Darkness World

By eric leung

Published on May 15, 2001


Disclaimer: This story is purely fiction, I don't know anyone in 98 degrees and I don't know their sexual orientation. If homosexuality offends you in then please leave. If you are too young to read this then please leave too.

Hello everyone, this is the chapter, hope you enjoy it. I want to say thank you to Zak to help me to proofread and I wan to say thank you to Uncle that always support no matter what happen. And finally I want to say thank you to Mark becasue he always besides me. And thank you to read my story...

Chapter 2

Ray visited me every night. He didn't talk about getting back together anymore. But one night, when he was talking to me, he moved very closed to me. Then suddenly he caught my hands very tightly. I tried to shout but I couldn't because he was pressing his lips on mine. I tried to struggle but he was so much stronger than me. I could feel my strength leaving my body. I was freezing, I couldn't shout or move. I couldn't think and my brain was blank. He moved closer and lay on top of me. His left hand was twisting my nipple. His right hand slowly moved to my crotch. He massaged my cock through the jeans. It felt so good. Suddenly an image of Jeff appeared in my mind. I had to stop Ray. I tried to struggle again but he was too strong. He was 30 pounds heavier than me. When he tried to force his tongue into my mouth, I kneed his crotch. He jumped up and fell on the floor shrieking.

After that night, Ray didn't come to visit me again. I still talked to Jeff every night. He was so nice and caring I missed him so much. Although he told me he loves me once, we didn't talk about our relationship. I didn't know what was going on between us. Were we a couple or just good friends? I didn't have any idea. I was so confused but I never asked him. I was afraid he would leave me if I did.

One night when I talked to Betty in my room, someone knocked on my door.

"Come in." I said.

"Steve, someone came to visit you." My mom said from behind the door.

"Who?" I asked. I was afraid that it was Ray. I didn't want to see him anymore after that incident.

"It's me." A voice said.

"Jeff!" I shouted.

"I think I'd better leave." Betty said.

I tried to stop her but she said she needed to go to work tomorrow morning then she left. Jeff sat down on the chair beside my bed. I tried to move closer to him but I lost my balance and my hand dropped on his crotch. It was so embarrassing. I tried to sit up and apologize to him but I lost balance again and I fell on him this time. Both of us fell on the floor, he used his body to protect me when we hit the ground.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, I am fine, are you?" he asked.

"No." I move towards him and our lips met. "Welcome back." I said.

Suddenly I felt so hot. My heart beat very fast. We were lying on the floor and I was on top of him. I kissed his lips passionately. Our tongues started wrestling and I used my right hand to twist his nipple.

"Steve we can't do this," Jeff whispered when I sucked his earlobe.

"Why?" I asked. Then I sucked his Adam's apple.

"Because...Ah! Steve! Don't stop! Ah!" he shouted when I was sucking his nipple through his shirt.

I unbuttoned his shirt and sucked his left nipple very hard. I used my hands to massage his big chest and the rock hard abs. I could feel something growing between his legs.

Then someone knocked the door. "Shit!' I said.

"Steve! Dinner time!" my mom shouted.

"Ok!" I said.

After dinner, Jeff and I walked to the backyard. Jeff down on the swing and I sat on his lap. My head lay on his shoulder, his arms were around my waist. I felt so safe. He kept kissing the back of my neck or sucking my earlobe. We into comfortable silence.

"Shooting star!" Jeff said.

"What kind of wish did you make?" I asked him.

"You still believe in that kind of thing?" he asked.

"I remember when I was little, my dad and I sat out here and looked at the sky. My dad told me if you make a wish when you see a shooting star, your wish will come true." I said.

I sighed then said, "but I can't see shooting stars anymore."

"Sorry." Jeff whispered.

"For what?" I asked.

"Because I made you lose your sight." Jeff said.

"I told you it's not your fault. Do you love me?" I asked.

"Yes, I love you!" He said.

"Then stop saying sorry to me." I said.

"Ok." He said.

We fell silent again.

"Jeff?" I asked.

"Yes honey." Jeff said.

"If you can only see one shooting star in your life, what wish will you make?" I asked.

"I'd wish to be with you forever." Jeff said.

"You are so sweet." I said.

He hugged me tighter. I felt safe and...loved. I was so happy.

"Then why did you want to stop when we were making out in my room?" I asked.

"Because I wanted to make sure that we felt the same way about each other." He said.

I stood up and said, "Then let me prove to you that we feel the same way."

"How?" he asked.

"Make love to me." I said.


"I said make love to me." I said again.

Jeff carried me in his arms and brought me back to my room.


Please give me some comments no matter you love my story or hate my story. My email address is fantasy_eric@hotmail.com

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