Dash Hogan

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jan 3, 2004



By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


[This group of three short stories are done tongue-in-cheek in loving imitation of the old sci-fi adventures I read as a child, when it was thought that life would be found everywhere, even on every planet and moon in our sky, and that getting there was just a matter of figuring out how to build a spaceship. This, then, is not a presentation of the Solar System or even science as it is...but darn it, wouldn't it have been a lot more fun if it was?]

Dash Hogan looked out at the moonscape sliding slowly across his viewscreen. Up close, he could easily see the cities and farms and factories of the Moon Men (Hey, what the heck do you call someone who lives on Earth's own Moon? Lunarians? Loonies? Maybe Moonies? Nah! Just call them "Moon Men" and let the semanticians decide later what was right.)

His radio crackled and he swore softly to himself. General Tolson, the man could not bring himself to leave his men alone, the man lived by the radio trying to keep in touch with everyone in his command.

"Captain Hogan?" came the now-familiar growl.

"Yes, sir?"

"Can you see the Lunite cities?"

Lunite? That was a new one on him! "I can see the Moon Men's cities, yes, sir." Right back at him.

"Set your ship down by the largest one. We need you to get in contact with their government as soon as you can."

"I'll do my best, sir."

"And for God's sake keep your dick in your pants, Captain!" Tolson groused.

Dash just grinned. Tolson couldn't bear the fact that he was the best man for this job and had fought his selection. Of course, the fact that he had been caught in bed with Tolson's son that time might have something to do with it. "I'll be on my best behavior, General." he promised.

"See that you are." Tolson snarled. "Report in at twelve-hour intervals, or more frequently if need be. Someone will be by the radio at all times."

"Yes, sir."

"Tolson out!"

Dash considered briefly the benefits of taking a wrench to his radio but dismissed it. He might need advice and help from Earth sooner or later; the General was just the lemon he'd have to suck on to keep that lifeline open. Too bad, this trip otherwise was an adventurer's dream. On his own and facing a new territory, the great unknown beckoned.

He turned his ship and began to brake for landing. He aimed for what appeared to be a sizeable area of parkland, or perhaps a nature preserve. It wasn't that far from a city substantially larger than the others; it would have to do.

After landing, he took the precaution of checking the atmosphere. This also gave the ground just around his ship a chance to cool down, the jets of his ship could melt rock and at least had badly scorched things. A fire was possible with a jet landing, but at the last second he had steered for a large barren patch, which the Moon had plenty of, so that wasn't a concern here. But thirty minutes to let the ground cool was simple logic. Dash didn't want his shoes catching fire while he was still wearing them!

He spent the remaining time playing with the Moon's one-sixth gravity. He didn't have any problems dealing with low gravity or no-gravity, one of his prime qualifications. But there was fun in dumping out a glass of water in the air and then catching it all again in the same glass by getting the glass under it before it could hit the floor. He wished for a time he had thought to bring a set of jacks with him, in this gravity, anybody would be up to tensies in no time!

The time up, he opened the airlock of his ship, the "Dauntless," and looked out to see a rather sizeable welcoming committee. Military, unless he missed his guess, from their almost drab green suits with surprising yellow piping on it, their coffee-with-cream-colored skin and two antennae on their heads which seemed to be capable of independent movement. Dash wondered if they were engaged in some sort of non-verbal communication or if the movements were more akin to the way a dog's ears move. He raised his right hand, palm outward and fingers outstretched (see, I'm no enemy) and the antennae of every man jerked around and aimed right at him.

"I come from Earth, and I come in peace." he proclaimed. First words ought to be memorable and worthy of recording in the history books. He continued. "Let these first steps be the path which all Mankind can follow!"

Too bad the airlock door was halfway up the ship, the assembled mass of Moon Men were thereafter treated to an unobstructed view of his ass wobbling back and forth as he climbed down the ladder to the ground. He got down, feeling a hundred pair of eyes boring into his back and turned around with a smile.

That soon faded. Those sticks they were pointing at him were like nothing he'd seen before, but that opening on its end could only mean a weapon. He raised both his hands this time. "Uh, do any of you speak English?"

Apparently they did, because one of them said to him plainly, "You are our prisoner, Earth Man."

"Look, I'm sorry if I've ruined your parkland, but you don't exactly have a spaceport here." Dash said. "Can't we talk this over?"

"I have nothing to say to an Earth spy." the man snapped at him.

"If I was a spy, why would I have landed right in plain view where you could see?" Dash countered.

"Silence!" The man ordered. And to his men. "If he will not come willingly, drag him. Our Emperor will know what to do with him." And he turned and walked off between the columns of men.

A prod at his back, and Dash followed. Walking down the men he noticed for the first time that their suits had an odd opening in them. Every suit had a double-diamond of exposed flesh in the midsection, showing the area of their navel (but they had no navels, Dash wondered if maybe they hatched from eggs...after all, chickens didn't have navels...or did they?), and the region below exposed their genitalia as much as a very-opened human unzipped fly.

Since he had nothing left to lose, Dash joked to his captors. "Your men give a whole new meaning to the phrase, "present arms."

They didn't laugh, and Dash sighed. Oh, well, it had been worth a shot.

He was bundled into a small conveyance that was open to the air and rather crowded. The front row of seats was their commanding officer (Dash decided that was who the man was, he couldn't figure out any other badge of rank...maybe that jewel at his throat denoted rank, it was yellow and the jewels of the others were all green) and the driver, and with him in the back seat on either side was a guard, their thighs pressing against Dash's rather intimately. Dash considered letting his hands wander over to those exposed pricks on these Moon Men (He wondered what a Moon Man's dick felt like, was it even warm?) but figured that would be pushing his luck. At the very least, it wouldn't be appropriate for the de facto ambassador of Earth to ride around while giving a double hand-job to a pair of Moon privates' privates. He smirked at that thought; Dash loved word jokes.

Through the streets of the Moon Man's city he rode, the crowds stepping back respectfully as they approached. Dash looked about with puzzlement. Odd, he saw only Moon Men on the streets, no women, no children, not even any elderly citizens. Was this a military base? It couldn't be, he decided, it was too disorderly for that. This was life going on, and he but one small item on their agenda. A military base would have ordered itself around the arrival of the spy for maximum security. As it was, their car had to slow down and even press a very Earth-sounding horn once to navigate these streets.

"Nice town." he said after a while. "But where are your women?"

The commanding officer turned around at this query and said, "All your questions will be answered if the Emperor so orders. Until then, be silent!"

"Fine, I will!" Dash said. "Sheesh, just trying to be neighborly."

"Silence." was the only response to that.

He was driven up to the front door of the palace (that huge, ornate building couldn't be anything else) and down a long, lush hallway formed by two columns of glittering jeweled rocks. Dash wondered if they were diamonds; it was known that the Moon had a different geology than Earth. All those craters had to be created by something, even if they had merely been gas vents this meant a far greater amount of geological activity in the Moon's past. Ergo, more diamonds than on more placid Earth.

The Emperor of the Moon sat upon a gleaming throne, his face set in what seemed to be permanent frown lines. The throne room had been created and lighted for maximum intimidation of visitors such as himself; luckily for Dash, he was an American and didn't hold any silly myths about rulers. This Emperor would put on his scalp hood one antenna at a time, just like the local garbage collector.

Those colors meant something to the Moon Men, he was sure of that now. The Emperor's clothing was predominantly red with a light blue piping on it. His cock lay unencumbered and luxuriously on a silken cushion, sizeable and proud-looking. A real scepter to be proud of. To one side, a younger version of himself stood dressed in a blue suit with red piping and a red cloak. The Emperor's counselor, or heir apparent perhaps, for none of the others wore red at all. That one had a nice piece of man-meat hanging down. He'd love to suck on that one!

But other things first, like diplomatic relations. Dash bowed, respectfully but not obsequiously. "Greetings, Emperor of the Moon, from the peace-loving peoples of Earth." he said.

"I am Xevel, Emperor of this world. So, Earth Man, you dare to set foot upon my planet alone and unaided?" the Emperor asked.

"I came as an emissary of my world." Dash said. "Earth is only interested in peaceful exchanges between our peoples." he repeated.

"If I believed that," the Emperor proclaimed, "I and my forebears would not have been monitoring your planet's activities so carefully for the last two hundred years. I know you peoples of Earth, and I know that you have now achieved a planetary government and are planning to spread your rule to the other planets of the Solar System. No doubt your armies are already building a fleet to invade our world. Peace! If I believed that Earth Men were peaceful, do you think I would have turned my people's efforts to building the Kelvan Ray when I saw you were about to attain spaceflight capability?"

"I...what is a Kelvan Ray?" Dash asked. He didn't like the sound of that.

The Emperor smiled mirthlessly. "The Kelvan Ray will make certain that your people and its warlike tendencies never trouble us again." he said. "I only allowed your ship to depart because it was the first, and I wanted to judge from it your people's state of technology. We will dismantle and study it very carefully. And if it possesses atomic powered drive as I feel certain it does, then we will turn the Kelvan Ray on Earth, and your puny threat to my Empire will be at an end."

The Emperor hadn't explained just how the Kelvan Ray worked, but Dash didn't really care. Dead was dead, and that was the obvious explanation.

"How can I convince you that my people only wish peace with the Moon, and with all the other planets of this Solar System?" Dash pressed him. "We formed the Federation of Earth by diplomacy and compromise, not by war. My people have turned their backs upon our violent past."

"Take him to my dungeon." the Emperor waved his hands at his guard.

"No!" came the word from the man standing by the Emperor.

The Emperor looked rather startled as he turned to face this unexpected advocate.

The young man was nervous but resolute. "Father, we must not make a mistake here." he said. "Perhaps this Earth Man is telling the truth. Can we not examine the Earth more closely for a short period, and be certain of the rightness of our actions before we obliterate it?"

The Emperor's anger suddenly turned to an indulgent smile. "For you, my son, I will do it." he said. "One week. That's how long we will re-examine the Earth peoples. But I must tell you that I don't expect to change my mind about them. A short period of peace has no meaning against thousands of years of warfare." To his servants. "Take this Earth Man and give him one of our guest suites. He is to be treated as an honored guest of my son, Prince Xun...until the sun sets. After that, we will execute both him and his planet at the same moment."

The sun was overhead and the Moon's 29-day orbit, its face Earth-locked so that their day and year were the same length meant sunset was... "So you'll think about it for about one week. That's a relief." Dash said. "For a while there, I thought you were going to put some pressure on me."

The next morning, Dash was dressing in his freshly laundered jumpsuit (the Moon Men were certainly gracious hosts when they chose to be, at least) when he heard the door chime. "Enter!" he called out.

The door dilated in that sphincter-like way and Prince Xun came in, smiled at him. Dash smiled back. As much as he could ignore the death sentence Earth was now under, he had to be charming and suave...an able diplomat. "Good morning, Your Highness." he said to the Moon Prince. Prince Xun really was a cute stud. Those antennae suited him perfectly, gave him an exotic air. Without them, he would have looked like a ruggedly handsome man in his twenties, strong, solid, well muscled. His skin-tight suit was bulging out in all the right places. Whatever differences there may be between Earth Men and Moon Men, the physical differences were very minor indeed. Prince Xun was an undisputable hunk, and so were most of the Moon Men he had seen, now he considered it. An entire city of gorgeous studs with their pricks already open and ready to be feasted upon, Dash felt his mouth drool at the idea of it. He had to blink and shake his head to dispel the images of all those hunky Moon Men lined up and waiting for him.

"Good morrow, Earth Man Dash Hogan." the Prince said to him. "I would speak with you for a time if I may. If your world is to die, then some knowledge of your peoples may be recorded in our archives for future reference works."

"Look on the bright side of things, eh?" Dash returned.

"My father is not a vindictive man." the Prince said. "It is just that, having won peace for our own world, he is determined to keep it safe, as he has for many years. All I have ever known is peace."

"A commendable thing to say." Dash agreed. "But if your people were once violent, then how did you manage to overcome it?"

"Let us walk in the garden." Prince Xun said. "And we will discuss it."

Their meeting was not to be private; two guards followed them, whether as his guards or as Prince Xun's escort, he didn't know.

In the garden (if such a scattered area of plants could be called such, it would be called a wasteland by any Earth gardener, but it was lush compared to their uncultivated areas), Dash said, "One question I asked upon my arrival was about your people. Everyone I saw in your city was male, and in the prime of his life. Where are your women, your children, your older citizens?'

"You speak of a sadness." Prince Xun said. "My father told you of our violent past. Once we were in a constant state of war with our neighbors, city against city, region against region. My great-grandfather put an end to that."

"How. With the Kelvan Ray?"

"No, the Kelvan Ray turns the oxygen in an atmosphere into nitrogen." Prince Xun said, and Dash gulped hard. "Plants will eventually refurnish the atmosphere and we will probably colonize your world when that happens."

"An empty world already covered with cities and everything you could need." Dash said. "Very neat."

"Yes, my father believes in only applying the force that is needed."

"So what did your ancestor do with your rambunctious neighbors?" Dash asked.

"It was a virus." Prince Xun said. "We suffer from its effects to this day."

"What did it do?" Dash asked.

"It removed our sex drives." Prince Xun said. "Removed them entirely."

Dash whistled. "That sounds rather drastic."

"It was necessary." Prince Xun defended his forebear. "Our people would have destroyed ourselves if something hadn't been done. It was why they proclaimed him Emperor of all the Moon."

Dash thought of something. "So there aren't any more little Moon Men?"

"Not at all." Prince Xun said. "Some people were resistant to the virus, naturally. We are their descendants, the third generation."

"So I'm back to my original question." Dash said. "Where are your women and children?'

"The survivors were resistant, not immune." Prince Xun explained. "One effect of that was a high mortality rate among the newborn infants. The resistance to the virus is a factor of the Y chromosome. So now, instead of being born half male and half female...."

"You have a surplus of male children." Dash said, comprehending.

"Over 99% of our surviving children are male." Prince Xun agreed.

"That's too bad."

"So sex has vanished among our people." Prince Xun said. "Without women being available to mate with, it is now lost to us and is an art only practiced among the breeding males selected by the Genetics Council."

No wonder they didn't bother covering up their pricks, the darned things weren't good now for anything but show! "Man, living without sex." Dash said. "I can't even imagine that. I need a steady supply of it myself."

"Earth has plenty of women, then." Prince Xun asked politely.

"Lots of them." Dash said. "But I prefer sex with other men."

Prince Xun stopped. "What do you mean, with other men?"

"I mean I have sex, but not with women. Just with men." Dash said.

"This is an absurdity." Prince Xun said. "Do not insult me by speaking of impossibilities."

"Huh?" Dash was confused. "Nothing impossible about having sex with another man."

"But a man doesn't have an...orifice such as a woman has." Prince Xun said, equally confused. "How then would sex be possible?"

"You mean you really don't know?" Dash asked, surprised.

"They mentioned nothing of this at the creche which raised me in childhood." Prince Xun said. "I do not even see how it is possible. How could any man have sex without a woman?"

Dash looked down at Prince Xun's cock. Yes, it was definitely rising up! Man, that was a succulent looking piece of meat. He could really chow down on that one! "Well, Your Highness, if you really would like to learn it, I think that, purely in the interests of friendship between our two worlds, I could show you how it's done."

He reached for Prince Xun's cock. "Reached for" is the right word, for Prince Xun shied away, said fearfully, "What are you doing?"

"Teaching you how two men can have sex with each other." Dash said.

"You mean you plan to touch it?" Prince Xun was aghast.

"That was the plan, yes."

"But...but that is forbidden." Prince Xun said. "We never touch our organs of procreation, ever. I may not touch it and neither may any other."

"So what do you do when it gets hard like that?" Dash inquired.

Prince Xun looked uncomfortable. "It will shrink down again after a time." He said. "There are prayers we say to aid in this."

"Prayers, eh?" Dash said. "Prince, I think I just spotted the real problem for the Moon Men. They really told you never to touch it, eh?"

"Time and again." Prince Xun said. "We were warned that to touch it is to suffer unending torment." He paused, then said hesitantly, "I have brushed mine a few times, by accident. The sensation is really quite odd. My organ gets very hard when I do that, and won't go down for a long time."

"Poor thing, it's been neglected your entire life." Dash crooned. "Well, don't you worry about that, Prince Xun, I'm going to show you just how to tame this wild beast you have between your legs."

"I...I trust in your good intentions." Prince Xun said. "You have permission to touch my organ in any way you require."

There was a gasp from his guards. Prince Xun looked at them and said, "And you are his witnesses should this turn out to be a disaster." He trembled. "Ah, I find my organ is pulsing angrily. Earth Man, if you dare, touch me."

"More than one way to touch you." Dash said, reaching out again. "But first, there's like this." He grasped Prince Xun's cock and began to pump on it. Prince Xun pulled in a hard, shuddering breath, far too strong to be described as merely a "gasp." His very soul was in that sound, that motion.

Yeah, Moon dicks were nice and warm and firm and fat. Dash felt his mouth watering again. "If I kept pumping it like this," he explained. "It would spurt after a time. But I'm stopping now because I want to show you the other ways."

Prince Xun groaned when Dash stopped stroking his dong. "Please, Earth Man, you have awakened my need." he said. "I must have release from this, or I shall die!"

"Nobody ever died from it...on Earth, that is." Dash said. "But you'll like this next part even better."

As he knelt, Dash saw the guards watching him and Prince Xun's actions intently. One of the guards had grabbed hold of his own cock and was pumping it like Dash had done to the Prince. His comrade saw him doing it and said, "Vrix, my friend, you are braver than I. I do not dare touch my own as you have done!"

Vrix's response was to reach over with his other hand and grasp his buddy's dong. "Then I shall risk it for you, Pril." he said.

Pril moaned as his fellow soldier's hand churned on his cock.

"More, more!" Prince Xun said, pulling at Dash's head which was now at the prince's cock level.

"Oh...sorry." Dash said. "Got distracted. The hand works, your own or your friend's, but the better way is like this." And he lifted that fat, warm Moon cock to his mouth.

Xun misunderstood. "Bite it then, Earth Man." he said. And he flinched at the thought.

When Dash's lips closed on that turgid pud, Xun groaned in fear, but then Dash pulled and milked at it gently and Xun's groans stopped, Xun looked down at Dash tenderly ministering to his dong, and then he closed his eyes and groaned again, this time in sheer rapture.

God, but this was a nice, fat, juicy prick. It was gushing that sweet love-juice into his mouth, salty precome pouring lavishly out so that it was a constant flow of man-nectar onto his tongue. Dash loved that flavor, it was everything of the best of an Earth Man's precome...and a little more. He suckled on this hard dong with the skill borne of his many prior liaisons while he considered what it was that made this Moon Man's pud so much better tasting.

A moan from the guards, Pril was now sucking on Vrix's cock the way Dash was sucking on Prince Xun. He smiled (these Moon Men were quick studies, Pril was giving Vrix an expert treatment), then Prince Xun's hands caught his head and began to fuck at his face and he was back to tending his own partner again. Damn it, he was the representative of the entire Earth here, he was not going to be put down as a lousy sex partner, not when compared to a rank amateur!

Xun was moaning loudly now, and Dash was unsurprised that this sound brought more guards. Hell, if he'd been the Emperor, he would have had guards stationed all over, too. So there was soon an entire squad or more of dumbfounded Moon Men watching how they, too, could share in the joys of sex without a female.

It didn't take long before the entire squad was doing instead of watching. Xun was moaning in an ecstatic abandon now and Dash knew soon this Moon Prince would be shooting his come. He wondered if Moon jizz was as flavorful as it promised to be. If so, maybe he would never go home again!

"Ah, ah, what is happening?" Prince Xun moaned. "I feel my body tingling all over! I cannot bear it the longer, I cannot! Uh, uh, guh, guh, UH-GUHHH!!!!"

Yep, Moon come was better than any Earth cream he had found yet, Dash decided as the hot mixture poured into his gullet. Prince Xun had literally been saving this load up his entire life and he dumped all of it into Dash's mouth, Dash drank and drank...and still it kept coming.

Others had reached orgasm, too, Vrix and Pril (who had dropped into a 69 position) were now coming from the sounds of it, and the smell of jizz was heavy in the air. The other Moon Men, so long deprived by their childhood upbringing, were now cutting loose, the entire area was a writhing mass of horny men thrusting into mouths and pumping with hands until it seemed that the entire Moon was one vast orgy.

Done, Xun was panting heavily and Dash sucked him carefully dry and clean and then let go, stood up. "There you go, Your Highness." he said to the Prince. "That's how you do it. There's one other way, actually...Guh!"

For Prince Xun had dropped to his royal knees and was mouthing Dash's crotch. Dash barely got himself unzipped and pulled out his cock when Xun gulped it down and began to suck on him like a madman. Dash groaned; Prince Xun wasn't expert but he was damned eager, and that was sure doing the trick for him. That and the fact it was the Moon Prince who was sucking him, that had a lot to do with turning him on, too. That and the way he had taken this Prince's virginity.

It all turned him on, hell, he was one big horn-dog and he knew it, enjoyed it, even. But this was something special anyhow, he felt a grand orgasm building up in him and the Prince sucked on him indefatigably and Dash gave out a long shuddering groan and he shot his load into the Prince's hungry mouth.

The Prince gulped his jizz-load down eagerly as he had sucked on Dash, and Dash had the most wonderful climax from it, for the Prince sucked on him as long as he was the least bit hard and he had that wonderful after-glow milked from him as well, when your cock has finished but is still sort of lit up from climax and is still sort of sparking from the joy of it all and it's still all good.

But that ends and Dash finally had to pull the Prince's mouth bodily from his cock. "Whoa, hey, Your Highness, you have to give it a chance to rest before it can go again!" he said.

Prince Xun stood up and said, after he wiped his lips and licked his fingers dry, pulling every succulent morsel of Earthman sperm into his mouth, "That is the most wonderous experience." he said. "And your seed is delectable, I must have more of it."

"And I'll be happy to provide it." Dash said. "But for now, you have plenty of other willing subjects you can pull it out of if you want to."

Prince Xun did just that, went over to a soldier who was jerking his own cock and knelt down. The soldier gasped when he saw his partner, and then moaned when Prince Xun took his cock, shuddered and sighed in bliss. Dash found a good spot and sat down to watch the proceedings.

This could take a while.

And it did, though not as long as it could have. Prince Xun sucked five soldier's cocks before he stood up and came over to Dash. "They are not the same as yours." he said firmly. "I will take yours again now, you have rested."

"Well, a little...hey!" Dash found his cock firmly grabbed and Prince Xun leaned over and took it into his mouth. Ready or not, it seemed, he was about to be sucked off again.

The soldiers now seemed to all be finished and ready to take a break, they circled and watched as their Crown Prince sucked Dash's cock, grunting with satisfied sounds interspersed with wet suckling noises as he slurped on Dash's dong. Dash found he loved this audience which was staring with admiration, and that let him build up to another climax. He ejaculated into Prince Xun's mouth with a bit of a show for the watching crowd, and they answered with a stylized whistling sound Dash found out later was their version of applause. It sounded appreciative even to his untrained ear, and he smiled at them.

Prince Xun released him only briefly. "You will come again." he commanded, and Dash found his cock being sucked when it was still flaccid and worn out. Even a touch painful. Good thing he had a high sex drive, he decided, this Prince was about to test his limits.

The Emperor came out some unknown time later it must have been several hours, and he watched as Dash groaned helplessly beneath Prince Xun's avid lips.

"Uh, Your Emperorship, sir, could you please get your son off of me?" he asked. "This was fun at first, but it's getting a little much."

The Emperor didn't even seem upset. "You have taught my people a valuable lesson." he said. "This knowledge of pleasure had been lost to us, probably in the years when we fought for survival against the virus. I am told my son told you of this."

"Yeah, he did." Dash groaned.

"I shall issue a proclamation making this knowledge known once more." the Emperor said. "And in gratitude, I shall spare your world and not use the Kelvan Ray unless you move to attack our planet."

"My people will be glad to learn this." Dash said. "Uh, could you pull your son off of me now?"

The Emperor had two of his guards do that and Prince Xun looked at his father, dazed.

"My son, this Earth Man had asked you to stop pleasuring him." he said. "Why did you disregard him?'

"My father, you must forgive me." Prince Xun said. "It is his seed, it has a wondrous flavor. The more I drink of it, the more I crave it. I must have more of it."

"This requires some study." the Emperor said, and Dash groaned. He figured he'd play a prominent role in this study.

He reported on the results a week later when, thoroughly drained and exhausted, he set a course for Mars with fingers that trembled at the controls. It was hard to concentrate after a week of near-nonstop sucking.

"Well, Captain Hogan, it's time you reported in." General Tolson said. "I ordered you to report every twelve hours."

Dash smiled feebly. "Well, sir, I was busy."

"Doing what?"

"Not keeping my dick in my pants." Dash said. "In fact, I was trying my best to put it away and they kept making me take it out again."

"You'd better explain this, Captain." General Tolson said dangerously.

"I certainly had, since the Moon Men will be paying a rather large visit to Earth very soon." Dash said. "You'd better set up a welcoming committee for them."

"An invasion?" General Tolson was startled.

"No, sir." Dash said. "The opposite of an invasion. You see, the Moon Men suffered a nasty virus about the time the United States was born. Then they had some prudish citizens who took the chance to teach them not to even touch their cocks at any time. I had to teach the Moon Men all about sex, they had forgotten it, can you imagine that?" he chuckled. "Of course, since they are 99% male, I suppose it wasn't impossible they could have that happen."

"So you taught them gay sex, is that it?"

"Yes, sir." Dash said. "And very eager students they are, too. They love sucking cock. In fact, they love most sucking an Earthman's cock, which is why I'm sitting funny right now. Something about an Earthman's jizz is like a narcotic to them. Or maybe just a gourmet delight. All I know is that once they have some, they want more, a lot more."

"So these Moon Men coming to Earth."

"Are coming to get some hard cocks to suck on." Dash said. "In fact, I think one of them could keep a half dozen men drained dry if you let them."

Dash smiled into the viewscreen at the astonished General. "So they'll be arriving in the next couple of weeks and you need to set up a welcoming committee, like I said. No refreshments will be needed, and no speeches. Just line your men up and tell them to drop their pants. The Moon Men will take care of the rest."

While General Tolson was sputtering, Dash cut the connection and rubbed his savaged cock tenderly. Good thing he was headed away from Earth, not toward it, he decided. He needed the two weeks of rest he'd get en route to Mars.

He wondered if the Martians would be as surprising as the Moon Men. Ah, the life of an adventurer. He was off to face new territory; the great unknown beckoned.


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Next: Chapter 2: The Pixies of Phobos

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