar System or even science as it is...but darn it, wouldn't it have been a lot more fun if it was?]

Dash looked at the Moon shrinking in his viewplate and sighed. He hoped the Earth authorities would ratify the treaty he had struck with the Moon Men or all his hard-fought and hard-fucked efforts would be for naught. But Earthmen and the Lunarians had more in common than expected, peace was at least possible, now that he had made a few, uh, convincing arguments in its favor by showing the Moon Men just what they'd be blowing up if they used their doomsday device on Earth.

But for now, open space beckoned. Next stop...Mars! He strapped himself into his crash couch and aimed his ship "Dauntless" for the red orb. It would be a dull two weeks until he made it there, but he had memories of Prince Xun and his Noxok Warriors to keep him warm during his sleep cycle, and help turn his hand into something besides a thing with five fingers on it. He ran his hand over his ample chest and sighed as the hairs were lightly tickled. Good thing he had a high sex drive, it made the long space voyages so much more tolerable. He ran his fingers down the line of his hair to his navel, while his other hit the "Fire" button and he was off once more....

Twelve days later, he was nearing Mars when his proximity alarm went off. Puzzled, he checked the scope and found his way blocked. Where the heck did that come from? He checked his star atlas and groaned. "Phobos, of course." he told himself, and cursed that he hadn't figured in the orbits of Mars' two tiny moons when plotting his course. Too late now for any maneuvers; he'd just have to land on Phobos and wait for the atomic motor to recharge itself. He just hoped the moon wasn't too empty; he needed to live there for a week or more and space rations were awful boring. "Too many little rocks floating around." he muttered. "One of them in the wrong place can throw off the best of schedules." Of course, that wasn't really fair as Phobos was a (very small) moon, not a "rock" and its orbit was well-known. Dash only had himself to blame.

He turned the rocket around and began to blast in for a landing. "Hope no Phobians are below my jets." he said. "And the ones that are down there aren't homo-phobic." he chuckled at his own joke.

Once down, he took off his restraining harness and sat up...and nearly bounced off the ceiling. Phobos was too darned tiny to have much gravity, he'd have to move carefully when he got out.

He checked for air, and there was plenty, of course. Every moon and most larger asteroids had atmospheres, it was just simple chemistry oxygen is such a common element, after all! So he didn't have to bother with an air-mask or worse, a full-body suit. There was some kryptonian compounds in the air, more than he liked, but when was that a problem? That much would give the air a funny green tint, but nothing else, and since krypton is an inert gas, he wasn't worried about breathing it.

He stepped outside and took a breath. Mars was close, so close you could almost reach out and touch it, a large, orange orb. He could see the canals and, on the night side, the lights of the Martian cities. The krypton in the air turned the sky green, but he was relieved to see that everything else looked pretty much the normal color. Of course, Earth's blue sky doesn't turn everything blue, either!

"Well." he said to himself. "Time for my famous first words." He struck a histrionic pose and shouted. "I come from Earth and I come in peace!"

To his surprise, a giggle greeted his words. He looked around, puzzled, but only rocks were around. He lifted his hand to continue. "Let these first steps be the path which all Mankind can follow!"

Another giggle.

"All right!" he said, looking around. "What's so damned funny?" He couldn't see anyone, but there was a thousand hiding places that beings could be hiding in.

He lifted his hand again, intending to say in conclusion, "For Earth, for Mankind, and for the United States of America!" as usual (if twice could be called usual), and he found his hand suddenly...occupied.

A small flying creature had caught hold of his hand and arm like it was a tree branch. Slender toes curled around his wrist and forearm, gripping. The weight wasn't uncomfortable (weight was simply not an issue on little Phobos, he could have had a man sitting there and still been able to hold his arm up), but he shook his arm. "Hey, you ugly bug, get off me!" he said.

The creature unfolded itself and Dash was surprised. "Hey, you're not a bug!" he said.

Thin and graceful, yellow-orange in color, with delicate, transparent wings of no great size compared to its body, it was vaguely man-shaped, but with large eyes all purple and even-colored, and ears that were big, veined and webbed like a bat's wing. The better to hear in the thin atmosphere, he presumed.

And between their legs was an organ that, for their little bodies, was enormous! They uniformly had the sort of cocks that any man would strut about with proudly. In other words, about the same size as Dash's own!

The gossamer wings when stretched out reflected rainbows of color like a film of oil on water, rippling moving colors of light and joy!

Others of the friendly creatures were moving in, with their wings they could hover easily beside him, all around him. They gibbered and giggled, and they wanted to touch him, touch him all over!

It took him a while to pick up the sound, but they were talking to him...somewhat. "Welcomewelcomewelcomewelcome." one of them said.

"Likeyoulikeyoulikeyoulikeyou." another said.


"Touchtouchtouchtouchtouchtouchtouch!" one jittered.

"Funfunfunfunfunfunfun!" another gibbered.

Those fingers of theirs were incredibly delicate and almost spidery, they stroked over his body so quickly that he almost didn't have time to react to a touch before it was touching him again, elsewhere, in some other way.

One had found the secret to his zipper (though they plainly had never encountered clothing before) and with a yip of joy! "Openopenopenopenopen!" he plunged downwards and the zipper came down with him!

Others of these creatures (he decided to think of them as pixies, a small, legendary Earth creature a lot like these beings. These Phobian pixies shared the legendary pixie's sense of mischief and playfulness.

Two of the pixies had him each by a hand and they were licking the sensitive palms of his hands with tongues that were prehensile, talented, and satiny smooth! As the pixie that had hold of his zipper triumphantly finished its downward journey, and his chest and body were revealed in a "V" from his shoulders to his crotch, the pixies moved in to touch his pink skin. To stroke him, to taste him!

He realized now that their tongues were in fact brushing him with some sort of enhancing formula, the skin touched by their faint amount of saliva vibrated far beyond that which could be accounted for by touch however expert and delightful. He was excited by their caresses, by their kisses, by their licking, and the pixies seemed to catch fire from his own. They began an orgy among themselves, those who could not touch Dash directly compensated by ravishing the ones who could. One pixie ended up in the curve of Dash's left elbow, clinging there, that tongue playing with Dash's ear, bringing it alive and more than alive, while another pixie rammed the licker's ass with vibrant, forceful thrusts. The pixie licking Dash crooned as the fucking pixie licked his back.

"You like it, too, huh?" Dash said. "I have to admit that you little fellows really know how to make a visitor here feel welcome! Ah-gah!"

One of the pixies had found his cock, was pulling it out from his still-covered crotch in triumph, and the pixies crowded around Dash's groin, to wrap! "Oh, God!" Dash groaned. There must be a dozen pixie tongues wrapped around his cock, they were all covering his dong, working it in harmony, and that saliva, that pixie-dust he decided to call it (though there was nothing dusty about it), that pixie-spit was turning him on, hard and at once! His cock was sparking like a kid's toy ray-gun, he was trembling with the sheer, raw pleasure that poured upon him from pixie tongues all over his body at once!

"Oh, oh, I'm going to come, I'm going to come!" He gasped out.

Those words triggered an immediate and unexpected response, the pixies swarmed him, pressing against him anyway, everyway they could. Dash now had pixies all over him, he was buried in pixies, they were rubbing against him now, he had pixie dicks all over his body, thrusting at him, hard pricks that slithered back and forth over his body. High-pitched, throaty chittering about him told him that he was the center of what promised to be a mass climax. These little pixies were waiting for him to come, trying to make him come, so they could come with him!

"Oh, oh, guh, uh!" he gasped. "I'm...coming....now-ow-ow-ow!" And he erupted.

Pixies were bowled over as Dash's come struck them. The powerful squirt of Dash's jizz coupled with the light gravity of Phobos turned it into the force of a sledgehammer. The pixies whose tongues were wrapped about his cock were tossed about like rag dolls. Pixies were pummeled, sent flying by the force of his come as it struck among them. It was like he was firing an anti-aircraft gun! His cock jerked with the intensity of that climax, his jizz ripped out like knives into the thin air of Phobos, peppering and downing pixies that flew all about, knocking them about like so many pieces of paper!

But there were plenty more pixies who weren't in the line of fire. They finished their planned mass orgasm; they gave loose a loud chaos of yodeling shrieks of pleasure...and Dash found himself drenched all at once by pixie come. Hot, sensuous, steamy droplets that peppered his body all over at once, it seemed to coat him in a thick coat of greasy, slippery, but stimulating jizz that soaked his clothes and lit his body on fire! That prolonged and aggravated his climax, he was shuddering with the raw intensity of pleasure, a hundred after-shocks of orgasmic bliss shuddered through his body, and the pixies were on him, with him, come splashing all over him, a hundred different sources hitting him a hundred different ways, but all of them the same in that hot jizz splashed and then steamed on his body, lighting it with joy wherever it touched!

Done, panting, Dash felt faint and would have fallen had not the light gravity made falling a ridiculously slow pasttime. The slightest pressure of his heels in correction was enough to prevent it.

All around him, the pixies were sighing in their pleasure, expended, they sighed and fell to the ground.

And as Dash watched in puzzlement that turned to horror, they seemed to evaporate into nothing! "What the hell?" he asked to nobody in particular.

Quite a number of pixies were left and none of them seemed the least bit upset at what had happened. They moved in to lick Dash's body clean of the pixie-jizz, and Dash was quivering with renewed excitement by the time they were done and he was clean once again. His clothing, a silvered jumpsuit, was waterproof (and thus pixie-come-proof) and with the tongue-bath, it was practically sparkling.

A few pixies remained with him as the others, their appetites for sex and the lapped-up jizz seeming to be satisfied. Able now to focus on only one of them, Dash asked, "What is your name, fellow?"

"Sexsexsexsexsex." the pixie answered.

Dash laughed. "I'll call you Sexsex." he compromised.

Another one was lapping at his cock, which was getting hard again but not near ready to squirt again so soon. "And you're Sucksuck!" he declared.

"Sucksucksucksucksuck." the pixie answered, and then did just that, sucking on Dash's cock.

"Friendly little fellows, aren't you?"

"Friendlyfriendly." Sexsex agreed.

"Where do you live?" he asked.

"Comewithcomewithcomewith!" Sexsex said.

With Sucksuck flittering at his midriff and continuing to suck him as he walked, Dash followed Sexsex across the Phobian landscape. With a horizon of only some two hundred feet, the buildings he saw at first looked enormous, but as he approached, they shrank in size...and also in their beauty. These buildings were old, very old. And while pixies flitted about among their spires, they were too large to be pixie habitats.

Sexsex led Dash, beginning to have trouble walking thanks to Sucksuck's tongue-tickling ministrations, into one of the building. "Seeseeseesee!" he said.

"Okay, I'm looking, looking, looking." he said.

And Sexsex touched a button. The creature that appeared to him in a holographic projection looked only slightly like the pixies. He was gray-skinned, larger, wiser...and sadder. A pixie was attached to his waist, bouncing up and down on this being's dong, an action which seemed to give him no real pleasure.

"Greetings, visitor, whoever you are and whatever world of this sun you hail from." he said. "I am the last surviving member of this planet, the last of the Phobian race." The being gestured to the pixie impaled on his cock, and said, "And this creature, our own creation, was our downfall."

"What the hell?" Dash said, panting. Jeez, he was about to shoot again! But did he want to? Think of something else...as if he could, that tongue was too damned talented, too rich in delights!

"We Phobians were a people small in number to suit our smaller world, but rich in technology and rich in love. We created many things for our pleasure, for our love. And one day, to our sorrow, we created these creatures, which we call Litlins."

The Litlin was meant to be a simple pleasure device, the same as we grew other animals and plants for our food and our uses, the Litlin was a sexual being. We gave it the power to offer us unending, unstinting delights. The Litlin will mate with you, match you with your climax. And then it dies, but another will have caught its seed and lick it up, and it flies off to make a nest, where it will hatch out more of its kind. A simple life-cycle, unending and perpetual."

"So...what...happened?" Dash said to the projection. Damn, he was about to come! Sexsex was hovering nearby and he tickling Sexsex's balls absent-mindedly, then jerked his hand away. Panting, he tried to pay attention to the gray being's sorrowful commentary.

"Our problem was that we created them too well. None of our people can resist a Litlin when it touches us, none of us can do anything now but provide the Litlins with the needed part of their life-cycle, the mating and ending, and so a rebirth. Without us, the Litlins will not mate...but neither will they die. So now you, dear traveler, have been taken by the Litlins."

"You're...telling...me!" Dash threw back his head and groaned. "Shit, I'm coming again!" This time he squirted into Sucksuck's gulping maw, and Sucksuck quivered but held on tight while Dash jetted his spunk into Sucksuck's mouth. Finished, Sucksuck shook a bit more (and Dash saw that Sexsex had moved down and was drinking down Sucksuck's jizz fresh off the fuckpole.

The gray being said, "You cannot do anything but become their sex slave. As the Litlins congregate from all over our little world, they will mate with you, over and over. When the Litlins that are impregnated make their nests, a new batch will hatch in only twelve of our orbits about the Red Father, and the Litlin children will grow to adulthood in only another twelve, and then they will come to find you."

"You are doomed, my poor traveler. I can only apologize. Know that these kindly, loving creatures have caused our race to become extinct. I only trust you are wise enough not to take them to your own world. I have raised some of them with...an instinct...which will cause them to lead you here and show you this message. I pray you have heard it in time. My most sorrowful apologies...and farewell."

Dash looked at the fading image in horror. More pixies came in the window towards him, chittering, giggling. He couldn't fend them off, he just couldn't resist those wonderful, wonderful tongues and fingers and warm, warm cocks.... * * * * * "But you did fight them off." General Tolson said when Dash reported in.

"Yes, sir." Dash smiled. "I'm totally fucked out by the little sex-fiends, but alive and now shaping my orbit for Mars once more."

"But how did you do it?"

Dash shrugged. "No real mystery. The Phobians were a people adapted to a very small world. They couldn't have bred like humans do, they would have overrun this moon in no time. So they had very low sex drives. Too low, the pixies bred faster than they could enseminate them.

"So you just..."

"I just took on every pixie on the entire moon." Dash said. "Of course, it's a small moon, but my dick is sore just the same. I had every one of them fucked or knocked up in less than a week, and I just made it aboard before the first batch of new little pixies could come grab me." Dash smiled. "You'll be interested to know that they seem to take some genetic cue from the one who helped their parents mate. The whole pixie race looks like a lot of flying Dash Hogans now. And God help anyone who lands here ever again, I think they're hornier than they were before, too!"

"So you fucked the entire race of pixies in time to get away." General Tolson said. "I suppose I should say well done, soldier."

"Thank you, sir." Dash said. "I always knew my sex drive was going to come in handy some day. Still, I do feel sorry for the Phobians."

"Why is that?"

"It's bad enough to have to die out as a people, become extinct." Dash said. "But can you imagine having to do what the last Phobian did, admit to whatever race finds your ruined cities that the reason you're extinct is because you all fucked yourselves to death?"

Dash laughed and ended the transmission. Mars was just next-door; he just had time for a quick nap before it would be time to say hello to the Martians.


Comments, complaints or suggestions?

E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Next: Chapter 3: Martian Menace

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